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Published by Bailey Terry, 2023-05-23 07:44:32



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$%!!%,&(,'-&!.%&%/0!', We are beginning to bloom. As this school year concludes we must look at what we have accomplished and things we’ve developed. " e year may be ending, but you have just begun to truly # ourish. We have learned so much this year including that life is not always easy, but a break is promised every year; summer. " is is the time you bloom. Your character has been tested all year and this is the $ nal reward. " e funny thing about the word bloom, is it has many de$ nitions. It is a period of growth and prosperity. It also means then to be patient with yourself--growth happens slowly and can not always be seen outwardly. Blooming is also the way the # ower looks extra beautiful in the spring. Finally, it is something to stand back and admire. Above all it means to embrace what makes you; you. You have many stories of your growth journey, and you can decide which to tell. We have all grown in some way this year and in some ways we have grown where we never thought we would. " is publication takes you through the ways I have bloomed this year. When I began piecing together my work from this year I realized my writing represented my growth journey not only as a writer, but also as a designer, and as a person. I have learned to be more inquisitive, and go past the boundaries of my own comfort zone. Life is not always easy, and it can certainly bend us in ways we wish it would not, but it is a% er the rainstorm and from the dark earth, the # owers grow and then bloom towards the sun. So I say, be a # ower. Accept that we might have to start in the dark and weather the storms. " ey are a part of the growth journey. " e storms of life are necessary for growth. Let your beauty in# uence the beauty of others. If you are lucky, you can $ nd some protection by others to help block the winds. We need to lean on others and reach out beyond ourselves; to use the strength of those around us. " is year has tested me more than most. But I am beginning to bloom now. " is is represented well with this quote by the poet, E.V. Rogina-- “Like wild# owers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” - E. V. Sincerely, Bailey T! y !"#$%&'(#)&$*+)&+,#$-$.+,#$0

1."$%&("!"$0!0%+&#20$/& +2+30)0'*& Over 30 dead whales and 24 dolphins washed up on the East Coast shore in the last $ ve months; o& shore projects are under investigation for being at fault. " e Monmouth County Board of Commissioners has investigated o& shore projects as the cause for numerous marine animal deaths along the Jersey Coast. Since December, 31 dead whales have washed up on the east coast. Beaches in New York, New Jersey and Virginia have had whales wash up at substantial rates. Several dolphins were also found dead in Sandy Hook Bay. According to World Animal News, “We need to hit pause to ensure any o& shore activity is safe, not only for the whales and dolphins, but also to ensure that o& shore activity will not impact our State’s economy,” Assemblywoman Victoria Flynn said. Several of the whale fatalities have been ship strikes; which was found a% er an examination of their bodies. " e whale population has increased since 2020, this is another factor that is considered with the recent fatalities. However, the o& shore wind energy projects are also suspected of these deaths. " e o& shore wind energy projects are set to power 3.5 million homes by 2035, these energy companies conducted sea# oor surveys for open areas underwater for more turbines. " e turbines could be the cause of an abrupt increase in beached whales, however there is no solid evidence of a correlation between the two. Some sources expressed that the o& shore wind energy projects have no direct correlation to the deaths, and the sound of the boat underwater surveys might confuse the whales. " e underwater frequencies can sometimes confuse the whales, and they arrive in an area where they should not be. According to National Public Radio (NPR), “’there is no evidence to link these strandings to o& shore wind energy development.’ Many of the deaths are attributed to being hit by ships or getting caught in $ shing nets,” " e Marine Animal Commission said. So what actions will be taken about the whale fatalities? Currently the issue is stalled because of the inde$ nite evidence. " e investigation will continue in hope for fewer fatalities. " is is not the $ rst instance of marine life destruction. In 2016, the carcasses of juvenile humpback whales were found along the coast of Virginia and North Carolina. While there is no solution yet, the unusual mortality rate has many factors to be considered, and authorities along with marine animal commissions have made e& orts to amend the situation. !"#$#%&#'($)*+,%-)./01/2#3 !"#$#%&#'($)*+,%-./)0*1&#2 !"#$%&'(#)&$*+)&+,#$-$.+,#$1 underwater for more turbines. " e turbines could be the cause of an abrupt increase in beached whales, however there is no solid evidence of a correlation between the two. Some sources expressed that the o& shore wind energy projects have no direct correlation to the deaths, and the sound of the boat underwater surveys might confuse the whales. " e underwater dead in Sandy Hook Bay.

$%!4+&.%",&"&!03& A practice that Americans have taken to over the centuries, that has grown out of control according to consumers; tipping. As soon as you order a meal, go through a drivethru, or get a simple item, you have one thing le% to do. Tip. Tipping has become a custom, and there is a rise for tipping in drive thrus, which has consumers outraged. As you may know, tipping is the main income for many employees in dining, food, or ‘chain’ businesses. As businesses use digital payment methods, it asks consumers how much they are going to tip. Some only give the option of higher payments, as high as 30 percent; according to an AP News source. “Suddenly, these screens are at every establishment we encounter. " ey’re popping up online as well for online orders. And I fear that there is no end.” " omas Farley said, according to AP News. A great deal of consumers feel the same way as Farley, and you feel increasingly obligated to give workers a good tip; especially with the employee demand, leading to overworked employees. Tips used to be very simple; such as a jar that could be easily ignored, or a tip area on the check a% er you dine. It was not a big deal, if you were served well, or happy with your product/food you would tip well, if not, the 12 percent rule might apply. However, now generosity, or gratuity goes into tipping. “I don’t tip people who are just doing their jobs by doing counter work,” Stanley Vogel said, according to " e New York Post. What will happen in the future with the tipping? Consumers are afraid there is no end to the increasing amount of a tip, however many customers like Vogel have resorted to selectively deliberating what jobs they are willing to tip for. For more information, AP News or shared statistics and details. !"#$#%&#'($)*+,%*"'$$)(*$#&31&#2 !"#$%&'(#)&$*+)&+,#$-$.+,#$2

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The Berlin High School clinical nurse, Vicky Howell has held numerous nursing jobs throughout her life, but here at Berlin, she found something special. Howell shows gratitude in everything she has experienced. She worked in the military, emergency room, and now at Berlin High, where Howell $ nds the most joy. Prior to Berlin, Howell was a French major out of college. However, she decided she wanted to go into the Navy, because living overseas was a desire of hers. Howell went to the military recruiter and found the french major she had, was not wanted. “So I said, well what do you want? He told me, [" e recruiter] ‘I want people with skills,’” Howell said. Howell had always been interested in anything medical, she liked people, so she decided nursing would work best. A% er four years of military experience, Howell knew the Navy’s schedule was not working for her. She was tired of rotating shi% s, so she came home and went into ER nursing, while staying in the reserves for the Navy. “" en, I went back into active service later,” Howell said. During the time that Howell was in the ER, she had opportunities to teach the teenagers and adolescents that were her patients. Howell enjoyed these teaching moments the most when working in the ER. “I think I like teaching more than anything…when I worked in the ER I actually had that opportunity to really sit and teach people,” Howell said. Considering Howell’s main interests in the ER, she moved to school nursing. Howell appreciated and loved any moment she had to work with teenagers, and the ability to teach them about their health. She moved all of her work into the school nurse program and came to Berlin High School when it opened to be the clinical nurse. “It’s nice to be able to teach little things to people, those that are willing to listen, that is… I just enjoy the students in general,” Howell said. One thing Howell has always kept in mind from being a veteran, is the amount of sacri$ ce it takes to be on the front lines. She knows the di' cult schedules, lack of sleep, and the in# exibility of the career is tough. "It takes a lot to go into the military because you could end up being the one shot at, in innocence… even medical personnel who sign up put their life on the line and I think that should be recognized," Howell said. !"#$%&'(#)&$*+)&+,#$-$.+,#$6 The Berlin High School clinical nurse, Vicky Howell has held numerous nursing jobs throughout her life, but here at Berlin, she found

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