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DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

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Published by , 2016-01-12 01:00:03

Covered Diagnoses & Crosswalk of DSM-IV Codes to ICD-9-CM

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

Covered Diagnoses & Crosswalk of
DSM-IV Codes to ICD-9-CM Codes

What is the crosswalk?
The crosswalk is a document designed to help you determine which ICD-9-CM diagnosis code
corresponds to a particular DSM-IV-TR diagnosis code.

Do I need to use it?
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA), insurance companies
who accept and process insurance claims electronically are only required to accept ICD-9-CM
diagnosis codes. Because there is no HIPAA requirement that insurance companies also accept
DSM-IV-TR codes, insurance companies are likely to only accept electronic claims that use
ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes, and which will require psychologists who are only familiar with
DSM-IV-TR to convert their DSM-IVTR diagnosis codes into ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes.

If your insurance company requires you to submit paper or electronic claims using only ICD-9-
CM diagnosis codes, and you are only familiar with DSM-IV-TR diagnosis codes, then you will
need to use this crosswalk to convert your DSM-IV-TR diagnosis code(s) into ICD-9-CM
diagnosis codes.

How does it work?
The DSM-IV-TR codes and descriptions are provided in the columns on the left side of the page;
the corresponding ICD-9-CM diagnosis code and ICD-9-CM diagnosis description are provided
in the columns on the right side of the page. Find the appropriate DSM-IV-TR code, and follow
the table across to find the corresponding ICD-9-CM code. In many cases – but not all – the
ICD-9-CM code and description will be identical to the DSM-IV-TR code.

If you have any feedback on this document, or have questions about the content, please contact
us at [email protected].

DSM-IV Description ICD-9-CM Description

290.0 dementia of the Alzheimer's 290.0 senile dementia,
type, with late onset, uncomplicated

290.1 presenile dementia

dementia due to Creutzfeldt-

Jakob disease

290.10 dementia due to Pick's 290.10 presenile dementia,
disease uncomplicated
dementia of the Alzheimer's

type, with early onset,


DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

290.11 dementia of the Alzheimer's 290.11 presenile dementia with
290.12 type, with early onset, with delirium
290.13 delirium 290.12
presenile dementia with
dementia of the Alzheimer's 290.13 delusional features
type, with early onset, with
delusions 290.2 presenile dementia with
depressive features
dementia of the Alzheimer's 290.20
type, with early onset, with senile dementia with
depressed mood 290.21 delusional or depressive
290.20 dementia of the Alzheimer's 290.3
290.21 type, with late onset, with senile dementia with
290.3 delusions 290.4 delusional features

dementia of the Alzheimer's 290.40 senile dementia with
type, with late onset, with 290.41 depressive features
depressed mood 290.42
290.43 senile dementia with delirium
dementia of the Alzheimer's
type, with late onset, with 290.8 arteriosclerotic dementia
delirium 290.9 arteriosclerotic dementia,
293 uncomplicated
290.40 vascular dementia, arteriosclerotic dementia with
290.41 uncomplicated 293.0 delirium
290.42 arteriosclerotic dementia with
290.43 vascular dementia, with 293.1 delusional features
delirium 293.8 arteriosclerotic dementia with
depressive features
vascular dementia, with 293.81 other specified senile
delusions 293.82 psychotic conditions
unspecified senile psychotic
vascular dementia, with condition
depressed mood transient organic psychotic
293.0 delirium due to...[general
medical condition] acute delirium

293.81 psychotic disorder due to.. subacute delirium
293.82 [general medical condition], other specified transient
with delusions organic mental disorders

Hallucinations organic delusional syndrome

organic hallucinosis

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

293.83 mood disorder due to 293.83 organic affective syndrome
293.89 [general medical condition] 293.89
293.89 anxiety disorder due other
293.9 to [general medical condition] 293.9
catatonic disorder due to unspecified transient organic
294.0 [general medical condition] 294 mental disorder
294.1 mental disorder NOS due
294.8 to...[general medical 294.0 other organic psychotic
294.9 condition] 294.1 conditions (chronic)
amnestic disorder due 294.9 amnestic syndrome
to...[general medical
condition] dementia in conditions
294.1 dementia due classified elsewhere
medical condition] other specified organic brain
syndromes (chronic)
amnestic disorder NOS
unspecified organic brain
dementia NOS syndrome (chronic)

cognitive disorder NOS schizophrenic disorders
(there is a 5th-digit
dementia due to HIV disease subclass.)
simple type
295 disorganized type
catatonic type
295.10 schizophrenia, disorganized 295.0 paranoid type
295.20 schizophrenia, catatonic type acute schizophrenic episode
295.30 schizophrenia, paranoid type 295.1 latent schizophrenia
295.40 schizophreniform disorder 295.2 residual schizophrenia
295.3 schizo-affective type
295.60 schizophrenia, residual type 295.4 other specified types of
295.70 schizoaffective disorder schizophrenia
295.90 schizophrenia, unspecified schizophrenia
undifferentiated type 295.6



DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

bipolar disorders (same 5th affective psychoses (5th-digit
subclass for 296.0-296.6: 0-
296 digit subclass for 296.0- 296 unspecified; 1-mild; 2- moderate;
3-severe, without mention of
296.6) psychotic behavior; 4-severe,
specified as with psychotic
296.2 major depressive disorder, 296.0 behavior; 5-in partial or
296.3 single episode unspecified remission; 6-in full
296.4 296.1 remission)
296.3 major depressive manic disorder, single
296.5 disorder, recurrent 296.2 episode
296.6 manic disorder, recurrent
296.7 bipolar I disorder, most 296.3 episode
recent episode hypomanic major depressive disorder,
296.4 single episode
bipolar I disorder, most 296.3 major depressive disorder,
recent episode manic 296.5 recurrent episode
bipolar affective disorder,
bipolar I disorder, most 296.6 manic
recent episode depressed
296.7 bipolar affective disorder,
bipolar I disorder, most depressed
recent episode mixed 296.8 bipolar affective disorder,
bipolar I disorder, most 296.80 bipolar affective disorder,
recent episode unspecified 296.81 unspecified
296.82 manic-depressive psychosis,
296.80 296.80 bipolar disorder NOS 296.89 other and unspecified
296.9 manic-depressive psychosis,
296.89 bipolar II disorder unspecified
296.90 atypical manic disorder
296.90 mood disorder NOS atypical depressive disorder
296.99 Other
297.1 delusional disorder 297 other and unspecified
297.3 shared psychotic disorder 297.0 affective psychoses
297.1 unspecified affective
297.2 psychosis
297.3 other specified affective
paranoid states
paranoid state, simple
shared paranoid disorder

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

298.8 brief psychotic disorder 297.8 other specified paranoid
298.9 psychotic disorder NOS 297.9 states
298 unspecified paranoid state
299.00 autistic disorder 298.0 other nonorganic psychoses
299.10 childhood disintegrative 298.1 depressive type psychosis
disorder 298.2 excitative type psychosis
299.80 298.3 reactive confusion
Asperger's disorder 298.4 acute paranoid reaction
psychogenic paranoid
pervasive developmental 298.8 psychosis
disorder NOS 298.9 other and unspecified
299 reactive psychosis
Rett’s disorder 299.0 unspecified psychosis
299.1 psychoses with origin specific
300.00 anxiety disorder NOS to childhood (5th-digit class.)
300.01 panic disorder without 299.8 infantile autism
300.02 agoraphobia
generalized anxiety disorder 299.9 disintegrative psychosis
300.11 conversion disorder 300.0 other specified early
300.12 dissociative amnesia 300.00 childhood psychoses
300.13 dissociative fugue 300.01
300.14 dissociative identity disorder 300.02 unspecified
300.15 300.09 neurotic disorders
dissociative disorder NOS 300.1 anxiety states
300.16 300.10 anxiety state, unspecified
factitious disorder with 300.11 panic disorder
300.19 predominantly psychological 300.12
signs and symptoms 300.13 generalized anxiety disorder
factitious disorder NOS 300.14 other
300.15 hysteria
hysteria, unspecified
300.16 conversion disorder
psychogenic amnesia
300.19 psychogenic fugue
multiple personality
dissociative disorder or
reaction, unspecified

factitious illness with
psychological symptoms

unspecified factitious illness

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

300.21 factitious disorder with 300.2 phobic disorders
300.22 combined psychological and 300.20 phobia, unspecified
300.23 physical signs and symptoms 300.21 agoraphobia with panic
300.29 factitious disorder with attacks
300.3 predominantly physical signs 300.22 agoraphobia without mention
300.4 and symptoms 300.23 of panic attacks
300.6 300.29 social phobia
300.7 panic disorder with other isolated or simple
agoraphobia 300.3 phobias
300.81 agoraphobia without history 300.4 obsessive-compulsive
of panic disorder 300.5 disorders
300.9 social phobia 300.6 neurotic depression
301.0 300.7 neurasthenia
specific phobia depersonalization syndrome
300.8 hypochondriasis
obsessive-compulsive 300.81
disorder other neurotic disorders
dysthymic disorder 300.89 somatization disorder
depersonalization disorder 301 other
body dysmorphic disorder 301.0
hypochondriasis 301.1 unspecified neurotic disorder
somatization disorder personality disorders
somatization disorder NOS paranoid personality disorder
undifferentiated somatoform affective personality disorder
disorder affective personality disorder,
unspecified mental disorder chronic hypomanic
(nonpsychotic) personality disorder
chronic depressive
paranoid personality disorder personality disorder
cyclothymic disorder
301.11 schizoid personality disorder
schizoid personality disorder,
301.13 cyclothymic disorder 301.12 unspecified
301.20 schizoid personality disorder 301.13 introverted personality


DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

301.22 schizotypal personality 301.22 schizotypal personality

301.3 explosive personality disorder

301.4 obsessive-compulsive 301.4 Compulsive personality disorder
personality disorder

301.5 histrionic personality disorder

301.50 histrionic personality disorder 301.50 histrionic personality
disorder, unspecified

301.51 chronic factitious illness with
physical symptoms

301.59 other histrionic personality

301.6 dependent personality 301.6 dependent personality
disorder disorder

301.7 antisocial personality disorder 301.7 antisocial personality disorder

301.8 other personality disorders

301.81 narcissistic personality 301.81 narcissistic personality

301.82 avoidant personality disorder 301.82 avoidant personality

301.83 borderline personality 301.83 borderline personality

301.84 passive-aggressive

301.89 other

301.9 personality disorder NOS 301.9 unspecified personality

302 sexual deviations and

302.2 Pedophilia 302.2 pedophilia

302.4 Exhibitionism 302.4 Exhibitionism

302.6 302.6 gender identity disorder 302.6 disorders of psychosexual
in children identity

gender identity disorder NOS

302.84 sexual sadism 302.84 sexual sadism

302.85 gender identity disorder in 302.85 gender identity disorder of
adolescents or adults adolescent or adult life

302.89 Frotteurism 302.89 Other

306 physiological malfunctions
arising from mental factors

306.0 musculoskeletal

306.1 respiratory

306.2 cardiovascular

306.3 skin

306.4 gastrointestinal

306.5 genitourinary

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

306.51 vaginismus (not due to 306.50 psychogenic genitourinary
general medical condition) malfunction, unspecified
psychogenic vaginismus
306.53 psychogenic dysmenorrhea
306.59 psychogenic dysuria
306.6 other
306.7 endocrine
organs of special sense
306.8 other specified
306.9 malfunction
307.1 anorexia nervosa 307 psychophysiological
307.20 malfunction
307.21 tic disorder NOS 307.1 special symptoms or
307.22 transient tic disorder 307.2 syndromes, not elsewhere
307.23 chronic motor or vocal tic 307.20 classified
307.3 disorder 307.21 anorexia nervosa
307.46 Tourette's disorder tics
stereotypic movement 307.22 tic disorder, unspecified
307.50 disorder transient tic disorder of
307.51 sleep terror disorder 307.23 childhood
307.52 sleepwalking disorder
307.53 307.3 chronic motor tic disorder
eating disorder NOS
307.59 bulimia nervosa 307.46 Gilles de la Tourette's
307.6 Pica disorder
rumination disorder 307.5 stereotyped repetitive
307.50 movements
feeding disorder of infancy or 307.51 somnambulism or night
early childhood 307.52 terrors
enuresis [not due to a 307.53
general medical condition] 307.54 other and unspecified
307.59 disorders of eating
eating disorder, unspecified
307.6 bulimia
psychogenic rumination
psychogenic vomiting



DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

307.7 encopresis, without 307.7 encopresis
constipation and overflow

307.8 psychalgia

307.80 pain disorder associated with 307.80 psychogenic pain, site
psychological factors unspecified

307.89 pain disorder associated with 307.89 other
both psychological factors
and a general medical

307.9 communication disorder NOS 307.9 other and unspecified special
symptoms or syndromes, not
elsewhere classified

308 acute reaction to stress

308.0 predominant disturbance of

308.1 predominant disturbance of

308.2 predominant psychomotor

308.3 acute stress disorder 308.3 other acute reactions to

308.4 mixed disorders as reaction
to stress

308.9 unspecified acute reaction to

309 adjustment reaction

309.0 adjustment disorder with 309.0 brief depressive reaction
depressed mood

309.1 prolonged depressive

309.2 with predominant
disturbance of other

309.21 separation anxiety disorder 309.21 separation anxiety disorder

309.22 emancipation disorder of
adolescence and early and
adult life

309.23 specific academic or work

309.24 adjustment disorder with 309.24 adjustment reaction with
anxiety anxious mood

309.28 adjustment disorder with 309.28 adjustment reaction with
mixed anxiety and depressed mixed emotional features

309.29 other

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

309.3 adjustment disorder with 309.3 with predominant
disturbance of conduct disturbance of conduct

309.4 adjustment disorder with with mixed disturbance of
mixed disturbance of emotions 309.4 emotions and conduct
and conduct

309.8 other specified adjustment

309.81 posttraumatic stress disorder 309.81 prolonged posttraumatic
stress disorder

309.82 adjustment reaction with
physical symptoms

309.83 adjustment reaction with

309.89 other

309.9 adjustment disorder 309.9 unspecified adjustment
unspecified reaction

specific nonpsychotic mental

310 disorders due to organic

brain damage

310.0 frontal lobe syndrome

personality change due to

310.1 [indicate the general medical 310.1 organic personality syndrome

310.2 postconcussion syndrome

other specified nonpsychotic

310.8 mental disorders following

organic brain damage

unspecified nonpsychotic

310.9 mental disorder following

organic brain damage

311 depressive disorder NOS 311 depressive disorder, not
elsewhere classified

disturbance of conduct, not

312 elsewhere classified (5th digit
class. used)

312.0 undersocialized conduct
disorder, aggressive type

312.1 undersocialized conduct
disorder, unaggressive type

312.2 socialized conduct disorder

312.3 disorders of impulse control,
not elsewhere classified

312.30 impulse-control disorder NOS 312.30 impulse control disorder,

312.32 Kleptomania 312.32 kleptomania

312.33 Pyromania 312.33 pyromania

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

312.34 intermittent explosive 312.34 intermittent explosive
disorder disorder
312.35 isolated explosive disorder
312.39 Trichotillomania 312.39 other
mixed disturbance of conduct
312.4 and emotions
other specified disturbances
312.8 conduct disorder 312.8 of conduct, not elsewhere
312.9 disruptive behavior disorder 312.9 unspecified disturbance of
313 disturbance of emotions
specific to childhood and
313.0 adolescence
313.1 overanxious disorder
misery and unhappiness
313.23 selective mutism 313.2 disorder
313.21 sensitivity, shyness, and
313.81 oppositional defiant disorder 313.22 social withdrawal disorder
313.82 Identity problem 313.23 shyness disorder of childhood
313.89 313.3 introverted disorder of
313.9 reactive attachment disorder 313.8 childhood
of infancy or early childhood 313.81 elective mutism
314.00 disorder of infancy, 313.82 relationship problems
314.01 childhood, or adolescence 313.83 emotional disturbancees of
NOS childhood or adolescence
313.89 oppositional disorder
attention-deficit/hyperactivity Identity disorder
disorder, predominantly 313.9 academic underachievement
inattentive type disorder
attention-deficit/hyperactivity 314
disorder, combined type 314.0 other

314.00 emotional disturbance of
childhood or adolescence
hyperkinetic syndrome of
attention deficit disorder

without mention of

with hyperactivity

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

disorder, predominantly
hyperactive-impulsive type

314.1 hyperkinesis with
314.2 developmental delay
hyperkinetic conduct disorder
314.8 other specified
manifestations of
314.9 attention-deficit/hyperactivity 314.9 hyperkinetic syndrome
316 disorder NOS 316 unspecified hyperkinetic
[specified psychological
factor] affecting...[indicate psychic factors associated
the general medical with diseases classified
condition] elsewhere

DSM-IV-TR codes reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Text Revision, Copyright 2002. American Psychiatric Association.

American Psychological Association Practice Organization
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 • (202) 336-5800 •

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