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Practical Navigation For Second Mates

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Published by Yusuf Mahasan, 2022-07-17 01:46:32

Prac Nan for 2nd Officer

Practical Navigation For Second Mates


A Convergency 33,34
A.B.C. tables 112,183 Correction ofaltitudes 157
Admiralty list of lights 45 Course 8, 10
Almanac 105 Current 84
Altitude, correction of 157 Correction tables 104, 166
Amplitude problem 112, 129
tables 130 Danger angles 47
Angle on the bow, doubling the 82 'd' correction 106
Aries, first point of 102 Declination 102
Augmentation 163 Departure 50
Azimuth 112 Deviation 9, 12
Difference oflatitude 2
conversion to bearing 112 Difference of longitude 2, 50
problem 112 Diff<;rence of meridional parts 60
Dip, formula for 166
B .tabl~ 166
Bearing, 3 figure notation 8 Direction, abeam 24
measurement of 8
calculation of 112 Distance, of sea horizon 45
compass 11 measurement of 6
magnetic 11 Doubling the angle on the bow 82
position from 33 Drift 21,27,70
relative 16 Drying height 87, 97
transit 41
C Earth, the shape of 6
'C' correction 199 Ecliptic 102
Celestial equator 101 obliquity of 102
Equator 1
meridian 102 celestial 101
poles 101,211 Ex-meridian problem 202
sphere 101 tables 205
Chart datum 87 88
Co-lat 182 ' F
Compass 8 First point of Aries 102
bearing 11
errors 8, 10,43
calculation of 37, 41, 122 gyro 8
north 9,10
Composite great circle 222


G Lights, height of 36, 98
Geographical mile 7 range of 45
Local hour angle 110, 182
poles 1, 8, 9 Longitude 2
position 101 by chronometer 146, 192
range 45 correction 113
Great circle 33 difference of 2
composite 222 Lower meridian passage 118, 180
sailing 215 Lowest astronomical tide 88
Greenwich hour angle 104 Luminous range 46
rate of change of 108
Gyro compass 8 diagram 46, 47
Lunar tide 84
Height, drying 97 M
Magnetic compass 9
of tide 87 meridian 9
Highest astronomical tide 88 north 9, 10
Horizon, distance of 45 variation 9
Marcq St. Hilaire method 142, 18
rational 130, 157 205
sensible 157 Mean high water neaps 87
visible 157 Mean high water springs 87, 98
Horizontal parallax 163 Mean latitude 59
Horizontal sextant angle 37 sailing 60
Hour angle 110, 182 Mean low water neaps 87
Hour circles 102 Mean low water springs 87
Hyperbolic position line 33, 49 Mercator sailing 60
Meridian 1
I celestial 102
prime 1
Increment tables 104 Meridian altitude, latitude by 148
Intercept 14~, 183 Meridian passage 111
termmal pomt 143 lower 118
International nautical mile 6
times of 111 Meridional parts 60 Middle latitude 59
sailing 60
Knot 7 GHA and declination of 107
Moon 103 rising and setting 119
correction of altitude 163 SHA of 103
times of meridian passage of 113
L Moonrise and moonset 119
Latitude 2
byex-meridian 202 Nautical almanac 104
by meridian altitude 148 Nautical mile 6, 141
by pole star 211 Neap tides 84
difference of 2 mean 55
middle 59
parallel of 2
Leading marks 43
Leeway 29


Nominal range 45 T Set and drift 70
Noon position 198 Sextant angles 34,47
Sidereal hour angle 102
Small circle 1,33 Solar tide 84
Obliquity of the ecliptic 102 Speed 7
made good 25
through the water 25
Spring tides 84 Standard port 89
Parallax 15~ Star, correction of altitude 162
Parallelof.l?tltude 2 GHA and declination of 108
Parallel smhng 50 meridian passage of 116
Streams tidal 84
formula for 51,65 tidal ;tlases 84 85
Pelorus 16 Sun change of declination of 102
Plane sailing 55,65 change of SHA of 103
Planet, correction of altitude of 162 correction of altitude of 160
GHA and declination of 106
GH~ .and declination of 107 meridian passage of 112
mendlan passage of 115 Sunrise and sunset, times of 119
Polar distan~e 182
Poles, celes~lal 211 Three figure notation 8
geographIcal 1,8,9 Tidal calculations 89
Pole star problem 211 information 85
tables 104,212 streams 84
Position circle 36,37,43,80, 141 Tide 20,84
hyperbola 49 counteracting the 21
line 33 141
measure~ent of 1 Tide tables 85
transferred 65,72,76,80 Time of meridian passage 113
Prime meridian 1 Time zones 89
PZX triangle 182 Total correction tables 116
height of 87 rate of 21,27 Transferred position line

R Transit bearing 41
Radio direction finding 16,33 Transit, lower 118
Ranges of lights 45 Traverse table 65,80
Rational horizon 129, 157 True bearing, calculation of 112
Refraction 45,158
65,72,76,80 V
Relative bearing 16 Variation 9,12
Rhumb line bearing 34 'v' correction 105
Rising and dipping distance 43 Vertex 216,222
Rising and setting 129 Vertical sextant angle 34,47
Running fix 76, 78, 82 tables 37
Visible horizon 157
Sailings, the 50
Zenith distance 141,182
great circle 215
Sea horizon, distance of 45
Sea mile 6
Secondary port 89,92
Selected stars 104
Semi diameter 159
Sensible horizon 157

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