October 1, 2021 Volume 2, Edition 13
My focus word is “listen.” I smile at how God brought this reading back to me as a gentle re- Inside this issue
minder to keep my ear tuned to His voice above the cacophony of others vying for my atten-
tion. Read on, my friend, and ask Him for discernment to recognize His voice today. Page 2: What’s Happening At SGBC
Sometimes I hear voices in my head. I know, I know–that sounds a little strange. But I’ll bet you Page 3: Celebrating Homecoming In Colors
hear them too.
When I travel by plane, I often feel the Holy Spirit’s nudge to strike up a conversation with the Homecoming Pledge
stranger beside me. A voice inside says, “No—don’t bother her. She doesn’t want to talk, and Page 4: Giving Opportunity
especially not about Jesus. Just be quiet. Mind your own business and leave her alone.”
Occasionally I hear a voice that says, “No matter how hard you try, you’ll never get it right. You Listening To And Obeying God
may as well give up.” Page 5: Mental Wellness
Sometimes a voice whispers, “It’s okay to share that little piece of inside information about so-
and-so, especially if you disguise it as a prayer request on her behalf.” Bible Trivia
That voice taunts, accuses, and lies. It causes fear and doubt, criticism, division, and discourage- Page 6: Word Search
ment. I suspect it sounds much like the one Eve heard in the Garden of Eden. Page 7: Exercise Your Mind
Another voice clamors for my attention. Strangely (or not), it sounds just like me. It tells me the
endless things I should do—work harder, do more, do better. And it reminds me of all the Bible Trivia Answers
things I should have done differently—you know, those things I regret but I cannot change. It Page 8: Diseases You Almost Forgot About
imposes upon me burdens I’m not meant to carry. Page 9: Birthday / Anniversary (10/1-10/15)
But then there’s a voice that’s quite opposite. This one speaks words of assurance and comfort. Page 10: Birthday / Anniversary
Words teeming with hope and brimming with love. It inspires courage and peace, joy, and unity.
Sometimes it speaks necessary words I don’t want to hear because they hurt, and yet they heal. (10/16-10/31)
“Cease striving. Do what you can, but leave the outcome to Me.” Page 11: Listening Prayers Help You Hear
“Don’t worry. Trust Me. I know every detail of your situation and I’m working behind-the-
scenes in answer to your prayers.” God
“I’m the Good Shepherd. Follow Me, and I’ll lead you on the best pathway for your life.” Page 12: You Can Do Hard things
So many voices clamor for our attention. To which one should we listen? The answer’s easy. Page 13: Sick / Shut-in / Bereaved
On the day Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus, Peter, James, and John on a high mountain, the
men heard God speak. He said, “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to Him” (Mark 9:7). Weekly Schedule / Announcements
Listen to Him. Ultimately Christ’s voice is the one we ought to heed, and for good reason. He is Page 14: 10 Ways To Love
life and truth. He is wisdom and love. He knows the way we should take, the decisions we must
make, and the relationships with which we wrestle. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, our Special points of interest
dreams, and our desires. He knows everything about us, and He wants to be fully engaged in
our everyday lives for our good. • Listen To God’s Voice
Knowing that, then, may I suggest a simple prayer with which to begin each day? “Father, tune • Homecoming / Returning To The Building
my ears to hear Your voice. Give me the ability to discern it from all others contending for my • Quotes To Inspire You
attention. Speak to Me for I am Your servant, here to accomplish Your purposes in and through
me.” (gracefox.com | Submitted by Maxine Coleman)
101 WARREN MOTT PARK WAY * HATTIESBURG, MS 39401 * 601 -583-9243
EMAIL: [email protected]
What’s Happening At
We will return to in-person service Sunday, October 31st. We will have 7:45 am and 10:45 am worship services. On
November 7th, we will have one service at 10:45 am. Please pass the word so everyone will know we are going
back in the building.
Homecoming is almost here! Shady Grove will celebrate 157 years of praising and worshipping God Sunday, No-
vember 7, 2021. The buildings have changed, but our love for God has remained the same.
Shady Grove
and Now
(Sanctuary-Education Wing)
Did You Know... Three deacons from The first pastors to Several other pastors
Providence and sev- be called were served this growing con-
Shady Grove eral of the black Rev. I. B. Travis, gregation until August
was planted by members held an Rev. R. W. Jones, 1969 when the shepherd’s
the Providence organizational meet- Rev. Luke McInnis, rod was passed to Rev. R.
Baptist Church ing which led to the and Rev. J. J. Jordan. W. Woullard, Jr. In 2005,
of the Kelly first church service. In 1917, Rev. R. W. Rev. Reginald Woullard,
Settlement Woullard, Sr. be- Sr. preached his first ser-
Community in came pastor. mon.
The SGBC Newsletter is a publication of the Shady Grove Baptist Church.
It is published once a month on the 1st of each month. Contact us at [email protected].
For our 157th Homecoming we are asking everyone to participate by living out our Homecoming Theme in
colors. Each generation will be recognized by the color they are wearing.
Newborn—19 Year Old Yellow Joy, Bright
20-39 Red Life, Growth
40-59 Blue Fire, Intense
60-79 Purple Calm, Devoted
80-up Royalty, Wisdom
SINGLE - $250.00
SMALL FAMILY (2-4 PEOPLE) - $500.00
MEDIUM FAMILY (5-8 PEOPLE) - $1,000.00
LARGE FAMILY (9 & UP) - $1,500.00
In-person (Dropbox) CASH APP ($sgbchburg)
Online Giving (shadygrove-church.org) VENMO (@sgbchburg
PAYPAL ([email protected])
ACCESS ACS TEXT: PROVERBS 4:10 ing what you hear from God. Those
INSTRUCTIONS who listen will have no fear of bad
Either go online to the church Listen, my son, accept what I say, news because they confidently trust
website; www.shadygrove- and the years of your life will be the LORD to care for them. God
church.org and choose “Give” many. Listening politely and atten- told Noah He was going to destroy
from the pull down menu on the tively when someone speaks to you all living creatures with a flood be-
right or secure.accessacs.com. shows good manners and respect cause the earth had become corrupt.
You can sign in as a guest or for the person who is speak- He further instructed Noah to build
create an account. Once your ing. How do we respond when God an Ark. Having never seen rain, No-
giving is complete you will re- speaks to us? One of the most im- ah listened and obeyed. As a result,
ceive a confirmation email. portant things we should do as fol- Noah received the following bene-
lowers of Jesus Christ is listen to fits: he and his family dwelt in safety
CASH APP & VENMO APP and obey Jesus. and peace with no fear. As the
INSTRUCTIONS LORD cared for Noah, you can
In Deuteronomy 28:1, the Bible says confidently trust that He will care
Download and open the Cash “If you will listen diligently to the for you when you listen and obey
app or Venmo mobile app. voice of the Lord your God, being Him. Today, there are benefits when
Enter the amount you want to watchful to do all His command- we listen and obey God, such as;
send. Tap “Pay.” Enter the ments which I command you this
email address. Enter what you day, the Lord your God will set you 1. Divine Protection
are sending the payment for. high above all the nations of the 2. Divine Promotion
Tap “Pay.” earth.” Have you noticed some be- 3. Fullness of Joy
lievers seem to walk in the fullness 4. Gift of Holy Spirit
“GIVE, AND IT WILL BE of God’s promised blessings on a 5. His Divine Presence
GIVEN TO YOU; GOOD continual basis while others, who 6. Divine Health
MEASURE, PRESSED love Him no less, seem to struggle
through life, never quite walking in Therefore, when we listen diligently
DOWN, SHAKEN the freedom they desire? The differ- to the voice of God and do what
TOGETHER, AND RUN- ence in these two groups can be His Word tells us to do, blessings
summed up with these words: listen will overtake us. God will give us
NING OVER WILL BE PUT and obey. Walking in God’s blessing practical instruction on how to pros-
really is this simple, yet there are per in every area of our lives if we
INTO YOUR BOSOM.” those who have never made the will listen to Him. The Holy Spirit
(LUKE 6:38) NKJV commitment to follow His instruc- inside us will teach us and empower
tions. us to do what He says.
CHEERFUL GIVER! Wisdom is gained from listening. (www.dioceseoflagos.org | Submitted by
Blessings come as a result of obey- Maxine Coleman)
583-9243, EXT. 9.
MENTAL WELLNESS with Dr. Stacey Blalock Henry BIBLE TRIVIA
TEACH KIDS HOW TO BE MENTALLY TOUGH 1. What does this name of God mean:
Jehovah Rapha? Is it The Lord who
In these times, parents are encouraged your kids to be mentally strong. By leads, The Lord who sends, The Lord
to teach kids mental strength. Mentally working with them in different situa- who provides or The Lord who
strong kids are prepared for the chal- tions, you can impart the mental heals?
lenges of the world. To be clear, men- toughness they need to deal with un-
tal strength isn't about acting tough, comfortable emotions. 2. What is the name commonly given to
suppressing emotions, being unkind, Teach Specific Skills the first five books of the Old Testa-
or acting defiant. Instead, mentally Discipline should be about teaching ment? Is it the Pentateuch, the Doxol-
strong kids are resilient and they have your kids to do better next time, not ogy, the Apocrypha or the Septua-
the courage and confidence to reach making them suffer for their mistakes. gint?
their full potential. Use consequences that teach specific
Tips for Raising Tough Kids skills, such as problem-solving skills, 3. In Revelation, Jesus says: “Do not be
Kids who are mentally strong are able impulse control, and self-discipline. afraid. I am the ____ and the
to tackle problems, bounce back from Teach Emotion Regulation Skills ____.” Is it the First and the Last, the
failure, and cope with hardships. Don't calm your child down when Way and the Truth, the Life and the
Helping kids develop mental strength they're angry or cheer them up every Truth or the Lion and the Lamb?
requires a three-pronged approach. time they're sad. Instead, teach
1. Help them learn to control their them how to deal with uncomfortable 4. Where in the New Testament does it
emotions on their own, so they don't talk about the perseverance of Job? Is
emotions so their emotions don’t grow to depend on you to regulate it in the book of Hebrews, Revelation,
control them. their moods. 2 Timothy or James?
2. Show them how to take positive Let Your Child Make Mistakes
action. Teach your child that mistakes are part 5. What does Jesus say about judging
3. Teach them to replace negative of the learning process, so they don't others? Is it judge fairly, judge justly,
thoughts with more realistic feel ashamed or embarrassed about judge not or judge Judy?
thoughts. getting something wrong. Allow for
Show Kids How to Be Tough natural consequences when it’s safe 6. “The _____ _____ of the wise are
One of the best ways to teach kids and talk about how to avoid repeating more to be heeded than the shouts of
mental strength is to mirror these qual- the same mistake next time. a ruler of fools.” Are the blanks the
ities in your own life. Kids learn how Encourage Healthy Self-Talk true sayings, quiet words, harsh re-
to respond in different situations by It’s hard for kids to feel mentally bukes or silent prayers?
watching their parents. So, try to be strong when they’re bombarding
cognizant of your own mental tough- themselves with put-downs or when 7. What were the two plagues that af-
ness and work on areas that need im- they’re predicting catastrophic out- flicted the Egyptians physically? Was
provement. comes. Teach your child to reframe it gnats and blisters, boils and hives,
Role Model Mental Strength negative thoughts, so they can think dandruff and hives or gnats and
Showing your child how to be mental- more realistically. boils?
ly strong is the best way to encourage Allow Your Child to Feel Uncom-
them to develop mental strength. Talk fortable 8. Fill in the blank: “In the same way,
about your personal goals and show Although it can be tempting to help a ______ are to be worthy of respect,
your child that you’re taking steps to child whenever they're struggling, res- sincere, not indulging in much wine,
grow stronger. cuing them from distress will reinforce and not pursuing dishonest gain.” Is it
Show Your Child How to Face to them that they're helpless. Let your husbands, postal workers, wives or
Fears child lose, allow them to feel bored, deacons?
If your child avoids anything scary, and insist they are responsible even
they'll never gain the confidence they when they don't want to be. With sup- 9. What did the mysterious hand write
need to handle feeling uncomforta- port and guidance, struggles can help on the wall at King Belshazzar’s ban-
ble. Whether your child is afraid of the your child build mental strength. In no quet? Was it Eli Eli Lama
dark, or they are terrified to meet new time, your kids will have a mental Sabachthani; Jehovah-Jireh; Mene,
people, help your child face their fears strength that will last a lifetime. Mene, Tekel, Parsin; or Shadrach Me-
one small step at a time. Cheer them shach and Abednego?
on, praise their efforts, and reward (Excerpted from Amy Morin, LCSW |
them. verywellfamily.com) 10. Which of the following did Paul NOT
Teach Mental Toughness mention that individual members of
Look for opportunities to empower the church should bring when coming
together in worship? Is it a hymn, a
gift of leadership, a word of instruc-
tion, a revelation, a tongue or an inter-
(Answers on p. 7)
1. The Lord who heals; Exodus 15:26
2. The Pentateuch (pronounced pen-
Bonus question: What does the
word mean? Bonus answer: “Five
books” or “five scrolls”
3. The First and the Last; Revelation
4. James; James 5:10-11
5. Judge not; Luke 6:37
6. Quiet words; Ecclesiastes 9:17
7. Gnats and boils; Exodus 8-9
8. Deacons; 1 Timothy 3:8
9. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin
Bonus question: What does Tekel
mean? Bonus answer: Tekel
means “You have been weighed on
the scales and found wanting;”
Daniel 5:25-28
10. A gift of leadership; 1 Corinthians
word-game-world.com/printable-bible-games 7
#1. Polio #9. Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious dis-
that is caused by poliovirus. Polio was eliminated in the ease that can be deadly for babies. Whooping cough is es-
United States with vaccination, and continued use of polio pecially dangerous to babies who are too young to be vac-
vaccine has kept this country polio-free. cinated themselves. Mothers should get the whooping
cough vaccine during each pregnancy to pass some protec-
#2. Tetanus tion to their babies before birth.
Tetanus causes painful muscle stiffness, lockjaw and can
be fatal. Nowadays, the tetanus vaccine is part of a disease- #10. Pneumococcal Disease
fighting vaccine called DTaP, which provides protection This disease is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus
against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping pneumoniae. It causes ear infections, sinus infections,
cough). pneumonia, and even meningitis, making it very dangerous
for children. Make sure you keep kids safe from this dan-
#3. The Flu (Influenza) gerous disease by vaccinating.
Flu is a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus
that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. Everyone 6 #11. Rotavirus
months and older needs a flu vaccine every year. Rotavirus is contagious and can cause severe watery diar-
rhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain,
#4. Hepatitis B mostly in infants and young children. Rotavirus is one of
Did you know that worldwide more than 780,000 people the first vaccines an infant can get; it’s the best way to pro-
per year die from complications to Hepatitis B? All preg- tect your child from rotavirus disease.
nant women should be tested and all babies should be vac-
cinated. #12. Mumps
Mumps is best known for causing puffy cheeks and a swol-
#5. Hepatitis A len jaw. This is due to swelling of the salivary glands. The
The Hepatitis A vaccine was developed in 1995 and since MMR vaccine protects you and your family against
then has cut the number of cases dramatically in the Unit- mumps, measles, and rubella.
ed States. Vaccinating against Hepatitis A is a good way to
help your baby stay Hep A-free and healthy! #13. Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a disease that causes an itchy rash of blisters
#6. Rubella and a fever. Vaccinating kids at an early age is especially
Rubella is spread by coughing and sneezing. It is especially important to keep your children healthy.
dangerous for a pregnant woman and her developing baby.
Make sure you and your child are protected from rubella #14. Diphtheria
by getting vaccinated on schedule. Most of us only know diphtheria as an obscure disease
from long ago, thanks to the diphtheria vaccine babies get.
#7. Hib This vaccine, called DTaP, provides protection against
Hib (or its official name, Haemophilus influenzae type b) diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). Make
isn’t as well-known as some of the other diseases, thanks sure to vaccinate to help keep this dangerous infection
to vaccines. Hib mostly affects kids under five years old. from your kids.
Before the vaccine, over 20,000 kids were infected each
year. (Read more at www.cdc.gov/vaccines | Condensed by Maxine Cole-
#8. Measles
Did you know your child can get measles just by being in a PONDER THIS: Many are saying they do not want to put the
room where a person with measles has been, even up to COVID-19 vaccine in their bodies. Others try to rationalize staying
two hours after that person has left? Measles is very conta- unvaccinated, even though they know people who have been affected by
gious, and it can be serious, especially for young children. the virus. Where would we be today if our parents, grandparents or
Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk, so great-grandparents used this philosophy when our world was at war
make sure to stay up to date on your child’s vaccines. against these 14 diseases?
Dr. Reginald Woullard Linda Y. Smith Jeremy Long Alfreda Collins
Shaneka Buckley John Hinton III Seven England Emmanuel Kirk Corley
Shantell Coleman Gloria Lee Stephanie Ellis Enotris Jordan
Karen Coney Terrill Leflore Sonya Renee Evans LaShanbura S. McInnis
Jessie Lee Hibbler John McLemore Sr. Thelma Y. Jordan Johnna McLaurin
Tierra Mayfield Terry L. Evans Danielle Bridges Jessica M. Silas
James Slaughter III Ziracharia Sibley Vickey S. Campbell Ledarius Turner
Jaylaan Edwards Austin Abrams Treneicia Coleman Thomas J. Woullard
Tanisha Thurman Kennedy Bush Kavon Parkman Angeneka Meeks
Darian M. Washington Ashlee Conner Jaycee Fairley Curtis Paige
Stacy L. Dismuke Jonathan Gaines Jr. Leguster Seawright Dyamond White
Demesha Jones Kevin Oatis Evangeline Smith Jeffrey Richardson
Timothy LeFlore Ramzey Smith Kadence Weathersby Willie Mae Robertson
Kyla Lindsey Anterio Yarborough Jared Weathersby Jabaris Jordan
Desondra McSwain Chertricia Wolfe Aaron J. Brown Charles Roberts Jr.
Julian D. Evans Julius Gray Gwendolyn Fairley Terri Banks
Roger Grant Odomes Randy Madison Jarveous Hughes Debra Clark
Sharon Reed Ruth Madison Patrick McDonald Dillon Crowell
Jermaine Van Buren Trinity McPherson Fredrick Parkman Keshelia L. Griffin-Gay
Corey Austin James Ruffin Tyshell Rogers Jaymar Henry
Briana Clark Mary Keys Thelma Floyd Stephanie May
Lashandra D. Gaines Jamie Whitsett Louketchia Matthews Rashad D. Peterson
Kennedi McDonald Justina Wolfe Keyanna Portis Kenneth Young Jr.
Robert Satcher Gabby A. Bunch DaQuashia J. Strahan
Ashley Grace Smith Michael Green Johnna Coleman
John & Stephanie McLemore Sr. Kenneth & Sandra Young Sr.
Sylvester & Jin Joo Crosby Jr. Kenneth & Amber Young Jr.
Nicholas Keys Jewel Booth Robert Mitchell Lee Tameka Edwards
Deborah Cherry LaKeatra Broach Annie Mae Parker Erika Ross
Patricia Davis Veronica Tassin Lillie Silas Kentrevis Jones
Ulysses Luke Ellis Calandra Walker Shetelha Taylor Alisicia Hinton
Marcus Felts Vivian Brevard Eric Jordan Eunisha Griffin
Monique Galloway Amber Nikole A. Lee Pedro Alvarez Cashay Murphy
Shalyn McRoy Dia Kelly Kantrell Barnes Aziah Smith
Ambrielle Turner Jamonica Leflore Tawanda Fortson Alisha Tanner
Shamika Wilkerson Leroy McGill Dea. Roderick Woullard Michelle Anderson
Deangelo Barnes Donovan Watts Santana Davenport Queneka Butler
David Ellis T. C. Boyd Kendrick Murry Bonnie Coleman
Alfonso Harris Mae Lang Lowe Wilena Powe Avery Hatten
Carlee Hunt Alicia Bridges Allison Stevens Tamica R. Hill
Billy Johnson Tadrian Leflore Diana Rena Walker Dana Johnson
Chencia M. Lewis Theron J. Thompkins Kristy Williams Nicole Johnson
Keiane Magee Dea. Ronnie E. Woullard Lonnie Wooten Brandon Lewis
Malik Sturdavant James Baldwin Don Daniels Sr. Robert V. Nixon
Bruce Tanksley Adrian Craft Jackie C. Evans Dexter Jordan Jr.
Deanna Woods Zakiyyah Smith Kendaryl Antoine Robert Wilson Jr.
Jordyn Adams Vanessa Stone Jennifer Marie Jones Jermaine Wright
Kamaya Lancaster Shamaya Strahan Lashonda McSwain Shanteria Andrews
Robert Ellis Adaeze Eneh Janice Robinson Shuquetta Clayton
Patsy D. Jones Braden Sandifer Judge Brown II Leola Felts
Marcellius Martin Lenora Haynes Lester Carpenter
Latisha Harrison Young Devante Jordan Samwondra Conner
Patrick & Tomeka McDonald Harry & Nolana A. Reese
Jerome & Nellie Jean Wolfe Benjamin & Felecia Robinson Brown
Terrence & Enjuli Bullock Antoine & Yvonne Yvette Coney
by Jim Harrison
1. Come to God with your re-
Most of us picture prayer sort of like Jesus’ sheep, we should be able to quest for guidance
a monologue: We talk to God, shar- listen to his voice and follow him Share with God your specific
ing our heartfelt thanks and offering because we clearly recognize his request for guidance in prayer.
up our petitions and requests. But voice. Jesus is able to lead us precise- And by the power of Christ, give
prayer is really more like a dialogue, ly because we hear his voice and fol- God’s voice authority over the
where we speak with God and the low after him. “The gatekeeper opens voices of others and our own
Lord speaks to us. the gate for [Jesus], and the voices.
sheep listen to his voice.
Listening prayer centers around a 2. Wait in silence for God to
clear request for God’s guidance. In Tuning out the other voices speak for 10-12 minutes
making our request, we give God’s around us Listen to what God is saying to
guidance authority over the other In the book Daring to Live on the you. What themes emerge? What
voices we hear throughout our daily Edge, Youth With a Mission becomes clear about God’s plan
lives. Then we hit the for you as you listen?
pause button. We (YWAM) founder
wait on God in a Loren Cunningham 3. Jot down any Scripture, songs,
time of silence, giv- points out that im- impressions, or pictures God
ing the Lord oppor- pressions on our gives you
tunity to speak to us. spirit will come One may receive a verse from
We focus our time of from one of four Scripture, another a song. Some-
prayer on intentional, sources: (1) your times a member of our family
purposeful listening own mind; (2) the gets one word, or a particular
and let God do the mind of others phrase. Another sees a picture.
talking. (e.g., the world); (3) Often the Lord gives us one
the mind of Satan (e.g., demons); and piece of the message, and it only
This is really important because as (4) the mind of God. seems to make sense after every-
followers of Jesus, we all desire to do one has had the chance to share
the right thing and make the wisest God has given us authority in Christ what they received.
choices. Yet we are constantly being to silence the other sources and clear
bombarded with the noise of the the way to hear God’s voice and be 4. Share how God spoke to you
world all around us. There are lots of confident that it is God speaking. with your prayer partners and
voices telling us very different mes- follow God’s will
sages, and too often we find our- Submitting our own thoughts to Whatever the Lord speaks to us,
selves challenged and confused about God the most important thing is that
what we should do in a given situa- we obey his voice. If you are un-
tion or what is really the best way But what about our voices? How can sure or need more confirmation,
ahead. These are times when we can we be sure we are not hearing our then ask the Lord for this. But if
seek God’s guidance through listen- own thoughts? In his second letter to you hear and receive clear direc-
ing prayer. the Corinthians, Paul suggests that tion from God, strive to respond
we can also take authority over our with full obedience, being confi-
What the Bible says about listen- own thoughts to make them obedient dent that God is the one guiding
ing to God in prayer? to Christ. you by the Holy Spirit. There is
“For though we live in the world, we great comfort and security when
God is the source of all wisdom do not wage war as the world does. we hear and obey.
The weapons we fight with are not
The Book of James invites us to the weapons of the world. On the (To see the Listening Prayer Template go
make a request to God for the wis- contrary, they have divine power to to: faithward.org | Submitted by Maxine
dom we need (James 1:5, NIV). God demolish strongholds. We demolish Coleman)
wants us to ask for his wisdom and arguments and every pretension that
will generously give it to us. sets itself up against the knowledge 11
of God, and we take captive every
God’s sheep recognize God’s thought to make it obedient to
voice Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5, em-
phasis mine).
According to Jesus, we are his sheep,
the flock of his pasture. John 10 ex- (To read more, go to: www.faithward.org |
pands on this wonderful theme. As Condensed by Maxine Coleman)
100 Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Inspired in 2021
by Jessica Sager
Whether you’re having a rough day and need a pick-me-up to assure yourself that it’s all going to be OK, or whether
you’re just looking for a mission statement for the day (because, well #2020), these inspirational quotes will help you
put one foot in front of the other and make the small or sweeping changes that you desire. No matter if it’s a movie
star, a thought leader, Beyoncé, or a 17th century writer, you’re sure to find an inspirational quote that speaks to
your drive and determination.
Below is 20 of the 100 quotes. The series will continue next edition.
1. “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let 11. “You define your own life. Don’t let other people write
go.” your script.”
— Carol Burnett — Oprah Winfrey
2. “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!'” 12. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a
new dream.”
— Audrey Hepburn
— Malala Yousafzai
3. “There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”
13. “At the end of the day, whether or not those people are
— Alexander the Great comfortable with how you’re living your life doesn’t matter.
What matters is whether you’re comfortable with it.”
4. “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the
pilot.” — Dr. Phil
— Michael Altshuler 14. “People tell you the world looks a certain way. Parents tell
you how to think. Schools tell you how to think. TV. Religion.
5. “Life has got all those twists and turns. You’ve got to hold And then at a certain point, if you’re lucky, you realize you can
on tight and off you go.” make up your own mind. Nobody sets the rules but you. You
can design your own life.”
— Nicole Kidman
— Carrie Ann Moss
6. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows
will fall behind you.” 15. “For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or
achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a
— Walt Whitman means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better
self. The journey doesn’t end.”
7. “Be courageous. Challenge orthodoxy. Stand up for what
you believe in. When you are in your rocking chair talking to — Michelle Obama
your grandchildren many years from now, be sure you have a
good story to tell.” 16. “Spread love everywhere you go.”
— Amal Clooney — Mother Teresa
8. “You make a choice: continue living your life feeling mud- 17. “Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are
dled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your blinded. Tell them to put some sunglasses on.”
identity independent of it. You draw your own box.”
— Lady Gaga
— Duchess Meghan
18. “If you make your internal life a priority, then everything
9. “I just want you to know that if you are out there and you else you need on the outside will be given to you and it will be
are being really hard on yourself right now for something that extremely clear what the next step is.”
has happened … it’s normal. That is what is going to happen
to you in life. No one gets through unscathed. We are all going — Gabrielle Bernstein
to have a few scratches on us. Please be kind to yourselves and
stand up for yourself, please.” 19. “You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to
breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.”
— Taylor Swift
— Mandy Hale
10. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to
continue that counts.” 20. “You can be everything. You can be the infinite amount of
things that people are.”
— Winston Churchill
— Kesha
Jessie Shelby Annie Arrington SUNDAY
Thomas Evans Magnolia Gholar Sunday School by conference call every Sunday at 9:30 am,
Rev. Cathy Ross-Woulard Celeste Brown join by dialing 701-802-5043; access code 322418.
Roscoe McDonald Sr. Vickie Scott
Reggie Ellis Albert Barnett Online Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 am.*
Josie Davis John Lindsey Sr.
Marcella Ellis E.G. Ellis Drive By Holy Communion is served every first Sunday at
Dea. Ben Ellis Jamyrah Brown the R. W. Woullard Jr. Family Life Center from 9 am to 10:30
Alfred Donald Jackie Evans am.
Ceola Arrington Sam Smith
Will Bankston Glen Davis WEDNESDAY
Marcus White Jackie McLemore Zoom Youth Bible Study 6-6:30 pm. Contact Rev. Mary
Louise Pickens Nellie Gains Carter at 601-297-5796, for more information.
Tameka Cooley Lee Booth Sr.
Ruby Brown Terry Harris Adult Online Bible Study is Wednesday at 7 pm.*
Bridget Roberts Johnnie Sims
Margaret Long Monique Crosby SATURDAY
Steve Brown Catherine Preston Corporate Prayer at 8 am. Join by dialing 720-740-9642;
Tracey Thigpen access code 4402008. Let’s P.U.S.H.
We have numerous members with sick family members, *Online services are available on the church’s website
please pray for all who are sick and shut-in. shadygrove-church.org, Facebook (Shady Grove Baptist
Church Hattiesburg) or YouTube (Shady Grove Baptist
NURSING HOME Church Hattiesburg YouTube).
Mary Dean Lee Kathy Wallace ANNOUNCEMENTS
Joe Lee Leah Sampson
Jessica Hibbler YOUTH BIBLE STUDY:
Youths are invited to 30 minutes of virtual
BEREAVED Youth Bible Study (through ZOOM) each Wednesday night
starting at 6 pm. Download the "Zoom" app by inserting the
Please be prayerful for our members in their time of bereave- blue online info below. The "Zoom" app is free.
ment: You will be asked to enter the Meeting ID, and the passcode.
James Booth and his family, in the passing of his cousins. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75045661338?
Magnolia Gholar and Lefaund Cooley and their family, in pwd=N0Fqd3JDSUZRUmYwcWNsWEN4QmVYdz09
Meeting ID: 750 4566 1338
the loss of their cousin. Passcode: Youth
Rev. Marcus Blake and his family, Rev. Blake’s father
passed. The COVID-19 vaccine is available at
Dea. Johnathan Robinson, Felecia Robinson Brown and numerous locations in Hattiesburg.
Shady Grove has partnered with
their family, their cousins passed. SEMRHI as they administered the
free vaccines. To schedule an appoint-
ment call 601-658-0058.
The booster shot is available to individuals 65 years of age
and those with qualifying conditions. To find out the eligibil-
ity criteria or to schedule an appointment, call Healthworks at
601-261-1620; Hattiesburg Clinic at 601-261-1620 or MS
Dept. of Health at 877-978-6453. You can also go online at
Empowering people to live a more than conquering life through worship, ministry, mission,
discipleship, and fellowship to reach the world with the love of Jesus Christ.
101 WARREN MOTT PARK WAY * HATTIESBURG, MS 39401 * 601 -583-9243