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Zoom Application
Sing in
1 3
Zoom Application
Instant meeting
Instant Meeting 2
Schedule a
Schedule a meeting
Schedule a meeting
My meeting
My meeting
Schedule a meeting
Schedule a meeting
Schedule a meeting
My meeting
Schedule a meeting
Join a meeting
Meeting ID & Passcode 2 3
Join a meeting from a link
Join a meeting from a link
Share screen
Share screen
Share screen
Zoom Chat
Zoom Chat
Zoom Chat
Create a Chanel
Role in meeting
• Host
• Co-host
• Participant
Feature Host Co-host / Participants
Participating in the meeting ✔
Start the meeting ✔ host
Mute/unmute themselves* ✔
Start/stop their own video ✔ ✔✔
View participants list ✔ ✔ ✔*
Share screen ✔ ✔✔
Request or give remote control ✔ ✔ ✔*
Chat with participants (in-meeting chat) ✔ ✔✔
Save in-meeting chat ✔✔
Feature Host Co-host / Participants
alternative ✔
Create or edit polls ✔
Start polling ✔ host
Answer polls
Assign someone to enter closed ✔ ✔
captions ✔
Enter closed captions ✔ ✔* ✔*
Use call-out to join audio by phone ✔ ✔✔
End meeting ✔
Reactions and nonverbal feedback ✔ ✔✔
Reorder video
Feature Host Co-host / Participants
alternative ✔
Rename participants ✔
Invite others to join ✔ host
Mute controls for participants (ask to ✔ ✔
mute, mute all, mute on entry) ✔ ✔
Assign participants to breakout rooms
Feature Host Co-host / Participants
Managing participants ✔
Mute or unmute participants ✔ host
Stop participant's video ✔
Ask participant to start video ✔ ✔
Spotlight a video ✔ ✔
Promote participant to host or co-host ✔ ✔
Change who attendees can chat with ✔ ✔
Remove attendees ✔
Put participants on hold ✔
Feature Host Co-host / Participants
alternative ✔*
Recording ✔
Start cloud recording ✔ host
Start local recording ✔
Allow or forbid a participant to start ✔
local recording ✔ ✔
Live streaming ✔ ✔
Live stream on Facebook ✔
Live stream on Workplace ✔
Live stream on YouTube
Custom live stream
In meeting tools