Let’s play with
Grade 4
The Stage
Large white rectangle in the top-left corner where all the
animation happens.
Dimensions of the Stage:
X coordinate between
-240 and +240
- +24
240 0 Y coordinate between
-180 and +180
Moves the selected sprite to
the specified coordinates.
X coordinate between
-240 and +240
Y coordinate between
-180 and +180
Note: Change the coordinates by double clicking on the numbers.
It is a motion block. Sprites often
have to jump to places, this block
is the simplest way to do it.
Moves the sprite to the specified coordinate in the given time.
This block moves the sprite steadily to the specific X and Y
position in the specified amount of seconds. This block is
used whenever the sprite needs to glide.
•Used to control the appearance of
sprites and the stage.
•Some of the functionalities are:
changing costumes
applying graphic effects.
Change the text by editing
the 1st field.
Change the time by
editing the 2nd field.
Change the text by editing
the 1st field.
Change the time by
editing the 2nd field.
Let’s see how to choose a
Background for your
STEP 2 : Click
the tab for
STEP 1: Click on
the icon for stage.
Make your own background with Paint or Camera or use Import to load pictures.
The set x to () block is a motion block. It changes the
selected sprite’s position to a specified value.
Similar is the set y to () block.