The 7 Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark
4 - 11 September 2022
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, Satun Province, Thailand
UNESCO Global Geoparks:
Building Sustainable Communities
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark
Department of Mineral Resources Governor's Office of Satun Province
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Tourism and Sports Songkhla Rajabhat University
Science, Research and Innovation Satun Campus
Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Geological Society of Thailand
Programmes in East and Southeast Asia
Welcome Message
Welcome To the 7 Asia Pacific Geoparks
Network Symposium.
On behalf of Thailand National Geopark
Committee, we are delighted to welcome you to
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, Satun Province,
Thailand. The theme of the 7 Asia Pacific
Geoparks Network (APGN) Symposium will
focus on "UNESCO Global Geoparks: Building
H.E. Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand Sustainable Communities" which will be held
President of Thailand National Geopark Committee
from September 4 – 11 , 2022.
The 7 Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium is part of Asia Pacific Geoparks Network which
has purpose on creating, collaborating, and connecting across the region. The symposium activities are
presented by APGN AC/CC meeting, GGN council meeting, bilateral meeting, youth forum and APGN
conference together with Geofair exhibition and excursions.
We hope you all will succeed in your purpose of participation and will enjoy the 7 APGN Symposium.
Thank you for attending the 7 Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium.
H.E. Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa
The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
Mr. Varawut Silpa-Archa Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
President of Thailand National Geopark Committee
Mr. Anupong Paochinda Minister of Interior
Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn Minister of Tourism and Sports
Prof.Dr. Anek Laothamatas Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
Mr. Ekarat Lishen Governor, Satun Province
Mr. Pongboon Pongtong Director General, Department of Mineral Resources
Co - Chairperson
Mr. Kanok Intarawijit President Geological society of Thailand
Dr. Young Joo Lee Director of CCOP Technical Secretariat
Committee member
Prof. Jin Xiaochi Coordinator APGN AC
Prof. Ibrahim Koomoo Vice Coordinator APGN AC
Prof. Setsuya Nakada Vice Coordinator APGN AC
Ms. Kana Furukawa Japan Geoparks Network
Mr. Suvapak Imsamut Deputy Director General, Department of Mineral Resources
Mr. Prakit Wongsriwattanakul Deputy Director General, Department of Mineral Resources
Mr. Narongrit Thungprue Director, Satun UNESCO Geopark
Thailand Geopark Network
Thailand National Geopark Committee
Thailand Geopark Network Sub Committee
Songkhal Rajabhat University Satun Campus
Nakhonratchasima Rajabhat University
(Northeastern Research Institute of Petrified Wood and Mineral Resources)
LOCATION Satun UNESCO Global Geopark,
La-ngu District,
Satun Province,
Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus,
VENUE La-ngu District, Satun Province, Thailand
R egistration, Receiving documents and paying registration fees.
At the 1 floor of the APGN Conference Building, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus, Satun Province.
On 6 September 2022 (from 12:00 am to 5.00 pm) and 7 September 2022 (all day)
Activities Venue Attend pattern
UNESCO Global Geopark Council Meeting SeeSea Resort Meeting room at 4-5 September 2022 Onsite and zoom (restrict)
(UGGP) (11.00 am - 7.00 pm)
APGN advisory committee meeting (AC) Room# 302, APGN venue at 6 September 2022 Onsite and ID: 847 383 6685
(9.30 am -10.30 am)
APGN advisory committee meeting and Room# 307, APGN venue at 6 September 2022 Onsite and ID: 847 383 6685
coordinating committee meeting (AC+CC) (10.30 am -5.00 pm)
GGN Executive Board meeting Room# 302, APGN venue at 7 September 2022 Onsite and zoom (restrict)
(4.00 pm -5.00 pm)
APGN Conference Room # 209 #204 and # 307, APGN venue at 7-8 and Onsite and online
10 September 2022 For attending the online meeting as follows:
1. Go to
2. Login your own ID and password.
3. Select menu “Meeting now”
4. Select the conference room you need to attend
Youth forum: : Strategy & Development Room # 206, APGN venue at 7 September 2022 Onsite and ID: 847 383 6685
of geopark (1.00 pm -4.00 pm)
Parallel meeting 1: Co-operation between Room # 205, APGN venue at 8 September 2022 Onsite
Khorat aspiring geopark and Non Nuoc (9.00 pm -11.00 pm)
Cao Bang Unesco global geopark
Parallel meeting 2 : Geohazard in Geopark Room # 206, APGN venue at 8 September 2022 Onsite and online by BEX (website)
areas (9.00 pm -11.00 pm)
Parallel meeting 3 Co-operation between Room # 205, APGN venue at 8 September 2022 Onsite
Khorat aspiring geopark and Mine (4.00 pm -5.30 pm)
Akiyoshidai Geopark, Japan.
Parallel meeting 4: International Room # 206, APGN venue at 8 September 2022 Onsite and online by BEX (website)
geodiversity day (9.30 pm -10.30 pm)
The 7th Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium 4-11 September 2022
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, Satun Province, Thailand
Sunday 4 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
UNESCO Global Geoparks Council Meeting (UGGpC) : SeeSea Resort Meeting room
1. Opening by the Outgoing Chair of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council (UGGpC)
2. Election of new Bureau members (Chairperson, vice-chairperson and rapporteur)
3. Opening remarks of the incoming Chair of the UGGpC
4. Opening remarks by UNESCO, GGN, IUGS, IUCN, Satun UGGp host representatives
5. Adoption of the agenda and timetable.
12.00-13.00 6. Discussion of the evaluation of new UNESCO Global Geopark applications (between 2019, 2020 and 2021)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
7. Continue discussion of the evaluation of new UNESCO Global Geopark applications pending between 2019 and 2021
14.00-17.00 8. Deferred UNESCO Global Geoparks application from 2020
9. Discussion of the revalidation of existing UNESCO Global Geoparks (2019, 2020 and 2021)
19.00-22.00 Dinner at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Monday 5 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
UNESCO Global Geoparks Council Meeting (UGGpC) : SeeSea Resort Meeting room
1. Discussion of the revalidation of existing UNESCO Global Geoparks (2022)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
2. Continue discussion of the revalidation of existing UNESCO Global Geoparks (2022)
3. Discussion of extension requests (<10%)
4. Deferred extension requests (<10%) from 2021
5. Discussion of the UGGpC results and drafting of the report
6. Discussion on issues related to the missions and assessment process
7. Any other business
19.00-22.00 Dinner at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Tuesday 6 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
09.30-10.30 APGN Advisory Committee Meeting (AC) : Room# 302, APGN venue
10.30-12.00 APGN advisory committee meeting and coordinating committee meeting (AC+CC) : Room# 307, APGN venue
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-17.00 APGN advisory committee meeting and coordinating committee meeting (AC+CC) : Room# 307, APGN venue
17.00-18.00 Rest time
18.00-21.00 Ice Breaking at Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Wednesday 7 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
08.00-09.00 Registration
09.00-10.20 Opening Ceremony at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
• Video Presentation
• Performance by Satun Provice
• Welcome Speech by Governor of Satun Province
• Speech by representative of APGN Coordinator (Prof. Xiaochi Jin)
• Speech by representative of GGN President (Prof. Dr. Nickolaos Zouros)
• Opening Speech by Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand (Mr. Varawut Silpa-Archa)
10.20-11.00 Exhibition Opening and coffee break
11.00-11.15 Keynote Speaker: UNESCO’s supports and contribution to the development and continuity of UNESCO Global Geoparks during
and after the pandemic
by Mr. Kristof Vandenberghe, Chief of Earth Sciences and Geoparks Section, UNESCO Global Geoparks Secretariat
11.15-11.30 Keynote Speaker: UNESCO Global Geoparks and the Global Geoparks Network: Building Sustainable Communities
by Prof. Dr. Nickolaos Zouros, President of Executive Board of Global Geoparks Network
11.30-11.45 Keynote Speaker: APGN in Next Normal Period
by Prof. Xiaochi Jin, Vice President of Global Geoparks Network
11.45-12.00 Keynote Speaker: The vision and mission of UGGp youth forum for the operation of geoparks
by Mr. Immanuel Deo Silalahi, Chairman of UNESCO Global Geoparks Youth Forum
12.00-12.05 Short note : UNESCO’s Geosciences projects with the UGGPs
by Dr. Ozlam Adiyaman Lopes, the UNESCO Global Geoparks Secretariat Team
12.05-13.30 Exhibition and lunch
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
13.30-17.20 SESSION: SDGs in Geoparks SESSION: Aspiring Geoparks SESSION: Geodiversity and Geoparks
Chairman: Nickolaos Zouros Chairman: Kana Furusawa Chairman: Alireza Amrikazemi
Co-chairman: Dhiti Tulyatid Co-chairman: Koji Wakita Co-chairman: Apsorn Saradsud
13.30-13.50 A New Type of Exchange Utilizing the Conservation of the traditional agricultural A new concept submarine site in the
Geopark Network Initiated by High School landscape in collaboration with local Nanki Kumano Geopark
Students stakeholders in Mt. Chokai and Tobishima by Wataru Azuma
by Mutsuki Osada Island Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark,
by Marekazu Ohno
13.50-14.10 Building Sustainable Local Communities - Effects of granite on biodiversity in Formation and Processes of Horseshoe-
A Case Study of Shuiji Village of Taining Meihuashan Mountain shaped Scoria Cone: A Case Study of
Global Geopark by Song Qiyang Jimibong Scoria Cone and Jongdal-ri Coast
by Ningzhang Chen by Yongmun Jeon
14.10-14.30 Global Cooperation for Sustainable Global Evolution of Volcanoes in the Ijen Aspiring Geodiversity and Approaches for
Geopark Development: Case Study Khorat UNESCO Global Geopark Area as Supporting Geoconservation at Khorat Geopark,
aUGGp, Thailand Material for Sustainable Geotourism Thailand
by Pakkaporn Singhwachiraworakul by Abdillah Baraas by Jaroon Duangkrayom
14.30-14.50 Investigation and Management of Toxic Features and Activities of Nanki Kumano Geoheritage in a Quarry Concession:
Substances in the Landfill Leachate from aspiring Geopark, Japan Geosite Mapping for Geoheritage
the Municipal Waste Disposal Center for by Seiya Fukumura Management in Kinta Valley Geopark,
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Area Malaysia
by Aopeau Imvittaya by Komoo Ibrahim
14.50-15.20 Exhibition and Coffee break
UTC+7 Activity
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
15.20-15.40 Projects to Support the United Nations Geology and geoheritage significance in Khok Pha Suam Locality, the last home of
Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Lenggong Geopark, Perak, Malaysia Thai dinosaurs: the vertebrate assemblage
Development in Itoigawa Geopark by Mat Niza bin Abdul Rahman in Pha Chan-Sam Phan Bok Geopark
by Takuma Katori by Sita Manitkoon
15.40-16.00 Sustainable Communities in Hantangang Public Awareness Raising Activities About New specimens of Pseudosuchia and
River UNESCO Global Geopark, Republic of Lang Son Aspiring Geopark, Lang Son Sauropodomorph from Ban Huai Ya Khruea
Korea: Focusing on success cases of Local Province, Viet Nam locality, in thearea of Phetchabun Geopark
government-Troops Partnerships by Pham Thi Huong by Apirut Nilpanapan
by Jooah Choi
16.00-16.20 UNESCO Global Geopark, a Powerful Tool Some heritage values of the Lang Son Overview on the project of plant, animal,
to Achieve Local Sustainable Development
and fossil diversity in Satun Geopark
Aspiring Geopark, Lang Son Province,
by Jianping Zhang Vietnam by Bhanumas Chantarasuwan
by Do Thi Yen Ngoc
16.20-16.40 Sites for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Development with Solving Paleobiodiversity and Utilizing of Vertebrate
Realizing the Potential of UNESCO Local Problems through the Eco-tourism Fossils in Khorat Geopark, Northeastern
Designated Sites to Advance Agenda 2030 in the Gorontalo Aspiring Geopark Thailand
by Sarah Gamble by Hisanari Sugawara by Wilailuck Naksri
16.40-17.00 Gender Equality in Lushan UGGp Tak Petrified Wood Geopark Progress on interpreting landscapes in
by Huang Tao by Nuthawut Thawikuakulkit Zhangjiajie UGGp of China in a more
scientifically based way
by He-qing Huang
17.00-17.20 Efforts to Conserve Groundwater Cycle: The Utilisation of Events to Promote Local Reconsideration Sediments Successions at
Plateau Geopark
Cooperation with Kumamoto City (outside Engagement with Mine-Akiyoshidai Karst the Petrified Wood No.1, Ban Tak, Northern
the Aso UGGp area) triggered by the 4 Asia-
Pacific Water Summit by Joanna Wilson by Nattanakorn Songpracha
by Koki Nagata
17.20-18.00 Poster Session at 1 st floor of the building
• SDGs in Geoparks
• Geohazard Mitigation in Geoparks
• Geodiversity and Geoparks
• Geoparks: “Sustainable Tourism”
• Geoparks: “Education and Interpretation”
• Local Wisdom and Cultural Heritage in Geoparks
• Aspiring Geoparks
18.00-22.00 Welcome dinner at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Thursday 8 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
09.00-12.00 SESSION: SDGs in Geoparks SESSION: Aspiring Geoparks SESSION: Geodiversity and Geoparks
SESSION: Geoparks: Sustainable Tourism Chairman: Ibrahim Komoo Chairman: Surachai Siripongsatian
Chairman: Tran Tan Van Co-chairman: Ahmad Norhayati Co-chairman: Metha Yongsanong
Co-chairman: Narawadee Buakwan
09.00-09.20 Australia’s National Geotourism Strategy Community Empowerment in Tambora Systematics of Land Snails and distribu-
by Young Ng Geopark Through the Development Strate- tion of nematodes associated with Sarika
gy of Doro Bente geosite siamensis in Satun Province, Thailand
by Hadi Santoso by Tuangthong Boonmachai
Creative musical performances at geosite
09.20-09.40 Effectiveness of Geopark Tour Guides The former plate boundary and its rela-
Training in Mersing Geopark, Johor, Penin- by Youngjin Kye tionship with the residents, specifically the
sular Malaysia signboard making process
by Ahmad Norhayati by Satomi Kato
UTC+7 Activity
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
09.40-10.00 Enhancing the Petrified Forest Park: Ijen Geopark: Protecting the Future of Volcanoes and volcanic cave wonders of
“Kyria Apolithomeni”, Lesvos Island Banyuwangi Through Sustainable Tourism Dak Nong UNESCO Global Geopark
UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece by Ipuk Fiestiandani by Tran Nhi Bach Van
by Valiakos Ilias
10.00-10.20 Geo-Activity Project in San’in Kaigan Khon Kaen Geopark: Hometown of the Volcanic ash bed of Satun Global Geopark:
UNESCO Global Geopark
Its significance for the development of
by Hirofumi Hishida by Suravech Suteethorn Sibumasu block
by Punya Charusiri
10.20-10.40 Exhibition and Coffee break
10.40-11.00 Geoparks and Geotourism in China: New Design of Interpretation Panels: Kat O Wang Sai Thong Waterfall: A Karst
a Sustainable Approach to Geoheritage Heritage Trail as an Example Geomorphologic Geosite of Satun UGGp
Conservation and Local Development by Yu Nam Chan by Sitthinon Kultaksayos
by Kejian Xu
11.00-11.20 Geotourism for community engagement Raising Awareness of Geological Significance: 3D Visualisation and Web GIS for Public
Communication of Geosites
for inclusive and equitable development
Case Study in Wiang Nong Lom Geoheritage
by Thuỳ, Vi Trần Site, Thailand by Mark Williams
by Kanokporn Pimpasak
11.20-11.40 Geotourism of Langkawi Islands: Sustainable Study of Geosite Potential in Ijen Geopark Development of Geotourism site, Chet Kot
Approach Towards Conservation of Area Based on UNESCO Assessment Cave, Satun Province
Geological Heritage Parameters by Chanrat Mernkhuntod
by Azmil Munif Mohd Bukhari by Ananda Setyawan
11.40-12.00 Geotourism of the Jerai Geopark, Malaysia The integrated cooperation of dinosaur The International value of geological
by Nur Susila Md. Saaid fossil researching and conservation in heritage at Mine-Akiyoshi Karst Plateau
Aspiring Khon Kaen Geopark Geopark, Japan
by Krishna Sutcha by Koji Wakita
12.00-13.30 Exhibition and lunch
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
13.30-17.20 SESSION: Geoparks: Sustainable Tourism SESSION: Aspiring Geoparks SESSION: Geodiversity and Geoparks
Chairman: Soojae Lee SESSION: Local Wisdom and cultural SESSION: Geoparks: Education and Inter-
Co-chairman: David Newsome Heritage in Geoparks pretation
Chairman: Mahito Watanabe
Chairman: Setsuya Nakada
Co-chairman: Mat Niza bin Abdul Rahman Co-chairman: Nattinee Thongdee
13.30-13.50 Boost-Up Sustainable Local Community The result brought by area extension and The Late Mesozoic Geological Records
Economy in Rinjani-Lombok UNESCO the future path of Sakurajima-Kinkowan Response to the Subduction of the Paleo-
Global Geopark through Sports Tourism aUGGp Pacific Plate, Longyan Geopark, China
Development by Hikari Shiba by Liu Gang
by Mohamad Farid Zaini
13.50-14.10 Integration of Culture and Tourism, Promoting local heritage and products Education and Sensitization Activities in
Innovative Development - The "Tourism+" with modern technology in Psiloritis protected areas of the Lesvos Island
Effect of Yuntaishan UNESCO Global UGGp, Crete, Greece UNESCO Global Geopark - Greece
Geopark by Charalampos Fassoulas by Bentana Konstantina
by Yutong Zhu
14.10-14.30 Open access opportunities for the The wisdom of local people for good Geopark Education Through Project Based
dissemination of geopark and geotourism management and sustainably utilizing on Learning and Narratives for the
research their natural resources: a case study from Empowerment of the Local Community
by David Newsome the Phachan-Samphan Bok Geopark, by Minamo Nobe
by Pradit Nulay
14.30-14.50 Open air museum aiming the enhancement A Guideline of the Role of Religion and How Do Local Residents Be Actors of
of fossiliferous sites of the Lesvos petrified Belief of Inhabitants in the Ubon Maekong “Doing Geopark” : An Example of
forest in Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Region Educational Project in Muroto UNESCO
Geopark, Greece by Chedchawan Boonngok Global Geopark, Japan
by Zouros Nickolaos by Tsubasa Ogasawara
14.50-15.20 Exhibition and Coffee break
UTC+7 Activity
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
15.20-15.40 Sports + Tourism in Zhangjiajie UGGp of The 1593 (VEI=5) Raung Volcanic Eruption: How to Create the Local Textbook for
China Natural Event that Changed the History of Geopark: A Case Study from Longyan
by Yi Qin the Eastern End of Java Aspiring Global Geopark, China
by Firman Sauqi Nur Sabila1 by Sun Wenyan
15.40-16.00 What will post COVID-19 geopark tourism A study on the inheritance and promotion Info centres and gallery in geopark for
look like? of Intangible Culture Heritage of Handcrafted interpretation and education
by David Newsome Flowers in Huanggang- Dabieshan by Tanot Unjah
UNESCO Global Geopark
by Li Feng
16.00-16.20 Creative Tourism Development in Satun Geopark’s addition of scientific value on Participatory geo-education and
UNESCO Global Geopark, Thailand World Cultural Heritage Site: locality popularization in Non nuoc Cao Bang
by Yuwaree Choksuansap explanation of Nirayama Reverberatory geopark
Furnaces in Izu Peninsula UNESCO Global by Hieu Duong Thi
by Katsuhiko Asahi
16.20-16.40 Promoting the visibility of local ethnic Itoigawa Shimpaku Project: Revitalizing Safe Evacuation Shelter’s Life for Everyone
groups in the Dong Van Karst Plateau Geologically-Linked Cultural Heritage -Research Activity with Muroto High
UNESCO Global Geopark, Vietnam through Geotourism School Students in the Aim of Developing
by Hoang Xuan Don by Theodore Brown Cross-Curricular System based on Geopark
by Kokona Tanida
16.40-17.00 Strengthening geoscience research and Rediscovering its Culture and Industry in The Educational Activities Development of
popularization, boosting Geopark Mine through Attitudes toward Superb Thachangratbamroong School: The First
sustainable development Local Water for a Unity to Inspire the Geopark School of Khorat Geopark,
by Jing Zhixing Whole Region Thailand
by Akiho Sakata by Kanokwan Thipkrathoke
17.00-17.20 Announcement of Mid-Excursion
17.20-18.00 Poster Session at 1 st floor of the building
• SDGs in Geoparks
• Geohazard Mitigation in Geoparks
• Geodiversity and Geoparks
• Geoparks: “Sustainable Tourism”
• Geoparks: “Education and Interpretation”
• Local Wisdom and Cultural Heritage in Geoparks
• Aspiring Geoparks
18.00-21.00 Dinner at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Friday 9 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
06.30-07.00 Arrival of APGN delegation at front of APGN venue, Satun Province
07.00-07.30 Preparation for three mid- excursion routes
Route A: The Longest Sea Cave and Route B: Karst Morphology to the Coast Route C: Land of Paleozoic History and
Abundant Biodiversity Trail of Two Periods Trial Intangible Heritage Trail
07.30-12.00 • Satun Global Geopark Museum and • Time Travel Zone, Time-Bounded • Tham Talu Cave and local product
Thungwa Ancient Elephant Museum crossing bridge and Enjoy with local
• Tham Le Stegodon Cave performance
12.00-13.00 Lunch Lunch Lunch
13.00-16.00 • Local Product and cultural activities of • Phu Pha Phet Cave and Enjoy with • Travel Zone, Time-bounded crossing
Thungwa at Tha Oil Pie Local Product and cultural activitiea of bridge and Enjoy with locah performance
Manang • Panya Batik community enterprise
and Local Product
16.00-16.30 End of three mid- excursion routes and arrival of APGN delegation at hotels
16.30-18.30 Arrival of APGN delegation at APGN venue, Satun Province for Gala Dinner
18.30-22.00 Gala dinner at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Saturday 10 September 2022
UTC+7 Activity
Room A # 209 Room B # 204 Room C # 307
09.00-12.00 SESSION: Local Wisdom and cultural SESSION: Geohazard Mitigation in SESSION: Geoparks: Education and
Heritage in Geoparks Geoparks Interpretation
Chairman: Azmil Munif Bin Mohd Bukhadi Chairman: Dhiti Tulyatid Chairman: Jaroon Duangkrayom
Co-chairman: Apsorn Saradsud Co-chairman: Metha Yongsanong Co-chairman: Yongmun Jeon
09.00-09.20 Introducing Indigenous Ainu Language Knowledge of the Establishment of a The International Education Activity for
with Picture Book “Origins of River Names System for Disaster Transmission in Geopark Schools: Khorat aUGGp and Non
of Toya-Usu UGGp” Geoparks, from the Case of the Kumamoto Nuoc Cao Bang UGGp
by Nire Kagaya Earthquake by Parichat Kruainok
by Takayuki Kubo
09.20-09.40 Reunited by spiritual belief: the integration Landslide Assessment in Satun UNESCO The Science Popularization Experience
of geological and intangible cultural Global Geopark: A Case Study in Manang Sharing of Tianzhushan UNESCO Global
heritage in Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark District Geopark
by Phakasawan Pratchayakup by Namphon Khampilang by Wen Huang
09.40-10.00 Singo Ulung Culture: The Form of Rock failure assessment on Paleo-collapse A Research on the Development of Na-
Bondowoso Community’s Cultural Identity sinkhole in case the Prasat Hin Pan Yod ture Education in Danxiashan UNESCO
(viewed from the perspective of cultural tourist site, Satun geopark, Thailand Global Geopark
theory) by Sakda khundee by Guiqing Li
by Tantri Raras Ayuningtyas
10.00-10.20 A study of conservation cultural ecology for Coastal changes along the Petra Beach to Development of Paleontological
rock salt production in the Khorat Geopark Ao Noon Bay, La-ngu District, Satun Interpretation in Khon Kaen Aspiring
area, Kham Thale So District, Nakhon Province Geopark Using Brain-Based Learning
Ratchasima Province, Thailand by Sakda khundee (BBL)
by Anchaleeporn Nuntaschapornpong by Wannapa Somta
10.20-10.40 Exhibition and Coffee break
10.40-11.00 How to create identity and value of traditional Impacts of climate change in the Sakaerat Engaging Youth for Public Education in
silk by integrating with geological heritage Biosphere Reserve reflecting challenges in Rinjani-Lombok Geopark Area
in Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark sustainable management of the Korat by Meliawati Ang
by Phakasawan Pratchayakup Geopark
by Surachit Waengsothorn
11.00-11.20 Voices of Muroto Dancers: A Video Program Environment and Disaster Prevention
on Inheritance of Intangible Heritage under Learning Program in Muroto UNESCO
the Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic Global Geopark, Japan
by Akifumi Nakamura by Yoshihiro Kakizaki
11.20-11.40 Scientific Research and Science
Education of Shilin UGGp
by Jihong Bao
11.40-13.30 Exhibition and lunch
13.30-15.00 Closing Ceremony at main conference room, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
T1: SDGs in Geoparks
Oral Presentation T2: Geohazards Mitigation in Geoparks
T3: Geodiversity and Geoparks
Titles T4: Geoparks: “Sustainable Tourism”
T5: Geoparks: “Education and Interpretation”
T6: Local Wisdom and Cultural Heritage in Geoparks
T7: Aspiring Geoparks
1. 3D Visualisation and Web GIS for Public Communication of Geosites (T3)
2. A Guideline of the Role of Religion and Belief of Inhabitants in the Ubon Maekong Region (T6)
3. A new concept submarine site in the Nanki Kumano Geopark (T3)
4. A New Type of Exchange Utilizing the Geopark Network Initiated by High School Students (T1)
5. A Research on the Development of Nature Education in Danxiashan UNESCO Global Geopark (T5)
6. A study of conservation cultural ecology for rock salt production in the Khorat Geopark area, Kham Thale So District, Nakhon
Ratchasima Province, Thailand (T6)
7. A study on the inheritance and promotion of Intangible Culture Heritage of Handcrafted Flowers in Huanggang- Dabieshan UNESCO
Global Geopark (T6)
8. Australia’s National Geotourism Strategy (T4)
9. Boost-Up Sustainable Local Community Economy in Rinjani-Lombok UNESCO Global Geopark through Sports Tourism Development (T4)
10. Building Sustainable Local Communities - A Case Study of Shuiji Village of Taining Global Geopark (T1)
11. Coastal changes along the Petra Beach to Ao Noon Bay, La-ngu District, Satun Province (T2)
12. Community Empowerment in Tambora Geopark Through the Development Strategy of Doro Bente geosite (T7)
13. Conservation of the traditional agricultural landscape in collaboration with local stakeholders in Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Island
Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, Japan (T7)
14. Creative musical performances at geosite (T7)
15. Creative Tourism Development in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, Thailand (T4)
16. Developing Geographical Skills for 8th Grade Students in Khorat Geopark, Thailand, through Project-Based Learning and Local
Curriculum Integration (T5)
17. Development of Geotourism site, Chet Kot Cave, Satun Province (T3)
18. Development of Paleontological Interpretation in Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark Using Brain-Based Learning (BBL) (T5)
19. Education and Sensitization Activities in protected areas of the Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark - Greece (T5)
20. Effectiveness of Geopark Tour Guides Training in Mersing Geopark, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia (T4)
21. Effects of granite on biodiversity in Meihuashan Mountain (T7)
22. Efforts to Conserve Groundwater Cycle: Cooperation with Kumamoto City (outside the Aso UGGp area) triggered by the 4th Asia-
Pacific Water Summit (T1)
23. Engaging Youth for Public Education in Rinjani-Lombok Geopark Area (T5)
24. Enhancing the Petrified Forest Park: “Kyria Apolithomeni”, Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece (T4)
25. Environment and Disaster Prevention Learning Program in Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark, Japan (T5)
26. Evolution of Volcanoes in the Ijen Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Area as Supporting Material for Sustainable Geotourism (T7)
27. Features and Activities of Nanki Kumano aspiring Geopark, Japan (T7)
28. Formation and Processes of Horseshoe-shaped Scoria Cone: A Case Study of Jimibong Scoria Cone and Jongdal-ri Coast (T3)
29. Gender Equality in Lushan UGGp (T1)
30. Geo-Activity Project in San’in Kaigan UNESCO Global Geopark (T4)
31. Geodiversity and Approaches for Geoconservation at Khorat Geopark, Thailand (T3)
32. Geoheritage in a Quarry Concession: Geosite Mapping for Geoheritage Management in Kinta Valley Geopark, Malaysia (T3)
33. Geology and geoheritage significance in Lenggong Geopark, Perak, Malaysia (T7)
34. Geopark Education Through Project Based Learning and Narratives for the Empowerment of the Local Community (T5)
35. Geopark’s addition of scientific value on World Cultural Heritage Site: locality explanation of Nirayama Reverberatory Furnaces in Izu
Peninsula UNESCO Global Geopark (T6)
36. Geoparks and Geotourism in China: a Sustainable Approach to Geoheritage Conservation and Local Development (T4)
37. Geotourism for community engagement for inclusive and equitable development (T4)
38. Geotourism of Langkawi Islands: Sustainable Approach Towards Conservation of Geological Heritage (T4)
39. Geotourism of the Jerai Geopark, Malaysia (T4)
40. Global Cooperation for Sustainable Global Geopark Development: Case Study Khorat aUGGp, Thailand (T1)
41. How Do Local Residents Be Actors of “Doing Geopark” : An Example of Educational Project in Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark, Japan (T5)
42. How to create identity and value of traditional silk by integrating with geological heritage in Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark (T6)
43. How to Create the Local Textbook for Geopark: A Case Study from Longyan Aspiring Global Geopark, China (T5)
44. Ijen Geopark: Protecting the Future of Banyuwangi Through Sustainable Tourism (T7)
45. Impacts of climate change in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve reflecting challenges in sustainable management of the Korat Geopark (T1)
46. Info centres and gallery in geopark for interpretation and education (T5)
47. Integration of Culture and Tourism, Innovative Development - The "Tourism+" Effect of Yuntaishan UNESCO Global Geopark (T4)
48. Introducing Indigenous Ainu Language with Picture Book “Origins of River Names of Toya-Usu UGGp” (T6)
49. Investigation and Management of Toxic Substances in the Landfill Leachate from the Municipal Waste Disposal Center for Satun
UNESCO Global Geopark Area (T1)
50. Itoigawa Shimpaku Project: Revitalizing Geologically-Linked Cultural Heritage through Geotourism (T6)
51. Khok Pha Suam Locality, the last home of Thai dinosaurs: the vertebrate assemblage in Pha Chan-Sam Phan Bok Geopark (T3)
52. Khon Kaen Geopark: Hometown of the dinosaurs (T7)
53. Knowledge of the Establishment of a System for Disaster Transmission in Geoparks, from the Case of the Kumamoto Earthquake (T2)
54. Landslide Assessment in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark: A Case Study in Manang District (T2)
55. New Design of Interpretation Panels: Kat O Heritage Trail as an Example (T7)
56. New specimens of Pseudosuchia and Sauropodomorph from Ban Huai Ya Khruea locality, in thearea of Phetchabun Geopark (T3)
57. Open access opportunities for the dissemination of geopark and geotourism research (T4)
58. Open air museum aiming the enhancement of fossiliferous sites of the Lesvos petrified forest in Lesvos Island UNESCO Global
Geopark, Greece (T4)
59. Overview on the project of plant, animal, and fossil diversity in Satun Geopark (T3)
60. Paleobiodiversity and Utilizing of Vertebrate Fossils in Khorat Geopark, Northeastern Thailand (T3)
61. Participatory geo-education and popularization in Non nuoc Cao Bang geopark (T5)
62. Progress on interpreting landscapes in Zhangjiajie UGGp of China in a more scientifically based way (T3)
63. Projects to Support the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Itoigawa Geopark (T1)
64. Promoting local heritage and products with modern technology in Psiloritis UGGp, Crete, Greece (T6)
65. Promoting the visibility of local ethnic groups in the Dong Van Karst Plateau UNESCO Global Geopark, Vietnam (T4)
66. Public Awareness Raising Activities About Lang Son Aspiring Geopark, Lang Son Province, Viet Nam (T7)
67. Raising Awareness of Geological Significance: Case Study in Wiang Nong Lom Geoheritage Site, Thailand (T7)
68. Reconsideration Sediments Successions at the Petrified Wood No.1, Ban Tak, Northern Thailand (T3)
69. Rediscovering its Culture and Industry in Mine through Attitudes toward Superb Local Water for a Unity to Inspire the Whole Region (T6)
70. Reinvention of Unused Tai Yuan Woven Fabric Remnants: The Project-Based Learning of Student in the Geopark School, Khorat
Geopark, Thailand (T6)
71. Reunited by spiritual belief: the integration of geological and intangible cultural heritage in Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark (T6)
72. Rock failure assessment on Paleo-collapse sinkhole in case the Prasat Hin Pan Yod tourist site, Satun geopark, Thailand (T2)
73. Safe Evacuation Shelter’s Life for Everyone-Research Activity with Muroto High School Students in the Aim of Developing
Cross-Curricular System based on Geopark (T5)
74. Scientific Research and Science Education of Shilin UGGp (T5)
75. Singo Ulung Culture: The Form of Bondowoso Community’s Cultural Identity (viewed from the perspective of cultural theory) (T6)
76. Sites for Sustainable Development: Realizing the Potential of UNESCO Designated Sites to Advance Agenda 2030 (T1)
77. Some heritage values of the Lang Son Aspiring Geopark, Lang Son Province, Vietnam (T7)
78. Sports + Tourism in Zhangjiajie UGGp of China (T4)
79. Strengthening geoscience research and popularization, boosting Geopark sustainable development (T4)
80. Study of Geosite Potential in Ijen Geopark Area Based on UNESCO Assessment Parameters (T7)
81. Sustainable Communities in Hantangang River UNESCO Global Geopark, Republic of Korea: Focusing on success cases of Local
government-Troops Partnerships (T1)
82. Sustainable Development with Solving Local Problems through the Eco-tourism in the Gorontalo Aspiring Geopark (T7)
83. Systematics of Land Snails and distribution of nematodes associated with Sarika siamensis in Satun Province, Thailand (T3)
84. Tak Petrified Wood Geopark (T7)
85. The 1593 (VEI=5) Raung Volcanic Eruption: Natural Event that Changed the History of the Eastern End of Java (T6)
86. The Educational Activities Development of Thachangratbamroong School: The First Geopark School of Khorat Geopark, Thailand (T5)
87. The English Language Project-Based Learning for the Tai Yuan Ethnic Group in Khorat Geopark, Thailand (T6)
88. The former plate boundary and its relationship with the residents, specifically the signboard making process (T3)
89. The integrated cooperation of dinosaur fossil researching and conservation in Aspiring Khon Kaen Geopark (T7)
90. The International Education Activity for Geopark Schools: Khorat aUGGp and Non Nuoc Cao Bang UGGp (T5)
91. The International value of geological heritage at Mine-Akiyoshi Karst Plateau Geopark, Japan (T3)
92. The Late Mesozoic Geological Records Response to the Subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate, Longyan Geopark, China (T3)
93. The result brought by area extension and the future path of Sakurajima-Kinkowan aUGGp (T7)
94. The Science Popularization Experience Sharing of Tianzhushan UNESCO Global Geopark (T5)
95. The Utilisation of Events to Promote Local Engagement with Mine-Akiyoshidai Karst Plateau Geopark (T7)
96. The wisdom of local people for good management and sustainably utilizing on their natural resources: a case study from the
Phachan-Samphan Bok Geopark, Thailand (T6)
97. UNESCO Global Geopark, a Powerful Tool to Achieve Local Sustainable Development (T1)
98. UNESCO Global Geoparks and the Global Geoparks Network: Building Sustainable Communities (T1)
99. Voices of Muroto Dancers: A Video Program on Inheritance of Intangible Heritage under the Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic (T6)
100. Volcanic ash bed of Satun Global Geopark: Its significance for the development of Sibumasu block (T3)
101. Volcanoes and volcanic cave wonders of Dak Nong UNESCO Global Geopark (T3)
102. Wang Sai Thong Waterfall: A Karst Geomorphologic Geosite of Satun UGGp (T3)
103. What will post COVID-19 geopark tourism look like? (T4)
List of Posters T1: SDGs in Geoparks
T2: Geohazards Mitigation in Geoparks
T3: Geodiversity and Geoparks
P st T4: Geoparks: “Sustainable Tourism”
T5: Geoparks: “Education and Interpretation”
oster setup at the 1 floor of the APGN Conference
Building, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus, T6: Local Wisdom and Cultural Heritage in Geoparks
Satun Province. On 6 September 2022 (from 12:00 am T7: Aspiring Geoparks
to 5.00 pm) and 7 September 2022 (all day)
1. A Case Study of Geopark Activation at the Jeju Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Republic of Korea (T4)
2. A Detailed Survey of Geosites and Cultural Landscaps of Leiqiong UNESCO Global Geopark (T3)
3. Application of Geographic Information System to Study Preliminary Physical Loss Levels In The Area Affected by The Tsunami, In
Satun Province (T2)
4. Assessment of gamma-ray dose and natural radioactivity in Sutun Geopark, Thailand (T2)
5. Bathymetry and Hydrology Survey of The Time Travel Zone (Khao To Ngai Fault), Satun Global Geopark (T2)
6. Construction of science popularization community in Taishan UNESCO Global Geopark (T5)
7. Development of community enterprises for conservation and sustainable in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark (T6)
8. Distribution Characteristics and Value Evaluation of Geological Heritage in Korea (T3)
9. Geological and Geomorphic landscape of Linxia Geopark (T3)
10. Geological Heritages Characteristics and Geoscience significance of Yimengshan UNESCO Global Geopark (T3)
11. Geological Interpretation of New Geoites in Khon Kaen National Geopark, NE Thailand (T3)
12. Guidelines for Tourism Potential Promotion to Thailand Community-Based Tourism Standards in Area of Kohsarai, Muang District,
Satun Province (T4)
13. Impacts of climate change in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve reflecting challenges in sustainable management of the Korat Geopark (T1)
14. Integration of Multiple Hazards in Satun province, southern Thailand (T2)
15. Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark GeoEducation Programme (T4)
16. Late Paleozoic Corals of Phu Nam Yod Fossil Site, Southwestern Phetchabun, Thailand (T3)
17. Management of Diversity of Local Knowledge Art and Community Culture of Satun UNESCO Global Geopark for Sustainable Tourism (T6)
18. Management System Development of Fossil Collection in Khorat Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark (T5)
19. Potential to Develop International Standards for Tourism Destinations in Satun Global Geopark (T4)
20. Preparation for UGGp in Danyang Geopark (T7)
21. Promoting Conservation in Geosite through Learning Activity Design in Khok Kruat Dinosaur site at Khorat Aspiring UNESCO Global
Geopark, Thailand (T5)
22. Rimpu : Overview of cultural Antropology of Mbojo Tribe Geopark National Tambora Indonesia (T6)
23. Satun UNESCO Global Geopark and Community Participation in Local Economic Development (T1)
24. The Busan Geopark: An aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark (T7)
25. The Development of Natural Tie-Dyed Fabric Products for Building a Career in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark (T6)
26. The Educational Tourism Products for the Sanqingshan Geopark Museum (T5)
27. The marine geology survey of Prasat Hin Panyod conservative area, Satun UNESCO Global Geopark (T2)
28. The participation of local communities, partners, and stakeholders of Khorat geopark in the evaluation mission (T7)
29. The significance of Phu Hang Nak Geopark: The establishment and development of national geopark (T7)
30. The Sustainable Development Road of Yandangshan UNESCO Global Geopark (T5)
31. Tourism Interpretation Innovation Development for Geopark in Thailand (T4)
32. Whale Shark as a Biodiversity Icon in the Development of Gorontalo Aspiring Geopark in Indonesia (T3)
33. Xiangxi UNESCO Global Geopark (T7)
34. Zhangye UNESCO Global Geopark : Rainbow Mountains on The Silk Road (T7)
emarks: Installing booth
• 5 September 2022 on 1.00 pm – 9.00 pm Geofair
• 6 September 2022 on 9.00 am – 9.00 pm
Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus, Education Building
No. Title Country No. Title Country
1 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 19 Vietnam Geoparks Network - APGN 2022 Vietnam
2. Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 20 Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark Malaysia
3 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 21 Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark Malaysia
4 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 22 Busan National Geopark Korea, South
5 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 23 Jeju Island UNESCO Global Geopark Korea, South
6 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 24 Mugeunqsan UNESCO Global Geopark Korea, South
7 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 25 Leeconvention Korea, South
8 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand 26 Hantangang River UGGp Korea, South
9 Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark Indonesia 27 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand
10 Khon Kaen aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 28 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark Geopark Thailand
11 Khon Kaen aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 29 Tak Petrified wood Geopark Thailand
12 Khorat aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 30 Tak Petrified wood Geopark Thailand
13 Khorat aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 31 Kalasin Geopark Thailand
14 Khorat aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 32 Phachan Sampanbok Geopark Thailand
15 Khorat aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 34 Satun Community College Thailand
16 Khorat aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark Thailand 35 Songkhla Rajabhat University Thailand
17 Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Pakistan 36 Ministry of Higher Education Sciences Research and Innovation Thailand
18 Vietnam Geoparks Network - APGN 2022 Vietnam 37 Office of Atoms for Peace Thailand
Intangible Heritage • 5 September 2022 on 1.00 pm – 9.00 pm
emarks: Installing booth
• 6 September 2022 on 9.00 am – 9.00 pm
Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus, Education Building
2 Floor
Organization Name of intangible heritage Country
Geopark National Tambora Cera Labu Indonesia
Muroto Geopark Promotion Committee Shittoroto Dance Japan
Geopark Nasional Tambora Tembe Muna Pa’a Indonesia
Muroto Geopark Promotion Committee Jinsai : a float festival in the Kiragawa Onda Hachiman shrine Japan
Muroto Geopark Promotion Committee The Shitoroto-Odori Japan
Busan Geopark Mt.Geumjeongsan shamanism for life and heaven, Busan Sagijang Korea, South
Ijen Geopark Gangrung Dance of Banyawangi, Mocoan Lontar Yusup Indonesia
Rinjani Lombok UNESCO Global Geopark Mulang Pekelem Indonesia
Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark Handicraft Vetiver Grass & Silk Dinorsaur Thailand
Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark Dinosaur Inspiration Wood Sculpture Thailand
Khon Kaen Aspiring Geopark Thoranin Cloth: Dyed from 130 million year old altered rock Thailand
Venue of the Conference
Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus
Auditorium Building
The Main Conference Room, 2 Floor Plan
2 Floor Plan
• Opening ceremony & Keynote speakers
Date: 7 September 2022: 9.00 am - 12.00 am
Attire: Casual Dress
• Welcome dinner
Date: 7 September 2022: 6.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Attire: Casual Dress
• Gala dinner
Date: 9 September 2022: 6.30 pm - 10.00 pm
Attire: National Costume
• Closing ceremony
Date: 10 September 2022: 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
Attire: Casual Dress
Songkhla Rajabhat University Satun Campus
Education Building
2 Floor Plan
Room # 210
Intangible Heritage
• Room # 210 Intangible Heritage room: Setup on 5 September 2022 (from 1:00 pm to 9.00 pm) and 6 September 2022
(from 9:00 am to 9.00 pm)
• Room # 204 and #209: Conference room on 7-8 and 10 September 2022
• Room # 205 and #206: Youth forum on 6 September 2022 and Parallel meeting room on 7-8 and 10 September 2022
Songkhla Rajabhat University Satun Campus
Education Building
3 Floor Plan
• Room # 302 : APGN AC meeting on 6 September 2022 and GGN Executive Board Meeting on 7 September 2022
• Room # 307 : APGN AC+CC meeting on 6 September 2022 and Conference room on 7-8 and 10 September 2022
Route A: The Longest Sea Cave and Time Duration Activities
Abundant Biodiversity Trail 06.00-06.30 30 min Register at Songkhla Rajabhat University Satun Campus
06.30-07.30 1 hr Travel to Satun Global Geopark Museum & Thungwa Ancient Elephant Museum
07.30-08.00 30 min Visit Satun Global Geopark Museum & Thungwa Ancient Elephant Museum
08.00-08.30 30 min Travel to Tham Le Stegodon Cave
08.30-12.30 4 hr Visit Tham Le Stegodon Cave
12.30-13.30 1 hr Lunch
13.30-15.30 2 hr Enjoy with Local Product and cultural activities of Thungwa at Tha Oil Pie
15.30-16.30 1 hr Travel back
Route B: Karst Morphology to the Coast
of Two Periods Trial Time Duration Activities
07.30-08.00 30 min Register at Songkhla Rajabhat University Satun Campus
08.00-08.30 30 min Travel to Time Travel Zone
08.30-11.00 2 hr 30 min Visit Time Travel Zone, Time-Bounded crossing bridge and Enjoy with local performance
11.00-13.30 2 hr 30 min Travel to Phu Pha Phet Cave and Lunch
13.30-16.30 3 hr Visit Phu Pha Phet Cave and Enjoy with Local Product and cultural activities of Manang
16.30-17.00 30 min Travel back
Time Duration Activities
Route C: Land of Paleozoic History and 08.00-08.30 30 min Register at Songkhla Rajabhat University Satun Campus
Intangible Heritage Trail
08.30-09.00 30 min Travel to Tham Talu Cave
09.00-11.20 2 hr Visit Tham Talu Cave and local product
11.20-11.40 20 min Travel to Time Travel Zone
11.40-13.00 1 hr 20 min Lunch
13.00-14.30 1 hr 30 min Visit Time Travel Zone, Time-bounded crossing bridge and Enjoy with local performance
14.30-15.00 30 min Travel to Panya Batik community enterprise
15.30-17.00 1 hr 30 min Visit Panya Batik community enterprise & Local Product
17.00-17.30 30 min Travel back
Many transportations are available for accessing from Bangkok to
Satun UNESCO Global Geopark.
By road
• Taking highway no. 4, 41 and 406 to Satun UGGp (total distance:
approximately 970 kilometers)
• Public buses are provided daily from the Southern Bus Terminal
(Sai Tai Mai), Bangkok (approximately 15 hours)
By air
Satun Province has no airport but flights are available from
Bangkok to Trang airport and Hat Yai airport. You have to take a bus or
taxi from the airport or train station to Satun UGGp
• Suvarnabhumi (BKK) to Hat Yal (HDY)
• Don Mueang (DMK) to Trang (TST)
• Don Mueang (DMK) to Hat Yal (HDY)
By railway
Satun Province has no train but rail transports are available from
Bangkok Railway Station to Hat Yal or Trang train station.
Covid measures in Thailand
Entry Measures for Thai and Foreign Nationals
(From 1 July 2022)
• Thailand Pass not required Contact Person
• Upon arrival, please present certificate of vaccination or
RT-PCR / Professional ATK COVID-19 test result issued ***(Urgent)***
within 72 hours before departure
• Medical insurance not required Ms. Warintra Thepju Tel. +666 5663 5465
During stay in Thailand
• Mask-wearing will be required for indoor setting Dr. Apsorn Sardsud Tel. +666 5593 9198
• Mask-wearing will be optional in outdoor setting,
Ms. Pacharaphan Sornjai Tel. +668 3447 3330
example, public transportation, market, etc
Basic Information
Climate Currency Electricity
• tropical coastal region Thai Bath
• warm year-round, from 23 C to 35 C (1 EUR = 37.1467 THB, 220 Volts
• peak rainy period in September 1 Sep 2022)