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InfluencHER, RE-DEFINING what it means to be an influencer...<br><br>Welcome to InfluencHER Lifestyle Network, we create a space for fly &amp; fearless women to G.L.O.W. (grow, learn, overcome, &amp; win), thrive &amp; live a fabulous &amp; authentic life.<br><br>We connect real, relatable women with our readers as we talk about &amp; address the everyday issues, adversities, successes &amp; failures that we all face. We speak from a real place of vulnerability, hope, &amp; love to encourage our readers to become passionate about themselves &amp; the dreams they have. Inspiring positive thinking, self-love, &amp; authentic living.

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Published by InfluencHER Magazine, 2023-08-06 23:52:42

InfluencHER Summer &#39;23 Issue THE RELAUNCH EDITION

InfluencHER, RE-DEFINING what it means to be an influencer...<br><br>Welcome to InfluencHER Lifestyle Network, we create a space for fly &amp; fearless women to G.L.O.W. (grow, learn, overcome, &amp; win), thrive &amp; live a fabulous &amp; authentic life.<br><br>We connect real, relatable women with our readers as we talk about &amp; address the everyday issues, adversities, successes &amp; failures that we all face. We speak from a real place of vulnerability, hope, &amp; love to encourage our readers to become passionate about themselves &amp; the dreams they have. Inspiring positive thinking, self-love, &amp; authentic living.

Keywords: lifestyle,women,women&#39;s empowerment,business,fashion,beauty,health,wellness,finance,family,home,love,dating,travel,empowerment,inspiration,motivation,growth,personal development


C O NTENTS 4 Editor's Note 27 Healthy Habits: Daily Dose of Nutrition 32 WELLNESS: Healthy Habits for Women 40 + by Caige Phoenix 38 WORDS THAT HEAL by DeeDee Moore 43 LIFESTYLE: Travel to Enhance Your Transformation Journey by Caige Phoenix 49 NEW SPACE: Making Space for You by Natasha White 54 DATING: Black Love Wins by Dr. Kimberly King 63 BEAUTYFEATURE: Janel Nichole 70 FASHION FEATURE: Janyelle Milton 82 FINANCE: Money Trap by Kimberly Hurdle INFLUENCHER 21 INFLUENCHER OF THE MONTH: MAXINE JOHNSON 6 THE KEYS TO UNLOCK TRANSFORMATION 74 COVHER GIRL PRECIOUS MONET I N F L U E N C H E R M A G A Z I N E 40 LIFE BY DESIGN Transform your life in 30 days, create an enjoyable, sustainable lifestyle!

Life is a journey of constant transformation. From the moment we take our first breath, we embark on a path of growth, learning, and change. Transformation is an inherent part of being human, and it is through embracing these transformations that we truly thrive and evolve. Transformation can take many forms. It can be a change in our personal lives, such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or entering into a committed relationship. It can also manifest on a larger scale, such as societal shifts, technological advancements, or global challenges that force us to adapt and innovate. At its core, transformation is about letting go of the old and embracing the new. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and confront the unknown. While this can be daunting, it is often through these experiences that we discover our true potential and uncover hidden strengths. Transformation is not a linear process. It is a journey filled with twists and turns, setbacks and breakthroughs. It requires resilience, patience, and a belief in our own ability to adapt. It is important to remember that transformation is not about perfection or reaching some predetermined destination. Instead, it is about embracing the process and finding joy in the continuous evolution of our lives. WELCOME to Transformation So, welcome to transformation. Embrace the changes that come your way, both big and small. Embrace the opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Remember that transformation is not an endpoint but a lifelong journey. As you navigate the twists and turns, remember to stay open-minded, resilient, and curious. Embrace the unknown, for it is in the realm of the unknown that true transformation occurs. P 3

Welcome to 2023 part 2! The last few years have been quite an experience; would you agree? From Covid, the pandemic, cultural events, overwhelming deaths, racial tension, economic strain, and way too many things to even begin to list. I feel like as we went into the new year, there was an expectation that many had that this would be the year that would be just a little bit lighter. The year that brings a little more joy, the year that gives us more to celebrate than things we grieve. As I engaged with different women over the last year, one thing kept coming up, CHANGE! Everyone was ready for change, including myself. My motto when it comes to seeking transition in life is “change is inevitable, transformation is a choice.” I know I don’t just want things to change or be different, I want to live a transformed life. I want to evolve in such a way, going back to the way I was, who I used to be and how I previously lived, is basically impossible. Last year in my private online group “The UnCaiged Life” we talked about transformation and what was necessary to achieve it. Mindset, new habits, environment shift, consistency, and discipline...just to name a few. These types of things do not just bring about change but help you develop a new lifestyle, which in turn, creates transformation. You don’t just want things to be different, you want to create a new lifestyle so that the changes actually STICK! It becomes permanent, it is a new way of living. "Empowerment is not about giving people power. It's about reminding them that they already have it." - Unknown E D I T O R ' S N O T E We are continuing our pursuit of our transformation journeys as we are moving further into the second half of 2023. Not just seeing change but pursuing transformation. We are transforming our mindset, health, lifestyle and ultimately our entire lives. This issue is dedicated to creating and living a transformed life. With intentional focus, discipline and execution, the rest of 2023 can be the year your life makes a complete 360! Transform your mind, transform your lifestyle, transform your life! C A I G E P H O E N I X P 4

One of the things I often talk about in my private online community “The UnCaiged Life”, is the power of healing in order to activate your transformation journey. Healing and transformation are closely related concepts that involve personal growth and change. Healing refers to the process of overcoming negative experiences or emotions from the past, such as trauma or grief, and restoring one's well-being and inner peace. Transformation, on the other hand, refers to a profound change in one's life, such as a shift in perspective, beliefs, or values. Both healing and transformation require ef ort and intentional action, and can involve selfreflection, therapy, personal development, and spiritual practices. Ultimately, the goal of both healing and transformation is to live a happier, more fulfilling life, free from the constraints of past experiences or negative patterns of thinking. Heal to August, 2023 I N F L U E N C H E R M A G A Z I N E Written by Caige Phoenix P 6

The Past Holds Your Future Hostage '23 SUMMER Choosing healing refers to the process of making a deliberate and intentional ef ort to overcome negative experiences, emotions, or traumas from the past and move forward in a positive and healthy manner. This can involve seeking professional help, participating in therapy, engaging in self-care practices, and focusing on personal growth and selfimprovement. The goal of choosing healing is to promote well-being and happiness, and to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Transforming one's life can be a complex and personal process that involves making positive changes in various areas of one's life such as relationships, career, personal growth, and health. Here are some steps to help you get started: Written by Caige Phoenix I N F L U E N C H E R M A G A Z I N E ....issue P 7

Heal to Transform Identify your values and goals: Knowing what is important to you and what you want to achieve can help you focus your ef orts on the areas of your life that matter the most. Create a plan: Make a plan of action to achieve your goals. This can include breaking down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. Take action: Start taking small, manageable steps towards your goals. The key is to be consistent and persistent. Surround yourself with supportive people: Building a strong support system of family, friends, and mentors can provide you with encouragement and motivation. Be kind to yourself: Be gentle and patient with yourself during the process of change. Change is a journey, not a destination, and it's okay to make mistakes along the way. Healing is important for growth because it allows individuals to address past traumas, negative experiences, or emotional wounds that may be holding them back in life. Healing helps to release negative emotions, thoughts, and patterns, and to create space for growth and personal development. It also helps to improve mental and emotional well-being, which is a key factor in leading a fulfilling and meaningful life. cont'd "Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives." - Unknown Written by Caige Phoenix P 8

Heal to Transform When individuals heal from past experiences, they are better able to approach the present and future with a positive and healthy outlook, free from the constraints of their past. This allows them to focus on personal growth, pursue their goals and aspirations, and live a life that is true to their values and beliefs. In short, healing is a vital step in the process of personal growth and transformation. Remember, transforming your life is a personal and ongoing process that takes time and ef ort. Stay focused, be persistent, and never give up on yourself cont'd Join our online community on Facebook, “The UnCaiged Life” a healing and transformation community that promotes healing your trauma wounds, learning new healthy mindsets and behaviors in order to move forward and create the life you desire and deserve. Facebook: The UnCaiged Life - you must answer the membership questions. We will see you on the other side of fear! P 9

THE JOURNEY OF SELF-DISCOVERY AND GROWTH "As individuals evolve and their life circumstances change, new opportunities for self-discovery and growth emerge." WRITTEN BY: SHELLY TUTT When we think of transformation, if we’re not accustomed to thinking about evolving as a person, it can sound a bit like “Lost In Space”. However, transformation is as natural a part of life, just as birthdays are. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul compared himself to a runner, because life is like a marathon. The race starts with training. Athletes train, they follow strict discipline, they invest in their growth as a runner. They cannot win the race unless they improve. So, it is with life. Life should be a constant progression of growth. However, if we become stagnant, which most of us do at one time or another, we then need transformation. When we think of transformation, if we’re not accustomed to thinking about evolving as a person, it can sound a bit like “Lost In Space”. However, transformation is as natural a part of life, just as birthdays are. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul compared himself to a runner, because life is like a marathon. S U M M E R E D I T I O N P 11

THE JOURNEY OF SELF-DISCOVERY AND GROWTH cont'd The race starts with training. Athletes train, they follow strict discipline, they invest in their growth as a runner. They cannot win the race unless they improve. So, it is with life. Life should be a constant progression of growth. However, if we become stagnant, which most of us do at one time or another, we then need transformation. Transformation is a journey of selfdiscovery and growth. Self-discovery can be scary if we haven’t been honest with ourselves or others about our feelings. When we don’t operate from a place of authenticity, the result can be mental and emotional burnout. When we approach transformation, it involves our mind and our lifestyle. They need to be in alignment with each other. Our lifestyle is our brand, and it must be authentic for people to view us as credible. Who we are in private is who we should be in public and vice versa. Not only is it hard to keep up a front, but it’s also stressful. We can’t have any true peace if we’re not living authentically. That’s why at some point, transformation must come. Why is it that we stay stuck in our struggles so long? There are many reasons, but I’ll name a few. Negative self-talk, comparison to others, perfectionism, fear of failure, difficulty setting boundaries for ourselves and others, guilt and shame, imposter syndrome, difficulty forgiving, difficulty letting go of past experiences and the fear of missing out, just to name a few. P 12

21 - Day Journal Available NOW on Amazon TransformHER Wellness is here to teach you how to create a sustainable lifestyle through mental and physical fitness, while providing information, tools and support in the process!

"Self-compassion and self-acceptance are essential elements of the journey." I believe the inability to see the possibilities in our future allows us to stay stuck in the wilderness much longer than necessary. We must cultivate pathways to transformation. Anything is possible if you can believe it’s possible. However, we must also do the work. Neither one works without the other. GOD says He’ll prosper what we put our hand to. That means we’ve got some work to do. Some things we can do on our journey to transformation are as follows. This is not a comprehensive list because there’s not enough space to list them here. However, they will give us a running start in our race for transformation. We must start by becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings. We need to practice self-reflection and introspection, paying attention to what goes through our mind, especially when we face challenges or obstacles. Where did that feeling come from? We must set goals for personal growth and keep a journal to track our progress. Writing down our thoughts and feelings will help us reflect and keep track of our progress over time. THE JOURNEY OF SELF-DISCOVERY AND GROWTH cont'd P 14

We must set goals for personal growth and keep a journal to track our progress. Writing down our thoughts and feelings will help us reflect and keep track of our progress over time. Cultivating a positive mindset and attitude and refusing to make negative statements concerning ourselves will keep conversations positive. We must define our values and beliefs and make sure our life is in alignment with them. People pick up on inauthentic lifestyles and language. It’s a detractor. Cultivating self-discipline and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. Practice gratitude for the good things in your life. Develop the habit of cultivating a growth mindset and embracing change as an opportunity for growth. Practice self-compassion and let go of perfectionism. Seek help and support when needed to work through past traumas and emotional baggage. As you embark on your journey, remember to be kind to yourself and show yourself some grace. Congratulate yourself for taking the steps to make a positive change, as you take charge of the path ahead. The race is not won by the person who runs the fastest, but by the one to stays on the journey until the end. So, hang in there. I have confidence in you and believe you will cross the finish line. Shelly Tut THE JOURNEY OF SELF-DISCOVERY AND GROWTH cont'd P 15

5 W ay s t o H e l p Pri o r i t i z e D e v o t i o n S e t a s i d e a s p e c i fi c t i m e e a c h d a y fo r y o u r d e v o t i o n a n d m a k e i t a p r i o r i t y i n y o u r s c h e d u l e. W h e t h e r i t's m e d i t a t i o n , p r a y e r , r e a d i n g s p i r i t u a l t e x t s , o r e n g a g i n g i n r i t u a l s , h a v i n g a c o n s i s t e n t p r a c t i c e h e l p s y o u p r i o r i t i z e d e v o t i o n i n y o u r l i fe. Devotion holds signific a n t im p o r t a n c e in v a rio u s a s p e c t s o f lif e , in clu din g s pirit u alit y , p e r s o n al g r o w t h , a n d r ela tio n s hip s. H e r e a r e s o m e k e y r e a s o n s w h y d e v o tio n is im p o r t a n t a n d 5 w a y s t o m a k e d e v o tio n tim e a p rio rit y: Establish a Regular Practice : C r e a t e a S a c r e d S p a c e : D e d i c a t e a p h y s i c a l s p a c e i n y o u r h o m e o r w h e r e v e r y o u fe e l c o m fo r t a b l e fo r y o u r d e v o t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s. T h i s s p a c e c a n b e a d o r n e d w i t h s y m b o l s , i m a g e s , o r o bj e c t s t h a t h o l d s p i r i t u a l s i g n i fi c a n c e t o y o u. B y d e s i g n a t i n g a s a c r e d s p a c e , y o u c r e a t e a v i s u a l r e m i n d e r t o p r i o r i t i z e a n d h o n o r y o u r d e v o t i o n. Deepening Spiritu al C o n n e c tio n F o s t e rin g In n e r G r o w t h C ultiv a tin g Min d f uln e s s a n d P r e s e n c e P 1 7

Before you begin your devotional practice, take a few moments to set clear intentions for your session. Reflect on what you hope to gain from this time of devotion, whether it's cultivating inner peace, seeking guidance, or deepening your connection with the divine. By consciously setting your intentions, you align your focus and prioritize the purpose of your devotional practice. S E T I N T E N T I O N S : P R A C T I C E M I N D F U L N E S S : Cultivate mindfulness throughout your day to infuse your activities with a sense of devotion. Bring your awareness to the present moment, no matter what you're doing. Engage fully in each task, whether it's eating, walking, or interacting with others. By practicing mindfulness, you infuse devotion into every aspect of your life, not just during designated devotional times. S E E K C O M M U N I T Y A N D S U P P O R T : Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your devotion. Join spiritual or religious communities, attend gatherings, or participate in group practices. Engaging with others who prioritize devotion can inspire and motivate you in your own journey. Sharing experiences, insights, and challenges with a supportive community can deepen your devotion and help you stay committed to your practice. P 18

Progress has to be priority. Not movement. Progress. Nothing was meant forever. People will come and go. Love will blossom as tulips in Spring. Relationships find solidarity. Everything is everything. Understanding is not knowing everything. Understanding is understanding your mission. Understanding is trusting Jah. Eventually needing nothing but the Word. Believing that our strength comes from above. Believing in the wellbeing of the journey. strength Battles don't come to weaken us. Battles come to strengthen what is weak in us. We may lose some. We will win most. Endurance creates stability, trust, and victory. Through it all, we learn that everything is everything. We learn that life is not meant to please us. The journey, our journey is teaching us who to teach. Showing us how to show. Loving us how to love. Nothing is in vain. Every part of the path serves purpose. Elevation is inevitable. Deedra ‘Dojay’ Moore in thejourney Written By: P 19

SALVA ION " Y O U W I L L S E E K M E A N D F I N D M E W H E N Y O U S E E K M E W I T H A L L Y O U R H E A R T . " J E R E M I A H 2 9 : 1 3 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Dear God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with You, and I want to be right with You. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Rom. 10:9). I believe with my heart, and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me! In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen. CONFESS Acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God. BELIEVE We never want to bypass the opportunity to know Jesus! If you prayed this prayer for the first time, we would like to know. Send us an e-mail or share your testimony. CONTACT US [email protected] ROMANS 6:23 Believe in His sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. SURRENDER Surrender your life to Him as the ultimate authority and guide. P 20

MAXINE JOHNSON By LaWanda Ti l l e tt I N F L U E N C H E R O F T H E M O N T H How fitting that this issue of InfluencHER Lifestyle Magazine arrives as we celebrate Women’s History Month. We honor women both past and present that have helped blazed a trail for us to pass through and expand upon. Our InfluencHER of the Month, Maxine Johnson, is continuing that legacy. Creator of ‘The 5 Critical Components for Creating Global Communities of Change, author of “Helping a Sister,” TEDx Speaker, and CEO and founder of The Wife Boss Academy. Maxine Johnson wears many hats. With over 20 years of experience in Human Resources and over 9 years in ministry, she has reached thousands of women and stewarded her influence to positively impact women everywhere. Here is a little of what she shared during our time together. I N T H E S P O T L I G H T N O M A D I C | 2 4 P 21

My coach suggested that we start with what was going on with me at that time in my life to start narrowing down ideas. I had suffered such much loss just to the TEDx. My grandmother, my mother died, and then my brother died about a month prior to me getting with my coach to prepare. I began to talk to my coach, Darryl, about how much we give and how much we do. There are times when as an influencer, we need help too. There, I offered practical tools that everyone can utilize, because everyone is a hero. I landed the TEDx in the Fall of 2021 in California by way of a reference. That’s why I believe relationships are so important. Immediately, I invested in a coach in preparation for the talk. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to speak about for the TEDx. The thing about TEDx is that it’s not about you promoting you. It’s about promoting a thought or idea that someone can walk away from feeling they have something practical that they can apply to their life. Tel us about your TEDx experience... P 22

Wife Boss! WHAT IS THE WIFE BOSS ACADEMY? She suggested that I make it my own. So began to think about the coach I wanted to be. A lot of the time, the coach that you are is who you are. For me, it was I’m a wife and a leader and there are times when it’s hard to balance the two. As I began to speak at different engagements, I started to have women who wanted to become part of the academy to be coached by be. However, not all of them were wives. I decided to make WIFE an acronym, Women Influenced Focused and Empowered to lead. Whether you’re running a business or a single mom running your household, you’re a BOSS! This 12- week program is now going on year 3. Women Influenced Focused and Empowered to lead. First, let me start by saying that I believe you should invest in yourself. That being said, I had another coach at the time that I was working with to help move past the “church walls” if you will to do more speaking in the market place. While we were working on that element, she asked if I had ever thought about coaching. As an HR Leader, it was what I was already doing. W I F E P 23

What does influence mean to you? That’s a great question! It is when you are able to guide or direct someone to make a change in their life, whatever that is. How we do it can be different ways. For me in how I steward my influence, it’s not about forcing, but meeting people where they are. One example comes to mind which is more so around ministry directly being a pastor. A young woman was dealing with addiction and struggling with her sexual identity. She would come to church drunk, but I would tell them to leave her alone. The important part is that she’s here. I remember getting a call from her and she said that she was in rehab. I began to visit with her. Never asking her anything specific, but just chill and share common experiences. My brother was drug addict and struggled with addiction. So, we talked about that and the demons and certain fights that came with that. We simply just talked. Fast forward to today, she is now 5 years sober and now has a new home. There is a cost to ascension. The more people know you, the more people know about you. There are more trials and people are going to defame your name. What I believe is that once I accepted that it was part of the ride… I told my son that when most planes go up, ascend, they experience turbulence. That’s how I look at it. "Heroes need help too!" Maxine Johnson P 24

What’s a final thought you would like to share? I would say, particularly in the climate we live in today and from an HR perspective, you’re always interviewing. You never know who you’re going to connect with. You never who you’re going to encourage, inspire or who may inspire you. Remember, you’re the brand and be who you are! There are so many layers to Maxine L. Johnson. You can catch the full interview on our YouTube channel, InfluencHER Lifestyle Magazine Network. To keep up with Maxine, you can follow her on all social media platforms at Maxine L. Johnson. You can follow us at InfluencHER Lifestyle Magazine to be in the know for upcoming events and new features. As always, remember to InfluencHER wherever you go! P 25


HEALTHY HABITS I used to have lots of stomach pain due to my health issues which I found out and I had to get rid of my gallbladder because the stones were too big and needed to be surgically removed. Once I fixed my health, I got so much life back into me. I got the energy & love of life by living differently. About a year ago I moved to Atlanta, GA to open up a healthy cafe shop in Kennesaw, GA to help improve the community of people who were in need of a healthier lifestyle. I knew I had a passion for helping others as well as serving the community with great energy, amazing customer service and great energizing tea, protein smoothies etc. My name is Kelly and I'm 30 years young. I'm a wife to an amazing husband. I'm a leader, founder of Daily Dose Nutrition which was founded in 2022. I have been in the health & fitness business for the last five amazing years. I started the business and the Herbalife products at the same time. I made a decision to lose weight because I was in desperate need to lose the weight because my doctors mentioned to me I was 5'2 and moderately obese and going on a path of having diabetes & high cholesterol. I used to have lots of stomach pain due to my health issues which I found out and I had to get rid of my gallbladder because the stones were too big and needed to be surgically removed. Introduce us to Coach Kelly & Daily Dose of Nutrition! Take a moment to introduce yourself and your brand to our InfluencHERs & give them a peek into your world! Never Tasted So Good! Many of you have seen our Founder and Editor in Chief, Caige Phoenix as she has leaned into her own health and transformation journey. She has become passionate about helping other women create sustainable lifestyles through mental and physical fitness, in order to not only reach their health goals but to sustain them long term. Catch this interview with Kelly Fontes, owner of Daily Dose of Nutrition. Caige's new favorite bartender! EIC Caige Phoenix P 27

I was 23 years old at 245 lb. depressed and didn't like the image when I looked at myself in the mirror. I was always searching for a quick fix and I remember one day I went to a dressing room and I was wearing size 18 pants and took one photo of myself that changed everything. I knew I didn't want to stay the same woman as always. I made a decision to change my outlook and perspective on how I viewed myself. When I made this decision I was given the opportunity to become a health coach. I was motivating other people while also working on my fitness goals. My passion became very well known so that I could inspire other people to start their own journey by sharing tips of meal plan, workout routines etc. While I was inspiring other women on my fitness journey the business opportunity presented itself. I took a leap of faith and ran into learning how to help others while also making extra income. My passion became very well known so that I could inspire other people to start their own journey by sharing tips of meal plan, workout routines etc. "The groundwork for all happiness is good health." - Leigh Hunt Health & Community What inspired you to become a health and fitness coach? How did that inspire the birth of your brand? P 28

Fuel Your Day My brand Daily Dose was brought into light because of the passion of helping others. I wanted to have a storefront full of energy and great vibration to the community. My purpose is to help inspire other people into becoming the best version of themselves while also making extra income & working on their fitness goals. My brand Daily Dose was brought into light because of the passion of helping others. I wanted to have a storefront full of energy and great vibration to the community. My purpose is to help inspire other people into becoming the best version of themselves while also making extra income & working on their fitness goals. My biggest challenges have become my number one learning lessons. I learned how to become a leader for an organization of people by leading the way, also by dealing with different personalities. I have learned to not let the negative things around me not distract or take my focus away. I've learned to have a no problem mindset that nothing bothers you. My biggest milestone has been the belief that I have the power to change my circumstances. When I started my journey I was 245lbs and dropped a total of 80lbs in about 8 months. My second biggest accomplishment has been impacting my community online with their own fitness goals. I've been able to help over 100 people lose weight from the program that I provide to them by helping them with community, meal plan, workout routines etc. I've been able to impact my business partners by teaching them how to make passive income from the convenience of their phone. Share with us some of your journey; what are some of the most challenging things you have had to overcome? What was the biggest milestone along your health & fitness journey thus far? P 30

To become the best version of yourself you must first learn to love yourself. Learn to become gentle, kind, loving to yourself in the process. In order to get in the best shape you must be willing to leave the excuses at the door and allow greatness to overflow into your cup. Make a decision and just do it, take a leap of faith and allow yourself to learn and grow from others. Have a vision for where you want to be and bring into fruition. Anything is possible if you put your mind & heart into it. The most valued aspect of my business is creating relationships with people. Building & growing great energy in the community while serving and sharing what I do. While giving my customer healthy options to choose from like energizing teas, protein smoothies, protein donuts, protein bars etc. I value making sure that I can leave an everlasting impression on the community. Daily Dose the brand has a positive role in the community with learning how to take care of your health & wellness. We are not only a brand but we stand together to provide people with an amazing time, great energy and love for our clients that become part of our family. We are not just products, we are serving the community's love & health. What is your most valued aspect of what you do in your business? Is there a client success story that stands out to you more than any other? What gems would you share with women who are looking to improve their personal health & get their bodies in better shape? During the pandemic when the world was shut down, I was able to empower 10 women by starting their online business as a health coach and helping to make extra income from their home. My business partner mostly resides in Boston, MA or New York. I was able to provide a source of income to them to make over $1000 a month by helping other women on their fitness journey. It was such a powerful thing because the world was shut down but they were able to utilize their phone to make passive income. I'm so proud of the woman they are becoming. They allowed me to help them in a time of need when jobs were not in session and many people were being let go. How can you service our InfluencHERs? How does what you offer differ from others in your industry? How can our readers connect with you? Instagram: Personal: _selflovekelly Business: daily.dose.nutrition Website: P 31

HEALTHY HABITS Developing healthy habits is important for women of all ages, but particularly for those over 40. This is because as we age, our bodies change, and we become more susceptible to certain health conditions. As a woman over 40 myself, 44 to be exact; I began experiencing severe health issues in my mid 30’s during the pregnancy of my 4th child, Camora. As I approached 40 it worsened as my body changed, I continued to gain weight, my hormones were all over the place and I literally had no clue how to manage it all. By 2019, I was almost 350 pounds, suffering from acute heart failure, diabetes, chronic high blood pressure, sleep apnea and every ache, pain and more than anything insecurity imaginable. I had to take immediate control of my life and my health both physically, mentally and emotionally. In all honesty, I thought I was going to die. Things had to change immediately. Knowing that was actually the main ingredient to the transformation recipe that was the journey ahead of me! Many say the decision is the most important part, but what my journey has taught me is that is only partly true. FOR WOMEN 40 O V E R P 32

TRANFORM YOUR LIFESTYLE PRIORITIZE SLEEP: Getting adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining good health, especially as we age. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night by establishing a regular sleep routine, avoiding screens before bedtime, and creating a comfortable sleep environment. EXERCISE REGULARLY: Regular exercise can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mental health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week, in addition to muscle-strengthening activities at least two days per week. DO THE WORK Once you make the decision, you have to be relentless in your pursuit of the transformation. Be willing to really heal the broken places, realign the crooked mindsets, readjust the behaviors and habits that contributed to your wellness demise in the first place. You have to DO THE WORK. BELIEVE YOU CAN In this issue I just want to share some of the first healthy habits I had to learn to adjust to make strides in my own wellness journey. Here are some healthy habits that women over 40 can develop to promote good health and well-being: T R A N F O R M Y O U R L I F E ! P 33

EAT A BALANCED DIET: A healthy diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. MANAGE STRESS: Chronic stress can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or talking with a trusted friend or therapist. STAY HYDRATED: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential for good health, especially as we age. Aim for at least 8 cups of water per day and limit caffeine and alcohol intake. PRACTICE SELF-CARE: Make time for activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as reading, gardening, or taking a bath. Prioritizing self-care can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. GET REGULAR CHECK-UPS: Regular health screenings and check-ups with healthcare providers can help detect potential health problems early, when they are more treatable. By incorporating these healthy habits into your daily routine, you can promote good health and well-being as a woman over 40. My personal journey has shown me that we can sometimes over complicate things by trying to follow every plan and program in an attempt to meet your goals. Focusing on healing mentally and emotionally while getting back to the foundational principles of healthy living and making them my lifestyle changed the game for me. It absolutely can for you too! TRANSFORMHer Join the 21 - Day Lifestyle Chal enge P 34


By Holly Jakes NO MORE EXCUSES! JUMP INTO THE NEW Jump-starting your fitness journey can be an exciting and motivating way to begin your path towards improved physical health. Here are three top ways to kick-start your fitness journey: Create a Plan and Schedule: Developing a well-structured plan and schedule is essential for staying consistent and committed to your fitness journey. Determine how many days a week you can dedicate to exercise and select activities that align with your interests and fitness goals. You can include a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises to achieve a balanced workout routine. Write down your schedule and treat your exercise sessions as non-negotiable appointments. taking steps to set realistic goals and expectations... Set Clear Goals: Start by setting clear and realistic fitness goals. Having specific targets helps provide direction and motivation. Your goals could include losing a certain amount of weight, running a 5K, or improving strength and flexibility. Make sure your goals are achievable and measurable, allowing you to track your progress over time. HEALTH AND WELLNESS ih summer edition SUMMER Edition | 2023 P 36

Start with small changes: Avoid overwhelming yourself with drastic changes. Begin with small, manageable adjustments to your lifestyle, such as incorporating a 10- minute daily walk, drinking more water, or adding a serving of vegetables to each meal. Eat a balanced diet: Focus on consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed and sugary foods as much as possible. Get enough sleep: Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. A well-rested body and mind are better equipped to handle daily challenges. Practice mindfulness and stress management: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga into your daily routine to reduce stress and increase overall well-being. Track your progress: Keep a journal or use apps to track your daily activities, meals, exercise, and how you feel. Seeing your progress over time can be encouraging and help you identify areas that need improvement. Stay positive and be patient: Recognize that wellness is a journey, and it may take time to see significant changes. Celebrate small victories along the way and be kind to yourself when faced with setbacks. Guest Wellness Contributor Holly Jakes InfluencHER Magazine S U M MER 2 0 2 3 | WELLNES Remember, everyone's S wellness journey is unique, so find what works best for you and enjoy the process of becoming a healthier and happier version of yourself. Stay active: Regular physical activity is crucial for overall wellness. Find activities you enjoy, whether it's dancing, yoga, hiking, or sports, and try to engage in them regularly. P 37

Take a moment to enjoy your moments. Moments make up our life. Moments bring us memories. Moments are all we have. One moment can change your whole life. In one moment, we can change the world. One second. One minute. One hour. Each is a moment we will never get back. Hold on to each moment because it is the last. Savor the seconds, they will never return. Hold off your plans because the moment needs you. Let it be. Let it be. Let the moment be. There is nothing more precious than a moment. A moment with a newborn. A moment with your true love. A moment with family. Moment by moment gives us the life we are headed to. Moments shared are moments cared for. There is not much we can do without a moment. There is not much we can’t get out of a moment. Second by second. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Moment by moment. Life renews. MOMENTS Written By: DeeDee "Dojay"Moore P 38

Life By Design L I F E S T Y L E Be The Architect Of Your Life Curated Moments For A Curated Life

EE NN HH AA NN CC EE YY OO UU RR LL II FF EE SS TT YY LL EE II NN 33 00 DD AA YY SS Significantly changing your life in 30 days really is possible, although not always easy. But even though this adventure is often a big challenge, the payoffs can be enormous. We've all taken on challenges of one sort of another for 30 days. Maybe you tried a diet or an exercise program. Perhaps you decided to give up TV for 30 days. Even if you didn't stick with the program long-term, the results were great, weren't they? Now imagine if you expanded that idea to incorporate many areas of your life. This lifestyle revamp includes implementing several 30-day challenges simultaneously. You can use these suggestions or develop your own. Try creating a 30-day challenge from each category and see where your new adventures lead you. Duke | 102 Written By: Caige Phoenix P 40

Road Map to Success Do you a have a brief description of the road map? Write it here, but keep it short and provide more details below. 01 02 03 04 Adjust your finances. Making more money or spending less is always a good financial theme. Alternatively, you might try balancing your accounts each day. Kick start your physical health. Diet, exercise, or combinations of both are great places to start. You could begin with something as simple as the doing the 20-minute yoga program that's on TV every morning or taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Eliminate time wasters. Think about the amount of time you spend watching TV, surfing the Internet, window-shopping, playing video games, or lurking on Facebook. We all know the activities we tend to engage in when we're bored or trying to avoid dealing with life's challenges. Try getting rid of just one and see how much more time you have! Add in another positive activity. Come up with something more enriching or satisfying than the time waster you're eliminating. Maybe reading or taking a class would be in order. Perhaps you'll spend all your newly found time playing a musical instrument. P 41

01 02 03 04 Tips for Success in Your Program Now that you have some idea of changes you might want to make, how can you stick to them? Get enough sleep. If you set a challenge of cutting two hours of sleep each night (or even just one hour!), it's going to make everything else more difficult. Regardless of whatever time-related goals you may set, allow yourself the 7-8 hours a night that you deserve. Set goals that you can do daily, seven days a week. Creating a new habit with an activity you only do 3 times a week is often much harder. Try to keep all new activities limited to ones you can do every day. Prepare ahead of time. Have everything you need in advance. Eliminate anything that might get in the way. For example, if you're trying to follow a specific diet, buy the food you'll need beforehand and get rid of food you want to avoid. You can't break down and eat that bag of chips if there aren’t any chips in the house! Plan on social support. Tell your goals to your friends or family members that will support you in your efforts. Be careful in whom you confide. Changing is a challenge in itself. Success is harder if others are making unsupportive comments. Trying to change several aspects of your life simultaneously may require other changes as well, depending on your chosen goals. All of our behaviors tend to interact with other behaviors, which can make changing any of them a demanding task. Do them together or choose the 30-day challenge you can implement and get started. Remember to adequately prepare. If you can create several new positive habits and get rid of a few bad ones, your life will change dramatically for the better. P 42

Traveling can be highly beneficial for personal transformation and growth. Here are several ways in which traveling can positively impact your transformation journey: travel will enhance your transformation journey EXPLORE AND GROW P 43

Broadening Perspectives: Traveling exposes you to new cultures, languages, customs, and ways of life. It allows you to step outside your comfort zone and experience different perspectives, expanding your understanding of the world. This exposure promotes open-mindedness, tolerance, and empathy, which can significantly contribute to personal growth and transformation. Self-Discovery and Reflection: Traveling often involves stepping away from your daily routine and immersing yourself in new environments. This change of scenery provides an opportunity for selfreflection and introspection. You can gain insights into your own values, beliefs, and desires, as well as explore new aspects of your personality and strengths. Traveling encourages self-discovery and can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself. Building Resilience and Adaptability: Traveling often involves encountering unfamiliar situations, unexpected challenges, and navigating through unfamiliar territory. It requires adaptability and problem-solving skills, which help build resilience. Facing and overcoming these challenges while traveling can boost your confidence, resourcefulness, and ability to handle uncertainties, not just during your journey but also in other areas of life. Stepping Out of Comfort Zones: Traveling pushes you out of your comfort zone by exposing you to new experiences, people, and environments. This can be transformative as it encourages personal growth, self-confidence, and a willingness to take risks. By embracing new adventures and facing fears, you can develop a sense of empowerment and an expanded belief in your capabilities. Cultural Exchange and Learning: Engaging with different cultures and local communities during your travels provides a unique opportunity for learning and personal growth. It broadens your understanding of diverse traditions, histories, and lifestyles. By immersing yourself in local customs, participating in cultural activities, and interacting with people from different backgrounds, you can gain valuable insights, challenge preconceptions, and develop a more inclusive worldview. Gaining a Fresh Perspective: Traveling allows you to step away from your everyday routine and see life from a new angle. It provides a break from the familiar and offers a chance to reflect on your priorities, values, and goals. Exposure to different environments and experiences can inspire fresh ideas, creativity, and a renewed sense of purpose, which can be transformative in shaping your personal journey. InfluencHER recommends getting outside reasons Overall, traveling provides a transformative platform that fosters personal growth, self-discovery, resilience, and a broader perspective on life. It can be a catalyst for change, opening doors to new experiences and opportunities for transformation along your journey...SO GET OUTSIDE!!! Written By: Caige Phoenix P 44

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SPACE FOR YOU By Na t a sha White 5 W A Y S T O C R E A T E As a woman, even more so, as a Black Women, I understand dealing with the demands of work, family and the ups and downs of life all while trying to keep it together. I understand working long hours, lack of sleep, exhaustion, fatigue and feeling like there is never any time for self. I have come to realize we women tend to negotiate our well being to maintain all the responsibilities we have but lack focus on the most important person-ourselves. To dispel the mindset that there is no time for self, here are five steps women can take to help make SPACE for themselves. SPACE is an acronym which means Set Priority to Activate Consistently and Eliminate. I know that is a mouthful but here is a breakdown to better understand how its execution can benefit our self care. Set Set means to put, lay or stand something in a specific position. Setting intention to put YOU before all on your todo list gives you inclusion into your schedule. It’s about setting boundaries and standing in them without question and making sure the outside forces are aware of them. When you SET time in place for YOU, everything else can be scheduled around that time thus giving you the flexibility to fill your cup. A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 Set Intentions: ● Acknowledging distractions that pull you from you ● Determine with whom and with what you need to set boundaries ● Make a list of your core values and set a standard for others to follow ● Set goals for your self care P 49

By Na t a sha White 5 W A Y S T O C R E A T E S P A C E F O R Y O U C O N T ' D Prioritize Prioritize means the right to take precedence or proceed before others. Often times, as women, we put everything and everyone else before ourselves and thus we become lost to who we are. Too often, we associate our self care with our jobs, spouses, children, business, hussle and the actions we take to show up for them. Yes, it is awesome to be there for others, but at what expense? Just as much as we make the people and things outside of us priority, we have to do the same for ourselves. Now since you have the intention set, it is time to make YOU a priority! Now Is the Time To: ● Shift-value your well being more-say YES to YOU! ● Use this opportunity to embrace what’s best for you ● Hold yourself accountable and set alerts to remind yourself of what you already set and prioritized for yourself Prioritize YOU: ● Choose one challenge area that needs attention ● Note its current state ● Create an action step that is doable ● Put it on your schedule ● Give it 5-mins of your attention daily A is for Activate Activate means to set something into motion, start up. If you never take action, it will never get done. Really, how often do we say we are going to do something for ourselves but get redirected toward someone or something else? It’s time to stop activating your energy for everyone but yourself. Be the change so you can reduce stress, frustration and overwhelm. C is for Consistency Slow and steady wins the race. If change is the desired result, then there must be continued forward motion. Your persistence is what will continue to keep you on track towards making time for yourself a lifestyle practice. It’s about giving yourself grace even in the moments you get distracted, but knowing you have the arsenal to get back on track. It’s about not giving up on you and showing up no matter what. Never Give Up: ● Keep skin in the game-embrace your WINS ● Get a SURE accountability partner-You are not alone ● Don’t quit, tweak where/when needed P 50

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