Institute of
International Diploma
in Business
Guarantee Your Future
With A World Class
sndia for 7 month
EGUARANTEEntry to 2nd year in select
Study in I
UK universities
Study in InAccelerate your
academic studies
Intewdrianitfaohrt6itomhneoanNlthDCs iUplKoma
in Business
• Study in India for 7 months and the UK
for 2 years
• Guaranteed 2nd year entry at select
UK universities on successful completion
• Save precious time and valuable
money through a fast track degree
• Earn a globally recognised UK degree
in 2½ years
Address from Dr Gareth Evans
Academic Director, NCUK Academic Director, NCUK
NCUK was formed in 1987 to deliver highly successful
“pathway programmes” to students who wish to study
at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the UK and
globally. So far, NCUK has helped over 23,500
students to progress onto degree courses through its
world-class programmes.
NCUK is unique in being founded by 11 leading UK
universities and in having its programmes developed
and quality assured by them. Its programmes are
regonised throughout the UK and also accepted
globally which means that students have a world of
choice upon successful completion of its courses.
You can be confident that our programmes are the
best preparation for you to succeed in your studies.
On successful completion of your programme with
The Chopras Institute of Professional Education you
will be guaranteed progression to a range of
programmes at the NCUK universities.
Quality Assured
All of our programmes are created in conjunction with
our founder universities, and all of them are designed to
give you the skills you need to get your UK studies off to
a flying start.
The NCUK Student Experience
The Chopras Institute of Professional Education is
approved to deliver the NCUK International Diploma
in Business and offers outstanding academic and social
facilities, giving you access to a stimulating and safe
learning environment. All staff are fully qualified and are
experts in their field.
Welcome note from Mr Naveen Chopra
the Chairman - The Chopras Chairman, The Chopras
I welcome you to The Chopras Institute of Professional
Education. The Institute has been set up to provide high
quality international professional, academic and
vocational qualifications that will appeal to the
academic community as well as a range of other sectors
in the market place.
The Institute is driven by the same passion for
excellence that has driven The Chopras to achieve the
height and success that it has within the Indian global
education space and, just like The Chopras, is synonymous
with integrity, ethics, innovation and quality.
The Chopras Institute of Professional Education is
proud to partner with NCUK to deliver its International
Diploma in Business and extends a warm welcome to
this non-profit educational charity that is owned by a
consortium of 11 British universities to India. The
International Diploma in Business provides a quick and
cost effective way for students to progress to the 2nd
year of NCUK universities in the UK whilst, at the same
time, delivering quality teaching and providing high tech
state of the art facilities, audited and approved by
I invite you to walk into The Chopras Institute of
Professional Education and my team will endeavor to
nurture you to your best potential.
About The Chopras Institute of Professional Education
The Chopras Institute of Professional Education brings together under one roof, a wide range of international
professional, academic and vocational qualifications through its high tech, state of the art teaching centres,
strategically located across the country. It offers interesting and innovative programmes blended with industrial
experience and practical application that will appeal to the academic community as well as a range of other sectors
in the market place.
The Institute offers something for everyone from high school students looking to enhance their academic profile to
experienced practitioners who are seeking to focus on developing new skills, increasing their knowledge base and
keeping up-to-date with developments within their particular areas of expertise. The Chopras Institute of
Professional Education also assists those who are looking for a qualification in India that can be used as a
stepping-stone or as a pathway to further study overseas as well as those looking to develop their skill
set to enhance their career opportunities in today’s competitive global market.
About NCUK
NCUK is a Consortium of 11 universities that was formed in 1987 and offers “pathway programmes” in Business,
Humanities, Science and Engineering to students worldwide who wish to study at undergraduate and postgraduate
level in the UK and globally to enhance their skills and contribute towards a growing global economy. So far, NCUK
has helped over 23,500 students to progress onto degree courses through their world-class programmes.
NCUK is a unique organisation because it is founded by 11 leading UK universities. The programmes are
developed in partnership with these universities, and are quality assured by them.
If you pass the NCUK programme, NCUK guarantees to place you in one of the NCUK universities. The entry
criteria for each university varies, so where you are placed will depend on how well you do in your exams. The
better you perform, the greater your chances of getting a place at your preferred university.
Internationally Recognised
NCUK programmes are recognised throughout the UK and are accepted worldwide which means you have
a world of choice upon successful completion.
NCUK universities
• University of Bradford
• University of Huddersfield
• University of Leeds
• Leeds Beckett University
• University of Liverpool
• Liverpool John Moores University
• The University of Manchester
• Manchester Metropolitan University
• University of Salford
• The University of Sheffield
• Sheffield Hallam University
International Diploma in Business
Leading to 2nd year entry of an undergraduate degree at select UK universities
Intakes: January & September
The International Diploma in Business is an NCUK qualification that is
delivered in India by The Chopras Institute of Professional Education.
It enables students who have passed Year 12 (or an equivalent level
of study) and who are aspiring to study at a university overseas to
study the first year in India before progressing to the 2nd year of an
undergraduate degree course at select universities in the UK.
The International Diploma in Business is the perfect course to prepare
students for their programme in the UK by providing a solid foundation
in the academic subject as well as helping them understand the study
methods and develop the necessary academic skills, including time
management and examination techniques, to succeed in their chosen
The International Diploma is specifically designed for international
students. Emphasis is placed on study skills development, the acquisition
of subject knowledge and the development of independent learning.
Students receive pastoral care tutorials, counselling on future study
options and supporting programmes including timetabled self-study.
The International Diploma in Business is the equivalent to the first
year of an undergraduate programme in the NCUK universities and
successful students can progress directly into the 2nd year of selected
undergraduate degree courses in the UK.
Students have the option to progress to the 2nd year of the following
undergraduate degree programmes in NCUK universities:
• Accountancy
• Accounting and Finance
• Business and Management Studies
• Economics
• Human Resource Management
• International Business
• Marketing and Management
Programme Aims
The aims of the International Diploma in Business are to:
• Provide students with a knowledge of business
concepts and applications at first year undergraduate
• Prepare students for progression to 2nd year
undergraduate study in business or related disciplines
in NCUK universities.
• Enhance the subject knowledge, learning skills
and English language proficiency of students to
enable them to communicate and study business and
related subjects effectively and confidently at
undergraduate level in a UK or other university
where English is the medium of instruction.
• Cultivate a commitment to good practice in
academic work.
• Provide students with the necessary personal
and key skills to enable them to develop as
independent autonomous learners.
International Diploma in Business Modules
The International Diploma in Business spans two semesters of 15 weeks each with students given 20 hours of
directed study per week.
Semester 1 Semester 2
Business Economics Management Accounting
Business Skills Management Themes and Case Studies
Organisational Behaviour Marketing
Financial Accounting Business Statistics
Programme Assessments and Grading
Students on the Internatioal Diploma in Business are assessed via coursework and examinations. During the
programme students are given different types of assessments similar to those used at NCUK universities. Exams,
coursework and module marks are given out of 100. This is based on the system used in UK education.
A student’s performance is presented on an academic transcript and an academic certificate. A classification is
awarded for the programme on completion as shown beneath:
Overall programme mean mark is 70% or above with 120 credits being awarded.
Overall programme mean mark is 40% or above with a minimum of 90 credits being awarded.
Failure to meet the pass criteria, which may be due to either or both of:
• An overall mean mark of less than 40%
• Fewer than 90 credits awarded
Progression to 2nd year undergraduate study
Progression to 2nd year
undergraduate study
Universities will make offers for the 2nd year of their undergraduate degree programmes based on the student’s
performance in the International Diploma, including the number of credits awarded, the overall average and, in
some cases, the student’s performance in particular modules. Some universities will also consider the student’s
academic performance in their 12th examinations or any other qualifications obtained prior to entering the
International Diploma.
Examples of progression opportunities to 2nd year undergraduate study:
University Degree Subject Degree Int Dip
Title Average
The University of Manchester Management (Accounting & Finance)
BSc (Hons) 70%
The University of Sheffield Business Management BA (Hons) 65%
University of Liverpool Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) 70%
University of Bradford International Business & Management BSc (Hons) 60%
Manchester Metropolitan Events Management BA (Hons) 50%
Note: Progression criteria is subject to change
Entry Requirements
To qualify for the International Diploma in Business students must have successfully completed Year 12 with an
overall average of 60%. Students must also have obtained a minimum of IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent).
Other qualifications may also be accepted for entry onto the International Diploma in Business. These will be
assessed on case-by-case basis.
Detailed Module Description
Module 1: Business Economics Module 2: Business Skills
(Semester 1) (Semester 1)
This module aims to provide a solid foundation This module aims to provide students with the
of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory. skills required to address the requirements of
It provides students with an understanding of undergraduate studies in business and
basic economic principles, theories and models management related programmes in UK
which they can use and apply in their future universities. It is also designed to be of practical
studies. use to students studying the International
Diploma in Business.
1. Introduction to Microeconomics
2. Elasticity and its Application 1. Effective Learning
3. Supply Decisions: Costs of Production 2. Personal Development Planning
4. Behaviour of Firms (perfect competition, 3. Planning Techniques
4. Academic and Business Writing and an
monopolistic competition, oligopoly and
monopoly) Introduction to Research Skills
5. Market Failure and Government Intervention 5. Research Skills Part 2
6. Scope of Macroeconomics 6. Research Skills Part 3
7. National Income and Demand Management 7. Plagiarism and Harvard Referencing
Policy 8. Numerical Analysis
8. Money and Inflation 9. Teamwork
9. Liquidity Preference 10. Presentation Skills
10. Phillips Curve Short Run and Long Run 11. Examinations and Revision Techniques
11. International Trade 12. Reflective Skills
12. Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates
Module 3: Organisational Module 4: Financial Accounting
Behaviour (Semester 1) (Semester 1)
This module aims to give students an appreciation of This module aims to provide students with a
what organisations are, the purpose of establishing fundamental understanding of basic financial
formal organisations and the many inter-related accounting principles. The module will develop
aspects of collective and individual behaviour that students’ knowledge and understanding of financial
can impact on the success or otherwise of accounting from the key principles of ledger entry
organisations. There are different approaches to bookkeeping to single entity final accounts, all
analysing organisational behaviour and these will be within the context of most recent Generally
considered during the course of this module. The Accepted Accounting Practice. The module will
module also addresses a number of the inter-relating aim to provide a rigorous introduction to the subject
facets of organisational behaviour including: area for students progressing to further related
study in particular Financial Reporting. It also offers
• Organisational Structure a valuable and coherent introduction to the topic
• Approaches to Leadership and Management for students who will not progress further with
• Culture within Organisations accountancy study.
• Motivation and Organisational Change
1. Accounting Systems (1)
1. Introduction to the Course
2. Accounting Systems (2)
2. The Purpose of Organisations
3. Accounting Systems (Cash)
3. Inter-disciplinary nature of the study of
organisational behaviour 4. Introduction to Accounting Principles and
Regulatory Framework
4. Theoretical approaches to the study of
organisational behaviour 5. Final Accounts
5. Theoretical approaches to the study of 6. Adjustments for Final Financial Statements (1)
organisational behaviour (2)
7. Adjustments for Final Financial Statements (2)
6. Organisational Structure
8. Adjustments for Final Financial Statements (3):
7. Management Inventory Valuation
8. Leadership 9. Final Accounts (2)
9. Culture 10. Final Accounts (3): Manufacturing Accounts
10. Motivation (1) & Motivation (2) – Performance 11. Control Mechanisms (1): Bank Reconciliations
12. Control Mechanisms (2): Control and
11. Motivation (3) – Power and Control in the Suspense Accounts
Workplace & Motivation (4) – Effective
Communication 13. Single Entry and Incomplete Records
12. Organisational Change (1)
13. Organisational Change (2)
Module 5: Management Module 6: Management Themes
Accounting (Semester 2) and Case Studies (Semester 2)
This module aims to provide students with a This module aims to provide students with the
broad understanding of the function and the theory, practice and structure of the
importance of management accounting in fundamental elements of business management.
supporting management decision-making. It is The module focuses on the application of the
recognised that students studying this module strategic, operational and ethical streams of
may not progress further to specialist accountancy business management in a range of different
studies and it is therefore important to give a organisations.
broad introductory module rather than
technically detailed coverage of the subject. 1. An introduction to Management Themes
2. Overview of the Historical Development
The module will cover key areas such as ‘decision
making’; ‘cost assignment’; ‘planning and of Management Thinking, Theory and
control’ to give specialist accounting students Practice
the foundation they will require for more 3. Practical Strategic Management Issues
advanced coverage of the subject area. 4. Strategy and Planning
5. Strategy and Implementation
1. Introduction to Management Accounting 6. Operations Management: Introduction
7. Operations Management and Quality
2. Information for Decision Making (1): Profit 8. Operations Management and the Supply
Volume Analysis Chain
9. Operations Management and R&D
3. Information for Decision Making (2): 10. Ethics – Current issues and Future Positions
Relevant Costs and Revenues 11. Stakeholder Theory and Implications for
4. Information for Decision Making (3): 12. Corporate Social Responsibility
Pricing and Profitability
5. Capital Investment Appraisal (1)
6. Capital Investment Appraisal (2)
7. Cost Assignment (1)
8. Cost Assignment (2)
9. Cost Assignment: Introduction to Activity
Based Costing (ABC)
10. Budgeting Process (1)
11. Budgeting Process (2)
12. Budgetary Process (3) Control Systems
13. Introduction to Standard Costing and
Variance Analysis
Module 7: Marketing (Semester 2) Module 8: Business Statistics
(Semester 2)
This module aims to provide students with an
introduction to a range of theories and concepts This module aims to:
underpinning key elements of marketing planning
with a focus on the application of those theories and • Develop statistical literacy in students,
concepts to a range of different organisations.
including the ability to think statistically and make
1. An Introduction to Marketing numbers meaningful, focussing on conceptual
2. An Overview of Marketing Planning understanding and recognising the demands for
3. The Marketing Environment dealing with “big data” in an information age.
4. Consumer Behaviour
5. Marketing Research • Provide students with a sound grasp of the
6. The Marketing Mix – Product
7. The Marketing Mix – Price fundamental concepts needed to use and
8. The Marketing Mix – Place interpret statistical tools and procedures which are
9. The Marketing Mix – Promotions used to analyse business data and hence aid
10. Digital Marketing and Social Media informed decision-making, while recognising that
11. Services Marketing detailed knowledge of specific techniques and
12. New Product Development calculations may not be as important as the
13. Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing knowledge that comes from going through the
process of learning them.
• Prepare students for entry to more advanced
modules dealing with quantitative analysis in
1. Data and Variability in Business (or “Why study
2. Summarising Data: Measures of Location and
3. Summarising Data: Graphical Presentation and
Frequency Distributions
4. Index Numbers
5. Correlation Techniques
6. Regression Techniques
7. Time Series Analysis
8. Set Theory and Enumeration
9. Probability
10. Probability Distributions
11. Introduction to Statistical Inference
NCUK – Frequently Asked Questions
What is NCUK?
NCUK was formed in 1987 to provide pre-university courses for international students as preparation for their
studies overseas. NCUK is unique in being founded by 11 leading UK universities and in having its programmes
developed and quality assured by them.
What programmes does NCUK offer in India?
NCUK offers the International Diploma in Business in India. This programme guarantees students entry to the 2nd
year of undergraduate study in a range of degree subjects in select UK universities.
Why should I choose NCUK?
There are many reasons to choose a programme offered by NCUK. Its programmes:
- are designed in partnership with, and quality assured by, UK universities
- guarantee entry to the 2nd year of select UK universities
- are taught in India making them accessible and affordable
- are delivered in high tech learning environments by professional teachers
How do I progress to the 2nd year of a UK university?
All students who pass the NCUK International Diploma in Business with the required percentage are guaranteed
entry to the 2nd year of an undergraduate degree at one of the NCUK universities in the UK.
Upon enrolling for the International Diploma in Business students are given comprehensive advice and information
about their options for progressing to the 2nd year of undergraduate study and will be offered guidance through the
entire application process.
Can I choose which university I want to go to?
Students can apply for up to five universities. It is important to remember however that all universities have their
own entry criteria which means that it is important for students to do as well as possible in their International
Diploma in Business to maximise their chances of getting admission in their first choice university.
Can I apply for any scholarships?
NCUK run a Prize Award scheme with 10 regional prizes of £5000 awarded to the best performing students across
all NCUK centres regionally who progress to NCUK universities. There are also 50 prizes of £1,000 for the best
performing student at every NCUK centre in each programme stream. A further 10 Special Prizes are awarded to
outstanding students progressing to NCUK’s ‘Post-92’ universities. NCUK universities also offer scholarship
programmes and The Chopras Institute of Professional Education can provide further guidance.
International Diploma in Business
Key Highlights
• Designed in partnership with, and quality assured by,
UK universities
• Equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate
degree course in the UK
• Guarantees entry to the 2nd year of select
UK universities
• Offers progression opportunities to a wide range of
subject areas
• Taught in India making it accessible and affordable
• Delivered in high tech learning environments by
professional teachers
• Provides both study skills and subject specific
academic training
When can I start my NCUK programme?
The International Diploma in Business has two start dates. Students can choose whether they start the course in
January or in September.
Where can I take an NCUK programme?
Students can take the International Diploma in Business at The Chopras Institute of Professional Education centres
for teaching and learning excellence located in Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai.
The Chopras Institute of Professional Education has been inspected and audited by the NCUK academic team to
ensure that it offers the very best facilities, learning environment and student experience.
The Chopras Institute of
Professional Education
3rd Floor, Chiranjiv Towers, 43 Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019
Tel: +91- 11- 41608466, 26414164/65, 26280600, 26445195, 26478940
Email: [email protected]
C Wing, Ground Floor, Mittal Towers, M.G. Road, Bangalore - 560001
Tel: +91- 80 - 40840000
Email: [email protected]
Mumbai (Andheri)
Business Point, 2nd Floor, Paliram Road, Off S.V. Road, Next to BMC Office, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400058
Tel: +91 - 22 - 26251260 - 67, 32092495/6/8, 32092500/1, 32568160
Email: [email protected]
Mumbai (Churchgate)
Unit no 29A-29F and 30A to 30 F, 6th Floor, Vaswani Mansion, 120, Dinshaw Vachha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020
Tel: +91- 22 - 49332000
Email: [email protected]