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Published by Pyespanewsletter, 2022-07-30 17:09:57

Pyes Pa Newsletter Aug 2022

Pyes Pa Newsletter Aug 2022


August/Akuhata 2022

“Our very own gutsy little non-profit publication, for the Pyes Pa rural area.”

Page 2
Mushroom Gnocchi

Spring is hereWithBrie

Page 7

Page 9
Excursions for the
Page 20
For the love of cats…...

Page 21
The Thrill of Aikido

Deadline for September 2022 Issue: Friday, Aug 26

Arbor Care Ltd


NZ Arboricultural Assoc Approved Contractor

Ph 07 543 1775

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 1

Pyes Pa Foodie by Jo Reid


1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Butter
80 grams pancetta, sliced
1 onion, halved and sliced
400 grams mixed mushrooms, large ones sliced, smaller ones left whole
500 grams good-quality purchased gnocchi
¼ Cup white wine
1/3 cup cream
150 grams brie, sliced
½ cup walnut halves chopped roughly

Preheat the oven to 180°C fan bake
Heat the olive oil and butter in a large frying pan and

cook the pancetta for 5 minutes, until crispy and
golden. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the
onion to the fat remaining in the pan and cook over a
gentle heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the pan, add to
the pancetta and set aside. If necessary, add 1 or 2 more
tablespoons of oil to the pan, season the mushrooms well
with salt and pepper, then cook over a medium high heat
for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to stop them from

While the mushrooms are cooking, boil the gnocchi
according to the packet instructions, then drain well. Add
the pancetta and onions to the mushrooms along with
the wine and cream and cook together for 5
minutes, Add the gnocchi to the mushrooms with half of
the brie and stir to combine, then spoon into a ovenproof
dish and top with the remaining brie and the walnuts.
Finish in the oven for 10-15 minutes before serving with
a simple bitter green salad or freshly cooked beans.

Serves 4-6

This is an amazing winter dish to enjoy with a lovely
glass of red wine.
I have made this several times and everyone raves about


CAR BOOT SALE Newsletter articles and stories
must be submitted on time,
Saturday, Jul 16 or miss the boat!

$5 per site at FARuIgDA26Y,
Organised by :-


Contact Shirley 577 1116
or Jude 07 281 2389

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 2

Pyes Pa Community Newsletter Circulation: 1000
Delivered to the Pyes Pa rural
Editor: Clyde Campbell 543 1477 area and other distribution sites.
Email: [email protected]
The Pyes Pa Community
Treasurer: Joyce Bonner: 544 5165 Newsletter is non-profit and is
Assistant: Catherine Fitzpatrick 027 648 5650
produced by volunteers.
We always welcome any new articles of up to 300 Any surplus funds are donated to
words so don’t hesitate to tell us your story. Please supply text as Pyes Pa community organisations.

a Word Document and photos as .jpeg.

Deadline for September 2022 Issue: Friday, Aug 26

Hello everyone
I received an email from Abe Leach (Community Relations Advisor, Tauranga Council) and he was reporting
about the Te Ranga landscaping project as was featured in the July issue of the Newsletter. He said “I

understand quite a few of the volunteers who attended the planting weekend on 17, 18, and 19 June were made aware

of it through the Pyes Pa Newsletter.” Thank you, dear readers, for showing your support for local projects.


Our son, Liam, was coming home from Japan for a short visit, to attend a good friend’s wedding primarily. We
wanted to make his arrival a surprise for our daughter, Siobhan. We had planned everything with military
precision that included a “mid-winter xmas dinner” for our family.
We had our two grand-daughters to stay the night before so that Siobhan and Garth could come to our place
on time (without the delays arising from organising children). We had to stop at the supermarket in the Mount
before we went to the airport to pick Liam up and grand-daughter Bianca recognised a family-friend that works
at the supermarket. Bianca and Helen hugged (with me not thinking anything about that encounter) and then
we carried on to the airport.
When Siobhan arrived at our place, the surprise was only partial because Helen had messaged Siobhan about
seeing Bianca and Siobhan had been wondering why we would go all the way to supermarket in the Mount.
Once again, I realised that Tauranga is such a small place that you cannot go anywhere without someone
knowing what you are up to!
Keep safe

Advertisers please note We print 11 issues for the year - February to December. If you wish to place a
Multi Ad during the print year in three or more consecutive issues, the 30%
‘THE TIN’ discount still applies. Clyde Campbell 543 1477, Joyce Bonner: 544 5165,

Could you please place your 3
adverts, copy and payments (along with
your contact details) in an envelope and

drop off at

414 Espresso Café

Pyes Pa Road

or Renner Park Golf Club

Oropi Road
Please contact Joyce Bonner (544 5165)
for enquiries about payments.
Adverts can be emailed to
[email protected]


Every effort has been taken to see that all
information within this Newsletter is

correct. This newsletter is produced by
volunteers in good faith.

No responsibility will be accepted for any
inaccuracies or misuse or

misrepresentation or/of wrongful
information. All information given and

provided should be used as a guide only.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter

Waipuna Hospice is in desperate need of your donated goods

Waipuna Hospice Charity Shops are struggling to keep up with “Whether you’re spring cleaning, downsizing homes, relocating,
demand as donations to their shops drop. So, in an urgent appeal, or just need to clear some space, please donate your unwanted
they are asking people to donate their quality second hand goods to items to us,” implores James.
their six charity shops so that they can continue raising funds to Waipuna Hospice’s appeal is a timely reminder to declutter,
care for those facing death and dying in the community. finding those outfits that haven’t been worn in months, the

As Waipuna Hospice’s Retail Business Manager, James Turner, appliances you never use, or books you’ve read already and donate
explains, the shops – in Katikati, Greerton, Tauranga’s Fraser St, them – giving them a second chance to do some good – this time in
Mount Maunganui, Papamoa and Te Puke – are desperate for the form of hospice care.
donations of all kinds. To make the process as easy as possible, people can call
“Our donations are down by 20 per cent right now but shopper 07 281 1755 to book in a donation collection, free of charge. “We

demand has also grown by 20 per cent, so we have a 40 per cent know it can be hard to make it to our shops to donate, which is why
shortfall. Our economy is tightening, and people are being more we have a free collection service. It makes donating to our shops
cautious about how they spend their money. Our charity shops are a even easier. Simply
fantastic solution for people, but we just aren’t getting enough stock call the hotline and
in to keep up”. book a
Waipuna Hospice relies on the money raised at their charity collection time

shops to provide its services to people in the community facing end that suits, and we’ll
of life and bereavement. come to you.
“Last year Waipuna Hospice’s services cost $9.6m to deliver, Donations can also
and, while 51% of that came in from our contract with the DHB, be dropped at our
$4.7m still had to be raised from the community. Our retail shops Depot on Brook

help us raise that crucial income, turning second hand goods into Street, behind our
first-class care in our community. They are an essential part of our Fraser Street Shop,
income stream, but they rely on quality donations to make that or into any of our six
possible.” charity shops during
Calling for anything from clothing and furniture to homewares, opening hours.”

books, décor, and more, Waipuna Hospice needs your help. These To learn more
second-hand goods are sold in their six charity shops across the about donating to
Western Bay of Plenty, and the money raised helps provide Waipuna Hospice Charity Shops, visit:
specialised palliative care and support to the community.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 4

For all your General Engineering requirements, Bay Container Solutions is leading the way when it
Repairs & Maintenance, Structural, comes to custom shipping containers and container
modifications. At Bay Container Solutions, we can
Plate cutting & folding, General Engineering customize any size shipping container to meet your
Soft Rider Fruit Bin Trailers & Transport Trailers family or business requirements.

made to order. Refer to our website  Container Repairs and Modifications  Window and Door Installation
for more information  Electrical and Plumbing fit outs
Tim Sidwell  Ventilation and Security
 Painting and Refurbishment
Unit l, 65B Maleme Street, Greerton  Mobile Repairs
Phone 07 541 1277 Mobile 027 256 4250
Call Ricky 027 266 8246

Email [email protected]

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 5

By Oona and Georgia

The school is bright and busy with students after a long 2-week break. We have started organised, prepared for
learning and ready for a whole new term. Speeches are coming up this term. Eye contact, a clear voice, and
good posture are some of the things that you need for a good speech. Speeches are always an eventful time
that some of our students enjoy crafting, developing and presenting, others do not enjoy them but still try their
best, Matilda Keet is looking forward to doing her speech on birds as they hang around her tree house and she
enjoys watching them.

Our Art Showcase, where each student gets to portray a piece of visual art. If they are able, they can
demonstrate their skills in drama or music.

We have had some new students this term, who have settled into
school quickly and made some new friends.

Students are learning a lot about the Commonwealth Games that have
started recently.

Some classes are studying the history and finding some interesting
facts about the games.

Year 7 & 8 students have signed up for different games in the AIMS
Games, including Indoor bowls, basketball, cross country and hockey,
that is starting in September later this term. They have been training hard
to demonstrate our school value of Angitu - Success. We thank the
parents and coaches who have been able to support us with transport
and all the extra time involved.

Next week we will have our Hui Mahitahi sessions where the teachers
and students share and talk to whānau about their learning and celebrate
their success in the classroom. This is time to show the progress that
children have made and develop goals for the rest of the year.

As usual Pyes Pa school is being their amazing self, stay safe and
have a nice day.

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Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 6

PYES PA SETTLERS HALL Seasoned Firewood!
Bags of kindling available
Free delivery Pyes Pa.
Phone Kelly.
Tree Removal BOP Ltd
021 107 4725


Do you wish to hold a celebration,
event, activity or gathering?


Returnable Bond: $250

Night: $300 Pyes Pa Hall AGM
Aug 9th 7.00 pm
Meetings: $30 an hour, negotiable
at the hall
EQUIPMENT HIRE (off premises) Please support your

Wooden and plastic chairs: $1 each Hall

Trestle tables: $10 each

Hall hire includes full
use of facilities.
(No dishwasher,
but microwave
Contact: Judy
Ph 543 0047

MONEY MATTER$ Cryptoassets

by Nikki Blake

An estimated 18% of New Zealanders own acquiring cryptoassets for the purpose of disposal
cryptoassets. Cryptoassets are treated as a form of (for example to sell or exchange)
property for tax purposes. While there are different trading in cryptoassets
types of cryptoassets, the tax treatment depends on the using cryptoassets for a profit-making scheme.
characteristics and use of the cryptoassets. It does not If you’re a New Zealand tax resident, you’ll generally
depend on what they are called. You need to file a tax pay tax on your worldwide income. This includes your
return when you have taxable income from your cryptoasset income even if you acquire and dispose of
cryptoasset activity. it overseas, such as when you use a crypto exchange
Cryptoassets are cryptographically-secured digital based outside of New Zealand.
representations of value that can be transferred, stored Cryptoassets are not subject to GST when they are
or traded electronically. They use some form of bought or sold but do have GST implications when they
distributed ledger technology such as blockchain. are received as payment for normal business activities.
Cryptoassets is the term the IRD use. They are also PAYE and fringe benefit tax (FBT) rules also apply
known as: when you provide cryptoassets to your employees.
• cryptocurrencies There are special rules for mining cryptoassets,
• cryptographic assets and hard

• digital financial assets forks so
check in
• digital tokens with your
• virtual currencies. Tax Agent
You need to be aware of your tax obligations if you're
involved in acquiring or disposing of cryptoassets.
These vary depending on the type of activity and your or
situation. In most cases, the amounts you get from accountant
selling, trading or exchanging cryptoassets are taxable about
(this includes when you exchange one type of these.

cryptoasset for another).
You may have to pay tax because you’re:

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 7

Lions Hut - Waimana by Rona Murdoch

I took a trip for four days to the Lions Hut past Waimana into the Ureweras – an interesting road for the last
14km... It was to celebrate an 80th birthday. It was a real occasion with family coming from far and wide. The
lodge has bunkrooms for 20, plus a large room for another 20 with their own mattresses and bedding, a large
dining hall, kitchen, with a Marshall heater which does the hot water for the kitchen, showers, and handbasins,
and toilets. There was solar power for lighting and gas hobs.

Outside, there is a covered area with a big barbecue. That's where the younger ones gathered when they
weren’t walking the tracks. Some even went swimming in the river that is adjacent. It's a beautiful place in the
bush with plenty of bird life. Three tomtits were flitting around the verandah on one day. There are quite a few
wandering horses also. These seem to have innate road sense and usually get to the side of the road pretty

We had a heck of a frost on two of the days we were there, but by firing up the two fireplaces in each of the big
rooms soon had the building warm. We all brought firewood so had plenty to use all four fires.

No power nor cellphone coverage which didn’t bother anyone.

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Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 8

Excursions for the Tamariki
by Nichelle Healy

We have had a lot going on at our centre over the last month. Over the
holidays, we said goodbye to our large pine trees
that were deemed to be unsafe. As the safety of
our tamariki is most important to us, it meant
spending the last four sessions of last term out on

We visited the Omokoroa domain and Kulim
Park where our tamariki enjoyed exploring the
playgrounds and burning some energy. We
planned a trip into town on the bus and that was a
big adventure for our young ones. When we
arrived, we had fun at the art gallery before having
a play at the Hairy Maclary park.

Lastly, we enjoyed our final session of the term
at Chipmunks where our tamariki had fun getting
lost, going down the slides, and playing in the ball
pit. It was definitely a great way to end the term.

We would like to thank the team at Arbor Care
for removing the trees safely from our property.
The guys who came were very professional and,
at the same time, took time to talk to our tamariki
who came to watch.

Our sessions run Tuesdays and Fridays from
9:30 -12pm. We are located next to Pyes Pa
School, come along and join the fun, we offer the
first three visits for free!



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Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 9

Community focus for ACG Tauranga Early
Learning School Centre Manager - Raechel

From her warm and welcoming smile to her extensive background in Early Childhood Education and bright,
bubbly personality, Raechel Thompson's love for her job and nurturing connection with her young charges are
apparent for everyone to see.

Passionate about early childhood education and inspired by ACG's kind, caring and inclusive culture, the Early
Learning School (ELS) Centre Manager takes great pride in building strong relationships with her preschool
families/whānau and the wider community.

"ACG has a wonderful sense of community with strong values, focusing on relationships, integrity, and
respect," she confirms. "My goal is to help continue the real sense of community that we have built.

"In the ELS, we follow the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki, and we also benefit from the
Cambridge Curriculum thanks to our partnership with Senior teachers from the College. They hold weekly dance
and science sessions and transitions for children
starting Primary school. As a result, the links
between the Early Learning School and our Senior
teaching staff are already embedded deeply into
our programme.

Instrumental in the growth and development of
the ELS since it first opened four and a half years
ago, Raechel’s plans for the future are grounded
clearly in her continued community focus.

"Building connections with our wider community,
now that Covid restrictions have eased, is
something I am pursuing actively. We are working
to enhance our existing links with families and the
wider community, so that our local connection is
evident and weaved throughout our curriculum.

To learn more about ACG Tauranga, please

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter +trade excellence at affordable prices...
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m: 021 82 60 46
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Justwood Joinery Your local Health
For all your WOODEN needs
Health & well being naturally
Front entrance doors,
barn & stable doors, Kinesiology can help with:
* Anxiety & sleep
French doors, * Calmer emotional states
Bi-folds doors and * Decrease stress and physical pain
* Better injury and sports recovery
windows, * Clarity & focus
interior doors, * Allergy support & testing
wooden joinery * Digestion issues
exterior wooden sash- Diane Rosenberg is a Health
Practitioner /Kinesiologist who holds
es workshops and runs her clinic from Pyes Pa
(incl replacements)

Justwood Joinery - Craftsmen in Wood For more information
75 Keenan Road, RD3, Pyes Pa, Tauranga contact Diane Rosenberg
Phone: 07 543 0871, Mobile: 021 1667963
021 172 4624
Web: [email protected]

[email protected]

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 11

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 12


Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 13

Free Community Bulletin Board

FOOD GROWERS’ GROUP: Tauranga Meets on the first
South Wednesday of the month
Food Growers Group Garden at Central Baptist Church
Casual friendly group in Pyes Pa Club Hall, cnr 13th Ave and
and Oropi for everyone
(beginner or expert) who Cameron Rd,1.30-3pm.
enjoys, or wants to grow, their
own fruit and veges: Visitors are welcome.

Next meet: Sunday 21 Aug - at 2pm Monthly speaker and friendly club.

For general information about the group and Ph Sue 027 413 0150
details of next meet please contact Christine
0274034757 or Jenny 0272036220 Greerton Hall Market

Taekwondo - Now at the Racecourse S a t ur da y A ugust 13

St Ledgers basement area Saturday August 27
Tauranga Racecourse
1383 Cameron Rd Crafts, plants, produce, bric-a-brac. Stalls
Training from 6pm - 7:30pm inside/outside. Discounts for community
Tuesday and Thursday charity groups. Tea, coffee, snacks available.
Ages from 7 and up New stallholders always welcome. Stalls $12
per trestle table or outside space.
For enquiries contact Brett Wright 0275 842 853
or [email protected] Tricia/Gary 543 1487, 027 908 2952

St Vincent de Paul
Vinnies op-shops are always grateful to
receive donations from you.
We assist those in need in your
community with your help.
Please drop donations off to:
766 Cameron Road: 9-4pm Mon-Fri
and 9-1pm Sat
134 Chadwick Road, Greerton: 9-4pm Mon-Fri
and 9-1pm Sat
If you need us to collect please phone:
07-578 8218

Badminton Club at Aquinas College Action Centre

Mondays 7pm – 9pm May to September TAURANGA SWIM SCHOOL
Senior players – all abilities welcome
for fun, fitness or competition Offers affordable swimming lessons
from 6 months old through to adults
for further information contact Noel 027 622 9797 and disability.
Call Andrea Hm 544 2141
or visit or 0272 868506. Check us out on Swim School.
Book now - limited spaces.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter GREERTON LIONS

“serving our community”
The club is seeking
enthusiastic men and
women of any age to join
our active club.
Check out our Facebook
page or visit

Bill: 543 4423


Classified Advertisements

FOR SALE: All you need to know about Council this election

Western Bay: the future of your community and District is in your
 TIMBER AND PLYWOOD: For Sale Good hands this election.
Prices We encourage you to use this power wisely and read up on what

Ph 543 0047 Council has achieved recently and where we are heading.

FOR HIRE: With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions that will
influence how we work together collectively over the next three years
 Log Splitter For Hire: $90 per day, or log to make decisions that matter to our community.
As part of the Generation Change He panoni ā reanga campaign,
splitting available: Western BoP District Council has revamped the traditional ‘Pre-

Ph Paul 07 543 3042 election report’ and published it as the guide All you need to know

WORK OFFERED: about Council Ngā kōrero whamōhio atu i ngā āhuatanga o te

 Casual gardening worker needed in Pyes Kaunihera to educate residents on the current state of play.
Pre-election reports are prepared independently of Elected
Pa Joyce Rd area. Members and are required by law to include the Council’s financial
Please text 027 543 5470 position and upcoming major projects.

 Cleaner wanted: I am putting off retiring so But Council’s 2022 version is much more than just a publication
on financial strategy and expenditure, the guide also outlines key
I don't have to do my own cleaning. My successes from the past three years (period elected members are

wonderful cleaner has moved on so I am
looking for someone to clean after an untidy voted in for) as well as the broader environment local government is
operating in and what changes are on the horizon.
me once a week.

Ph Tricia 021 891 669 Chief Executive Officer John Holyoake explains: “this is a valuable

 Wanted: Seamstress for general clothing resource for every voter in our District – not just those choosing to
alterations (buttons, zippers, hems). stand. Learning what the Council has achieved in the past and what
Ph 027 543 5470 major decisions the incoming elected members will be making puts
voters in a strong position to use their vote to influence the change
they want to see in the Western Bay”.
WANTED KNOWN: “We need informed voters and candidates so there can be robust

 Why not donate your excess, or otherwise discussion that addresses what matters most to our community.
Whether you’re worried about expenditure on sewage infrastructure,
unwanted, citrus or avo crop to Good

Neighbour? We can pick. solutions for housing our growing population, or changes to the

Call Bill 027 474 1206 Resource Management Act – you can find it all in the guide All you

 Sonshine OP Shop is open. Accepting need to know about Council Ngā kōrero whamōhio atu i ngā
whatever your garage is tired of. On Joyce āhuatanga o te Kaunihera.”
Rd where the Olive Tree Cottage used to be.
Alongside local issues, the publication also explains Three
Waters, the Resource Management Act and the Future for Local
Government, and looks at what role the incumbent Council will have
WORK WANTED: in representing the District on these important matters.

 Carer available privately: I'm an The guide can be found on or at Council

experienced older lady seeking casual respite libraries.
Visit for more information on how to stand for
care, overnight OK.

Ph 021 236 7417 Council or a community board, what being a Councillor involves, and

how to enrol to vote.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 15


LTD Local Agent

For a successful sale, without taking a big bite from the pie,
talk to Ben Louis from Reality Realty.
Being a local lifestyle owner, it is in my personal interest to
achieve the best possible price.
Proven for over 6 years that this does work, why would you
pay more for the sale of your property?
If you would like to know more then call me for a
no-nonsense, no-strings-attached chat and/or look on my

Sale Value ($) Commission ($)

700,000 13,512.50

1,000,000 16,962.50

1,500,000 22,712.50

Ben LouisLicwewnwse.rdeaALlgiitcweyenrwnetwasRle.tErdyeA.acAAAlogiRt.2eyn0nrEze0taI8RlNtEyA.ZcAo.2n0z08 Ph: 07 543 0006 P O Box 3207, Greerton, 3142
Mob: 027 275 8228 [email protected]

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 16

The New Wild – A Book Review by Julia Sich, BA, Dip. Hort. (Distinction)

This month I’m offering a book review of an amazing book called “The New Wild”. I read it and found it to be a
mind stretch because of Fred Pearce’s concepts of how nature works to rebalance always. My flatmate, Linda,
became interested to read the book and she was enthralled equally. I asked her if she’d write a book review and
she was kind enough to write the following article.
THE NEW WILD by Fred Pearce 245 pages Published 2015 by Beacon Press USA

“Pragmatic conservation has to begin with undogmatic, realistic ecology, which shows that alien-invasive
plants and animals increase biodiversity almost always - and therefore nature’s general health and robustness".
Fred Pearce’s ‘new wild’ suggests a matching
‘new conservation’”. The words of Stewart Brand,
author of Whole Earth Discipline.

I couldn’t put a precis of this book better than
Mr Brand. But my experience of reading this book
blew a few fuses. I, like many other PC
conservation minded peeps [sic] of my
generation, donated to Greenpeace and spent
weekends on community native planting
initiatives. I’ve signed petitions to save various
stands of native trees (and will do so again). I’ve
trapped and poisoned rats and stoats to save
native birdlife.

This book is written in investigative-journalistic
style and is a page turner. A huge volume of
evidence for the benefits of ‘invasive species’ is
backed by 26 pages of footnotes and references.
This man has done his research!

I was gobsmacked to read how resilient our
planet and her flora and fauna are - contrary to
the messages of our ‘fragile ecosystem/s’
perpetrated by well-meaning conservationists.

Nature includes us, human beings. We are not
separate from nature, we are but another
interdependent species, though we have been
educated to think we are 'more intelligent’ than
Nature. That’s a joke! We ARE an expression of
nature’s intelligence.

I’ve come away from this book only to promise
I will read it again soon. My trust in Life, and all
expressions of Life, is renewed. Yes, we owe it to
ourselves, and to Life itself, to live sustainably,
that’s still true for me. AND Nature’s patent ability
to recover even from nuclear catastrophe is

The New Wild is a challenging and inspiring
Linda Light. July 2022

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Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 17


Security and Communications

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Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 18

Hi from Jane Nees,
Your Bay of Plenty Regional Councilor

Please Vote These Elections

It’s that time again, when aspiring candidates for various local global picture and the ability to apply it to regional initiatives;

bodies put themselves out there for their three yearly warrant-of- a track record of success, including sound decision-making and
fitness. It can be a brutal process and a little soul-destroying when governance experience;
the voter turn-out is low. Is it apathy, frustration, lack of time, or
just too hard to decide – I wonder? good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work as

During their three-year term, elected officials, as a collective, part of a team;
make very important decisions that shape the future of an area a collaborative, flexible, solution focused approach;
and its community. These decisions will include setting broad
strategic directions, approving expenditure levels, and making and most importantly integrity and honesty.
hard calls on important policies, projects, actions and funding
streams. During this time, a large number of issues will arise, and Also important are evidence of commitment, sector experience
the operating environment is likely to change due to external and technical knowledge. Sector experience and local government
circumstances. Electing people on their stance on a single issue knowledge will be very important for the Regional Council this
alone is very short-sighted and risky for the community as a term because of the avalanche of policy and legislative change
whole, because people in elected office need to be capable of coming from central government. This will cover a new planning
dealing with a wide range of issues and making carefully- framework; replacement of the RMA with a Natural and Built
considered rational decisions based on the relevant information. Environment Act and Strategic Planning Act; a new Climate
Adaptation Act; Three Waters reforms, and a review of the Future
My list of must-haves for effective elected members includes: of Local Government. This is on top of the implementation of the
National Policy Statements for Freshwater, Indigenous
An understanding of the community and the issues important to them; Biodiversity, Urban Development, and Highly Productive Land –
experience and/or good knowledge of local government; not to mention changes to a number of the National Environmental
Standards. The list goes on and on. All of this will have major
a strong work ethic and a good sense of responsibility to constituents; impacts on what Regional Councils do. I encourage you to think
a critical thinker with an open mind, intelligence and the ability to carefully about the sort of person you want to represent you from
now on, and to make sure you do your research and then vote at
assimilate and evaluate large volumes of information (including financial the upcoming elections because your representatives will be

information); shaping your future over the next three years.

a strategic approach, with long-term vision, an appreciation of the

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 19

Seen on Twitter recently

For the love of cats…...

We hear many stories of the kindness from our elderly towards stray cats, feeding them
on their small pension. Situations like this can get out of hand - such as one elderly
gentleman on Matakana Island who ended up feeding 33 felines.

Over the space of 8 months we had taken 20 kittens off this population and it was
growing on a weekly basis. The strain on the gentleman and the extended whanau was
huge. John, the gentleman in his mid 70s felt like a prisoner in his own home.

We assisted with donations of food, and flea treatments, however we recognized that we
needed to stop the cycle. We decided to assist this gentleman by asking the public to sponsor a desex
of the animals, and put the semi-friendly cats up for adoption. We also got a Western Bay of Plenty
District Council grant that covered the rest of the cost.

On 13 July the team from Barrowman Goodman vets in Rotorua came across to the Island with a
team of RRR volunteers to desex the cats. It was a long hard day for the vets and the team. Sick cats
were euthanised and the population was reduced considerably. The day was a huge success and, with
adoptions, John now
has 8 cats left. The
cats that are left are
friendly. They can be
stroked and love
hanging with humans.

We are searching
for forever or foster
homes for them as
John needs to go into
hospital and it is a
worry for him. Please
e mail
[email protected] if
you are interested.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 20

The Thrill of Aikido by Margaret Dewes

Most of us have engaged in some kind of Martial Arts at some point in our life. If it wasn’t on the mat, then it was watching a film with
Bruce Lee in it or catching a glimpse of a few figures out at sunrise, guiding the air around their hands. Someone may use the words
‘Martial Arts’ in a sentence but we would all have completely different associations with the term. We might imagine sweaty and brutal
one-to-one combat, Hollywood style choreography with six-inch blades, the white uniform cloth and black belt, or a feeling of sweet,
street confidence. If anyone asked you, would you like to learn a Martial Art? I wonder what image appears in your mind and whether
you are drawn to it or not…

My route to Tauranga lead me by chance to stop in at the Shinryukan Aikido club. I didn’t know what Aikido was at the time and I was
curious to find out. A bunch of lovely guys wearing black belts invited me in and showed me the basics. I stayed on for the advanced
class and haven’t wanted to miss a class since. Most people know Aikido as “the one where you use your opponent’s energy against
them, eh.” In short, yes. And what that ‘Yes’ means is that it’s an art form that pretty much eliminates size, strength, age and gender as
deciding factors of who beats who.

An aikido student learns to connect to their own power source, from the ground up and through their centre, drawing the opponent
outside of theirs. Most of the good guys’n’gals are well over the hill and watching them throw bodies around the mat effortlessly is quite
something. It’s because aikido’s not so much of a muscle thing. For those who like to bish-bash-bosh, they might not feel satisfied with
this way of training. It’s more of a connection thing. You connect down through your structure and it’s that which gives you a strength that
is difficult to argue with. Contrary perhaps to what strength looks like in our minds (filled with media), it is actually infused with relaxation.
Being in a relaxed state is the highest form of alertness and it’s this state that creates sharp, accurate movements and optimal decisions.
Animals are great teachers of being alert and relaxed. Observing them, you see how quickly they move from their bed to food at a jump
of a hat. They’re ready to change at any moment. As for the two-legged species, we don’t see too many in a relaxed state, moving
efficiently and working with gravity. Most of us shorten our necks, collapse in the chest and do funny things with our pelvis so that when
we try and straighten up, we use an unsustainable effort to maintain “good” posture.

In Aikido, students are practising the balance of alertness and chilled-outness constantly. It’s a challenge when someone is charging
toward you, about to strike you right in the noggin, and inhibiting the reaction to smack ‘em hard or run for the door. But exercising a
calm response to an attack is a brilliant thing. You learn to
become a master of your own inner teammates and this
consistent exposure tends to slip out beyond the dojo walls
and into other areas of your life.

The connection doesn’t stop with yourself either, it
extends out toward your partner. You learn to become
sensitive to your opponents’ physical structures and levels of
tension, constantly adapting to the subtle, and not so subtle,
differences. When you both get it, a harmony might begin to
resound that isn’t necessarily one of kindness but more like
the chords in music, where each note is heard as it is played
even when there are twelve notes at the same time.

Like any worthy discipline, aikido also works with space
and time as fundamental aspects of the techniques. This
means that a student can become sensitive to the
possibilities available to them now compared to, now - a half
second later. Timing is a key element as it dictates what is
available to the defender in the moment of contact.
Becoming a master of time and using it to support your
throws, rather than work against you, is a refined skill.
Likewise, if you keep moving yourself toward an optimal
place in space as everything evolves, you can halve the
effort needed whether it’s working one-on-one or one-on-

The practice of this martial art emphasises the qualities of
giving and receiving, attacking and defending, equally. As a
student, you can sense that by honing both ends of the stick,
so to speak. The centre becomes apparent as something
dynamic and alive. There’s less need to grab it and more
enjoyment in the thrill when you slip into it and get taken for
an effortless ride.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 21



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Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 22

Does your house smell like cat pee? By Dr Max Clout

It’s not normal for a cat to urinate inside if they are used to toileting outside or in a litter tray. Any change in
normal urinary behaviour may be a cause for concern. In many cases, a diagnosis of cystitis or Feline Lower
Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) may be the cause. Cystitis is an inflammatory condition of the bladder, similar to
a urinary tract infection in humans. Almost always, they are sterile and not caused by a bacterial infection.

Cystitis typically affects middle age, female cats, however all cats are susceptible. Often there will be a recent
stressor; a new neighbourhood cat, renovations, or new additions to the family (pets or humans!)

A cat that has cystitis will urinate in small amounts. Occasionally, you may notice the urine has a blood tinge.
Your cat may appear to strain to toilet with little or nothing produced. This is not normal cat behaviour, and should
warrant a visit to your vet.

In most cases, treatment for cystitis is simple, effective and not too costly. Treatment may include a few days
of medications, a change in diet, urinary supplements, management changes in the house or any combination of
the above. If signs do not improve, or there is
frequent recurrence of cystitis, then your vet may
want to do further tests to rule out other factors.

At home, there are effective ways to reduce the
likelihood of your cat getting cystitis. These may
include: having free flowing water, litter trays equal
to the number of cats in the house, plus one.
Consider a high-quality dry food diet; typically,
these will reduce the risk of crystals forming in the
urine. Consider a microchip cat flap so only your
cat can come into the house.

At Tauranga Veterinary Services we can see
you and your beloved pet 7 days per week at our
Tauranga Clinic and 6 days at Te Puna, Papamoa
and Katikati. Book online at or
call 0800 838 7267 now to organise a booking
convenient to you.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 23

From new builds, alterations to remedial plaster and

Certified and qualified LBP for exterior plastering
Interior painting, skimming

23 years experience, 20 years working in the Bay of Plenty.
Proud to be local

Dan 020 4736337 (render)
Email: [email protected]

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 24

OROPI AND PYES PA by Christine

Do you grow your own food and vegetables and want to learn more or see what others are doing
locally? We are a casual friendly group that meets every 3rd Sunday in the month to share ideas on
growing food.

This month the food growers group met for a fabulous mid-winter feast. It was a lovely
sunny day, and, in-between courses, we stretched our legs and discussed compost. There
are lots of different methods of composting, depending on the materials you have
available and the size of your plot. Our host gardener was trialling no-dig gardening
techniques, using different combinations of layering with old silage, horse poo, pig
manure, coffee grounds and straw. The aim is to create a fertile nutrient-rich soil with a
good texture that results in healthy vegetable plants that are less prone to pests and

Open the soil with a fork to aerate, then add your organic matter and other layers to act
as a weed barrier, then mulch (with straw) before planting. If your materials are fresh, it’s
best to allow them to rot down first. Use a mix of dry chopped up prunings and green
matter, stack in piles or a bin and water with liquid seaweed or comfrey. Cover over
winter and keep moist over summer until ready to use. Other ways to improve soil in a
limited space is to make a worm tower, or just drill holes around the sides and base of a
bucket, sink it into the ground, add a few tiger worms and your food scraps, then cover
with a lid. The worms will move in and out of the holes improving the surrounding soil.
Check out Morag Gambol online, also The Edible Backyard by Kath Irvine

If you'd like to share your successes - and failures - and learn from others, come and join us!

Upcoming meetings: Sunday 21 August 2pm, Sunday 18 September 2pm

To find out more or to join us, please contact Christine 0274034757 [email protected] or
Jenny 0272036220 [email protected]

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 25

SWpeacaeressLOOKING FOR LAND to hold a 1 day, term Creating PosRietpirvinitteyd fwromithJunMe 2in01d5ful Mosaics
time only Forest School
Half acre at least, mature bush with walking access to Many studies have shown that creativity is not only fun and relaxing,
explore further. Children need access to natural but also beneficial for your health. It can enhance your mood, reduce
anxiety and stress, and alleviate burdens associated with chronic
mSaRkteeriainaslosnn/dayebalydmewaoasoyydatcobcecersesaattoe shwitieeth/daroltphoffiasndspuicek disease. So, it’s no surprise that many people, myself included,
turned to creativity during and after COVID lockdowns.
Possible running water source (ideally) but not For many years, I had been interested in trying mosaics and, over
a 3 year period, I searched frequently for a mosaics class in the
essential Tauranga area. I attended many other creative classes such as
Possibility to have a compost or bush toilet/long pottery, art, and upholstery and found them all enjoyable and
grounding. But my search continued for a mosaics class and I signed
drop up eventually for a Mosaic Owl workshop in Rotorua and created my
Able to have a temporary shelter (tarp) set up for first mosaic.I had gone to the class that day with the intention of just
having a fun few hours, but I was hooked. On my drive home, I was
winter/colder months buzzing with thoughts of how I could set up a studio in a neglected
Ability to light a fire in the winter months (this is dug space at home and open it for the creative people of Tauranga to
come and experience the joy and tranquillity of mosaics. I felt 100%
and replaced so you will see no trace) but understand certain that I was going to make it happen!
if this is not possible
I began my research, learning tips and tricks, finding equipment
Forest schools encompass all aspects of holistic and supplies, and practised on a few pieces so that I could gain
development providing endless learning opportunities. hands-on experience to pass on to others. By the end of April, I was
Time in nature is essential for our wellbeing. Forest up and running. I have held many beginners workshops since,
Schools offers a learner-centred approach, where working on small indoor mosaics, and school holidays have been
participants can learn through self-directed play and busy with Parent/Child workshops. Now, I intend to start workshops
exploration. By being exposed to the elements over for outdoor mosaics and weekly classes. The pleasure I get from
time, resilient learners are developed and they gain other people having such a fun and relaxing experience and wanting
confidence through hands-on experience. Also, they to return to do more is immeasurable.
develop a fundamental relationship with nature and all Workshops are held at 824 Pyes Pa Road.
aspects of life. Email [email protected].

If you can help, or know someone who can, then
please get in touch with Rachel.

021 02436666 [email protected]


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Phone John: 027 504 0802 or 579 4711

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 26

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027 272 4104 or visit
72 Kennedy Rd, Pyes Pa.

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 27

Back issues of the Pyes Pa Newsletter 28

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