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Published by Amjad Naim, 2023-11-02 12:32:30

The Adventures of Wooden Boys


Keywords: storybook,children,ipg kampus perlis

The Adventures Of Wooden Boy Amjad Naim



CHARACTERS : Mazlan Hamzah

Once upon a time, therewas a small village in the beautiful countryside in Butterworth, Penang. There is an old man in his 70s named Mazlan.

Mazlan is working as a carpenter in that village. He is famous for making all kindsof beautiful wooden toys for children. Almost everyone in the village knows him. Whenever a child wants a new toy, he or she will see him and he will make the toy according to the children ' s wishes.

He once married a beautiful lady named Lili, but she passed away 15 years ago. They both havenot been bestowed with asingle child. Therefore, when Lili passed away, Mazlan was left alone in this world.

One day, Mazlan sawa group of children playing in front of his shop. He felt quite down while looking at them since he didn ’t have any children on his own.

Suddenly, inspired by what he just saw, he thinks of a strange idea, to say the least. He quickly went to his workbench in his shop and started crafting something out of wood.

For three days and three nights, he works on that something tiredly. Once he finished, it seemed like a childlike human-size wooden sculpture. He named the sculpture Awang. He felt satisfied with his creation but at the same time felt sad because Awang could not move or talk like a normal human being.

After he finished, he went to bed that night. Before he slept, he wished Awang was a real boy who could talk, move, and play with him like a normal child, so he wouldn 't be lonely anymore. While Mazlan slept in his bed, a bright green light illuminated Awang, and after a few moments, the light faded out.

The next morning, Mazlan woke up and saw that Awang was gone from the table. He quickly tried to findhim around his house, and to his surprise, he saw Awang dance and move freely in thekitchen. Mazlan was stunned at what he saw, and Awang greeted him with a smile.

Awang: Oh, Hi, my name is Awang. How are you? Mazlan then replied, My name is Mazlan. Awang: Oh, hi Mazlan. What are you doing here? Mazlan: This is my house. Awang: I see. Wait, if you are this house owner, are you the one who created me?Mazlan was shocked by Awang ’ s question. Mazlan then replied, "Yes, I am.” Awang then excitedly replied, So you aremy father then?” Mazlan instantly became emotional after Awang said that. He then replied to Awang, "Yes, I am your father.

Both of them hugged each other afterward.Even though Mazlan doesn ’t know why and how Awang can become and live like an ordinary boy, it doesn ’t matter to him. All he cares about is that Awang is aliveand that both of them had a long chat after the encounter.

Mazlan introduces Awang to the villagers the very next day after the encounter. Villagers are shocked to see Awang, whois made of 100% wood, alive and acting like an ordinary kid. The villagers start to question Mazlan about how on earth Awang came alive, but Mazlan cannot answer their question because he himself doesn 't know about it.

Awang quickly became the most famous boy in the village overnight because of his uniqueness. Some of the villagers are amazed by Awang,but a lot of them remain cautious around Awang, as Awang, despite looking, talking, and behaving like a normal child, is still different from the rest of the villagers, including Mazlan himself.

The villagers still don ’t know what Awang is capable of doing. Mazlan himself is also curious about Awang ’ s capabilities, whether they are the same as those of children around his age, if he has secret abilities that he hides, or if Awang himself doesn 't even know about them. Adults andchildren around the village are stillsceptical of Awang ' s characteristics and distance themselves from him.

As the days passed, the villagers still treated Awang the same as when they first met him and didn 't want anything to do with him. Although Awang felt sad and left behind by them,he himself understands their caution because he knows that he is different from everyone else inthe village.

One evening, Awang saw a group of children playing arounda tree. He hesitated to ask themif he could join them in playing. At last, Awang braved himself toapproach them. When Awang asked them, the children were terrified of Awang ’ s presence and started running away. Awang expected this kind of reaction, but it still hurt his feelings.

At a distance, a boy is watching Awang from afar. The boy then confronted him from behind. "Excuse me, ” says the boy. Awang heard the voice behind him and then turned around. "Oh, hello, ” says Awang. “What are you doing here?” says theboy. "Well, I wanted to play with a group of children just now, but they all ran away from me. I guess I can 't socialise with anyone in this village, " replied Awang.

I see. Hey, you know what? Let' s be friends, " says the boy. Awang is surprised by what the boy just said. Then he replied, "Wait,really? Do you know who I am? The boy replied. "Yes, of course I do. You are Awang, a boy made of wood who is somehow alive one day."

"I also know who your maker is. That old man, Mazlan, is popular for making toys in this village. To think that he is making you is absolutely terrifying, I would say " . Awang still couldn 't believe the boy, so he decided to ask why. "So you know my father are. That being said, if you know who I am, shouldn 't you be afraid of me like everybody else in this village?" said Awang

"Eh, I should too. But to be friends with you will, in my opinion, be a wonderful experience. Besides, I am curious about you, Awang. Do you actually like ordinary children, or is there a secret that you are hiding? Awang was shocked by the question. Awang himself doesn 't know the answer. "I don 't know. But I wish that whatever it is, it is good and beneficial to the villagers so that they are not afraid of me anymore, " said Awang, frustrated.

"Hey, hey, it' s okay. You don 't have to be that frustrated. I need to go now. I need to buy some groceries. Let' s meet again in this tree tomorrow around this time, okay?" repliedthe boy. "All right. By the way, what is your name?" asked Awang "The name is Hamzah. See you later." “See you again,Hamzah”

As days passed after their unexpected encounter, both Awang and Hamzah became close friends, as they always played and hung out with each other almost every day. Hamzah' s parents and siblings felt uncomfortable welcoming Awang into their lives with open arms because of Awang ' s abnormalities. Even the villagers are trying to persuade him to change his mind and his decision about his relationship with Awang. Despite this, Hamzah doesn 't care less about his family and the villagers ' s opinions. He was just grateful that he and Awang could bond together, although they were very different from each other.

One evening, both Awang and Hamzah went to the open field to play kites. They wait for the wind to pass, then they fly their kites. Out of the blue, Hamzah' s kite string suddenly broke, which caused his kite to be blown away by the wind. Hamzah and Awang then tried to chase the kite. The kite ends up stuck in a tall tree branch that is in front of a large water ditch.

"The kite is stuck in the tree ' s branches; we can 't get it" , said Awang. "Ah, don 't worry. I can climb the tree to get it" , said Hamzah. "Don 't do that; it' s dangerous. You might fall from the tree!" replied Awang after hearing what Hamzah just said. "It' s okay. I always climbed up many trees in myentire life. This is just easy; don 't worry." said Hamzah confidently. Hamzah then quickly climbed up to the tree to retrieve his kite. Awang looks at him from below with a nervous feeling, hoping he is not hurting himself.

Hamzah arrived at the branch wherehis kite was stuck and carefully madehis way to the kite. Then, just as Hamzah almost reachedthe kite, he heard some unpleasant noises. He looked back behind him and saw the branch where he was currently sitting suddenly almost break. He immediately ran back to the tree, but he was not fast enough. The branch broke and caused Hamzah tofall into the water

Awang saw Hamzah fall from the tree, and without thinking twice, he immediately jumped into the water to save him. After that, Hamzah was in Awang ' s arms. When they both opened their eyes, they were not on the ground but floating in the air. It was revealed that Awang has the power to fly. Thereafter, Awang carefully brought Hamzah to the nearby ground. Hamzah still felt shaken and scared, but at the same time, he felt relieved and grateful that he had survived.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" , asked Awang. "Yes, yes, I am okay. Thanks to you, Awang. Do you have the ability to fly? Why don 't you tell me about it?" , asked Hamzah excitedly. "I just found out I can fly just now " , replied Awang. "Thank you for saving my life. I owned you for the rest of my life, said Hamzah as he hugged Awang.

Some of the villagers who saw the incident rushed to the scene. The villagers then asked both of them about what happened, and Hamzah quickly gave them detailedexplanations about it. He also said that Awang saved his life. After hearing Hamzah' s explanation, the villagers praised Awang for his bravery. They also apologise to Awang for their treatment of him. Awang accepts their apologies by saying, "Let bygone be bygone."

A few days later, Awang ' s life completely changed. The villagers start treating Awang the same as other kids aroundthe village. With his ability to fly, he can help villagers with everyday life ' s things. A lot of villagers feel grateful that Awang willingly helped them despite their treatment of himsince he came alive.

In the evening,Awang and Hamzah sat together, watching the sunset. Then Hamzah asked Awang. "Do you have any superpowers beside flying,Awang?" Awang then turned around to Hamzah. Then he smiled while saying, "I guess you have to wait when the time comes, Hamzah." Both of them laughed it out afterwards.

MORAL OF THE STORYIn summary, this story teaches us thatwe can 't just judge books by their covers. It means that you shouldn 't judge someone or something based only on what you see on the outside or only on what you perceive withoutknowing the full situation. The villagers distance themselves from Awang because they think that he is bad and dangerous towards them without even giving him a chance to prove it.

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