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Published by Irvan Hutasoit, 2023-10-16 11:30:53

The Church Faces Death: Ecclesiology in a Post-Modern Context

138 Index church (continued) false images of, 42-43 as fellowship, 52, 69, 72-74 as herald, 52 holy catholic, 95 in historical perspective, 28,34-35, 37, 58-68, 95-101 Images of the Church in the New Testament, 70 as institution, 52 marks of (and tests for) the true, 78, 95-98 Models of the Church, 50-53 as mystical communion, 52 one, holy, catholic and apostolic, 82, 94 as peccatrix maxima, 82 people of God, 69, 91, 94 in relation to the Word of God, 45-49 as sacrament, 52, 82- 83, 94 as servant, 52 assign, 48-49, 69-84 as simul iustus et peccator, 9 as temple, 70,71, 94 as voluntary society, 97- 99 Church Dogmatics, 90 Coalter, Milton j., 10, io6n.i3 Constantinian establishment, 61-62, 65-67 Cooey, Paula, 90 Corinthians, First Epistle of (1:30), 76 (5:5), 40 (11:233), 40 (15:1-33), 40 correlation, method of, 93-94,122n.32 Craddock, Fred, 40 Culture Protestsntism, 55-56 Cyprian of Carthsge, 82, 86 Cyril of Jerusalem, 89-90 death, facing 35 church, 27-32,37-38, 58,101-104 as discipleship, 17-27,30-31 and The Gift of Death, 14-27 as guilt, 16, 24 and incarnation, 15, 88 as responsibility, 14—27 as self-forgetfulness, 26-27 de-centering vs. idolatry, 42-43 Derrida, Jacques, 6,14-27, 29. See also The Gift of Death describing (and de-scribing) church, 29, 33-49> 50, 53, 60, 64, 77, 85, 87,101 Disciples of Christ, decline in, 10 diversity and plurality in church. See church, diversity and plurality of Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 7,35-36, 40 Dulles, Avery, 7, 50-53, 57, 59, 60, 64, 67, 71 Eco, Umberto, 44, 45 ecclesial life (forms of communal expression), 12, 28,32,35, 59, 60, 89, 96, 99, I2in.i6 ecclesiology conventional approaches to, 3, 5-6, 77-80 from above and below, 90-92 Edwards, Jonathan, 89,98 Eiffel, Gustave, 81 Eiffel Tower, 80-82 entrepreneurship, ecclesiastical, 13 Ephesians, The Epistle of (2:4-6), 18-19 Episcopal Church, decline in, 10 essentialism (ecclesiologicsl), critique of, 73-84, 86-101 Eucharist, Holy Communion, Lord's Supper, 29-30, 40-41, 79, 88,101 extra ecclesiam nulla salus, 71 Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas, 98 Forsyth, Peter Taylor, 91 freedom, 17,19, 20-24, 29,31, 35-41 Frost, Robert, 88 Fundamentalism, 54-55, 56 Galatians, The Epistle of (2:19-20), 16-17 genitive theology, 98 Gift of Death, The, 6,14-27, 29. See also Derrida, Jacques The God-Box, 58 Gottingen Dogmatics, 72- 73 grand inquisitor, 36, 38 Gregory of Nazianzus, 4, 5, 89-90 Gregory of Nyssa, 90 Grierson, Denham, mn.i7

Index 139 Guder, Darrell, 11 Gunton, Colin, 43,10811.40,10911.44, nin.8 Hall, Douglas John, n6n.4i, n/n.59 Hall, Stanley Robertson, 11211.17 Handy, Robert T., n/n.59 Hauerwas, Stanley, 12, 48, ngn.13 Havel, Vaclav, 6,33,34, 37, 46, inn.2 Hawking, Stephen, 7 "point of absolute .. . singularity," 42-43, 112H.26 principle of paradox, 64-67 Heidegger, Martin, 6,14,16-19, 23-24 Hendry, George, 90-91 hermeneutics, ecclesial, 99-101 Hill, Robin, 9, io5n.3 Hodgson, Peter C., mn.i6 Holy Spirit. See also incarnation; Word of God, communities of risk of, in relation to the church, 35, 40, 76-77, 88-89,91,100 Husserl, Edmund, 89 icon, iconoclasm, images, 29,36,38, 41-49, 67,103. See also idolatry; worship idolatry, 29, 36,38, 41-49, 68-71, 82. See also worship incarnation, 15, 25,35-37, 43-49, 88-89, 93-94, i2on.n Irenaean triad, 99 Jay, Eric G., 5-6 Jesus Christ, as heavenly high priest, 48-49,83 Jesus Seminar, 91 Jim Crow legislation, 87, 96, 98 John of Damascus, 43-44, 45, 48 John, Gospel of (1:1), 37-38 (1:11), 38 (1:1-5,10-11), 35 (1930), 39 (21:18-19), 20 Jiingel, Eberhard, 76, 82-83, izon.8 "God as mystery of the world," 43 Kelsey, David, 99 Kierkegaard, S0ren, 6,14,19, 87,117^67 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 7,85- 89, 96,98, 101 Knox, John, 9 Levinas, Emmanuel, 6,14, 21-22, 26-27, io8n.43,109n.50, iio-nin.6o Levi-Strauss, Claude, 3 Lewis, C. S., 60 Locke, John, 48, 97-98 Lowe, Walter, io7n.26 Luke, Gospel of (9:57-60), 30 (22:61), 15 (23:25), 39 Luther, Martin, 17, 82, 89, 91, i22n.25 MacLeod, George, 9 Macleod, Norman, 9 Macmurray, John, io8n.43 Mark, The Gospel of (8:31-38), 29 (8:31-33), 15 (8:34-35), 14,15, 25 (8:35), 3i (8: 36), 25-26 (io:38b-39), 30 (14:10), 39 (15:15), 39 Marney, Carlyle, 42 Matthew, Gospel of (8:19-22), 30 (10:34-39), 37 (16:24), 42 (Chapter 28, Luther's sermon on), 82 Maupassant, Guy de, 81 Mead, Loren, 12, 51, 54, 58-63, 65-67, n6n.4i, n6n.54,1170.59. See also The Once and Future Church Melville, Andrew, 9 Methodism, in Britain, decline of, 12 Minear, Paul, 70, 71, mirifica commutatio, 17,19, 21 monism, critique of, 102—104 Moltmann, Jiirgen, 91 Mulder, John M., 10 mystery, 21 mythologies, 80-84

140 Index Niebuhr, Reinhold, 31, 65, 88, 89, 95, 1100.59,123H.37 Niebuhr, H. Richard, 7, 59, 60, 67, io8n.32 Christ and Culture, 51, 53-57, 64, H5n.2i, ii5n.23 Norris, Kathleen, 10811.33 occasional theology, 5,90 Once and Future Church, 58-63, 65-67 O'Neill, Thomas (Tip), 98 open signs, open texts, 44-47 Overbeck, Franz, 60 Owen, John, 18 paradidomi (and its related forms), 39-40 participation in Christ, 17, 22, 83. See also adoption of "children of God" Pascal, Blaise, 93 Patocka, Jan, 6,14,16, 24 Paton, Iain, 10, io6n.7 Peck, T. £.,77-80 Peirce, Charles, 44 Perkins, Pheme, 25 Peter, Saint, ecclesiological significance of, 15-16, 25-26 phenomenology, 89 practical theology (as theological reflection on the practice of faith), 89-101 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), decline in, 10-11 Psalm (4: 5, 9), 32 Puritan ecclesiology, 96-98 quest of the historical Jesus, 91 Rahner, Karl, 90 Ramsey, Ian, 51 resurrection of Christ, 40,101 of church, 27-29 Rhoads, David, ii7n.55 Ricoeur, Paul, 46, io7n.28 Rigby, Cynthia, io8n.4o Romans, Epistle of (6:1-53), 23 (8:1-2), 20 (8:14-17), 21 (8:i8-23), 22 Sadolet, Cardinal Jacopo, 90 Schillebeeckx, Edward, 5, 7, 92, i22n.32 Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 43, 83, 89 Schweizer, Eduard, 30 Second Helvetic Confession, 36 semiotics, 44-47, 80-84 Song of Songs, (8:6-7), 8, 21, 26 Stendahl, Krister, 23 Stewart, James S., 9 Stringfellow, William, 27, Stroup, George, non.55 syncretism, 36, 48-49, 55 systematic theology, critique of, 77-80, 87-90,12in.i5 Tanner, Kathryn, H5n.33,123H.32 Tavener, John, H3n.32 Taylor, Mark C., 103 Tertullian, 6-7,37 Tillich, Paul, 7, 93-94,122H.32 three tests of authentic Christian faith, 97. See also church, marks of the true Torrance, James B., 9 Torrance, Thomas F., 9, 91 Tracy, David, i22n.32 tradition, 46 Troeltsch, Ernst, 50 Turretin, Francis, 78 United Church of Christ, decline in, 10 United Methodist Church, decline in, vocation. See also call, calling of church, 13-14, 27-32, 68, 85-89, 96-101 of individual Christians, 14-27 voluntarism, impact on church, 96-99 Weber, Max, 50 Weeks, Louis B., 10 Westermann, Glaus, 41 Whitehead, Alfred North, 63 Witsius, Hermann, 78 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 7, 86, inn.2 10-12

Index141 Word of God. See also Holy Spirit; incar- as second person of Trinity, 35, nation 44- 49 Christ, Jesus, 15, 25,35-37, 43-49, as words of Christ, 34,37 88-89, 93-94 worship. See idolatry; icon, iconoclasm, communities of, 18-19, 40-41, 45-49, images 70-74,83,88-89 in creation, 35-38, 43, 45 Zenger, Erich, 47, ii3n.4O and hermeneutics, 99-101 zwischen den Zeiten, 88

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