The magazine
Gorgeous Knuckles
Easily the fastest riser for the NFL draft “Burrow has
gone from a
this year is Joe Burrow. Prior to the start of day 3 prospect
the season, he was regarded as a 5th to a potential
round pick. Currently, some mock drafts first-rounder in
having him going first overall, over Tua six games.”
Tagovaiola. What has changed? Well,
leading the LSU Tigers to an 12-0 start - Todd McShay
helps him out. How does he compare to
other prospects we have looked at in the
2020 draft class? Others have hype and
have not always produced this year,
Burrow came in with no hype and is the
hottest player in college football currently.
Vision turn back the clocks clicked for the former
just one year, and a 3 star recruit in the
Vision is clearly a different story is told. vision department.
strong suit for Joe Burrow is completing We can only assume
Burrow. Nothing is just below 60% of his that with more
more clear than his passes rather than experience in the
game vs Alabama, the efficient 78% he LSU’s system since
where he lead the is completing this transfering, Burrow
LSU Tigers to victory season. Simply put, has become more
46-41. It was a mix of he has improved comfortable and his
a lot of things, great more than any other performance shows
anticipation, great player in the nation this. Vision has a
reads, and pin-point over the course of the strong correlation
accuracy vs the year. It is clear that with intelligence; you
Crimson Tide’s future something has won’t find many more
NFL players. If we
Intelligent than Joe At 6’4”, one would in arm strength he
Burrow, as he makes up for with his
graduated from Ohio expect Burrow to pin-point accuracy
State in 3 years! and his great decision
have elite arm making.
Arm Strength
strength. His lack of
Without a doubt
Burrows’ weakest an arm is an issue,
area, and what could
hold him back in the giving defensive
next level. His arm
strength is average at backs more time to Accuracy
best, and he makes
his money on short make a play on the Joe Burrow’s lack of
intermediate passes.
ball. Scouts have elite arm strength is a
stated that his deep concern, but his
ball is more of a accuracy makes up
rainbow arc, rather for this. As stated
than a dart. With that previously, his
being said, what rainbow arc is a
“Broadway Joe” lacks concern as it gives
the opposition time to field. Joe simply TDs. Joe is a pass
doesn’t make many first QB though. We
get to the ball. What mistakes. He moves see him as a QB like
defenses with his Carson Wentz, but
has happened eyes, which opens up with a slightly weaker
natural passing lanes arm. Great guy in the
throughout his time at for him to throw locker room who has
through. the ability to be a
LSU though, is that leader in the NFL for
Athleticism the next decade.
ball always drops Burrow was also a
Burrow is a tall QB, 1st team all state
right into a LSU but he is no statue in point guard in high
the pocket. Burrow school.
Receivers arms. His has a career long
rush of 59 yards, and
dominance in the 11 career rushing
short to intermediate
game is due to his
anticipation and
knowing where both
the defense and his
receivers are on the
We project Burrow to be a Top 5
pick in the 2020 Rookie Draft, with
the potential of going #1 overall. His
lack of starting experience will scare
some teams, but his intelligence,
great accuracy and his surprising
athleticism will give him an
opportunity to be the face of a
franchise for years to come.
● Ohio Mr. Football
● SEC single season passing TD
record holder (48)
● SEC single season passing
yards record holder (4,715)
● 2019 Johnny Unitas Golden
Arm Award
● Davey O’Brien Award
● Maxwell Award
● Heisman Trophy
● Walter Camp Award
● Consensus All-American
Career Stats (thru 12/20/19)
● 68.8% completion percentage
● 7,896 yards
● 66 passing / 11 rushing TDs
● 11 INT
● 26 starts, 36 games played
Regular Season Stats
310 1,811 16 315.6
Josh Jacobs
Rookie of the Year 236 1,207 7 169.7
Manager of
the Year
First Last Name
Flam the
Zim Zam
10 Wins
3 Losses
Fantasy Points
New League
1st Team
All-MVFFL 1st Team
QB I Lamar Jackson
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
323.98 977
Passing Yards Passing TDs
2,532 25
All-MVFFL 1st Team
RB I Christian McCaffrey
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
315.6 1,167
Receptions Total TDs
75 16
All-MVFFL 1st Team
RB I Dalvin Cook
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
243.6 1,046
Receptions Total TDs
48 12
All-MVFFL 1st Team
WR I Michael Thomas
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
219.1 1,290
Receptions Total TDs
110 6
All-MVFFL 1st Team
WR I Chris Godwin
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
205.9 1,121
Receptions Total TDs
74 9
All-MVFFL 1st Team
TE I Travis Kelce
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
150.3 923
Receptions Total TDs
68 4
All-MVFFL 1st Team
FLEX I Derrick Henry
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
212.5 1,140
Receptions Total TDs
17 13
All-MVFFL 1st Team
FLEX I Aaron Jones
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
201.7 645
Receptions Total TDs
39 14
All-MVFFL 1st Team
K I Wil Lutz
Fantasy Points FG Made
132.2 27
XP Made Long
29 58
All-MVFFL 1st Team
D/ST I New England Patriots
Fantasy Points Takeaways
180 29
Sacks TDs
40 6
2nd Team
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
QB I Russell Wilson
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
264.48 284
Passing Yards Passing TDs
3,177 26
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
RB I Ezekiel Elliott
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
194.1 990
Receptions Total TDs
39 8
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
RB I Austin Ekeler
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
200.3 380
Receptions Total TDs
69 10
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
WR I Mike Evans
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
186.6 1,096
Receptions Total TDs
66 7
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
WR I DeAndre Hopkins
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
174.14 903
Receptions Total TDs
86 6
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
TE I Mark Andrews
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
134.8 693
Receptions Total TDs
53 7
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
FLEX I Nick Chubb
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
193.5 1,175
Receptions Total TDs
31 7
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
FLEX I Leonard Fournette
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
191.8 989
Receptions Total TDs
65 3
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
K I Harrison Butker
Fantasy Points FG Made
131.9 25
XP Made Long
37 54
All-MVFFL 2nd Team
D/ST I San Francisco 49ers
Fantasy Points Takeaways
150 24
Sacks TDs
45 4
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
QB I Deshaun Watson
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
261.42 300
Passing Yards Passing TDs
3,133 23
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
RB I Josh Jacobs
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
169.7 1,061
Receptions Total TDs
18 7
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
RB I Mark Ingram
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
180.9 837
Receptions Total TDs
20 12
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
WR I Kenny Golladay
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
170.5 950
Receptions Total TDs
47 9
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
WR I Amari Cooper
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
171.1 971
Receptions Total TDs
64 7
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
TE I Darren Waller
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
132.2 807
Receptions Total TDs
66 3
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
FLEX I D.J. Chark
Fantasy Points Receiving Yards
169.1 881
Receptions Total TDs
58 8
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
FLEX I Chris Carson
Fantasy Points Rushing Yards
167.8 981
Receptions Total TDs
32 7
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
K I Justin Tucker
Fantasy Points FG Made
126.3 22
XP Made Long
44 51
All-MVFFL Honorable Mention Team
D/ST I Pittsburgh Steelers
Fantasy Points Takeaways
140 30
Sacks TDs
43 3
Every villain
is a hero in
their own
- Tom Hiddleston
Envy is a hell of a wall. When discussing on season for Knucks and
division rival, Somali
thing. We all joined the which way to draft, Mr. Pirates. Knucks won in a
close game, by 6 points.
MVFFL with one goal in Brandt stated that he “could What Mark gained that day,
was his number one rival
mind, year after year careless. I’m gonna win for years to come. Mark
went on to win the
dominance. Each team anyways.” And win he did. championship over The
Gorgeous Gorillas in a
has had some success in Mark Brandt’s Moose close game (116.42 -
110.4) following through on
the league, but as of Knuckles ended the season his prediction prior to the
start of the league.
December 20th, 2019, with a 9-4 record, 2nd best
there has only been one in the league.
championship team… Unfortunately, Moose
Moose Knuckles. “Knucks” Knuckles had to play the
owner Mark Brandt made it first round of the playoffs as
clear from the start up draft the Somali Pirates had won
that he is not here to make the Avery Division, with a
friends, he is here to 10-3 record, securing them
dominate. Prior to the start the #1 overall seed in the
of the draft, his confidence playoffs. Moose Knuckles
in his abilities to lead his went on to win by 24 in the
franchise to a first round of the playoffs vs
championship exuded with Boy Named Suh. This set
each post on the league up the third meeting of the
One to never be complacent, Mark
spent all off season sending offers
throughout the league. Knowing
that he already had most of the
league gunning for him, Mark was
going to have an uphill battle.
Mark sent offer after offer… after
offer after offer. It is a strategy that
has been known to be an effective
one in fantasy football, send mass
trade offers, and hope that one
sticks. Where this backfired to
Moose Knuckles, is his
indecisiveness with the offers he
sent, cancelling them soon after
being sent.
This frustrated The Bearded Another franchise who we can assume studies his
Savages owner, Jeff Poff, who matchups a little more when he sees Moose Knuckles
posted on message boards “ Mark as his opponent that week. As the mass trading has
Brandt, stop sending me trades. stopped, the movement did not. Mark utilized the buy
You’ve sent me the same trade 34 low, sell high strategy, and finagled upgrades to the
times (I counted) and before I can QB position, as well as acquiring a much needed TE
even reject it you cancel it. I’ve mid season, while acquiring a potential early 2021 1st
rejected your shitty trade once so round pick. These moves propelled the disappointing
please stop bombing my email with 6-7 Moose Knuckles into the Championship Game for
these shitty trade offers and the second year in a row, creating another upset
cancellations. Thank you” franchise, Can’t Flim Flam the Zim Zam. The
consensus number one team all year, CFFtZZ came
“Already feel like one 5 yard catch from Michael Thomas /an
the league villian. unfortunate Dalvin Cook injury away from his first
Championship appearance in league history.
Makes it more
challenging This leads to our last rivalry/upset franchise, The
Gorgeous Gorillas. As both franchise play to repeat
haha” last years championship, The Gorgeous Gorillas are
looking to avenge last years 6 point loss to Moose
Knuckles franchise. While no team or owner actually
hates anyone in the league, 11 owners have upwards
of $1200 worth of reasons to envy Mark and the
Moose Knuckle Nation. Best of luck to both teams in
the Championship game this weekend.
Visual representation of Regular Season Pirates vs Post Season Pirates.
No team has been as dominant in the regular season since the MVFFL started in 2018 than
the Somali Pirates. The Pirates have an impressive regular season record of 19-7, with first
round byes in both of the seasons. One would assume this would lead to post-season
success.. Right? WRONG! Somali Pirates have gone 0-3 in playoff games, with the potential
to go winless for two years straight, Dan “Spike” Szpek loses this week to Grant Zimmerman
and Can’t Flim Flam the Zim Zam. We sat down with Spike, and asked him about the
post-season curse of the Somali Pirates franchise.
SS: How does it feel having SS: Who is to blame for the With that being said, have
the best record all time in lack of playoff wins? your franchises plans
the regular season (19-7 changed due to how this
career record) yet have DS: That falls on me. I season has panned out?
gone winless in 3 could call it bad luck all I
meaningful playoff games? want, but lack of research DS: Not really. I’ll consider
on playoff matchups and moves like every other
DS: It’s tough. Regular thinking ahead was really a competent manager and try
season success is great, downfall. Depth was an and build the best team
but it’s not the end goal for issue towards the end of possible for next year. Juju
the Pirates. Getting that the year too. underperformed but I’ve got
trophy is the ultimate goal. all the faith in him.
It really speaks to the SS: Talks around the
quality of teams in this league vary anywhere from SS: Ian Rapoport recently
league that the regular this being a curse from tweeted that Deshaun
season doesn’t necessarily draft day, to the Watson is “unofficially on
dictate the champion in the underwhelming play of the trading block” due to
playoffs. Cooks and Smith-Schuster. the recent success of future
Cursed 1st Annual MVFFL
Prison Break Pro Bowl
MVP of the NFL Lamar Jackson. With
Watson being a top 3 QB, and with at Presented by: (NotWactauaullky)esha
least ⅓ of the league with a need at the County Sheriff's Department
position, can we assume the price tag, if
any, is high on him? Starting this season, Week 17 will now be
known as the Prison Break Pro Bowl which will
DS: If Deshaun were to be on the move, I
would get a fair price for him. It’s a luxury be drafted by division winners each year for
not having to worry about quarterback bragging rights going into next season. Each
because behind your MVP QB1, you’ve team will roster a team from their own division
got a top tier backup.
only in a 3 way matchup!
SS: You’ve got options for sure, a good
problem to have without a doubt. You face D
a tough matchup this weekend vs the AA
league record setting single season VHG
scoring leader, Can’t Flim Flam the Zim E ME
Zam: Simply put, can you beat him this RE I
week? YRN
DS: Absolutely. Grant has a great squad,
but I’ve beaten him once already. We’ve
both got talent top to bottom, but it’s a
winnable matchup.
SS: Thank you for your time, good luck
this week and if there is a curse, we hope
it will be broken sooner rather than later.