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Published by aqifsyahmie33, 2023-01-01 22:54:35



A Perfect Holiday


name: Rose Shafeeqa
class: 2 Duke

college number: CP211149

Topics Covered

Topics 1 Travel arrangement

2 Accommodation &

3 Activities

5-day holiday
in Paris

The details of the trip

For this 5-day vacation, i'm choosing Paris
since i've been longing on going there while i'm
there, i'll try my best to explore there!! obviously
i'm going with my family but i would love to

travel alone or with my friends someday

Travel arrangements

How will you travel there? Who will you travel How will you get about when
Plane/Train/Cab with? you reach your destination

from your destination to Paris, you need to I will travel with i'll estimate the ride about an 1 hour drive
take plane and then take a cab from the my family<33 from my house to the airport
airport to your next destination. Moreover,
take the train to waste time on traffic.

Accommodation and Food

Where are you
going to stay?

for a quick overnight, we're going to stay at a
hotel but for the long stay, we will stay at the

airbnb because we can cook and do laudry What are the local foods
which is more cheaper and convinient. and drinks you would like to

We would love to try the famous
croissants and the macarons with a cup
of hot chocolate and with a side of whip

cream to dip in the croissants.

What are you
going to do?

this is a link of my fav travel vlogs about

we will go to Disneyland, visit the lourve a day in paris

museum, go to the Eiffel tower, seine river

and many more. What are you going to see and visit?

Any places of interest you would like
to go to?

I'm really interested to go to the Palace
of Versailles and have a good full-day

guided tour in the palace

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