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Kandungan Buletin:
- Resensi Buku : Who Moved My Cheese?
- Artikel Pendek : ITransformasi Pengalaman Perpustakaan: Pelaksanaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR)
- Tahukah Anda ? : 5 Prakarsa Pendidikan Madani & 11 Retrospektif Pencapaian KPM 2023

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Published by Perpustakaan Zaaba KMM, 2024-03-24 20:37:51

Buletin Perpustakaan Bil 3 / 2024

Kandungan Buletin:
- Resensi Buku : Who Moved My Cheese?
- Artikel Pendek : ITransformasi Pengalaman Perpustakaan: Pelaksanaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR)
- Tahukah Anda ? : 5 Prakarsa Pendidikan Madani & 11 Retrospektif Pencapaian KPM 2023

Perpustakaan sebagai pusat pengetahuan dan sumber maklumat, terus berubah mengikut perkembangan teknologi untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna. Salah satu inovasi terkini yang semakin popular adalah penggunaan teknologi Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) di dalam persekitaran perpustakaan. Artikel ini membincangkan bagaimana AR dan VR mengubah paradigma tradisional perpustakaan menjadi persekitaran pembelajaran interaktif yang lebih dinamik dan menarik. M/s 9 & 10 'Who Moved My Cheese?' is a simple parable that reveals profound truths. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life - whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money or a possession, health or spirital peace of mind. And the maze is where you look for what you want - the organisation you work in, on the family or community you live in. M/s 2 oleh: Sanjay A/L Pradeep Kumar Artikel Pendek Transformasi Pengalaman Perpustakaan: Pelaksanaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) Resensi Buku Who Moved My Cheese? KANDUNGAN BULETIN Who Moved My Cheese? Transformasi Pengalaman Perpustakaan: Pelaksanaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) 5 Prakarsa Pendidikan MADANI BULETIN PERPUSTAKAAN Stuttgart City Library, Jerman BIL 3/ MAC 2024 11 Retrospektif Pencapaian KPM 2023

"Who Moved My Cheese?" is a motivational business fable that uses a simple allegory to convey powerful messages about change and adaptability. The story revolves around four characters – two mice, Sniff and Scurry, and two tiny people, Hem and Haw – who live in a maze and seek cheese as a metaphor for happiness and success. The cheese represents different things for each character, but the central theme is the inevitability of change and the importance of adapting to it. The book encourages readers to embrace change proactively rather than resisting it, and to recognize the signs of change early on. It emphasizes the need to let go of fear and complacency, as well as the importance of being flexible and openminded in the face of uncertainty. The author of "Who Moved My Cheese?" is Dr. Spencer Johnson. Dr. Johnson was an American physician and author, born on November 24, 1938, in Watertown, South Dakota. He passed away on July 3, 2017. "Who Moved My Cheese?" became an international bestseller and was translated into multiple languages. The book's success can be attributed to its simple yet powerful messages about change and adaptability, resonating with a wide audience in both personal and professional spheres. The book emphasizes that change is a natural and inevitable part of life, both personally and professionally. Resisting change can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm MUKA SURAT 2 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? oleh : Sanjay A/L Pradeep Kumar RESENSI BUKU Judul : Who Moved My Cheese? Pengarang : Dr Spencer Johnson Tahun Terbitan : 1999 Penerbitan : G P Putnam’s Sons ISBN : 9780091816971

The characters who successfully adapt to change are more likely to thrive. The book encourages readers to embrace change proactively, demonstrating the importance of a flexible and open-minded approach. "Who Moved My Cheese?" highlights the role of fear in hindering adaptability. It encourages readers to overcome fear, let go of the familiar, and explore new possibilities. The book underscores the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's reactions to change. It advocates for an empowered mindset where individuals actively shape their responses to life's challenges. Recognizing early signs of change and being proactive in response to those signs is another key message. The characters who anticipate change are better prepared to navigate it successfully. While some may find the fable simplistic, the underlying principles are timeless and can be applied in various aspects of life. "Who Moved My Cheese?" serves as a reminder that change is inevitable, and one's ability to adapt and embrace it determines their success and happiness. "Who Moved My Cheese?" has its strengths as a motivational and easily digestible guide to navigating change. However, its simplicity and lack of detailed strategies may not resonate with everyone, and its applicability may vary depending on the reader's context and preferences. The book is relatively short, and the narrative is straightforward. This makes it a quick read, suitable for individuals with limited time or those who prefer concise self-help literature. @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm MUKA SURAT 3 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? oleh : Sanjay A/L Pradeep Kumar RESENSI BUKU Judul : Who Moved My Cheese? Pengarang : Dr Spencer Johnson Tahun Terbitan : 1999 Penerbitan : G P Putnam’s Sons ISBN : 9780091816971

The central theme of dealing with change is universal and applicable in various aspects of life. Readers from different backgrounds and professions can find relevance in the book's messages. The cheese metaphor is memorable and helps readers visualize and internalize the concepts presented in the book. This can make it easier for readers to recall and apply the lessons in their own lives. "Who Moved My Cheese?" carries a positive and motivational tone. It encourages readers to approach change with optimism and to take personal responsibility for their reactions and decisions.Some readers may find the book too simplistic, lacking in depth or complexity. The allegorical nature of the story might not resonate with those who prefer more detailed analyses or real-world case studies. While the book imparts valuable insights about the inevitability of change and the importance of adaptation, it may be criticized for not providing concrete, actionable strategies for dealing with change in specific situations. The book strongly emphasizes individual responsibility and adaptability, which might not fully address the complexities of certain organizational or systemic issues related to change. The book's focus on individual reactions to change may not fully translate to certain professional or organizational contexts where systemic changes are necessary, and collective efforts are crucial. @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm MUKA SURAT 4 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? oleh : Sanjay A/L Pradeep Kumar RESENSI BUKU Judul : Who Moved My Cheese? Pengarang : Dr Spencer Johnson Tahun Terbitan : 1999 Penerbitan : G P Putnam’s Sons ISBN : 9780091816971

Some critics argue that the book oversimplifies the challenges associated with change, and its one-size-fits-all approach may not be applicable to every situation or personality type. In conclusion, "Who Moved My Cheese?" has its strengths as a motivational and easily digestible guide to navigating change. However, its simplicity and lack of detailed strategies may not resonate with everyone, and its applicability may vary depending on the reader's context and preferences. @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm MUKA SURAT 5 WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? oleh : Sanjay A/L Pradeep Kumar RESENSI BUKU Judul : Who Moved My Cheese? Pengarang : Dr Spencer Johnson Tahun Terbitan : 1999 Penerbitan : G P Putnam’s Sons ISBN : 9780091816971

MUKA SURAT 6 @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm TAHUKAH ANDA? INFOGRAFIK

MUKA SURAT 7 @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm TAHUKAH ANDA? INFOGRAFIK

MUKA SURAT 8 @librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm TAHUKAH ANDA? INFOGRAFIK

@librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm MUKA SURAT 9 Transformasi Pengalaman Perpustakaan: Pelaksanaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) erpustakaan bukan sahaja menyediakan akses kepada koleksi buku dan sumber maklumat, tetapi juga memainkan peranan penting dalam menyokong pembelajaran, penyelidikan, dan pembangunan diri. Dengan kemajuan teknologi digital, perpustakaan berdepan dengan cabaran untuk kekal relevan dan menarik bagi pengguna moden. Dalam menangani cabaran ini, penggunaan AR dan VR telah muncul sebagai penyelesaian inovatif yang dapat meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna dan menawarkan cara baru untuk berinteraksi dengan maklumat. ARTIKEL PENDEK Penggunaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) di Perpustakaan AR memperkayakan pengalaman pengguna dengan menambah lapisan digital ke dalam dunia nyata. Di dalam perpustakaan, teknologi AR boleh digunakan untuk memperluas akses kepada maklumat tambahan mengenai koleksi buku, artefak sejarah, atau pameran khusus. Sebagai contoh, pengguna boleh menggunakan aplikasi AR di telefon pintar mereka untuk mengakses maklumat tambahan mengenai buku yang mereka pegang, termasuk sinopsis, ulasan, dan rujukan berkaitan lain. Selain itu, perpustakaan juga boleh menggunakan AR untuk membuat lawatan maya melalui bangunan perpustakaan, memperkenalkan pengguna kepada perkhidmatan dan kemudahan yang disediakan. P Penggunaan Realiti Maya (VR) di Perpustakaan VR mencipta persekitaran yang sepenuhnya imersif di mana pengguna boleh berinteraksi dengan maklumat dalam bentuk yang lebih mendalam. Di perpustakaan, teknologi VR boleh digunakan untuk mencipta pengalaman pembelajaran yang unik, seperti lawatan maya ke perpustakaan di seluruh dunia, simulasi situasi sejarah, atau eksplorasi ruang sains. Pengguna dapat merasakan pengalaman seperti berada di tempat-tempat yang jauh, menghadiri kuliah atau lokakarya dari jarak jauh, atau berpartisipasi dalam simulasi praktis yang mendukung pembelajaran aktif.

@librarykmm librarykmm @librarykmm MUKA SURAT 10 Transformasi Pengalaman Perpustakaan: Pelaksanaan Realiti Terimbuh (AR) dan Realiti Maya (VR) ARTIKEL PENDEK Penggunaan teknologi Realiti Terimbuh dan Realiti Maya di dalam perpustakaan menandakan langkah penting dalam transformasi pengalaman pengguna. Dengan memanfaatkan potensi inovatif AR dan VR, perpustakaan boleh memperluaskan batas-batas tradisionalnya dan menjadi pusat pembelajaran yang dinamik dan menarik bagi pengguna dari pelbagai latar belakang dan keperluan. Oleh itu, adalah penting bagi perpustakaan untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan meneroka cara-cara baru untuk meningkatkan perkhidmatan dan kemudahan mereka demi kepentingan masyarakat dan komuniti yang mereka berikan. Manfaat dan Cabaran Penggunaan AR dan VR di perpustakaan menawarkan pelbagai manfaat, termasuk peningkatan penglibatan pengguna, pengayaan pengalaman pembelajaran, dan peningkatan aksesibiliti kepada maklumat. Namun, terdapat juga beberapa cabaran yang perlu ditangani, termasuk kos pelaksanaan, latihan staf, dan keperluan untuk infrastruktur teknologi yang mencukupi. Walaupun demikian, dengan pelaburan yang sesuai dan strategi yang tepat, penggunaan AR dan VR mempunyai potensi untuk mengubah paradigma tradisional perpustakaan dan mencipta persekitaran pembelajaran yang lebih dinamik dan inklusif.

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