Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 NEWSLETTER
Edition 50 Issue 02 November 2019
from 1970 to 2019
The purpose of the club shall be the maintenance of the highest standards of courtesy
and safety on the road; the enjoyment and sharing of the goodwill and fellowship
engendered by owning a Chevrolet Corvette, engaging in social activities and
competitive events and encouraging favorable interest in the club and the Corvette;
the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the
Marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information; the
establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relations with manufacturers,
dealers and service courses to the end that the Marque will prosper and enjoy
continuity and prominence; to have, exercise, and enjoy all the powers and purposes
which may be exercised by a non-profit organization.
Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota, Inc. will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. on the third
Tuesday of every month until further notice at:
1132 East County Road E
Vadnais Heights, MN 55110
(651) 482-1100
Interested owners of Corvettes are welcome to attend meetings or club
functions. Family membership, $85; Single, $65; Associate, $20; Lifetime, $55.
All include NCCC membership. Additional information can be found on our web
Page 1
Report from our President
Hi Folks,
For this, my last Bucket Sheets letter I want ev-
eryone to know it’s been a good two year corvette
cruise. I had a chance to meet and enjoy time with
many people in our club. As I said in my first letter, it is an honor to serve in this
position and thank you for the opportunity.
We have had so many corvette events over the past two years I can’t list all of
them. There were good times had by many but most importantly I need to thank
all the volunteers that made these events happen. Without these folks pitching
in and donating their time our club wouldn’t be the largest and best club in the
region. Again, thank you! We do have one more significant event left this year,
the Annual Banquet. The banquet is always a good time and gives us a chance to
wrap up the year. I hope to see a full house so, get your tickets and I’ll see you
Behind the scenes, your board has made many contributions. Scheduling and
filling the event calendar, club communications, keeping the books, maintaining
the website, creating our meeting notes, publishing the Bucket Sheets, maintain-
ing our membership roll, obtaining insurance certificates, and coordinating with
advertisers. The current board members have kept our club functioning, made
my job easier and deserve my deepest gratitude.
For my last meeting as president I plan to give our financial summary for the
year. We will also vote on a bylaw’s amendment and usher in a new board of
directors. Remember, the meeting starts at 7:00 pm and I hope to see you there.
We have open positions on the board to fill. This is good opportunity to volun-
teer and keep the momentum of the club at full steam. Volunteering for a board
position will give you a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and your effort
will be appreciated. If you would like to get on the ballot contact our nomination
committee chair Lynn Steenblock.
Sadly, my car is put away. I’m already looking forward to the next driving sea-
son. Summer is way too short.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone,
Dave Benner
Page 2
Hamburger, Fries and Catch-up
Saturday, December 7th 5:00 P.M.
The Wild Boar
960 Helena Ave
Oakdale, MN 55
Off I494 & 10th St
Hosted by
Roger & Sandi Scott
Phone 651-208-4582
The November general
membership meeting
will start half an hour early
for elections at 7:00 PM
Desert and Coffee
will be served.
Page 3
Board Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2019
The November SCM Board Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by President
Dave Benner.
Board Members Present: Dave Benner, Sue Griffin, Barb Stattman, Gloria
Weeks, Jim Bodin, Dave Olson, Sandi Scott, Ron Weeks, Steve Heasley, Marty
Buck, Dave Scherf, Marie George, Steven Mael, Roger Scott, Lynn Steenblock.
Board Members Not Present: Mark Orfield, Dave Juhl, Roger Dahlquist
Guests Present: Butch George
Secretary’s Report: Gloria Weeks reported,
The October Board Meeting minutes were presented. A motion to approve the
minutes as published was made by Lynn Steenblock with a second by Sue Grif-
fin; motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Barb Stattman reported,
● Withdrawals were attributed to Banquet expenses, Fall Color Run ex-
penses, Computer Software, Bucket Sheet newsletter expenses.
● Deposits were attributed to Driver’s School and Fall Color Run
● Dave Benner commented that he and Barb are working on the finan-
cials for the November meeting. Since there were complaints last year
that not everyone could see the presentation an e-mail power point
presentation will be sent out prior to the November meeting.
Treasurer’s reports are available for review.
Membership Report: Sandi Scott reported,
● SCM members = 231, Lifetime members = 97, and NCCC members =
● Status of membership dues renewal. Sandi has received approximately
two thirds of the renewals. Sue Griffin will send out an e-mail remind-
er about the deadline for dues renewal.
Public Relations: Dave Olson reported,
● Advertisers are current. Dave advised that we have lost three advertis-
ers throughout the year. Renewals have been sent out for those that are
due within the next month.
Page 4
Editor’s Report: Ron Weeks reported. Deadline for this month is Friday,
November 8, next month is Friday, December 6.
IT Report: Steve Heasley reported.
● Status of website – Website is up to date and the Fall Color Run pic-
tures have been loaded.
● While Steve and Dave Benner were working on the hosting service
they noticed folders back to 2004. They talked about the need to look
at deleting data and photos. They will check to see how much space
we are allowed prior to doing that.
Governor’s Report: Jim Bodin reported,
● Insurance certificates are current.
● NCCC President has offered to acknowledge all clubs with 50 years.
Jim will be working on getting an article to him so it can be included
in Blue Bars.
● NCCC Convention will take place in Indianapolis, IN – July 5-10th,
● Special Interest rear license plate update – The MN United Car Coun-
cil has a goal to meet with everyone on the Transportation Committee.
They are continuing to meet with individual representatives and are
getting for the most part positive responses.
Vice President’s Report: Sue Griffin reported,
● Sue reviewed past club sponsored events; Fall Color Run and the
November HFC at the Good Day Café.
● Sue reviewed future club sponsored events; Banquet. Sandi Scott
reported that she has 62 registrations.
See the Vice President’s calendar for a full list of both club sponsored and non-
club sponsored events in the Bucket Sheets or visit the website.
Old Business:
● Online Registration/Payment – Ongoing effort.
● The motion at the General Meeting for the renewal of Microsoft 365
software was for $297. It did not include the sales tax so the actual
dollar amount was $320.85.
● Discussion on Suburban Corvettes 50th anniversary. Dave Benner
has no volunteers yet. Ideas were discussed. Club photo to be taken
at Matt Saxe Chevrolet, possibly at their spring rollout. Tidbits of
club history in Bucket sheets every month. Celebration to be held at
Jimmy’s in June or July.
● Membership dues increase proposal will be voted on at the November
membership meeting after the financial presentation. Dave Benner
has prepared paper ballots for the dues increase vote.
Continued on Page 6
Page 5
● The use of the C8 Corvette Logo reflected on our Website – Jim Bodin
explained that Dave Benner will provide the request information to him
and he will take it to NCCC to obtain approval from General Motors.
Dave Benner and Steve Heasley are still working on it.
● Nominations Committee Update – Lynn Steenblock reported. Lynn
passed out the sample ballot that will be used at the November meet-
ing. It was decided that a table will be set up so that members can
pick up and sign for their ballot before the meeting starts. Lynn will
provide an Officer Nominations update to be e-mailed to the Member-
ship providing status and asking anyone wanting to run for office or to
nominate someone to run to contact him or Marty Buck. Nominations
will be opened at the November meeting and any new candidates will
need to be placed on the ballot as a write in. The nominations update
will also be put into the Bucket Sheets.
● Board Award – Recommendations were discussed and a vote was taken
by the Board members. The Board Award will be given out at the
Annual Banquet.
● Dave Benner reported that cake and coffee have been ordered for the
November membership meeting. A reminder that the meeting will start
at 7 pm will be put into the Bucket Sheets.
New Business:
● Club name badge reorder. Dave Olson advised that the club has three
name tags left so we need to order. A motion to recommend to the
membership spending up to $900 to order 100 name badges was made
by Lynn Steenblock with a second by Gloria Weeks. Motion passed.
The motion will be taken to the membership at the November meeting.
● Sandi Scott made a motion to recommend to the membership spending
up to $300 for the publishing software license used for Bucket Sheets.
A second was made by Dave Olson. Motion passed.
● Dave Benner made a motion to recommend to the membership spend-
ing up to $600 to purchase a computer laptop for the IT position. A
second was made by Steven Mael. Motion passed.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ron Weeks with a second by Steve Heasley.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gloria Weeks, Secretary
NOTE: Membership Meeting Minutes start on Page 22
Page 6
The annual election of Suburban Corvette Club (SCM) Officers for the
coming year will occur with nominations at the October meeting and
elections at the November meeting.
Being an Officer or Board Member of SCM gives you an opportunity to shape
the future of the club. Please consider running for one of the offices: President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations, NCCC Governor,
Membership, Editor, or Information Technology.
All offices are open and the term is for one year.
If running for one of the offices isn’t an option for you this year; the 2020 Board
will also need Members-at-Large. Being a Board Member-at-large is a great
opportunity for new members and long term members alike to add value to the
Club. Board Members at large will be selected at the December Board meeting.
Contact Lynn Steenblock ([email protected]) or Marty Buck
([email protected]) to have your name added to the ballot or volunteer
for one of the Member-at-Large positions.
Eligibility for Office
Nominee must have been a full/associate member for at least twelve (12) months
prior to the nominations. Nominees must be present at the nominations meeting
unless they have given an officer an acceptable excuse and acceptance of the
Board of Directors
Members at large are appointed at the December Board meeting. Appointees
must have a minimum of three months active membership in the Club.
Complete detail information on the Duties of
Elected Officers will be available at the General
Meeting to review for the nominations process.
Page 7
Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota
Annual Awards Banquet
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Casino Night
Join us for fun in a Vegas style casino setting.
Celebrate Suburban Corvettes’ successful year of car
shows, gatherings, and drives through the countryside.
Details and registration forms will be on
the club website soon.
Check-in starts at 4:30 pm
Reserve your hotel room early @Holiday Inn Express
(attached to Jimmy’s)
Phone: 651-484-2400
Ask for the SCM rate ($107 per night)
Register by October 26 and receive one extra ticket!
Page 8
At the November 5 Suburban Board Meeting the Nominations Committee
provided a copy of the Ballot to date with the names of members who have been
entered into nomination either by the Nominating Committee and/or been nomi-
nated at the October 15 Membership Meeting. They are as follows:
President -
Vice President -
Secretary -
Treasurer - Barb Stattman
Public Relations - Dave Olson
NCCC Governor - Jim Bodin
Membership Director - Marie George
Editor - Ron Weeks
Information Technology - Steve Heasley
It was noted that any member volunteering and/or nominated for any office
PRIOR to the November 19 General Meeting would be placed on the ballot.
Members volunteering/nominated for any office at the November 19 General
Meeting would be entered on the ballot as a “write in” candidate.
1) As per our Constitution/Bylaws our current President, Dave Benner and Vice
President, Sue Griffin have served for two years in their respective offices and
are ineligible to serve in their respective office for a third year.
2) Any member wishing to volunteer or wanting to suggest another member
for any office prior to the November 19 General Meeting should contact either
Lynn Steenblock or Marty Buck. These members names would be placed on the
3) A member volunteering or wanting to nominate another member for an office
at the Nov. 19 General Meeting will have their names placed on the ballot as
a write in candidate. Please note that a candidate being nominated at this time
must be present at the meeting to provide his/her consent. Should the nominee
be unable to attend the meeting, he/she should contact Lynn or Marty to confirm
their interest in running for the office being nominated.
Nominating Committee
Lynn Steenblock, 651-470-7676
Marty Buck, 612-802-2870
Page 9
Officer Nominations & Board of Directors
There were four members nominated for office positions at the
October meeting. For the November meeting nominations will be
held for additional candidates for those offices as well as nomina-
tions for all of the other offices.
For the Board of Directors all nine member at large terms will
expire on November 30th. The current officers not running for
re-election will become members at large on December 1st. That
will open member at large positions. Members interested in partic-
ipating in club governance are encouraged to attend the December
board meeting.
Ron Weeks
Dues were payable effective
with the September General Meeting
Members who have
not paid by November 21st
will be dropped from the roster
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Corvettes from
seven states gath-
ered Saturday
morning at Rowe Park
in Onalaska.
The full array of
pictures is on the
SCM website..
Page 13
ROAD & TRACK September 2019
Page 14
Page 15
Events Calendar
November 2019
19 - General Membership Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:00pm NOTE TIME CHANGE
23 - SCM Annual Awards Banquet – Event Chairs Sandi and Roger Scott
Location: Jimmy’s. Casino Night Registration and Social Hour begins at
4:30pm. See flyer on Page 8 and web site for more information and regis-
tration form.
December 2019
3 - Board Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:00pm
7 - HFC 5pm, Hosted by Roger and Sandi Scott Location: Wild Boar 960
Helena Ave. Oakdale, MN Details on Page 3
17 - General Membership Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:30pm
January 2020
4 – HFC 5pm TBD
7 – Board Meeting – Jimmy’s 7:00pm
21 – General Membership Meeting - Jimmy’s 7:30pm
The Minnesota Car Club Association handbook is available on the website. Met Council Website is
Page 16
Attorney at Law
Estate Planning: Gift Planning &
Wills & Trusts Gift Tax
Powers of Attorney Personal Injury
Estate Tax Business Law
25% fee discount to Corvette Club Members
(763) 458-7752 [email protected]
Northstar Detail Supply, LLC
Randy Atwood
[email protected]
12111 278th Avenue
Zimmerman, MN 55398
When visiting our sponsor Matt Saxe Chevrolet Buick
present your 2019 NCCC identification card
for eligible parts and service discounts
Page 17
Page 18
Driving School & Lapping Day 9/16/2019
It was a perfect track day, not too hot, slight breeze, no rain.
We had a very good turn out with over 30 preregistered making it a total of 50
drivers including 3 track touring. Track touring is a fun safe way to drive on the
track at highway speed, and drive the “Race” line.
We drove the Competition track, which is more technical, with 13 turns.
I want to send a special “Thank You” to Jon Thompson for being Co-chair and
taking over of the classroom portion of the school.
I also want to thank all the volunteers over all the years who have come up and
donated their time to help out. Without volunteers, we couldn’t run this event
(or most events).
It’s been a GREAT and GRATIFYING 14 year run of doing this event for the
club. I’ve met a lot of great, fun people over the years. It is now time for me to
let someone else enjoy doing the event.
Thank You.
Rick Ohland
Page 19
Suburban Corvette’s autumn cruise was held on Saturday, September 28, 2019,
with 31 cars attending and 57 people participating. It was great to see such a
nice turnout. The cruise started at Miesville, Minnesota on a cool morning but
it warmed up nicely later in the day to the low 60’s with sunny skies. The cruise
lasted about two hours and covered 88 miles ending up at the Bluff View Grill
in the Coffee Mill Golf Club at Wabasha, Minnesota for a burger bar lunch. The
cruise covered many nice roads but especially a 12 mile stretch of Minnesota
Highway 60 which had been recently repaved and had many fun curves. What a
great corvette road. If you get a chance to drive Minnesota 60, don’t pass it up.
After lunch, some of the cruisers continued to Nelson, Wisconsin for ice cream
stop at the Nelson Creamery and then the real hard core cruisers [5 cars] contin-
ued along the back roads of Wisconsin on the way to the Twin Cities.
There was only one minor incident along the cruise route when the cruise direc-
tor, who was taking instructions from his navigator, made a right turn when it
should have been a left turn. This incident only affected about 8 cars since the
remaining cars made the correct left turn. Thanks goes out to Diane Benner who
immediately called the cruise director on the two way radio and advised of the
mistake before it got out of hand.
A special thank you goes out to Dave and Bonnie Schmuck for all of their assis-
tance in route planning, route driving and assembling and preparing the driving
instructions with mileage calculations.
We are considering a Wisconsin route for next year. If anyone has ideas, I would
appreciate hearing from you.
Jim & Pat Bodin
Page 20
Hamburger, Fries, & Catchup
The November
event was hosted
by Jan & Shawn
Hanna at the
Good Day Cafe in
Golden Valley with
40 members and
guests attending
Page 21
Membership Meeting Minutes
Date: October 15, 2019
The October Membership Meeting of Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota was
called to order with in excess of 61 members present at 7:30pm by President
Dave Benner.
Opening Remarks from President: Dave Benner talked briefly about the
organized event with Matt Saxe Chevrolet where they will reveal the new C8
Secretary’s Report: Gloria Weeks reported
General Meeting minutes from September were presented. A motion was made
to approve the minutes as published in the October Bucket Sheets by Greg
Stattman with a second by Shawn Hanna; motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Barb Stattman reported
● Expenses were attributed to Bucket Sheets newsletter, Fall Color Run
and renewal of club software.
● Deposits were attributed to Driver’s School and the Fall Color Run.
Treasurer’s reports are available for review.
Membership Report: Sandi Scott reported
SCM Members: 231, Lifetime Members: 97, and NCCC Members: 201
First Timers: None
Second Timers: None
Third Timers: None
Dave Benner talked about agreement with Matt Saxe Chevrolet stating that
anyone buying a new Corvette from them will have their current year of dues
paid by the dealership. Members should work with Sandi and the club will bill
the dealership.
Public Relations: Dave Olson reported
● Advertisers are current.
● Dave talked about holding a follow up meeting with Matt Saxe Chev-
rolet to review their first year as Suburban’s club sponsor.
Editor’s Report: Ron Weeks reported
● Deadline for articles next month is Friday, November 8th.
Page 22
IT Report: Dave Benner (Interim) and Steve Heasley reported
● The Website is up to date.
● Dave Benner advised that Steve Heasley was appointed as IT Officer
at the October Board meeting for the remainder of the year. Dave is
working with Steve to provide support and training.
Governor’s Report: Jim Bodin reported
● Insurance certificates are current for all remaining 2019 events.
● Special Interest rear license plate update – Jim Bodin and Greg Statt-
man, representing SCM met with representative Kosnik and received
very positive feedback for their efforts in this legislation. They also
met with the Minnesota State Patrol who were opposed to their efforts.
They have issues with car identification. The State Patrol needs a front
plate surface to work with their lasers. There will be further meetings
with the State Patrol to see if we can meet their concerns.
Vice President’s Report: Sue Griffin reported
Club Sponsored Events:
Past Events:
● June 2 - GMCCA Car Show – Eric Kehle reported. Eric explained that
the car show is presented by an association of 12 clubs and that a rep-
resentative from each of the 12 clubs make up the Board of Directors.
Eric is SCM’s representative. Eric thanked his 17 volunteer workers,
the car participants and spectators from SCM. This year 700 cars and
200 swappers participated.
● Sep 16 – Driver’s School – Jon Thompson reported. The September
event had 50 participants; an all-time high and fantastic weather. Jon
thanked all of the volunteers who have worked over the years. Rick
Ohland has chaired the event for the last 14 years and Jon has co-
chaired the event for the last 12 years.
● Sep 22 – Spina Bifida Picnic – Shawn Hanna reported. 18 cars partici-
pated. Shawn thanked the driver’s for showing up for the kids.
● Sep 28 – Autumn Cruise – Jim Bodin reported. 31 cars participated.
The burger buffet lunch at The Bluffs, Coffee Mill Golf Course in Wa-
basha, MN was fun.
● Oct 5 – HFC Pub 42 – Sue Griffin reported and thanked Trygve &
Diane Svard for hosting.
● Oct 11-13 – Fall Color Run – Terry Wigginton reported. Saturday
morning had sunshine for the run and then rain for the afternoon run
after lunch. Fall colors were good. Spina Bifida contributions were
very good.
Page 23
Upcoming Events:
● Nov 2 – HFC 5 pm Hosted by Shawn and Jan Hanna. Location: Good
Day Café and Bad Day Bar. Jan reported. When entering into the park-
ing lot you will see the Metropolitan Club first. Go around the club and
then you will see the restaurant. Signup sheet is on back table.
● Nov 23 - SCM Annual Awards Banquet – Event Chairs Sandi and
Roger Scott. Sandi reported. She advised that there are sign up sheets
on the back table. The banquet will be a casino night and she needs
registrations by the first week in November so she can give Jimmy’s a
● Dec 7 – HFC 5 pm Hosted by Roger and Sandi Scott. Location: Wild
Boar, Oakdale, MN. Sandi reported. She will have a signup sheet on
the back table at the November meeting.
Please see the Vice President’s calendar in the Bucket Sheets or visit the website
for a full list of both Club sponsored and non-Club sponsored events.
Old Business:
● Dave Benner thanked Shawn and Jan Hanna for their approximately 20
years as liaisons’ to Spina Bifida and introduced Char and Bruce John-
son as the new chair people. He thanked Eric Kehle for his many years
as our chair for the GMCCA show. He thanked Jon Thompson and
Rick Ohland for the 14 years they chaired the Driver’s Schools. Dave
introduced the new chairs Shawn Hanna and Dave Scherf.
● Bylaws Amendment to increase Membership Dues – Dave Benner
advised that a financial presentation will be presented at the November
general meeting and then the bylaws amendment will be voted on. He
advised it will be a paper vote. John Engstrom raised concern about
not being able to vote if not present. The club has never provided for
absentee voting in the past and it will not be doing so for this vote.
New Business:
● A motion for the automation renewals for Microsoft 365 software for
the Board’s three existing laptops ($297) was made by Greg Stattman
with a second by Evon Miller. Motion passed.
● A motion to spend up to $600 for cake and coffee and a display screen
for the financial presentation at the November meeting was made by
Steven Mael with a second by Warren Synder. Motion passed.
● Ballots were passed out by the banquet committee and the membership
voted for Member and Rookie of the year. Winners will be announced
at the banquet.
● SCM 50th Anniversary – Dave Benner is suggesting a club picture to
be put into the Blue Bars publication and maybe a special event to take
place next June. Please let Dave know if you would like to chair or be
on a planning committee.
Page 24
● Nominations Committee Update – Lynn Steenblock reported. Lynn
and co-chair Marty Buck have contacted the current officers and board
members to determine if they will be running for an office. They have
made phone calls to the membership looking for candidates. Lynn
reviewed the nominations process. All nominated candidates must be
in attendance and need to accept or decline. Lynn opened nominations
for the offices:
President – No nominations were presented from the membership.
Vice President – No nominations were presented from the mem-
Membership – Sandi Scott was nominated and she declined.
Treasurer – Barb Stattman was nominated and she accepted.
Governor – Jim Bodin was nominated and he accepted.
Public Relations – Dave Olson was nominated and he accepted.
Secretary – No nominations were presented from the membership.
Editor – Ron Weeks was nominated and he accepted.
Information Technologies – Steve Heasley was nominated and he
Lynn advised that all candidates nominated at the October meeting will
be on the election ballot. They will again ask for nominations from the
floor at the November general membership meeting. Any additional
candidates will need to be written in by the membership on their indi-
vidual ballot.
● Ron Weeks made a motion to authorize up to $10,000 for the Driver’s
School deposit. Greg Stattman seconded the motion. Motion passed.
● Birthdays – Members with October birthdays were recognized.
Door Prizes: (not eligible if won in the last 3 months)
● Gift card to the Crooked Pint – Ron Reidell
A motion was made by Marty Buck to adjourn with a second by Judy Randall.
Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:39pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gloria Weeks – Secretary
Page 25
Wheelin’ and Dealin’
All SCCM members are welcome to submit ads to the editor for Corvettes or Cor-
vette related parts that they want to see or acquire. These ads are run for 2 months
after which they will automatically be dropped. If the items are sold, please notify
the editor so that the ad can be cancelled. You may also renew the ad if the items
aren’t sold after 2 months. There is no charge to members for this service.
Page 26
Page 27
Behind the Scenes
President: Dave Benner OFFICERS
651-688-8505 [email protected]
Vice President: Sue Griffin 651-366-9824 [email protected]
Membership: Sandi Scott 651-459-4877 [email protected]
Treasurer: Barb Stattman 952-435-6657 [email protected]
Governor: Jim Bodin 612-940-5275 [email protected]
Public Relations: Dave Olson 612-245-4320 [email protected]
Secretary: Gloria Weeks 952-546-0434 [email protected]
Editor: Ron Weeks 952-546-0434 [email protected]
Information Technology: Steve Heasley 651-308-0676 webmaster
GMCCA Liaison: Eric Kehle
Dave Juhl
Marie George Spina Bifida: Bruce & Char Johnson
Mark Orfield
Roger Dahlquist
Steven Mael
Dave Scherf Met Council Rep: Scott Hegstrand
Marty Buck
Lynn Steenblock
Roger Scott
Hospitality Gloria Weeks - [email protected]
National Corvette Museum Ambassador
Greg Stattman - [email protected]
Bucket Sheets is published monthly by Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota. The publication
is free to Suburban Corvette club members. Nonmember subscription rate is $35 per year.
Please mail dues or subscription request to: Sandi Scott, 8343 68th St So, Cottage Grove,
MN 55016. All submissions are subject to editing as needed and must be received by the
Friday following the1st Tuesday of the month for publication in the next issue. Submissions,
comments, advertisements, articles, & pics can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Annual
Advertising rates:
1/2 page = $100.00, full page = $175.00, inside covers = $250.00.
Half page and larger ads qualify for display on website.
For advertising information call: Dave Olson: 612-245-4320
Suburban Corvettes thanks all our advertisers and sponsors for their support. As a Club,
however, we do not endorse the products or workmanship of any company. Any warranty or
guarantees must come from the company or manufacturer.
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