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Published by Shady Grove Baptist Church, 2021-10-27 13:35:46

SGBC Church Newsletter Volume 2, Edition 14

Special Homecoming Edition



November Newsletter SPECIAL EDITION Volume 2, Edition 14

Celebrating Our Church




What’s Happening At


 Masks are mandatory for all individuals who enter the buildings.
 Congregation members will be seated appropriately social distancing.
 The Life Center will be open on Sunday for 7:45 am and 10:45 am Worship Services, except for No-

vember 7th. We will have one service at 10:45 am on Homecoming (We will have Sunday school before
Homecoming Service at 9:30 am.)
 The Sanctuary will be open for general assembly Sunday school.
 Wednesday night adult Bible study will be in the Life Center at 7 pm.
 Youth Bible study will be in the Sanctuary at 7 pm.
 You are asked to use closest door to exit after each service.
 The buildings will be sanitized following each service. We need you to exit immediately following 7:45
am Worship Service so the sanitizing team can begin sanitizing.
 The nursery and all classrooms will remain closed.
 The church van will not run.

 We are monitoring the virus numbers monthly and as soon as it is safe we will resume all ministries.

The SGBC Newsletter is a publication of the Shady Grove Baptist Church.
It is published once a month on the 1st of each month. Contact person: [email protected].

Address: 101 Warren Mott Parkway | Hattiesburg, MS 39401 | Phone: 601-583-9243



The first Sunday in November is Homecoming at Shady Grove. According to historical artifacts in 1864, Black Christian
(African American) pioneers broke their ties with the Providence Baptist Church (a white congregation) of the Kelly Settle-
ment Community. They felt that it was time for them to worship and fellowship on their own. Although the names of all
the Black members who attended Providence are not listed in the history, the names of some members were noted. They
were Green Grant, Oquilla Keys, Susan Kelly, Warren Kelly, Julia McLaurin, Jerry Mott, Harry Watts, and Polk Watts.
Numerous descendants of the members who were instrumental in establishing Shady Grove are still serving in our church
157 years later.
During the initial organizational meeting, the records show that there were three deacons from Providence Baptist Church
who met with several of the black members in a bush arbor in the vicinity where the church is located today. After the or-
ganizational meeting, a structural meeting was convened and the onset of the building of the church, a log cabin, began.
Early church services were held in a shady area with eight members, two deacons, a clerk, and several other community
people. What a commentary for those who trust and believe in the Lord; although small in number, they went from a bush
arbor, worshiping and praising the Lord to an increased membership requiring a larger structure. The church’s records do
not specify the exact date that the structure was completed; however, the records do show that during the early days, vari-
ous visiting ministers delivered spirit-filled sermons every week. The first pastors to be called to the church were: Rev. I.B.
Travis, Rev. R.W. Jones, Rev. Luke McInnis, and Rev. J.J. Jordan.
In 1917, Rev. R.W. Woullard Sr. was called to pastor the Shady Grove Baptist Church. Shady Grove grew spiritually and
numerically under the leadership of Pastor Woullard Sr. He shepherded the Shady Grove Church family for over forty
years before his health began to weaken.
In August 1969, the shepherd’s rod was passed to Rev. R.W. Woullard Jr. Under his administration, God endowed him
with the gift to more than double the membership. Pastor Woullard Jr. was a teacher, inspiring many to become ministers,
pastors, preachers, teachers, deacons, and faithful Bible believing Christians.
In 2005, Rev. Reginald Woullard preached his first sermon. Shady Grove is blessed to have the third Woullard to serve as
our pastor Rev. Woullard’s vision is kindred to that of his father, the late Rev. Dr. R.W. Woullard Jr. He often says that
God used his father to bring Shady Grove to where we are now, and God will use him to carry us to the next level. This
vision has begun to be realized under his leadership; spiritually, numerically and financially. Another way Pastor Reginald
Woullard’s vision is being realized is in the education of our members. In the Shady Grove’s “Discovering Church Membership
Booklet” new members are taught the Shady Grove way, which outline our beliefs.
We believe and exist to: 1. Celebrate God’s Presence; 2. Communicate God’s Word; 3. Educate God’s People; and
4. Demonstrate God’s Love.
1. We celebrate God’s presence when we WORSHIP him; Matthew 4:10 tells us to “Worship the Lord your God and
serve him only.”
2. We communicate God’s word through EVANGELISM; Romans 10:14 says “How, then, can they call on the one they
have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without
someone preaching to them?”
3. We educate God’s people through DISCIPLESHIP; Ephesians 4:11-12 tells us “So Christ himself gave the apostles,
the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ
may be build up.”
4. We demonstrate God’s love in our MINISTRY; John 13:35 says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disci-
ples, if you love one another.”
Our statement of faith, the essentials we believe, and our lifestyle statement are lived out everyday.
(Church History and Discovering Church Membership Booklet condensed by Maxine Coleman)



For our 157th Homecoming we are asking everyone to participate by living out our Homecoming Theme in colors. Each
generation will be recognized by the color they are wearing.


Newborn—19 Years of Age
Joy, Bright, Risk Takers, Future, Positive

Psalm 51:12
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

Psalm 100:1-2
1. Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! 2. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.

Life, Growth, Balance, Outgoing, Communication

2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Fire, Energy, Intense, Driven, Determined, Strength

2 Chronicles 20:17
You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O
Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.


60-79 Calm, Emotional, Depth, Devoted,
Inspiration, Sensitive, Trust, Loyal, Profound Insight

Lamentations 3:22-23
22. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. 23. They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Royalty, Passionate, Charismatic, Nobility, Dignity, Wisdom


1 PETER 2:9

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises

of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 4


Pastor R.W. Sr. Pastor Reginald
& &

Mrs. Narah Woullard Mrs. Joyce Woullard

Pastor R.W. Jr. 5

Mrs. Annette Woullard






Larina Allen Karmen Lewis Daryn Chatman Sr Ansin Ellis
Ellis Brown Amber Russell Robert Benjamin Ellis Jr. Rico Hughes
Michael Franklin Sonnette Terry Demarcus Gaines Bianca Jenkins
Patrick T. Keyes Kadrianna Wade Sa'nyrh Miller R. Janene Wilson
Gabrielle Marshall Jatavis Tyler Ken'Yon Walker Otis Lee Ealy
Jory McGill Demarco Griffin Armond Wilson Candace Kelly
Zaroria Smith Becky Bullock Harris Z'cara Williams Kerringston White
Maya Sturdavant Nelcenia Hayes Dorean Franklin Jessie Haynes
Noble Watkins Frank Henderson Caleb Cook Princess Fairley
Edward Creagh Jr. Tessa Marzett Tiffany Lindsey Bonita Foster-Opoku
Leslie Fuller Myeshia May Melvin J. Miller Sr. Brandon Mitchell
Kennedia Hubbard Eureka Bolton Jaymal McGilberry Carmenleta Jones
Gabriel Martin Venetrise McPherson Kewanda Page Byron Love
Sasha Sutton Octavia Roberts Jeremiah Walker Tornia Moody
Jerome Wolfe Anthony Evans Florence Agee Rev. Gladys Thompkins
Evelyn Cowley Britney Moore Felecia Robinson Brown Candaysha Jones
Tracie Sandifer Dea. Reginald D. Shelby Vicki Renee Carpenter Willie Fred Virgil III
John Thigpen Anita C. Tart Virginia Hicks Alexis S. Fairley
Charley Wright Jonothan Barnes Jr. Marcus Johnson Arthur L. Fairley
Aniyah Coleman Brooklynn K. Brown Canesiha Stancle Arron L. Fairley
Autumn Coney Leon Dixon Samuel Fairbee Justin D. Foster
Timothy Dixon Brandon Hayes Jasmine Baker Leeah A. Jordan
Janet Eaton Jessie Shelby Brandon Eaton Ashton Lindsey
Fannie Ellis Aytum Walker Mary Hinton Joshua May
Dendrick T. Hurd Enjuli Alexis Terry Lowe Jessica Simien
Kendall Laster Enjuli Bullock Bobby L. Robinson Teresa Wilson


Undrell & Veronica Smith Covington
Fred & Carolyn Woullard



Micah Hill Ethan Lindsey Kelsey Bourn Cornelius Booth
Johnathan Gaines Tim McInnis Tracy Bullock Debra Ellis Brown
Decarlos Nicholson LaTarrus Andrews Ja'quwon Earl Nadia Hopkins
Evelyn M. Ivory Christopher Burns Pamela Figures Bridgett T. McClure
Jacobi Polk Tyrone Dixon Taqunna Adams Brandy Patton
John Gibson Billy K. Hathorn Sr. Joshua Crawford Sandra Thompson
Lakeisha Washington John Lindsey Sr. Laverne Haynes Isaiah Woullard
Veronica Calloway LeAnn R. Lundy Carlos Hopkins Carrington Bullock
Dea. Richard Crowell Burgundy McCann Ruby Thompson Hector Godfrey
Natajha Davis Anthony McGee Eddie Williams Caiden Brown
Rachael Jones Trinity Coleman Sa'veyon Miller Larry Steward Jr.
Jomil Sutton Armani Otis Tyler Stribling Ralfiel Wright
Tameka VanBuren Laterri Bolton Rashard Antoine Crowell Hope Baldwin
Anna Nicole Cook Ghana Rankins Darmer Crosby Ervin A. Eatman
Marsha Davis Margaret Tart Jammieca Godfrey Deandra Johnson
Joyce Ainsworth Sean K. Wilson Angela Haynes Johnnie Kellen
Tony Hunt Brittnee Andrews Elleena Heidelberg Denise Nix
Oliver McNair Jermaine Henry Edith Rose Stallings Candida Nwokeji
Monica Barnes Kristen Pugh Linda Standifer Mildred Starks
Joshua Bates Carol Tatum Alyssa Powell Gabrielle Wilson
James Hargrove


Calvin & Stephanie May Travis & Deborah Barnes
Jimmy & Mary Griffith Hardy & Deniece Hinton

William & Michelle Anderson Robert & Norma Carson


Encouragement For Today

1 Peter 2:9-10. But you are chosen gen- years passed that worked great for that

eration, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. period of time, BUT we have to bridge

His own special people that you may the gap and be willing to suffer a little

proclaim the praises of Him who called while as God does His thing in our lives.

you out of the darkness into his marvel- There is a concern for the youth, teenag-

ous light. Who once were not a people ers, young adults, middle aged and older

but are now the people of God, who people saved and unsaved.

had not obtained mercy but now have Let us look at these 157 years and see a
obtained mercy. future that is rich with the glory of God

In this passage of scripture, we under- and realize that we have been chosen

stand according to my commentary and equipped for this. Remember the

there are those who believe in Jesus symbols for these numbers in the bible:

Christ and there are those who do 1 is the oneness of the Godhead

not. A chosen generation: we are a
unique body of people, a group who will 5 is God’s Grace

serve Him. A royal priesthood: Believ- 7 is completeness and perfection
ers are transformed not only internally
but externally also. We are a priesthood Let’s bridge the gap together.
that function in a ruling capacity as
kings. A holy nation: Believers are a Let’s Pray: Father in the Name of Jesus
unified group of people who are set we understand that you have chosen us
apart for God’s use. His own special for a purpose. We understand that we
people: God protects those whom He are a royal priesthood with special privi-
has adopted into His family. Obtained leges. We understand that our lives are
Mercy: Although we once deserved not our own. Help us to bridge the gap
condemnation because of unbelief, we between all generations and make our
no longer are under the sentence of next year prosperous, great and yielded
judgement. only to You, Our God. Please forgive us
for not always recognizing that we are
All of these we must recognize in our your people and there is no good thing
lives so that we can bridge the gap that You will withhold from us. We under-
exist in our generations today. We can stand we must stay on the path of right-
no longer look back to what happened eousness. Thank You God, in Jesus
back then. We have to look forward to name, Amen. And it is so.
what God is doing now.
(Humbly submitted by Rev. Cathy Ross Wou-
Yes, there were methods used in the lard)



100 Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Inspired in 2021

by Jessica Sager

Whether you’re having a rough day and need a pick-me-up to assure yourself that it’s all going to be OK, or whether
you’re just looking for a mission statement for the day, these inspirational quotes will help you put one foot in front

of the other and make the small or sweeping changes that you desire.

Below is the second 20 of the 100 quotes. The series will continue next edition.

21. “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales 31. “Weaknesses are just strengths in the wrong environ-
in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ment.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
— Marianne Cantwell
22. “I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life.
We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we 32. “Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do.
can’t have both. Not at the same time.” Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go
— Brene Brown
— Ella Fitzgerald
23. “I’m going to be gone one day, and I have to accept that
tomorrow isn’t promised. Am I OK with how I’m living to- 33. “Silence is the last thing the world will ever hear from me.”
day? It’s the only thing I can help. If I didn’t have another
one, what have I done with all my todays? Am I doing a good — Marlee Matlin
— Hayley Williams 34. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

24. “I am experienced enough to do this. I am knowledgeable — Mahatma Gandhi
enough to do this. I am prepared enough to do this. I am ma-
ture enough to do this. I am brave enough to do this.” 35. “Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life hap-
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Knock Down The House pen—that stillness becomes a radiance.”

25. “Belief creates the actual fact.” — Morgan Freeman
— William James
36. “Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The
26. “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How
change the world.” much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your
— Robin Williams as John Keating in Dead Poets Society potential is!”

27. “I’m not going to continue knocking that old door that — Anne Frank
doesn’t open for me. I’m going to create my own door and
walk through that.” 37. “All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to
— Ava DuVernay press on to your destination.”

28. “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to — Earl Nightingale
see the light.”
— Aristotle 38. “I care about decency and humanity and kindness. Kind-
ness today is an act of rebellion.”
29. “Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your
situation is the key to happiness.” — Pink
— Marie Forleo
39. “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your
30. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
— Roald Dahl

40. “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

— Maya Angelou


MENTAL WELLNESS with Dr. Stacey Blalock Henry


You may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder duces the hormone melatonin to help you sleep and then
(SAD). SAD is a form of depression that occurs at the same sunlight during the day triggers the brain to stop melatonin
time each year, usually in winter. Otherwise known as sea- production so you feel awake and alert. During the short
sonal depression, SAD can affect your mood, sleep, appe- days and long nights of winter, however, your body may
tite, and energy levels, taking a toll on all aspects of your life produce too much melatonin, leaving you feeling drowsy

from your relationships and social life to work, school, and and low on energy.
your sense of self-worth. You may feel like a completely
different person to who you are in the summer: hopeless, Production of serotonin. The reduced sunlight of winter
sad, tense, or stressed, with no interest in friends or activi- can lower your body’s production of serotonin, a neuro-
ties you normally love. transmitter that helps to regulate mood.
While a less common form of the disorder causes depres- Self-help
sion during the summer months, SAD usually begins in fall Tip 1: Get as much natural sunlight as possible – it’s free!

or winter when the days become shorter and remains until Tip 2: Exercise regularly—it can be as effective as medica-
the brighter days of spring or early summer. SAD affects tion
about 1% to 2% of the population, particularly women and
young people, while a milder form of winter blues may af- Tip 3: Reach out to family and friends—and let them help
fect as many 10 to 20% of people. It may feel more comfortable to retreat into your shell, but
Do I have seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? The re- being around other people will boost your mood.

duced light, warmth, and color of winter leaves lots of peo- Tip 4: Eat the right diet
ple feeling a little more melancholy or tired—and isn’t nec-
essarily something to worry about. But if your symptoms Foods such as oatmeal, whole grain bread, brown rice, and
crop up around the same time each year, have a real impact bananas can boost your feel-good serotonin levels without
on your quality of life, and improve when the seasons the subsequent sugar crash.
change, you may have seasonal affective disorder.
1. I feel like sleeping all the time, or I’m having trouble Foods rich in certain omega-3 fats—such as oily fish, wal-
nuts, soybeans, and flaxseeds—can also improve your mood
sleeping and may even boost the effectiveness of antidepressant

2. I’m so tired it’s tough to carry out daily tasks Tip 5: Take steps to deal with stress

3. My appetite has changed, particularly more cravings for Do something you enjoy (or used to) every day.
sugary and starchy foods

4. I’m gaining weight Treatment for seasonal affective disorder: Light therapy,
5. I feel sad, guilty and down on myself Medication, and psychotherapy

6. I feel hopeless Depression support: DBSA Chapters/Support Groups or
7. I’m irritable call the NAMI Helpline for support and referrals at 1-800-
8. I’m avoiding people or activities I used to enjoy 950-6264
9. I feel tense and stressed
10. I’ve lost interest in sex and other physical contact Let’s have a Happy Fall Y’all!!!

Causes of seasonal affective disorder

While the exact causes of seasonal affective disorder are
unclear, most theories attribute the disorder to the reduction
of daylight hours in winter. The shorter days and reduced
exposure to sunlight that occurs in winter are thought to
affect the body by disrupting:
(Excerpted from an article written by Lawrence Robinson and Jeanne
Circadian rhythms. Your body’s internal clock or sleep- Segal, Ph.D. from
wake cycle responds to changes between light and dark to
regulate your sleep, mood, and appetite.

Production of melatonin. When it’s dark, your brain pro-



Magnolia Gholar
Jessie Shelby Celeste Brown SUNDAY
Thomas Evans Vickie Scott Sunday School at 9:30 am
Rev. Cathy Ross-Woulard Albert Barnett Worship Service at 7:45 am and 10:45 am
Roscoe McDonald Sr. John Lindsey Sr. WEDNESDAY
Reggie Ellis E.G. Ellis Adult and Youth Bible Study at 7 pm
Josie Davis Jamyrah Brown SATURDAY
Marcella Ellis Jackie Evans Corporate Prayer at 8 am. Join by dialing 720-
Dea. Ben Ellis Sam Smith 740-9642; access code 4402008. Let’s P.U.S.H.
Alfred Donald Glen Davis (Pray Until Something Happens)
Ceola Arrington Jackie McLemore
Will Bankston Nellie Gains ANNOUNCEMENTS
Marcus White Lee Booth Sr.
Louise Pickens Terry Harris Worship Services and Adult Bible Study are
Tameka Cooley Johnnie Sims available online at:
Ruby Brown Monique Crosby  Church website (
Bridget Roberts Catherine Preston  Facebook (Shady Grove Baptist Church
Margaret Long Dea. Richard Jordan
Steve Brown Hattiesburg)
Tracey Thigpen  YouTube (Shady Grove Baptist Church
Hartley Rawls
Hattiesburg YouTube).
We have numerous members with sick family members,
please pray for all who are sick and shut-in. SeMRHI will offer the COVID vaccine during
service Sunday, November 7th, from 10 am to
Mary Dean Lee NURSING HOME 1 pm to individuals ages 12 and older. A parent
Joe Lee or guardian must accompany ages 12-17.
Jessica Hibbler Kathy Wallace
Leah Sampson In-person (Dropbox - Office)
CASH APP ($sgbchburg)
BEREAVED Online Giving (
VENMO (@sgbchburg
We send our prayers and deepest condolences to our members PAYPAL ([email protected])
in their time of bereavement.
• Louise Magee and her family, three members of her family


• Conell Jones and his family, his sister passed.

• Catherine Preston, Karen Brown and their family, her niece/
cousin (respectively) passed.

• The Gholar, McLemore, Jordan and Cooley families, two of
their family members passed.


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