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Published by Shady Grove Baptist Church, 2022-03-31 12:16:03

SGBC Church Newsletter Volume 3, Edition 4

Church Newsletter April 1, 2022

April 2022 SHADY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Volume 3, Edition 4





Easter is celebrated in countries throughout the world. For some, the traditional festivities center on welcom-
ing the spring season, whereas in other countries the festivities are more religious in tone. For many, Easter is
simply a cultural holiday, a time to enjoy other people and eat festive food. Church attendance might be part of
the Easter celebrations of many, even if such religious observance is not a regular part of their lives. For many
Christians, Easter is a celebration joyfully anticipated throughout the year. It is often a time when those who
don’t know Jesus Christ become curious about who He is. Easter is a time when it might feel easier to share
the good news of the salvation He brings. It is also a corporate celebration of the reality of Jesus’ resurrection
and the life we have in Him. Though we celebrate that reality all year long, Easter is a special time of remem-
While the word Easter may have pagan origins and certain Easter traditions have absolutely nothing to do with
the Bible, the real reason to celebrate Easter is to remember the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and to cele-
brate the reality of His resurrection.
Celebrating Easter is about rejoicing in the risen Christ. In the days leading up to Easter, we recount His hor-
rific death on the cross. It is a death Jesus died willingly (Mark 10:45; John 10:18). He came to earth as a ba-
by in order to live a perfect human life and one day die as the sacrifice for sin. At Easter time, generally
on Good Friday, we remember His sacrifice and thank Him for it.
But it is not only Jesus’ death on the cross that is important. Jesus’ resurrection proclaims His victory over sin
and death. Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Then He rose back to life, proving He is who He says
He is and that He accomplished what He came to earth to accomplish. Jesus Christ is fully God, fully human,
and our only Savior. It is because He is risen that we can trust in His sacrifice for our sins and receive new
life in Him. His resurrection also demonstrates that His promise to resurrect us one day will come true.
The apostle Paul wrote, “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our
sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scrip-
tures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hun-
dred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.
Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also” (1 Corinthians 15:3–
8). It is this important reality that we pause to focus on and rejoice in at Easter. Easter is the time to celebrate
Jesus’ victory and to celebrate the new life He gives. All can have their sins forgiven and experience new life in
Him if they will receive Him in faith. It is fitting that Easter occurs in the springtime. Much like spring is the
time when new life grows after the death brought about by winter, so Jesus brings new life to those who were
formerly dead in sin (Ephesians 2:1–10). The life Jesus brings is eternal.

We celebrate the reality of His death and resurrection every day, and especially at Easter.
We can trust Him and worship Him all year through because He is risen!

(Submitted by Maxine Coleman |

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As I sat on the edge of the couch, I about God that he raised Christ from Q1. What do we call the day that
looked my son in the eye and explained: the dead. Jesus died?
“Honey, life is hard. This world is bro- But he did not raise him if in fact the
ken. Sometimes our expectations can be dead are not raised. For if the dead are Q2. How did Jesus die?
too high and we face disappointment. not raised, then Christ has not been Q3. What do we call the week
But God is with us in our hurts. He will raised either. And if Christ has not been
never leave us or forsake us. All of your raised, your faith is futile; you are still in leading up to Easter?
life, you are going to face heartaches and your sins. Q4. What do people do at lent?
disappointments. This world just cannot Wow – do you see the strong words of Q5. The first Easter eggs were
deliver sustained happiness. Joy only this passage?
comes through Jesus. If there is no resurrection of Christ dyed red to remember Jesus
Cling to Jesus. Talk on the cross. True or False?
to Jesus. Read his then… Q6. Who did Jesus first appear to
word, pray, listen to ~ our faith is useless, when he was resurrected?
God, obey God, ~ our preaching and Q7. How many days after his
have faith and al- faith are futile, death did Jesus rise again?
ways trust God. ~ the dead are not Q8. Where was Jesus's body
Never stop trusting raised, placed after he died?
son.” ~ we are false wit- Q9. What is the name of the pris-
Are those words nesses, oner who was released instead
you need to hear ~ and we are still in of Jesus?
today? our sins. Q10. What did people wave as
This world is so Oh my! That’s serious they welcomed Jesus into
very broken – it friends. Jerusalem?
can’t deliver what our selfish hearts de- But praise the Lord – (
sire. the angel rolled back the stone and the bible-trivia-questions)
But Jesus – sweet Jesus. tomb was empty for all to see! Then
There is no other name like His in all Jesus appeared to over 500 people and (Answers on page 6)
this world! He is my best friend. He then ascended into heav-
never leaves my side. He is always for en AWESOME!!!!! 3
me. He never betrays me or stops lov- Jesus is alive – just as he said!
ing me. Every morning when I wake up Our God is not dead – he surely is alive!
– He is there for me. Every night as I And because he is alive – we have the
fall asleep – He is still there for me. In assurance that we too will be resurrect-
between morning and night, every time I ed.
call on Him, He is already there. Life is hard. Trials, fears, stress and wor-
Because He lives I can face tomorrow! ries come at us from every side. Some-
Because He lives YOU can face tomor- times it is so overwhelming I can’t sleep
row! or I break down in tears… but when
In Mark 16:6 the angel said: Do not be morning comes and the sun rises, I am
alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, reminded that his mercies are new every
who was crucified. He has risen; he is morning.
not here. The crux of Christianity hangs Because He lives – I can face tomorrow.
on one fact… Whatever you are facing today – take it
HE HAS RISEN! to Jesus. He is alive! He loves you and
I Corinthians 15:13-17 says: If there is He wants you to bring all your burdens
no resurrection of the dead, then not to Him.
even Christ has been raised. And if
Christ has not been raised, our preaching Walk with the King,
is useless and so is your faith. More than COURTNEY
that, we are then found to be false wit-
nesses about God, for we have testified (Submitted by Maxine Coleman |

Gary Lee Hayes APRIL 1ST—APRIL 15TH Kendrick McIntyre
Corey Abrams Deborah Woullard
Clinton Heidelberg Mary Varnado
Alicia Latham Dorothy Griffin Washington Latonia Wilson
James E. McLemore Travis Johnson
Cameron Taylor Michael Carter Arleon Duplessis
Shinece McSwain Norma Crosby Eric McCullum
Ricky Spann Elsie Epheim Kristy Orange
Vivian Steward Michael Harris Nolana A. Reese
Lavatious Currie Roy C. Strahan
Kwamane Walker Raychele Coleman James Sims
Lashyla Allen Crashona Duff Patricia Slaughter
Kendall Bolton Maurice Eaton Tasha Dahmer
Howard Dillon Kathy Alicia Gilmore
Kamery Earl Mercedes Johnson Wanda Moye
Marcus Jefferson Samantha Jones Cynthia Altman
Andrae Nelson Noelle Williams Deloris Foster
Adrian Newby Amber Travis Tomora Harris
Kevin Walters Lorin Brown Addison Laryssa Kellen
Roderick Davis Johnny A. Henry Kendall Currie
April Hudson Carrington Pugh Deloris McLain
Angelle Walker Jazmine Moody
Bently O. Evans Emeesha Robinson Jalen Reasor
Nariade Taylor-Jones Alexis Adams
Imiya Bias Shantrell Travis Faith Bullock
Dondrell Matthews Marvin L. Watkins Lequisa Evans
Jonathan Harris
Jessie Horn Richard C. Jones
Rico Roberts


Reginald & Tashonia Lewis Eugene & Kimberly Thigpen
Wayne Jr. & Sonya Duncan Felts Robert & Marilyn Buckley
Johnathan Sr. & Janice Robinson Jim Jr. & Elsie Epheim
Matthew & Nykela Jackson Anthony & Edith Stallings
Mitchell & Earnestine Roberts


Shontyeria Burks APRIL 16TH—APRIL 30TH Lakita Davis
Angelica Fairley Lemond Jordan
Rev. Gregory M. Keyes Joshua Barnes Karlon Burkett
Michael McLendon Demaja Calloway Celester M. Brown
Bettina Watts Karly Kennedy
Emoni Bolton Willie Clark Brenda Hayes
Bronson Evans Jazmyne Griffith
Mollie Glass Yakeisha Foreman Jasmine Abram
Jasmine L. Shelby Christine Hilliard
Isaac Leon Woodland John Martin Ora B. McLemore
Lawana Y. Carson Willie Maggie Wagger-Price
Jarrad Henry Tamyra Grear
Sarieta Holmes Terald McNeil Justin Dozier
Deborah O. Miller Tina Bush Meco Johnson
Mariah Jones
Icy Satcher Salenna Hayes Daquashia Strahan
Story England Jemiah Johnson Rosanna Travis
Rione Hughes Colby Nicole Stallings Audria Walker Boodie
Kendra Magee Doreunna Ruffin
Thomas Sturdavant Felicia Watts Saroya Crowell
LaTayia Allen Markiz Wooten Russell Gholar
Jasmyne Henry Chara Young Senetra Moody
Patricia Keys Dea. Fred Woullard
April Nicole Portis Chris Adams
Patrick Smith Tony Davis
Tracey McKellar Tarvin Chimene Fountain
Faith Poole
Laterrance Simmons
Carlus Williams
Rev. Cathy Ross-Woulard
Jasmine Cooke


Julius & Jennifer Gray Bolivar & Deborah Cherry
Charles III & Tangela Gray Sean & Tarsha Wilson
James & Eddie Dean Smith Detrick & Samarion Pitts-Marshall


Encouragement For Today BIBLE TRIVIA ANSWERS

2. He was crucified
1 PETER 1:3-5 (NIV) Praise be to the why I celebrate Easter. Even though it 3. Holy week
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In was death on the cross it means life to 4. They fast. Sometimes this can
His great mercy He has given us new birth me and many others who believe in the
into a living hope through the resurrection of Lord, Savior, Jesus Christ our Master. be food but it can also be
Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an He is our King of kings and Lord of 'watching tv', 'playing video
inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. lords. It means an eternal forever life, a games' or anything that
This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 Heavenly life with Him. I thank You would be considered giving
who through faith are shielded by God’s power Jesus. It means that once I know Him, something up.
until the coming of the salvation that is ready once we know Him, we are then held 5. True
to be revealed in the last time. to a higher standard for our actions. So 6. Mary Magdalene
we have to be very careful of the things 7. 3 days
When I was young 8. In a tomb
Easter was all we do, what we 9. Barabbas
about new hats, say, how we act, 10. Palm leaves
new gloves, new what we look at,
dresses, cute socks, what we hear, 6
shoes, singing what we are
songs and saying touching, and
speeches. I did not where we are
have a clear under- walking. It means
standing of what so much more
this was all about. now to me today.
Now that I’ve got- What about you?
ten older and more Oh, Lord thank
mature it has a you, thank you,
new and different thank you, for
meaning. It is the death, the burial and what you did. I can show you to others
the resurrection of my Lord and Savior by the way I live. Showing the world
Jesus Christ who died on the cross for that Your glory lives in me. The Son
me and my family. Jesus The Christ shines through me and I lift Him up so
went through all that trauma and trage- others can see You God and be saved
dy and was laid in a tomb He did not in Jesus Name. Amen! I thank you for
own; face covered with the handker- your Son Jesus every single day. I thank
chief and wrapped in the linen clothing. you for forgiveness. I thank you for a
Then, rising up and coming out, he repentant heart. And a rededicated life
talked to the disciples and then God and reconciliation with You always.
the Father elevated Him to heaven. Thank you Lord, Thank You Lord.
Now, Jesus sits on the right side of
God Our Father interceding for you Let’s Pray: Spirit of the living God rest
and I. It has a very different meaning on us this month as we remember our
to me today. My healer, my deliverer, Savior’s sacrifice. We are so grateful for
and my perfect wholeness that I receive Jesus The Christ who came to save the
from Him. I am truly blessed to know world from our sins. We stand in readi-
Jesus to know that He saved me. He ness to do Your will Father no matter
died for me, He took my sins away, and what it is. We love you forever. In Je-
forgives me every day. I repent every- sus Name. Amen! And it is so.
day. This has eternal meaning, that’s
(Humbly submitted by Rev. Cathy Ross


Mental Wellness


When Shiri Melumad was working on her doctorate in 2012, like you are in your own private bubble when you use
she found herself reaching for her smartphone during mo- them…”
ments of stress, before a tough exam, for example. She didn’t Kostadin Kushlev says, “it’s a reminder that we have friends,
always use it, she just held it. It was comforting. “Just holding and knowing we can reach them is comforting. Also, they are
it made me feel good,” says Melumad, assistant professor of very personal devices and with us all the time. From that per-
marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Penn- spective, we see them as an extension of ourselves.”
sylvania, who studies the relationship between people and The phones also serve as a repository for all the details in our
their phones. “It gave me a sense of ease or calm. It was simi- lives, from banking and entertainment, to tracking the where-
lar to children who seek out their pacifiers when they are abouts of our children, and getting us from one location to
stressed. For many of us, our phone represents an attachment another. “They are the holy grail for convenience,” says Jeni
object, much as a security blanket or teddy bear does for a Stolow. “It’s someone’s whole world in the palm of the hand.
child.” That is really appealing because it can make people feel in
Also — much like children — we become frantic when our control at all times.”
“security blanket” goes missing, a reaction confirmed by sev- A price for social insulation?
eral studies. In 2014, after Melumad accidentally left her But Kushlev wonders whether we pay a price for this social
phone in a restaurant, she spent an entire day searching for it. insulation. “These devices make our lives easier,” he says.
“I definitely freaked out,” she says, adding: “I haven’t lost it “There is no doubt they complement our lives, but what hap-
since.” Smartphones are ubiquitous. It’s rare to see someone pens when you introduce this amazing device into everything
in public who isn’t scrolling, texting or talking on one. Most you do? What are the costs of that? Every time I use my
of us already know their risks and annoyances: distracted driv- phone to find a place, maybe I miss an opportunity to ask for
ing and walking, meal interruptions and the irritation that directions and connect with someone? Is it sometimes causing
comes from hearing a persistent ringtone during a concert, us to disconnect from our immediate social environment?”
play or film. Research also has found that we tend to suffer Teens around the world are lonelier than a decade ago. The
cognitively when our phones are nearby — we do better on reason may be smartphones.
tasks when we aren’t tempted to use them. Moreover, during these tremulous pandemic years,
A deep personal connection smartphones have become a lifeline, enabling isolated people
But scientists studying the relationship between people and to reach out to others they cannot be with in person, and to
their smartphones also have come up with additional insights engage in other activities such as telemedicine and shopping.
in recent years about how people behave when using them, “I certainly found myself reaching for my phone more during
including discovering that people can draw needed comfort this time — even though my other devices have been just as
by their mere presence. readily accessible to me at home,” Melumad says. “I wouldn’t
Individuals hold a deep personal connection with their be surprised if others found themselves doing the same
phones, according to researchers. This leads phone users to thing.”
express their views more freely when using their phones, of- This, in fact, may prove to be one positive impact of
ten in exaggerated ways, and with more honesty, disclosing smartphones on mental health worth focusing on, she says.
personal or sensitive information, for example, compared “These phones aren’t going anywhere, so why not use them
with laptops or tablets, experts say. They are portable and for the good they can do?” Melumad says. “There are many
they have haptic properties that stimulate our sense of touch. destructive things people can do to soothe themselves but
And we regard them as much more personal than computers, holding your phone during a moment of stress doesn’t have
which are closely associated with work. to be one of them.”
“Smartphones allow people to be themselves,” says Aner Sela, (Submitted by Dr. Stacey Blalock Henry | Excerpted from The Wash-
whose ongoing research suggests that people communicate ington Post; read the article by Marlene Cimons at https://
with more emotion on smartphones than with other devices,
seeing them as a safe space to do so. “When we are engaged
with our phones, we feel we are in a protected place. You feel



Vickie Scott
Monique Crosby Josie Davis SUNDAY
Jackie Evans Sunday School at 9:30 am
Albert Barnett Celia Grant Worship Service at 7:45 am and 10:45 am
Dea. Ben Ellis
Veronica Beach Angela Thames WEDNESDAY
Thomas Evans Jennifer Smith Adult and Youth Bible Study at 7 pm
Dea. Richard Crowell Louise Magee
Vernon Dahmer Jr. Lue Dahmer (Adult-Life Center; Youth-Sanctuary)

Corporate Prayer at 8 am
Join by dialing 720-740-9642; access code 4402008.
Let’s P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)


NURSING HOME  The Food Pantry Ministry is continuing their food
drive. Please bring your can goods and non-
Mary Dean Lee Kathy Wallace perishable food items and leave them in the contain-
Joe Lee Leah Sampson er in the Life Center Foyer.
Roscoe McDonald Sr. Jessica Hibbler
 Sunday school has returned to individual classes. If
BEREAVED you are unsure of where to attend, please see Dea.
James Brown or Dea. Reginald Shelby.
Please be prayerful for our members in their time of
bereavement. Pray for:  The Youth Bible Study meets in the Sanctuary. If
 The family of Samuel Smith. you would like to become a teacher and make an
 Mario Temple Sr., Jr. and their family. Mario Sr. impact in the lives of our children see Rev. Eugene
sister and brother passed.
 Trish Keys and her family, her uncle passed.  All ministries have resume serving, with the excep-
 Anita Tart, Rev. Marcus Blake and their family, tion of the nursery. If you would like to join a minis-
try, please pick up a Ministry Directory from the
their step-father passed. counter in the Life Center Foyer to see your oppor-
 Aimmee Chestang and her family, her aunts tunity to serve.

passed.  Boyz 2 Men are signing up boys ages from 5 - 17
years. Contact Bro. Antoine Coney or Bro. Preston


 April 4-8 Prayer Revival 6:30pm
 April 13th Easter Program 7pm
 April 17th Easter Sunday
 May 16-18 Spring Revival 7pm

The SGBC Newsletter is a publication of the Shady
Grove Baptist Church. It is published once a month
on the 1st of each month.
Contact us at [email protected].


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