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Published by Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, 2020-01-09 14:07:09

Benefits Book 2020

Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.

2020 Benefits at a Glance

Some of the many advantages of working at Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. (CMT) are the benefit
programs we offer to you and your eligible dependents. CMT is committed to our employees and their
personal welfare and financial security by offering competitive insurance products and 401(k) savings

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the CMT benefits to newly hired full-time
employees and to candidates for open full-time positions at CMT. As a new employee, detailed enroll-
ment information will be provided, soon after your first day of employment.

Health Benefits

CMT’s competitive insurance products include medical, dental, vision, life and disability coverages. As
an employee, you have the ability to select benefits that may be individualized to meet your needs and
those of your dependents. Upon request, a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) can be provided
which provides a more detailed account of the varying insurance products coverage.

Enrollment at Hire

You have 31 days All full-time employees may enroll themselves and their depen-
dents in a variety of benefit plans. Late entrant limitations may
from your date apply if forms are not completed properly or submitted in a timely
of hire to enroll
in the various Eligibility

options. You are eligible for the insurance benefits upon the first day of the
month following your first day of hire. You have 31 days from your
date of hire to enroll in the various options.

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Open Enrollment

Once a year, CMT holds an open enrollment period. During this

time, employees may make changes to benefit plans and enroll
in the AFLAC insurance products and the Flexible Spending
accounts. Employees may also add dependent(s) to insurance
coverage or change coverage type. The open enrollment period
is typically during the month of December, with an effective date
The open of January 1 . After the enrollment period, changes to benefits
can only be made due to a qualifying event occurring, causing a
enrollment period change in life status.

is typically during Life Status Change
the month of
December, with Certain life events can affect benefits. These events are referred to
as a qualifying event or a “Life Status Change.” Examples of this
an effective date type of an event are the birth or adoption of a child, marriage,

of January 1st. divorce, or a significant change in my family’s health coverage
attributable to a spouse’s employment. When a life status change
occurs, an employee may want to enroll in a benefit plan add
or cancel a dependent to a benefit plan, or change the amount
of pre-tax money set aside for the Flexible Spending account;
however, the employee must make the change(s) within 30 days
of the qualifying event. Changes are generally retroactive back to
the qualifying event date.

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Health Insurance

CMT offers major medical group health insurance for full-time
employees, which is effective the first day of the month following
employment. The CMT health insurance contribution amount is
based upon the health insurance coverage classification. Health
insurance coverage classifications include: 1) Single Coverage,

2) Employee plus Spouse coverage, 3) Employee plus Children
coverage, 4) Family coverage, or 5) No coverage when coverage
is declined.
CMT’s health insurance physician network is provided through
United HealthCare and administered by UMR. Two plan options
CMT offers major are available for health insurance. The first plan is a Participating

medical group Provider Option (PPO) network provider. The PPO option allows
for low co-payments for routine doctor’s visits for illness or injury,
health insurance as well as a prescription drug plan for prescribed medications.
for full-time The second plan is a High Deductible Health Plan that may be

employees. complemented with a Health Savings Account, and includes
$2800 deductible for single coverage or a $5,600 deductible for
family coverage. Both plans provide an annual wellness phys-
ical for the employee and covered dependents at no charge or
co-pay. A Summary of Benefits & Coverage of the plan is avail-
able on the CMTnet, the intranet portal for CMT employees, or
upon request.

The CMT health insurance contribution may only be applied
toward the medical insurance premium and the balance of the
premium is paid by a pre-tax payroll deduction. There is no addi-
tional compensation paid to an employee who opts-out of CMT
medical coverage and, therefore, does not utilize the cafeteria
plan contribution.

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Other Cafeteria Plan Products

In addition to the health insurance, CMT employees may make voluntary payroll deductions to
purchase other products offered in our Cafeteria Plan Menu. Other products include VSP Vision
Insurance and MetLife Standard Dental.

Dental Coverage

CMT offers dental insurance through MetLife Standard designed to pay a portion of the costs associ-
ated with dental care. The dental plan is administered by MetLife Standard and covers preventative (at
100% coverage with no deductible), basic (at 80% with a $50 deductible), and major (at 50% with
a $50 deductible if the deductible had not already been incurred with a previous procedure) dental
procedures. You pay the full cost of the dental coverage. The dental insurance product is voluntary
and independent of the health insurance and may be purchased without enrollment in a health insur-
ance product.
Vision Coverage

CMT offers vision insurance with Vision Service Plan (VSP), which
provides assistance paying a portion of the cost associated with
routine eye care. The CMT vision plan is administered by VSP. The
plan pays for periodic vision exams, eyeglass lenses and frames
and contact lenses up to a designated dollar amount. VSP also
provides discounts on laser vision care. You pay the full cost of
vision coverage. The vision insurance is available for enrollment
upon hire and annually during the open enrollment period. At
the time of enrollment, the employee is making a commitment of
one year if selected during open enrollment, or for the duration of
the calendar year if selected at hire. The vision insurance product
is voluntary and independent of the health insurance and may be
purchased without enrollment in a health insurance product.

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Flexible Spending Account

CMT employees have the option to participate in a flexible
spending account plan for medical, dependent care, public
transportation and employee education expenses using pre-tax

dollars to pay for out-of-pocket expenses. Pre-tax money depos-
ited into your flexible spending account(s) can be used to pay for
IRS-approved expenses and is not subject to federal and most
state/local income tax or social security tax. Each year, the IRS

determines the plan limits, and for 2020, you may contribute
up to $2,750 to a medical care flexible spending account, up
For the medical to $5,000 ($2,500 if you are married but filing separate tax

flexible spending returns) to a dependent care flexible spending account, and
varying amounts for public transportation or employee education
account, a expenses.

“MyBenny” For the medical flexible spending account, a “MyBenny” Visa card
Visa card will will be issued to all participants that can be used to pay for many

be issued to all out-of-pocket health care expenses at the point of purchase. To
utilize the medical flexible spending account, you do not have to
participants. be enrolled in any of the CMT insurance plans. Additionally, a

new IRS provision was implemented recently, which allows partic-
ipants of the medical flexible spending account to roll over up to
$500 unused funds to be carried over to the following plan year.
For the additional flexible spending accounts mentioned, receipts
may need to be submitted for reimbursement. Many of these
plans are administered under the IRS provisions and can change
from year to year. It is suggested that employees annually consult
with open enrollment documents to note any plan changes for the
upcoming year or consult with Human Resources for details of the
other plans.

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Health Savings Account

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is an individually owned, tax-advantaged, interest-bearing savings
account that can only be used to pay for qualified medical expenses. The IRS requires that you be
enrolled in a qualified High Deductible Health Plan that meets their annual minimum deductible and
out-of-pocket maximums (CMT’s plan meets these amounts). You may not have any other health
coverage, unless it is also a High Deductible Health Plan.
Pre-tax contributions to the HSA may be made by the employee through payroll deductions, and the
unused balances will roll over from year to year. The HSA and all contributions belong to you as the
employee. A great feature of an HSA is the ability to save money on a pre-tax basis to use for medical
expenses into retirement.

In the 2020 plan year, CMT will match an employee’s contribution on a dollar for dollar basis, up to a
maximum of $840 annually ($35 per pay period) if the employee is enrolled in the CMT high deduct-
ible plan and utilizes the payroll deduction feature to fund the health savings account. The annual
amount contributed by CMT will be no more than $840 and may be less if the employee elects to
contribute less. The employee deferred amount must be completed through a pre-tax payroll deduction
utilizing a Bank of Springfield (BOS) health savings account. The amount contributed will be added to
the employee’s health savings account each payroll to match the funds contributed by the employee.

Life Insurance Disability Insurance

CMT provides you with non-contributory term life CMT also provides disability insurance for full-time
insurance coverage equal to $50,000 at no cost employees, effective after one month of employ-
to you. The principal amount is payable at 50% in ment and becomes effective the first day of the
the event of accidental dismemberment, including month thereafter. The benefit begins after 14 days
one hand, foot or eye, or at 100% if due to death (of which CMT underwrites 7 of the 14 days) of
or if the dismemberment is a combination of two the onset of the disability and continues for the
of these. Twice the principal amount is payable duration of the disability, or until age 65, which-
for a loss as noted above which is caused by ever comes first. Disability benefits under the CMT
injury while riding as a passenger with a common plan are reduced by the amount of government
carrier. program benefits. The total of these disability
benefits is 60% of salary.

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Employee Profit Sharing and

Retirement Plan

Profit Sharing - Retirement Contribution

CMT has had a profit sharing plan in effect since 1947. Based
on the company’s profitability, a sum of money as determined

The vested by the Board of Directors of CMT is allocated to each eligible
employee’s retirement trust account.
balance increases An employee is eligible to participate upon working 1,000 hours

20% per year and being actively employed on the last day of the plan’s fiscal
of service on year, which ends on December 31 . Contributions are made
the employee’s between late February and early March. The employee self-di-
rects the allocation of the contribution among available invest-
anniversary of ment options.

employment The CMT Profit Sharing Contribution has averaged approximately
date. 6% of the employee base salary throughout the past 10 years.

Profit sharing contributions and the earnings thereon, are subject
to a vesting schedule for new employees with less than five years
of service. The vested balance increases 20% per year of service
on the employee’s anniversary of employment date.

Profit Sharing - Cash Bonus

Employees who have worked a minimum of 1,000 hours by
November 30 will also participate in a Cash Bonus paid in
December of each year. During the past 10-year history, the
cash bonus has averaged to be about 2% of an employee’s base

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401(k) Plan & Matching Contribution

As a complement to CMT’s company profit sharing contribution,
employees may also save toward their retirement through volun-
tary tax deferred or Roth 401(k) payroll deduction. The CMT
401(k) plan offers the opportunity to build financial security and
retirement income for you and your family through a combination

of your own and company contributions.
CMT will match 50 cents for every dollar an employee contributes
up to the first 6% of payroll deferred. Employees may make an
additional unmatched contribution as a payroll deduction up to
CMT will match IRS approved limits. These amounts are deposited semi-monthly.
50 cents for The CMT matching contributions are also subject to the same
vesting provisions as the profit sharing contributions discussed
every dollar above. The employee self-directs the investment of these funds
an employee among the available options. An employee is eligible to partici-

contributes up pate in this component of the plan immediately.
to the first 6% of As a convenience to new employees, a 6% pre-tax contribution
will be automatically deducted from your base pay and increased
payroll deferred. by 1% each year until your contribution reaches 10%, unless you
make a different election. This contribution, along with matching
company contributions, will be invested in the target date fund
that most closely matches your retirement age (assumed to be age
65) unless you make a different investment election.

Certain employees may be eligible to participate in a provision of
the 401(k) plan to make catch-up contributions. If you are age 50
or older on January 1 of the current year, or turning 50 within the
calendar year, you may be eligible to make additional contribu-
tions (unmatched) into your CMT 401(k) plan account to the IRS

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Time Away from Work

CMT provides fully compensated Paid Time Off (PTO) to full-time employees for time away from work
for vacations, holidays, illness, personal leave, emergencies, etc. Full-time employees may utilize paid
time off at their discretion (subject to approval by the Group Manager) up to their personal accumu-
lation of PTO hours. PTO credits begin to accrue immediately after one half month of employment.
An employee may accumulate and carry forward any unused PTO hours year to year subject to the
maximum accumulation determined by years of service.

Accrual of PTO and the maximum accumulation of paid time off are as follows:

Years of Service Monthly Accrual Maximum Accumulation

0 – Up to 8 years 16 hours 300 hours

8 - Up to 20 years 19 hours 400 hours

Over 20 years 23 hours 500 hours


Vacation is provided under the PTO benefit.

Sick Leave

Employees receive full compensation for days missed due to illness by utilizing hours from their PTO
allowance. Hours not needed for sick leave remain in the employee’s personal accumulation and may
be utilized as PTO for other purposes.

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Employees receive full compensation for time off due to a holiday
Receive full by utilizing hours from their PTO allowance. The following are
days observed as holidays by CMT: New Year’s Day, Memorial
compensation Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday

for time off due after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (½ day) and Christmas Day.
to a holiday by Jury Duty Leave

utilizing hours Jury duty is an obligation and privilege of citizenship. Regular
from their PTO wages are paid during this time of service. Jury duty time is not

allowance charged against an employee’s PTO balance.

Military Leave

Full-time employees who are active reservists in any branch of
the Armed Forces, including the National Guard, may take time
off for temporary military training for two weeks each year. The
employee may elect to utilize accrued PTO for time away during
the military leave.

Normal Work Schedule and Optional
Work Week Schedule (Alternating 3-Day

CMT’s normal work week schedule is Monday – Friday, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; however, to allow for flexibility, employees may opt
(subject to Group Manager approval) to participate in the
Optional Work Week program (OWW). The OWW schedule
consists of 9-hour workdays on Monday through Thursday, with
an 8-hour workday on alternating Fridays, and every other Friday
off. The 9-hour workdays are either the early schedule from
7:00 a.m. until 5:00p.m., or the late schedule from 8:00 a.m.
until 6:00 p.m. The 8-hour Friday is from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00
p.m. All workdays have 1 hour off for lunch from noon until 1:00
p.m. A similar optional schedule is offered with 9-hour work days
Tuesday through Friday with an 8-hour work day on alternating
Mondays and every other Monday off.

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Home Personal Computer

Full-time employees, with six months or more of employment, who wish to acquire a personal
computer for home use can be provided financial assistance through an interest-free loan. This inter-
est-free loan can be between the amounts of $600 and $2,400 for eligible costs to be paid back
through payroll deduction. Upon repayment of 80% of the loan for first time users of the program, the
remaining 20% of the loan will be waived. Employees may continue to utilize this program to upgrade
or replace their computer through additional interest-free loans up to $2,400 to be repaid over a
24-month period; however, subsequent loans do not have repayment waiver provisions.

Professional Registration & Education

CMT strongly urges professional registration and will allow time off and expense reimbursement for the
successful completion of taking registration exams. CMT will pay one half of technical and professional
organization dues. Eligible tuition costs for course work related to the firm’s business will be reim-
bursed up to the amount listed in Summary of Benefit/Reimbursement Rates.

Length of Service Recognition

A length of service recognition in the form of a cash bonus is awarded on the 10 , 20 and 30 anni-
versary of employment. The amount of the recognition award is listed in the table below.

Length of Service Recognition

10 Years of Service $1,500

20 Years of Service $3,000

30 Years of Service $4,000

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Compensation and Expense Reimbursement

Salary Adjustments

Employee salaries are evaluated annually for adjustment at the first of each year. CMT strives to
provide competitive salaries and to establish salaries based upon performance.

Overtime Compensation

Authorized overtime is paid at 1.5 times the employee’s base-pay computed on an hourly basis with
a maximum rate per hour for exempt employees as listed in the summary of Benefit/Reimbursement
table. For an exempt employee, if the employee’s base hourly rate exceeds the maximum, overtime will
be paid at the employee’s base rate.

Payroll Procedures

CMT issues CMT issues payroll twice per month on the 16th and 1st day of
payroll twice per the following month. For salaried employees, this would be for
their base salary compensation for the immediately preceding
month on the semi-monthly period ending on the 15 or last day of the month.
16th and 1st day These funds are deposited electronically in the employee’s
checking account, so they are available on the 16 and 1 of the
of the following month, or the next business day thereafter, if the 16 or 1 is a
month. weekend or holiday. Compensation for overtime is paid in the
following payroll period - i.e., one half month later.

Expense Reimbursement

Employee expenses incurred in conducting company business are reimbursed at actual
out-of-pocket cost or a per diem, or meal allowance basis, for meals out of town while
in travel status. A mileage allowance is applied when the employee’s personal auto is
used while traveling on company business. Expense reimbursement allowances are listed $
in the Summary of the Benefits/Reimbursement Rates table. Reimbursement checks are
issued semi-monthly.

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Summary of Benefit/Reimbursement Rates

Maximum Overtime Rate per Hour $54.00/hour

Mileage Reimbursement per Mile $0.575/mile

Standard Breakfast Allowance $8.00

Standard Dinner Allowance $24.00

Standard Per Diem Meal Allowance $36.00

Metropolitan Breakfast Allowance $15.00

Metropolitan Dinner Allowance $40.00

Metropolitan Per Diem Meal Allowance $65.00

Maximum Tuition Reimbursement per Calendar Year $2,000

Maximum Computer Loan Amount (Minimum $600) $2,400
Computer Loan Waived Payments (First-time Loan Only) Last 20% of Repayment

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United HealthCare: PPO Plan

Monthly Employee
Tier Monthly Premium CMT Contribution

Employee only $565 $395 $170

Employee + spouse $1,120 $810 $400

Employee + children $1,160 $810 $350

Family $1,790 $1,260 $530

United HealthCare: High Deductible Health Plan

Monthly Employee
Tier Monthly Premium CMT Contribution

Employee only $515 $385 $130

Employee + spouse $1,100 $740 $360

Employee + children $1,055 $745 $310

Family $1,630 $1,160 $470

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CMT’s Mission is to provide superior professional engineering

services that are responsive to our clients’ needs and expectations,
while maintaining a work environment that fosters growth and

development for our employees.

To accomplish this Mission, we, as members of the CMT Team, commit to the following Guiding Principles:

We believe professional and personal integrity is the foundation that all other values are based upon. It
means being honest, upfront and accountable to the commitments we make. We will be an example, both
as individuals and as a firm, that others want to model.

We believe excellence should be the trademark associated with each service and project we deliver.
Whether through innovation or efficient processes, superior value is achieved.

Clients are the reason we exist. We believe developing, nurturing and sustaining relationships is essential to
satisfying our clients. Their satisfaction begins with an acute awareness of their needs and expectations, and
is achieved as these needs and expectations are fully met.

We recognize that only through successful teamwork can we achieve our mission and expand our
boundaries. We believe our strengths and potential lie not in individual, departmental or regional
prominence, but in a spirit of cooperation, respect and encouragement.

We believe all employees should be treated equitably and with an open mind, free from favoritism or bias.
To sustain an environment where people desire to work and excel, we will recognize performance and
address non-performance.

We recognize people are our most important asset and achieving individual growth contributes to fulfilling
our firm’s vision. We will endeavor to provide opportunity for career development of our employees.

We believe we are stewards of society’s infrastructure. By incorporating sustainability principles into our
daily practices and projects, we understand that our work can improve the quality of life and the availability
of natural, economic and social resources of our communities.

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