Building Better Communities
CONTENTS 10 Chaplain’s Corner 17 Asphalt
11 Project of the Month 18 Wellness
3 From the President 12 Pictures 19 Mechanics
4 Aggregates 14 Excavation 20 Trucking
5 Communications 15 Hillman Report 21 Cranes & Rigging
6 Safety 16 Concrete 22 Pickle Highlights
7 Anniversaries
8 Human Resources
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE • After Thanksgiving: November 29, 2019 - Unpaid Day Off
• Christmas Eve Day: December 24, 2019 - Unpaid Day Off
Emergency repair and snowplow crews will remain • Christmas Day: December 25, 2019 - Paid Day Off
on-call during Holiday Schedule. • New Year’s Eve: December 31, 2019 - Unpaid Day Off
• New Year’s Day: January 1, 2020 - Unpaid Day Off
• Independence Day: July 4, 2019 - Paid Day Off • Good Friday: April 10, 2020 - Off At Noon
• Memorial Day: May 25, 2020 - Paid Day Off
• After Independence Day: July 5, 2019 - Unpaid Day Off
• Company Picnic: July 27, 2019 - Unpaid Day Off, Schedule Permitting
• Labor Day: September 2, 2019 - Paid Day Off
• Thanksgiving: November 28, 2019 - Paid Day Off
Hey, Gang! Attitudes. We can control them. The sooner we
understand we are in control of our attitudes the sooner
Hope your Memorial our work day can improve. Thought realignment can
Day was terrific. Let’s be a huge benefactor of how our day, week, month and
never forget those ultimately, how our life goes! It starts in our minds. Focus
who served our nation on the good thoughts and hold them captive. When bad
and gave the ultimate thoughts are introduced, the trick is to get rid of them
sacrifice. Let’s salute all quickly and continue on with the good. How we think
the veterans who work influences how we act or react.
here at Team Elmer’s,
too. God bless you With so much input today from so many sources, it is
and your family and easy to get derailed into negative thinking. Romans 12:2
welcome home. states “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
With so many new employees gracing our current Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will
work force, please make sure we continue to teach is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
them. Make sure we give them ALL the details for our
success. For example, don’t tell a person to go shovel for Have you ever had a good day until someone else
the curb and then get frustrated if it isn’t done right. How ruined it?? Or did they? In reality, it’s not someone
would a new person even know what that means? We else’s fault if we have a bad day. It’s our decision to
need to double check if that person knows what type of continue holding on to one that feeds the bad. Outside
curb it is. If it’s a B-2 curb, we tell them that, and enrich sources can certainly contribute to a day of one
them with the knowledge that it has a 15.5” back so they challenge after another but always remember, “this
know how far to measure from the grade stake, that it too shall pass”. Patience is a fruit of the spirit that only
slopes up and is 2’ 8” wide…you get the picture. Make grows through perseverance or trial… OUCH. Yup,
sure THEY do understand by being clear and giving the only way we grow is to suffer and make it through.
them important detail. We may even need to show them Harsh as it was at the time, some of the most rewarding
the grade stake! A few extra words go a long way and times of my life came about when I stuck through it and
you’ll never regret helping another person. You literally came out better on the other side. Similar to child birth
have the ability to change another person’s life for the (praise God I’ve only witnessed it), while the labor pains
better…and then we all do better. Hang in there. Thank may be intense, the suffering and trials at the time bring
you for sharing your talent and knowledge. about something beautiful. Focus on the beautiful.
Have we even had a decent week yet with no rain or The truth is, we don’t need fewer problems we
mud? Bad weather makes it difficult to get into a rhythm need more strength! We need more muscle, more
and stay on schedule. It can also derail our positive perseverance.
thoughts. Unforeseen extras push us all to the limit
because the job takes longer and then work backs up How we choose to look at life will either make it easy or
and puts pressure on crews to work even harder. Hang make it difficult. Choose well. Praise God, He is here to
in there. We have a ton of work and need to remain calm help me through it. All I need to do is trust in Him.
and treat it as another day doing our very best for that
day. Remember to keep eating that elephant one bite Until next month, stay safe, and God Bless!
at a time. I know we have asked for a lot from many of
you already, especially paving. I understand and truly Troy
appreciate all you do out there!
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because 3
you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must
finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:2
Petoskey Yard
Good, finally-warm-no-coat- The new road is paved at M-72. Special thanks, Rick and
needed June afternoon. ☺ Jeff’s crew. Jeff and the crew enjoyed cold rain, snowing
and blowing that day, but they worked through some
I hope you all enjoyed some wet grade to get the job done in less than perfect paving
well-deserved time off over the weather. Hey, in the fall we would love a day like that,
Memorial Day holiday and had a right?! ☺
chance to rest and re-charge.
We are crushing ALL day long now. Great job, Team! We
I had a typo in last month’s have a nice amount of 6-AA and are switching over to
article; it was TAD Elliott that was 17-A for concrete and asphalt to take care of demands.
up at Daniels pit. Tad and crew
are now headed to Fall Park Road pit to get some 22-A We are screening stone at the Hulbert pit. We hope to
and 23-A on the ground. have the wash plant and crusher running as you read this.
Tim, Mark and the crew are done making 6-AA for now We have the new well up and running so we are cleaner
and onto some dense grade to get some production. than ever. Two thumbs up!
Ryan at Bolen is trying to stay ahead of Dave and the Kudos to Joel Oliver and Ryan Howard at each of their
guys hauling sand into Lafarge. screening operations. MSHA inspections with zero
violations! Keep up the great work!
We don’t want to say it but we’ll say it. “Goodbye, Carolyn.
You will be missed!” Thanks for your dedicated work at Thank you all for coming to the free pancake breakfast
the Ellsworth pit and for always sharing a smile. We wish meeting. It is nice to see everyone’s smiling face and
you well in your retirement and know you’ll enjoy a happy, say hello. Remember what we said in the meeting. Work
fun filled summer. George is still available for deliveries SAFE every day, retain your positive attitude, help the
and loading at Ellsworth. new hires become as good as you, BE THE TEACHER
and train, train, train!
Levi, Bill, and crew are still in the yard making RAP. We
are 2/3 of the way there, just over 60,000-tons made, and Have a great day. Grandpa Todd
hoping all the bugs are worked out of the plants. They did
see 1100-tons per hour but then had to shovel for a bit.
Joe is happy with the test results. Nice job, everyone, for
4 keeping that consistent.
In case you didn’t know, we are
hiring! Tell your friends! Or your Speaking of picnic, our famous Team Elmer’s Company
neighbor! Or the person standing Picnic is July 27, 2019. Look at the back of the newsletter
next to you in the grocery line! for details. RSVP by June 28, 2019. Please! We try and
Promoting construction as a do as much pre-work as possible. See you there! Can’t
career has been a primary make it? RSVP “no” so Toni won’t have to call you and ask
focus for the Communication if you’re attending. We’ll miss you but we know there are
Department last year and this only so many weekends in the summer with so many other
year (and beyond). Get the word obligations.
out that we are hiring!
Factoid: 37.5 million Boomers will retire in the next Welcome McKenzie Mac to our Communications
decade, yet only 21 million workers will enter the Department. Her first official day on the job was hosting
workforce to replace them. over 1,900 students at a career fair. Talk about starting in
the deep end. Thank you, McKenzie, for lending a hand.
The State of Michigan continues to pursue educating Also, thank you, Sonny C., Sam, Will, Derek, and Tyler C.,
students on the possibility of professional trades as a for helping get supplies and set-up ready. Thank you, Tyler
career (construction included.) The exposure runs from B, Jeff S, Josh F, Max, Josh S, and Toni for helping work
kindergarten (Touch-a-Truck events) through high school the booth. That many students in one place is great with
(career exploration events.) We have participated on both teammates like you on our side! Thank you! Thank you!
ends of the spectrum in May.
Lastly, FYI, we found another 100-year old sewer on the
Vicky took the pink concrete mixer to Traverse Heights 8th Street Reconstruction project. The more bands of steel
Elementary School and to TC Christian School last month the higher psi the wood pipe could take. That’s how they
for “Touch-a-Truck” events. Joel Clark will attend a similar did it back in the day! I’m always still humbled to be a
Lake City event in June. We also brought the excavator part of this team every time I see our crews in action on a
rodeo to the Traverse City Civic Center where over jobsite. Thank you for being you!
1,900 students representing 30 different school districts
from 10 counties (Emmet, Charlevoix, Antrim, Kalkaska, Be Safe Out There! It’s the best thing to be and, if you
Grand Traverse, Benzie, Leelanau, Wexford, Missaukee haven’t noticed, we love you and want you safe.
and Manistee) walked through over 60 employer vendor
booths promoting professional trades as a career in Until next month,
six sectors (Construction, Agriculture, Information Be the Change You Want to See In the World.
Technologies, Healthcare, Hospitality, and Manufacturing).
Our outdoor booth with operational mini-excavators was Tonya
a student (and faculty) favorite. You will have a chance to
operate a similar set-up at our picnic! 100-year old sewer on 8th
street reconctruction
Tyler Broad assisting student
at MiCareer Quest
Call Safety Hotline On Accidents/Injuries ===> 231-735-8660
Happy June, everyone, and welcome to National Safety to the last. Football coach, Lou Holtz, said, “Virtually
Month! nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind
to it and maintain a positive attitude.”
How does it feel to finally be going full throttle again after
a long winter? Do you remember what we talked about So far this season we, thankfully, haven’t had any
in our Safety meetings a mere couple months ago or has overly serious incidents on the jobsites or at the plants.
the pressure to hit the ground running forced good safety Unfortunately, however, as the number of hours worked
habits out of your mind? June is designated National increases so does the number of incidents. We DO
Safety Month for this very reason. Don’t get lax in your need to hear from you any time there is any property
safety habits as the season progresses. If anything, safety or equipment damage, injury, utility hit, or driving
protocol should become second nature. Have questions? incident! If you’re not sure whether to call or not, JUST
Ask. Let’s all remember what is most important; coming CALL and we’ll figure it out. We cannot address any
home to our families at the end of the day! issues with neighbors or motorists if we don’t know about
To work safely we need to take ownership of our safety. US!!!
We need to take ownership of our work ethic and attitude
on the job as well. Have you ever heard someone on the Please continue to be aware of not only your safety, but
jobsite say, “It’s not my fault!” or “Who’s fault is this?” How of the public’s safety as well. Remember to be overly
about we take ownership of our mistakes and learn from cautious when you see a school bus loading or unloading,
them instead? Try, “I am responsible” or “What can I do to when you are digging or loading a truck near pedestrians,
help fix this?” instead. or just driving to and from the jobsite. The number of
phone calls we get alerting us to our driving behavior
Then there’s, “This always happens!” or “This is terrible!” would shock you.
Let’s change that to, “What can we learn from this?” or
“Where is the good in this?” Every mistake or overlooked For all of you drivers that use an ELD, the CVSA
detail can be used as a learning opportunity, either for the (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance) will be having a
new crew member or as a reminder for the veterans. ‘Blitz Enforcement’ with emphasis on Hours of Service
from June 4th – 6th. Be sure you are in compliance and
Remember to keep a positive attitude on the jobsite. your ELD is not showing any violations.
Attitude can and will rule the events of the day. A bad
attitude is contagious and it doesn’t take long to spread Until next time, STAY SAFE OUT THERE!
from one end of the job to the other, from the first person j&imC,atBrinuatch,
6 Eric,
DAVE ROBINSON Thank you for being a part of the
Foreman - Dirt team here at Elmer’s. We appreciate
Traverse CIty your dedication and hard work.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Truck Driver Truck Driver Truck Driver
Traverse City Traverse City Manistee
”Individual commitment to a group effort--that
is what makes a team work, a company work,
a society work, a civilization work.”
--Vince Lombardi
Concrete PLant Redimix Driver Sales Manager Concrete Plant
Manager Tri City Concrete Manager
Tri City Beaverton Beaverton
Redimix Driver Concrete Plant Redimix Driver Concrete Plant individual member.
Omer Manager Oscoda Manager The strength of each member is the
Oscoda Omer team."
--Phil Jackson
10 YEARS 5 YEARS Daniel Rose, Truck Driver, TC Hailey Hermes, Payroll Clerk, TC
Matthew McGiness, Skilled Laborer - Dirt, TC Cody Morris, Equipment Operator - Dirt, PET
MIKE FLAUGHER II Kurt Misiak, Equipment Operator Dirt, HM Joshua Smith, Traffic Regulator, TC Ethan Schoech, Mechanic, TC
Foreman - Dirt Randy Misiak, Eqipment Operator Dirt, HM Timothy Hunt, Truck Driver, HM Bradley Nichols, Redimix Driver, TC
Hillman Thomas Largent, Truck Driver, TC William Plut, Laborer- Pit, MC Zachary Pierce, Laborer - Dirt, HM
Deven Higgins, Quality Control Tech - Concrete, TRI Jacob Baynton, Skilled Laborer - Foundation, TC Kelsey Baker, Human Resources, TC
Michael Wisniewski, Foreman - Residential, TC Robert Ellul, Truck Driver, TC Michael Jankowski, Groundskeeper, TC
Ryan Neuman, Redimix Driver, TC Thomas Kler, Equipment Operator - Crane, TC Richard Licking, Warehouse Laborer, TC
Gary Chesney, Redimix Driver, TRI
Kyle Twining, Redimix Driver, TRI
Daily Schedules Online
Don’t forget to check your daily schedules for the Traverse City Trucking,
Dirt, Asphalt, and Crane divisions online!
Go to
The next day’s schedule is visible the night before.
Cindy Karker - middle Career Opportunities
231-943-5544 | [email protected]
Job openings are online - encourage those interested to apply today!
Jennifer Flick - left It’s fast and easy to apply to multiple openings at once.
231-943-5533 | [email protected] Visit
Kelsey Baker - right
231-943-5577 | [email protected]
Flex Medical Spending Account Employment Forms Available On Website
If you have money remaining in your Flex Spending Account Check out Elmer’s website at to
(FSA) from the 2018/2019 plan year, submit reimbursable download available employment forms.
expenses to 44 North by July 31, 2019 (on expenses occurred Staff tab
prior to July 15, 2019). Flex Spending Accounts are a use it or Username: staff
lose it account; any monies remaining after July 31, 2019 will Password: c0ncr3t3
be forfeited.
Click on Payroll/Benefits Info Tab
FSA reimbursement or balance inquiries, BCN/HRA claims, Click on Find Frequently Requested Forms Here
bills, or your Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) please call: 44
North @ (855) 306-1099, select Option #1 for the call center. Accessing Your Paystub
Claims can also be emailed or faxed to:
Email: [email protected] (secured site) Click on Payroll/Benefits Info Tab
Fax: (855) 306-1098 Click on View Your Paystubs
Type in User Name: Employee # (must be 4 digits, ex: 0001)
Have not received your new Medical/RX card Type in Password: (last four of your social security # last four
from BCN in the mail? of primary bank account #)
Please contact: Brigitte Sloat
Customer Service Rep. | (855)306-1001 | [email protected] Blue Care Network (BCN) vs. Auto Insurance
401k Beneficiary In the event an employee or covered dependent under Elmer’s
group health care coverage is injured in a car or a truck
If you have not completed your mandatory online beneficiary accident, his or her BCN health insurance coverage is primary
information with our 401k provider, One America, please do so and their auto insurer is secondary under the Michigan No-
today. Step by step directions are available at TeamElmers. Fault law.
com/Staff/Payroll & Benefits/Frequently Used Forms/
Beneficiary Form Coordinated coverage is less expensive. Please notify your
auto insurance carrier of this change in coordination of benefits.
8 Please contact Human Resources if your insurance carrier
requires verification in writing.
WELCOME NEW HIRES! Mac, McKenzie Marketing & Communication Associate
Kerby, Eric Quality Control Tech Aggregate
Barron, Lucas D. Truck Driver Traverse City Morey, Randal Redimix Driver Petoskey
Hidalgo, Venice E. Skilled Laborer Crane & Rigging Muzljakovich, Joey Laborer Dirt Traverse City
Jankowski, Michelle M. Renner, Dan RediMix Driver Tri-City
Lesperance, Nicole A. Traffic Regulator Wichmann, Michael Laborer Dirt Traverse City
Littlebear-Sparks, Christopher Human Resource Specialist Wineman, Blake
Steele, Michael R. Masson, Jerry Quality ControlTech Concrete Petoskey
Vittone, Christopher R. Laborer Asphalt Uptegraft, Robert Bulker Driver Tri-City
Boyd, John E. Truck Driver Traverse City Barrie, Wyatt
Heitjan, Daniel A. Laborer Dirt Traverse City Harcey, Ezekiel Transfer Driver Traverse City
Lowe, Bradon S. RediMix Driver White Cloud Rushton, Collin Laborer Dirt Hillman
Surowitz, Steven B. Shaw, William
Voight, Makya A. RediMix Driver Manistee Flaugher, Izik R. Laborer Dirt Traverse City
Wagner, Darrick M. Laborer Dirt Traverse City Cook, Colin Laborer Asphalt
Wilson, Coty A.
Claus, Brian Traffic Regulator RediMix Driver White Cloud
Gustafson, Eric Mechanic Mechanic Shop Laborer Hillman
Traffic Regulator Laborer Yard Traverse City
Laborer Dirt Traverse City
Truck Driver Hillman
RediMix Driver Traverse City
Welcome baby girl, Thea Esther Abigail, 8lbs 9oz, and 21 in, born April 30th to
Jordan and Allyson Williams. Jordan is a Quality Control Tech.
Welcome baby boy, Peter David Wendels, 8lbs 2oz, born May 5th to Zach and
Ciara Wendels. Zach is a Mobile Mechanic.
“No discipline seems Chaplain’s Corner enough money to carry us through when
pleasant at the work isn’t as plentiful. For many Team
Greetings! Elmer’s employees, the harvest season
time, but painful. is mid-May through mid-November.
Later on, however, it June is my favorite time of the year in
Michigan. The weather is perfect. The The key is making sure that we
produces a harvest lakes are beautiful. I cannot think of any discipline ourselves to put money into
of righteousness and place I would rather be than here. savings to help us get through the layoff
peace for those who or time when the work is slower. A good
We have a new men’s class starting in rule is to set up your budget to live on
have been trained Traverse City on Wednesday, June 5th. what you would make at your normal
by it. Therefore The class is called “Detours”. It is a five pay rate in a forty-hour week. Anything
strengthen your week study from Tony Evans on the life above that should be put into savings.
feeble arms and of the Old Testament character, Joseph. The goal for savings is to first of all
weak knees.” This class will meet on Wednesday cover potential emergencies such as
mornings at 6 am. If you would like to medical co-pays, car repairs, and broken
HEBREWS 12:11-12 be part of the class, there are still a few appliances. Second, set aside a fund to
study guides available. Please contact make up for any loss of income during
me if you’re interested. the slow work months. Planning ahead
sure eases the stress when less money
On Saturday, August 24, we are is coming in and it is something you do
going to have a Financial Peace have control over.
refresher class from 9am to 2pm.
Lunch will be provided. We will be My challenge to you is to start financially
reviewing the material from previous planning ahead by saving now. The
classes and introducing the recently Bible reminds us that no discipline
released updated version of Financial seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Peace University. This is an excellent Later on, however, it produces a harvest
opportunity to help you stay on track of righteousness and peace for those
with the commitments you made while who have been trained by it. Wouldn’t
attending Financial Peace. It is also it be nice to have peace when facing
a great opportunity for anyone who is financial challenges because you had
interested in obtaining more information the discipline to plan ahead?
about the classes. Please let me know
by August 1 if you are planning to God Bless
The Biblical book of Proverbs talks
about the ant storing its provision in
the summer and gathering its food
at harvest and how we should give
consideration to the ant’s example. The
lesson here is that we need to save
when times are good so that we have
Team Elmer’s poured 610 yards.
Started the pour at 3am and
ended around 10:30am. Very
smooth pour for the crew.
8th Street
Traverse City, MI
Beulah Water Main
Beulah, MI
Jacob Baynton
Hay Lake, MI
#86 Tony at Fat Tire Bike Race
Traverse City, MI
CTC Students
Traverse City, MI
Concrete Austin Holley
Petoskey, MI Traverse City, MI
Kyle Twining
Mt. Pleasant, MI
Damon Thayer
Traverse City, MI
Traverse City, MI
8th Street | Traverse City, MI
We are finally off and running Any employees that may be exposed to raw sewage or
and we are getting some work working on a pipe crew should get signed up. We will post
done. Like last year, the late the date and the Health Department will be here at 6:30
frost laws and wet May have us to administer the shots. We have added almost twenty
running behind schedule. Let’s employees to the Traverse City excavation crews and
not let that set the tone or dictate we’re continuing to hire. If we are going to continue to
our season. Working at a steady grow we’ll need a lot of new people and it is going to be
pace and doing it right the first up to us to train them. Every year we lose seasoned talent
time will be key to catching up, to retirement so it’s important we build up a skilled work
force. Most crews have at least one new face on them
one job at a time. with an orange vest. The challenge is going to be training
them and getting them up to speed. I am counting on you
We are already wrapping up the Camp Arcadia job, to teach them everything you know. Thanks in advance
Immaculate Conception School, and the Beulah Water for your patience.
System from last year as well as Howe Road and
Birmley Road crush and shapes. The foundation crews I am seeing a lot of cell phone use by employees on job
also completed work on the Boardman River Boardwalk sites and feel it is time to remind everyone that personal
project and the Breakwater project, and started Hay Lake cell phone use is to be limited to lunch or other breaks.
and Suttons Bay Marina. With all of the activity on a typical site, it is a dangerous
and unnecessary distraction.
Pipe crews are busy with the 8th Street project started
and 2 crews installing 24” water main and services, as Until next month, keep calm and dig on.
well as the Kchi-Noodin development and Traditions
sewer & water. Traverse City Streets and Sidewalk Infill Max
projects are both started as well as some commercial
projects at McAllister Cat Rentals, Leelanau Cellars,
Manistee River Weir, and a housing development at
Interlochen Arts Center called Penn Colony.
We are setting up another round of Hep A vaccinations for
the new employees and the ones from last year that need
the second shot in the series.
Paving Crew at New Office Building | Petoskey, MI
“Make a complete I hate to mention this to all of you snow We were fortunate again this year and picked
effort, even if the haters but guess what? It’s already June and up the Lafarge Sand Haul, the Alpena,
odds seem to be that means we have potential snowfall within Montmorency, and Iosco county gravel hauls
against you; there is 4 months and Christmas is only about 200 and, with more than normal counter sales,
a direct correlation days away! I hope you all enjoyed a bit of a everybody is busy! The Petoskey boys have
between your effort reprieve over the holiday weekend and you’re been busy hauling to and from the jobs as
and the potential for ready to get back at it; we have lots to get well as Traverse City to Alanson for ready-
the odds to turn in done before Christmas ! mix materials.
your favor.”
Now that everybody is back and we are The new Petoskey office is starting to take
--- J.J. Goldwag running at full capacity, communication shape with most of the site work done,
is going to be key for a successful year! parking lots graveled, exterior concrete done
Everybody needs to dot the i’s and cross the with the landscaping and irrigation to start
t’s. I’ve already seen several incidents where shortly. We should be paved and striped by
a lack of communication has cost time and the time the next newsletter hits. Barry and
money. Project managers, make sure you crew are working on the interior, building the
are giving all of the info to the crews (it’s the partition walls, framing the ceiling, laying tile,
little stuff that gets away from us). Foremen etc. Big thanks to those involved for putting
– make sure you are asking questions. It’s in the long hours and hard work.
better to ask too many questions than not
enough. Everybody needs to think ahead to Until next month, work hard, be safe, and
make sure you have what you need to be have fun! Ho-Ho-Ho!
productive; not just for tomorrow but next
week as well. Mike
The Hillman and Petoskey trucking divisions 15
started out a bit slow with the terrible spring
weather and the frost laws holding out for so
long but they are cranking now!
Work has picked up throughout the Busy is good, but let’s work at a safe pace and make good
state. Hot water is turned off, the decisions. We already have some accidents involving backing
weather is slowly getting nicer and the up and hitting items with chutes. Use spotters, both mirrors,
season is off to a nice start. It is great take time, and remember the 3-foot rule. If you can touch
to see all the familiar faces at the something at arm’s length, we are too close with an 80,000 lb.
plants again and, more importantly, truck.
getting some hours in!
Opportunity of the Month: Kindness is tough to ignore and
Mt. Pleasant had an 800-cy pour often has a ripple effect in someone’s day. Taking an extra little
starting in the middle of the night on a Saturday. This was for step to do something kind for a customer or co-worker goes a
the Hobby Lobby which required the floor to be placed in one long way. It shows what our company is made of, and the fact
pour. The site was wet and took over a week to get approved that positive momentum always trumps negativity or anger.
to pour. The MP team did an AWESOME job of keeping up
with the plant and we were producing over 100-cy per hour Take the opportunity to do something kind each day and see
for most of the pour. Throw in an air compressor failure and how that gets passed on throughout our company.
a few other hurdles and call it a normal Saturday. Thank you,
Jordan Mercer, Ed Ley, Bill Ames, Ike Forquer, Adam Monroe, Safety is the first thing with everything.
Doug Jones, Darrell Wonsey, Jim Henning, Troy Magnus, Dave
Ratajczak, Gary Chesney, Kyle Twining, Lee Sandow, Brandon jason
Moll, Ryan Ballard, Dave Bates, and Tom Sampier for making it
look easy and keeping our customer happy. Well done, team!
Craft Store | Mt. Pleasant, MI
M113 | Hannah, MI
Happy June, Team! signing your name to each job you are a part of. Be
Wow! Spring is almost gone. Did proud to hang that blue ribbon across every job done by
that happen fast or what? Team Elmer’s.
We had one of the rainiest We also have a lot of new faces on each crew that seem
springs that I can remember to be doing very well. Please continue to give these
and we’ve certainly had our guys a warm welcome and help them learn and grow.
share over the years. It was Remember being new to something? New hires want
a challenge trying to adjust to succeed but they can’t read what’s on your mind.
schedules daily but the positive attitudes and patience on Communicate clearly and often on what we are doing and
everyone’s part saw us through. We managed to wrap why. Help them see the common goal.
up a lot of what we had scheduled for the early season
with M-113, Knight Road, Birmley Road, and several June 2 will find us starting our night work on US-31 in
driveways carried over from last season. Let’s hope for front of the shop. This job consists of a mill-off and
a little drier weather moving into summer so that we can repave from just south of the Rennie School Road
build off a schedule that isn’t a constant moving target. intersection to just north of the S. Airport intersection,
totaling 17,000-tons of asphalt. We hope to have the
Workload is still coming in strong and Pete and Lori are project done in just over a week’s time. It’s an aggressive
doing all they can to stay on top of permits, Miss Digs, schedule, only working 12-hours a night, but we really
and scheduling. We aren’t booked up for the season want it done prior to the big summer traffic increase.
but we are certainly full through most of the summer at
this point. We still have one large job to bid for Grand Thank you, crew, for all the help ahead of time and for
Traverse County; a mill and fill off Garfield Road from helping us build another successful job.
Hammond to S. Airport Road. I’ll report next month on
how we did bidding that one. Until next month, stay safe and give yourself a well-
The quality of our work sure has looked good. Please deserved pat on the back.
continue to push the bar higher on our standards and
Stretch it Out
Everyone knows stretching is good. But most don’t know just how good it can be. The wonderful thing
about stretching is that it can be done just about anywhere, anytime. Whether you already have a regular
stretching routine, or are looking to create a new one, read on to learn about the benefits associated with
a regular stretching routine.
• Releases endorphins (increases joy & happiness)
• Reduces muscle tightness
• Increases range of motion at the • Improves quality of sleep
• Enhances muscle coordination • Fights midday fatigue
• Increases blood circulation • Reduces stress
• Improves energy levels • Increases feelings of calm and peace
• Lowers cholesterol • Encourages mindfulness and attention
• Decreases risk of injury • Improves breath-awareness
• Improves posture and alignment • Increases gratitude
• Encourages appreciation for body
• Helps reverse low back pain • Improves overall quality of life
There are so many more benefits to stretching out and moving our bodies each day. But what benefits are
you wanting to experience for yourself? Is it better sleep? Less mental stress? Perhaps an afternoon energy
boost that doesn’t involve another cup of caffeine?
The benefits are real, and they’re great, but to take them off this page and into your life, it will require that
you dedicate time to stretch. Tip: try stretching at similar times each day. Perhaps you will stretch for 5 or
10 minutes right when you wake up. Perhaps, you’ll take 10 minutes before or after your lunch break. Like
so many other things related to our health, consistency is key.
Questions? Ask Jackie.
[email protected]
We have finally started up our MECHANICS
second shift up at the trailer
shop. Thank you, Andrew Ocko The grease schedule has been
and Kevin Pease, for coming made for the 2019 season. This
in extra early every day to get schedule covers the Traverse
as many trailers up and going City tractor truck and tandems
before the drivers show up. and is posted in TC Dispatch.
Nice job, Robert, for working
Our Volvo L 70s are out of through the night to get so much
warranty as of this spring and equipment greased!
have now become our responsibility . We have had A friendly reminder of how
several turbo issues with these units in the past. Please important it is to have good quality DEF in your
remember to let the machine cool down for 3-5 minutes machines.
after running and let the turbo cool down. I have fired up If DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) is contaminated, the emission
multiple loaders and the first message that pops up is system will not work and it will cause the machine to
“hot turbo shutdown”. Letting the machine and turbo cool de-rate the engine power and/or possibly shut down
down for a few minutes will extend the life of the turbo. completely.
Most repairs on emission systems are very expensive and
Please note the failures on your electronic logs. We always cause unwanted down time for the machine. A little
have several DVIRs that come through everyday stating awareness can go a long way. Don’t store anything in DEF
there is a safety failure with no description as to what containers and don’t use anything that looks like DEF that
the failure is. Please take the time to lead us in the right is not properly marked.
direction for the repair. This will expedite the repairs and The crews are super busy this season and can’t afford any
get everyone on the road much faster. equipment down time. Days lost on a job site can mean
extensive fines. Thanks for helping in any way you can
DEF Fluid and Re-Gen Reminder: It takes time to get to keep things running, calling in services, checking due
acquainted with any new equipment. I’d like to remind dates, properly filling out DIRs and keeping the mechanic
everyone to make sure there is DEF fluid in the tank and shop in the know.
do NOT shut any equipment off during a re-gen. If you
need DEF fluid, we keep a stock pile of 2.5 gallon boxes Have a great day out there and thank you!
in the mechanic shop. If you have any questions regarding
the re-gen process, please feel free to give me a call. Jason
Thanks for
asking. 19
If you have
any tire
please call
Andy Dahl
He will be
taking care
of all of our
tire needs
from here
As always,
if you have
any equipment issues or break downs, please call me
and we will dispatch the closest mobile mechanic to your
location. Eric
April showers bring May flowers? Omer concrete plant
Well, May just kept bringing the Tractor trucks pulling gravel trains.
showers causing a slow start for Tri-Cities concrete plant
the west side trucks but allowed Tractor trucks pulling pneumatic tankers or gravel trains.
us to get over stocked on some of Mt. Pleasant concrete plant
the asphalt materials. One tractor truck pulling gravel trains.
The Hillman trucks have been White Cloud concrete plant
busy trying to keep up with their One tractor truck pulling a pneumatic or gravel train.
dirt crews and county road gravel Manistee concrete plant
spread jobs. Dave Smith was busy enough to decide he One tractor truck pulling gravel trains.
needed another driver so we hired Brian Claus to drive train Traverse City yard
out of Hillman. Welcome, Brian! Trucking has been lucky to Tractor trucks pulling multiple gravel trains, live bottoms,
get some very good applications from individuals wanting rock tub trains, lowboys, one asphalt transporter, one
to join the Elmer’s team. We hired a bulker driver to work pneumatic tanker set, asphalt lowboys, crane & rigging
out of Tri-Cities and a transfer driver to work out of Traverse lowboys and flat beds, asphalt transfer trucks and tandems
City. for deliveries and dirt crews, and tandems for grade crews.
Omer trucks are finally busy hauling gypsum to Lafarge/ jim
Holcim. They went from zero loads a day to as many as we
can get loaded in a day. Lafarge misjudged the amount
they needed with the concrete orders accelerated by some
dry weather that finally kicked in. They increased product to
the point that we got a phone call on a Sunday to haul as
much as we possibly could as quick as we could. Concrete
plants across the state have been getting busier and busier
as the weather turns to more sunshine. This creates some
good work for the bulker trucks and they have been running
65 to 70 hours a week without a problem.
So where are all these Elmer’s trucks you see across the
state coming from? With 70 drivers on our team we do a lot
of moving around and we cover a lot of miles.
Here’s the lay out for 2019:
We have tractor trucks and one quarry tractor truck (it will
be delivered soon, Tim), and tandem dumps. Where are
they stationed at?
Hersha pit in Ellsworth
One tractor truck pulling gravel trains and one tandem.
Daniels pit in Petoskey
Tractor trucks pulling multiple gravel trains & one rock tub
lead, two tandem dump trucks.
Tractor trucks pulling multiple gravel trains, three rock tubs,
one lowboy, one pneumatic tanker set and one tandem
dump truck.
Hay Lake
Welcome, warm weather and The Grove GMK 5165 crane is an 80-ton crane with 200’ of
glimpses of sunshine! I trust main boom. It is capable of lifting 4500lbs at a 100’ radius.
everyone enjoyed having a little At the 165-ton configuration, with all counterweights, all
extra time off over Memorial Day jib sections, and 300’ of boom, it can lift 6800lbs at a 100’
weekend. radius.
The Linkbelt HTC8675 crane is a 75-ton crane with 127’
Our cranes have been busy with of main boom and can lift 6400lbs at a 100’ radius. This
our usual spring jobs; launching crane has 225’ of boom with the jib sections assembled
sail boats for our friends at and can lift 5700lbs at a 100’ radius.
Elmwood Marina, Northwest Marine and Ahgosatown
Landing Marina. In order to assemble the jibs on these cranes, we need
another piece of equipment such as a Skytrak or boom
We had an emergency night job swapping a rooftop unit truck. It’s always a convoy of equipment going to jobs that
at Munson Hospital in Traverse City. The crew finished up would require the counterweights and jibs. It is also time
at 1:00 am. A special thanks goes out to Barry Lowe, Jeff consuming assembling and disassembling on the job site.
Scott, and Kevin Spierling for filling in and working with Usually the jobs that require this equipment are multiple
Mark Demoulpied and Jimmy Flory on the late night shift. day jobs.
Fun Crane Facts: Welcome aboard, Venice Hidalgo, the newest member of
The Liebherr LTM 1150 crane is a 110-ton crane with 217’ the crane and rigging crew!
of main boom. It is capable of lifting 9000lbs at a 100’
radius. Add the counterweights with all the jib sections and Conduct is the best proof of character.
the crane is now a 185-ton with 310’ of boom and can lift
8000lbs at a 100’ radius. Kent
Make serving others
your #1 priority.
You’re in a noble profession.
Be proud of what you do and
where you work.
Choose your attitude.
How you think about customers
is how you will treat them.
Remember your mental
“I Like Yous!”
Customers return because they
like what happened last time.
Stick to your high
service standards.
Go out of your way
to make each other look good.
Everything you do ends up
in front of the customer.
Traverse City, MI 49685
RSVP FOR THE COMPANY Where: How many can we bring? We have our family
PICNIC BY JUNE 28TH! Butch’s Farm reunion that weekend, can we bring all of them
700 Broad Road to the picnic?
Go to Traverse City, MI 49685 See the “Who” part, earlier. We can accomodate
picnic to register. Follow signs to park in field your immediate family. Cousins may be more
than we can handle. Please be respectful of your
Who: When: fellow co-workers’ experience, bring your kids and
Team Elmer’s employees, employee's Saturday, July 27th, 2019 11 am - 4 pm sweetheart, maybe grandma if she’s into bounce
spouse or sweetheart, and dependent We start eating at 12:00 pm houses, leave the 10 cousins at the reunion.
children 18 and under, grandchildren 18 and Company photo at 2:30 pm
under (hosted by employee), are welcome! Can we bring our own alcohol to the picnic?
Retirees and their sweetheart or guest, Why: Be respectful of your co-workers and young
come on down. Because we love you! children’s experience, Please leave your own
We'll see you and your family at the picnic! alcohol at home.
Team Elmer’s Company Picnic! FAQs: Is smoking allowed at the picnic?
Midway games, tattoo art, clowns, bounce We have Food Allergies, what can we eat? We are guests on the farm, which is a no-smoking
houses, photo booth, prize cube, Oasis Tent, Please email Toni Hendrix at toni@teamelmers. area. Please grab a nicotine patch for the day and
steaks, chicken, burgers and brats, corn on com of any allergy concerns. We exclude be mindful of your surroundings.
the cob with butter to your elbows. Gift Card peanuts/walnuts on tables for this purpose.
prize drawings for employee grandchildren (There are nuts in some ice cream flavors.) We do Is Camping Allowed on-site?
under 18 and raffle prize drawing employee want to accomodate dietary allergies as much as The picnic is 11 am to 4 pm. You don’t have to go
dependents under 18. possible. Thank you! home, but you can’t stay here - even in a camper.
Your (family) Goodie Bag will be ready for
you when you check in, pre-packed under We need handi-cap parking, is this possible? Can I really Eat All The Ice Cream I Want?
your last name. Please include your t-shirt We designate handi-cap parking as close to the Yes, while supplies last.
sizes. LESS Lines, MORE Party! event as possible. It does not meet true handi-cap Under 18, your parents say it’s okay, and
elevations. We can transport via Gators on site. you are not allergic - go for it!
All Team Elmer's employees will be entered Please contact Toni Hendrix at toni@teamelmers. Over 18 and already know those answers, have at
into a Grand Prize drawing. You must be com or (231) 943-3443 to make arrangements it! We will keep scooping until we run out.
present to win. and appointments for service.