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Published by Shady Grove Baptist Church, 2023-04-29 12:00:33

SGBC Newsletter Volume 4, Edition 5

Church Newsletter May 2023


In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother’s Day a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May. Read what other U.S. presidents have said about their mothers. “All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all of my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her” (George Washington). “All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life” (Abraham Lincoln). “From my mother I learned the value of prayer, how to have dreams and believe I could make them come true” (Ronald Reagan). George W. Bush said, “Mothers are central to the success of the American family. Their love, dedication, and wisdom touch countless lives every day in every community throughout our land.” Thank God for mothers. I want to recognize three things that can happen when a mother places her faith in the promises of God. Number one, a mother’s faith can bring heaven to earth. Luke chapter 1 tells the story of Mary’s faith bringing to pass God’s promise of a Messiah. I think one reason Mary was chosen was because she would believe what God told her. Notice her response to the angel when she was told she would conceive a child by the Holy Ghost who would be the Savior of the world. She said, “May it be to me as you have said” (v. 38). Mary’s faith literally brought heaven to earth, but when any mother lives by faith in God, there will be “heaven on earth.” Children may be surrounded by humanist ideas, hatred, or even violence throughout their day, but when they come home to a godly mother, they can experience a little heaven on earth. Dad may be at work all day, striving to succeed in our competitive society, but when he comes home to a godly wife, he can experience a little heaven on earth. Number two, a mother’s faith can produce a godly legacy that affects generations to come. There are two aspects to a mother’s faith. First, she believes what God said in His Word. And, second, she believes in her children. Our mothers believe in us even when we don’t believe in ourselves. My mom used to tell me, “Ken, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says. I believe in you, and with God’s help, you can do whatever you want to do!” I wouldn’t be preaching today if it weren’t for my mother. Mothers have the privilege of bringing new life into the world, but they are also uniquely equipped to nurture and help a child grow. A mother’s influence on her children is far greater than even she may realize. If you are a mother and you are wondering if your good example has taught your children anything, I want to assure you that it has. I want to encourage you to keep up the good work. Your faith is more powerful than you think! Number three, a mother’s faith can change circumstances in life. A mother’s faith can propel children to do things they never thought possible. A mother’s faith in her child can cause him to succeed where he would otherwise fail. That is why it is so important for moms to believe in their children and speak positive, faith-filled words over them. Did you know that if it had not been for a mother, we may not have electric lights today! When Thomas Edison was a young boy, his teacher sent him home with a note that said, “Your child is dumb; we can’t do anything for him.” Mrs. Edison wrote back, “You do not understand my boy. I will teach him myself.” She did—and the results were world-changing! Where would we be without the love, prayers, and support of our mothers? I encourage you to take time to thank your mother for her faith—the faith that brings heaven to earth, gives you a godly legacy, and changes your circumstances for the better. Submitted by Maxine Coleman | Written by Kenneth W. Hagin| Article taken from: A MOTHER’S FAITH 2

3 Remembering Events At ... EASTER PROGRAM

Congratulations to Lt. Commander Myron L. Evans , USN, retired, his wife, Jackie and family. (Answers on p. 10) 4 Remembering Events At ... EASTER PROGRAM

5 Upcoming Events At ... SPRING REVIVAL In-person (Dropbox, Cash, Check, Credit/Debit Cards) CASH APP ($sgbchburg) Online Giving ( VENMO (@sgbchburg | PAYPAL ( The Spring Revival dates have changed. Rev. Terry K. Anderson will be our guest speaker Tuesday, May 23rd through Thursday, May 25th. Rev. Anderson is the Pastor at Lilly Grove Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Please plan to join us and bring others to be blessed. June 19th - 23rd Volunteers Are Needed Giveaways Are Needed Contact Chelsa Richardson if you would like to serve, or if you would like to give!

Upcoming Events At ... 1. In what month does Mother’s Day take place in the U.S. and Canada? 2. What is the most popular gift to give on Mother’s Day? 3. Is Mother’s Day on the same date every year? 4. Why is it that the word for mom starts with a “ma” sound in almost every language? 5. Mother’s Day marks the most ________ on any given day of the year. 6. Mother’s Day is the busiest day for _______________. 7. What day of the week are the most babies born? 8. People buy lots of flowers on Mother’s Day. What are the other two holidays that have the most flower sales? 9. True or False: The celebration of moms actually dates back to ancient times. 10. What type of flower is associated with Mother’s Day? 11. Do Americans spend more money on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day? 12. Aside from cards and flowers, what’s another popular gift? 13. What is the average number of children that women have these days? 14. What is the highest number of babies that have been born at one time? 15. In which month are the most babies born in the U.S.? mothers-day-trivia (Answers on Page 12) 6 Baccalaureate Service is Sunday, May 28th during the 10:45 service. If you will graduate from high school or college we need you to immediately send the name of your school, major/degree, aspiration and your picture to Maxine Coleman at 601-818-8682. RALLY & BACKPACK GIVEAWAY NEED YOU TO DONATE BACKPACKS & SCHOOL SUPPLIES!

A MOTHER’S LOVE Encouragement For May 7 We are all born to mothers who go through nine months to bring their children into the world. Think about mothers that birth more than one child. This is not an easy job, but mothers do it. This month we are giving honor to mothers and grandmothers as well. Today, a lot of grandmothers are in that role for their grandchildren because of situations beyond their control. I realize that some children have mothers who did not give birth to them but nevertheless are mothers in every way. A mother protects her children from danger, nurses them when they are sick, provides for their well-being, comforts them, and develops them. We are looking at 2 Timothy 1:3- 5 as Paul speaks to him in this letter. Timothy was blessed to have both a mother and grandmother to pour in his life and teach him the way of the Lord. The scripture says, (3) I thank God, whom I serve with pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day, (4) greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy, (5) when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. (NKJV) Paul understood Timothy’s upbringing and he taught and trained him further because he knew he came from good ground. Thanks to the spiritual guidance of both his mother and grandmother, Timothy grew strong in faith and became a prominent leader in the early church. I understand we all did not have a birth mother or grandmother who taught in the way of the Lord, but a mother somewhere saw the good and began to nurture what they saw in us. I am so glad I had both, but my grandmother was the one who saw who I could be, and she nurtured that to push me to where I am today. I thank her so much for all she taught me and how she handled me when I was not thinking clearly. It was always positive. What about you? Does this bring some good thoughts and memories to mind? I really pray it does. A Mother’s Love, whether she is here or gone to be with the Lord or not in your life right now, there is good in every mother. Respect and remember that always. Let’s Pray: Father in the Name of Jesus thank you for loving mothers. Thank you that sometimes mothers get off track and life happens, but You have a way of bringing all mothers back to you. Please show children they must respect their mothers no matter what. Thank You God for Mothers. Bless them all in a special way in Jesus’ Name. Amen! And it is so! Humbly submitted by Rev. Cathy Ross Woulard #1 How does Moses make his coffee? Hebrews it. #2 When is medicine first mentioned in the Bible? When God gave Moses two tablets. #3 At what time of day did God create Adam? Just before Eve. #4 How do you make Holy Water? Get regular water and boil the devil out of it. #5 Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? David. He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep. #6 When was meat first mentioned in the Bible? When Noah took ham into the ark. #7 Did Eve have a date with Adam? No, just an apple. #8 Who was the fastest runner in the race? Adam, because he was first in the human race. #9 How do we know Peter was a rich fisherman? By his net income. #10 “And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.” Sony 16:9. #11 What does God call his nose? God knows. #12 I went running with my Bible... Now my Psalms are sweaty. #13 What’s a miracle that can be done by a complainer? Turning anything into whine. #14 Who was the smartest man in the Bible? Abraham. He knew a Lot.

8 FEBRUARY - NEW MEMBERS MINISTRY MARCH - SPORTS/RECREATION MINISTRY Congratulations to our Junior Girl Scouts Jordyn Cole and Kynnedy Evans for receiving the Bronze Award for the Cupcake and Conversations Forum and Personal Hygiene Drive. This is the highest award a Junior Girl Scout member can receive. Congratulations to Donnicka Hayes. Recognized for 10 years of volunteer service by the Girl Scouts. Youth Ushers serving on Resurrection Sunday! Iron Sharpeners Ministry Witness Ministry Girls Scout Troop 3884 and GS leaders.

On Monday, May 29, 2023, Americans across the country will celebrate the brave servicemen and servicewomen who died defending our country. Memorial Day Weekend is the unofficial start of summer, often a weekend filled with family get-togethers, pool parties, parades, and backyard cookouts. But the true meaning of Memorial Day is a much more solemn occasion. It’s a day of remembrance to honor the sacrifice made by the men and women who have died during their service in the United States military. Whether you celebrate by hosting a backyard BBQ gettogether or having a simple and intimate moment of silence with your loved ones, Memorial Day is a special time to honor America's history and commemorate the bravery, courage and honor of our troops. Even though Memorial Day is a time to celebrate the freedom we have in America, we should never forget that this very freedom came at the expense of the brave heroes who lost their lives fighting to protect it. Considering the somber meaning behind the holiday, wishing someone a “Happy Memorial Day” could be considered insensitive. We’ve gathered a list of the most dignified and patriotic Memorial Day quotes, messages and greetings to offer to honor our nation's veterans who sacrificed everything to fight for our freedom as Americans. What should you say instead of “Happy Memorial Day?” These Memorial Day quotes and messages listed below honor those servicemen and servicewomen who never came home. 1. “Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay.” - Barack Obama 2. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.” - John F. Kennedy 3. "Heroism is not only in the man, but in the occasion." - Calvin Coolidge 4. "Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering." - Theodore Roosevelt 5. "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." - Franklin D. Roosevelt 6. “No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.” - General Douglas MacArthur 7. “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” - Eleanor Roosevelt 8. "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than one self." - Joseph Campbell 9. “Never was so much owed by so many to so few” - Winston Churchill 10. “The patriot’s blood is the seed of freedom’s tree.” -Thomas Campbell 11. “To those in uniform serving today and to those who have served in the past, we honor you today and every day.” -Unknown 12. "It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle." - Norman Schwarzkopf 13."The brave die never, though they sleep in dust, their courage nerves a thousand living men." - Minot J. Savage 14. “May we never forget freedom isn't free." - Unknown 15. “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” - James Allen 16. “Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom.” - Rodney Frelinghuysen 17. "Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it." - Unknown 18. “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men lived.” - George S. Patton 19. “The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.” - Benjamin Disraeli 20. "For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue." - James A. Garfield Read more at: morial-day-quotes/ 9 MEMORIAL DAY QUOTES AND MESSAGES TO HONOR OUR NATION’S VETERANS

10 Alecia M. Anderson Christopher Banks Christina M. Bolton Benjamin W. Brown Falonna Brown Shaniya Bullock Shanetta Clayton Monique Crosby Deryk Dahmer Shaniyah Daniels Carlene Ephraim Daniels Cassidy Daniels Katerina P. Davis Excel Eneh Cathy Dawkins Evans Alonzo Fleming Nicholas Jarrad Foley Dana Fulton Jason Gholar Kayden Gray Latoyia Griffin Willie L. Hardamon Charlotte Hathorn Cheryl L. Heidelberg Jayce Gandy Bergandee Hibbler Gloria Hinton Ahmarey Stimley Glendora Hudson Frank James Jacinta Faye James Yama Mitchell Jones Adam Jordan Michael Killings Tobias Lewis Harry Mack Madison Mayes George McMillian Dalacey Minor Nataura Moore Carrie Parrott Carrie Patton Tequilla Clayton Tayvion Payton Cynthia Richardson Glendora Robertson Evelyn I. Robinson Ramon J. Robinson Ge'Neceya Shelby T.C. Snell Vaylin Bembry Rita R. Stone Xavier Strickland Tamara Sutton Jada Williamson Patricia Thompson Kelli Ellise Hathorn Kambria Thorne Broderick Turner Betty Virgil Tanisha Washington James Alvin Watson Melissa Watson Stanley Wilkerson Amani Alvarez Betty Bender Woullard MAY 1ST—MAY 15TH MAY 1ST—MAY 15TH Brandon & Jessica McDonald Larry Jr. & Kristy Orange Jason B. & Shunna McClinton Dea. James A. & Celester M. Brown

Kendrick L. Addison Montey D. C. Harvey Willie Mae Anderson Nikyta Armstead Lena Armstrong Devonte Davis Kearani Kasi Baylor Kristian Berry James Booth Jimmie Bunch Norma Jean Carson Santesa Carter Kevin Causey Eddie Lee Clemmons Phaonette Coleman Carissa Collins Antoine Coney Antonio Haynes Dea. Roderick Crowell Harold Dahmer Wayne Dahmer Dennis D. Davis Dorothy A. Dismuke Michael Dumas Jeffery Eaton Jeurod Eaton Tiffany Floyd Jason Gaines Avery Webster Sean Robinson Karen Grant Morgan Greene Katie Hardamon Antonio D. Haynes Kendra Heidelberg Ashley Henry Jake T. Henry Coiya N. Henry Judy Marie Hibbler Hardy Hinton Talamoa Davis Demetria Holloway Apryle Cunningham Bruce Hunt Olivia Johnson Jerica Jones Jorianna Jones Kayla Jones Ye'tedra Jordan Tyra C. Kelly Tomeka Lewis Jevon Lindsey Kynnadi Currie Charles Marshall Martin Maye Teabra McDougle Bobbi Jean McKahand Sonya Nixon Laylah Orange Dorothy Parker Shannon Parkman Jaeden Bridges Ashton Pittman Diegola Primavera Crystal Pruitt Samantha Rankin Isaiah Reese Kolby R Sims Earnestine Roberts Erica Meleah Roberts Lanita Robertson Veronica Robinson Rev. Ray Smith Danitra Ann Starks Elexzia Timmons Mia Bembry Stacey Thigpen Donielia Renee Thomas Kaeden Thigpen Edward White Sarah A. White Marie Williams Ian Dagons Albealious Watts Kendell Wilson Haylie C. Wise Leroy Wolfe MAY 16TH—MAY 31ST MAY 16TH—MAY 31ST 11 Tony & Patricia Davis Teco & Deonna Hicks Kendrick L. & Charlotte Addison Reggie & Myia Hayes Terrell B. & Lawana Y. Carson Roscoe & Tessa Marzett Wayne & Tracy Clark Larry & Magnolia Gholar

12 NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS It's National Mental Health Awareness month, and there is no better time to do a self check of your health. You deserve it!! Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 1. May 2. Greeting Cards 3. No. It’s always on the second Sunday in May. 4. It’s the first sound a baby makes. 5. Phone calls (phone traffic spikes as much as 37%!) 6. Restaurants (No mama is cooking on Mother’s Day!) 7. Tuesday 8. Valentine’s Day and Christmas/ Hanukkah 9. True. Ancient Greek and Roman myths allude to the fact that Greeks and Romans celebrated Mother’s Day by honoring the goddesses of Mother Earth, fertility, and mother of the Gods. 10. Carnations 11. Mother’s Day (YouGov poll) 12. Jewelry (services like the spa and beauty salons also get a boost) 13. 2 14. 9 15. August (According to the CDC) July-October are the busiest months Respectfully submitted by Dr. Stacey Blalock Henry




SICK WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY Sunday School at 9:30 am Worship Service at 7:45 am and 10:45 am MONDAY Wise Encouragers 3rd Monday at 6 pm WEDNESDAY Adult Men’s Bible Study at 6 pm Brotherhood at 6 pm Sisterhood at 6 pm Adult and Youth Bible Study at 7 pm (Adult-Life Center; Youth-Sanctuary) SATURDAY Corporate Prayer at 8 am Join by dialing 720-740-9642 - access code 4402008 Boys2Men Ministry 2nd & 4th at 11 am Girl Scouts 2nd Week at 11 am Women In The Making 3rd Week at 11 am May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Join leaders Maria Beach, Karis Griffin and Rev. Mary Carter every Saturday during the month of May from 10 am to 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall for a group discussion. Stress is the topic for May. After May the group will meet every 3rd Saturday. Refreshments will be served! Youth Movie Night is Wednesday, May 31st at 6 pm in the Life Center. For more information see Camille Hayes, Rev. Eugene Hobson or Jennifer Smith. ANNOUNCEMENTS 16 Mary Dean Lee Kathy Wallace Joe Lee Jessica Hibbler Roscoe McDonald Sr. Please be prayerful for our members in their time of bereavement! Remember Mrs. Thelma Floyd’s family in your prayers; Mrs. Floyd passed. Pray for the Young and Moore families, Sandra Young’s nephew, Darius Moore passed. NURSING HOME BEREAVED Donnie Sue Drane Dea. Allen Ellis Eva Foster Rev. Marcus Thornton Stephanie Ellis HOME BOUND Monique Crosby Terry Harris Jackie Evans Leona Woullard Albert Barnett Josie Davis Dea. Ben Ellis Celia Grant Angela Thames Leroy Wolfe Vernon Dahmer Jr. Lue Dahmer Dorothy Dismuke Darlene Dantzler Ben Beach Veronica Beach The SGBC Newsletter is a publication of the Shady Grove Baptist Church. It is published once a month on the 1st of each month. Contact us at

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