TELLING IT AS IT IS Close ties between Current Covid tests
M’sia, S’pore very page can detect Omicron, page
important: PM says Khairy
2 4
No. 7914 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
WELCOME BACK ... Passengers
on a Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) flight
from Singapore queue for Covid
screening at the KL International
Airport yesterday. The first VTL flight
from Singapore with 240 passengers
touched down at 9.25am to a water
cannon salute. – BERNAMAPIX
Power of diversity
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI oIncluding women in leadership positions growth compared with just 1.1% in similar
[email protected] yields better results, experts say countries led by men.
Fernandes said quantitative
PETALING JAYA: It has long been analyses suggest that it is possible Turn to
acknowledged that capability rather for countries and their
than gender should be the economies to benefit from —
determinant factor in the choice of
leaders. page 3
Yet women continue to lag behind men diversity rather than suffer from its
in the race to the top, both in government He said others, like DAP’s Yeo Bee Yin, average. challenges, even if
and in business, an imbalance that women, Teresa Kok and Hannah Yeoh were equally Citing a research by McKinsey, an
and some men, agree should be corrected. impressive. organisation that works
For instance, Yeo single-handedly with leading
As YPolitics.MY co-founder Kyle Choong managed the Energy, Science, Technology, enterprises and
pointed out, a woman’s input is as essential Environment and Climate Change portfolio government institutions
as that of a man’s in policy-making. while she was expecting her first child. to use opportunities for
Her prowess as a leader was without t r a n s f o r m a t i v e
“There are enough examples in Malaysia doubt, as shown by the fact that when the economic and social LIFESTYLE
to prove this point,” he told theSun. PN government took over, it needed three impact, Fernandes
ministers to manage her portfolio. pointed out that in very
He noted that even before Perikatan Choong said women leaders give diverse countries, women
Nasional (PN) picked Bersatu Srikandi diversity to policies and a Cabinet leaders have achieved
(women’s wing) vice-chairman Datuk Mas populated heavily or entirely by men will be better results than men.
Ermieyati Samsudin as its candidate for unable to deliver. “Women leaders are
chief minister in the recently concluded “Besides it being a huge leap forward for more likely than their male
Malacca snap polls, women were already gender equality, including women in counterparts to speed up
playing a major role in the Pakatan Harapan leadership positions would also have a economic growth,
administration. positive impact on business as well as especially in countries with
economic growth and social well-being.” higher racial and ethnic
He cited Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan The numbers are there for all to see. diversity,” she told theSun. Get back - the new LYFE
Ismail, the first woman deputy prime Engender Consultancy advocacy and Fab Four documentary
minister, as an example. Records have shown that P4
operations manager Lisa Fernandes said in countries led by women
“While in office, she introduced several companies with more women at the top, the achieve an average of 5.4%
policies to empower women, apart from financial performance was 15% higher than gross domestic product
pushing through multiple gender-equality
agendas at the federal level,” he said.
Close Malaysia-Singapore 20,000 complaints
ties very important: PM from condo,
residents last year
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 19,911
complaints from condominium and
apartment occupants were received
o ‘More active multi- last year, with 99.04% of them having
level engagements and been resolved by commissioners of
much stronger buildings, said Deputy Housing and
cooperation the way Local Government Minister Datuk
forward for both Seri Ismail Abd Muttalib.
nations’ He said based on information
obtained from 67 building
commissioners nationwide, except
Sabah and Sarawak, the complaints
involved, among others,
maintenance and damage to
buildings, meetings and selection of
management bodies, building
SINGAPORE: As close, immediate administration and management as
neighbours, the deep relationship well as financial issues.
between Malaysia and Singapore is “Of the total number of
of immense importance to both complaints received, 19,719 or
sides, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri 99.04% have been resolved and the
Ismail Sabri Yaakob. remaining 192 complaints or 0.96%
are still in various stages of being
“More active multi-level solved,” he said in the Dewan Rakyat.
engagements and a much stronger He was responding to a question
cooperation are certainly the way raised by Fong Kui Lun (PH-Bukit
forward for our two countries,” he Bintang), who wanted to know about
said at a joint press conference with the complaints lodged by
his Singapore counterpart Lee Hsien condominium and apartment
Loong yesterday. occupants, which have been
successfully resolved by building
“This is crucial for our commissioners.
cooperation in undertaking effective Ismail said the five states that
and meaningful (economic) recorded the highest number of
recovery efforts so that our countries Ismail Sabri and Lee during the launch of the land Vaccinated Travel Lane yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX complaints were Selangor (9,185
will come out stronger following the cases), Federal Territories (5,362),
devastating impact of the Covid-19 measures that both will undertake in reopening of borders is important to Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. Johor (2,215), Penang (2,149) and
pandemic.” regard to cross-border travel reactivate cross-border social and Ismail Sabri and Lee had a Negri Sembilan (274).
between Malaysia and Singapore, economic activities that will benefit He said the enforcement and
Ismail Sabri is on an official visit Bernama reported. the people of both countries,” Ismail four-eyed meeting at the Istana in regulation of strata schemes for
to Singapore at the invitation of Lee. Sabri said. the afternoon. condominiums and apartments are
Both have agreed to include all under the jurisdiction of the state
He noted that yesterday both categories of travellers under the “We hope that by doing this, it During the discussion, Ismail authority as stipulated under the
countries marked another VTL, subject to health requirements would provide the opportunity for Sabri said they agreed on the need to Strata Management Act 2013.
significant milestone in their determined by both countries. more people on both sides of the resume work on existing bilateral He added that enforcement and
cooperation, with the reopening of Causeway who have been away from mechanisms. regulation are carried out by building
their borders through the launching They also agreed to expand VTL their families due to the pandemic, commissioners appointed by the
of a land Vaccinated Travel Lane to include additional bus service to be reunited with their loved ones.” Ismail Sabri revealed that he and state authority for local authority
(VTL). routes via the Second Link, trains Lee also agreed that the work on areas. – Bernama
operated by Keretapi Tanah Melayu Both leaders also discussed other mechanisms at the ministerial
Ismail Sabri crossed the and gradually, private vehicles such cross-border travel by air between and official levels should resume as Films not approved
Causeway in the morning and was as motorcycles and cars. Singapore and destinations in soon as possible. for screening
received by Lee at the Woodlands Malaysia like Penang, Langkawi,
checkpoint. “We acknowledge that the They also discussed the situation
in Myanmar.
Ismail Sabri said he had spoken
with his counterpart on additional
Hsien Loong: We are open to fresh HSR proposals
KUALA LUMPUR: Singapore Prime agreement to terminate the HSR The joint press conference was relation to the extension of its KUALA LUMPUR: Six films were not
Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the project, and this had been amicably held in conjunction with the launch suspension. approved for screening by the Film
republic is open to fresh proposals settled and closed. of the land Vaccinated Travel Lane in Censorship Board last year, and one
from Malaysia on the Kuala Lumpur- Singapore. On the Johor Baru-Singapore so far this year.
Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) “Nevertheless, Singapore is open Rapid Transit System (RTS) Link
project, although both nations have to fresh proposals from Malaysia on On Jan 1, Malaysia and Singapore project, Lee said its construction is Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri
previously agreed to terminate it. the HSR project, and the two jointly announced the termination of ongoing, and both countries looked Ismail Mohamed Said said the films
ministries of transport will discuss the HSR project, as both countries forward to the system commencing Daulat, Real Love, Shubh Mangal
Lee said both countries’ transport the matter. Singapore looks forward failed to reach an agreement on its passenger services by end-2026. Zyada Saavdhan, Pallu Padama
ministries would discuss the matter to receiving more details from changes proposed by Malaysia, Paathuka, White Eye and Boluomi
and Singapore looked forward to Malaysia so that we can study them before the project agreement lapsed The RTS Link is a 4km cross- were banned in 2020 and The Battle
receiving more details from Malaysia. and consider the matter again, on Dec 31 last year. border rail project that links the At Lake Changjin this year.
starting from a clean slate,” he said Singapore terminus at the
“Prime Minister (Datuk Seri during a joint press conference with In March this year, Malaysia Woodlands North station to the He was replying to a question in
Ismail Sabri Yaakob) suggested Ismail Sabri yesterday, which was announced that it had paid S$102.8 Malaysia terminus in Bukit Chagar, the Dewan Rakyat yesterday from
reviving discussions on the HSR. I also streamed live via his official million (RM317.6 million) to Johor Baru. It will support a peak Lim Lip Eng (PH-Kepong), who
responded that Singapore and Facebook page. Singapore for costs incurred for the capacity of 10,000 passengers per wanted to know why the censorship
Malaysia had previously reached an development of the project and in hour in each direction. – Bernama board was not under the
Communications and Multimedia
30,000 jobs to be created in construction sector Ministry and the number of films
banned in 2020 and this year.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Works Malaysia programme broadcast by RM10 million, which requires an contractors nationwide and allocate
Ministry estimates that some 30,000 RTM’s TV1 channel yesterday. allocation of 1% of the contract value RM200 million for small-scale Ismail said the board was not
jobs will be made available in the to implement the Protege projects specifically for bumiputra placed under the ministry because its
construction sector next year. He said industry players need to programme, would help boost participation. function is limited to film censorship.
use technology and mechanisation employment opportunities in the “A sum of RM200 million has
Its deputy minister Datuk Arthur for the implementation of construction sector. been allocated this year for the He added the board is also not
Joseph Kurup said job opportunities construction projects, in line with Maintenance Contractors involved in filmmaking or production
will be offered under the Short-Term the transition of the construction Arthur said the government Development Programme involving because this comes under the
Employment Programme (mySTEP) industry under the Fourth Industrial would continue with high-impact 564 G1-G4 contractors, namely 337 National Film Development
and Professional Training and Revolution to attract interest and development projects worth RM3.5 from the peninsula and 227 from Corporation Malaysia, an agency
Education for Growing create more employment billion, including the construction Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan.” under the Communications and
Entrepreneurs (Protege), which will opportunities for locals. of the Pan Borneo Highway and Under Budget 2022, the ministry Multimedia Ministry that performs
begin in January. Central Spine Road, to stimulate the received RM7.3 billion, which specific functions to develop the local
He added it will also reduce country’s economic recovery. includes an operating budget film industry based on the National
“Under Budget 2022, the ministry dependence on foreign labour. of RM823 million and development Film Development Corporation
wants to boost the construction He added the government would budget of RM6.48 billion. Malaysia Act 1981, Bernama reported.
sector to create employment Apart from that, he said the also continue to implement small – Bernama
opportunities for locals, especially mandatory condition for contractors and medium projects worth RM2.9 He said the board adopted the
youths,” he said on the Selamat Pagi who obtained government contracts billion earmarked for G1-G4 Home Ministry Film Censorship
exceeding the threshold value of Guidelines 2010 for censorship,
emphasising public safety and order,
religious sensitivities, socio-culture
as well as propriety and decency.
Weaknesses in Selangor Smart Rent Scheme
SHAH ALAM: The Auditor General’s Report 2019 “Overall, the scheme was able to assist the residents, he said this has yet to be fully The Amber Project could only be completed
Series 2 on the activities of agencies and people of Selangor who are still without a home achieved. within 48 months while the Azalea project was
management of Selangor government and could not get a housing loan, by renting a completed within 44 months, and there were
companies tabled at the state legislative house provided by the state government at an On the management of state government weaknesses in residential project sales
assembly yesterday identified several affordable rate,“ he said in a statement. companies, Nik Azman said the objective of management, such as irregular discount offers
weaknesses in the management of the Smart establishing Worldwide Holdings Bhd as a whole and price of houses exceeding the estimations
Rent Scheme under the Selangor Housing and However, he said the purchase of residential has been achieved, as seen in the residential made by the Valuation and Property Services
Property Board. units under the scheme did not achieve the set development projects for the people of Department.
target and an evaluation of the results had never Selangor and environmental management
Auditor-General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul been prepared by the Selangor Housing and services. He said all the heads of the relevant agencies
Majid said among the weaknesses were Property Board and PHS to gauge the had been informed in advance of the matters
contracts not signed, late offer letters issued to effectiveness of the programme. “However, the Amber and Azalea projects reported in the report for verification purposes
tenants, no lease renewal letters between selected for the audit sampling had experienced and a closing meeting had also been held for
Hartanah Selangor, Perumahan dan Hartanah On the management objectives of solid completion delays, which was beyond the the purpose of discussing the audit findings and
Selangor Sdn Bhd (PHS), as well as tenants and waste collection and public cleaning services at reasonable period of project completion seeking clarification and feedback on issues
inefficient rental management. the Klang Municipal Council to improve the according to Public Works Department arising. – Bernama
level of cleanliness and provide comfort to standards,“ he said.
Going off meat o Plan menu well if one wants Vital to recognise
at early age to be a vegetarian for the long unconscious bias
term or for life, says dietitian
such challenges include inter-ethnic conflicts,
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH “It is not actually good for health,” said She noted that there are various categories discrimination and biases towards
[email protected] Farah Farhanah Hashim, while of vegetarians, such as lacto vegetarian, ovo- marginalised groups.
PETALING JAYA: Unlike his peers, 12-year- acknowledging that research has shown that a vegetarian and flexitarian, each with its own
old Onn Zia Zen does not remember ever vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat-based benefits. She noted that Malaysia already has some
having meat at mealtimes. alternative. accomplished, dynamic and progressive
Farah said the key to staying healthy is women leaders.
Until he turned five, Zia Zen had been However, she said it may not be suitable for moderation and variety.
discouraged from eating meat by his mother, the long term, especially for the young. Unfortunately, she said
who was then a vegetarian. She advised vegetarians to take their sexism and racism continue to
“For instance, there is a deficiency in supplements and see a doctor frequently for a From prevail in the political and
“But when I was five years old, my mother protein, Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 in a medical check-up. front public spheres, mostly
began to take some traditional Chinese vegetarian meal,” she said, adding that the page perpetuated by men.
medicine that required her to start eating rate of absorption of vitamins and minerals “Research has also shown that a vegetarian
meat,” he said. from a plant-based diet is only 60% to 70%, diet leads to an excessive intake of Fernandes said it is essential
compared to a non-vegetarian meal. carbohydrates, which could lead to diabetes that board members and senior
While his mother said he could also start later in life,” she said. management, all of them being decision
eating meat, Zia Zen had lost the appetite for For this reason, she said one would have to makers, are trained to recognise unconscious
it, choosing instead to remain a vegetarian. plan his menu well if he wants to be a It has been estimated that there are about bias in individuals when it comes to hiring and
vegetarian for the long term or for life. two million vegetarians in Malaysia, including promotions.
He does not have trouble at school seasonal ones, creating a rising demand for “We have to also instil the importance of
because vegetarian food is available at the Farah, who is a member of the Malaysian vegetarian food. having female leadership in order to put our
canteen. Dietitian Association, pointed out that a 12- interests on the table. If women are not present,
year-old would just be entering the For K. Vasudevan, who operates a catering then their voice may not be heard,” she said.
“I feel good about being a vegetarian and adolescent years and needs an optimum business, ensuring that vegetarian food is Former secretary of Persatuan Sahabat
on the plus side, no animals have to be intake of calcium that a vegetarian meal available at events such as weddings has Wanita Selangor, Suguna Papachan, said
slaughtered just to feed me,” he told theSun. cannot provide in sufficient quantities. become the norm. women in politics must be willing to
implement policies that support women in
It has long been acknowledged that But she said the situation could change. “This is especially so at Hindu weddings, their struggle for equal pay and working
vegetables are good for health. However, a “Nutrition is a science, not an opinion. The given that most are vegetarians, some on conditions, citizenship for the children of
dietitian has said that the benefit of being a science changes (every now and then). What specific days of the week and others (full women who are married to foreigners and the
lifelong vegetarian is not all that it is made out is known to be good for your health now may time),” he said. fair treatment of women migrant workers at
to be. be detrimental to you tomorrow.” detention centres and police lock-ups.
To cater to their needs, Vasudevan now has “The rights of women, especially those in
a cook who specialises in vegetarian food. the working class, are trampled upon by
patriarchal and religious right wing thinking.
Women matter, and so do our rights,”
she added.
PERFECT GREENS ... Vegetory founder Celleste Kok Call for equal state
checking on vegetables at her facility in Puchong, Selangor. rep allocation
The company specialises in pesticides-free produce grown
indoors under a controlled environment. – BERNAMAPIX SEREMBAN: Chennah assemblyman Anthony
Loke Siew Fook yesterday called for equal
Over 9,000 cops for Sarawak polls allocations to be given to all Negri Sembilan
assemblymen, irrespective of whether they were
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 9,356 police would also be tasked with ensuring compliance public not to create disorder during the state backbenchers or the Opposition.
personnel and officers will be deployed to to standard operating procedures (SOP). polls and to comply with the SOP to ensure
maintain law and order for the duration of the everything runs smoothly,”he told a press Loke, who is from the ruling Pakatan Harapan
Sarawak state election next month, said Deputy “We are ready and we do not have any conference after officiating at an event at the (PH) coalition in the state and also the member
Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Mazlan problems with our assignments during the Gombak district police headquarters yesterday. of Parliament for Seremban, said the move
Lazim. Sarawak polls, which is coming soon and would be in line with the current political
additional manpower will be provided by Bukit Also present were Special Branch director landscape, which he described as more
He said only personnel from the Sarawak Aman, if needed. Datuk Zamri Yahya and Selangor police chief professional and mature, apart from respecting
police contingent would be involved and they Datuk Arjunaidi Mohamed. – Bernama the mandate given by the people.
“I am taking this opportunity to advise the
“All assemblymen should be given an equal
allocation to ensure delivery of services to the
people goes smoothly.
“This allocation is also given so that basic
expenses, especially for office rent or staff
recruitment at service centres can be borne, so it
means that the assemblyman’s allowance itself
does not have to be spent for these purposes,“
he said when debating the Supply Enactment
Bill (2022) 2021 at the state assembly yesterday.
He expressed hope that the matter would be
considered by the state government towards
ensuring a new political culture could be
implemented in Negri Sembilan.
“When Pakatan Harapan was the Opposition
(in Negri Sembilan), we acted professionally and
were not confrontational with the (Barisan
Nasional) government then. The Opposition in
Negri Sembilan now (which includes Barisan
Nasional assemblymen) is also good and
professional and this should continue,” he said.
The usual practice has been for
backbenchers to receive more allocation than
opposition elected representatives. – Bernama
Uzbek student tops Bahasa Melayu public speaking contest
JOHOR BARU: A student from for four years, was surprised over her Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia student Muhammaf Iqbaal Syakib Suhibin in Third place went to Universiti
Uzbekistan State World Languages victory and dedicated her success to Youssouf Haidara, 36, from Mali took third place. Teknologi Malaysia student Rubiat
University, Nargiza Ortikova, was her language teacher and husband. the third place. Sadia Mim from Bangladesh.
declared the international category The international category in
champion of the 2021 Prime “I love Bahasa Melayu as the Siti Nur Shafika Md Fakharuzi of Malaysia champion title went to The champion of each category
Minister’s Cup Bahasa Melayu vocabulary and grammar are very Institute of Teacher Education from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa took home a revolving trophy,
International Public Speaking clear,” she said after receiving her Malaysia won the top spot in the Malaysia student Aminata Koutoub RM10,000 cash and a certificate of
Competition held at Universiti prize from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Malay World category while Munira Sano, 21, from Guinea, while appreciation.
Teknologi Malaysia on Sunday. Ismail Sabri Yaakob. Muhamad of Universiti Sains Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
also from Malaysia, was placed student Salma Wael Marzouk Runners-up and third place
The 24-year-old student, who has Tokyo University of Foreign second, followed by Universiti Islam Abouelsoud Hashem, 20, from Egypt, winners received RM8,000 and
been learning the national language Studies student Hana Takahashi, 22, Sultan Sharif Ali Brunei student took the second prize. RM5,000 with a trophy and certificate
was placed second while Universitas respectively. – Bernama
Covid screening able C VID-19
to detect Omicron UPDATE
As of noon yesterday
o RTK-antigen and RT-PCR tests can identify new virus strain but experts concTafiosrtemasl ed 2,627,903
still studying effectiveness, says health minister
active cases cNaesews 4,087
SHAH ALAM: The RTK-antigen and variant did not only involve detection be reimposed following the
RT-PCR tests to detect Covid-19 tests but also on the effectiveness of emergence of Omicron. 66,455
infection are effective in detecting the vaccines.
Omicron variant of the virus. “Our researchers are looking into Total
“We will be getting reports in a this,” he said. recoveries Current
Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin week or two from vaccine recovery 96.16%
said he was told by experts from the manufacturers, which are conducting On the travel bubble and the need 2,527,052
Institute of Medical Research that tests research on the effectiveness of the for quarantine at home and at hotels rate
were still being conducted to find out vaccines against the variant. for travellers returning from countries
more about the variant, Bernama categorised as risky, he said the matter Death 6,130Brought
reported. “The third thing we should look would be discussed with the health toll
into is the ferocity of the Omicron director-general. -in-Dead
“The RT-PCR test should be fine, variant. Early reports from South 30,309
but we are still studying it in terms of Africa, which has a low vaccination “We have several options to
effectiveness. So far, it is found that it is rate, show that the Omicron has only consider so that we can tighten our PROGRESS STATISTICS FOR THE NATIONAL COVID-19 IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME
still able to detect the Omicron caused moderate symptoms. There borders,” he added.
variant,” he said after an appreciation are some good news, but we have to As of November 28 Received second doses
event held for officers and staff of the wait and see.” On the Vaccinated Travel Lane,
National Health Institute yesterday. Khairy said it was still being discussed 25,824,465 25,362,130
Khairy said it was also too early to with Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei
He said a further study on the expect the movement control order to considering the emergence of the new
No decision yet on
vaccination status
KUALA LUMPUR: The vaccination, then we will make a
government has yet to decide on similar decision,” he said on Astro
whether to make Covid-19 booster Awani’s Agenda Awani
shots a condition for individuals to programme on Sunday.
be considered fully vaccinated. Khairy said the government still
recognised those who have
Health Minister Khairy received two doses of the
Jamaluddin said the Health AstraZeneca, Sinovac and Pfizer
Ministry was conducting a study vaccines as fully vaccinated
based on the experience of other individuals, Bernama reported.
countries, which made booster However, Khairy said Malaysia
shots a condition for complete could face a new wave of Covid-19
vaccination. infections if the administration of
booster doses is not accelerated.
“Our experts are also looking Meanwhile, Khairy also said
into the effectiveness (of booster after more than 1.7 million Pfizer
shots) and they will make booster doses were administered
recommendations to the Covid-19 in the country, most of the side
Immunisation Task Force - effects reported were mild such as
Booster. sore arm and fever.
Khairy said the government’s
“If we find that the number of strategy to improve booster dose
cases, hospitalisation rate and uptake rate was to educate and
deaths are increasing due to provide information to the people
people’s reluctance to receive first, before moving to a more
LIFE-SAVING EFFORT ... A medical staff arranging bags of blood while individuals take part in a donation campaign at the booster doses, and it becomes an aggressive strategy.
National Blood Centre in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. – ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN international norm to require both
primer series and booster shots to
Positive case found on first day of VTL be considered complete
Reunion joy for technician
SHAH ALAM: A positive Covid-19 RT-PCR to confirm the results of the subjected to other restrictions. JOHOR BARU: Tears of joy and 16 years as a technician, said he
case was detected at the Johor RTK-antigen test,” he told a news “Although there is one (positive) hugs from his beloved family was loss for words after he saw his
Causeway entry point on the first day conference after officiating at the greeted the return of a Malaysian wife Donna Alicia, 36, and his
of the Malaysia-Singapore Vaccinated National Health Institute Covid-19 case, I do not consider it as something who was stranded for over a year in children waiting outside the arrival
Travel Lane (VTL) yesterday. personnel appreciation ceremony which can derail the VTL. Instead, it Singapore due to demands of his gate.
yesterday. should be an example of how work.
Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin pre-departure and on-arrival testing “I did not want to miss out on
said the case was detected through He said the Johor Baru district are necessary preventive measures. Bali Jalang, 36, from Sarawak, the opportunity to return home,”
RTK-antigen on-arrival testing health office was doing risk who last returned to Malaysia in he told reporters after arriving at
conducted at the international entry assessment on those who travelled on “There will be positive cases but October last year, said he had the Larkin Sentral Bus Terminal
point. the same bus as the individual who the important thing is our diagnostic never held his youngest child who yesterday.
was found positive, to decide whether capability and requirements when was only five months old.
“This matter is being verified they need to be quarantined or such cases happen,” he added. Bali said his employer had
through confirmative testing using – Bernama The father of five, who has been helped him get the bus ticket for
working in the republic for the past his trip home. – Bernama
Long way yet to be plastic-free 40 held in triad
█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA o Lack of stringent measures and awareness survey were China, Indonesia the ceremony
[email protected] hindering goal towards eco-friendly system, Philippines and Vietnam.
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s road to a says expert BUKIT MERTAJAM: Forty men,
plastic-free environment seems to be The WWF report also revealed that believed to be members of a secret
littered with a lack of commitment. freely (in coffee shops).” woven bags should gradually gain these six countries accounted for 60% society, were apprehended during
Praveena said that by 2022, which acceptance as the new practice.” of the estimated eight million tonnes an initiation ceremony at a fancy
According to an environmentalist, of plastic waste that entered the restaurant in Seberang Jaya here
apart from half measures such as is a month away, the use of She said a proposal by some local world’s oceans each year. on Saturday.
charging shoppers 20 sen for a plastic biodegradable bags should replace councils to raise the charges for
bag at the grocery store, little has plastic bags at retail outlets. plastic bags at retail outlets should be The report, which focused on Penang CID chief SAC Rahimi
been done to keep the country’s seriously considered to curb household use of plastic packaging, Ra’ais said the initiation was
Roadmap Towards Zero Single Use “However, we are not even close to pollution. She added these steps stated that 27 million tonnes of held under the guise of a
Plastics on track. achieving this target. The fact is that are the way forward to address plastic were utilised across the six non-governmental organisation
we are lagging far behind.” the problem of plastic waste in nations in 2016, which is event, but police got wind of the
Even the small penalty for failing the country. the most recent data that was illegal activity.
to bring a shopping bag is not She said the use of plastic bags is available.
enforced across all retail outlets. still prevalent because of a lack of Malaysians are among the world’s He said the raid was carried out
awareness. largest consumers of plastic Praveena said one way of by a police team from the Penang
GV Medhini Consultancy and packaging. According to a World achieving the target is to introduce police headquarters at 9.30pm on
Resources Sdn Bhd founder “Plastic bags are still being used at Wildlife Fund (WWF) report that was alternatives to plastics. Nov 27.
Dr Praveena Rajendra said based on night markets and mini markets,” she published last year, Malaysia ranked
her observation, some supermarkets told theSun. as the top user per capita of plastic “For instance, we can use banana “In the raid, 40 men aged
and shops continue to give away packaging among six countries in leaves as material for packaging.” between 22 and 56 were detained.
plastic bags to customers despite the “This lack of commitment will not Asia that were surveyed. Those held were from Penang,
no-plastic-bag policy that was help us achieve our goal.” “Some people may be hesitant to Kedah and Perlis.
introduced in 2018. The report said that the average use such an alternative but it is
Praveena said a holistic approach Malaysian used 16.8kg of plastic eco-friendly, and we should keep in “The group was holding
She pointed out that in line with by both the government and the packaging a year, followed by the mind the long-term benefits of such an initiation ceremony and
the policy, Malaysia should do away people is essential to ensure Thais, who used 15.5kg. a change.” recruiting new members. They
with single-use plastic bags and the country successfully eliminates hoped to avoid police detection by
plastic straws by 2030. the use of single-use plastic bags. The other countries covered in the She said the government could having it at a fancy restaurant,” he
also consider drastic measures such said in a statement posted on
“Based on the (policy) framework, “There has to be stronger as putting a stop to single-use plastics Facebook yesterday.
we should no longer be using plastic grassroots advocacy. The use of altogether.
straws. Yet, they are still being used He said initial investigations
“We are survivors. We will find revealed that the secret society
another way to replace plastic was making an attempt to
packaging,” she added. re-establish its presence in
Penang, Kedah and Perlis.
ordered to pay Rahimi said eight of the men
RM40k costs detained had tattoos of an illegal
society and that investigations
PUTRAJAYA: The Court of Appeal DESTROYED ... Police disposing various contraband items such as alcohol, cigarettes and laptops that were seized during were ongoing.
yesterday ordered businessman raids involving 513 cases at the Brickfields police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX
J.R. Deepak Jaikishan, his brother Police also confiscated 56
and their company to pay Lawyer: Witnesses denied bribing ex-DPM mobile phones, two rings, a
RM40,000 in total costs as a result of necklace and a pair of earrings,
their lawyers discharging KUALA LUMPUR: A High Court Zahid, who is facing 47 charges of Lawrence Sequerah continues today. with an emblem of a secret society.
themselves from representing them yesterday heard that none of the criminal breach of trust (CBT), Ahmad Zahid, 68, is facing 12 CBT
in the appeals over a lawsuit filed witnesses had testified that Datuk corruption and money laundering Those detained have been
against Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was involving Yayasan Akalbudi funds. charges, eight for corruption and 27 remanded under Section 43 of the
Razak and his wife and three others. given bribes, nor were there elements for money laundering, involving tens Societies Act 1966. – Bernama
of corruption in the payments Hisyam further submitted that the of millions of ringgit belonging to
A three-member bench, led by involving Yayasan Akalbudi, a charity payments, which were made through Yayasan Akalbudi. Restaurant
Justice Datuk Mohamad Zabidin foundation founded by the former cheques, never went into the personal issued notice
Mohd Diah, awarded costs of deputy prime minister. bank account of the accused but were Based on the eight counts of for pricey dish
RM10,000 to each respondent, made to the account of Lewis & Co, bribery, Ahmad Zahid is alleged to
considering that the change of Counsel Hisyam Teh Poh Teik, the law firm identified as the trustee have accepted bribes from three KEPALA BATAS: The Penang
lawyers was made at the eleventh representing Ahmad Zahid, said the for the charity foundation during companies, namely Mastoro Kenny Domestic Trade and Consumer
hour and it was the second time prosecution witnesses had testified the trial. IT Consultant & Services, Data Sonic Affairs Ministry has issued a goods
they sought to change lawyers. that they had never bribed the Group Bhd and Profound Radiance information verification notice to
accused because the payments made “We describe these transactions as Sdn Bhd as inducement for him, in the owner of a restaurant over a
Justice Mohamad Zabidin said to the foundation were political open transactions, no element of his capacity as then home minister, to post on social media on a salted
in view of the fact that Deepak’s donations and for charity, and secrecy. It has all been scrutinised. help the companies to obtain MyEG fish Chinese broccoli dish, which
lawyers have been discharged and this was supported by financial The cheques could also be traced. All projects, supply passport chips and to was sold at RM18.
the appeals have to be postponed, documents. payments were received in the form be appointed the operator of migrant
costs of RM10,000 to each of cheques and not cash. It was not visa one-stop centres in Pakistan According to a statement from
respondent were appropriate, “Based on the manner of the made in the dark or under suspicious and Nepal. the ministry, the trader has two
namely to the former prime transactions, there was no corrupt circumstances.” days to respond to the notice
minister (Najib) and Datin Seri element. The prosecution witnesses He allegedly committed all the before investigations are
Rosmah Mansor, former Tabung said they had never bribed the The lawyer said according to offences at a Maybank branch at conducted.
Haji chairman Datuk Seri Abdul accused. the prosecution witnesses, the Dataran Maybank in Jalan Maarof,
Azeez Abdul Rahim, Najib’s transactions were in fact audited by Bangsar, between July 15, 2016 and “The Penang Domestic Trade
brother Datuk Ahmad Johari “In any event, my lord, these internal and external auditors. March 15, 2018, which falls under and Consumer Affairs Ministry
Abdul Razak and Najib’s former witnesses (32nd prosecution witness Section 16(a)(B) of the Malaysian received information on an issue
principal private secretary Tan Sri (SP32) Datuk Abu Hanifah Noordin “Witnesses have also agreed that Anti-Corruption Commission Act that went viral (on social media)
Shukry Mohd Salleh. and 34th prosecution witness (SP34) they were open transactions, nothing 2009 and punishable under Section concerning the sale of a salted fish
Chew Ben Ben remain consistent. suspicious about the transactions,” 24(1) of the same Act. Chinese broccoli dish being sold at
The other two judges presiding None of them said that this was a Hisyam added. a restaurant for RM18 (a plate).
on the bench were Justices Datuk bribe given to the accused.” If convicted, he could be jailed up
Abu Bakar Jais and Datuk Che The hearing yesterday was cut to 20 years and fined not less than “The information was sent by a
Mohd Ruzima Ghazali. Hisyam said this in his short as Ahmad Zahid needed to go five times the bribe amount or customer via social media, who
submission-in-reply at the end of the for his Covid-19 vaccine booster RM10,000, whichever is higher. said the price of the dish was
Earlier, Justice Mohamad prosecution’s case against Ahmad appointment in the afternoon. – Bernama exorbitant.
Zabidin allowed lawyer Magita Hearing before Justice Datuk Collin
Hari Mogan’s application for a “Our enforcement team went
discharge from acting for Deepak, to the restaurant to check on the
his bother J. Rajesh and their complaint yesterday and issued a
company Radiant Splendour Sdn notice to the owner, who has two
Bhd in the four appeals. She told days to respond,” the ministry
the court that the discharge order stated yesterday.
was filed last Friday, citing failure
to obtain any instructions from A customer expressed shock on
her clients. Sunday via Facebook after being
charged RM18 for the dish.
Earlier, Najib and Rosmah’s
lawyer Datuk David Matthews as The individual uploaded a
well as lawyer Dhinesh Bhaskaran, receipt showing the total cost of
representing Ahmad Johari, the food, before it went viral.
lawyer Porres Royan appearing for
Abdul Azeez, and lawyer Farah According to the post, the total
Shuhadah Razali for Shukry, bill was RM122, but it did
sought RM10,000 in costs after not reveal the name of the
Magita informed the court of restaurant.
he filing of the discharge order.
– Bernama The bill showed the price of a
snapper at RM90, salted fish
Chinese broccoli dish at RM18,
mixed vegetables for RM9, and a
salad for RM5. – Bernama
WHO warns Omicron risk ‘very high’
o World leaders meet to But even if the new variant does not prove travel bans that target Africa attacks global should be formalised during the meeting.
weigh pandemic treaty more dangerous or deadly than previous ones, solidarity,” said WHO regional director “The emergence of the highly-mutated
if it spreads more easily it will spark more cases Matshidiso Moeti.
GENEVA: The World Health Organisation and more pressure on health systems, and thus Omicron variant underlines just how perilous
(WHO) warned yesterday the new Covid-19 more deaths, the organisation said. Meanwhile, WHO Director-General Tedros and precarious our situation is,” Tedros told
Omicron variant poses a “very high” risk Adhanom Ghebreyesus said another world leaders at the start of the three-day
globally, despite uncertainties about the “If another major surge of Covid-19 takes disastrous pandemic was bound to happen gathering.
danger and contagion levels of the new strain. place driven by Omicron, consequences may again unless countries showed the resolve to
be severe,” it said, concluding that “the overall strengthen global defences. “Omicron demonstrates just why the world
The health agency said the Covid strain first global risk related to the new VOC (variant of needs a new accord on pandemics.
discovered in southern Africa was a “highly concern) Omicron is assessed as very high”. Nations are meeting in Geneva from
divergent variant with a high number of yesterday to Wednesday to discuss an “We shouldn’t need another wake-up call.
mutations ... some of which are concerning WHO said countries should enhance their international agreement setting out how to We should all be wide awake to the threat of
and may be associated with immune escape surveillance to try to get a clear overview of handle the next pandemic, which experts fear this virus. But Omicron’s very emergence is
potential and higher transmissibility”. where and how fast it is spreading. is only a matter of time. another reminder that although many of us
might think we’re done with Covid-19, it’s not
“The likelihood of potential further spread It also urged accelerated vaccination against WHO member states reached a consensus done with us.
of Omicron at the global level is high,” WHO Covid, especially among vulnerable on Sunday on kick-starting the process towards
cautioned in a technical note. populations who have yet to receive any jabs. a pandemic treaty. “It will all happen again unless you, the
nations of the world, can come together to say
To date, no deaths connected with the But it has cautioned against imposing travel Countries agreed to set up an with one voice: never again.”
Omicron variant have been reported, it said. bans, fearing that blocking travel from intergovernmental body charged with drafting
countries where new variants are first spotted and negotiating a WHO accord on pandemic This meeting of the World Health Assembly
could be unfair and dissuade surveillance. prevention, preparedness and response. – the WHO’s decision-making body comprising
all 194 member states – is an unprecedented
“With the Omicron variant now detected in Sunday’s draft decision, secured special session on how to handle the next
several regions of the world, putting in place after countries agreed to compromise, pandemic. – AFP
‘Vaccines probably prevent severe illness from variant’ BRIEFS TRAVEL BAN‘REGRETTABLE’,
JOHANNESBURG: Existing Covid-19 vaccine immunity, we can expect that we will University in the United States, said it was too
vaccines are probably effective at preventing still see high effectiveness for hospitalisation early to draw firm conclusions because JOHANNESBURG: South Africa said
severe disease and hospitalisation from the and severe disease, and that that protection of doctors can only comment on patients who yesterday it was “regrettable” and “sad” that
newly identified Omicron variant, a top South the vaccines is likely to remain strong,” Salim they treat. fellow African nations had joined a rush by
African infectious disease expert said told a news conference. wealthy countries to impose travel bans over
yesterday. “In terms of clinical presentation, there’s the new Covid variant.“It is quite regrettable,
Preventing severe disease is mainly a not enough data yet,” he said. very unfortunate, and I will even say sad, to
Prof Salim Abdool Karim, who served as function of T-cell immunity, different from be talking about travel restrictions imposed
the government’s chief adviser during the the antibody immunity that often blocks South Africa’s government is doing by a fellow African country,” said Foreign
initial response to the pandemic, also said it infections, “so even if there’s some escape everything possible to prepare its health Ministry spokesman Clayson Monyela.
was too early to say whether Omicron led to from antibodies it’s very hard to escape T-cell facilities to cope with the variant, Health Angola, Mauritius, Rwanda and the
more severe clinical symptoms than previous immunity”, he said. Minister Joe Phaahla told the news Seychelles have halted flights from South
variants. conference. Africa in a bid to shield themselves from
On Sunday, a South African doctor, who Omicron. “What I don’t understand is that
However, it did appear more transmissable was one of the first to suspect the presence of Public health specialist Waasila Jassat told some of these African countries that are
and more likely to infect people with a new variant, said Omicron appeared so far the same briefing that Gauteng province, the doing this, know the struggles (that) as a
immunity from vaccination or prior infection. to be producing mild symptoms. urban central area where cases have surged continent we have, where European
since the variant’s discovery, had so far not countries will take this decision and impose
“Based on what we know and how the Salim, a professor at South Africa’s seen an increase in Covid-19 deaths. travel bans,” said Monyela. – AFP
other variants of concern have reacted to University of KwaZulu-Natal and Columbia – Reuters
CANBERRA: Australia said yesterday it would
delay the reopening of its international
border by two weeks after reporting its first
cases of the Omicron Covid-19 variant. Prime
Minister Scott Morrison convened a meeting
of his national security committee and said it
received advice from Australia’s chief health
officer to delay the reopening after the first
cases of the new variant were detected on
Sunday. Earlier this month, he said Australia
would reopen its border to foreign visa
holders on Dec 1. “The temporary pause will
ensure Australia can gather the information
we need to better understand the Omicron
variant, including the efficacy of the vaccine,
the range of illness and the level of
transmission,” he said. – Reuters
Medical Japan bars entry
workers of foreigners
vaccines at a TOKYO: Japan said yesterday it would shut its
coliseum in borders to foreigners to prevent the spread of the
Makati City Omicron variant of coronavirus, joining Israel in
yesterday. imposing some of the strictest border controls
– AFPPIX since the variant’s discovery in southern Africa.
Philippines suspends decision to welcome vaccinated tourists Japan will bar entry to foreigners from today,
and Japanese returnees from specified nations will
MANILA: The Philippines has temporarily fully vaccinated tourists from most countries The decision is a major blow to tourism have to quarantine in designated facilities, Prime
suspended a decision to allow fully to enter from Dec 1 as it seeks to revive the operators across the archipelago nation, Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters.
vaccinated tourists entry in a bid to prevent a nation’s battered economy. which have been devastated by a plunge in
new, heavily mutated coronavirus variant international visitors and restrictions on “These are temporary, exceptional measures
taking off in the country where most of the But the government’s Covid-19 task force domestic travel since borders shut in March that we are taking for safety’s sake until there is
population remains unvaccinated. reversed course over the weekend as it last year. clearer information about the Omicron variant.
announced the suspension of flights from
It comes as the nation yesterday launched seven European countries, in addition to an The government has eased virus “I’m prepared to bear all criticism from those
a three-day vaccination drive targeting nine earlier ban on arrivals from several African restrictions in recent weeks as the daily saying the Kishida administration is being too
million people as young as 12 in an effort to nations. infection rate hovers at the lowest level since cautious.”
accelerate the roll-out of jabs. the beginning of the year and the nationwide
“The IATF deemed it necessary to suspend vaccination rate increases. The tougher restrictions mark a rapid tightening
So far, the country has not reported any the entry of foreign tourists, given worldwide after Japan on Friday said it would strengthen
cases of the Omicron strain, which was first concerns over the Omicron variant,” Bureau of But the emergence of Omicron has raised border controls on people arriving from six African
detected in South Africa and has since spread Immigration commissioner Jaime Morente fears curbs could be reimposed. nations, even though no cases of Omicron have
around the globe. said yesterday, using the acronym for the task been detected in the country.
force. Around one-third of the country’s 110
Manila announced plans last week to allow million people are fully vaccinated. – AFP The Foreign Ministry later said the tighter
measures included extending mandatory hotel
quarantines to six days instead of three for
travellers from the United Kingdom.
For those from certain countries, including
Australia and Austria, the duration rises to three
days from none. – Reuters
M40 families well cared for
under Budget 2022
> The middle class can look forward to several helpful initiatives during these challenging times
BY ANANSA JACOB government has allocated RM31 billion pandemic. Fortunately, the The government has also allocated
PETALING JAYA: The recent for subsidies, aid and incentives, to government is extending the RM230 million for women entrepre-
Budget 2022 was the largest reduce the cost of living for those who special income tax relief of up neurship programmes through BSN,
tabled in Malaysia’s history, with have been feeling the pinch since the to RM2,500 on the purchase of Agrobank, the DANANITA (MARA) and
RM332.1 billion allocated to start of the pandemic. mobile phones, computers and TEKUNITA (TEKUN).
reviving every socio-economic tablets until Dec 31, 2022.
segment in the country following For more immediate aid, the Despite the difficulties their family
the difficulties faced during the government is providing direct financial Another income tax relief has faced over the past 19 months,
Covid-19 pandemic. assistance through the Bantuan measure that will be extended Maisarah is hopeful that the future will
Keluarga Malaysia initiative, which has is for domestic tourism be brighter.
When tabling the budget, been increased to RM8.2 billion from expenditures of up to
Finance Minister Tengku Datuk RM7 billion the previous year, and RM1,000. The family is hoping “We believe that the worst of it has
Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz expected to benefit 9.6 million recipi- to take a much-needed holiday passed,” she said.
said that it would be “taking into ents. in the near future, and this
account the aspirations, dreams would be a welcome help to
and needs” of Malaysians, and B40 households (earning less than them.
would be an inclusive budget RM2,500) with three or more children
that encompasses all levels of can look forward to receiving RM2,000 To allow employees like Faiz
society. in aid, an increase of RM200 from the the opportunity to take home
previous year. more of their salary for
This is reassuring news for expenses, the government is
members of the Middle 40 (M40) As part of the M40 category (earning extending the minimum
income group. Previous budgets up to RM5,000) with three children employee EPF contribution
had been accused of skipping Maisarah’s household will be receiving rate reduction from 11% to 9%
those from the M40 category in increased aid of RM800, up from up to June 2022.
terms of benefits, but this year, RM750 the previous year.
the government has paid special Maisarah added that the
attention to measures that will One additional measure from the events of the past year have
help the community, an initiative that government will be an assistance of taught them to always have a
comes at just the right time. RM500 to single parents who have back-up plan just in case the
dependent children and a monthly worst happens. “Besides working on
In September, Prime Minister Datuk income of up to RM5,000. rebuilding our savings, we are also
Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob revealed that looking at new careers,” Maisarah said.
around 580,000 households, which Maisarah is positive about the “The children are getting older, and we
were previously in the M40 category, increase in aid. “While it is right that the need to think about their futures as
had slipped into the Bottom 40 (B40) primary focus should be on helping the well.”
group owing to the effects of the B40 group, we’re glad that the govern- Her husband is considering taking on
Covid-19 pandemic on the nation’s ment is thinking about the M40 group a job in the private sector, while
economy. as well, considering we have been Maisarah herself is thinking of starting
paying our taxes all these years.” her own home catering business.
Speaking from her home in Puchong, To help supplement their income
35-year-old housewife Siti Nur Maisarah When it comes to taxes, the budget during the pandemic, Maisarah spent
Abdul Rahman said that she sometimes also contains some tax relief measures several months preparing meals which
feels that her family has fallen among that can help families like theirs. she sold to her neighbours who were
those statistics. working from home. As most have
With three children still in school, returned to their offices, she has since
While her husband Faiz Ridzuan, a Maisarah and Faiz had to purchase stopped, but said that she found the
lecturer at a college in Cyberjaya, tablets to enable them to keep up with experience extremely fulfilling.
managed to keep his job, he was forced their home-based lessons during the Under the government’s Jamin Kerja
to take a 40% cut on his salary in the Keluarga Malaysia (JaminKerja)
middle of 2020. initiative, upskilling and reskilling
programmes can help Malaysian
While the couple had some money workers and jobseekers who want to
set aside – and despite being able to improve themselves or develop new
temporarily defer repayments on their skills.
home and car thanks to Bank Negara’s To encourage the hiring of house-
loan moratorium – with three children wives like Maisarah, as well as women
under the age of 16 to look after, the who have been unemployed for over
family burnt through their savings in 365 days, the government will provide
under a year, and were now struggling. employers with an incentive equivalent
to 30% of the monthly salary for the first
“We never expected that the six months and 40% for the following six
situation would last this long,” she months on condition that the monthly
admitted. “If we had known, perhaps salary is RM1,200 and above.
we would have saved up a little more. In addition, there will be an increase
We are lucky that Faiz still has his job, in tax relief for expenses in attending
but his reduced salary leaves very little reskilling and upskilling courses of up to
breathing room when it comes to our RM2,000 until 2023, as well as further
monthly expenses. tax relief of up to RM7,000 for course
fees with any approved professional
“We are hoping that Faiz’s salary will body.
go back to normal soon, now that
students can return to classes and the
economy is restarting.”
To help families like Maisarah’s, the
India parliament votes to scrap farm reform laws
NEW DELHI: India’s parliament The rallies became a lightning rod But farmers’ unions have vowed to Mann, who joined a weekend rally for important elections for his Bharatiya
voted yesterday to scrap agricultural for discontent in a country where keep up the fight against the agricultural workers in Mumbai, told Janata Party in states such as Punjab
reform laws that sparked a year of two-thirds of the 1.3 billion government until they secure further AFP. and Uttar Pradesh, both home to
huge protests by farmers, after a population rely on agriculture for concessions. huge numbers of farmers.
surprise U-turn by Prime Minister their livelihood. “The government have just
Narendra Modi. They are seeking minimum prices announced that they will repeal the The government claimed the
In its first meeting for the winter for crops and compensation for the laws, not because they think that they reforms, passed in September last
Thousands of farmers have session, both houses of India’s families of hundreds of farmers they were wrong but because they year, aimed to deregulate farm
camped out on the outskirts of New parliament rushed through a bill to said died during the protests, among understand that these protests will produce markets.
Delhi since last year – one of the scrap the laws, after Modi’s shock other demands. hamper their election results,” she
biggest challenges to Modi since he decision to reverse course earlier this said. But protesting farmers said the
came to power in 2014. month. “I don’t think this government has new laws would lead to a corporate
any sympathy for farmers,” Vishavjot Modi’s reversal came ahead of takeover of the industry. – AFP
Sri Lanka investigating rise Iran keen to salvage
nuclear deal
in kitchen explosions TEHRAN: Iran is “firmly determined” to reach
an agreement with major powers on salvaging
o Lawmakers blame use of The government is now probing LPG leaked and exploded in Sri Lanka’s east last BRIEFSits 2015 nuclear agreement at talks that
cheaper propane instead of supplies after a dozen blasts linked to kitchen week. resumed yesterday in Vienna, its Foreign
butane in LPG supplies stoves, Consumer Affairs Minister Lasantha Ministry spokesman said.
Alagiyawanna told parliament. Police have denied the death was due to a
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka is investigating a sharp gas leak. “The delegation of the Islamic Republic of
rise in kitchen explosions caused by cooking “During a short space of time, there has Iran is in Vienna with a firm determination to
gas that have reportedly killed at least one been a very sharp increase in gas accidents,” Consumers have faced serious LPG reach an agreement and is looking forward to
person and wounded dozens of others, he said. shortages in recent months with authorities fruitful talks,” Said Khatibzadeh told reporters.
parliament heard yesterday. struggling to find foreign exchange to finance
“We don’t want to have 10 to 15 homes gas and crude oil imports. “The government has shown its willingness
The island is in the grip of an economic blowing up daily, so I have ordered an and seriousness by sending a quality team
crisis with serious shortages of fossil fuels and investigation.” Sri Lanka’s only oil refinery shut for the first known to all. If the other side shows the same
other essential goods because of depleted time in its 52-year history this month because willingness, we will be on the right track to reach
foreign currency reserves. An official in Sri Lanka’s consumer affairs it could not source dollars to import crude. an agreement.”
agency, who asked not to be named, told AFP
Opposition lawmakers have blamed that higher concentrations of propane were The economy shrank last year as the According to local media, the Iranian
increased concentrations of propane in increasing pressure on LPG cylinders, causing pandemic took hold and tourism nosedived. delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Ali
liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders used leaks that led to explosive fires. Bagheri has been greatly expanded for the new
for cooking, relative to the more expensive A resulting foreign exchange shortage round of negotiations.
butane. State-run gas agency Litro has denied prompted authorities to shore up Sri Lanka’s
changing the proportion of butane and trade imbalance with a broad ban on imports, “If the United States comes to Vienna with
propane in domestic gas cylinders, instead including some food and agricultural the determination to break the deadlock and
blaming poorly maintained stoves and faulty products. overcome the problems on which we did not
pipes. agree in previous rounds, the path of dialogue
That decision eventually sparked food will certainly be easier,” said Said. – AFP
Local media reports said a 19-year-old shortages, with supermarkets rationing rice
woman was killed after a gas cylinder and the price of some staples doubling earlier CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSE OF
FIRE OF CANBERRA: Climate change is the
DESPAIR ... “overwhelming factor” driving Australia’s
A protester lying ever-more intense bushfires. Scientists at
on a street state agency CSIRO reviewed 90 years’
blocked with worth of data and concluded climate
burning tyres change was the major influencing factor
during a protest behind megafires that ravaged Australia in
in Beirut recent years. The experts studied a range of
yesterday, as fire risk factors – from the amount of dead
Lebanon vegetation on the ground to moisture,
struggles with a weather and ignition conditions – to see
deep economic what could be driving blazes. “While all
crisis. – AFPPIX eight drivers of fire activity played varying
roles in influencing forest fires, climate was
Fiji sends troops to Solomon Islands the overwhelming factor driving fire
activity,” said CSIRO chief climate research
HONIARA: Fiji joined an international clean-up was under way after the unrest that Calm was restored after Australian troops scientist Pep Canadell. – AFP
peacekeeping force keeping a lid on claimed at least three lives. and police rushed to Honiara in response to
simmering tensions in the riot-hit Solomon Sogavare’s desperate plea to Canberra for ACTOR NOT SEEKING
Islands yesterday, as the Red Cross warned of “I also wish to take this moment to convey help. TEXAS GOVERNORSHIP
food shortages in the Pacific nation’s my thoughts and prayers to our brothers and
devastated capital. sisters in Solomon Islands for the turmoil they Solomon Islands Red Cross Secretary WASHINGTON: Matthew McConaughey will
are currently experiencing.” General Clement Manuri said Honiara was not run for governor of Texas “at this
Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama quiet but tense yesterday as residents moment”, the Oscar-winning actor said on
deployed an initial 50 Fijian troops to The Solomons crisis erupted last continued to tidy the streets. Sunday, after months of speculation that he
maintain law and order in the wake of deadly Wednesday when protests over government would make the leap into politics. The
anti-government protests, lifting the number policies turned violent, fuelled by poverty, He said food was becoming scarce in the 52-year-old’s political ambitions had caused
of peacekeepers to about 200 – mostly unemployment and inter-island rivalries in capital and aid agencies were assessing excitement in liberal circles, and particularly
Australian with a contribution of at least 34 the nation of 800,000. whether they needed to distribute emergency among Texans appalled by Governor Greg
from Papua New Guinea. supplies. Abbott. “As a simple kid born in the little
After trying to storm parliament, mobs ran town of Uvalde, Texas, it never occurred to
Bainimarama said another 120 troops amok for three days, reducing much of the Rioters burned and looted Chinese me that I would one day be considered for
were on standby if the security situation Chinatown area to smouldering rubble and businesses during the unrest and Manuri said political leadership,”the actor said in a video
deteriorated in Honiara, where a massive attempting to torch Prime Minister Manasseh that meant most of the stores where people posted online.“It’s a humbling and inspiring
Sogavare’s home. bought food staples had been destroyed. – AFP path to ponder. It is also a path that I am
choosing not to take at this moment.” – AFP
MOSCOW: Russia will continue slowing
down the speed of Twitter on mobile
devices until all content deemed illegal is
deleted, state communications regulator
Roskomnadzor said. The government has
taken steps recently to regulate technology
giants more closely by imposing fines for
content violations, while also seeking to
force foreign firms to have official
representation in Russia and store Russians’
personal data on its territory. The regulator
said Twitter has been subjected to a punitive
slowdown since March for posts containing
child pornography, drug abuse information
or calls for minors to commit suicide. Twitter
denied allowing its platform to be used to
promote illegal behaviour. – Reuters
123RF Farewell to fashion GTehtetiBnegabtalecsk
and theatre icons Peter Jackson’s epic documentary
on the Fab Four dispels myths
>>> Page 2&3 and unveils secrets
>>> Page 4&5
Omicron variant
wrecks travel plans
>>> Page 6
2 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2021 /thesundaily
Gone too soon
o The untimely passing of fashion icon
Virgil Abloh has shocked the industry
VIRGIL ABLOH, founder of In 2011, West named Abloh Abloh made history by bringing streetwear sensibilities to high fashion. – AFP
the fashion company Off- creative director of his company
White and menswear Donda. During his tenure, Abloh Last year, Moët Hennessy Louis In July, Abloh took on a position at becoming the most powerful Black
artistic director at Louis worked as artistic director on some of Vuitton bought a majority stake in LVMH that allowed him to work executive in the history of the
Vuitton, died on Sunday following a the most popular album art of the Off-White. across the group’s 75 brands, premiere luxury group.
private, two-year battle with cardiac 21st century, including West’s My
angiosarcoma, a rare, aggressive form Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,
of cancer. He was 41. Yeezus and Watch the Throne.
“We are all shocked after this Abloh’s fashion house Off-White
terrible news. Virgil was not only a was founded in 2012, with his radical
genius designer and a visionary, he approach to clothing being cited for
was also a man with a beautiful soul bridging between the worlds of street
and great wisdom,” wrote LVMH CEO wear and luxury fashion that
Bernard Arnault. emerged over the past decade.
According to the statement on his Off-White eventually garnered the
Instagram account, Abloh battled attention of Louis Vuitton, with the
cancer privately after being storied fashion house then signing
diagnosed in 2019. Abloh to serve as its menswear
artistic director in 2018. He was the
“Virgil was driven by his first African-American to head the
dedication to his craft and to his house’s menswear line.
mission to open doors for others and
create pathways for greater equality “The first thing I am going to do is
in art and design. He often said, define new codes,” Abloh told The
‘Everything I do is for the 17-year-old New York Times in 2018.
version of myself,’ believing deeply in
the power of art to inspire future “My muse has always been what
generations.” people actually wear, and I am really
excited to make a luxury version of
Soon after graduating with a that.”
bachelor’s degree in civil
engineering, the son of Ghanaian Celebrities that rocked Off-White
immigrant parents met Kanye West, clothing include Beyonce, Drake,
who would become one of his first Future, Jay-Z, Kylie Jenner, Rihanna,
major collaborators. Theophilus London and many more
Megan Thee Stallion reunites with BTS at LA concert Fans up in arms over
RAPPER Megan Thee Stallion has finally haircut
reunited with BTS on stage. Fans of BTS were overjoyed to see Megan finally share the stage with their idols. – TWITTER
AFTER appearing on the latest episode of
The sensational Korean boyband brought the fourth day online by streaming Venewlive. But to qualify, you will need to be a SBS’s Running Man, Song Ji Hyo’s new haircut
out the rapper as a surprise to fans during The streaming service is offering ARMYs currently registered ARMY fan club member became the focus of her fans’ ire.
their Permission to Dance: On Stage concert with good standing on Weverse (RM127.14
in Los Angeles, and performed their hit single three ways to watch. The two ways require available on Weverse). Whereas the general The fans took to social media to examine
Butter (Remix). official fan club membership and the other for package offers civilians an HD single view for and critique the short, frumpy style, and even
civilians. For ARMYs, you can be entitled to a over 49,500 won (RM175.67). And no official slammed the 40-year-old actress’ stylist for
Previously, she was scheduled to perform 4k single view + HD multi-view for over 59,000 ARMY membership is required for viewing. the rather unflattering look.
with the group at the recent 2021 American South Korean won (RM209.36).
Music Awards (AMA). However, she withdrew They even started a petition to demand
last minute due to personal matters. that the production company “approve her
appearance and her stylings” for subsequent
At the time, she released a tweet saying: episodes of the show.
“I’m so sad! I really can’t wait to hit the stage
with my guys and perform #BTS_Butter real Fans wrote: “The disappointment and
soon!” complaints regarding actress Song Ji Hyo
have been continuously raised among fans
Fans looked thrilled to see the star finally since a few years ago.
share the stage with the boys, and social
media was flooded with videos of the “We demand substituting her current
performance. stylist for someone more experienced and
skilled, changing makeup and hair salon.”
“Give it up for the boys!” said the rapper
after finishing her song. When asked about Her fans weren’t the only ones to
her previous absence at the AMAs, Megan comment on her new appearance, even
deflected by saying: “But I am here. We did it!” Song’s Running Man castmates made a few
remarks as well.
The Permission to Dance: On Stage
concert sees the K-pop group return to live Most considered it a bold move. Jeon So-
concerts after two years. The offline music min mentioned her pixie haircut reminded
event has been slated to take place on four her of another famous TV series character,
consecutive days this week in Los Angeles. saying: “[The hairstyle] looks just like Yoon
While the first three days are not available Eun Hye in Coffee Prince.”
for livestream, international fans can catch Meanwhile, Kim Jong-
Covid-19 scare for aespa kook quipped: “Wasn’t
the hairstyle inspired
YESTERDAY, SM Entertainment through.
announced that three members All three aespa members who by Demi Moore?”
of aespa have tested negative for Previously, the
Covid-19. were stopped had to undergo
PCR testing, and were later actress took to
The group were in New York released and sent home after the Instagram to
for Macy’s 95th annual results came back negative. show off her
Thanksgiving Day Parade, where new haircut on
they became the first K-pop girl This is not the first Covid scare Nov 13.
group to perform on a float in the for a K-pop group. Last week, YG
parade. Entertainment announced that Song’s dramatic
BLACKPINK’s Lisa was positive for haircut has received
However, once they landed Covid, following testing ahead of brickbats from her
back in Incheon International a video shoot. fans. – SBS
Airport, Karina, Winter, and
All aespa members aside from Giselle (third from left) had to undergo Ningning had to be held back, as Fortunately, other
Covid tests. – SM ENTERTAINMENT they were exhibiting Covid-19 BLACKPINK members Jisoo,
symptoms. Jennie, and Rosé tested
negative. For now, Lisa is
The fourth member, Giselle, quarantined and
fortunately was allowed to pass asymptomatic.
Remembering Steven Sondheim
o Friends and colleagues of the legendary Broadway songwriter laud Sondheim’s repertoire includes m “Thank the Lord that Sondheim
his spirit and his impact on the musical theatre industry uch-loved shows such as A Funny lived to be 91 years old so he had the
Thing Happened on the Way to the time to write such wonderful music
LEGENDARY Broadway monumental figure in music theatre came with West Side Story in 1957, Forum and Into the Woods. and GREAT lyrics!” tweeted singer
songwriter Stephen history.” quickly followed by Gypsy two years Barbra Streisand.
later. In 2017, Sondheim married his
“He’s going to be remembered for partner Jeffrey Romley, who survives “Thank you for everything Mr
hundreds of years,” he added. West Side Story was adapted into a him. Sondheim,” tweeted Broadway actor
film twice, first in 1961, starring Rita Aaron Tveit, who recently won the
Sondheim died last Friday at Explaining what made the Moreno. The second, due to be Tony for best actor. “We are so lucky
the age of 91. songwriter so good, director Elliott released in early December, stars to have what you’ve given the world.”
Sondheim – a lyricist and told AFP: “He never wrote a note, he Ansel Elgort and newcomer Rachel
composer known for works including never wrote a word, that didn’t mean Zegler. Broadway actress and singer Lea
West Side Story and Sweeney Todd – something psychologically. Prolific career Salonga also thanked Sondheim for
died suddenly in his Connecticut Throughout his more than five- his “vast contributions to musical
home the day after celebrating “So all his meaning is in the decades-long career, Sondheim theatre.”
Thanksgiving with friends, his melody of the song, as well as in the won eight Grammy awards, eight
attorney F. Richard Pappas said. lyrics of what they’re actually singing. Tony awards – including the special “We shall be singing your songs
The publicist for the ongoing And that’s why he’s like Shakespeare, Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre forever. Oh, my heart hurts,” she
Broadway production of Sondheim’s because you can follow the rhythm or – one Academy Award and a Pulitzer. wrote on Twitter.
musical Company at the Bernard B. you can hear it and you feel He was nominated for many more
Jacobs Theatre, Rick Miramontez, instinctively he’s telling you Grammys and Tonys, as well as two “There are no words. He had
confirmed the news to AFP. something about the character.” Golden Globes. them all. And the music. He was
“We have lost the Shakespeare of incomparable,” the UK-based
musical theatre,” said Marianne Born on March 22, 1930 in New As well as Company, his play Stephen Sondheim Society, which
Elliott, the director of Company, in a York City, Sondheim was involved in Assassins, has also been revived on is dedicated to promoting and
statement shared on the production’s musical theatre from an early age, Broadway this fall. studying his work, tweeted along
Twitter page. even though both of his parents with three heart emojis, one of
Before the show, Elliott and the worked in the fashion industry. In 2015, then US president Barack them broken. – AFP
cast took to the stage to join the Obama presented Sondheim with
audience in a standing ovation for the He started playing piano at age the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Broadway legend Sondheim
songwriter, who was widely credited seven and was family friends with the nation’s highest civilian leaves behind a legacy that
Oscar Hammerstein II, half of the honour, for his impacted generations of musical
famed musical theatre writing duo life’s work. theatre fans. – AFP
Rodgers and Hammerstein.
with revolutionising American
musical theatre. Sondheim’s first professional
Outside the theatre, one attendee writing job was for the television
wrapped up against the cold of a New comedy Topper in the 1950s. He also
York November, Mike Morris, said: wrote crossword puzzles for New
“It’s the end of an era. This is a person York Magazine from 1968 to 1969,
who revolutionised American which contributed to his writing style
musical theatre.” and sense of theatrical misdirection.
Another theatre-goer, Austin
Philemon, called Sondheim “a His breakthrough on Broadway
The ultimate bootcamp for
DJs & creators
AFTER a year of inactivity, local director of Kardinal stressed that they
music industry players are in for a have always been a strong advocate
treat. From The Live Decks of music and self-empowerment. For
introduces re:LIVE, a music boot DJ Reeve, Creator of DJs Playground,
camp that will take place in Momo’s such an event allows him and his
Hotel Kuala Lumpur from Dec 4-6, team to continue inspiring new
2021. From The Live Decks is an artistes.
initiative carried out by three-power
houses of the industry, Wired Music On the other hand, Brendan Lim,
Week, DJs Playground and AMP Asia. president of AMP Asia echoed
Reeve’s statement and said: “It is rare
Powered by Kardinal, the boot to see the merge of live, electronic,
camp invites local music talents and and mashup of different music
enthusiasts to relive their creative genres and representation in one
musical journey through a weekend epicentre, which brings our team
creative escapade. Built based on the great honour to be the first to host
four main core pillars – Build, re:LIVE in Malaysia.”
Collaborate, Grow, and Inspire –
re:LIVE aims to boost current Astralwerks, US’s #1 dance music
relationships and unravel topics that label joins the event by fuelling the
encourage productivity and creative music challenges. Catered to
participation. every music creator in the industry,
participants will be judged by top
“This pandemic has rippled a panellists such as Malaysia’s #1 pop
change in the way we consume and music production, MFMF, DJ Fuzz
contextualize music. We need a detox and TikTok content creator, Joyvnn.
from past conventional methods and Also joining the event are ENOPE and
[re:LIVE] serves that purpose for a Nahsyk.
fresh restart to the meaning of
community building,” says John Beh, Visit
founder of Wired Music Week. to register and get your tickets and
follow @fromthelivedecks on
Meanwhile, Ronald Yeo, creative Instagram for more updates.
The speakers at the event include (clockwise from top left) ENOPE, MFMF, Nahsyk and Jovyn. The music boot campt re:LIVE will take place in KL from Dec 4-6.
LIFESTYLE The Beatles rehearse at the illustrious
Twickenham Studios. – WALT DISNEY STUDIOS
4 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2021
A musical history
o Director Peter Jackson spent the pandemic sifting through 56 hours of unseen footage
of The Beatles’ final act, which he has edited into an epic three-part documentary
█ BY ROISIN O’CONNOR like a CIA agent. a time of bitter tension – as way. But if anything, I came away
“Because I’m a Beatles fan, I inappropriate as someone respecting them more. Because
AT the height of whipping out their phone to record when you pull the veil away and you
Beatlemania, trying to understand the nuances and the a car crash. Jackson was determined see the unvarnished truth, you
infiltrate the Fab Four’s relevance of a lot of the little things to change our understanding of prepare yourself to be disappointed
world to see their true they talk about,” he says. those events. in some way. I didn’t find that.”
selves was a challenge of Herculean
proportions. Looking through the film In scenes from January 1969, the What did he find? “The
So imagine trying to shove a archives, he learned that the band band are rehearsing and working on opportunity to think of them as
camera in their face and film them had, on occasion, sabotaged new songs at Twickenham film human beings,” he says. “I came
at close quarters, as Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s audio recordings on studios, trying to decide where to away thinking of them as decent,
Lindsay-Hogg did in 1969. It did not purpose. stage a big filmed performance. The sensible guys. They have
go well. excitement in the air is tangible and disagreements, they have different
In Peter Jackson’s new three-part “We came to realise that John everyone seems happy to be back ambitions. [But] there’s no ego, no
documentary Get Back – based on [Lennon] and George [Harrison] in together, even if they are being prima donna [behaviour].”
56 hours of Lindsay-Hogg’s never- particular were very aware that their recorded.
before-seen footage of the band in private conversations were being Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney
their final throes – you see just what taped,” he says. You see Ringo Starr clowning both seem pleased with what the
a task his forerunner had on his around at his drumkit and the film captures. “I was always
hands, as he tried to convince the “Michael hid microphones unbeatable chemistry that moaning about the original film,
biggest band in the world to everywhere to try and capture alchemised some of the greatest because there was no real joy in it,”
cooperate. They were having none candid conversations. But what songs the world has ever known. Starr told InsideHook. “I think
of it. John and George used to do was everyone will enjoy Get Back,
“They would say, ‘No, no, turn their amps up loud and strum “You’re working so well together: though, because you get to see this
absolutely not. You’re not gonna be their guitars – not playing anything – you’re looking at each other, you’re band work really hard and go
showing that bit,’” Jackson recalls, so that’s all Michael’s microphones seeing each other, you’re just through emotional ups and downs
laughing at the memory of what he were recording. They were in this happening,” producer George to get to where we got in the end.
found when he began delving into sort of running battle.” Martin tells them during a visit, And we did get there. Every time.
those treasured archives. hearing songs that would end up on
“The Beatles [were] famously in It’s only decades later that Let It Be (Get Back, Don’t Let Me “I’ll tell you what is really
control of how they came across – it Lennon and Harrison were foiled by Down), but also gems from Abbey fabulous about it, it shows the four
took them decades to release a technology, as Jackson’s team was Road, released in September that of us having a ball,” McCartney told
single track. But I get the feeling now able to strip the guitar audio away year, and material released on their The Sunday Times after watching
that history has arrived.” and finally expose what they had solo records. Jackson’s cut.
To make his documentary, the been talking about.
New Zealander was granted Jackson says it’s testament to the “It was so reaffirming for me.
unprecedented access to the near- “It’s a little bit naughty,” Jackson band that they were able to work That was one of the important
legendary, unedited footage from admits. But then, you could argue, through the Twickenham sessions things about The Beatles, we could
the Let It Be sessions, which had sat so was the amp prank. without drawing blood (the make each other laugh.”
untouched in the vaults of Apple documentary includes myth-
Corps (the Beatles-founded Let It Be was released in May dispelling footage of the band He cited a clip of him and
company that handles their affairs) 1970, just weeks after Paul scoffing over a newspaper story, Lennon larking about, doing Two Of
for half a century. It had long since McCartney confirmed The Beatles which claimed that Harrison left Us like ventriloquists. “It just proves “I tried to portray them as I was
become a blot on The Beatles’ had split for good. It was originally after a physical fight with Lennon). to me that my main memory of The seeing them,” says Jackson. “[And]
timeline, with the band scrambling intended to show the band in the Beatles was the joy and the skill,” he the band themselves didn’t want a
build-up to a major concert, the “They have their own opinions,” said. whitewash. They didn’t want it
location of which was still being Jackson says of the four members. sanitised.”
decided. He admitted that even he –
“They deal with things someone who was there, at the Jackson’s no-holds-barred
Lindsay-Hogg had been hired by in a different heart of it all – was convinced of the approach means that there are
the band to capture it all. But mayhem surrounding that period plenty of difficult on-camera
to come up with new songs, a venue his documentary was for the band. Asked if watching the moments as well (not least of all
for the show, and some way to get consequently footage changed his feelings about from Lindsay-Hogg himself, who is
through to the other side without tainted by the the part he played in the split, he still alive, now 81, and makes a fair
strangling one another. perception answered: “Really yes. And there is few culturally insensitive gaffes).
At the time, Lindsay-Hogg’s that it had proof in the footage. Because I
documentary was accused of been A key moment is when George
showing this to the world in all its filmed definitely bought into the dark Harrison left the band on 10
ugly glory. during side of The Beatles breaking up January, 1969. “Got up, went to
Understandably, then, Jackson Jackson said it had and thought, ‘God, I’m to Twickenham, rehearsed until
was wary – plans to restore and always been his blame.’” lunchtime, left The Beatles,” the
release the footage had been dream to “Paul actually said to blunt entry in his diary read.
ditched before – but after viewing document the me when he saw it,
what was there, he knew he had to history of the Fab ‘That’s a very accurate But it’s the ensuing fallout that
do it. Four. – THE portrait of how we makes for one of the documentary’s
“My mind is still blown at the fact INDEPENDENT were then,’” Jackson most fascinating sequences.“The
that this actually exists,” the 60-year- says. moment when George walks out,
old says. He didn’t receive they’ve got a huge problem,”
“The most remarkable thing any other notes on Jackson says. “There’s nothing
about this isn’t what I’ve done, it’s the finished series, [new] to reveal [apart from] how
the fact that Michael Lindsay-Hogg compared to poor they respond to the crisis. And that’s
shot this footage 52 years ago.” Lindsay-Hogg, who interesting.”
As you’d expect from the man dealt with the band
behind the Lord of the Rings and coming into his Indeed, we see Starr, Lennon
Hobbit trilogies: what initially began cutting room and and McCartney discussing
as a one-off documentary is now a requesting Harrison’s departure, and Lennon
three-part Disney+ series, with each changes. admitting he would choose Yoko
episode around two hours in length. “I get the feeling Ono over any of them.
The result is magnificent. In his there’s no concern
five-star review, The Independent’s about their image “I would sacrifice you all for her,”
TV critic Ed Cumming described it anymore,” he says. He he says. Later on, McCartney warns
as “a monument to The Beatles, was careful not to twist the others against trying to interfere
enormous and revealing, which acts things or misrepresent an with the couple’s relationship, even
as a bulwark against the endless offhand quote from an if they disliked how Ono seemed he also env
books and articles and chatter hour-long conversation perpetually glued to Lennon’s side. probably be
about them by simply showing while staying truthful to the the band: “
them as they were”. footage. “They’re going overboard about incredible s
it, but John always does, you know, in 50 years’
To restore the footage, Jackson
used the same state-of-the-art and Yoko probably always “‘They b
digital technology as he did for does,” he says. “So that’s on an amp’
2018’s astonishing First World War their scene. You can’t go it’s not as th
film They Shall Not Grow Old. saying, ‘Don’t go earth-splitti
While Lindsay-Hogg’s material overboard about this
required less visual editing, the thing, be sensible Jackson
audio needed work. about it and don’t the unenvia
Listening to the bring her to hands, of cr
recordings all those meetings.’ about The
years later, With appeal to
Jackson felt hilarious casual fans.
something prescience,
What he
is that it sho
Alex Hassell as Vicious and John Cho as Spike Spiegel in Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop. – NETFLIX
Cowboy Bebop remake highlights
prejudices about anime
ANIMATION is a realm of boundless dollars worldwide.
The Beatles performing for the last possibility. It is a mode of storytelling where Nearly US$50 million (RM212 million)
time on the rooftop of the Apple no idea need go unexpressed, where no
Corp building in London. – DISNEY image is too fanciful to bring to life. came from US cinemas; the UK contributed
more than £1 million (RM5.66 million) in
visioned how Ono would side to the legends – one no one has offer something that would, When it comes to pushing the ticket sales (hardly a sensation – but not
e blamed for breaking up really seen before. hopefully, cheer people up. He feels boundaries of animation, there aren’t too nothing, either).
“It’s going to be such an fortunate that this is the way he many better examples than Cowboy Bebop,
sort of comical thing, like, “Even when you’re in a press spent the pandemic, sifting through the 1990s Japanese anime series about a Bebop is not the only poorly received
’ time,” he says. conference, you’re trying to be all that footage, building to the band of interstellar bounty hunters. remake of an acclaimed anime to blight our
broke up ’cause Yoko sat natural and be yourself, but you’re moment on January 30, 1969 when screens in recent years. Ghost in the Shell
’ or something like that … aware there’s an audience,” he says. the band took to the roof of the It’s often cited as an anime for people took a seminal anime feature and
hough there’s any sort of “What this does, when it’s most Apple Corp building at 3 Savile Row, who otherwise wouldn’t touch it – a bastardised it, controversially casting white
ing rows or anything.” candid, is you’re getting a 100 per London, not knowing this would be gateway drug to the form, compared to the American star Scarlett Johansson in the
seems keenly aware of cent pure look at the guys, which their final ever performance. tar heroin of something like Paranoia Agent lead role.
iable task he had on his doesn’t really exist on film or Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. It is one of the
reating something “new” anywhere else. It’s a fly on the wall of The band “were cheering us up finest examples of episodic animation to Western remakes of the seminal
e Beatles that would this very ambitious project as it the whole time”, Jackson says. “We have ever been made. dystopian anime Akira and 2016’s hit body-
both aficionados and begins to derail. Now, what better tried to make [Get Back] happy and switch romance Your Name are both
. way to learn about people’s joyous, because we felt people Despite this, or because of it, Cowboy supposedly in the works, with Taika Waititi
e believes about Get Back characters than to see how they needed that. And who better than Bebop has been adapted into a live-action somewhat ambiguously attached to make
ows a genuinely different cope with problems?” The Beatles to bring a smile to our English-language series on Netflix. Starring the former.
faces?” – The Independent John Cho, Mustafa Shakir and Daniella
Ultimately, Jackson wanted to Pineda, the remake has been met with There is, quite frankly, no reason for any
excitement from fans of the original, but no of these projects to exist. Re-making them
small amount of trepidation. in live action is a transparent attempt to
cash in on their greatness by repackaging it
Though the series is painstakingly in a more widely marketable format, one
faithful to the anime in many regards – that is sure to lose everything special and
recreating its immediately recognisable distinct about the originals. It’s telling that
opening credits beat for beat, for instance – perhaps the best-known anime creator in
early footage of the show also faced the world, Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki,
criticism for lacking the original’s visual has turned down a litany of adaptation
elan. offers for his films.
When the first reviews came in, they Of course, the ill-fated live-action
were roundly damning. But the problem remake is not unique to anime. Disney are
with Bebop goes deeper than just a few gradually ploughing through their
drably lit backgrounds. It speaks to catalogue of animated classics, re-
something fundamentally lacking in how imagining them as insipid CGI-laden
anime is understood and valued in the remakes.
The anime-inspired American series
There are many errant stereotypes about Avatar: The Last Airbender was adapted
anime. That it’s for children. It’s too weird. once, wretchedly, by M Night Shyamalan,
It’s for nerds. It’s off-putting in its approach with another Netflix live-action adaptation
to sexuality. There are reasons for this, of forthcoming. Though the stigma lessens
course. Many of the most widely with every generation that grows up in a
recognisable animes among western post-Simpsons landscape, western
audiences have been made for children, animation still contends with many of the
such as Pokemon, Digimon and Dragon same inane prejudices as anime – that it is
Ball Z. Some anime series and films are juvenile, that it is somehow less substantial
regressive or bizarre in their sexual politics, than live-action fare.
though not all. As for whether it’s for nerds?
It’s just that anime faces the additional
“Nerd culture” is just an epithet ascribed cultural barrier of being “foreign”,
to material that exists outside the something that has always inhibited
mainstream but lacks highbrow critical mainstream western audiences from
esteem. In recent years, the old signifiers of enjoying some of film and TV’s very best.
nerddom – superhero fiction, sci-fi films,
video games – have been subsumed into I’m sure Cowboy Bebop’s defenders will
the very heart of western mainstream point out that, at the very least, the new
culture. series will steer viewers towards the original
(also available on Netflix). But that’s an
The conventional “nerd” stigma was awfully elaborate way to advertise a two-
then affixed to other, more niche pursuits, decade-old TV show. And it was doing just
anime being one such. But anime can fine by itself, anyway. Cowboy Bebop was
hardly be called a niche fascination any never meant to be source material for some
more, even in the west. The anime film glossier, more marketable re-hash. It was to
Demon Slayer topped the global box office be enjoyed on its own terms: as a dynamic,
last year (admittedly in a year stunted by soulful whimsy that could only exist in
Covid), taking in more than half a billion animation. – The Independent
6 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2021
FEARS mounted Saturday that New Covid scare Germany hotel near the airport.
a highly-infectious new became the “The positive test results will be
coronavirus strain was second
pushing its way into Europe as European examined as soon as possible to
the world brought the shutters down country to find a determine whether this concerns the
to contain the new Omicron variant. suspected case new worrisome variant,” the Dutch
of the new Health Authority said in a statement.
Suspected new cases emerged in strain, after
Germany and the Czech Republic, Belgium on The Netherlands on Friday
while Dutch authorities quarantined Friday. – AFP became the latest in a series of
61 passengers from South Africa who European countries to tighten its
tested positive for Covid-19. Covid restrictions.
Australia and Thailand joined the The WHO said it could take several
United States, Brazil, Canada and a weeks to understand the variant,
host of other countries around the which was initially known as
world restricting travel from the B.1.1.529, and cautioned against
region, fearing a major setback to imposing travel curbs while scientific
global efforts against the pandemic. evidence was still scant.
‘Draconian’ measures’
Scientists are racing to determine South Africa has called the travel
the threat posed by the heavily curbs “draconian”, and on Saturday
mutated strain, which is more said the flight bans were “akin to
transmissible than the dominant punishing South Africa for its
Delta variant, and whether it can advanced genomic sequencing and
evade existing vaccines. the ability to detect new variants
Anxious travellers thronged
“Excellent science should be
o The world races to contain the new Omicron variant of the disease applauded and not punished,” the
foreign ministry said in a statement.
It is currently unclear where the variant Johannesburg international airport, strong likelihood already arrived in
originated from, but South African desperate to squeeze onto the last Germany,” tweeted Kai Klose, social The main countries targeted by the
scientists were the first to announce flights to countries that had imposed affairs minister in the western state of shutdown include South Africa,
the discovery on Nov 25. – AFP sudden travel bans. Many had cut Hesse. Botswana, Eswatini (Swaziland),
back holidays and rushed back from Lesotho, Namibia, Zambia,
South African safaris and vineyards. The neighbouring Czech Republic Mozambique, Malawi and
was carrying out further tests on a Zimbabwe.
“It’s ridiculous, we will always be woman who had travelled from
having new variants,” British tourist Namibia and was suspected to have US President Joe Biden meanwhile
David Good told AFP, passports in the new variant, prime minister said richer countries should donate
hand. “South Africa found it but it’s Andrej Babis said. more Covid-19 vaccines and give up
probably all over the world already.” intellectual property protections to
Worrisome variant The Netherlands meanwhile manufacture more doses worldwide
But the virus has already slipped found that around one in 10 – 61 out of to stem the spread of the virus.
through the net with cases in Europe 600 – people who had arrived at
and Hong Kong and Israel. Schiphol airport on Friday from South “The news about this new variant
Africa were positive for Covid-19. The should make clearer than ever why
Germany became the second rest tested negative. this pandemic will not end until we
European country to find a suspected have global vaccinations,” he said.
case of the new strain, after Belgium The infected people, who flew in
on Friday. on two KLM flights that took off before Vaccine manufacturers have held
the Dutch government announced a out hope that they can modify current
“The Omicron variant has with ban on travellers from the region, vaccines to target the Omicron
were being kept quarantined in a variant.
Germany’s BioNTech and US
drugmaker Pfizer said they expect
data “in two weeks at the latest” to
show if their jab can be adjusted.
Moderna said it will develop a
booster specific to the new variant. –
A DATA scientist who has An inspiring journey
worked for famous giants o Alfred Simbun was given a headstart by MSU as its first Bioinformatics graduate
such as Petronas and
Accenture is an alumnus to do with an introspective really build this informatics MSU serves to improve the of students from all walks of life,
of Management and Science reflection. website?” students’ soft skills. where it aims to TRANSFORMING
University (MSU). Alfred Simbun “I said yes and made her In all, as an applied, enterprise, LIVES and ENRICHING FUTURE.
who was born and raised in Sabah “Only one thing – laziness. Don’t seriously impressed. I believe our holistic and international
considers his degree at his alma be lazy to read, to ask around if you batch has had a wonderful university, MSU offers For a full range and information
mater had helped him go places. don’t know, and to have that experience studying at MSU, and I foundation, undergraduate, on programmes offered at MSU,
interest to connect and network am very happy about this postgraduate and flexible
Alfred is a progression student at with other skilful peers. I always university. programs through an entry please call 03-5521 6868, email
MSU. He graduated with a Diploma confront myself if I ever feel lazy to “On the last day of the final system that facilitates admission [email protected], or view
in Information Technology at PTPL do these things,” he said. examination for my final year at
Sabah (now MSU College Sabah), their website at
later proceeded to complete a However, the astounding
degree in Bioinformatics at MSU’s significance of this job has outdone MSU, I cried after I left the
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences the aforementioned challenge. “My examination hall knowing that I will
(FHLS), Shah Alam. He is currently works in Data Science and AI have have to leave MSU and end my
pursuing PhD in Biomedicine at helped organizations spend less in undergraduate life officially. No
MSU’s School of Graduate Studies maintenance costs, enforced more classes, late-night supper
(SGS). Human Resources to provide with friends, housemates, and
retraining programs for their classmates at nearby Mamak’s stall,
“I was the first Bioinformatics employees, while maximizing the no more burning the midnight oil
graduate from the first batch of earning of the company in general, for a difficult examination paper,
Class 2004. I was awarded the Best and our monthly salary in specific,” and certainly no more
Student Award in 2007 based on he said. opportunities to meet my lecturers.
high performance during my Unforgettable experiences indeed,”
internship as well as a best thesis Alfred’s journey to success began he said.
for Bioinformatics. After working at his alma mater. He recounts the As a top university in Malaysia,
several years in bioinformatics, I unforgettable experiences he had at MSU prioritizes student
was elected as an Industry MSU that unceasingly nurtured him development to enhance graduate
Consultant for the School of to be the person he is today. MSU’s employability. With 98.7% of its
Computing, Universiti Teknologi pillar of hope is to build and sustain graduates successfully secure
Malaysia for the bioinformatics holistic, balanced, and well- employment within six months of
course, where I had the opportunity rounded graduates, and this their graduation, leading to MSU’s
to share my critical opinions on the particularly resonates with Alfred. ranking by the Ministry of Higher
bioinformatics field based on the Education (MOHE) as Malaysia’s #1
current industry reality. “I was with the first batch of for graduate employability.
bioinformatic students, and we Blending technical vocational
Throughout my working always had our classes next to the education and training (TVET) with
experiences, I have had numerous dean’s office. He was one of our traditional academic curricula,
opportunities to give talks on the lecturers, a very dedicated MSU enhances competencies with
current bioinformatic applications professor who taught us to think industry internship, community
and approaches relevant to the beyond genes. He would use and creative entrepreneurship, as
industry. I was involved in several different methods to teach and well as global exposure;
AI and Data Science projects and make us understand some empowering MSU graduates with
the two best ones I can name are important terminologies used in the well-roundedness desired and
the data science project on bioinformatics. I was not from a sought after by employers.
predicting the corrosion level that pure science class in secondary Further, various skills
occurs widely in oil and gas plants, school but with the skill I have enhancement programmes that are
and an advanced AI robotic project developed during my studies for aimed to improve students
in one of the third-party insurance Diploma in IT, I had the chance to competitiveness are offered to
claim processor firms. These two build an interactive website about students. The Graduate
successful projects have saved colon cancer and presented it to my Employability Skills (GEmS) and
more than 1 million ringgits of genetics professor at MSU. She was Personal Enrichment
physical maintenance and data stunned and kept asking: “Did you
leakages individually,” he said.
Competencies (PEC) programme at
He is now a Data Science
Manager at Fraser & Neave Malaya
Sdn Bhd (also known as F&N). He
considers himself lucky working in
this field as it is one of the most
demanding expertise coherent to
the imminent Industry Revolution
4.0. The only challenge he faces is
Alfred Simbun
was the first
graduate from
MSU, and is now
enjoying a career
in his chosen field.
8 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2021
Building for the future
o UTAR MRED charts
a way forward for the
real estate industry
THE real estate industry has UTAR signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with REDHA in 2018 to set up MRED programme to enhance one’s qualifications in real estate industry
grown exponentially over the
past few years. It is a lucrative development and the construction MRED, please visit
industry and continues to sector.
expand, requiring more highly skilled UTAR is a university offering
professionals than ever before. If one “MRED is a postgraduate courses in undergraduate and
wants to succeed in the industry, programme with integration of postgraduate programmes in the
earning a master’s degree in real theoretical knowledge and practical areas including Accountancy,
estate is a crucial investment and a skills. The programme is developed Actuarial Science, Applied
great way to get started. via the collaboration with REHDA Mathematics, Arts, Chinese Studies,
Institute. Through this collaboration, Malaysia Studies, Business and
“Real estate development is well-known industry practitioners Economics, Biotechnology,
essential in such a way that it provides and professionals will be invited as Engineering and Build Environment,
the basic needs – accommodation to guest speakers to share their insights Information and Communication
fulfil our habitat needs, while also and experiences with the students. Technology, Life and Physical
providing spaces for economic Besides networking with the industry Sciences, Medicine and Health
activities that serve as an important captains, students will be exposed to Sciences, Media and Journalism,
pillar to the nation’s building. In other real-time learning and application of Education and General Studies,
words, as long as there is mankind knowledge from the sharing by our Agriculture and Food Science, and
and economic activities, demand for invited guest speakers,” said Dr Chin. engages in the provision and conduct
spaces will be there, and this will of research, consultation,
further stimulate the real estate Since 2018, UTAR has been management and leadership training
development activities,” said UTAR working closely with REHDA Institute and other related educational
Head of Programme for Master of to roll out the MRED programme. services at its campuses at Bandar
Business Administration (Building The programme has been carefully Sungai Long and Kampar in
Management) and Master of Real designed through extensive industry Malaysia.
Estate Development Dr Chin Hon input to equip industry executives,
Choong. A memorandum of agreement (MoA) was then signed in 2020 to set the path for managers and stakeholders with For more information, go to
knowledge sharing and research collaboration between the two parties substantial exposure, advanced or call 05-468
Undoubtedly, there is a high knowledge and professional skills 8888 (Kampar Campus), 03- 9086
demand for qualified professionals needed to meet the challenges of this
and diverse career opportunities in multifaceted industry head-on. 0288 (Sungai Long Campus).
the real estate industry. To meet this
demand, UTAR provides a master’s For further information about
degree programme for students and
professionals to improve themselves
in the field of real estate by upgrading
their academic qualifications, skills
and practices. The master’s degree
programme, namely the Master of
Real Estate Development (MRED),
addresses the challenges and
opportunities facing professionals in
the industry.
The programme’s hands-on
approach combined with analytical
skills would train the students in
responding to particular
development problems with derived
solutions and assist them to assess
the feasibility of real estate
development and investment.
The students would also be able to
learn the intricacies of real estate
development from experienced
industry players and build a strong
professional network in the process.
They would be given an opportunity
to join the REHDA Malaysia
Taskforce in preparing policy papers
for issues pertaining to real estate
COMMENT by LeonardYeoh and Caleb Sio
#MeToo: Proving sexual harassment
THE #MeToo movement,
which started out as a way for Sexual Harassment Bill is long “While the the recognisable hallmarks of sexual The Federal Court held that there is
survivors of sexual overdue availability of harassment are that they are no necessity for corroborative evidence
harassment and assaults to To date, there is no specific statutory civil action is a unwelcome, taking the form of verbal in a tort of sexual harassment, making it
feel that they were not alone, has recourse for victims of sexual breakthrough and even physical. easier for the victims.
evolved into a global social harassment in Malaysia. for victims who
movement against all forms of sexual are subjected In civil proceedings, the burden of On the flipside, how can a civil claim
abuse. It was reported that the Sexual to sexual proof lies with the plaintiff on a balance of sexual harassment be resisted?
Harassment Bill may be tabled in harassment, of probabilities.
Back in 1999, the Human Resources Parliament this year. the Sexual It is important to note that the main
Ministry sought to address sexual Harassment The alleged victim is required to element of a sexual harassment claim
harassment in the workplace by Other jurisdictions such as Bill is still show the court that it is more likely than involves unwanted acts.
introducing the Code of Practice on the Singapore and Australia have specific necessary to not that sexual harassment occurred.
Prevention and Education of Sexual statutes addressing sexual harassment. criminalise The conduct complained of may not
Harassment in the Workplace 1999, such unwanted These unwanted acts often happen fall within the legal definition of sexual
which provides guidelines to employers In Singapore, the Protection from acts. in private, where there is unlikely to be harassment.
to establish mechanisms to prevent and Harassment Act 2014 was passed to any documentary or video evidence.
eradicate sexual harassment in the protect persons against sexual In establishing whether the
workplace. harassment and to create offences and When faced with a “he said/she conducts are unwanted, it is necessary
provide civil remedies. said” scenario, judges have to carefully to consider the context and the
In 2012, the Employment Act 1955 scrutinise the evidence before them. previous interaction between parties.
(EA) was amended to recognise sexual In Australia, the Sex Discrimination
harassment at the workplace. Act 1984 was passed at the The trial judge may rely on the While the availability of civil action is
Commonwealth level which made demeanour of the witnesses to arrive at a breakthrough for victims who are
Sexual harassment was defined as sexual harassment unlawful. a decision. subjected to sexual harassment, the
any unwanted conduct of a sexual Sexual Harassment Bill is still necessary
nature, whether verbal, non-verbal, Without a specific statute, the tort of Generally, corroboration and to criminalise such unwanted acts.
visual, gestural or physical, directed at a sexual harassment was only circumstantial evidence may play an
person which is offensive or introduced in Malaysia in 2016 through important role in such cases. Following the global #MeToo
humiliating, or is a threat to his well- common law in the case of Mohd movement and the show of solidarity
being, arising out of and in the course of Ridzwan bin Abdul Razak v Asmah bt Someone who witnessed the victim’s with survivors of sexual harassment,
his employment. Hj Mohd Nor. contemporaneous reaction after the will Malaysians finally see a
incident could be helpful in comprehensive Sexual Harassment
It became a statutory requirement The Federal Court allowed a victim’s corroborating the alleged victim’s Bill?
for employers to investigate complaints claim for civil remedies under the tort testimony.
of sexual harassment. of sexual harassment. Leonard Yeoh is a partner and Caleb
However, the Federal Court in the FC Sio is an associate with the law firm, Tay
The Federal Court affirmed the Decision considered the anxiety and
definition in the EA. discomfort that the victim would go & Partners. Comments:
through against the fear of vindictive [email protected]
The Federal Court further held that complaints.
COMMENT by DatukTs. Madani Sahari
Are we a producer, creator or consumer economy?
A FEW years ago, I had an interesting chat with a the US, but manufacturing is outsourced to many global demand for electric vehicles, which when (where components are detailed out) and
foreign technology expert as we spoke about countries, including Mongolia, China, Korea or combined with technologies such as validation (where function and durability are
Malaysia’s capabilities in the automotive sector. Taiwan. autonomous driving, create a next generation of tested).
vehicles that may look the same as cars today, but
The conversation delved deep into Malaysia’s Of course, there are many factors that are filled with new technologies that we have not The MARii Design Centre was established in
place in the world economically. contribute to the wealth of a country, such as produced before. 2017 to enhance design engineering and
historical pathways, socio-political limitations prototyping, overcoming investment barriers,
To many of us, we still reference Malaysia as a and geographic characteristics, but for the With that said, there will be an increased OEMs and vendors, and ease access to design
developing country. purpose of this piece, allow me to delve into demand for critical components and systems that facilities through shared infrastructure.
economic value. cater specifically to next generation vehicle
However, I was immediately corrected on my technology. The centre is equipped with a design studio,
loose use of the term. When the nation’s automotive industry began clay modelling area and engineering room to
circa the 1980s, the main focus was the assembly This year, the Budget 2022 included incentives perform various design functions.
He said, “I don’t think Malaysia is a developing and production of the various components for for electric vehicles (EV) through the exemption
country. It is a middle income country!” vehicles, be it the car itself or the components that of excise and import duties for those purchasing To facilitate the validation process, the MARii
they comprised. EVs and equipment to supplement the EV Simulation and Analysis Center was launched as
Without getting into a semantic debate on the lifestyle. a standalone facility within MARii’s headquarters
matter, the key note here is that it is to look at our However, the dependence on design and in Cyberjaya, equipped with high performance
growth and develop a fair assessment as to where specifications provided by foreign expertise kept This is an important step, as it completes the workstations, powered by MARii’s existing high
we are, and where we need to be. our industry only as manufacturers, with limited ecosystem to incentivise the EV sector in performance computing servers, which enable
control on the product designs. Malaysia through direct incentives to the real-time data analysis and cloud-based
For a country that grew its GDP per capita consumer itself, which will in turn excite market operations.
from US$4,043 to US$10,401 between 2000 and This dependence limited our competitivity interest in investing in new businesses that
2020 (highest was in 2019 – US$11,414 before the within the market (which was locally focused) as support the use of EVs, such as sales, service and Both facilities allow vehicle and component
pandemic hit), it’s difficult to say we haven’t come production volume, lack of workforce experience repairs, battery management, charging stations engineers to perform digital design, simulations
a long way. and lower purchasing power of the local and many more. during the validation phase of automotive and
economy made growth difficult. mobility-based parts, components, systems and
However, what separates us from this elite list The National Automotive Policy 2020, which is processes.
of developed countries? Of course, GDP per However, we took the correct – albeit an update of its predecessor under the
capita seems to be a simple, single-factor method ambitious – path, when we developed local talent custodianship of the Ministry of International To further enhance local talent in the above
of measurement. and businesses to achieve higher value Trade and Industry, includes the development of areas, MARii also conducts numerous training
capabilities. critical components for Next Generation programmes such as the Design Engineering and
Are we moving fast enough? What and where Vehicles, in which electric vehicles are an Prototyping, MARii Unlimited CAE, Additive
are the gaps? It was the year 2000 when Malaysia could important aspect for development of the overall Manufacturing and Product Optimisation
claim itself as a full-fledged designer and sector. programmes.
I believe there is a strong correlation between manufacturer of vehicles, when the Proton Waja
the types of economic levels we participate in and was launched. These components include batteries, battery In the future, more facilities and infrastructure
the levels of income of nations. management systems, on-board charging, that includes Industry 4.0 technologies such as
A product of both Malaysian designers and lightweight bodies, radars, LIDARs, vision Additive Manufacturing, Virtual and Augmented
A quick glimpse of the world map shows manufacturers, it placed the nation’s human sensors and cloud-based controllers to name a Reality, and an Autonomous Vehicle test bed are
nations that consume more depend on natural capital at a higher level and opened up new few. being planned to allow local design talents to
resources to furnish their livelihoods, with little opportunities for more local talent to be part of a flourish.
control of the costs of the supply chain to fulfil sector with a high premium for technological Alongside these, there are also many
their needs. expertise, including the 600-strong parts and opportunities in the design and development of There are currently around 700 parts and
components as well as the 700,000 automotive systems and system integrators, applications that components manufacturers operating in
These are the countries that rely heavily on workforce we see today. must meet standards and regulations that are Malaysia, with about a quarter of this need of
subsidies and tax cuts to ensure disposable compliant with global requirements. localised design capabilities to ensure industry
income is sufficient. Since the National Automotive Policy 2014 competitivity.
was launched, a total of RM74.4 billion worth of As the world embarks on a new generation of
Countries that engage in value-added automotive parts were exported. transportation technology, such as in EVs, it is MARii’s one-stop design centres connects
activities – manufacturing, skilled services and important to learn from history and seize new OEMS and their supply chain to collaboratively
processing of natural resources – tend to fare In 2020 alone, Malaysia recorded almost opportunities to remain at the top of the value design innovative products that would accelerate
better, while they consume imports they are also RM13 billion in exports, a huge chunk coming chain through locally engineered components. this learning curve in line with the National
able to generate more income from the exchange from automotive parts and components. Automotive Policy 2020.
of their valuable time for a higher share of the cost Since 2014, MARii has established many
structure. Despite it being a year marred by the programmes and infrastructure to facilitate the It is therefore key that design be made an
backdrop of a pandemic, this figure signified development of local talent in both product and important agenda of the economy to ensure that
There is one more level – nations that are Malaysia’s importance as a manufacturing hub process design within the connected mobility we remain competitive and participate at higher
creators. These nations have an abundance of within the automotive sector in the region. sector, in which its applications also find value aspects of the entire economic chain.
skills in design of products, services and themselves in many other sectors as well.
processes. However, as we transition into the era of Datuk Ts. Madani Sahari is chief executive
connected mobility, new opportunities arise as In general, product design consists of three officer of Malaysia Automotive, Robotics and
They are the brain behind the products that the automotive sector expands in new sectors main stages – the styling stage (where concepts
we buy, and they derive maximum benefit from that change the face of transport, to include a and ideas are generated), the engineering stage IoT Institute (MARii). Comment:
the highly sought after capability of generating higher level of electrification and automation. [email protected]
new ideas and executing them to fruition.
In the next decade or so, we will see higher
A good example of this is Apple Inc, where
designs of hardware, software and marketing are
done by their employees and business partners in
NOVEMBER 30, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
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% RM m RM m RM m
42.9 Institutions 2211.7 2253.2 -41.5
33.9 Retail 1758.4 1763.4 -5.0
23.2 Foreign 1228.8 1182.3 46.5 1.65 45.69 228.28 1.39 467.70 41.30 27.12 39.53
100.0 5198.9 5198.9 0.0 1,510.57 23,852.24 3,562.70 28,283.92 17,328.09 2,909.32
3,120.58 7,239.82
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to
Source: Bursa Malaysia
KL MARKET SUMMARY Selangor records RM4.64b investment value in Jan-June
November 29, 2021
INDICES 11,054.87 CHANGE -24.26 SHAH ALAM: Selangor recorded a higher RM576.98 million in foreign investments, investment destination,” he said.
FBMEMAS investment value of RM4.64 billion for the compared with 5,001 jobs created for the Apart from specific strategies such as the
FBMKLCI 1,510.57 -1.65 period of January to June 2021, compared same period in 2020 (RM1.82 billion local
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 570.62 -6.71 with RM3.39 billion for the same period last investments and RM1.55 billion foreign Selangor Aerospace Industry Action Plan
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 192.05 -4.16 year. investments respectively). and the Selangor Biotechnology Action
CONSTRUCTION 156.69 -0.57 Plan, Amirudin said, the state government
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,043.41 -100.26 Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari He said this in reply to a question from also implemented the Selangor
ENERGY 708.64 -2.62 told the Selangor State Assembly yesterday Mohd Najwan Halimi (PH-Kota Anggerik) International Business Summit Hybrid 2022
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 639.53 -0.56 that the number of manufacturing projects who wanted to know the impact of Covid-19 which has Selangor International Expo
HEALTH CARE 2,540.26 +152.41 approved was 122, similar to that last year. on the state’s investment performance. (F&B) components; Selangor International
TRANSPORTATION 843.46 -11.04 Expo; Selangor Industrial Park Expo;
PROPERTY 708.55 -4.88 He said according to data by the “The state’s investment promotion Selangor Asean Business Conference;
PLANTATION 6,356.32 -108.72 Malaysian Investment Development agency, Invest Selangor, has always Selangor Smart City and Digital Economy;
FBMSHA 12,060.92 +20.18 Authority , 9,179 jobs were created for the implemented various programmes in an and Selangor R&D and Innovation Expo. –
FBMACE period of January to June 2021, comprising effort to ensure that Selangor remains Bernama
TECHNOLOGY RM4.06 billion in local investments and relevant and trusted by investors as their
6,515.91 +52.60 Exports breach RM1 trillion
98.69 +0.22
6.143 BIL RM5.198 BIL
5 MOST ACTIVES in first 10 months of 2021
November 29, 2021
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) o Jump of 25% from DOSM noted that the expansion was capital goods (9.4% of total imports)
AT 434,349,900 5.5 UNCH previous year, milestone driven by domestic exports which stood at increased15.1% y-o-y to RM8.3 billion and
CAREPLS 221,368,700 +10.0 achieved in record time RM91.3 billion and contributed 79.8% to the imports of consumption goods which
TOPGLOV 210,740,500 132.0 +55.0 total exports, widened by 23.3% y-o-y as well amounted to RM7.0 billion, rose 10.8% y-o-
LKL 210,623,100 319.0 +1.0 PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s exports from as re-exports which registered a 34.8% y-o-y y and made up 7.9% of total imports.
DNEX 196,407,900 11.0 January to October this year exceeded the increase to RM23.2 billion.
79.5 -2.0 RM1 trillion mark, translating into a 25% UOB Global Economics & Markets
expansion from the corresponding 10- Meanwhile, imports were higher by Research said given that year-to-date export
5 TOP GAINERS month period in 2020, figures from the 27.9% to RM88.2 billion and total trade growth has surpassed its full-year
November 29, 2021 Department of Statistics (DOSM) show. expanded by 26.5 billion from RM160.1 projection, it raised its 2021 full-year export
billion in October 2020 to RM202.6 billion. growth estimate to 25.0% (from 22.0%
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM DOSM highlighted that this was the previously) but continue to expect a bumpy
HARTA 36,386,900 6.40 0.75 fastest period that export value has The country’s trade surplus stood at recovery for Malaysia’s trade sector going
SAM 20.96 0.56 breached the RM1 trillion mark ever RM26.2 billion in October 2021, marking the into 2022.
TOPGLOV 335,400 3.19 0.55 recorded. 18th consecutive month of trade surplus
KOTRA 210,740,500 3.16 0.41 since May 2020. It said the emergence of a new heavily
SUPERMX 2.15 0.30 Consistent with the export sector’s mutated Covid-19 variant, Omicron, could
186,700 performance, the country’s imports In accordance with the recovery in worsen the existing global supply
156,045,100 registered double-digit growth of 21.8% to domestic economic activity, the month-on- bottlenecks and pose a threat to global
RM801.2 billion. month performance of exports, imports, demand if it is proven to be more contagious
5 TOP LOSERS total trade and trade surplus also marked and severe than the Delta strain over the
November 29, 2021 Chief Statistician Malaysia Datuk Seri Dr positive growth, higher by 3.2%, 4.1%, 3.6% next couple of weeks.
Mohd Uzir Mahidin remarked that the and 0.5%, respectively.
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM strong export value seen in the first 10 “Domestically, the issue of foreign labour
HEIM 54,100 20.80 0.62 months of the year was in line with global This performance was portrayed in 173 shortages and rising raw material costs
BKAWAN 1,900 21.36 0.54 economic recoveries. out of 255 commodity groups for exports, remain key hurdles to companies ramping
DLADY 8,000 33.00 0.48 which showed increases compared with the up their production even as the economy is
AEONCR 78,900 13.40 0.42 “The opening of economic activities in same month of the previous year. As for near full reopening. High statistical base in
KLK 869,800 20.14 0.42 more countries signified better external imports, 158 of 258 groups posted positive 2021 would also weigh on overall export
demand. Along with outstanding growth. growth for 2022. Hence, we maintain a
EXCHANGE RATES November 29, 2021 performance, exports in October 2021 cautiously optimistic outlook for Malaysia’s
maintained its steady growth momentum The rise in exports was attributable exports with 2.0% growth in 2022.
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy and outperformed September with another mainly to higher shipments to China. On a
record high, with a value of RM114.4 billion, similar note, China continued to be the “If the government is able to ratify the
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD rising by 25.5%, year-on-year (y-o-y),” he major contributor to the increase in imports. Regional Comprehensive Partnership by
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.3005 4.1755 4.1655 said in a statement. end-December or early next year, would
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0860 2.9630 2.9470 The statistics showed an expansion in help to catalyse Malaysia’s trade sector next
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1380 3.0470 3.0390 imports by end-use sustained by higher year as the agreement will help Malaysian
1 EURO 3.3710 3.2810 3.2690 demand for intermediate goods, capital businesses access a larger market in 15
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8640 4.7080 4.6880 goods and consumption goods. countries that contribute up to one third of
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.9490 2.8400 2.8240 global GDP,” said UOB.
1 STERLING POUND 3.1380 3.0470 3.0390 They showed imports of intermediate
1 SWISS FRANC 5.7410 5.5620 5.5420 goods (54.7% of the total imports) totalled
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6360 4.5300 4.5150 RM48.2 billion, an increase of 35.1% y-o-y,
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 118.4900 112.3600 112.1600
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0970 4.7860 4.5860 Public Bank registers RM1.36b net profit in Q3
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.4000 64.8000
100 INDIAN RUPEE 55.7500 52.9800 N/A PETALING JAYA: Public Bank Bhd same period of the previous year, 2021, the group’s funding position
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8300 5.4700 52.7800 posted a net profit of RM1.36 supported mainly by its core remained stable with gross loan to fund and
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0311 0.0282 5.2700 billion in the third quarter ended business of lending and deposit- equity ratio of 79.7%.”
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.7870 3.6690 0.0232 Sept 30, 2021, 2.3% lower than taking. Revenue for the period
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.6000 3.6590 RM1.39 billion reported in the declined 4.1% to RM14.76 billion As for prospects, Teh said the bank will
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4900 N/A same quarter of the previous year, from RM15.39 billion previously. remain steadfast in its efforts to strengthen
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.6500 2.3200 N/A attributed to a lower investment its balance sheet, uphold its strong asset
100 SAUDI RIYAL 118.7500 8.1500 2.1200 income due to the unfavourable Public Bank’s founder and quality as well as enhance cost efficiencies
100THAI BAHT 115.9500 112.7300 7.9500 market conditions, lower fee director, Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow (pix), further despite the continued challenging
13.3400 110.0700 112.5300 income and other income and said that during these trying times, environment.
11.8400 109.8700 higher other operating expenses the group has undertaken multiple
11.4400 which were partially offset by a higher net proactive initiatives and placed “While embracing the changes
interest income. greater emphasis on risk management and stemming from the pandemic, the group
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama productivity. It registered a net return-on- will continue its pursuit of digital
Revenue for the quarter stood at RM4.81 equity of 12.4% and an efficient cost-to- transformation and product innovation to
billion, a 6.2% drop from RM5.13 billion in income ratio of 31.7% during the nine strengthen long term business growth.
the same quarter of the previous year. months ended September 2021.
“The group was able to achieve “With its resilient fundamentals, the
In the first three quarters of this year, the continued loans and deposit growth, albeit group remains well placed to navigate any
group’s net profit saw a 14.8% improvement at a moderate pace. As at end-September challenges ahead and spur business growth
to RM4.28 billion from RM3.72 billion in the as the country moves toward post-
pandemic recovery,” he said in a statement.
/thesundaily 11theSUN ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2021
7-Eleven Malaysia to enter Indonesia’s pharma market via joint venture
PETALING JAYA: 7-Eleven Malaysia will be facilitated by a shareholders’ subscription of principal the fastest growing tourists who frequent the group’s
Holdings Bhd, via its 75%-owned agreement with Era Prima. amount of RM7.07 million pharmaceutical markets pharmacy outlets under the Wellings
subsidiary Caring Pharmacy Retail unsecured mandatory in Southeast Asia. brand in Penang, Malaysia,” it said.
Management Sdn Bhd, has entered The DistributionCo will undertake convertible interest-bearing
into agreements for a proposed joint the distribution business of bonds in Era Farma. Era “The fast growing Once the businesses of the
venture with PT Era Prima Indonesia pharmaceutical products and Caring Farma will undertake the pharmaceutical industry DistributionCo and RetailCo are on-
to distribute, market and sell will subscribe to a 50.1% stake in the retailing business of the in Indonesia as well as the stream, they are expected to
pharmaceutical products in company for a cash subscription of products under the brand partnership with the contribute positively to the future
Indonesia. IDR5.03 billion (RM1.48 million). name of Wellings in Erajaya group as the local earnings of the group.
Indonesia. partner bode well with 7-
According to the group’s filing In addition, the joint venture will 7-Eleven stated that the proposal Eleven group’s first overseas venture The sale of medicine in Indonesia
with the exchange, the joint venture also entail a mandatory convertible represents an opportunity for it to of its pharmaceutical business. The stood at US$7.6 billion (RM32 billion)
will entail the establishment of a new bond subscription agreement with venture into the pharmaceutical 7-Eleven group is leveraging on the in 2020 and it is projected to expand
company in Indonesia, PT Era Caring Era Prima and its 98.46%-owned industry in Indonesia, which is one of reputation of the Wellings brand to US$12.6 billion by 2025, which
Indonesia (DistributionCo), which subsidiary PT Era Farma Indonesia among the Indonesians medical translates to a compound annual
(RetailCo) for the proposed cash growth rate of 9.8%.
ATech to raise RM105m MBSB 9-month net profit
up twofold to RM362m
to expand EMS business PETALING JAYA: Malaysia Building Society Bhd
(MBSB) saw a twofold increase in net profit to
o IPO involves up to RM362.25 million in the nine months ended Sept
103.87m shares, firm 30, 2021 against RM172.48 million reported in the
expected to have market corresponding period of the previous year due to
cap of about RM487m the lower impact of modification loss compared to
year 2020.
[email protected] Revenue for the period fell 15.3% to RM2.03
billion from RM2.39 billion registered previously.
PETALING JAYA: Aurelius Technologies Bhd ATech chairperson, directors and Maybank’s Ami at the virtual prospectus launch yesterday. BRIEFS
(ATech), en route to a listing on the Main However, MBSB posted a net loss of RM104.58
Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd, is The EMS provider for industrial electronic the expected increase in demand from our million for its third quarter ended Sept 30, 2021
expected to raise RM104.73 million from its products offers will allocate RM40 million customers,” Lee said. compared with a net profit of RM258.24 million
initial public offering (IPO) mainly to fund the from the IPO proceeds to acquire new reported in the same quarter of the previous year
expansion of its electronics manufacturing machinery and equipment, RM29.52 million Lee added that the company is prepared to mainly due to higher net allowance for impairment
services (EMS) business. for repayment of borrowings, RM28.13 handle the US and Asian markets fall on fears charged on corporate portfolio and higher
million for working capital, and RM7.08 of the emergence of a new Covid-19 variant. modification loss on cash flow for the quarter due
The IPO involves up to 103.87 million million for listing expenses. to the moratorium granted to retail customers
shares comprising a public issue of 77.01 “The company has strict compliance of under the government’s Pemulih package.
million shares and an offer for sale of 26.86 ATech executive director and CEO Lee SOP in controlling and containing the spread
million shares. The retail offering of 22.91 Chong Yeow said the IPO would speed up the of Covid-19,“ Lee told reporters at its virtual Revenue for the quarter stood at RM681.05
million shares representing 6.4% of the execution of its plan to grow, strengthen, and prospectus launch yesterday. million, an 11% drop from RM765.57 million
enlarged issued shares will be offered at a leverage its core business and continued reported previously.
retail price of RM1.36 per share. The expansion into the production of Internet of Lee said the company is involved in the 5G
institutional offering of 80.96 million shares Things (IoT) modules started in early 2020. module of IoT in the autonomous driving Moving forward, the group will continue to
represents 22.6% of the enlarged issued segment of the electric vehicles industry. focus its businesses in selected sustainable sectors
shares. “We are also expanding our production Meanwhile, he said as of November, the and drive greater growth as well as adoption of
facilities with the construction of a new company’s unbilled purchase orderbook emerging technologies amid the need to remain
ATech is expected to have a market factory adjacent to our existing plant in Kulim amounting RM482.7 million would be billed cautious.
capitalisation of RM487.12 million. Hi-Tech Park. The new factory will add floor in stages in the next couple of years.
space to grow the semiconductor component SHAHRIL RIDZA APPOINTED
The retail offering comprises 5 million modules production, to cater for Lithium-Ion Maybank Kim Eng Group CEO Ami Moris TO AXIATA’S BOARD
issue shares representing 1.4% of enlarged battery pack production, and EMS operations. said as a direct IoT proxy, ATech is well-
issued shares to directors, eligible employees, positioned for sustainable, accelerated PETALING JAYA: Axiata Group Bhd has
and persons who have contributed to the “We will have a total of 15 SMT (Surface growth as the demand for IoT terminal appointedTan Sri Shahril Ridza Ridzuan as an
company. A total of 17.91 million shares Mounted Technology) lines by the end of 2023 connections is expected to hit 23.7 billion by independent non-executive director with
representing 5% of the enlarged issued shares from both the new and current factory. These 2026. effect yesterday. Shahril, 51, currently serves
are allocated to the Malaysian public via new SMT lines will increase our annual as a non-executive director of Malaysia
balloting. capacity by 198.7% for the financial year “Our conversations with investors indicate Airlines Bhd and Malaysia Aviation Group
ending (FYE) Jan 31, 2024 from FYE21 to meet that ATech is one of the most anticipated Bhd, where he chairs the Board Nomination
The institutional offering comprising 44.77 small cap IPOs in Malaysia this year,” Ami and Remuneration Committee. Previously,
million shares representing 12.5% of the said. he led Khazanah Nasional Bhd as its
enlarged issued shares are offered to managing director from Aug 20, 2018 to Aug
bumiputra investors approved by the Ministry 19, 2021. Preceding that, he was KWSP CEO
of International Trade and Industry. Another from April 16, 2013 to Aug 18, 2018.
36.19 million shares representing 10.1% of
enlarged issued shares are offered to HCK TO OPEN INTERNATIONAL
Malaysian institutional and select investors. SCHOOL IN SUBANG JAYA
SilTerra signs wafer agreement with Taiwan’s Ilitek PETALING JAYA: HCK Capital Group Bhd will
be setting up an international school by the
PETALING JAYA: SilTerra Malaysia Sdn Bhd has technology is one of the most successful and continuously committed to expanding SilTerra’s name of Imperial Subang International
entered into a multi-year wafer supply and important enabling technology from SilTerra for production capacity and technology capabilities School on its campus building that is
purchase agreement with ILI Technology Corp the global display driver IC markets for small in the global semiconductor industry,” he said in currently under construction and is located
(Ilitek), a leading touch controller and driver panels such as wearables and mobile devices, a statement yesterday. at Subang Jaya. The HCK group is currently
integrated circuit (IC) fabless design house medium panel for monitors, and large panel for operating the Imperial brand in Ipoh and
based in Taiwan. TV applications. He said the agreement will help SilTerra propose to extend this to Klang Valley at
secure a stable wafer loading, ensuring a Edumetro @ Subang Jaya, which the
Under the agreement, SilTerra will Dagang NeXchange Bhd group managing sustainable growth for the company going proposed development of Imperial Subang
collaborate with Ilitek on technology director and SilTerra executive chairman Tan Sri forward. In addition, the partnership will also is expected to be ready by end of 2022.
development and wafer fabrication targeting Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir said cover joint technology and market development Imperial Subang will be a fully-networked
touch controller and display driver IC for this marks a significant milestone in SilTerra’s to grow SilTerra’s business and market share in broadband and purpose-built campus to
industrial and home appliances markets. aspiration to become a world-class leader in the the industrial touch controller market, he added. cater for its prestigious International
world’s semiconductor market in terms of Primary Curriculum and the Cambridge
Ilitek has been SilTerra’s long-term operational excellence and technology SilTerra is a strategic investment of DNeX, and International Curriculum leading to IGCSE
technology and business partner since 2006. advancement. Beijing Integrated Circuit Advanced examinations and the Cambridge A-Levels.
This agreement marks another milestone for Manufacturing and High-End Equity Investment
SilTerra’s and Ilitek’s relationship. Both “As part SilTerra’s transformation, the new Fund Center (Limited Partnership) (CGP Fund). SIME DARBY REGISTERS
companies will continue to work closely on shareholders are leading the company to ready Recently, SilTerra entered into a long-term multi- RM236M Q1 NET PROFIT
product development and mass production market access by leveraging on our network year wafer supply and purchase agreement with
based on SilTerra’s high-voltage 0.16um and including strategic customers and long-term ChipOne Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd worth over PETALING JAYA: Sime Darby Bhd’s net profit
0.13um technology platforms. High-voltage supplier contracts. In addition, we are US$400 million (RM1.7 billion). for the first quarter ended Sept 30, 2021 fell
16% to RM236 million from RM281 million in
the corresponding quarter last year due to its
industrial operations in China absorbing the
impact of a slowdown in construction
activities in the quarter. Revenue for the
quarter eased 1.9% to RM10.67 billion from
RM10.88 billion previously. The group’s
results in the current quarter were impacted
by the market contraction for industrial
equipment in China and Covid-19 restrictions
in certain countries. For the motors division,
demand for luxury vehicles is expected to
remain strong, especially in China.
Nissan unveils ¥2 trillion BRIEFS UN: PANDEMIC TO COST
electrification push GLOBAL TOURISM
o Plans to launch 23
electrified vehicles by 2030, MADRID: The coronavirus
including 15 EVs and pandemic will cost the global
introduce all solid-state tourism sector US$2 trillion
batteries by March 2029 (RM8.48 trillion) in lost revenue in
2021, the UN’s tourism body said
yesterday, calling the sector’s
recovery “fragile” and “slow”.
International tourist arrivals will
this year remain 70-75% below
the 1.5 billion arrivals recorded in
2019 before the pandemic hit, a
similar decline as in 2020,
according to the Madrid-based
World Tourism Organization. The
global tourism sector already lost
US$2.0 trillion in revenues last
year due to the pandemic, it said.
YOKOHAMA: Nissan Motor Co announced it
will spend ¥2 trillion (RM74.8 billion) over five BEIJING: US-listed Chinese
years to accelerate vehicle electrification to catch microblogging platform Weibo is
up with competitors in one of the fastest growth seeking to raise up to US$547
areas for carmakers. million (RM2.71 billion) in a share
offer in Hong Kong, documents
This is the first time Japan’s No. 3 automaker, showed yesterday, the latest
one of the world’s first mass-market electric China tech company to list closer
vehicle (EV) makers with its Leaf model more to home as tensions with the
than a decade ago, is unveiling a comprehensive United States rise. Yesterday,
electrification plan. Weibo – China’s answer to Twitter
Nissan will be spending twice as much as it
did in the previous decade for a share of the EV and listed on Nasdaq since 2014 –
market as rivals, including Toyota Motor Corp said in a filing that it plans to sell
and newer entrants such as Tesla Inc, move Gupta at the gallery in Nissan headquarters in Yokohama where it is displaying only electrified vehicles. 11 million shares for as much as
– REUTERSPIX HK$388 (RM211) each. Shares are
ahead with their electric-car plans. expected to start trading on Dec
Nissan said yesterday it will launch 23 Nissan’s plan, noting it was already behind its improve profitability. 8. Weibo, which launched in 2009,
had 566 million monthly active
electrified vehicles by 2030, including 15 electric rivals in electrification. “It’s very important for Nissan to show where users as of June, it said in a filing.
vehicles (EVs), and wants to reduce lithium-ion Masayuki Otani, senior analyst at Securities we are going next, and today’s plan is a vision – AFP
battery costs by 65% within eight years. It also Japan Ltd, also said auto shares were falling and direction which is talking about the future,”
plans to introduce potentially game-changing all yesterday because of concerns the new COO Ashwani Gupta said when asked about the
solid-state batteries by March 2029. coronavirus variant would squeeze production. share price at the gallery at its headquarters in THAI EXPORTS TIPPED
Those commitments, chief executive Makoto “Nissan’s long-term vision comes at a time Yokohama where it is displaying only electrified TO GROW 17% THIS YEAR
Uchida said, would make EVs affordable to more when the market is perhaps not receptive to it. It vehicles.
drivers. “We will advance our effort to democratise can be said that it represents a huge increase in Nissan, however, has not committed to BANGKOK: Thai exports are
expected to grow 17% this year,
electrification,” he said in an online presentation. investment, it feels cautious,” he said. abandoning petrol vehicles. It said yesterday half the highest growth rate in 12
Shares of Nissan slid 5.6% yesterday, Nissan’s electrification plan comes as it pulls of its vehicles mix will be electrified by 2030, years, Finance Minister Arkhom
underperforming its major rivals and compared back from a pursuit of sales volume pushed by including EVs and its e-Power hybrids. Gupta Termpittayapaisith told an online
to the benchmark Japan index’s 1.6% drop. former chairman Carlos Ghosn, slashing said the goal was a reference point that may forum yesterday. He also said
Some analysts were unimpressed with production capacity and model types by a fifth to change. – Reuters gross domestic product next year
should grow around 4% or in a
range of 3.5% to 4.5%. Thailand’s
Russia: No need Jokowi reassures investors after economy shrank by 0.3% in the
third quarter, as Covid-19
restrictions hit tourism and
for urgent oil court rules against job creation law domestic activity, though the
market action drop was less than expected.
over Omicron JAKARTA: Indonesia’s President court had ruled the law would fund, would remain unchanged. Bank of Thailand senior director
Joko Widodo said yesterday his remain in effect pending the The fund was established Don Nakornthab told the forum
MOSCOW: Russia sees no need for government would ensure legal changes, which his Cabinet would the central bank intended to
certainty for investors, offering address as quickly as possible. based on the omnibus law and keep interest rates low for next
foreign investors have pledged year. – Reuters
urgent action on the oil market over continuity guarantees amid jitters “I assure businesses and billions of investment, including RELIANCE: NO PLANS
the new Omicron coronavirus and confusion over last week’s investors, both domestic and US$10 billion (RM42.4 billion) TO BID FOR BT GROUP
variant, Deputy Prime Minister court ruling against a controversial international, that the investments from the United Arab Emirates.
Alexander Novak was quoted as job creation law. that have been made and BENGALURU: Reliance Industries
saying yesterday, downplaying the investments that are being and will He told a conference that the Ltd said yesterday it does not
possibility of changes to an Opec+ The Constitutional Court, be processed, will remain safe and government would ask parliament intend to bid for British telecom
oil supply deal this week. ruling on Thursday a case brought secure,” he said in a video statement. to make the revision of the law company BT Group Plc after a
by labour unions, said there were priority legislation. media report that the Indian oil-
The Organization of the procedural flaws in the formation “I will make sure that the to-telecoms conglomerate was
Petroleum Exporting Countries and of the legislation passed last year, government guarantees the In a separate development, considering an offer. Billionaire
others led by Russia, a group known which the government had touted security and certainty of Tutuka Ariadji, the director Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance might
as Opec+, hold online meetings this as potential a game-changer in investment in Indonesia.” general of oil and gas at make an unsolicited offer to buy
week to decide on production policy. luring foreign investment to Indonesia’s energy ministry, said into BT Group or try to get a
Southeast Asia’s biggest economy. The assurance by Jokowi, as the the country is putting eight new oil controlling share in it, the Economic
Sources said on Friday Opec+ president is known, comes as and gas blocks up for bids. Times reported yesterday. “We
was monitoring developments The court told the government economists warn the ruling could categorically deny any intent to
related to Omicron. to make necessary amendments dim Indonesia’s investment The blocks offered are: West bid for the UK telecoms group BT.
within two years. The “omnibus” outlook and as business groups Palmera and Bertak Pijar Puyuh
“We have to meticulously on Sumatra island, Paus offshore
monitor and watch. There is no law saw the revision of more than seek clarity and guarantees. field in Natuna, North Ketapang The article is completely
need for hasty decisions,” Novak is 70 existing laws, in an effort to Chief economic minister and Agung I in North Java, speculative and baseless,”
quoted as saying by Interfax news reduce red tape and streamline Airlangga Hartarto said operations Karaeng and Agung II in South Reliance said in a stock exchange
agency. His comments were new business permitting. of the Indonesia Investment Sulawesi, and Maratua in East filing. BT declined to comment on
confirmed by his spokesperson. the media report. – Reuters
“Despite all this, we will The president stressed that the Authority, its sovereign wealth Kalimantan. – Reuters
additionally discuss with the Opec+
countries the market situation and if
Australia’s banking watchdog publishes long-awaited capital rulesany measures are warranted,“ Novak
said, according to the spokesperson.
“In order to work it through in SYDNEY: Australia’s banking come into effect in January 2023. by international standards, the new and interest basis will be considered
detail, the JMMC was moved to get regulator published yesterday a final It will not require banks to raise capital framework will help ensure it lower risk and require less capital.
more information about the current set of rules asking banks to hold more more capital. Instead, the current stays that way,“ Australian Prudential Smaller banks will also be able to
events, including on the new strain capital against investor and interest- requirement imposed on Australia’s Regulation Authority chair Wayne allocate less capital to unsecured
of the virus,” Novak said, referring to only home loans but less for business four largest lenders to maintain core Byres said. loans to small and medium sized
the Opec+ monitoring panel known loans, in a move expected to affect capital above the minimum Under the new rules, home loans business, the paper said.
as the JMMC. loan pricing. benchmark of 10.5% to be deemed to investors, interest-only mortgages Under the new framework, banks
The JMMC online meeting, which Following four years of “unquestionably strong” will be and those with loan to valuation ratios will hold a larger portion of
was scheduled for Nov 30, will now consultation, the new Basel III-aligned replaced by bank-specific minimum above 80% will be considered riskier regulatory capital in the form of
be held on Dec 2, the same day as set of standards change the models ratios. and assigned higher risk weights, the buffers or cash that can absorb losses
the main Opec+ ministerial used by banks to work out how much “Although Australia’s banking regulator said. Loans to owner- in times of stress, the regulator said. –
meeting. – Reuters capital they need to hold, and will sector is already strongly capitalised occupiers borrowing on a principal Reuters
((885577005555--UU)) CCOOMMPPAANNIIEESSAACCTT,,22001166 * SPORTS
((11))IIAAAAPP((UUKK))==RRMM229900xx66 AANNDD Ravindra helps
((22))IIPPAA((AAuusstt))==RRMM335500xx66 Digital Marketing VVoolluunnttaarryyWWiinnddiinnggUUpp)) IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF Kiwis pull off
((33))FFuulll--SSeettAA//cc==RRMM115500xx33 AAtt tthhee GGeenneerraall MMeeeettiningg ooff tthhee BBAANNYYAANNBBUUDDIISSDDNN..BBHHDD.. dramatic draw
((44))PPrraaccttiiccaallTTaaxx==RRMM115500xx33 Senior Executive mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd
((55))77ssuubbjjeeccttsseexxeemmppttiioonnffoorr CCoommppaannyy dduulyly ccoonnvveenneedd aanndd hheeldld CCoommppaannyyNNoo.. DEBUTANT Rachin Ravindra worked with
ddiipplloommaahhoollddeerrssooffUUIITTMM,, JJoobb DDeessccrriippttiioonn:: aatt 8811 ((11sstt FFlolooorr)),, JJaalalann MMaarrkkeett,, 220000770011001177770077 New Zealand’s lower order to pull off a
TTAARRCCaannddppoollyytteecchhnniiccss.. ·· DDeessiiggnn aanndd ddeevveelloopp oonnlliinnee mmaarrkkeettiinngg ssttrraatteeggiieess,, 3300000000IpIpoohh,,PPeerraakkoonntthhee2255tthhddaayy dramatic draw against India after they ended
((66))ffbb//jjaassaaaaccccoouunnttaannccyy ooff NNoovveemmbbeer,r, 22002211,, tthhee SSppeecciaiall ((777755771188--AA)) day five on 165-9 while chasing 284 in the
ddiiggiittaall rrooaaddmmaapp,,ccrreeaattiivvee ccaammppaaiiggnnss tthhaatt aalliiggnneedd wwiitthh RReessooluluttioionn sseett oouutt bbeeloloww wwaass dduulyly ((IInnMMeemmbbeerrss’’VVoolluunnttaarryy first Test on Monday.
332222 NNoottiicceess tthhee bbuussiinneessss ggooaallss aanndd ddiirreeccttiioonnss.. ppaasssseedd::--
·· PPrroovviiddee ccrreeaattiivvee iiddeeaass ffoorr ccoonntteenntt mmaarrkkeettiinngg.. TThhaatt tthhee CCoommppaannyy bbee wwoouunndd uupp LLiiqquuiiddaattiioonn)) New Zealand faltered after overnight
IINNTTHHEEHHIIGGHHCCOOUURRTTOOFF ·· PPllaann aanndd mmaannaaggee oouurr ssoocciiaall mmeeddiiaa ppllaattffoorrmmss.. vvoolulunnttaarriliyly ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttioionn NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN batsman Tom Latham, who made 52, and
MMAALLAAYYAAAATTMMAALLAACCCCAA ··AAbbllee ttoo ccrreeaattee ccoonntteenntt && pprroodduuccee ggrraapphhiiccss ffoorr ssoocciiaall 443399((11))((bb)) ooff tthhee CCoommppaannieiess AAcctt TTHHAATT ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttiioonn later Kane Williamson, who made 24,
((CCOOMMMMEERRCCIIAALLDDIIVVIISSIIOONN)) mmeeddiiaa ppoossttiinnggss.. 22001166 aanndd tthhaatt MMr.r. CChhaanngg BBaann 445599 ooff tthhee CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, departed, but still denied India a win after a
CCOOMMPPAANNIIEESS((WWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP)) ·· PPrreeppaarree aa ccooppyywwrriittiinngg ffoorr mmaarrkkeettiinngg ccaammppaaiiggnn.. SSeenngg bbee aappppooinintteedd aass LLiqiquuididaattoorr 22001166,, tthhee FFiinnaall MMeeeettiinngg tense final session in Kanpur.
NNOO::MMAA--2288NNCCCC--4488--1111//22002211 ooff tthhee CCoommppaannyy ffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoossee ooff tthhee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee
InIntthheemmaattteerrooffCCoommppaannieiessAAcctt22001166 RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss:: ooff tthhee wwininddiningg--uupp aanndd tthhaatt tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd CCoommppaannyy wwiilll Left-handed Ravindra (18) put on key
-- DDiipplloommaa//DDeeggrreeee iinn MMaarrkkeettiinngg,,DDiiggiittaall MMaarrkkeettiinngg oorr ssaaidid LLiqiquuididaattoorr bbee eemmppoowweerreedd ttoo bbee hheelldd aatt 3344BB JJaallaann UUSSJJ partnerships including an eighth-wicket
AAnndd ddisisttrribibuuttee aammoonnggsstt tthhee mmeemmbbeerrss,, 1100//11BB,, 4477662200 SSuubbaanngg JJaayyaa,, stand of 46 deliveries with Kyle Jamieson, and
InIntthheemmaattteerrooffSSeeccttioionnss446655(1(1)()e(e))aanndd eeqquuiivvaalleenntt ininccaasshhoorrssppeeccieie,,tthheewwhhooleleoorraannyy SSeellaannggoorr oonn 3311 DDeecceemmbbeerr,, then held fort for 52 balls with Ajaz Patel
446666oofftthheeCCoommppaannieiessAAcctt22001166 -- EExxcceellleenntt uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg ooff ddiiggiittaall mmaarrkkeettiinngg ppaarrtt ooff tthhee ssuurrppluluss aasssseettss ooff tthhee 22002211 aatt 1111..0000 ffoorr tthhee before umpires ended play due to bad light.
CCoommppaannyy.. ffoollloowwiinnggppuurrppoosseess––
AAnndd ccoonncceeppttss aanndd bbeesstt pprraaccttiicceess KKOOHHBBOOOONNHHEEEE 11..TToorreecceeiivveetthheeLLiiqquuiiddaattoorr’’ss Ravindra Jadeja and Ravichandran Ashwin
InIntthheemmaattteerroofftthheeCCoommppaannieiess(W(Wininddiningg -- RReeqquuiirreedd SSkkiilll((ss))::GGoooogglleeAAddwwoorrddss,,GGoooogglleeAAnnaallyyttiiccss,, DDirireeccttoorr shared seven wickets between them to hurt
UUpp))RRuuleless11997722 3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 SSttaatteemmeenntt ooff AAccccoouunnttss New Zealand in their chase but the 22-year-
SSEEOO//SSEEMM,,SSoocciiaall mmeeddiiaa mmaarrkkeettiinngg aanndd ooppttiimmiizzaattiioonn AANNDDNNOOTTICICEEISISHHEERREEBBYYGGIVIVEENNtthhaatt aanndd ttoo hheeaarr aannyy old Ravindra, who went wicketless with his
AAnndd OOffffiiccee bbaasseedd iinn PPeettaalliinngg JJaayyaa tthhee CCrreeddititoorrss ooff tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd eexxppllaannaattiioonn tthhaatt mmaayy bbee left-arm spin, made the match his own.
InIntthheemmaattteerrooffPPTTSSPPrrooppeerrttieiessSSddnn..BBhhdd.. CCoommppaannyyaarreerreeqquuirireeddoonnoorrbbeeffoorree ggiivveenn bbyy tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr;;
(C(CoommppaannyyNNoo.:.:998855991122--UU)) Send in your application with your photo tthhee 3311sstt ddaayy ooff DDeecceemmbbeer,r, 22002211 aanndd The Kiwis slipped to 138-7 in the 79th over
to [email protected] ttoo sseenndd tthheeirir nnaammeess,, aaddddrreesssseess 22..TToo ddeetteerrmmiinnee ppuurrssuuaanntt when Ravindra brought back the fight, with
BBEETTWWEEEENN aanndd tthhee ppaarrtticicuulalarrss ooff tthheeirir ddeebbttss ttoo SSeeccttiioonn 551188((33))((bb)) ooff Jamieson for company.
11.. PPOONNGGAAHHSSININGG oorr cclalaimimss ttoo tthhee uunnddeerrssigignneedd,, tthhee tthhee CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 22001166
LLiqiquuididaattoorr ooff tthhee ssaaidid CCoommppaannyy aatt tthhee mmaannnneerr iinn wwhhiicchh The left-handed Latham and
(N(NRRICICNNoo..446600660077--0011--55220077)) NNoo.. 8811 ((22nndd FFlolooorr)),, JJaalalann MMaarrkkeett,, tthhee bbooookkss,, aaccccoouunnttss nightwatchman William Somerville denied
22.. CCHHAAIILLEEAANNFFAAHH 3300000000 IpIpoohh,, PPeerraakk aanndd ifif ssoo aanndd ddooccuummeennttss ooff tthhee India a wicket in the first session as the two
rreeqquuirireedd,,aarreettooccoommeeininaannddpprroovvee CCoommppaannyy aanndd ooff tthhee put on 76 runs for the second wicket.
(N(NRRICICNNoo..557700332266--0011--66227788)) tthheeirirddeebbttssaannddcclalaimimssaattssuucchhttimimee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr tthheerreeooff,, sshhaalll
33..TTAANNGGWWEEEEKKIAIATT aanndd pplalaccee aass sshhaalll bbee ssppeeccififieiedd inin bbeeddiissppoosseeddooff.. Somerville, who joined Latham after Will
ssuucchh NNootticicee oorr inin ddeeffaauultlt wwilill bbee QQuuaahhJJiinnCChheeww Young fell to Ashwin in the final session on
(N(NRRICICNNoo..770000440022--0011--55556611)) eexxccluluddeedd ffrroomm tthhee bbeenneeffitit ooff aannyy LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr Sunday, scored 36 off 110 balls but departed
44.. TTEEOOSSOOCCKKFFUUEENN ddisisttrribibuuttioionn mmaaddee bbeeffoorree ssuucchh 3344BBJJaallaannUUSSJJ1100//11BB,, soon after lunch off fast bowler Umesh Yadav.
ddeebbttssaarreepprroovveedd.. 4477662200SSuubbaannggJJaayyaa,,
(N(NRRICICNNoo..773300771133--0011--55114444)) CCHHAANNGGBBAANNSSEENNGG SSeellaannggoorr.. Latham, who made 95 in New Zealand’s
55.. CCHHOOHHCCHHEEEEKKOONNGG LLIIQQUUIIDDAATTOORR DDaattee2266NNoovveemmbbeerr,,22002211 first innings total of 296, moved from his
3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 overnight two to another half-century but fell
(N(NRRICICNNoo..665500220099--1100--77226699)) IInntthheemmaattteerrooff to Ashwin’s off spin.
CCOOMMPPAANNIIEESSAACCTT,,11996655 Jadeja struck at the stroke of tea to send
(N(NRRICICNNoo..555500113300--1100--55889955)) aanndd back Ross Taylor for two and got Williamson’s
77.. YYAAUUWWAAAAHHITIT AANNDD IInntthheemmaattteerrooff prized scalp for 24.
(N(NRRICICNNoo..449900771155--0044--55114444)) SSTTRREEEETTPPAARRKK((PPEERRLLIISS))SSDDNN.. ((CCoommppaannyyNNoo..119999660011001144332266 Debutant Shreyas Iyer stood out for India
88.. CCHHOONNGGEEIICCHHININ with his 105 and 65 in India’s 345 and 237-4
BBHHDD.. ((338866667766--MM))) declared. – AFP
(N(NRRICICNNoo..776600991100--0011--77660055)) ((119999880011001166441144((447722554433--XX)))) ((IInnMMeemmbbeerrss’’VVoolluunnttaarryy
LLiiqquuiiddaattiioonn)) AATTSSHHAAHHAALLAAMM
NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN tthhaatt ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttioionn 445599 ooff tthhee RReessttoorraann NNiisshhaaiinn DDAARRUULLEEHHSSAANN,,MMAALLAAYYSSIIAA
(N(NRRICICNNoo..770000443300--0011--55003322)) IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF AANNDD ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttiioonn 227722((22)) ooff CCoommppaannieiess AAcctt,, 22001166 tthhaatt aa FFininaall CCOOMMPPAANNIIEESS((WWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP))
JJVVCCCCRRYYSSTTAALLSSDDNN..BBHHDD.. FFiinnaall MMeeeettiinngg ooff MMeemmbbeerrss ooff aabboovveennaammeeddCCoommppaannyywwilillbbeehheeldld ((667700114499--XX)) PPEETTIITTIIOONNNNOO::
(N(NRRICICNNoo..771111112233--0011--55449900)) ((JJTTRR))SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. ((BBAANNGGSSAARR))SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. CCoommppaannyyNNoo::220011220011002244994488 tthheeCCoommppaannyywwiilllbbeehheellddaatttthhee aatt 2255--11 JJaalalann PPJJUU 11//4422AA,, BBlolocckk FF22 NNoottiiccee iiss hheerreebbyy BBAA--2288NNCCCC--330000--0066//22002211
1122..YYAANNTTEEKKMMEENNGG [[220000770011001199664499((777777666611--VV))]] [[220011000011003366885555((992200777788--XX))]] LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr’s’sOOfffiiccee,,NNoo..1155JJaallaann DDaattaarraann PPrrimimaa,, 4477330011 PPeettaalilningg ggiivveenn tthhaatt tthhee FFiinnaall InIn tthhee MMaattteerr ooff SSeeccttioionn 446655((11))((ee))
((11000099443388--TT)) AAnngg SSeenngg 33,, BBrriicckkffiieellddss,,5500447700 JJaayyaa,, SSeelalannggoorr oonn FFrrididaayy,, 3311sstt GGeenneerraall MMeeeettiinngg aanndd 446666((11))((aa)) ooff tthhee CCoommppaannieiess
(N(NRRICICNNoo..666600772211--0011--55339977)) ((IINNMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’ ((IINNMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’ ((IINNMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYY KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr oonn 3311sstt ddaayy ooff DDeecceemmbbeer,r, 22002211 aatt 1100..0000 ffoorr ooff tthhee MMeemmbbeerrss ooff AAcctt22001166
VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYYWWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP)) VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYYWWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP)) DDeecceemmbbeerr,, 22002211 aatt 99..0000 tthheeffoollolowwininggppuurrppoosseess::-- tthhee CCoommppaannyy wwiilll
(N(NRRICICNNoo..556611113300--0088--55888833)) NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN TTHHAATT aa NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN TTHHAATT aa AAtt aann EExxttrraaoorrddininaarryy GGeenneerraall MMeeeettiningg 11..TToo hhaavvee aann aaccccoouunntt lalaidid bbeeffoorree ooff tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr,, InIn tthhee MMaattteerr ooff CCSSSS SSPPAARREE
GGeenneerraall MMeeeettiningg ooff tthhee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff GGeenneerraallMMeeeettininggoofftthheemmeemmbbeerrssooffHHAAPP oofftthheemmeemmbbeerrssooffJJVVCCCCRRYYSSTTAALLSSDDNN.. AAGGEENNDDAA tthheemm sshhoowwiningg tthhee mmaannnneerr inin NNoo.. 66,, BBaasseemmeenntt PPAARRTTSS SSDDNN.. BBHHDD.. [[CCoommppaannyy NNoo::
1144..JJAANNEETTTTEEHHAAIISSUUAANN HHAAPPSSEENNGGLLAANNDDDDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT((JJTTRR)) SSEENNGG LLAANNDD DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT (B(BAANNGGSSAARR)) BBHHDD.. hheeldld oonn 2299 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22002211,, tthhee 11..TToo rreecceeiivvee tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr’s’s wwhhicichh tthhee wwininddiningg uupp hhaass bbeeeenn FFlloooorr,,BBaanngguunnaann 220000000011003300112244((553322773311--UU))]]
(N(NRRICICNNoo..664400442288--1100--77001166)) SSDDNN..BBHHDD..dduulylyccoonnvveenneeddaannddhheeldldaatt SSDDNN.. BBHHDD.. dduulyly ccoonnvveenneedd aanndd hheeldld aatt ffoollolowwiningg SSppeecciaiall RReessooluluttioionnss wweerree ccoonndduucctteedd aanndd tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy ooff YYeeee SSeenngg,, 1155,, JJaallaann
2211sstt FFlolooor,r,MMeennaarraaHHaapp SSeenngg,,JJaalalann PP.. 2211sstt FFlolooor,r, MMeennaarraa HHaapp SSeenngg,, JJaalalann dduulylyppaasssseedd:-:- aaccccoouunnttsshhoowwiinnggtthheemmaannnneerr tthheeCCoommppaannyyddisisppoosseeddooffaannddooff RRaajjaa CChhuullaann,, 5500220000 BBEETTWWEEEENN
1155..CCHHUUAAAAHHAABBEENNGG RRaammleleee,, 5500225500 KKuuaalala LLuummppuur,r, WW.. PP.. PP.. RRaammleleee,, 5500225500 KKuuaalala LLuummppuur,r,WW.. PP.. 11..““TTHHAATT tthhee CCoommppaannyy wwilill bbee iinn wwhhiicchh tthhee wwiinnddiinngg uupp hhaass hheeaarrininggaannyyeexxpplalannaattioionntthhaattmmaayy KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr oonn LLEEEEKKOOKKYYOONNGG
(N(NRRICICNNoo..774400882200--0011--66663355)) KKuuaalalaLLuummppuurroonn3300tthhNNoovveemmbbeer,r,22002211 KKuuaalalaLLuummppuurroonn3300tthhNNoovveemmbbeer,r,22002211,, bbeeeenn ccoonndduucctteedd aanndd ttoo hheeaarr bbeeggiviveennbbyytthheeLLiqiquuididaattoorr;; TThhuurrssddaayy,,3300tthh ((NNRRICICNNoo..::773300991155--1100--55660077))
,,tthhee ffoollolowwiningg SSppeecciaiall RReessooluluttioionn sseett tthheeffoollolowwininggSSppeecciaiallRReessooluluttioionnsseettoouutt lilqiquuididaatteedd bbyy wwaayy ooff mmeemmbbeerrss’’ eexxppllaannaattiioonnss tthhaatt mmaayy bbee 22..TToo ddeetteerrmmininee tthhee mmaannnneerr inin DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 aatt ((TTrraaddiningginintthheennaammeeooff
1166..SSUUMMWWAAIIFFOONNGG oouuttbbeelolowwwwaassdduulylyppaasssseedd::-- bbeelolowwwwaassdduulylyppaasssseedd:-:- vvoolulunnttaarryy wwininddiningg uupp ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo ggiivveennbbyytthheelliiqquuiiddaattoorr.. wwhhicichh tthhee bbooookkss,, aaccccoouunnttss aanndd 1100..0000 ffoorr tthhee YYNNSSPPOOWWEERREENNTTEERRPPRRISISEE
(N(NRRICICNNoo..665511222288--1100--66445500)) MMEEMMBBEERRSS’’VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYYWWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP MMEEMMBBEERRSS’’VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYYWWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP SSeeccttioionn443399((11))((bb))oofftthheeCCoommppaannieiess 22..TToo rreessoollvvee tthhaatt uunnddeerr ddooccuummeennttss ooff tthhee CCoommppaannyy aanndd ppuurrppoossee ooff rreecceeiivviinngg ((CCoommppaannyyNNoo..::000022229900669911--HH)))
““TTHHAATT tthhee CCoommppaannyy bbee wwoouunndd uupp ““TTHHAATT tthhee CCoommppaannyy bbee wwoouunndd uupp AAcctt,,22001166.”.” SSeeccttiioonn 228844((33))((bb)) ooff tthhee oofftthheeLLiqiquuididaattoorrtthheerreeooffsshhaalllbbee tthhee aaccccoouunnttss
1177..TTAANNSSIEIEWWHHUUEEYY vvoolulunnttaarriliyly ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttioionn 443399((11)) vvoolulunnttaarriliyly ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttioionn 443399(1(1)) 22..““TTHHAATT MMRR KKAAMM CCHHAAII HHOONNGG ooff CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 11996655,, ddisisppoosseeddooff.. aanndd rreeppoorrtt ooff tthhee ……PPEETTITITIOIONNEERR
(N(NRRICICNNoo..663300881111--0011--66004466)) ooff tthhee CCoommppaannieiessAAcctt,,22001166 aanndd tthhaatt ooff tthhee CCoommppaannieiess AAcctt,, 22001166 aanndd tthhaatt CC.H.H.. KKaamm CCoonnssuultltaannccyy ((22000055)) SSddnn.. tthhee bbooookkss,, aaccccoouunnttss aanndd GGOONNGGWWOOOOIIKKWWOONNGG LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr iinn rreellaattiioonn AANNDD
……PPEETTITITIOIONNEERRSS MMr.r.YYAAPPKKAAIIWWEENNGGooffNNoo..99,,JJaalalannInInddaahh MMr.r.YYAAPPKKAAIIWWEENNGGooffNNoo..99,,JJaalalannInInddaahh BBhhdd.,., 5555--AA,, JJaalalann PPeerraanngg,, TTaammaann ddooccuummeennttss ooff tthhee CCoommppaannyy LLiqiquuididaattoorr ttoo tthhee wwiinnddiinngg uupp ooff CCSSSS SSPPAARREE PPAARRTTSS SSDDNN.. BBHHDD..
AANNDD 1166,,TTaammaannCChheerraassInInddaahh,,5566110000KKuuaalala 1166,,TTaammaann CChheerraass InInddaahh,, 5566110000 KKuuaalala PPeelalannggi,i, 8800440000 JJoohhoorr BBaahhrruu,, JJoohhoorr aanndd ooff tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr DDaatteeddtthhisis3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 tthhee CCoommppaannyy.. [[CCOOMMPPAANNYY NNOO :: 220000000011003300112244
LLuummppuur,r, WW.. PP.. KKuuaalala LLuummppuurr bbee aanndd LLuummppuur,r, WW.. PP.. KKuuaalala LLuummppuurr bbee aanndd bbee aappppooinintteedd aass LLiqiquuididaattoorr ttoo aacctt tthheerreeooff bbee ddeessttrrooyyeedd aafftteerr NNootteess:: GG..AArruummuuggaamm ((553322773311--UU))]]
PPTTSSPPRROOPPEERRTTIEIESSSSDDNN..BBHHDD.. isis hheerreebbyy aappppooinintteedd aass lilqiquuididaattoorr ooff isis hheerreebbyy aappppooinintteedd aass lilqiquuididaattoorr ooff ffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoossee ooff wwininddiningg uupp tthhee tthhee eexxppiirraattiioonn ooff tthhrreeee ((33)) 11..AAmmeemmbbeerreennttititleleddttooaattteennddaanndd ((LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr))
(N(Noo..SSyyaarrikikaatt::998855991122--UU)) tthhee CCoommppaannyy ffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoossee ooff ssuucchh tthhee CCoommppaannyy ffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoossee ooff ssuucchh ccoommppaannyy’s’s aafffaairirss aanndd ddisisttrribibuuttiningg mmoonntthhss ffrroomm tthhee ddaattee ooff tthhee vvoottee aatt tthhisis mmeeeettiningg isis eennttititleledd 3300tthh NNoovveemmbbeerr ……RREESSPPOONNDDEENNTT
wwininddiningguupp.”.” wwininddiningguupp.”.” ititssaasssseettss.”.” ffiinnaallmmeeeettiinngg.. ttooaappppooininttaapprrooxxyyttooaattteennddaanndd AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTTOOFFPPEETTIITTIIOONN
……RREESSPPOONNDDEENNTT DDaatteeddtthhisis:: 3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 DDaatteeddtthhisis:: 3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 ““TTHHAATT tthhee LLiqiquuididaattoorr bbee ininddeemmnnififieiedd DDaatteeddtthhiiss vvootteeoonnhhisisbbeehhaalflf.. 22002211 NNootticicee isis hheerreebbyy ggiviveenn tthhaatt aa
AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTTOOFFPPEETTIITTIIOONN DDAATTUUKKEEDDWWAARRDDLLEEEEMMIINNGGFFOOOO DDAATTUUKKEEDDWWAARRDDLLEEEEMMIINNGGFFOOOO bbyy tthhee CCoommppaannyy aaggaaininsstt aalll ccoossttss,, 3300tthhddaayyooffNNoovveemmbbeerr,,22002211 22..TThhee ininssttrruummeenntt aappppooininttiningg aa ppeettititioionn ffoorr tthhee WWininddiningg--UUpp ooff tthhee
NNOOTTIICCEE isis hheerreebbyy ggiviveenn tthhaatt aa PPeettititioionn DDirireeccttoorr DDirireeccttoorr cchhaarrggeess,, lolosssseess,, eexxppeennsseess aanndd KKOOHHMMEEIILLIINNGG pprrooxxyy sshhoouuldld bbee ddeeppoossititeedd aatt aabboovvee--nnaammeedd ccoommppaannyy bbyy tthhee
ffoorr tthheeWWininddiningg--UUpp ooff tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd lilaiabbiliiltitieiessininccuurrreeddoorrssuussttaainineeddbbyyhhimim LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr 2255--11 JJaalalann PPJJUU 11//4422AA,,BBlolocckk FF22 HHigighhCCoouurrttwwaass,,oonntthhee2211ssttddaayyooff
CCoommppaannyy bbyy tthhee HHigighh CCoouurrtt wwaass oonn IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF inin tthhee eexxeeccuuttioionn aanndd ddisiscchhaarrggee ooff hhisis DDaattaarraann PPrrimimaa,, 4477330011 PPeettaalilningg JJuunnee 22002211 pprreesseenntteedd bbyy LLEEEE KKOOKK TTHHEECCOOMMPPAANNIIEESSAACCTT,,22001166 TTHHEECCOOMMPPAANNIIEESSAACCTT,,22001166 dduuttieiessininrreelalattioionntthheerreettoo.”.” DDAALLAAMMPPEERRKKAARRAAAAKKTTAA JJaayyaa,,SSeelalannggoorr nnoott lelessss tthhaann 4488 YYOONNGGaannddtthhaatttthheessaaididPPeettititioionnisis
PPeettititioionneerrssAANNDDtthhaatttthheessaaididPPeettititioionnisis LLEEEEMMEENNGGCCHHAANNGG SSYYAARRIIKKAATT22001166 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree tthhee ttimimee ffixixeedd ffoorr ddirireecctteedd ttoo bbee hheeaarrdd bbeeffoorree tthhee
ddirireecctteedd ttoo bbee hheeaarrdd bbeeffoorree tthhee CCoouurrtt AANNDD AANNDD CChhaairirmmaann DDAANN tthheemmeeeettiningg.. CCoouurrttssitittininggaattSShhaahhAAlalammaatt99..0000
ssitittiningg aatt MMaalalaccccaa oonn 1188. aatt 99.0.000 IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF DDaatteedd::3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 DDAALLAAMMPPEERRKKAARRAA oo’’cclolocckkinintthheeffoorreennoooonnoonnddaayytthhee
oorr CCoonnttrribibuuttoorryy ooff tthhee ssaaidid CCoommppaannyy ((BBAANNGGSSAARR))SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF SSYYAARRIIKKAATT22001166 ccrreeddititoorroorrccoonnttrribibuuttoorryyoofftthheessaaidid
ddeessiririninggttoossuuppppoorrttoorrooppppoosseetthheemmaakkiningg ((JJTTRR))SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. [[220011000011003366885555((992200777788--XX))]] TTHHEECCOOMMPPAANNIIEESSAACCTT,,22001166 DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT((BBAANNGGSSAARR)) DDAANN CCoommppaannyy ddeessiririningg ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt oorr
ooff aann OOrrddeerr oonn tthhee ssaaidid PPeettititioionn mmaayy [[220000770011001199664499((777777666611--VV))]] SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. DDAALLAAMMPPEERRKKAARRAA ooppppoosseetthheemmaakkininggooffaannoorrddeerroonn
aappppeeaarraatttthheettimimeeooffhheeaarrininggbbyyhhimimsseelflf ((IINNMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’ AANNDD HHAAPPSSEENNGGLLAANNDD tthheessaaididPPeettititioionnmmaayyaappppeeaarraatttthhee
oorr hhisis CCoouunnsseell ffoorr tthhaatt ppuurrppoossee aanndd aa ((IINNMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’ VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYYWWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP)) IINNTTHHEEMMAATTTTEERROOFF [[220011000011003366885555((992200777788--XX))]] ttimimeeooffhheeaarrininggbbyyititoorrititssCCoouunnsseell
ccooppyyoofftthheePPeettititioionnwwilillbbeeffuurrnnisishheeddttoo VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYYWWIINNDDIINNGGUUPP)) JJVVCCCCRRYYSSTTAALLSSDDNN..BBHHDD.. ((DDaallaammPPeenngggguulluunnggaann DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT((JJTTRR)) ffoorr tthhaatt ppuurrppoossee;; aanndd aa ccooppyy ooff
aannyy CCrreeddititoorr oorr CCoonnttrribibuuttoorryy ooff tthhee ssaaidid NNOOTTIICCEEOOFFCCRREEDDIITTOORRSS CCoommppaannyyNNoo::220011220011002244994488 SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. tthhee PPeettititioionn wwilill bbee ffuurrnnisishheedd ttoo
CCoommppaannyy rreeqquuiririningg tthhee ssaammee bbyy tthhee NNOOTTIICCEEOOFFCCRREEDDIITTOORRSS NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN TTHHAATT SSyyaarriikkaattSSeeccaarraaSSuukkaarreellaa aannyyccrreeddititoorroorrccoonnttrribibuuttoorryyoofftthhee
uunnddeerrssigignneeddoonnppaayymmeennttoofftthheerreegguulalatteedd tthhee ccrreeddititoorrss ooff HHAAPP SSEENNGG LLAANNDD ((11000099443388--TT)) OOlleehhAAhhllii)) [[220000770011001199664499 ssaaididCCoommppaannyyrreeqquuiririninggtthheessaammee
cchhaarrggeeffoorrtthheessaammee.. NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN TTHHAATT DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT (B(BAANNGGSSAARR)) SSDDNN.. BBHHDD.. ((IINNMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYY ((777777666611--VV))]] bbyytthheeuunnddeerrssigignneeddoonnppaayymmeennttooff
TThhee PPeettititioionneerr’s’s aaddddrreessss isis aatt DDHH 3399,, tthhee ccrreeddititoorrss ooff HHAAPP SSEENNGG LLAANNDD wwhhicichh isis bbeeiningg vvoolulunnttaarriliyly wwoouunndd uupp,, NNOOTTIISSRREESSOOLLUUSSII tthheerreegguulalatteeddcchhaarrggeeffoorrtthheessaammee..
LLoorroonngg77,,8811550000PPeekkaannNNeennaass,,JJoohhoor.r. DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT ((JJTTRR)) SSDDNN.. BBHHDD.. aarreerreeqquueesstteeddttoo,,oonnoorrbbeeffoorreetthhee3300tthh LLIIQQUUIIDDAATTIIOONN)) NNOOTTIISS DDEENNGGAANN IINNII DDIIBBEERRII ((DDaallaammPPeenngggguulluunnggaann TThhee PPeettititioionneerrss’’ aaddddrreessss isis
TThhee PPeettititioionneerr’s’s SSoolilcicititoorrss aarree MMeessssrrss.. wwhhicichh isis bbeeiningg vvoolulunnttaarriliyly wwoouunndd uupp,, ddaayyooffDDeecceemmbbeer,r,22002211ttoosseennddinintthheeirir NNOOTTICICEE ISIS HHEERREEBBYY GGIVIVEENN TTHHAATT tthhee bbaahhaawwaa ddaallaamm MMeessyyuuaarraatt SSyyaarriikkaattSSeeccaarraaSSuukkaarreellaa aatt MMeessssrrss NNgg KKeeee WWaayy && CCoo,,
YYaappSSieiewwYYeeee&&CCooooffSSuuititee11222222,,TTininggkkaatt aarree rreeqquueesstteedd ttoo,, oonn oorr bbeeffoorree tthhee nnaammeess aanndd aaddddrreesssseess wwitithh ppaarrtticicuulalarrss CCrreeddititoorrssoofftthheeaabboovveennaammeeddCCoommppaannyy PPeemmeeggaanngg--ppeemmeeggaanngg SSaahhaamm AAddvvooccaatteess && SSoolilcicititoorrss,, 2299--22,,
1122,, BBlolokk AA (L(Loobbii 55),), DDaammaannssaarraa InInttaann 3300 DDeecceemmbbeer,r, 22002211 ttoo sseenndd inin tthheeirir ooff tthheeirir ddeebbttss aanndd cclalaimimss aanndd ooff aannyy wwhhicichh isis bbeeiningg vvoolulunnttaarriliyly wwoouunndd uupp,, ssyyaarriikkaatt HHAAPP SSEENNGG LLAANNDD OOlleehhAAhhllii)) JJaalalann PPuutteerrii 55//77,, BBaannddaarr PPuutteerri,i,
BBuussinineessss CCeennttrree,, NNoo.1.1,, JJaalalann SSSS2200//2277,, nnaammeessaannddaaddddrreesssseesswwitithhppaarrtticicuulalarrss sseeccuurritityy hheeldld bbyy tthheemm,,aanndd tthhee nnaammeess aarreerreeqquuirireeddoonnoorrbbeeffoorree3311DDeecceemmbbeerr DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT ((BBAANNGGSSAARR)) NNOOTTIISSRREESSOOLLUUSSII 4477110000PPuucchhoonngg,,SSeelalannggoor.r.
4477440000PPeettaalilninggJJaayyaa,,SSeelalannggoor.r. ooff tthheeirir ddeebbttss aanndd cclalaimimss aanndd ooff aannyy aanndd aaddddrreesssseess ooff tthheeirir ssoolilcicititoorr (i(fif aannyy)) 22002211 ttoo sseenndd inin tthheeirir nnaammeess aanndd SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. yyaannggtteellaahhddiiaaddaakkaann NNOOTTIISS DDEENNGGAANN IINNII DDIIBBEERRII NNoottee--AAnnyy ppeerrssoonn wwhhoo inintteennddss ttoo
sseeccuurritityyhheeldldbbyytthheemm,,aannddtthheennaammeess ttoo YYAAPP KKAAII WWEENNGG,, tthhee LLiqiquuididaattoorr aatt aaddddrreesssseess wwitithh ppaarrtticicuulalarrss ooff tthheeirir ddii2211ssttFFlloooorr,,MMeennaarraaHHaappSSeenngg,, bbaahhaawwaa ddaallaamm MMeessyyuuaarraatt aappppeeaarr oonn tthhee hheeaarriningg ooff tthhee ssaaidid
YYSSYY aannddaaddddrreesssseessoofftthheeirirssoolilcicititoorr((ififaannyy)) NNoo.. 99,, JJaalalann InInddaahh 1166,, TTaammaann CChheerraass ddeebbttss aanndd cclalaimimss aanndd tthhee nnaammeess aanndd JJaallaann PP.. RRaammlleeee,, 5500225500 KKuuaallaa PPeemmeeggaanngg--ppeemmeeggaanngg SSaahhaamm PPeettititioionnmmuussttsseerrvveeoonnoorrsseennddbbyy
------------------------------------------ ttoo YYAAPP KKAAII WWEENNGG,, tthhee LLiqiquuididaattoorr aatt InInddaahh,, 5566110000 KKuuaalala LLuummppuur,r,WW.P.P.. KKuuaalala aaddddrreesssseessoofftthheeirirssoolilcicititoorrss((ififaannyy))ttoo LLuummppuurr,, WW.. PP.. KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr ssyyaarriikkaatt HHAAPP SSEENNGG LLAANNDD ppoosstt ttoo tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd MMeessssrrss
MMeessssrrss..YYaappSSieiewwYYeeee&&CCoo NNoo.. 99,,JJaalalann InInddaahh 1166,,TTaammaann CChheerraass LLuummppuurraannddififssoorreeqquuirireeddbbyytthheennootticicee tthhee uunnddeerrssigignneedd LLiqiquuididaattoorr aanndd,,ifif ssoo ppaaddaa 3300hhbb.. NNoovveemmbbeerr,, 22002211,, DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT ((JJTTRR)) SSDDNN.. NNggKKeeeeWWaayy&&CCoo,,nnootticiceeininwwrrititiningg
NNoottee::AAnnyyppeerrssoonnwwhhooinintteennddssttooaappppeeaarr InInddaahh,,5566110000KKuuaalalaLLuummppuurr,,WW.P.P..KKuuaalala inin wwrrititiningg ttoo tthhee ssaaidid LLiqiquuididaattoor,r,oorr bbyy rreeqquuirireeddbbyynnootticiceeininwwrrititininggffrroommtthhee RReessoolluussii KKhhaass sseeppeerrttii bbeerriikkuutt BBHHDD.. yyaanngg tteellaahh ddiiaaddaakkaann ddii ooffhhisisinintteennttioionnttooddoossoo..TThheennootticicee
oonn tthhee hheeaarriningg ooff tthhee ssaaidid PPeettititioionn LLuummppuurraannddififssoorreeqquuirireeddbbyytthheennootticicee tthheeirirssoolilcicititoorroorrppeerrssoonnaallylyttooccoommeeaanndd ssaaididLLiqiquuididaattoor,r,oorrbbyytthheeirirssoolilcicititoorrssoorr tteellaahhddiilluulluusskkaann::-- 2211sstt FFlloooorr,, MMeennaarraa HHaapp SSeenngg,, mmuussttssttaatteetthheennaammeeaannddaaddddrreessss
mmuusstt sseerrvvee oonn oorr sseenndd bbyy ppoosstt ttoo tthhee ininwwrrititininggttootthheessaaididLLiqiquuididaattoor,r,oorrbbyy pprroovveetthheeirirddeebbttssoorrcclalaimimssaattssuucchhttimimee ppeerrssoonnaallyly ttoo ccoommee inin aanndd pprroovvee tthhee PPEENNGGGGUULLUUNNGGAANN SSYYAARRIIKKAATT JJaallaann PP.. RRaammlleeee,, 5500225500 KKuuaallaa ooff tthhee ppeerrssoonn,, oorr ifif aa ffirirmm,, tthhee
aabboovveennaammeedd MMeessssrrss.. YYaapp SSieieww YYeeee && tthheeirir ssoolilcicititoorr oorr ppeerrssoonnaallyly ttoo ccoommee aannddpplalacceeaasssshhaalllbbeessppeeccififieieddininssuucchh ssaaidid ddeebbttss aanndd cclalaimimss aatt ssuucchh ttimimee SSEECCAARRAA SSUUKKAARREELLAA OOLLEEHH LLuummppuurr,, WW.. PP.. KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr nnaammeeaannddaaddddrreessssoofftthheeffirirmmaanndd
CCoo,,nnootticicee inin wwrrititiningg ooff hhisis inintteennttioionn ttoo aannddpprroovveetthheeirirddeebbttssoorrcclalaimimssaattssuucchh nnootticicee oorr inin ddeeffaauultlt tthheerreeooff tthheeyy wwilill aannddpplalacceeaasssshhaalllbbeessppeeccififieieddininssuucchh AAHHLLII ppaaddaa 3300hhbb.. NNoovveemmbbeerr,, 22002211,, mmuusstt bbee ssigignneedd bbyy tthhee ppeerrssoonn oorr
ddoo ssoo.. TThhee NNootticicee mmuusstt ssttaattee tthhee nnaammee ttimimeeaannddpplalacceeaasssshhaalllbbeessppeeccififieieddinin bbee eexxccluluddeedd ffrroomm tthhee bbeenneeffititss ooff aannyy nnootticicee,,oorr inin ddeeffaauultlt tthheerreeoof,f,tthheeyy wwilill ““BBAAHHAAWWAA SSyyaarriikkaatt iinnii RReessoolluussii KKhhaass sseeppeerrttii bbeerriikkuutt ffirirmmooffhhisisoorrtthheeirirssoolilcicititoorr((ififaannyy))
aanndd aaddddrreessss ooff tthhee ppeerrssoonn oor,r, ifif aa ffirirmm,, ssuucchh nnootticicee oorr inin ddeeffaauultlt tthheerreeooff tthheeyy ddisisttrribibuuttioionnmmaaddee.. bbee eexxccluluddeedd ffrroomm tthhee bbeenneeffitit ooff aannyy ddiigguulluunnggkkaann sseeccaarraa ssuukkaarreellaa tteellaahhddiilluulluusskkaann::-- aanndd mmuusstt bbee sseerrvveedd oorr ifif ppoosstteedd,,
tthhee nnaammee aanndd aaddddrreessssooff tthhee ffirirmm,,aanndd wwilill bbee eexxccluluddeedd ffrroomm tthhee bbeenneeffititss ooff DDaatteeddtthhisis::3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 ddisisttrribibuuttioionn mmaaddee bbeeffoorree ssuucchh ddeebbttss mmeennuurruutt SSeekkssyyeenn 443399((11)) AAkkttaa PPEENNGGGGUULLUUNNGGAANN SSYYAARRIIKKAATT mmuussttbbeesseennttbbyyppoossttininssuuffficicieienntt
mmuussttbbeessigignneeddbbyytthheeppeerrssoonnoorrffirirmmoorr aannyyddisisttrribibuuttioionnmmaaddee.. YYAAPPKKAAIIWWEENNGG aannddcclalaimimssaarreepprroovveedd.. SSyyaarriikkaatt 22001166 ddaann EEnn.. YYAAPP SSEECCAARRAA SSUUKKAARREELLAA OOLLEEHH ttimimee ttoo rreeaacchh tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd,,
hhisis oorr tthheeirir ssoolilcicititoorrss (i(fif aannyy)) aanndd mmuusstt DDaatteeddtthhisis::3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 LLiqiquuididaattoorr LLiqiquuididaattoorr KKAAII WWEENNGG yyaanngg bbeerraallaammaatt ddii AAHHLLII nnoott lalatteerr tthhaann 1122..0000 nnoooonn ooff 2244tthh
bbee sseerrvveedd,, oorr ifif ppoosstteedd,, mmuusstt bbee sseenntt YYAAPPKKAAIIWWEENNGG KKaammCChhaaiiHHoonngg NNoo.. 99,, JJaallaann IInnddaahh 1166,, TTaammaann ““BBAAHHAAWWAA SSyyaarriikkaatt iinnii ddaayyooffJJaannuuaarryy22002222..
bbyy ppoosstt inin ssuuffficicieienntt ttimimee ttoo rreeaacchh tthhee LLiqiquuididaattoorr 5555--AA,,JJaalalannPPeerraanngg,, CChheerraass IInnddaahh,, 5566110000 KKuuaallaa ddiigguulluunnggkkaann sseeccaarraa ssuukkaarreellaa ((RREEFF :: NNKKWW//22002211//CCIVIVILIL//996600//CCSSPP//
aabboovveennaammeeddnnoottlalatteerrtthheenn1122.0.000oo’c’clolocckk TTaammaannPPeelalannggi,i, LLuummppuurr,, WW..PP.. KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr mmeennuurruutt SSeekkssyyeenn 443399((11)) AAkkttaa NNKKWW))
nnoooonnooff1177. 8800440000JJoohhoorrBBaahhrruu.. ddiillaannttiikk sseebbaaggaaii PPeelliikkuuiiddaassii SSyyaarriikkaatt 22001166 ddaann EEnn.. YYAAPP
TThhisis AAddvveerrttisiseemmeenntt ooff PPeettititioionn isis DDaatteeddtthhisis3300tthhddaayyooffNNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 uunnttuukk ttuujjuuaann ppeenngggguulluunnggaann KKAAII WWEENNGG yyaanngg bbeerraallaammaatt ddii
isisssuueedd bbyy MMeessssrrss.. YYaapp SSieieww YYeeee && tteerrsseebbuutt.”.” NNoo.. 99,, JJaallaann IInnddaahh 1166,, TTaammaann
CCoo,, ssoolilcicititoorrss ffoorr tthhee PPeettititioionneerr wwhhoossee TTaarriikkhh::3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211 CChheerraass IInnddaahh,, 5566110000 KKuuaallaa
aaddddrreessssisisaattSSuuititee11222222,,TTininggkkaatt1122,,BBlolokk DDAATTUUKK EEDDWWAARRDD LLEEEE MMIINNGG LLuummppuurr,, WW..PP.. KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr
AA (L(Loobbii 55),), DDaammaannssaarraa InInttaann BBuussinineessss FFOOOO ddiillaannttiikk sseebbaaggaaii PPeelliikkuuiiddaassii
CCeennttrree,, NNoo.1.1,, JJaalalann SSSS2200//2277,, 4477440000 PPeennggaarraahh uunnttuukk ttuujjuuaann ppeenngggguulluunnggaann
PPeettaalilninggJJaayyaa,,SSeelalannggoor.r. tteerrsseebbuutt.”.”
NNooTTeel:l:(0(033))7777332299660011 TTaarriikkhh::3300NNoovveemmbbeerr22002211
FFilielerreeff::2211.1.100.L.L11009966.Y.Y(Y(YYYJJ)) FFOOOO
14 theSUN ON TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2021
NAPOLI put on a dazzling display to mark the Serie A leaders Napoli make Maradona proud
first anniversary of Diego Maradona’s death when
they stormed to a 4-0 win over Lazio yesterday to the gas in the second half but Lazio did not comes after a couple of performances that were enough to earn AS Roma a 1-0 win over Torino
move three points clear at the top of Serie A. register a single shot on or off target in response. not up to our standards, so it means something that sent Jose Mourinho’s men above their city
Fabian Ruiz put the icing on the cake with a that we beat a big club like Lazio this way,” coach rivals Lazio into fifth.
Club great Maradona died on Nov. 25 last year pinpoint fourth goal late on. Luciano Spalletti told DAZN.
and to mark the anniversary, Napoli unveiled a “It was a plan to sit a bit deeper. Their
statue inside the Diego Armando Maradona The result moved Napoli three points clear at “Mertens brings that quality to the finishing centrebacks spread out and it’s not easy to press
Stadium pre-match and wore shirts with the the top of the standings after second-placed AC but it would be reductive just to praise him. The them with two strikers, so we had to show
Argentine’s face on them for the Lazio clash. Milan slipped to a surprise defeat at home to whole team was wonderful, it had been a long patience,” Mourinho told DAZN.
Sassuolo on Sunday, while Lazio dropped to time since we had this possession football with
The performance was befitting of the man, eighth following their second successive league short, quick passes.” “I like winning in this way, this victory I enjoy
too, with the home side blowing away Lazio with loss. more than a 5-0, because it means you had to
a stunning show of attacking football, racing into Elsewhere in Serie A on Sunday, a first half make the effort, suffer as a team.” –
a 3-0 lead inside 29 minutes thanks to goals from “It is our best performance, especially as it goal from English striker Tammy Abraham was Reuters/Agencies
Piotr Zielinski and a double from Dries Mertens.
‘Extraordinary’ Junior
With the job done, Napoli took their foot off
Messi sets up PSG
comeback win
PARIS SAINT-GERMAIN overturned an early Vinicius stunner seals late Real victory over Sevilla
deficit to beat 10-man Saint-Etienne 3-1 away in VINICIUS
Ligue 1 yesterday, with Lionel Messi setting up all JUNIOR being efficient. When the chance three players, but when he gets “Maybe a draw would have
three goals. scored a scintillating comes, you have to take it.” the slightest chance, he has to been a fairer result but I don’t
87th-minute winner as make the difference.” think we deserved to lose,” said
The match also featured the long-awaited PSG Real Madrid came from With nine goals in 14 league Ancelotti.
debut of Spanish defender Sergio Ramos, while behind to defeat Sevilla 2-1 and games, Vinicius has already His goal, a stunning strike into
Neymar left the pitch sobbing in agony, move four points clear at the top tripled his tally from both of the the top corner after a surging run Real Madrid are next in action
stretchered off with an ankle injury. of La Liga yesterday. last two entire La Liga seasons, in off the left, ensured Sevilla took on Thursday (4am Malaysian
The 21-year-old Vinicius has becoming a fixture time), hosting Athletic Bilbao in a
Still in November, the result leaves PSG on 40 been a revelation this season and alongside Karim nothing from a game they had game rescheduled from
points, 12 clear of second-placed Rennes, who proved the difference again at the Benzema in dominated for most of the matchday 9, before travelling to
beat Lorient 2-0 for their sixth win in seven Santiago Bernabeu, where he attack. first half. third-placed Real Sociedad at the
matches. went off to a standing ovation Rafa Mir headed weekend.
after securing Madrid their sixth “Vini them in front early on
“I’m happy with the performance of the whole consecutive victory. knows that but the game turned Real Sociedad lost ground
team and the effort from all the players, especially “He’s extraordinary,” said games are on an error from after slipping to a surprise 1-0
Lionel Messi who helped us win the match,” said Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti. going to goalkeeper Bono, defeat by Espanyol before Atletico
PSG coach Mauricio Pochettino. “He’s a player with something be more who gifted Karim Madrid bounced back from their
special in his feet. difficult for Benzema his 19th Champions League loss to AC
Saint-Etienne took a surprise lead when Denis “I knew about his individual him now,” goal of the Milan in midweek with a
Bouanga beat the offside trap to fire a shot past qualities, his dribbling, teammate season. thumping 4-1 win away at Cadiz.
Gianluigi Donnarumma on 23 minutes. A flag in one against ones, his Casemiro said. Victory sends
went up but a VAR review awarded the goal. speed, in all that he’s “People have Madrid four Thomas Lemar, Antoine
very strong,” said realised that points clear of Griezmann, Angel Correa and
The hosts, languishing in the bottom two but Ancelotti. “But what he’s a top Real Sociedad, Matheus Cunha were all on target
on the back of two straight league wins, held their surprises everyone player. who they face at as Atletico turned around a poor
own against PSG, who appeared more affected by now is that ability to Anoeta next first-half performance to score
the freezing cold and gusting snow. score goals, which “We know weekend, while four goals after the break.
he didn’t have he’ll be man- Sevilla stay fourth,
All that changed with a red card. before. now five points off “We needed a win like this to
There was no VAR to save the hosts on the marked, the top. build up momentum, to boost
stroke of halftime when back-tracking defender sometimes by our confidence,” Lemar told
Timothee Kolodziejczak was sent off for a flailing two or reporters.
challenge on Kylian Mbappe.
PSG then levelled when Marquinhos scored “It’s another “We know we have a great
with a towering header as Messi floated in the step he takes to team and we wanted to
subsequent freekick, sending in the sides level, be one of the
but with the hosts hanging their heads. best in the show the fans what we
“At best that was too harsh,” said Saint-Etienne are capable of.” –
coach Claude Puel. “It changed the match, we AFP/Agencies
were leading and doing well.” – AFP
world… The
Russia knock Spain important
out of Davis Cup thing is he
focused on
RUSSIA knocked reigning champion Spain SHORTS The late Sir Real
out of the Davis Cup yesterday to set up a ‘His legacy will live forever’ Frank Williams. Madrid’s
quarterfinal against Sweden. something truly special. Vinicius Junior
LEWIS HAMILTON has posted an emotional “Until his last days I know he remained a celebrates after
The Russians’ tie against the depleted tribute to Sir Frank Williams following his racer and a fighter at heart. I have utmost scoring a goal during
Spanish team came down to a late-night death. respect and love for this man, and his legacy yesterday’s La Liga match
doubles encounter in Madrid. will live on forever. against Sevilla. – REUTERSPIX
Williams, the founder and former team “You will be missed Frank, but I will see you
Aslan Karatsev and world No. 5 Andrey principal of Williams Racing, died at the age of on the other side.”
Rublev won 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 against Marcel 79 on Sunday.
Granollers and Feliciano Lopez to win Group Last-gasp victory for Chan
A and deprive the Spanish team of the Tributes have poured in from the world of
chance to play in front of a home crowd in F1 following the news of Williams’ passing. TAIWAN’S Chan Shih-chang sealed a gripping
Madrid on Thursday. last-hole victory in the Blue Canyon Phuket
And seven-time world champion Hamilton Championship on Sunday as golf’s Asian Tour
The Russians made a bad start to the tie has now reflected on his social media made a dramatic return after a 20-month Covid
when Lopez beat Rublev 2-6, 6-3, 6-4 in the accounts. break.
opening singles rubber.
Hamilton described Williams as “a friend” Chan bagged his third Tour victory with a last
US Open champion Daniil Medvedev and says he remained a racer at heart up until round 68 to finish 18-under for the tournament, a
stepped up to bring the tie level with a 6-2, his death. shot clear of Joohyung Kim of South Korea and
7-6 (7-3) win over Pablo Carreno Busta, Thailand's Sadom Kaewkanjana.
before the doubles decided the match. “Sir Frank Williams was one of the kindest
people I had the pleasure of meeting in this Sadom was neck and neck with Chan going
Britain booked their place in the last eight sport, always had time for me and always into the par four 18th but he could not make
with a come-from-behind victory over the without judgment,” Hamilton wrote. home advantage count, sending his tee shot into
Czech Republic on Sunday and will play the rough to drop a shot at the crucial moment.
Germany in Innsbruck tomorrow. “I feel so honoured to have called him a
friend. What he achieved in this sport is “It’s impossible, it’s amazing!” said Chan,
Kazakhstan and Croatia also reached the whose last win on the Asian Tour came in the
last eight. 2016 Asia-Pacific Diamond Cup in Japan.
Dan Evans’ surprise 6-2, 7-5 loss to world “I am so happy to be back after the problems
No. 143 Tomas Machac left Britain needing everyone has had with Covid. My front nine was
to fight back to secure a second straight win not very good but an eagle on nine turned
and take top spot in Group C. things around.”
But Cameron Norrie overcame a second-
set blip to see off Jiri Lehecka 6-1, 2-6, 6-1,
before Joe Salisbury and Neal Skupski
teamed up to beat Machac and Jiri Vesely 6-
4, 6-2 in Innsbruck.
“We’ve been underdogs and managed to
get wins. The Czech team played well – very
young team. Machac turned into a top 20
player overnight!” British captain Leon Smith
told the BBC. – AFP
RESULTS & STANDINGS United confirm Rangnick appointment as interim manager
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: MANCHESTER UNITED have named German Ralf for a further two years.” fulfil their potential, both individually and, most
Brentford 1 (Toney 24-pen) Everton 0, Rangnick as interim manager until the end of the Rangnick, who began coaching in the early importantly, as a team.
Chelsea 1 (Jorginho 69-pen) Manches- season, the Premier League club announced
ter United 1 (Sancho 50), Leicester 4 yesterday, eight days after sacking Ole Gunnar 1980s, is a proponent of gegenpressing – a style of “Beyond that, I look forward to supporting the
(Maddison 16, Vardy 34, 42, Lookman 68) Solskjaer. football in which teams press high and use counter- club’s longer-term goals on a consultancy basis.”
Watford 2 (King 30-pen, Dennis 61), pressing to win the ball back as soon as possible
Manchester City 2 (Gundogan 33, “Manchester United is delighted to announce after losing it, rather than falling back to regroup. United football director John Murtough said:
Fernandinho 90) West Ham 1 (Lanzini the appointment of Ralf Rangnick as interim “Ralf is one of the most respected coaches and
90+4). manager until the end of the season, subject to “I’m excited to be joining United and focused on innovators in European football.
P W D L F A Pts work visa requirements,” the club said in a making this a successful season for the club,”
Chelsea 13 9 3 1 31 5 30 statement. Rangnick said. “He was our number one candidate for interim
Man City 13 9 2 2 27 7 29 manager, reflecting the invaluable leadership and
Liverpool 13 8 4 1 39 11 28 “Following this period, Ralf and the club have “The squad is full of talent and has a great technical skills he will bring from almost four
agreed that he will continue in a consultancy role balance of youth and experience. All my efforts for decades of experience in management and
the next six months will be on helping these players coaching.” – Reuters
West Ham 13 7 2 4 24 16 23
Arsenal 13 7 2 4 15 17 23 Mad about
Wolves 13 6 2 5 12 12 20 Maddison
Tottenham 12 6 1 5 11 17 19
Man Utd 13 5 3 5 21 22 18 Rodgers heaps praise on ‘inspirational’
Brighton 13 4 6 3 12 14 18 midfielder after Leicester sting Hornets
Leicester 13 5 3 5 20 23 18
Crystal Palace 13 3 7 3 19 19 16
Brentford 13 4 4 5 17 17 16
Aston Villa 13 5 1 7 18 21 16
Everton 13 4 3 6 16 20 15
Southampton 13 3 5 5 11 18 14
Watford 13 4 1 8 18 24 13
Leeds 13 2 6 5 12 20 12
Burnley 12 1 6 5 14 20 9
Norwich 13 2 3 8 7 27 9
Newcastle 13 0 6 7 15 29 6
CHAMPIONSHIP: Sheffield United 2
Bristol City 0.
TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts
Fulham 20 13 4 3 49 16 43
Bournemouth 20 12 6 2 36 16 42
West Brom 20 9 7 4 27 16 34
Blackburn 20 9 6 5 34 27 33
Coventry 20 9 6 5 27 23 33
LA LIGA: Real Betis 3 (Juanmi 54, 63,
78) Levante 1 (Mustafi 7), Espanyol 1
(Herrera 77) Real Sociedad 0, Cadiz 1
(Oblak 86-og) Atletico Madrid 4 (Lemar
56, Griezmann 70, Correa 76, Cunha 87),
Real Madrid 2 (Benzema 32, Vinicius
Junior 87) Sevilla 1 (Mir 12).
TOP 10 P W D L F A Pts
Real Madrid 14 10 3 1 34 15 33 Leicester City’s Jamie Vardy in
Atletico 14 8 5 1 26 14 29 action with Watford’s Adam
Sociedad 15 8 5 2 19 11 29 Masina during their English
Sevilla 14 8 4 2 24 11 28
Real Betis 15 8 3 4 25 18 27 Premier League match at the
Vallecano 15 7 3 5 23 16 24 King Power Stadium
yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
Barcelona 14 6 5 3 23 16 23 LEICESTER boss Brendan
Bilbao 14 4 8 2 13 10 20 Rodgers hailed in-form
Espanyol 15 5 5 5 15 14 20 James Maddison as a “real Maddison having scored in Maddison cashed in on a gift fantastic, I want to say thank you to
Valencia 15 4 7 4 22 21 19 inspiration” for the Foxes successive games for the first time from William Ekong when the all the fans, Leicester and Watford
following their 4-2 win over since January. defender ducked under Jonny fans.
SERIE A: AC Milan 1 (Romagnoli 21) Watford. Evans’ pass to allow the midfielder
Sassuolo 3 (Scamacca 24, Kjaer 33-og, “It was great, you can see his to score the opener. “They came here on this very
Berardi 66), Napoli 4 (Zielinski 7, The midfielder scored one and quality, he was a real inspiration for difficult day and I want to say
Mertens 10, 29, Fabian Ruiz 85) Lazio 0, created two for Jamie Vardy as the us,” said Rodgers, following the King made it 1-1 in the 30th thank you because I hope they are
Roma 1 (Abraham 32) Torino 0, Foxes overcame the battling victory in blizzard conditions. minute but Vardy restored proud of us.
Spezia 0 Bologna 1 (Arnautovic 83- Hornets at the King Power Stadium Leicester’s lead four minutes later
pen), Udinese 0 Genoa 0. “We always have a point to prove and celebrated in front of his “We fought til the end. We
TOP 10 P W D L F A Pts Ademola Lookman added a every single day. You can never be former manager Ranieri. created more chances than
Napoli 14 11 2 1 30 7 35 fourth in the second half to seal the calm… you always have to be Leicester but they scored and we
AC Milan 14 10 2 2 30 18 32 game and end Watford’s hopes of intense. The ex-England international didn’t.
Inter Milan 14 9 4 1 34 15 31 comeback. added a third eight minutes later to
Atalanta 14 8 4 2 28 17 28 “You are seeing the work, not put Leicester in control. “I am positive because it’s
Roma 14 8 1 5 24 15 25 Josh King’s penalty briefly just with him but the confidence important the team try to create
Fiorentina 14 7 0 7 21 19 21 levelled in the first half and, while returning to the team. Dennis made it 3-2 in the 61st chances.
Juventus 14 6 3 5 18 16 21 Emmanuel Dennis made it 3-2 after minute but Lookman wrapped up
Lazio 14 6 3 5 25 25 21 the break, Claudio Ranieri’s “It’s not about the one player, it’s the game soon after, tapping in “We conceded four goals so we
Bologna 14 6 3 5 20 24 21 Hornets slipped to defeat on the about the team but he was excellent Harvey Barnes’ cross. can do much better but they won
Hellas Verona 14 5 4 5 28 25 19 Italian’s first return to the King today. It was a really good the match because they were more
Power Stadium as a manager since performance, we were a real threat Defeat kept Watford 16th, four aggressive and more determined
BUNDESLIGA: Eintracht Frankfurt 2 being sacked by Leicester in 2017. going forward. points above the bottom three but than us.
Union Berlin 1, RB Leipzig 1 Bayer Ranieri, who was serenaded by the
Leverkusen 3. Leicester now sit five points “We were playing against a Leicester fans having taken them “It was Christmas Day
adrift of the top four, with dangerous team, they scored five at to the title in 2016, remained conditions. It wasn’t the pitch, we
Everton, four in their last game upbeat. lost because we made mistakes
against Manchester United. It’s an and Leicester scored the chances
important three points.” He said: “The reception was they had.” – The Independent
TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts Rafa confident he can turn Everton around
Bayern 13 10 1 2 42 13 31
Dortmund 13 10 0 3 33 19 30
Leverkusen 13 7 3 3 28 18 24 RAFAEL BENITEZ can understand the frustration “We can understand the frustration of the 14th position.
Freiburg 13 6 4 3 19 13 22 of Everton supporters but remains confident fans but we are also frustrated,” Benitez said after “We didn’t deserve to lose but the reality is
Hoffenheim 13 6 2 5 27 20 20 about turning around their poor form after watching his team lose for the fifth time in six
defeat at Brentford extended their winless run to matches. the team is giving everything on the pitch and
FRENCH LIGUE 1: Saint-Etienne 1 seven games. you can see the togetherness of the players,” the
Paris Saint-Germain 3, Bordeaux 1 “Today you cannot complain about the effort 61-year-old said.
Brest 2, Monaco 1 Strasbourg 1, Bees striker Ivan Toney scored the only goal and intensity the players put in.
Lorient 0 Rennes 2, Reims 1 Clermont of the game from the penalty spot in the 24th “If we consider what we did at the beginning
0, Montpellier 0 Lyon 1, Marseille 1 minute after Andros Townsend had caught Frank “They try until the end, we had a lot of of the season, we saw enough quality to know
Troyes 0. Onyeka with a high foot inside the area. crosses and shots, so you cannot complain about we can be doing much better.
TOP 5 P W D L F A Pts the effort but you can be disappointed because
Paris SG 15 13 1 1 35 15 40 The Toffees were poor during the first half obviously we do not want to lose.” “But even the games we draw (against
Rennes 15 8 4 3 26 12 28 and while they improved after the break, Manchester United and Tottenham), the team
Nice 15 8 3 4 25 12 26 Brentford goalkeeper Alvaro Fernandez was The summer appointment of Benitez was met was doing enough to get more from these
Marseille 14 7 5 2 21 12 26 rarely called into action. with criticism due to his history with the Reds, games.
Lens 15 7 4 4 27 20 25 but the Spaniard made a good start to life at
The Everton fans made their feelings known Goodison Park and won four of his opening six “It is a question of confidence, missing players
at fulltime, with some angry reactions when the League games. but you could see what we were capable of
players went over to applaud the travelling doing at the beginning of the season. When we
faithful. He is positive they can get back to that type have everyone available, I am confident we will
of form, with the club currently languishing in do it again.” – The Independent
Sir Frank Williams was one of the kind-
est people I had the pleasure of meeting in this
sport, always had time for me and always without
judgment… You will be missed Frank, but I will
see you on the other side.”
World Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton
Guardiola hails huge victory Manchester City’s Ruben Dias (left) vies
as City edge past dogged Hammers with West Ham United’s Said Benrahma
during their English Premier League
match at the Etihad Stadium. – AFPPIX
PEP GUARDIOLA hailed a huge victory after his League run that all but carried them to the title.
Manchester City side overcame heavy snow and a Guardiola brushed aside suggestions that his side
dogged West Ham side.
looked capable of repeating such a sequence, insisting
A 33rd-minute strike from Ilkay Gundogan and a late he was not looking beyond Wednesday’s (Thurs 4.15am
Fernandinho effort earned the champions a hard-fought Malaysian time) trip to Aston Villa.
2-1 Premier League success at the Etihad Stadium on
Sunday. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. What we have
done in the past is the past.
The first half of the match was played in heavy snow
which made the line markings and the ball difficult to “The only present is to celebrate today, recover well
see. and Wednesday go to Birmingham to play Aston Villa.
“The amount of chances we created, especially in the “The rest is fantasies, making wrong thoughts in your
first half, in the conditions that both teams played in – it mind.”
was a huge victory for us, for the effort of the players
and the performance,” City manager Guardiola said. West Ham manager David Moyes, whose side did
manage a spectacular injury-time consolation from
“We didn’t concede much. We defended the set- Manuel Lanzini, felt the visitors were made to pay for not
pieces really well and counter-attacks we controlled. taking their chances.
“We could maybe make another speed, another “The real quality at the end was the difference. Man
rhythm but weather conditions didn’t allow us to do it City are full of quality and good players,” Moyes said.
and it was a good performance from us.”
“We did lots of good things but when we got the
Had the snow not relented during the break, the chances to create a good opening or finish we didn’t
game could conceivably have been called off, but the take it.
interval needed to be extended for the pitch to be
cleared. “You don’t come to Man City and get loads of them
but we did our best to get some.
Guardiola offered special thanks to head
groundsman Lee Jackson and his team for this latest “It’s more than positions where (Ilkay) Gundogan and
victory. (Bernardo) Silva cause you problems and nothing would
please me more than to wrestle more possession off
As halftime approached with heavy snow falling on a them but there’s a lot of top talent and it’s taken a long
pitch already covered in it, there was a real fear the time to build a team like that.
game might not reach its conclusion.
“So the job was to try and make sure we were hard
Yet Jackson and his colleagues got to work and with to play against. I thought we did that as much as we
the aid of a halftime interval extended by referee could.
Michael Oliver by five minutes, and the surface was clear
again when the game restarted, by which time the snow Moyes felt the snow probably worked in City’s favour.
had stopped. “I hoped it might have helped us and it would affect
them more than it did us, but when they got the goal
“I think the groundkeepers, the men who took care the worst of the snow came down.
of the pitch, were the men of the match,” Guardiola said. “If anything we lost our concentration a little bit and
“They did an incredible job so we could play the game the visuals for the ball were difficult.
today.” “It was difficult conditions but I was happy to play
the game. We all wanted it to be played.” – The
A year ago City launched a 19-game unbeaten Independent/Agencies
Making his mark
Rangnick stamp on Devils performance in creditable draw against Chelsea
THE GODFATHER of Gegenpressing may
not be in the building yet, but Ralf And even an hour before kickoff it was clear Sancho and Rashford. watched 1min I’m now convinced on influence
Rangnick is already having an impact on Rangick’s influence had already seeped into And it may have been a shocking touch from on the team and style!”
Manchester United. United’s thinking.
The 1-1 draw at Stamford Bridge was far from Jorginho which allowed Sancho through on goal, Carrick insisted Rangnick had no influence
a perfect performance from the away side, yet it The German has not yet been officially but it is arguable United would not have received on the line-up and asked if the German had
represented a clear shift in style and application announced as Solskjaer’s successor until the end such good fortune previously when their team played a part in Ronaldo taking a seat on the
from the dark final weeks of Ole Gunnar of the season, but the succession plan is already lacked intensity. bench, the caretaker boss replied: “No, that’s not
Solskjaer’s reign. well under way. the case.”
The post-match statistics showed the extent
Chelsea had won nine of their last 10 games Carrick raised eyebrows by leaving Cristiano of Chelsea’s dominance, yet also a change in “We came here with a plan, and we kind of
in all competitions going into yesterday’s Ronaldo on the bench, with a defensive-minded United’s efforts. knew how Chelsea would play.
Premier League clash in west London. midfield of Scott McTominay, Fred and Nemanja
Matic selected. The visitors had just seven touches in “At the moment we’re feeling a little bit
Thomas Tuchel’s side had kept clean sheets opposition box, three shots, two of which were frustrated and disappointed really, because we
in seven of those games. They were top of the But it only took two minutes of the match to on target and 34% of the ball. But they made 21 came here to win the game and at halftime we
League coming into the weekend’s round of make it clear why the decision was made to drop tackles and eight blocks – both season-high really felt like we had a chance and were right in
fixtures. Ronaldo: pressing. numbers. the game.”
In short, this was just about the hardest With Jadon Sancho, Marcus Rashford and Former United defender Gary Neville Whether he had a say on team selection
fixture interim boss Michael Carrick could have Bruno Fernandes leading the line, United looked summed up the prevailing feeling amongst yesterday is unclear, although Darren Fletcher’s
had. With Rangnick waiting in the wings, it could a completely different side out of possession as United fans. ear piece on the touchline does lend that theory
have been viewed as somewhat of a free hit. they pressed hard from the front. some credence.
“A lot of people having a go at Michael Carrick
But United’s approach showed that they did Solskjaer’s side often looked sluggish and for dropping Ronaldo and picking that MDF But what is clear is that there is finally some
not consider it this way. It was looked upon as an disinterested out of possession, but those days (midfield),” he wrote on Twitter. joined-up thinking at the club.
opportunity, rather than a potential stumbling appear to be gone already.
block. “I’ve a feeling the incoming manager has It is only a draw – and they are still eighth in
The United game plan was clear: put picked that team as it’s a huge departure from the Premier League – but after weeks of inertia it
pressure on Chelsea, work hard and then try midweek and what they’ve been doing.” is something to build on once Rangnick’s arrival
and spring counter-attacks using the pace of is confirmed. – The Independent
A few minutes later he added: “Having
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