May 2022 SHADY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Volume 3, Edition 5
Motherhood — What Does The Bible Say?
Motherhood is . . .
• A Blessing (Psalm 127:3)
• Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
• Ordained by God (Psalm 139:13)
• For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
• Full of Hope (Proverbs 22:6)
• Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn
from it.
• Full of Joy (Proverbs 23:25)
• May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!
• A Calling (Proverbs 31:28)
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
• Worthy of Honor (Ephesians 6:1-3)
• Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—
which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that
you may enjoy long life on the earth.”
Submitted by Maxine Coleman
Written by Jessica Wolstenholm
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Motherhood In The Bible godly men were lacking in Timothy’s
From the first pages of Genesis, God upbringing, the influence of these Laken Anderson
ordained the family. After the fall in Gen- women helped form him into the Louis Fairley
esis 3, He told Eve that she would have pastor and leader he became, for the Eva Foster
pain in childbirth, but in that proclama- benefit of the whole early church.
tion He also created the first mother. Brenda Harmon
And throughout Scripture, mothers ap- • Monica (331-387) had great influ- Chelsea Harmon
pear. God’s love and advocacy for wom- ence on her son Augustine’s life. It is
en shines through the Bible, as women said that Monica’s example and her Angela Hayes
are given dignity, respect, attention, and prayers–even without support from Antonio Hayes
responsibility in stark contrast with the her husband–eventually led Augus- Maurice Hibbler Jr.
cultural norms at the time. tine to the Lord. In his autobiog- Mary Hibbler
Motherhood is spoken of throughout raphy, he said his mother “shed more Jocelyn Hibbler
Scripture as a high and important calling. tears for my spiritual death than oth- Chance Opokia
God uses the metaphor of mothers to er mothers shed for the bodily death Christina Thornton
describe the ways He loves and cares for of a son.” Augustine of Hippo be- Maurice Thornton
His children (Isaiah 66:13). came one of the leading theologians
Mothers In The Bible of the early church. Congratulations on completing the
Throughout Scripture, God often granted New Members Orientation.
motherhood to women who were barren • Katie Luther (1499-1552), wife of
or otherwise unable to conceive. At many the Protestant Reformer Martin Lu- They will be recognized during
points in Jesus’ lineage, God intervened ther, raised four orphans in addition Grand Slam Disciples on July 31st.
to give an infertile woman a child. Con- to her six biological children, while
sider Abraham’s wife, Sarah; Isaac’s wife, also hosting her husband’s students MOTHER’S DAY FUNNIES
Rebekah; Hannah, the mother of Samuel; and guests. The Luthers became a
Elizabeth, the mother of John, and of model for Protestant families for Mom No. 1: How do you get your
course Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. several centuries and spoke of family sleepy-head son up in the morning?
Advice For Mothers From The Bible life as a training ground for Christian Mom No. 2: I just put the cat on the
Motherhood is a gift from the Lord–one virtue. bed.
of the ways we can glorify and serve Him Mom No. 1: How does that help?
(1 Timothy 5:10). It also offers many • Susanna Wesley (1669-1742) man- Mom No. 2: The dog’s already there.
opportunities to grow in our understand- aged a large household of eight chil-
ing of God’s mercy, love, and grace. dren (who survived infancy), over- Baby snake: Mommy, are we poison-
Motherhood is sanctifying, but it is also seeing both the spiritual and academ- ous?
sweet. Scripture teaches mothers to point ic education of her children. She fo- Mother snake: Yes, son.Why?
children toward Christ by praying for cused diligently on their character, Baby snake: I just bit my tongue!
them, modeling faith and character, and hard work and knowledge of Scrip-
training them in wisdom (Proverbs 1:8, ture and met personally with each Chris: Why is a computer so smart?
29:15). Proverbs 22:6 conveys the general child every week, to give them en- Mom: It listens to its motherboard.
principles that if we “Train up children in couragement and attention. Her
the way they should go, even when they sons, John Wesley and Charles Wes- Son: Dad, do you know the difference
are old they will not turn from it.” ley founded the Methodist move- between a pack of cookies and a pack
Christian Mothers In History ment that bears the imprints of her of elephants?
Here are a few examples of mothers in influence: a focus on accountability, Dad: No.
the Bible and in Church History that we service, and diligent work in small Son: Then it’s a good thing Mom does
can learn from: group Bible study. the grocery shopping!
• Lois and Eunice (2 Timothy1:5) – (For more information about Monica, Doug: I think my mom’s getting seri-
Paul says that the “sincere faith” that Katie Luther, or Susanna Wesley, see this ous about straightening up my room
Timothy possesses was from his article at Christianity Today). once and for all.
grandmother Lois and mother Submitted by Maxine Coleman |Written by Dan: How do you know?
Eunice. It appears that, even though Jessica Wolstenholm | Doug: She’s learning to drive a bull-
parents/what-does-the-bible-say-about- dozer.
motherhood (Read more at:
Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed 1. What is the National Moment of
on the last Monday of May, honoring the men Remembrance Resolution?
and women who died while serving in the U.S.
military. Veterans Day is a federal holiday ob- 2. Which President started Memo-
served each year on November 11. While the rial Day?
day was initially picked to mark the end of the
‘War of All Wars’ (World War I), it is now a na- 3. When was Memorial Day first
tional celebration to honor America’s veterans celebrated?
for their patriotism, love of their country, and
willingness to serve and sacrifice for the com- 4. What do you write on Memorial
mon good.
5. What was Memorial Day origi-
Here are some quotes to help say ‘thank you for your service’ to those who have nally called?
served in our community.
6. What is done on Decoration
“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s Day?
cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and
serves, as he best can, the same cause.” ~Abraham Lincoln 7. When did Memorial Day be-
come a federal holiday?
“America’s Veterans have served their country with the belief that democra-
cy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world.” ~John Doolittle 8. When is Memorial Day com-
“It’s about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. It’s about
making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they’ve earned 9. When did Washington D.C. hold
when they come home. It’s about serving all of you as well as you’ve served its first Memorial Day parade?
the United States of America.” ~Barack Obama
10. What is the significance of Me-
“Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of oth- morial Day?
ers are often stiffened.” ~Billy Graham
11. What happens to the flag on
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but be- Memorial Day?
cause he loves what is behind him.” ~G.K. Chesterton
12. Which are the Memorial Day
“We sleep peaceably in our beds at night only because rough men stand flowers?
ready to do violence on our behalf.” ~George Orwell
13. What is often played at ceremo-
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear.” nies on Memorial Day?
~Mark Twain
14. Which state was the first to offi-
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest apprecia- cially acknowledge Memorial
tion is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Day?
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
15. Which are the two most im-
“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it… it flies with the last portant items people wield to
breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” ~Unknown remember soldiers?
“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” 16. For how many years has Memo-
~Cynthia Ozick rial Day been reserved for cher-
ishing the lives of Civil War sol-
“America’s veterans embody the ideals upon which America was founded diers only?
more than 229 years ago.” ~Steve Buyer
17. True or false: Memorial Day has
“In valor there is hope.” ~Publius Cornelius Tacitus always been on the last Monday
in May?
“To those in uniform serving today and to those who have served in the
past, we honor you today and every day.” ~Unknown 18. What would you traditionally fly
on Memorial Day?
Submitted by Maxine Coleman | To read the quotes in their entirety go to 19. Many Americans treat Memorial
Day as the onset of which sea-
20. Memorial Day weekend has been
known as being the most hazard-
ous holiday. Which incident
caused it to be known as very
(Answers on page 7)
Cassidy Daniels MAY 1ST—MAY 15TH Carlene Ephraim Daniels
Jada Williamson Nicholas Jarrad Foley
Shaniya Bullock Adam Jordan
Betty Virgil Monique Crosby Nataura Moore
Excel Eneh Shaniyah Daniels Broderick Turner
Dana Fulton Willie L. Hardamon Falonna Brown
Harry Mack Cheryl L. Heidelberg Charlene Heidelberg
Madison Mayes Ahmarey Stimley
Vaylin Bembry Tobias Lewis George McMillian
Amani Alvarez Patricia Thompson Evelyn I. Robinson
Deryk Dahmer Katerina P. Davis Stanley Wilkerson
T.C. Snell Cathy Dawkins Evans
Xavier Strickland Gloria Hinton Latoyia Griffin
Alecia M. Anderson Kambria Thorne Bergandee Hibbler
Jason Gholar James Alvin Watson Jacinta Faye James
Charlotte Hathorn Alonzo Fleming Carrie Parrott
Carrie Patton Michael Killings Melissa Watson
Ramon J. Robinson Tamara Sutton Ge'Neceya Shelby
Rita R. Stone Kelli Ellise Hathorn Christina M. Bolton
Kayden Gray Betty Bender Woullard Tayvion Payton
Frank James Christopher Banks Cinthia Richardson
Dalacey Minor Glendora Hudson
Tequilla Clayton Tanisha Washington
Benjamin W. Brown
Yama Mitchell Jones
Shanetta Clayton
Brandon & Jessica McDonald Larry Jr. & Kristy Orange
Jason B. & Shunna McClinton Dea. James A. & Celester M. Brown
Carissa Collins Dennis D. Davis Jaeden Bridges Michael Dumas
Jevon Lindsey Avery Webster Kristian Berry Laylah Orange
Crystal Pruitt Kendra H. Anderson Coiya N. Henry Lanita Robertson
Isaiah Reese Stacey Thigpen Judy Marie Hibbler Donielia Renee Thomas
Kolby R. Sims Hardy Hinton Karen Grant
Marie Williams Ian Dagons Olivia Johnson Antonio D. Haynes
Wayne Dahmer Norma Jean Carson Kaeden Thigpen Jake T. Henry
Ashley Henry Edward White Danitra Ann Starks
Kynnadi Currie Jeurod Eaton Martin Maye Nikyta Armstead
Samantha Rankin Jerica Jones Erica Meleah Roberts Roderick Crowell
Kearani Kasi Baylor Ye'tedra Jordan Sarah A. White Morgan Greene
Kayla Jones Elexzia Timmons Santesa Carter Jorianna Jones
Leroy Wolfe Kendell Wilson Demetria Holloway Sonya Nixon
Kendrick L. Addison Willie Mae Anderson Apryle Cunningham Mia Bembry
Lena Armstrong Katie Hardamon Veronica Robinson Eddie Lee Clemmons
Jimmie Bunch Bruce Hunt Devonte Davis Charles Marshall
Harold Dahmer Tyra C. Kelly James Booth Teabra McDougle
Jeffery L. Eaton Bobbi Jean McKahand Tiffany Floyd Earnestine Roberts
Jason Gaines Montey D. C. Harvey Sean Robinson Rev. Ray Smith
Diegola Primavera Phaonette Coleman Talamoa Davis Albealious Watts
Antoine Coney Dorothy A. Dismuke Ashton Pittman Haylie C. Wise
Tomeka Lewis
Shannon Parkman
Tony & Patricia Davis Teco & Deonna Hicks
Kendrick L. & Charlotte Addison Reggie & Myia Hayes
Terrell B. & Lawana Y. Carson Roscoe & Tessa Marzett
Wayne & Tracy Clark Larry & Magnolia Gholar
Encouragement For May TRIVIA ANSWERS
2 Samuel 21:1-14 those who had been killed and exposed 11. . At 3 pm on Memorial Day all
were gathered up. (14) They buried the Americans are asked to willing-
21:1 During the reign of David, there bones of Saul and his son Jonathan in ly and informally stay silent for
was a famine for three successive years; the tomb of Saul’s father Kish, at a minute of remembrance and
so, David sought the face of the Lord. Zela in Benjamin, and did everything honor.
(2) The king summoned the Gibeon- the king commanded. After that, God
ites and spoke to them. (3) David asked answered prayer in behalf of the land. 2. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
the Gibeonites, “What shall I do for 3. May 5, 1868.
you? How shall I make atonement so This month we look at Rizpah. This 4. 'Let us acknowledge those who
that you will bless the Lord’s inher- woman did nothing wrong. She was the
itance?” (4) The Gibeonites answered concubine of Saul. This is the courage courageously gave their lives to
him, “We have no right to demand sil- of a mother to protect her children save ours'.
ver or gold from Saul or his family, nor even in death, because they were chil- 5. Decoration Day.
do we have the right to put anyone in dren of Saul. But this woman stood her 6. A day for the nation to adorn
Israel to death.” “What do you want me ground, so to speak, until something the burials of the war dead,
to do for you?” David asked. (5) They happened. She covered, she fought, she accompanied with flowers.
answered the king, “As for the man stayed up all night and all day fighting 7. 1971.
who destroyed us and plotted against us for her children; in all kind of weather. 8. Last Monday in May.
so that we have been decimated and She made a bed near them to protect 9. 2004.
have no place anywhere in Israel, (6) let them from beasts, birds and other 10. It is a day of remembrance of
seven of his male descendants be given things that would come to destroy their those who have perished serv-
to us to be killed and their bodies ex- bodies after death. Now, if this mother ing our nation.
posed before the Lord at Gibeah of can do this for her children after death, 11. The flag should be at half-staff
Saul—the Lord’s chosen one.” (7) The mothers what are we doing to protect until midday, then hoisted to
king spared Mephibosheth son of Jona- our families? During good, bad or in- the top after that.
than, the son of Saul, because of the different times, we are still mothers and 12. Red poppies.
oath before the Lord between David we will be until the day we leave this 13. Taps.
and Jonathan son of Saul. (8) But the earth. No matter how old our children 14. New York, United States.
king took Armoni and Mephibosheth, get they will always call us mother 15. Flowers and flags.
the two sons of Aiah’s daughter which shows love, affection and re- 16. 100 years.
Rizpah, whom she had borne to Saul, spect. Our nurturing and love are al- 17. False.
together with the five sons of Saul’s ways needed. We are created by God 18. The American flag.
daughter Merab, whom she had borne for all these things. He loves us all so 19. Summer.
to Adriel son of Barzillai the Mehola- much. So, mothers enjoy motherhood, 20. A car accident.
thite. (9) He handed them over to the whether you are an aunt, adopted mom
Gibeonites, who killed them and ex- or just have taken on the role of moth- 7
posed their bodies on a hill before ering children who need you. You are
the Lord. (10) Rizpah daughter of Aiah blessed and highly favored of the Lord.
took sackcloth and spread it out for Let’s pray: Father God in the mighty
herself on a rock. From the beginning name of Jesus thank You for the moth-
of the harvest till the rain poured down er role You have given each of us. We
from the heavens on the bodies, she know You love us before you formed
did not let the birds touch them by day us in our mother’s womb and made us
or the wild animals by night. (11) When a living soul to do Your will on this
David was told what Aiah’s daughter earth and to build Your kingdom one
Rizpah, Saul’s concubine, had done, child at a time. For that we thank You
(12) he went and took the bones of and are forever grateful. In Jesus Name
Saul and his son Jonathan from the we pray. Amen! And it is so.
citizens of Jabesh Gilead. (13) David
brought the bones of Saul and his son Lovingly submitted by Rev. Cathy Ross Wou-
Jonathan from there, and the bones of lard
Mental Wellness
Oftentimes in our society, I feel as though we focus more on that drive us throughout the rest of this year until we reach May
the negative aspects of what mental health means and the trends again next year! My hope is that we will all begin to see that it is
or the lack of awareness, rather than what we already know and nothing wrong with sharing your feelings and thoughts about
the positive trends that we are making in the acknowledgment things that bother you with someone that is trained as a mental
of mental health. I feel as though many of us are not cognizant health provider.
of the fact, that in this day and time, we are much more focused In several past newsletters, I've covered different signs and
on our mental health than before due to the increased attention symptoms of some common mental health issues that people
and concern. It is progress! face on a regular daily basis. We are mental beings, and we are
Many of us have begun to understand that mental health is defi- not people who are created without mental health. We cannot
nitely a: detach, take away, or remove our feelings from our brain. Of-
tentimes, I will share the example of, “if it were not for the
• part of our everyday lives brain, which is the control center of the entire body, one would
not have any ideas, feelings, or cognitions. One would not know
• it is important that he or she had the ability to think, talk, walk, or work be-
cause without the brain, it is not possible.” Hence, I offer this
• taking care of our mental health is vital question, “how can anyone go to the doctor for a heart check-
up, but will not get their mind checked out?” Without mental
• mental health is nothing to be afraid of health, one may not know that he or she is in cardiac arrest, has
As we are entering a “newer normal” of this pandemic, we are a broken foot, or a snake bite that is bleeding; therefore, one has
much more conscious of our mental health, as a result of living to know that mental health is vital to having a healthy, long,
through and surviving the pandemic. In addition to the pan- prosperous life.
demic, if we think back two years prior to the Black Lives Mat- Consider this, mental illness knows no color, no age, no race, no
ter Movement there was a time in everyone's life where we culture, no shape, no city, no state, and no status. It can strike
weren’t faced with so much tragedy. We were all faced with feel- anyone at anytime. No matter your aesthetic appearance, your
ing some level of emotions and/or raw feelings about these hor- success, your failures, your income level, it can affect any and
rific acts of injustice happening repeatedly to our people, Black all. It does not matter that you are a mental health professional,
Americans. It was also a time that led many people to seek help. a health care professional, a member of the clergy, that you
So there's a positive! That's a time where Black people and peo- know the Bible, or that you attend Sunday school and church
ple of all races and cultures began to rally and paid attention and services, it can strike any of us because it does not discriminate.
made sure that their emotions (i.e., their mental health) were It is an equal opportunity illness! We are all mental beings. As
noticed due to the impact thereof. Folks begin to speak more mentioned, we all have brains, and our brains are literally our
openly about how the violent acts mentally affected them and mental control centers. Without our brain, we have no mental
their families. There were considerable declines in emotional health, thus we cannot exist.
wellbeing. Help is here. Be sure to check on others. You never know when
There is much more to life, than not paying attention to your someone looks "okay" and is suffering on the inside. We all
feelings (i.e., mental health), so when we celebrate May as Na- need at least two people that we can talk to and a trained thera-
tional Mental Health Month, I want us to realize that the im- pist or a counselor can be one of those people. Mental health
portance is known. I believe, at this point, awareness is preva- professionals were once somewhat rare, especially in rural areas,
lent more than ever before, and that we can all contribute by but we are fortunate in the Hattiesburg and surrounding areas to
incorporating the awareness more into our everyday lives. have plenty of mental health professionals. More attention is
Adults and children are much more aware of how important it is given to people NOT being aware of mental health, but I am
to treat your mental health, just as you would seek treatment for noticing an increased awareness and an increased desire for
your physical health. I often share the example when helping mental wellness. As a mental health professional, I am ecstatic
someone, “if we break a finger, if we break a leg, if we have a to observe the progress that we have made in awareness, and
heart attack, if our glucose levels drop, and if any part of our share those positive trends resulting in more adults and children
bodies became dysfunctional, we are quick to seek the help of a being aware more than before. Mental health is here, its alive
medical provider. However, we are slow to even recognize feel- and it can all be well. Mental health is what you make of it,
ings, signs, and symptoms that would lead us to seek help with a as long as you're aware of it.
mental health professional. Written by Dr. Stacey Blalock Henry
Again, I applaud the progress that is being made, and I applaud
the efforts of so many Black families that are seeking help, even 9
if it is speaking about their mental concerns to parents, family
members, teachers, or health providers. For the month of May,
we must stop and focus on our mental health wellbeing and let
Vickie Scott
Monique Crosby Josie Davis SUNDAY
Jackie Evans Sunday School at 9:30 am
Albert Barnett Celia Grant
Dea. Ben Ellis Angela Thames Worship Service at 7:45 am and 10:45 am
Veronica Beach Louise Magee
Jennifer Smith Lue Dahmer WEDNESDAY
Vernon Dahmer Jr. Adult and Youth Bible Study at 7 pm
Charlie Ellis Myles Johnson (Adult-Life Center; Youth-Sanctuary)
Corporate Prayer at 8 am
Mary Dean Lee Kathy Wallace Join by dialing 720-740-9642; access code 4402008.
Joe Lee Leah Sampson Let’s P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)
Roscoe McDonald Sr. Jessica Hibbler
Applications are available for the Rev. Dr. R.W. Woullard Jr.
Please be prayerful for our members in their time of Scholarship. The applications can be picked up after church, or in
bereavement! Pray for: the church office. Members who will graduate from high school
The Woullard Family, their Aunt Ruth passed. are eligible to apply. The deadline is June 6th. Please see Deborah
Woullard, for more information.
Pastor Terry Anderson will be our speaker for revival beginning
at 7 pm Monday, May 16th through Wednesday, May 18th. Make
plans to come, and start inviting your family and friends.
Baccalaureate Service will be held Sunday, May 22nd during the
10:45 am Service. Members who will graduate from high school
and college should contact Maxine Coleman.
Pastor Woullard will resume the Baptismal ceremony Sunday,
May 29th. We will also have Baby Dedication. Please see Rev.
Cathy Ross Woulard, if you would like to be baptized; and Max-
ine Coleman, if you would like to dedicate your baby.
Wise Encouragers Ministry is hosting a Mental Health Awareness
Event, June 18th beginning at 9 am. Early sign in will be available
on Wednesdays and Sundays to help prepare for those attending.
Refreshments and door prizes will be given. See Rev. Mary
Carter, for more information.
Vacation Bible School is scheduled for Monday, June 20th
through Friday, June 24th from 6 pm to 8 pm. If you would like
to serve, please see Genae Keyes, Sharon Bolton and Sonya Felts.
Movie Night for our youth is June 29th at 6:30 pm. For more
information, please see Camille Hayes or Rev. Eugene Hobson.
May 16-18
May 29th Mother’s Day
Spring Revival
Baptismal & Baby Dedication
The SGBC Newsletter is a publication of the Shady Grove Baptist Church. It is published once a month on the 1st of each
month. Contact us at [email protected].