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Published by krmeacham, 2015-10-20 12:51:22

2015 Q2

2015 Q2



CEO Message 1-2

HR Update 2 CEO’s Message
New Mexico Celebrates 3-5
15th Anniversary Hello!
Constar I 7 Please join me in celebrating a very special event, the 15 year anniversary of
Constar II our New Mexico center of excellence. With awe I look at our company’s
growth, with gratitude let me say” thank you” to the many employees who are
Constar III 8 directly responsible for our company success. As I look at our growth since our
9 inception (1998), I am extremely proud of what we have achieved but even
Client Services & more excited about our future in an expanded global market. We transitioned
Compliance 10 from a regional based boutique Sales Operations call center to a multi-center,
Empereon – AZ I highly respected, U.S. based consumer contact expert. Today, we provide
service for the entire lifecycle of a consumer account garnering business from
Empereon - NDOC 11 across the globe for esteemed Fortune 500 companies. We earned our clients'
Empereon – AZ II 12 trust, we earned our reputation as experts who deliver with the utmost integrity
Empereon – CO 13 and goodwill for their customers, we made the ongoing investment to meet a
Empereon – NM 14 challenging regulatory landscape, and we helped build careers and promising
Empereon – PA 15 futures for our employees and their families.

Favorite SW Recipes 16-19 Reflecting on almost two decades of company history, it is particularly
gratifying to be celebrating the 15 year anniversary of our Las Cruces, New
EVENTS Mexico center of excellence. We founded Empereon in 1998 and soon after in
2000, the company’s 2nd center was opened, Las Cruces, NM. There are
6/15-6/19 2015 Call Center Week many people who should stand up and take a bow for our success, but no one
Conference and Expo Intl Quality more than Don Christiano, SVP, Call Center Operations. I hope that Don’s
& Productivity Center(IQPC), The journey is reflected in our celebration of our New Mexico center achieving
Mirage, Las Vegas, NV it’s15 year anniversary. Don’s dedication, expertise, commitment, and drive to
succeed helped take us from a small regional based call center to one of the
7/21 Empereon: NM 15 Year nation’s most respected consumer contact experts.
Anniversary Celebration
We spent the past 2 decades building our brand, which has now become
8/18-8/19 Industry Consortium, synonymous with our commitment to deliver excellence in everything we do.
Ritz Carlton, Georgetown My thanks go out to all our clients, old and new, “you” are the reason why we
can celebrate a very special 15 year Empereon anniversary. We strive
9/8-9/11 DCS - Debt Connection
Symposium and Expo 2015, J.W.
Marriott, Austin, TX

9/17 Empereon – Constar:
Industry Forum Corporate
Headquarters, Phoenix, AZ

9/27-9/29 2015 PACE Washington
TCPA Summit, W Hotel,
Washington, D.C.

10/13-10/15 insideARM 1st Party
Outsourcing Summit, Oakridge
Hotel and Conference Center,
Minneapolis, MN

Continued on page 2

CEO Message continued from page 1

to build partnerships and the result is our client retention ratio is the envy of the industry.
So while it is fun to look back, it is exciting looking forward:

We will continue to broaden our services platform in new dynamic markets for our
services across the globe, including an expanded cross border servicing footprint for
our global client partners and an expanded presence globally

We will expand operationally with a new center(s) and potentially our first near shore
satellite center

We will continue to build on the strength of our reputation, namely our commitment to
providing leading performance complimented by exceptional client service and living
by our core values: Innovation, Integrity, Quality, Teamwork and Passion in all that
we do!

As we celebrate NM’s 15 year anniversary, I want to sincerely thank the New
Mexico team for being part of this amazing journey and for continuing to drive
Empereon – Constar forward; “our future will be as remarkable as our past!”

~ Travis Bowley, CEO

HR Update

Tina Huff. Vice President, Human Resources

2015 Employee Opinion Survey – First, thanks to all employees who participated
in the 2015 Employee Opinion Survey! Your feedback has been invaluable, and,
as you will see below, is already having an impact. We also heard loud and clear
that employees love their managers, their work family, and their opportunity to earn
great bonuses!!! We hope you will continue to enjoy your work family and
opportunities as we implement your feedback throughout this year.
2015 Benefits – We announced great news in our annual Benefits Open
Enrollment meetings last month – we were able to maintain our rates on health
benefits for employees, while adding several new benefits! One of our new benefits
is our TeleHealth plan – today’s top plan giving you access to a physician consult
via phone 24/7, with no copay! Empereon – Constar is providing this new benefit
for all medical insurance participants. If you are not on our plans, no problem – you
are able to add voluntarily as well.
Another very popular new benefit is the introduction of the Empereon – Constar
401k Retirement Savings Program! Planning has been in the works for this
benefit for some time. Your input in the 2015 Employee Opinion Survey showed
that over 80% of all employees rated a 401k program as very important. With your
feedback, Empereon – Constar decided to move ahead and implement our plan
mid-year, giving employees an opportunity to start saving for the future
today! Remember, the 401k program allows you to enter the program when you
are ready, at any time throughout the year once you are eligible. As our 401k
representatives told me when they came to present the plan to our teams, we are
excited to provide the means to help change the course of someone’s
future. Thanks, Empereon – Constar!

See all your benefits information in ADP WorkforceNow and let us know if we can
help with any questions.


New Mexico Celebrates 15th Anniversary

Don K. Christiano, In 2000, we opened the Southwest Division
Senior Vice President, and I found a new home in Las Cruces, New
Empereon Operations Mexico. I fell in love with the local culture,
the company, and the employees. My kids
I was enjoying a successful career with attend school with my employees’ kids,
American Express, managing their early where we often see other for school events,
stage care and collections unit in Phoenix, and the many charity fundraising events we
Arizona, when my good friend and longtime mutually support. The Las Cruces office is
collections industry peer, Mr. Travis Bowley, my office base but more importantly it is my
reached out regarding an opportunity with his home. I have enjoyed building a hands-on
company, Empereon Marketing. I knew the partnership with community leaders, my local
principal partners, knew and understood the business peers, and our employees all while
work ethic and expectations, knew I would building a companywide management team
have my work cut for me….I jumped in feet for our 5 centers across the U.S. I am
first and never looked back. excited to be celebrating our 15 year

Cristina Perez, “I love working for the company! I Rebecca Schall, PM Shift
GM -NM am very excited for the company
growth and am anxious to be “I enjoy working in NM because the office is very
included in our continued growth family oriented. I also deeply appreciate the
and expansion. It is not just work, opportunity to grow with the company in a really
not just a job, it is an environment fun and challenging environment – thank you!”
that for creates passion for ~ Rebecca Schall, Lead PM Supervisor, reports to
everything we do! We are family Cristina Perez.
and we depend on one another.”
~ Cristina Perez, GM ... an 11 year
NM veteran, she manages call sales
operations and day to day client

“I really, really enjoy working in NM. We are the best
of all the employees because of our team the team
atmosphere, welcome together as a team and
ultimately as a family. We are united like a family; we
do the job and hit our goals, but always as a team
working together.” ~ Juana Channell, AM Supervisor,
reports to Cristina Perez. Juana drives AM sales operations
for primary campaigns.


New Mexico Celebrates 15th Anniversary

AM Winback- Ubaldo Benavidez, Manager Steve Bodnar, Vice Tony Horvath,
Melissa Ortega Upgrade AM President, Empereon IT

What can I say about my friend, my Lupe Holguin &
life coach and my business mentor, Robert Varela,
Don Christiano?
Over the years we have built a bond of
trust, reliability, and shared values that
transcend our lives and roles for the
New Mexico center of excellence and
across the organization.

I can’t say more than “thank you!”
….....what a ride!

Team Winback Manager Nicole Self- PM Frank Snyder,
Shift Workforce

Happy Management
Winback Mas with Melissa Ortega, Manager

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 @ 10AM
Empereon Marketing, LLC

2255 S. Main St., Las Cruces, NM

Arturo Gamez,



New Mexico Celebrates 15th Anniversary

Johnathan Long, Vice President, ”NM is a great office to work in;
Empereon celebrating 15 years is truly our
family celebration. We work, live
The New Mexico office will always near and dear to me. and share like a family and pride
Not only is New Mexico my home state but it is also ourselves on giving back to the
where I cut my teeth and learned my trade in Sales local community, we are a family,
Operations, the world of Telemarketing. Some of my the NM family.” ~ JoAnn Ramos, HR
best years with Empereon were in New Mexico. When Manager, she reports to Tina Huff
we think about what we are looking for in a management
team, we look back at the New Mexico staff, Steve,
Laura, Ray, Jake, Cristina, Lonnie and me, Johnathan
Long. We were the Muscle Shoals of Empereon
Telemarketing. During Empereon’s early years, the
LmaasgCicruaclweasywsasseeramnekdedto#h3a0pfpoer nBeinstNew Mexico. We
SwmeraellaBfuinseinlyeshson&eCdatereaemrs, ,a#f1oricne2t0o0b2e reckoned with…..
fWoreBheasdt Snomiadlel aMwethroerAerweae fworerBeuhseinaedsesd or how big the
aconmd pCaanreyewrso,ualdndgrionw2,0w0e6,ju#s2t bwaasnetdedonto be the best.
job growth & earned income. Las Cruces
iAslleoxfptahnisdiwngasmcorereataenddbmy oaregueya,cDhoyneaCrh, ristiano; who you
wdiidthnmotowreancot mtopleatndieoswfnindbiencgaLuases Cherumceasde you believe in
ayopularsceelfoafnodppoursthuendityyou to be the best. Congratulations
New Mexico and thank you Don!

“NM is a great Eddie Hartley at a recruiting event
environment to work in; in May (seated)
I am very excited for
the NM celebration and “Empereon adds value to both the
I want more than 100 local community and to its employees.
new agents to apply for Empereon also provides upper
the job fair; we are mobility and nurtures its leaders to
ready.” ~ Cynthia achieve not only company goals but
Valenzuela, HR Assistant, day to day basic life goals – thank
she reports to JoAnn you!” ~ Eddie Hartley, NM Recruiter ... A
Ramos 9 year NM veteran employee, who just
graduated with a master’s degree!!


Constar Collections Operations Constar: Division I


Constar I, ARM: Joe Lustek, Director Announcing CEO Luncheon
 John Cavallucci, GM of Operations
Each month, Travis Bowley, CEO will
Constar II, 1st Party Collections: Empereon-Constar is going take the managers and top employees
 John Cavallucci, GM through some incredible and to lunch in recognition of their extra
exciting times. We are scaling effort to go above and beyond, every
Constar III, CRM: up, partnering with new day, in every consumer interaction on
 Chris May, GM vendors, and developing new behalf of our valued client partners.
programs, all to benefit our
“Thank you! I relish the time I get to

Promotion!! clients and employees. Having spend with each of you individually; you
Elizabeth Longfellow
staff members who are allow me the opportunity to share some
enthusiastic and motivated by of my career highlights and bumps
the growth of our organization along the road and I so appreciate
is a great feeling. learning about our team members.
Someone helped me once (more than 1

We are very excited about person), sharing their career points, so
our future! Thank you,
if I can return the favor, it is my true
everyone for everything you pleasure.” ~ Travis Bowley, CEO

contribute, every day!!

We are proud to announce Elizabeth

has been promoted to the position of

Unit Leader. In the year she has worked Employee of the Month
here, she has proven through her
performance and persistent efforts that

she is qualified for the job. We look

forward to the same high level Joseph April – Joseph Astephan
performance and dedication in her new Astephan
position. Elizabeth has a bright future Hired in January 2010, Joseph has exceeded his
here at Constar. goal every month since February 2010. His April
goal was $20,900 and he hit $24,027 or 115% of
~ Paul Gradillas, Sr Collection Manager his goal. Joe is a top producer, a client favorite, and
is always willing to help his coworkers and regularly
assists management with special projects.

Back row, L-R: May – Elizabeth Longfellow
Christina Yarmak,
Larry Orendorff, Liz was recently promoted to the position of unit
Daniela Daniels, leader. She is always willing to help her team
Jaime Rivera. Front mates. Handles complicated tasks with very little
row, L-R: Elizabeth direction and is always a team player. Liz is
Longfellow, John reliable, learns new tasks quickly, and has the
Cavallucci, LuJuana support of her team mates.
DeFrance (served
us), Joe Astephan. June – Larry Orendorff

Our annual unit leader appreciation breakfast is Larry Orendorff started with the company
always a lot of fun. This year, we went to a 2/13/2012. He was promoted to the position of Unit
fundraiser for LuJuana’s daughter. All you can eat Leader almost two years ago. In June he hit
pancakes. Daniella beat everyone!! 103.5% of his goal. Larry is a team player and can
always be counted on to help others and pick up
~ John Cavallucci, GM some slack when the managers need the


Constar Collections Operations Constar: Division II

Joe Lustek, Director of 1st Party Collections
Operations Employee of the Month

Constar I & II, ARM: Albert Gradillas – April
 John Cavallucci, General Manager Hired in January 2015 as a referral from a current employee,
Albert has been a great addition to the team. His dedication,
Constar III, CRM: professionalism, and willingness to learn are evident in all he does.
 Chris May, General Manager In April, he had a goal of 80 sales and finished the month with 110
sales or 137% of his goal.
CEO Luncheon
Stacey Sallee – May
April Stacey Sallee was hired in October of 2014 as a referral from a previous
Travis Bowley employee. Stacey has been a great addition to the team, she maintains
Yvonne Torrijos a smile and a positive attitude on the collection floor. In May, she had a
goal of 75 sales and finished the month with 83 sales or 110% of her
Joe Lustek goal.
John Cavallucci
Stacey always aims high and continuously hits her goals month after
Chris May month. She continues to expand her knowledge about the client’s product
Ed Pressley along with her dedication and professionalism she looks to have a bright
Joseph Astephan future with the company.
Albert Gradillas ~ Ed Pressley, Collection Manager
Roxanne Trevino
Vanessa Santos - June
May Vanessa always aims high and continuously hits her goals and KPIs.
Travis Bowley She always offers a helping hand to her team mates. She maintains a
Yvonne Torrijos smile and a positive attitude on the collection floor at all times. Vanessa
is continuing to thrive and expand her knowledge about the product.
Joe Lustek Having her on the team has contributed to the team goal as well as to
John Cavallucci the team morale.
~ Daniella Daniel, Team Lead
Chris May
Paul Gradillas Best Supervisor Albert
Myk Edwards Gradillas
Britta Crawford I nominate Myk Edwards, Collection
Elizabeth Longfellow Manager, as Best Supervisor. Myk
Daniella Daniel consistently shows appreciation to his agents
Hunter DeBasitis whether for big or small accomplishments.
He pushes his agents to strive for success
June and to be the best we can be. Myk goes
Travis Bowley above and beyond for anyone and truly cares
Yvonne Torrijos about his coworkers, agents, and superiors.
Thank You!!
Joe Lustek
John Cavallucci Submitted by: Bonnie McNeil

Chris May
JD Cooper
Larry Orendorff
Myk Edwards
Vanessa Santos
Sean Rafferty
Tiffany Nalley


Constar: Division III Constar Collections Operations
Joe Lustek, Director of
CRM, Customer Care, Back Office Operations

Employee of the Month Constar I & II, ARM:
 John Cavallucci, General Manager
Roxanne Trevino – April Constar III, CRM:
 Chris May, General Manager
Roxanne was a referral from a current employee who said “She is going to
blow you away” She was right. In her very first month she was able to Roxanne
comprehend the training on 10 different systems used day to day in the Trevino
Spotloan area. Roxanne ended up #1 for total phone calls in her area.
Roxanne is already assisting in training others. She is a true asset to the

Hunter DeBasitis – May

Hunter is reliable, flexible, and efficient. She adapts easily to any work that
needs to be done, and she helps others reach their full potentials. Hunter can
be seen working a variety of assignments ranging from fraud deletions to
senior agent phone calls, assisting other agents investigate accounts, working
correspondence, and even updating non-converted bankrupt accounts, all
while maintaining a high level of composure and professionalism. Hunter is a
highly valued asset to the Credit Bureau Reporting team for Bluestem Brands.

Tiffany Nalley – June

Tiffani’s production sets a high standard for the rest of the team. She is a
lead producer of CIMs and ACDVs, and she is always willing to help with
extra projects assigned by the client. Tiffani maintains a hard work ethnic
throughout the day; she is dependable and efficient. Not only is Tiffani great
at her job, but she has a vast understanding of the product and is always
willing to share her knowledge with other agents in an attempt for the whole
team to excel.

In April, Britta Crawford took time to
bake each person a cake as special
thanks to “everyone who put in extra
time and hard work when we were

pushing so hard for numbers!”

The lucky recipients were:
Tiffani, Adriana, Buck, Hunter,
Patrick, and Laton.

~ Submitted by Chris May, General Manager On a recent Wednesday
afternoon, the CBR team
Brent Gutierrez (last guy on right), started with wiped out every single
the Zest Finance and has been on the project queue!! There were “0”
since inception. His band, Sunshower, is playing ACDVs, “0” EMs, and “0” CIMs.
at the famous Whiskey a Go Go in Hollywood! Kelly thought that was so cool
she had them all put in on an
erase board and took a picture.


Client Services and Compliance

Congratulations!! Congratulations!!
My daughter, Hannah Ruiz,
My daughter, Natalee graduated Kindergarten on
DeFrance, graduated from
Willow Canyon High School Thursday, May 28, 2015!!
and will be attending Northern Mommy and Daddy are so
Arizona University (NAU). extremely proud of you and
cannot believe how big you are
Her father and I couldn’t be getting - I know that there are
more proud of her. She many more successes coming
obtained her NHS cord, GPA your way and the future is very
cord and is in the top 5% in
bright for sweety!
her class. She graduated on May 19th, and, from there, her schedule does ~ Ashley Metz
not stop. She will be getting her 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo in June
and going to orientation at NAU. In July, she will be competing in the AUS Bobby Garman, Constar
Jr. Miss Nationals and then moving to NAU in August, where her new Client Services Analyst,
journey begins. Many of you know Natalee and seen her grown from the 7
year old little girl to this amazing young lady that is the most motivated, celebrated his 21st
determined, confident person I know. We love her very much and can’t birthday on May 23rd.
believe this time has come. Bobby’s been with the
company almost 3 years
~ LuJuana DeFrance, Client Services Manager
and is an excellent
Best Manager is Martha Hewitt - she is a great mentor employee.
and a person you can rely on and look up to. She values
you as a person and shows each and every employee the Special Thanks!!
appreciation that they deserve. Although she is always
wearing her "compliance hat," she is very understanding Tim Holt created reports for
and is able to resolve each person’s concerns to the best of Tricia and trained her on the
her ability, generally allowing for all parties to be happy system. In doing so, these
with the resolution. Martha does several things for the reports save 8 – 9 hours a
company that employees are unaware of like our employee week in data entry time for
gatherings (i.e., holiday lunches) and maintaining all our new hires.
facilities across the US. Although she is kept out of the Kudos to Tim Holt!! Thank
spotlight, she is a large influence company wide and you!!!
definitely deserves all of our appreciation for her hard work.
This is a personal thank you for all that you do Martha! ~ Martha Hewitt, CCO

~Ashley Metz


Empereon – Arizona I Empereon Out-Bound Division
Johnathan Long,
We would like to dedicate this Manager Vice President
Recognition to our Lead Supervisor, Zachary
Simmermon. Throughout the few years that Alex Pannone,
most of us have worked with him he has always Director
been fair and flexible when it comes to our
outside lives, whether it is for our families or AJ Givens,
school. He has great work ethic and integrity, Director
willing to take on extra time to help improve our
job and succeed. Zach always shows up to work with Management Team:
a positive attitude that transmits to his employees, making  Aaron Cagle, Project Manager
work more enjoyable and pleasant for everyone around. A  Miles Howard, Assistant General
great thing about him is that he manages with great Manager
confidence and poise like a leader should. Zach is all around
a funny, goofy guy that we're all very privileged to work with. Markie Valery is a
He's impacted upon us is that determination, willingness, and team lead and her
healthy competition gets the job done. How can we forget his performance and
favorite quote that his team knows too well, "life is a self- willingness to do
fulfilling prophecy"? Which is one of the many reasons why anything asked for
Zach is a phenomenal manager who leads by example, and her makes her MVP
his dedication to his employees is what we appreciate most on the floor, she has
about him! ~ Maria Herald been with us for 4
Marie Nichols, the PM GM, has elevated her game and ~ Alex Pannone,
when given tough tasks, never questions the direction Director
we are headed. ~ Alex Pannone, Director

I would like to give recognition to my supervisor, Michael
Walker. He is a very caring, supportive, and interactive
supervisor to his whole team. None of us would be as strong
at selling as we are if it wasn't for him. I am honored to be
part of his team and proud to call him my supervisor. Keep
up the awesome work Michael Walker. ~ Samantha Ritch

Best Supervisor? John Healy, Lead Supervisor. Hands
down. ~ Benny Johnson

John is a Lead Supervisor and has been with the company
for 2 ½ years. He does an outstanding job.


National Data Order Center (NDOC) NDOC – Arizona I

Johnathan Long, The supervisor that I would like to
Vice President recognize is Russell Holm, Data Entry
Lead. He has been with us almost 2
Heather Cope, years and was just recently promoted
Manager to a Lead in Order Entry. Russell is
always on time for work, and always
Management Team: willing to modify his schedule when
 Veronica Sanchez-Valdez, asked. Russell does a lot of coaching
Assistant Manager and side by side training. Russell
 Hollie Fogelman, Assistant always has a great attitude and is very
Manager well liked by his peers.
 Marin Maras, Floor Lead
I look forward to seeing Russell
become a manger one day; he has a
lot of potential.
~ Heather Cope, NDOC Manager

The agent that I would like to
recognize is Annie Baker. Annie has
worked for Empereon for 10 months.
Annie always comes to work with a
great attitude and always willing to
help out. If another agent needs help
she will help them. Annie also assists
in doing mail returns for Constar and
gets a lot of them done. She is
wonderful on the phone with
customers and sales agents. She is a
great asset to my team and the
Empereon family.

~ Heather Cope, NDOC Manager


Empereon In-Bound Division Empereon – Arizona II CONNECTIONS | Page 12
Steven Bodnar, Vice
President Do you know Mary Wilcox?
Mary Wilcox, Director
Jennifer D’Angelo, Director Mary Wilcox is the Director for AZ II,
Training, QA Empereon–Constar’s newest center of excellence,
located in lovely Glendale, Arizona. Her background
Management Team: includes over 25 years of leadership experience in
 Arthur Sanchez, Operations Manager operations management, service delivery, client
account management, and tactical planning as well
Training Puzzle Activity as implementation and transition skills. Her background shows an
accomplished and successful record in running global operations,
My favorite supervisor is implementation and transition of on shore and off shore business units
Michael Douglas because with results of increased profits and improved services for Fortune 500
he's shown patience and companies.
understanding. He is also
very helpful to his team and In her leisure time, Mary likes to travel, a lot! During her career, she has
supports us even when we traveled throughout Europe and Asia, to Jamaica, and all across the
at times feel like failures. U.S. She is an enthusiastic runner and devoted soccer fan – Go USA
~ Vanessa Reyes Women!!! She also loves to bake and makes the best Christmas
cookies ever!!! All kinds. We’re looking forward to the holidays and
David Palacios is a hard enjoying some of your delicious Christmas cookies. Yum!!
worker and very dedicated. He
has worked his way through Training has worked very, very hard Congratulations!!
the ranks from agent, to TL, this year with the ramp up for one of
and now is a supervisor. David our clients. They have done back My daughter, Nicole
knows what it means to make to back classes, as well as holding Reyes, who is 6 years
a difference and do things overlapping nesting classes to meet old, will be promoted
right. Way to go, David!! the ramp plan and get the job to 1st grade from
~ Mary Wilcox, Director done! Thank you for an kindergarten.
outstanding job – Jen D’Angelo,
Nicole Jarsak, and Kevin Terhune!! ~ Vanessa Reyes

~ Mary Wilcox, Director

Twinsies – Spirit Week AZ II QA Team

~ Photos sent by Amélie Scott, QA Manager (Amelie Scott, Taylor
Willis, & Tricia Pasley)

Our QA team does an excellent job!!
For example, we needed a lift in our
VOC (voice of the customer) and the
QA team came up with a contest to
give dress down certificates for
positive VOCs. As a result, we saw
our VOC scores jump from the mid-
60s to mid-70s. Wow!

~ Mary Wilcox, Director

Empereon CO Outbound Division Empereon – Colorado

Johnathan Long, Vice The Best Supervisor Award in Denver goes to,
President without question, our Lead Supervisor Ali
Jason Karls, Director Samei. Not only does Ali maintain perfect
attendance, and has done so since he stepped
Management Team: into management, but he isn’t afraid to put in the
 Donnie Keown, Operations extra hours to ensure the job gets done. Ali has
Manager quickly emerged as one of our best coaches
 Jennifer Norton, Assistant since adopting the D.I.R.E.C.T. coaching
General Manager method. Ali plays a vital role in our day to day
operations and is a Supervisor I’d take into
battle any day of the week. Ali has done a My supervisor is Ali Samei. I
fantastic job with helping develop the AM shift. nominate him because he
goes above and beyond to
~ Jason Karls, Director of Operations help, not just his team but
the whole A.M. shift. He
has helped me become a

better seller.
~ Jessica Zielinski, Verifier

The Best Agent Award in Denver goes to
Eloisa Gomez. Eloisa comes in every day
with a positive attitude. She is always the
first to help out and the last to leave. She is
a model employee when it comes to quality
and attendance. Eloisa’s commitment, drive
and integrity have made her a pleasure to
work with. We are excited to see where her
dedication will take her.

~ Jason Karls, Director of Operations Eloisa Gomez goes over and
beyond her duties as a
verifier and has perfect
I vote for her.
~ David Keown

Also, Cindy Huynh, I would have to
nominate her as Best Supervisor
because she goes above and beyond
as well. She has really helped me
with the skills I need to become a
strong verifier. She helps out anyone
who needs help, she doesn't get
mad, and she is always there to offer

everyone a helping hand.
~ Jessica Zielinski, Verifier


Empereon – New Mexico Empereon NM

I’ve have been working for Empereon- Steven Bodnar,
Constar for a little over 2 years now Vice President
and Rebecca Schall (PM Lead
Supervisor) hired me. Since I’ve moved Cristina Perez,
into management I now work side by General Manager
side with this woman and it only
From L-R: PM Supervisor Nicole amazes me more and more each day
Self with PM Lead Supervisor how unselfish she is. At our New
Rebecca Schall. Mexico office everyone refers to her as
“Mother Goose” because that is what
she is to all of the employees and staff
that work here. She is not only a
motivator but she is truly and
inspiration. If I become half the
manager she is then I know I’m doing
my job correctly. Please recognize this
amazing woman, she deserves it more
than anyone I know. Thank you

~ Nicole Self, PM Supervisor


Emma, Don, and Ethan Eddie Hartley, Recruiter, New Mexico,
We are a family of avid runners. Recently, my 9 year has been at Empereon since 2006. On
old daughter, Emma, won first place in the 10–14 year May 10th, Eddie graduated with a
old age group in the annual Run Through the Clouds Master's of Business Administration,
at Cloudcroft – a 6 mile run over trails at 8,000 ft. with a specialization in Finance, from
Way to go, Emma!! New Mexico State University.
~ Don Christiano, Sr Vice President, Empereon Operations
Please join us in congratulating Eddie
CONNECTIONS | Page 14 on his achievement!!

Empereon PA Empereon – Pennsylvania

Don Christiano, Traci Bennevento-Hobbs – BEST SUPERVISOR
Senior Vice President
In her first year as a manager, Traci has ascended to star status amongst
Joe Hardes, the PA Operations Management Team. From the time Traci’s team break’s
Senior Director their huddle until the time she exits the door, Traci and her team are all
about “the goal.” Traci’s driven to the goal has set her apart from any other
Management team: manager on our Retention team by settling for nothing less than #1 every
 Katie Lloyd, Assistant General month. Whether it’s breaking the huddle and getting her day off to a
roaring start, coaching her agents at the strategic partner level, or
Manager delivering quality saves, Traci is and expects nothing but the best. I can’t
wait to see what Traci’s bright future has in store for her at
Lynda Williams took personal care of Empereon/Constar!
my growth and made sure I ~ Joe Hardes, Senior Director

understood what I needed to do to Lynda Williams – BEST EMPLOYEE
get where I wanted to go – a
successful supervisor. Lynda has been a manager with Empereon for 7 years, starting out as a
Floor Supervisor and is now a Senior Supervisor. Lynda has been the
Lynda changed my experience from glue that binds the PA call center. Her work ethic is unparalleled, even of
seeing my work as just a job to managers 30 years her junior. Whether it’s putting together team potlucks,
opening the call center for Sunday dialing, or being the Janitor; if there is
considering it a career. She did this by a hole, Lynda fills it. Whether that void is hard work or a soft ear to listen,
always looking out for me – whether Lynda has proven herself an invaluable member of the PA team.

it was after work playing hide and Thank you, Lynda!! ~ Joe Hardes, Senior Director
seek with my son or before work
making sure if my car broke down I
still had a ride. Whenever I needed
advise on what path to take she
would make sure she pointed me in

the right direction.
~ Mark O' Rourke, Supervisor

I have had many supervisors over the BEST SUPERVISOR Congratulations!!
years, and Lynda Williams is the type of / MANAGER??
supervisor who is tough but fair. She is a I am very proud of my
very supportive and has faith in me even Eric McCaffery and son, Camrin. He has
when I start doubting the job I`m doing. Heather Cope - They excelled over the past
She is always on hand to offer advice and have both helped me year in pre-school,
encouragement on how to do our job grow within my and is very excited to
better. She is always at work, and never position, and have take on Kindergarten
takes a day off even when she is sick. She been there when I have like a boss!
is always available to fill in wherever she is made mistakes to help
needed, because I feel there isn`t a job me learn from them. ~ Maria Catherman, Client Services
that she couldn`t do. ~ Darlene Bacon, PA
~ Maria Catherman,
TSR Client Services


Everyone’s Favorite Southwest Recipe – Provecho!!!

In honor of Las Cruces, New Mexico’s 15th anniversary and to help celebrate, we
asked everyone to send us their favorite Southwestern recipe ... enjoy!!!

Hatch Green Chile Rellenos

NM is known for Hatch chili………….from the NM team their favorite NM Southwestern recipe:

In New Mexico, the question is Ingredients Instructions
always “red or green” when
8 to 10 roasted Hatch green chiles Stuff the chiles with the cheese.
referring to chile.
8 to 10 ounces Monterey Jack Mix all the flours together, along with the
cheese, grated (you can also use salt, granulated garlic, and black pepper.
Colby, Cheddar or Asadero, or a Make sure to mix it all together well.
mix of cheeses)
Heat a skillet over medium-high heat,
1 cup of corn flour (try blue corn then coat with vegetable oil.
flour to be adventurous!)
Roll the stuffed chiles in the flour mixture,
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour and saute in the skillet for 1 to 2 minutes
per side, or until the cheese melts.
½ to 1 teaspoon kosher salt
Remove the chiles from the skillet and
1 teaspoon of granulated garlic place directly on a serving plate. Top with
fresh salsa and serve. Each person will
½ teaspoon of freshly cracked want 2 to 3 chiles
black pepper
Submitted by JoAnn Ramos, HR
Vegetable oil to coat skillet Manager, NM

Southwestern Stuffed Bell Peppers

Ingredients Instructions

2 bell peppers, any color Cut peppers in half; remove seeds. Place in
3/4 cup instant brown rice a shallow baking dish, cut-side down. Bake
1 cup chunky-style mild salsa in preheated 425°F oven 15 minutes or until
1/2 cup canned black beans, skins begin to bubble and peppers are just
rinsed and drained (optional) tender.
1/2 cup frozen corn
1/2 teaspoon chili powder Boil 3/4 cups water in a medium-sized
1/4 teaspoon cumin saucepan. Stir in rice; return to boil. Reduce
1/4 teaspoon salt heat to low; cover and simmer 5 minutes.
1/4 teaspoon pepper Stir in salsa, beans and corn, and mix
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese lightly. Add chili powder, cumin, salt and
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro pepper.

Fill baked peppers with rice mixture; cover
with foil. Bake in preheated 400°F oven for
15 minutes. Uncover and top with cheese
slices. Continue baking 5 minutes or until
cheese is melted and filling is hot. Sprinkle
with chopped cilantro.

Submitted by Travis Bowley, CEO, and
Brandi Bowley


Everyone’s Favorite Southwest Recipe – Provecho!!!

Yvonne’s Chimichanga Recipe Beef Enchiladas

For when you’re in Phoenix ... Ingredients
Drive to: Aunt Chilada's Squaw Peak
7330 N Dreamy Draw Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85020 1 pound ground beef
2 (10-ounce) cans enchilada sauce
Sit down, start enjoying their famous flour 1 (4-ounce) can chopped green chilies (if you are
fried chips making Green Style)
Order the “Guac” 1 small onion, chopped
Order the fabulous “Pear” margarita 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese, divided
Forget you’re on a diet and order their specialty plate: A 12 corn tortillas
chimichanga stuffed with chicken and smothered with Aunt 3 cups shredded lettuce
Chilada's own Mexican cheese sauce and topped with 1 large tomato, chopped
jalapeño cream cheese. Served with rice and beans. Serves 4

Submitted by Yvonne, Torrijos, CMO Instructions

Mango Salsa Cook ground beef in a skillet until brown and
crumbly, stirring frequently. Drain and set aside.
This simple and colorful mango salsa is super easy to
make! It's sweet, spicy and absolutely delicious. Preheat oven to 350' F. Heat enchilada sauce
Serve this fresh mango salsa with chips, on tacos or and green chiles (if making with the green
salads, or as a salad itself. It's that good. sauce) in a medium saucepan until simmering.

Ingredients Place a heaping spoonful of ground beef, 1
teaspoon onion and 2 1/2 tablespoons cheese
3 ripe mangos, diced (see photos) on each tortilla. Roll up to enclose filling and
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped place in a baking dish.
½ cup chopped red onion
¼ cup packed fresh cilantro leaves, chopped Pour sauce over top. Sprinkle with remaining
1 jalapeño, seeded and minced cheese. Bake for 20 minutes. Top with lettuce
1 large lime, juiced (about ¼ cup lime juice) and tomatoes.
⅛ to ¼ teaspoon salt, to taste
Recipe yields about 3 cups salsa. Submitted by Vanessa Reyes, AZII


In a serving bowl, combine the prepared mango,
bell pepper, onion, cilantro and jalapeño. Drizzle
with the juice of one lime and mix well. Season to
taste with salt. For best flavor, let the salsa rest for
10 minutes or longer.

Submitted by Don K. Christiano, Sr VP, OPS


Everyone’s Favorite Southwest Recipe – Provecho!!!

Southwestern Grilled Chicken with Lime Butter

Ingredients Instructions

For the chicken: For the chicken, mix first 8 ingredients in
1 Tbs chili powder small bowl until well blended. Spread
1 Tbs ground cinnamon seasoning paste all over chicken with spoon
1 Tbs brown sugar or basting brush.
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
½ tsp salt Grill chicken using medium heat for a gas
¼ tsp coarse black pepper grill or indirect heat for a charcoal grill.
3 Tbs olive oil Close the lid and grill about 30 minutes or
1 Tbs balsamic vinegar until chicken is cooked through.
3½ pounds bone-in chicken parts
For the Lime Butter, mix all ingredients in
For the Lime Butter: small bowl. Drizzle over chicken just before
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro serving. I also like to serve with pasta such
½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted as rotini, gemelli, or garganelli and drizzle
1 serrano pepper, minced the lime butter over that as well.
2 Tbs minced white onion
1 Tbs fresh lime juice Submitted by Teresa Foggy, Staff
pinch coarse black pepper Accountant, Corporate Office

Anaheim Chiles Instructions

Ingredients Cook ground beef in a skillet until brown and Preheat the oven to
400 degrees F. Coat the Anaheim chiles in 1 tablespoon of oil and
3 Anaheim chiles roast in the oven until the skin blisters and the peppers soften, about
1/4 cup vegetable oil 20 minutes. Remove the chiles from the oven and allow to cool.
2 pounds boneless pork shoulder, cut into Once cooled, stem and seed the chiles, keeping the skin on (if there
rough 1-inch chunks is some charring on the skin, it's ok).Chop.
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds Heat the remaining oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add the
1 medium yellow onion, cut into small dice pork and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add the cumin and cook until
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro with the pork is golden brown all over, about 15 minutes, stirring as
tender stems needed. Remove the pork with a slotted spoon and set aside. Lower
6 cloves garlic, minced the heat to medium. Add the chiles, onions, cilantro and garlic to the
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour oil remaining in the pot. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Saute the
One 16-ounce can crushed tomatillos vegetables, scraping any brown bits from the bottom of the pot, until
4 cups chicken stock the onions are soft and golden, about 10 minutes. Stir in the flour
Tortilla chips and lime wedges, for serving and cook until the flour absorbs the excess liquid and is cooked
through, about 3 more minutes. Return the browned pork to the pot
CONNECTIONS | Page 18 along with the tomatillos and chicken stock. Bring to a boil, reduce to
a simmer and cover with the lid. Cook until the pork is tender, about
45 minutes. Uncover and simmer until the liquid reduces slightly and
the flavors concentrate, about 15 more minutes. Serve with tortilla
chips and lime wedges.

Submitted by Maria Catherman, Client Services, PA

Everyone’s Favorite Southwest Recipe – Provecho!!!

Baked Beef Chimichangas

Ingredients Instructions

For the guacamole: Slice each avocado in half lengthwise, pop out
3 ripe avocados seed and slip off the skin. Smash the avocado in
1 large red onion, diced a bowl and add onion, chiles, cilantro, lime juice,
2 serrano chiles, stems and seeds removed tomatoes, and garlic and mix well. Season with
and chopped (use gloves to handle these) salt and pepper, cover, and let sit in refrigerator
1/4 cup freshly chopped cilantro leaves for a couple of hours to allow flavors to combine.
1/4 cup fresh lime juice (1 or 2 limes
depending on size) Lay out tortillas and sprinkle about 1/8 cup
3 ripe tomatoes, seeds removed and diced cheese on each. Begin heating vegetable oil to
3 cloves garlic, roughly diced 350 degrees F in deep-fryer.
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
In a large skillet heat olive oil over medium-high
For the chimichangas: heat and saute onion until translucent. To this
12 large flour tortillas pan, add ground beef, tomato paste, chili powder,
1 1/2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese cumin, celery salt, and salt and pepper, and cook
1 liter vegetable or canola oil until browned. Divide meat mixture into equal
amounts in the pan. Then using a slotted spoon
For the ground beef filling: to leave excess liquid behind, transfer meat
2 tablespoons olive oil mixture to the center of each tortilla and fold the
1 large red onion, sliced tortilla into a closed packet and secure using a
3 pounds ground beef wooden skewer or round toothpicks.
1 (6-ounce) can tomato paste
4 teaspoons chili powder Deep fry chimichangas until golden brown.
2 teaspoons ground cumin (Alternatively, you can skip the deep frying step
2 teaspoons celery salt altogether by arranging the chimichanga packets
Salt and freshly ground black pepper on a baking sheet and bake until cheese melts
and tortillas begin to firm up, about 5 to 10
minutes in a preheated 350 degrees F oven.)

Remove skewers/toothpicks before serving.

Submitted by Mark O' Rourke, Supervisor, PA

Special equipment: Wooden skewers or
round toothpicks


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