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62 FREE Dating Tips That will Transform Your Love Life

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Published by amy, 2019-10-12 11:57:13

62 FREE Dating Tips That will Transform Your Love Life

62 FREE Dating Tips That will Transform Your Love Life

Keywords: dating,love,relationship

62 Dating Tips
That will

Your Love Life

Tip 01

You need to know yourself first

"There are rare opportunities in life where you can
re-examine what it really is you want. A breakup is
definitely one of those moments. It can act as a
catalyst for becoming the person you really are. 

Only when you know who you are, you can know who
you want as a partner. And when you are crystal
clear about that, you will attract this person into
your life. There's actually no way around that.

The reason why so many are stuck in toxic
relationships or going through the same cycle of
wrong partners their whole lives is because they are
not coming from the stable sense of SELF." - Eddie
Corbano, Breakup Coach and Writer

Tip 02

Forget about having a type

You have to be willing to meet people who you don’t
think are your type. Most people put the wrong
qualities on their “list.” The top two qualities on
everyone's list should be these:

1. I want to be with someone who wants to be with
me, fully and wholeheartedly, who “gets” me and
appreciates me!

2. I want to be with someone who has similar lifestyle
desires. (We do or don’t want a baby. We do or don’t
like to travel. Biggies, like that." - Susan Page, Dating
Journalist and Author

Tip 03

Know what you want

"The number one tip I have for finding love is to
know what you want!If you want a long-term
commitment, don't look to a one-night stand to
provide it. Conversely, don't get romantically
involved with a guy who's looking to settle down if
you're not ready to commit. Both cases guarantee
drama and hurt feelings."

"If you want a long-term commitment, find someone
who wants it too. If you want something no-strings
attached, find someone who's down for the same.
They should really teach this in school!" - Anna
Goldfarb, Dating Blogger and Author

Tip 04

Follow their gaze

Research published in the journal of Psychological
Science suggests that when someone feels a
romantic connection, his or her gaze tends to linger
on the other person's face.

When they just feel sexual desire, their eyes tend
to wander around the person's body.

Tip 05

Focus on first impressions

To make a stellar first impression, make eye
contact, smile, and focus on what he's saying,
according to Susan RoAne, author of How to Work
a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting
Connections—In Person and Online.

Tip 06

Love and value yourself

"My number 1 tip for finding love is to see yourself
as someone who deserves to be loved. When we go
in pursuit of love, the focus can be on getting other
people to like us or see us a certain way. We can try
and do things to 'attract' someone and this might
not always be congruent with who we actually are.

 Until you know what it means to see the value in
yourself, finding love will be difficult because you'll
be relying on an external thing or person to make
you happy." - Laura Yates, Breakup Coach and

Tip 07

Don’t wait to date

"My pro tip for finding love is don't wait to date,
and don't give up! A lot of people wait to date. Wait
for the holidays to be over, wait for work to slow
down, or for that project to end. They wait to lose
the weight.

I dated when it wasn't the right time (and you
should too) because I realised there was no such
thing as the right time. And even when I wanted to
stop, I just wasn't willing. I knew it was possible
that the very next first date could change
everything, and one day it did." - Wendy Newman,
Dating Coach and Author

Tip 08

Don’t play it cool on the date

We've all been told that guys love the chase, but
according to research, that's not exactly true. One
study showed that men are more attracted to
responsive women, and women who were kind and
warm right off the bat. 

The research, published in the Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, found that being kind is
definitely a turn on, so forget what you’ve been told
about playing it ice-cold.

Tip 09

Don’t reply to messages straight away

According to dating expert, The Fairy Godfather:
“Don’t reply to messages straight away, this is all
about dopamine and scarcity principle.

As soon as you reply straight away, you become
predictable, which takes away the anticipation and
that plays a huge factor in the build up of dopamine
in the brain.”

Tip 10

Be interested in your date

Cultural critic and journalist Stephen Bayley
suggests you can achieve charm by showing
interest in your date and by being curious and
inquisitive. He claims “There is absolutely nothing
that people enjoy more than the suggestion you
find them fascinating.”

He counsels to listen carefully and be quiet rather
than loud but, at the same time, to avoid coming
across as timid.

Tip 11

Visualise your romantic manifesto

"A powerful piece of advice I encourage male and
female singles of any age to do is build a customised
vision board showcasing your ideal love story. It
can be both fun and rewarding to build your
personal romantic manifesto.

Start by including photos, quotes, mementos, and
postcards of special destinations or vacation spots
you dream of visiting with your partner. If you
focus on your board, the odds of this individual
coming into your life are much greater." —Amber
Kelleher, Relationship Matchmaker

Tip 12

Treat every new relationship like it's your

"Don't let the bruises and memories of the past
spoil all the first feelings like your first kiss, your
first date, your first 3 hour telephone conversation,
your first fight.

Treat every potential new relationship like it's a
first love. This is easier said and done but is the only
way to keep going when dating gets you down." -
Chelsea Black, Dating Coach and Blogger

Tip 13

Be absolutely clear about what you want

"Be honest about what you want: If you just want
some fun, then fine, everyone needs a one night
stand in a while, but just be clear of what you're
looking for to avoid mixed messages."

"The same goes if you're seeking a serious
connection, don't be afraid of putting it out there,
it'll save you time in the long run. On my Tinder
profile I've clearly added "not a casual hookup
kinda gal", and it helps a lot." - Lauren Crouch,
Dating Blogger

Tip 14

Be the best version of yourself

"No one wants a life with you unless you have an
amazing life without them. Find yourself first, then
your match will come next." - Adam LoDolce,
Dating Coach

Tip 15

Let your friends set you up

"It's better for single people to meet through
friends because there's a familiarity and comfort
that goes with that," says behavioural scientist
Christie Hartman, Ph.D.

"A friend setting you up means the guy is 'vetted' to
some extent."

Tip 16

Know what turns you on and what turns
you off

"The most important thing you can do to find love
is to think about exactly who you want to meet.
What do they look like and what are their values,
ambitions and hobbies? 

If you don't have any idea then you'll never know
when you've met them. Remember, you attract
what you think about so the better the image in
your head the more likely you'll meet them.
Dream big!" - James Preece, Dating Coach and

Tip 17

Ask yourself two key questions

“Does he bring out the best in me?”


“Do I like myself around him?”

These determine if he or she is a good fit for you. -
Jackie Pilossoph, Relationship Columnist

Tip 18

Learn how to read people

"Not sure if your date is The One for you? Use this
tip: Put your romantic notions of finding The One
on hold -most likely you thought you found The
One many times before- and change your goal
from finding this one person to reading people,
including you, accurately. 

I learned from my research that training your
intuitive love judgement is the number one way to
recognise a good or bad love match and to
recognise your usual but ineffective dating
patterns and choices." - Dr. Leslie-Beth Wish,
Psychotherapist and Author

Tip 19

Warm up your social skills

"Ask a stranger a question in the next 24 hours. If
you're burned out with online dating, the key to
meeting people offline is by engaging with the
people around you.

Social skills are like a muscle - the more you use
them, the more they develop. Opportunities to
get a date and find a lasting commitment are all
around you, every time you step out in public.
Time to start taking advantage!"- Camille
Virginia, Offline Dating Coach.

Tip 20

Find someone who makes you a better

"Find a partner who helps you grow as a person.
The best partners introduce you to new things,
different places, share unique perspectives, and
challenge you to broaden your sense of who are."
- Gary Lewandowski, Psychology Professor and
Relationship Expert

Tip 21

Focus on the now

"My top tip for finding love is to stop worrying
about what might happen in the future. As a
matchmaker I hear so many reasons why someone
thinks they shouldn't meet someone for a date. If
you've not even been on a date with someone yet
you definitely shouldn't be worrying about how to
bring up the children you don't have! 

The future is important but who knows what will
happen - right now focus on the here and now and
let go of the 'what if's'. Say yes to a date and go
from there, live in the present." - Caroline
Brealey, Dating Expert and Entrepreneur

Tip 22

Don’t blame external factors

"If you have patterns that continue to occur,
rather than blame men, the town you live in,
online dating or any other external circumstance,
consider looking at the common denominator in
all your failed relationships: YOU.

Change the thing you can: YOU Once you are
feeling at the cause of your dating results, get
support to make the shifts that bring forth your
authenticity, joy, open heart and femininity." -
Marni Battista, Dating Coach and Author

Tip 23

Stop trying to look like someone you’re not

“Show your true and sexy self. Guys hate it when
women overdress and wear makeup that looks as
if it was applied with a spatula.

Finding love requires compatibility, and guys find
it difficult to connect with a woman when they
can't see who she truly, really is.” - Tarra Bates-
Duford, dating coach at

Tip 24

Put yourself in the position of power

As soon as we have someone we’re attracted to
showing interest in us, we immediately put him up
on this pedestal. I recommend constantly
reminding yourself that you really don’t know him

This puts you in the position of doing the
choosing, instead of hoping to be chosen. This
little shift in mindset is all it really takes to make a
drastic change in your confidence level.

It changes the way you think about yourself, it
changes the way you interact with him, and it
changes the dynamics of the relationship. All in a
good way.

Tip 25

Pay attention to energy

I don’t mean woo-woo energetic vibes, but actual
physical energy levels. “Energy levels are really
important when it comes to matching,” says
Morgan Jones, matchmaker.

“We like to match people with more ‘Treble’—or
higher energy—with someone with more ‘Bass’
tendencies—or less energy.”

Tip 26

Look for someone who’s emotionally like-

When it comes to emotional tendencies, people
with contrasting styles can overcome their
differences but it’s challenging, and objectively
less likely to work out than if you’re on the same
emotional wavelength.

“In matching, many people ask for a partner who’s
compatible with them emotionally,” says Marisa
Reisel, matchmaker. “We pay attention and ask
questions in order to match two people who are
like-minded in either their desires to discuss
sensitive emotions right away, or who prefer to
keep things light at first before delving into
deeper topics.

Tip 27

Don’t believe it’s something you need

“There is no trick for finding love. It is not hiding
any place mysterious. We simply need to turn to
the mirror and say, 'Hello!' with a huge smile to
our beautiful selves and say, 'I am worth it all!'" —
Crystal Moore, Ph.D., relationship expert at

Tip 28

Date everyone you can

“It might sound shallow, but getting your numbers
up will give you the best chance of finding love,
and also help you to hone in on what's a match for
you. Go on lots of first dates!

Too often, [we] date too few people, and for too
long.” —Anthony Centore, Ph.D., founder of

Tip 29

Freshen yourself up

“Go shopping! Yes, I said go shopping. Finding
love starts with finding yourself and loving
yourself in the process. And while loving yourself
is a state of mind, it is also about feeling you,
feeling fresh, and feeling confident above others.

So go shopping, buy clothes that give you a fresh
view of who you are and why you rock!”  —Chris
Armstrong, owner of Maze of Love

Tip 30

Give it some time

“Put consistent time and effort into online/app
dating and you’re almost guaranteed to find love
eventually—maybe even sooner rather than
later.” —Elly Klein, founder of The Relationship

Tip 31

Take yourself on a vacation

“Take yourself on vacation. Go somewhere you’ve
always wanted to go. Often, being away from our
routine helps us feel more relaxed and being
relaxed enables us to be more of our unique

"Being ourselves is one of the most important
keys to finding love, because the right person for
us will be very attracted to who we really are.” –
Christine Baumgartner, dating coach at

Tip 32

Be picky

People often feel obligated to go on dates they
don't want to go on. Worse than wasting time and
money, you are getting burnt out. 

Being pickier with who you go out with limits the
amount of times you have to have your friend call
with a fake emergency to save you from another
minute of torture.” –Lori Salkin, senior
matchmaker at

Tip 33

Always have a fun date

"My top tip is to always try to do something fun
on the date. It takes the pressure off, makes it feel
less like an interview, and means even if you don't
end up fancying the person, you still won't have a
bad date.

I recommend ice skating, gallery exhibitions and
the aquarium at this time of year!" - Charly
Lester, Dating Blogger and Journalist

Tip 34

Stop dating

"Dating is the worst way to get to know someone.
Get involved with things you really enjoy—
dancing, religious events, volunteering, etc. Have
fun just doing that.

If you find someone you like, just keep watching
and interacting with them. But, don't 'date' them.
That way, you can identify their true personality
to see if it could be a 'harmony' match to your
personality style.” —Kimberly West, dating expert

Tip 35

Pick a first date spot you feel comfortable

"Go someplace you feel comfortable. I would
always go stake out a spot and get there early. I'd
bring a book and feel like I was at home in the bar,
so I wasn't constantly like, 'Oh my god, is he here
yet? Is he here yet?'"

"If his train was delayed 20 minutes, I would still
have a drink and a book to read. I was having a
good time regardless. That way, when he got
there, I was feeling in control of the situation." —
Emma Tessler

Tip 36

Focus on how someone makes you feel

"So many women go into a date thinking, 'What do
I think of this person?' which immediately puts
you in judging mode. You start picking him apart.

But a friend of mine actually gave the best advice
about this. Instead of focusing on what you think
of your date superficially, focus on 'How does he
or she make me feel? Does he make me anxious?
Does she make me feel like the best version of
myself?'  That's really how you'll know if this is
someone worth making plans with again." —
Marina Khidekel, Cosmo deputy editor.

Tip 37

Be proactive with your love life

"A lot of people — men and women — expect
relationships to happen to them. They're not just
going to happen to you. You've got to work for it,
just like you put the work in to advance in your

Go on lots of dates. Meet lots of people. Even if
most dates don't work out, you'll have met some
cool new people and grown your odds of meeting
the right one." —Emma Tessler, founder and
executive matchmaker for The Dating Ring and
veteran dater.

Tip 38

Pay attention to how you talk to each other

It's more than just what you're saying—it's how
you say it.

One study published in the journal Evolution and
Human Behaviour showed that when men talk to
a woman they find attractive, they tend to vary
their vocal pitch from high to low tones (in a sing-
songy way).

Tip 39

Don’t turn the date into a job interview

Where you can, talk about subjects that you are
both interested in and keep ex's well away from
the conversation." - Former Celebs Go Dating
love guru Eden Blackman

Ask questions, but don't interrogate, the perfect
date is all about cultivating a feeling of comfort
and ease, it's about forging a connection not
conducting an inquisition.

Tip 40

Consider dating your friends

Friendship is the foundation for any relationship,
so having that bond established can be key, says
relationship expert Jane Greer, Ph.D., author of
What About Me? Stop Selfishness From Ruining
Your Relationship.

Tip 41

Dating apps can be key to fitting dating into
a busy schedule

Dr. Gary Brown, a prominent couples therapist in
Los Angeles, says. "Use dating apps as they can
save you time, especially when you're busy."

You can swipe through a larger number of people,
which means you're more likely to find someone
whose schedule, location, and chemistry is a total

Tip 42

Don’t bail after 15 minutes

Because newsletters are easily sent online, you
can weave all of your important and latest
services in one go.

Include daily updates or a weekly round-up that’s
composed of concise information about the
nature of your business. Whether you're in tech
or the entertainment industry, craft interesting
content that your customers will enjoy at first

Tip 43

No 'negging'

"In Neil Strauss’ controversial pickup artist
handbook The Game famously encourages men to
criticise women in order to seduce them, a
hideous tactic Strauss dubbed "negging".

Don’t do this, says Mason, who strongly advises
against engaging in any sort of psychological
game-play when you're dating someone –
particularly on the first date. “This usually
backfires for those looking for long-term
romance,” she says.

Tip 44


“Smile at 20 new guys each day. It sounds really
simple, and it is. And it will open doors, and make
conversation (and even dates) available to you
from guys you didn’t think you’d be able to date.

Try this and prepare for a burst of love in your
life.” —April Masni, relationship coach at

Tip 45

Don’t talk about the future

As fun as fantasising about your future with a
total stranger can be, dating coach Jo Hemmings
advises against letting your mind run away with
you when it comes to making plans, whether it's
inviting them to your own wedding or asking them
to come to a BBQ next weekend.

“Concentrate on the here and now rather than
suggesting they might join you for an event
further down the line. However much you like
them initially, it’s just too much too soon.”

Tip 46

Don’t fake your profile photos on dating

“Authentic dating profiles get the best results,
and in midlife, no one expects a six-pack or
perfect body,” says Julie Spira, a relationship
expert with senior dating app OurTime. 

So opt for pics taken recently that capture how
you’d actually show up for a first date: in nice
clothing, at your current weight and without a
filter erasing your crow’s feet. A full-length body
shot is essential, Spira adds — people will pass if
they think you’re hiding something. And limit
yourself to one group shot.

Tip 47

Raise your age cutoff on dating apps

Many 50-plus singles vainly reject the idea of
dating older, severely limiting their potential

Psychologist Chloe Carmichael recommends that
people be open to dating those who are as much
as five years their senior. That way, she says, you
can greatly expand your dating pool without
creating major age gaps.

Tip 48

Invest in someone based on how much they
invest in you.

“Another way to be attractive is to invest in who
invests in you. Too often in life, we invest in
people that show us no interest. We invest in
people that give us bad behaviour.

Don't invest in someone based on how much you
like them. Invest in someone based on how much
they invest in you.” - Matthew Hussey, Dating
Expert at

Tip 49

Have a two-date rule

“I always recommend going on a second date,
even if you didn’t think there was a spark on your
first date,” says Morgan Jones, matchmaker.

“It takes time to create chemistry with someone,
and people have layers, so it takes a few dates to
see their true colors.”

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