8 DIY Car Maintenance Tips
You Can Handle – Checklist
Created By: Myrna Rivers
1. Air Filter
You need a new air filter for your car every 12
months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first.
You can pay a mechanic and give up your
car for a day, or you can replace your air filter
at home in about ten minutes.
First, find your filter under the hood of your car.
It’s in a black rectangular box with metal clips
on the side. Check your owner’s manual if you
don’t see it as soon as you pop the hood.
Open up the casing, and check out how the
air filter fits inside it. Make a note of which way
the filter faces.
Remove the old air filter, and insert the new
one exactly how the old one sat.
Remember to close the metal clips when
you’re done.
2. Windshield Wipers
Wiper blade setup differs quite a bit from car to
car, so you may have to follow a few different
steps according to your owner’s manual. Basically,
the process is similar to changing your air filter:
Lift the blades, as if you were washing your
windshield by hand, and remove the old blades.
Pay attention to how the old blades connect to
the metal arms.
On most models, you’ll see a tab on the underside
of the wiper. Push the tab to remove the old
Attach the new blades, being careful not to bend
the wiper arms or scratch your windshield. Line
everything up and make sure the new ones are
secure and tight.
3. Spark Plugs
You should be able to locate your spark plugs
fairly easily, because they’re attached to thick
rubbery wires.
You’ll find either four, six, or eight plugs,
depending on how many cylinders your car has.
Remove the wire to the first spark plug only. Do
not remove all of the wires at once. Your spark
plugs are installed in a certain order, which you
need to maintain.
Use your spark plug socket and extension on
your ratchet to remove the first spark plug.
Install the new spark plug, screwing it in by hand
at first and then tightening it with a wrench for a
snug fit. Do not over-tighten.
Re-attach the spark plug wire.
4. Oil and Oil Filter
Experts say you should change your oil every
3,000 miles, but with better products and
cars operating more efficiently, I think you
can get away with changing it every 5,000
miles. Whichever benchmark you decide to
use, you can save time and money by
handling the change yourself. Before you
start, keep in mind these precautions:
Never change your oil when your engine is
hot. Park, wait for it to cool, and then get
started. Driving around the block to heat the
car and loosen the oil can result in a more
effective drain, which is good news, but you
must let the engine cool before going to
You’ll have to jack up your car, so make sure
you’re comfortable safely handling a jack.
5. Battery Maintenance
The key to keeping your car running smoothly and
efficiently is a good battery connection. Just a few specks
of crunchy white residue on the posts can keep your car
from starting. A simple visual check of the condition of your
battery will tell you when you need to perform this process.
Remove your battery terminals, which should be a fairly
straightforward process. Make sure you always remove the
negative cable first. If they’re stuck, use a flathead
screwdriver to pry them loose.
Clean the posts. Some say Coca-Cola will work, and it does,
but I suggest using a more professional product from your
local auto parts store. Keep in mind that most of these
solutions are nothing more than baking soda and water, so
if you’re feeling extremely frugal, feel free to create your
own cleaner. Generously apply the fluid to the posts, and
clean vigorously with your wire brush.
Rinse the cleaning fluid with a little water.
Dry the posts with rags.
Replace battery terminals.
6. Radiator Flush
Your car’s radiator and cooling system need to be clean to work efficiently
and effectively. With normal wear and tear, your car’s radiator builds up
deposits that can disrupt the cooling system. A radiator flush is a quick and
inexpensive way to keep your system in shape. Consult your owner’s manual to
find out if you need to flush the radiator yearly or every two years.
Make sure your car is completely cool before you begin.
Check your owner’s manual to find the radiator’s drain plug. Put your used
coolant receptacle in place, unscrew the drain plug, and let the old coolant
drain completely.
Replace the drain plug and remove the radiator cap.
Use the funnel to add the radiator flush cleaning solution and then fill the rest
of the radiator with water.
Replace the radiator cap.
Start the car, and let it run until it gets to its normal operating temperature.
Turn on your heater to its hottest position, and let the car run for 10 minutes.
Turn the car off and wait for the engine to cool completely.
Drain the contents of the radiator.
Refill the radiator with fresh coolant.
Be sure to dispose of the old coolant safely, by bringing it to an auto parts
store, gas station, or mechanic. Old coolant is fatal, but its sweet taste can be
enticing to pets.
7. Brake Pads
Jack up your car and rest it securely on jack stands.
Break the lugs on your tires before you do anything else.
Remove the wheel.
Remove the brake caliper so that the brake pads slide out through the top. The
brake caliper should be at the 12 o’clock position, just above the lug bolts. On
the back of the caliper you’ll find a bolt on both sides. Remove the bolts and set
them aside. Hold the caliper from the top and pull upwards. Give it a few taps if
you need to, making sure not to disturb the brake line (a black hose). Don’t let
the caliper hang from the brake line; find somewhere to set it securely. With the
caliper out of the way, the old brake pads should slide right out.
Replace old pads with the new pads, securing them with the same retaining
clips that held the old pads in place. If you have an older car, you might need
to utilize your hammer here a little bit. Proceed gently!
Compress the brake piston. Get out your C-clamp and put the end with the
screw on it against the piston with the other end on the back of the caliper
Tighten the clamp until the piston has moved far enough to where you can
place the caliper assembly over the new pads.
Re-install the brake caliper (the opposite process of what you did when you
removed it), and then simply put your wheel back on.
8. Fuel Filter Replacement
For $20, a new fuel filter can protect your engine from very costly
damages, so follow the rule of thumb and replace it annually.
But keep in mind that like changing brake pads, this is an
advanced DIY project. Make sure you’re not in over your head
before starting this one. I did it once, and did it correctly, but I
definitely paid attention to every detail during the process.
Dealing with fuel and fuel filters can be dangerous work if you’re
not prepared. If you’re not a DIY mechanic, let a pro do this
annual job for you.
Most importantly, start by relieving fuel system pressure. If you
don’t, the results can be explosive, to say the least. Locate the
fuel pump fuse on the fuse box. If you don’t have a fuel pump
fuse, find the relay that operates the fuel pump. Start your car,
and with the engine running, pull the fuse or relay out. When the
engine dies, you’ll know that you pulled the right one.
Disconnect the fuel lines from the fuel filter. Find two open-end
wrenches that are the correct size for your fuel filter fittings
(usually you’ll need two different sizes).
When the wrenches are in place, put a rag over the fitting to
protect yourself in case there is still some pressure in the lines.
Thank You!