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Hello and welcome to The British School in Colombo Year 6 production ' Aladdin and His Wonderful Magical Lamp'. Hope you enjoy the show.

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Published by kishani.perera, 2023-06-07 06:54:36

Aladdin and Him Wonderful Magical Lamp

Hello and welcome to The British School in Colombo Year 6 production ' Aladdin and His Wonderful Magical Lamp'. Hope you enjoy the show.

I would like to admire the performance of all the children who have worked so hard to prepare for this evening's performance. Aladdin's triumph was not purely fortunate. According to the play “Aladdin and His Wonderful Magical Lamp” , his courage, charming personality, desire for discovery, and wisdom were the primary reasons for his success. These attributes are shared by the students in the Year 6 of BSC, and they will lead them to a prosperous future. It means a lot to the school to have students who are so confident on stage, who can act convincingly and successfully in front of small or large audiences: this will be tremendously valuable to the children in their future lives. The most important advantage of a theater performance is that it teaches children how to work as a team, fulfill goals, develop selfdiscipline, and accept useful feedback. I would like to thank the artistic team, Ms. Anupama Dehiwala, Ms. Romina Gyi Wafa and Ms .Nadika Tharangani for their immense support. Mrs. Sheema Yaseen and the year 6 teachers, Mrs. Shankari Shivakumaran, Mrs. Kishani Perera, Mrs. Rithaza Faizan, Mrs.Farhath Imtiaz, Ms.Hanaa Razvi provided invaluable assistance in making this performance a success. I am also thankful for the help and support of Mrs. Hannah Wells and Mrs. Emma Cook. And I would like to take this chance to thank all of the academic and non-academic staff members at the BSC who have helped in different ways. Dear parents, finally, thank you for supporting this performance. I am sure that you will have an enjoyable evening. Chamila Priyanka Director Message from the Director

Thank you for supporting our Year 6 production of Aladdin and his Wonderful Magic Lamp. We are immensely proud of our talented BSC students who have all contributed to make this a truly spectacular show. A final production in Junior School is an established milestone for students as they transition to Senior School and we are thrilled that after a number of years we can reinstate this well-loved tradition. Our students have shown commendable dedication in the way that they have prepared for their roles and have supported each other displaying our Cambridge Learner Attributes of Confidence, Responsibility, Reflection, Innovation and Engagement, we are so proud of them and excited to be part of the show as they come to the stage in celebration of their hard work. Aladdin and his Wonderful Magic Lamp has been made possible through the determination and vision of our Year 6 and specialist staff and we are thankful for their devotion and nurture of our young performers. Message from the Head of Junior School

It is my absolute pleasure to write this message for the souvenir programme for the Year 6 production of Aladdin and his Wonderful Magic Lamp this year. I am incredibly proud of this group of children for the efforts and enthusiasm that they have shown towards creating this production as most of them have not performed on stage since their nativity in Year 2. I still remember that performance incredibly well. Given the disruption in recent years, I know that our young performers have put their all in to creating a wonderful and memorable performance. I would like to congratulate every child for the effort and energy shown both during the build up to this production as well as in the actual performances: what an incredibly energetic and talented group of young performers! I would also like to congratulate the entire production team for their leadership of all aspects in bringing this wonderful classic to life as well as the passion and energy they have demonstrated throughout. Messagqe from the Principal

Platinum Sponsor

Main Cast Aladdin - Pavan Athauda Arachchi I’ m really delighted and proud to perform as Aladdin in the Year 6 production “Aladdin and His Wonderful Magical Lamp ”. I have always had a passion for performing arts, as it gives me confidence, happiness, and teamwork skills. I enjoyed my time acting in the radio drama, puppet drama, and masked drama in Junior School. The highlight of Drama is providing entertainment to both the audience and the performer(s). I have completed grade 3 speech and drama New Era college examinations, which I hope will help me to do a better role. I also thank all my teachers for the loving support I received, to be the best Aladdin I can! Jamal - Savindu Colonne I was thrilled to have this role in the play as in the past plays I have always been chosen to be in the choir and my hopes were down but I was shocked to hear Mr. Chamila (our amazing drama teacher also the director of the play) announce the main cast and my name was in the list. I was ecstatic as I have never been one of the main cast. I’ m also happy that I got a huge role in my final play in Junior School. Thanks to Mr. Chamila and I also thank all the other teachers who helped us practise this amazing play and I am sure the audience will love it. Princess Jasmine - Kashmeera Dinesh I never expected to get the role (Jasmine) ever since my auditions. I had a feeling I would be Jasmine but never expected to get it. Ever since The Nativity, we have not had any plays, so this is a play after the gap of 4 years!! Even in the Nativity I got a small role with only a few lines. But now I am a Main Character, which is still quite a shock to me! I have always loved being a princess, even on my 5th birthday I was a princess. One of my favorite princesses was Jasmine. I have always liked Jasmine not because she was a princess, but because of her simplicity in everything, she always cared for her people, but she still had courage and bravery to fight against Jafar, but the best part was she had a tiger for a pet! I have not always been fond of drama, but ever since this play arrived, my interest shot up! I would like to Mr. Chamila and all the year 6 teachers who have supported me in this play. I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Sultan - Tharul Jayasinghe Hi, my name is Tharul and It is my immense pleasure to have myself acting as the Sultan, I really enjoyed being in this play and it is a wonderful experience. When I was small I loved the movie Aladdin now I was doing the play for it. I have been in this school for years and I have been to some productions at younger grades. A main cast is a really exciting thing for me, I was confident in doing the production and I want to give my full effort in making this a very successful play. I am father of Princess Jasmine, and what I can say is to enjoy our play. Thank you to my parents and teachers for coordinating and working really hard for the positive outcome. Queen Sultana - Kriti Kashyap This production really has been the greatest opportunity for all Year 6s, I know that everyone tried their hardest in the auditions, and when the results came in and I found out I got Queen Sultana, I was astonished and surprised. it was time to see the scripts and see who got what and to my surprise I got one of the main characters. I was over the moon , I was exuberant and I was thrilled and satisfied. I have never gotten a main character in a production like this before so I am really looking forward to helping out with this production and getting together and working my hardest to help make this production spectacular for everyone, as we haven 't got to do a production the past few years this will be a great opportunity for me and everyone else before heading of to Senior School. I am very excited when I got into the main cast. I am really passionate about drama so when I knew I was in the main cast I was overjoyed. This is a great opportunity for me to be confident. I am going to give my best performance. I hope that I can do a good job. Halima - Nathania Eldos

mother - Sahana Sivashanth Every year our school hosts spectacular productions and this year didn 't fail to please ! I' m thrilled to have been chosen for the main cast in the Year 6 production this year as Aladdin ' s and Neela ' s mom. I am extremely passionate about drama. I enjoy every day at rehearsals as I love being on stage. I take this opportunity to thank all my teachers for giving me this opportunity and helping me along the way. Neela - Kevisha Bhaskaran I was simply elated when I was cast as Neela, the sister of Aladdin. I had watched the Disney adaptation of the film and really enjoyed it. Being part of the cast is a wonderful experience which I will always cherish. It was great fun surfing the web with my friends to get an understanding of the costumes that we will need to wear to depict the Ancient Arab culture of the 18th century. My friends and I had such great fun rehearsing our lines and our roles. The teachers were amazing giving us those finer tips and showing us how to get into the character so that we could bring out the best in us. I am sure the audience will be enthralled and really enjoy our version of Alladin xxxxx I feel that this experience has made me more confident and believe that I could portray any character if I work hard at it. I was very happy to get the role of Zara. Well ..... I was happy to get a role at all! Want to know a secret? I forgot to practise my lines! I' m very thankful to be a part of the Main - cast. Zara - Nehara Peiris

Sheba - Madelaine Mack Hi, my name is Madelaine, and I am playing Sheba for Aladdin. I am thrilled that I have been chosen to be a part of this production! I want to say thank you to all the teachers have helped me learn my lines. Also I want say a special thank you to Mr. Chamila, because he has helped me to improve my acting skills and actions! Lastly, I want to say, I hope you enjoy the show! CHOP-CHOP - Zaid SAfras I was fascinated when I got the role of chop-chop in Aladdin. It' s part of the main cast and it is a great opportunity to show my acting. As someone who always liked acting, being part of something like this makes me proud, I won ’t forget this because it' s one of the best things in my life. I was so happy when I got to know that I was Genie of the Lamp. That was the character I auditioned for also. This is my first show that I' m going to perform and I' m so excited. I give a giant hug to all my friends and family. Genie of the Lamp - Wayne De Hoedt

Ali Baba - Thaveesh Hunawardana Hi,I am very pleased to be Alibaba because I get to have fun and Alibaba has a similar personality to my own.He maybe stupid and vain yet funny like me. Anyway I love acting. Alibaba is the cousin of Queen sultana and is always offended by her. Merchant woman - Sahana Karthik I was overjoyed when I heard that I am part of the main cast because I will be able to make a lot of long lasting memories in my last year of Junior School. The amazing drama lessons through out all those school years made me more fond of acting and more confident to do so. Working with my teachers and friends during rehearsal is a lovely experience that I would like to cherish. I love my character: the neighbour. Acting as an angry neighbour is fun, as well as hilarious. I believe these experiences will make me an even more confident student in Senior School. I thank all my teachers for giving me the opportunity and guiding me. Also a big thanks to my friends for making heart felt memories with me. Neighbour - Nisala Ranawake I was delighted when I found out that I had been selected as the main character. When I read the script, I was very happy as my character had lots of funny lines. I was very excited to sing, as I have been going for vocal coaching for seven years and also do an accent when performing. This is extra special to me because it is my last year and the last production in this school.

Genie of the Jewel - Aleesha Maariya Mishab I was over the moon to know that I was the Genie of the Jewels. It has been a long time since we had a play. I love anything to do with drama. But the thing I like to do the most is comedy. But still, I appreciate that I am one of the main characters and get the chance to be on stage. Genie of the Ring - Aryan Christopher Sheherazade- Thusheli Bandaranayake Hi, I am Aryan Christopher, playing the role of "Genie of the Ring." I am flabbergasted of getting such an enthusiastic role in this magnificent Year 6 production.Genie of the ring is such an important character. He is helpful and full of joy, and I am able to connect with the role in a positive way as I feel my personality is similar. I am truly honoured to play this part with all of my friends under the direction and guidance of our fabulous teachers. We have all been working hard to bring in a fantastic show and a night to remember. I hope you enjoy the show ‘I am truly honored to be chosen as a main character! Although I haven ’t been in much plays or productions, I have that drama spirit. I’ ve been a narrator, reporter or a story-teller in all the plays, therefore I am familiar with my role. I’ m looking forward to seeing a wonderful and spectacular production!

Dragon - Tharuja Jayathileke I was sat down, in the drama room, where the teachers called us one by one to announce our roles. I was happy to see my close friends getting great roles, but when they called out my name, I was trembling. And I got Dragon, who only had 3 lines of speech. I was hoping to get any one of the Genies, but not all wishes come true. Later, I thought for long, and realised it was the best role for me. Firstly, I only had 3 assemblies worth of experience, and second, I never liked being the central characters. It would be a 10/10 choice, if it wasn ’t how much action I had, as I was better at speech than acting. But sometimes, we all have to challenge ourselves, and you never know what fun things you meet along the way! Alakazam - Daveed I was excited when I received a main role. So I practised a lot. I chose to be a part of the production because it is my first time in 2 years: I gave it a try. At first, I was nervous, then after practices I really enjoyed it which inspired me to do more and work hard. I wanted to do my best because it is my last year in KS2 I loved being on stage because it felt different. I liked my role as being the monkey Alakazam, which was very funny!!!

Cast Choir Choir 6A Imanya Amarasekera Joshua Perera Juweriya Azeez Khadeeja Danish Lisari Udugama Melshan Nanayakkara Monalee Wickramarathna Savik Peiris Sedani Perera 6B Duleen Gunawardena Krisha Muralidaran Ryan Choi Saheli Guruge Shanya Abeyewardene 6C Chenaya Sirisena Jayden Jayawardana Kevaan Kumaratunga Layathma Dickwellage Minuda Jayasinghe Naem Perera-Hernandez 6D Ahelie Gunasekera Emma Tahou Keyana Fernando Mahogha Munasinghe Movindu Dharmaratne Thejan Perera

Friends of Aladdin 6A Adrianna Sebastian-Herath Alayna Shiran George Joe Hadia Zaib Harieehar Rathieshkanth Jevindu Nanayakkara Nithila Yonal Munasinghe Shenadi Ranaweera 6B Aathif Faizal Izma Aslam Mandaara Hettihewa Maya Jeffels Mitch Kasturiarachchi Navith Weerasinghe Thaskeen Ashraf Thinuga Liyanawaduge Zaid Hashsan Zainab Nadeem

Citizens of Shammar 6C Aiza Ahmed Haseena Zainab Caffoor Sahana Ratnayake Sohaana Seneviratne Yul Choi 6D Bavya Tennekoon Eleisha Peter Eshin Munasinghe Hanif Reza Rafiq Johan Hathmunage Kaif Waheed Sharaya Basnayake Shevan Fernando Tanishkaa Puri Thimeth Rajapakse Tristan de Soysa Umeno Nakamura Kirill Gridnev

6A Shaurya Shukla Yeshrawn Anthony 6C Ianis Moldoveanu Kai Balendra Raqeeb Hassan Shamil Naguib Magical Dancers 6B Dissas Dharmadasa Mevan Abeynayake Vihas Sasvindu

Backstage Crew 6A Sebastian Cook Tej Balendra-Ramaswamy 6B Vishanth Krishna

Production Team Director : Mr. Chamila Priyanka Event Coordinators : Mrs. Emma Cook Mrs. Alison De Silva Ms. Laura Heathfield Choreographers : Ms. Romina Gyi-Wafa Ms. Nadeeka Tharangani Choral Director : Ms. Anupama Dehiwela Sets : Mr. Marlon Jesudasan Props : Ms. Indika Wijebahu Sounds : Mr. Warren De Hoedt Mr. Priyadharshana Gamage Costumes : Ms. Shamila Fernando Event Manager : Ms. Sheema Yaseen Stage Managers : Ms. Sheema Yaseen Ms. Kishani Perera Mics : Ms. Rithaza Faizan Ms. Farhath Imtiaz Event communicators : Ms. Tishani Jayasinghe Ms. Upekha Perera

Animation artists : Ms. Shaahila Yaseen Video Playback operators : Ms. Shankari Sivakumaran Ms. Shaahila Yaseen Ensemble manager : Ms. Hanaa Razvi Light artist : Ms. Romina Gyi-Wafa Poster competition winner : Master. Melshan Nanayakkara Ticket : Ms. Rithaza Faizan Ms. KishaniPerera Ms. Farhath Imtiaz Souvenir : Ms. Kishani Perera Teasers : Ms. Hanaa Razvi Ms. Shankari Sivakumaran Photographer : Mr. Amrit Kamalaneson Media and phtographer: Mr. Kamal Divaina Main Sponsors Platinum : Vallibel One Group of Companies Silver : Principle Health Care UK Production Team

Tickets sale : Ms. Koshila Graham, Ms. Shamra Sharaz, Ms. Afra Aswer, Ms. Sahla Saifudeen & Ms. Nuzrath Nilamudeen, Sound and Music : Ms. Roshie Wickramaratne & Ms. Ridmeeka Silva Backstage rooms : Ms.Nisha Khanth, Ms. Shimali Perera Ms. Shamra Sharaz, Ms. Indira Attygalle Ms. Shala Samarasinha, Ms. Sahla Saifudeen & Ms. Dileepa Livera Tickets Main door : Ms. Lakmali Yasotharan, Ms. Poojanie Gunawardena & Ms. Nadira Udugama Ticket balcony : Ms. Asma Hamza Mr. Shayanthana Abenayake & Ms. Saheli Weerasinghe Other duty : Ms. Shereen Hameed & Ms. Sachini Boralagmage Backstage Crew : Master Noah Hern Volunteers Co-Sponsors Inner Front cover : Master Nisala Ranawake Inne Back cover : Master Pavan and Praveen Athauda-arachchi Full page : Renuka City Hotel Half Page : Miss. Madelaine Mack Center page : Master Harieehar Rathieshkhanth

Whole Cast

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