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Published by smcdowell, 2019-05-20 11:42:31

May Board Meeting Documents

May Board Meeting Documents

1149 Ellsworth Drive
Pasadena, TX 77506


TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of the Pasadena Economic
Development Corporation will hold a Pre-Board meeting at 3:00 p.m. and a Board meeting
immediately following the Pre-Board Meeting, in the Pre-Council Conference Room, 1149
Ellsworth Drive, Pasadena, Texas, on Thursday, May 23, 2019. At such meeting, the Board will
consider the following matters:


1. Call to order.

2. Invocation.

3. Pledges of Allegiance.

4. Consideration of approval of minutes from the meeting held on April 25, 2019.

5. Public Comments.

6. Presentation

a. FY2020 Budget

7. Project Status Update from Robin Green, Director of Public Works.

8. Report by Executive Director.

9. Board Actions – Resolutions.

a. Consideration to authorize Staff to take all appropriate action on a Business
Enhancement Program application filed by Sadie E. “Nogie” Bass, at location
Bass & Meineke, No. 1, LLC 202 Pasadena Blvd. for the design and fabrication
of new signage in the amount of $19,990.00.

b. Consideration to discuss the proposed FY 2020 Budget and for the Board to
call a public hearing on June 27, 2019 to allow public comment regarding the
FY 2020 Budget.

10. Comments by Board Members.

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11. Executive Session.

a. Convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.087, Texas Government
Code to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects.

b. Convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.087, Texas Government
Code to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects – Project #1901.

c. Convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.072, Texas Government
Code to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property –
Project #1902.

12. Reconvene Into Regular Session.
The Board will reconvene into Regular Session, pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to take any action necessary

a. Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects.

b. Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects – Project #1901

c. Deliberation regarding real property – Project #1902.

13. Adjournment.

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Pre-Board Meeting

Conducted in the Pre-Council Conference Room at City Hall

April 25, 2019, 3:01 p.m.


Members present: Members Absent:
Steve Cote, President
Rick Lord, Vice President
Emilio Carmona, Secretary
Marilyn Wilkins, Treasurer
Steve Phelps
Ernesto Paredes
Salvador Serrano, Jr.

Others Present:
Jeff Moore, Brown & Hofmeister, LLP
Carlos Guzman, Pasadena EDC Executive Director
Rick Guerrero, Pasadena EDC Manager
Suzette McDowell, Pasadena EDC Marketing Manager
Robin Green, Public Works Director
Sheena Salvino, EDC Redevelopment Manager
Karina Tomlinson, PEDC Assistant Secretary

Call to Order
The Pre-Board meeting for the April 25, 2019 Pasadena Second Century Corporation d/b/a
Pasadena Economic Development Corporation was called to order at 3:01 p.m. by President,
Steve Cote.

(6) Presentations
a) Ethics/Open Meetings Act/Permissible Projects – Jeff Moore will be presenting during

b) FY2020 Budget – Carlos Guzman will present this item after Item 7, the Financial Status

(11) Board Action – Resolutions

a) Consideration to approve the Financial Report of Investment Activities for the Fiscal
Quarter ended March 31, 2019.

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b) Consideration to authorize Staff to approve and award a contract for the demolition of
the High Rise Building at 1001 Southmore Avenue (CIP# M039) to D.H. Griffin of Texas,
Inc., lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $748,000.00, with a contingency of
$74,800.00 for a total appropriation of $822,800.00.
 Steve Cote added some comments about the second and lowest bid and asked
to make sure that next time there is not so much of a grey area, perhaps another
 Steve Phelps added that he agrees and added that reasonable people can look at
different sections of the report and interpret them certain ways.
 Rick Lord asked Robin what the process is and added that the County has 5
people that are part of a purchasing group. Robin responded that this was an
RFP and there was an evaluation grid with categories that were weighted and
evaluated differently. Rick asked once the matrix is done who makes the
decision? Robin responded that the score is evaluated and sent to a consultant
for a recommendation and in this case, it was to go with Griffin.
 Steve Phelps asked who did the matrix. Robin stated he thinks it was Robby
Lyde, and Robby followed up by stating it was Jason Binford’s company and them
and that they were focused on the technical specifications of the job and they
did the evaluation. He went over some of the criteria that was reviewed and
how they came to the final recommendation.

c) Consideration to authorize Staff to negotiate and execute an agreement for professional
and consulting services with Loflin Environmental Services, Inc. for the High Rise Building
at 1001 Southmore Avenue (CIP# M039) in the amount of $22,250.00.
 Marilyn asked if they are reviewing the accuracy of remediation done at the
building prior to demolition? A representative from Loflin responded that this is
the air monitoring that will be happening the day of the implosion and then the
segregation. It will be segregated for 60 days and per federal law, this will be
done each day that there is work being done.

d) Consideration to authorize Staff to negotiate and execute an agreement with ERC
Environmental and Construction Services, Inc. to provide project management services
for demolition of the High Rise Building at 1001 Southmore Avenue (CIP# M039) in the
amount of $48,000.00.

(12) Executive Session
 There will be no executive session today.

Pre-Board Meeting Adjourned at 3:08 pm.

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Board Meeting

Conducted in the Pre-Council Conference Room at City Hall
April 25, 2019, 3:08 p.m.

Agenda Item One: Call to order, roll call.
The Board meeting on April 25, 2019 for Pasadena Economic Development Corporation was
called to order at 3:08 pm by President, Steve Cote.

Agenda Item Two: Invocation.
Invocation given by Steve Phelps.

Agenda Item Three: Pledge of Allegiance.
Pledges led by Emilio Carmona., Board Secretary.

Agenda Item Four: Approval of Minutes
Chairman, Steve Cote called for a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting held on
April 25, 2019. Ernesto Paredes moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Marilyn Wilkins,

Agenda Item Five: Public Comments
No public comments were given by those in attendance.

Agenda Item Six: Presentations
a. Ethics/Open Meetings Act/Permissible Projects - Jeff Moore, Brown & Hofmeister, LLP:
Steve Cote asked since all but 1 Board Member were reappointed if the Open
Meetings Act training is required to which Jeff stated only Salvador will be required to
take it as a new member. All other Board Members do not. Steve stated that Jeff is
presenting this subject matter as a Best Practice for the new Board. Jeff presented to
the Board and touched on several items including conflicts of interest, Open Meetings
Act, Civil and Criminal Penalties and finally Type B Sales Tax Permissible Projects.
During the review of Conflicts of Interest Marilyn asked if a Board Member does
business with a company and then that company has a project come before the Board
that if it is a good precaution to recuse themselves from knowing anything about that
project? This question was brought up because of an occurrence of this at one of the
past Board meetings in which she and Steve Cote decided to err on the side of caution
and recuse themselves from any discussion about a project being brought to the
Board for a company that each of them had a separate connection to. Jeff went over
an additional example and stated that it is always the safest and best approach to
abstain from voting and discussing when this happens. During his review of the Open
Meetings Act Jeff reiterated that the act applies when there is a quorum gathered and
public business is being discussed; however, it does not apply to social functions

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provided that no business is being discussed. He also went over Executive Sessions in
general and the specific statutes that are most commonly used. Steve Phelps asked
how specific the notice has to be on the Agenda. Jeff stated that most cities will quote
the statute, but that if more than 1 item is being discussed that it is best practice to
give each project a code name so that each one can be listed. For real property, citing
the property location could affect your bargaining position so some communities will
give a general area, which he thinks is fine, but not required. He stated the more
specificity the better, but as far as the Open Meetings Act it just states that you need
to give the subject matter of the discussion and citing the section and stating for
example that we’re going into Executive Session to discuss acquisition of real property
would be sufficient. You wouldn’t want to give too much because that could affect
your bargaining position. He also reviewed some Civil and Criminal Penalties and
provided some examples of them. Ernesto Paredes asked if legislature was trying to
appeal the decision regarding the Conspiracy to circumvent the act by meeting in
numbers less than a quorum or rewrite it. Jeff stated that legislature was grappling
on how to write the statute to give you a bright line on when it’s a violation. He stated
he would follow up and pass any information along. Next, he went over Permissible
Projects and added that under the Development Corporation Act you can do projects,
job training and you can do promotion. The statute provides you must have a
performance agreement with the business enterprise. He went over several
provisions and reiterated that Infrastructure Improvement Projects are limited.
Ernesto Paredes asked if improvements regarding streets and roads included
sidewalks to which Jeff responded that it could, but nowadays with ADA, they might
have to put a sidewalk adjacent to it and the cost definition within this statute is where
sidewalks would fit. The next slide covered promotional activity. The Development
Corporation Act does not define promotional activity, which is kind of a problem, but
the statute says you can spend 10% of the revenues for promotional purposes. There
is an AG Opinion, which was for the City of Hutto where the Mayor wanted to build
the world’s largest fiberglass hippo. Lastly, he covered the expense of sales tax
proceeds for job training classes that has to be through a business enterprise and they
have to commit in writing to increase their payroll or create new jobs that pay the
prevailing wage for that occupation. A City staff member then asked what constitutes
adequate notice of a meeting? Jeff stated the notice has to be posted 72 hours prior,
but that it must be posted in a place accessible to the public 24 hours a day. Under
the Open Meetings Act, it is sufficient posting. The statutes define posting for City’s,
but not EDC’s. Some EDC’s are not housed at a City Hall so for them they post at City
Hall Bulletin Board and in the building where they are housed. Another question was
asked if a member of the public could videotape or live stream a meeting. Jeff stated
that the Open Meetings Act states that as a Board or a Council we can only decide
where that equipment or camera can be placed.

b. FY2020 Budget – Carlos Guzman, PEDC Executive Director: This item will be discussed
following the Financial Status Report by Tammy Lehew (Item 7.)

Agenda Item Seven: Financial Status Report by Tammy Lehew of City Controller’s Office

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This snapshot is as of March 31, 2019. Your operating budget that is housed in Fund 9949 you
budgeted 9.7M and you have 2.2M encumbered for specific purposes. You’ve spent about 1.6M
leaving a balance of about 5.8M. Since we’re halfway through the year it’s looking pretty good.
The 9950 used on Capital Project funds you’ve got 53.7M in cash. 41.3M are for specific CIP
projects listed on the second page. You still have to subtract the 5.8M from the Operating Budget
which leaves a fund balance of about 6.5M. Fund 9960 was the Vista Road improvements, which
is complete, and Robin has found a use for the balance of $29k left. Fund 9965 is for the Richey
Street improvements, which is ongoing. Fund 9966 was for the Fairmont Watermain Phase I
which is complete and has a balance of $55k that Robin has found a use for as well.
Item 6b – FY2020 Budget was presented by Carlos Guzman at this time: At this time, he is
requesting input and suggestions from the Board. This will be approximately a 3-month process.
He provided a quick recap of PEDC’s type B funding highlighting that PEDC’s budget is approved
by City Council each year. This is the first opportunity for EDC budget to fully reflect ED Strategic
Plan. For this year, we have marketing and redevelopment managers and there are opportunities
for us to build on the operating budget. There will be more opportunities for input in the
upcoming meetings. He provided a recap of the Strategic Plan goals and then went through
several goals and items to consider for implementation. Some of those were the community
branding and wayfinding initiatives. Suzette provided a brief summary of the Community
Branding immersion tour and some of the discussions that were had during the 3 days DCI was
in Pasadena. Some examples included increase in advertisement, increase in PR efforts and the
possibility of an Ambassador Program to increase internal brand awareness. Carlos added that
to truly implement the wayfinding there will be some requests for funding and went over the
steps for completion. No increase in the overall funding will be requested for Business
Development. Staff will ramp up attendance at key trade shows and missions and continue to
refine and narrow target industry recruitment targets. With regard to Workforce, the strategic
plan calls for EDC to play a supportive role. Focus areas are to leverage San Jacinto College and
its new Petrochem Center as well as a stronger engagement with UH Clear Lake and Pasadena
ISD. Next, he discussed Catalyst projects including the Macro Plaza Mall, the Convention Center
which will require additional funding in anticipation of legal and consulting fees should the
project proceed. For investment corridors, he anticipates needing to reallocate resources in CIP
to fund projects on Pasadena Blvd., Fairmont and Shaw St. The 5th goal – Tourism and Retail staff
will be working with a developer to evaluate a Crystal Lagoon and mid luxury resort and evaluate
the potential creation of a Pasadena Convention and Visitors Bureau; continuing implementation
of Community Brand; a historic trail in Historic Pasadena and continue to promote retail projects
in key areas. Goal 6 – Proposed Projects for Structure Support, which include policy evaluation
to support redevelopment such as the permit process that Staff will be working on. The Business
Enhancement Program that was just approved will be focused on because there is a lot of
opportunities. We will continue to evaluate the potential benefit of establishing a TIRZ which if
the Crystal Lagoon is asking for if it comes through. Steve Cote added that both the Mall and the
Crystal Lagoon group have asked for a TIRZ. Next, he went through the Operating Budget and
noted that major budget line items to consider are Print & Advertising and Professional Services.
Staff is seeking Board input before making final recommendations. Lastly, he went over the CIP
Current projects and stated there are 4 projects that we will be requesting additional funding for
including Pasadena Blvd. Phase 1, Utility Development, Traffic Mobility Improvements and lastly
Historic Pasadena Redevelopment. Marilyn Wilkins asked that if her business is on Pasadena
Blvd. would that be an item she would recuse herself from? Jeff answered that it would be a

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good idea. Some proposed New Projects include Shaw Street Phase 2, Pasadena Blvd. Phase 2
and Fairmont. Steve Cote added that something worth entertaining that he’s seen other Cities
do is a comprehensive land plan that would lay out a complete land plan for all of Pasadena and
identifying resources and everything throughout the City and maybe try to be more strategic as
to areas of focus and what is key for those areas. This could help our planning, our budgeting
and our longer term CIP. He then asked Sheena what other things there are that could help.
Sheena provided more details regarding what a complete land plan consists of and how in depth
it can be. Ernesto Paredes then asked what happened with the TIRZ and Carlos responded that
it has been put on hold, but that if the Crystal Lagoon moves forward that we will need to work
with City staff to see how it can be structured. Ernesto added that we need to keep moving
forward and that he likes what is being presented. Finally, Carlos recapped the FY 2020 Budget
and asked Board Members for input and feedback. Rick Lord asked who makes the reports on
new investment programs for Municipalities? There is a lot of legislation out there trying to do
things so he’d like to know who would be evaluating everything in the session to see if there are
new options, is it legal or the EDC? Jeff stated that he will have a better idea of what is passed in
May and many Bills will go into effect around June 15th. He did mention that there has been a
lot of negative bills filed this session.

Agenda Item Eight: Project Status Update from Robin Green, Director of Public Works
Robin Green stated that nothing happened in the last 2 weeks.

Agenda Item Nine: Report by Carlos Guzman, Executive Director
Carlos stated that the Marketing Manager, Suzette McDowell would be giving a Marketing
Update instead of him giving his report.
Suzette began by going over the initiatives she’s been focusing on which were first the
launching of the community branding; a heavy focus on digital media; website refreshing and
driving traffic; getting the internal brand up to speed; and identifying platforms for advertising.
She then provided a quick review of the growth on Social Media and elaborated on our
Facebook growth reminding the Board about some trial periods of social advertising she started
a few months ago. Half of the followers have been generated through a campaign that she has
been running. There are also some campaigns driving traffic to our website as well by
advertising some of the specific tools that we offer. From a cost standpoint, it has been very
minimal with roughly $500 being spent on social advertising. For the website, traffic there has
seen a 72% increase. A user experience testing will begin soon to aid in changes. Some other
things that she’s been working on are print and advertising initiatives starting with the
development of initial collateral for PEDC that include items used in the day to day operations
such as letterhead, business cards, etc. The development of the first annual report which
should be completed soon and she reiterated that typically those are completed at the
beginning of Q2 so we are on target. She has also been working on the design of advertising for
upcoming publications and identifying advertising initiatives as well as best practices for
economic development. Moving forward there will be a revamping of; heavy
focus on social advertisement now that the trial period and proof concept is completed; the
development of standard ED collateral to be used for tradeshows, site selectors, client visits,
etc. The completion of the community branding in Q2 of this year and the implementation of
such as well as identifying any additional advertising and brand awareness avenues that they

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might recommend. The plan is to provide a marketing update every quarter as opposed to
every month so that the changes will be more notable.
Carlos wrapped up by inviting everyone to Randy Drake’s celebration of life and upcoming

Agenda Item Ten: Board Action – Resolutions.
a. PEDC RESOLUTION 19-015 – Consideration to approve the Financial Report of
Investment Activities for the Fiscal Quarter ended March 31, 2019.

Marilyn Wilkins made a motion to approve the financial report of investment
activities, seconded by Rick Lord that PEDC Resolution 19-015 be passed, approved

b. PEDC RESOLUTION 19-016 – Consideration to authorize Staff to approve and award a
contract for the demolition of the High Rise Building at 1001 Southmore Avenue (CIP#
M039) to D.H. Griffin of Texas, Inc., lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of
$748,000.00, with a 10% contingency of $74,800.00 for a total appropriation of

Ernesto Paredes made a motion to authorize Staff to approve and award a contract
for demolition to D.H. Griffin of Texas, Inc., seconded by Marilyn Wilkins that PEDC
Resolution 19-016 be passed, approved and adopted. Steve Phelps voted nay on the

c. PEDC RESOLUTION 19-017 - Consideration to authorize Staff to negotiate and execute
an agreement for professional and consulting services with Loflin Environmental
Services, Inc. for the High Rise Building at 1001 Southmore Avenue (CIP# M039) in the
amount of $22,250.00.

Emilio Carmona made a motion to authorize Staff to negotiate and execute an
agreement with Loflin Environmental Services, Inc., seconded by Ernesto Paredes that
PEDC Resolution 19-017 be passed, approved and adopted. MOTION CARRIED

d. PEDC RESOLUTION 19-018 - Consideration to authorize Staff to negotiate and
execute an agreement with ERC Environmental and Construction Services, Inc. to
provide project management services for demolition of the High Rise Building at
1001 Southmore Avenue (CIP# M039) in the amount of $48,000.00.

Ernesto Paredes made a motion to authorize Staff to negotiate and execute an
agreement with ERC Environmental and Construction Services, seconded by Emilio
Carmona that PEDC Resolution 19-018 be passed, approved and adopted. MOTION

Agenda Item Eleven: Comments by Board Members.

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Rick Lord – No comments, but stated he will be unable to attend on Sunday and to please give
his condolences to the family.
Salvador Serrano, Jr. – No comments.
Marilyn Wilkins – Stated it was bittersweet to vote yes on the demolition of the bank.
Emilio Carmona – No comments
Emilio Paredes – Commented that Carlos and staff are doing a good job staying on top of
everything behind the scenes.
Steve Phelps – Wanted to echo Marilyn’s comments. He ran into someone the day before and
they started talking about how all these people leading banks started there. Also wanted to echo
both Rick and the Chairman’s comments on coming up with a plan on the selection process. He
thought it was a great idea.
Steve Cote – Added a few words about the bank building going down and being able to see it
from Downtown, but this is progress so that’s what is going to happen.

Agenda Item Twelve: Executive Session
**NOTE** - No Executive Session was conducted.

a. Convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.087, Texas Government Code to
deliberate regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects.

b. Convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.072, Texas Government Code to
deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property – Project #1901.

c. Convene in executive session pursuant to Section 551.072, Texas Government Code to
deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property – Project #1902.

Agenda Item Fourteen: Reconvene into Regular Session
**NOTE** - No Executive Session was conducted.

The Board will reconvene into Regular Session, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 of the
Texas Government Code, to take any action necessary regarding:

a. Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects.

b. Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations for Business
Attraction/Retention Projects – Project #1901.

c. Deliberation regarding real property – Project #1902

Agenda Item Fifteen: Adjournment.
President, Steve Cote called for a motion to adjourn the April 25, 2019 meeting at 4:27 pm.
Emilio Carmona moved, seconded by Marilyn Wilkins. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUS.

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Pasadena EDC Activity Report

Date Activity Purpose

04/18/19 HCTRA Study EDC and City staff met with Steve Spillette on the future growth of
04/18/19 Costco Meeting Pasadena.  Steve is working on a population growth study to forecast
growth areas within Pasadena.
4/23/2019 Staff met with HEPTA Capital 
EDC and City Purchasing Department staff met with Jeff Mill with Costco
4/23/2019 Shaw St. Redevelopment Meeting to look at purchasing options.

4/24/2019 Healthy Parks Plan Meeting EDC staff met with Mike Taetz and Jim Pratt with HEPTA Capital for an
4/24/2019 BAHEP Membership Meeting update on the ongoing due-diligence process for the convention center
4/25/2019 UT Law Land Use Conference property.

EDC Staff met with Javier Morales, owner of Shaw Street Post Office, to
discuss future development potential, public private partnership
opportunities, parking, and leveraging public assets to develop a
comprehensive redevelopment plan.

EDC Staff has been engaged by consultant team to sit on the Advisory
Committee for the Healthy Parks Plan. Staff attended the kickoff
meeting to review the work program, SWOT, and develop guiding

EDC staff attended the BAHEP meeting where Railroad Commissioner
Ryan Sitton discussed the future of Texas as a major world player in oil

Staff attended a webinar that discussed the latest trends and best
practices for land use in Texas.

Staff attended the Houston Hispanic Staff had the opportunity to network with regional business partners and

4/26/2019 Chamber Annual Luncheon & Business Expo hear an update from Governor Greg Abbott.

4/26/2019 Municipal Court Building Groundbreaking EDC staff attended the court house groundbreaking event in support of
ongoing redevelopment in Historical Pasadena.  The new court house
will replace the old police station currently being demolished.

4/30/2019 Staff met with Home2Suites Staff met with Home2Suites to discuss City processes and explain PEDC's
role in business development.

Staff attended Industrial Appreciation Golf Staff atteended the Chamber's golf tournament showing support of

5/2/2019 Tournament local industry.

Staff attended the course which focused on the marketing and

Staff attended IEDC Marketing & Attraction attraction side of economic development and supplied staff with

5/6/19-5/8/19 Course information on best practices when promoting our City.

5/9/2019 Staff attended 2019 ULI Texas Forum Staff attended the annual event in Austin where it learned about the
latest trends and best practices in redevelopment.

5/9/2019 DCI/Brand Taskforce Meeting DCI gave a brand taskforce presentation on key messages and survey
5/10/2019 Staff met with SJC Small Business Advisory results as a result of community branding survey and immersion tour.

Staff met with represenative from San Jac Small Business Advisory to
learn more about a new initiative to assist small business with training
and education initiatives for their employees.

5/13/2019 Staff met with Gulf Coast Authority EDC staff met with Phyllis Frank of Gulf Coast Water to visit the facility
and build business relationships between EDC and industry.
5/15/2019 Staff met with Kaneka EDC staff visited with David Gressett Jr. at the Kaneka facility to talk
about the pros and cons of doing business in Pasadena. The meeting
Staff attended ULI Houston: Parking went well, David had a possitive opinion of doing business in Pasadena.
5/16/2019 Restructured Workshop We wrapped up the visit with a tour of the facility.
5/17/2019 DCI/Brand Taskforce Meeting
Staff attended ULI Houston luncheon & panel discussion re: parking
today and where it may head, as well as how the diversification of
mobility options will be able to create greater efficiencies in the parking
industry going forward.

DCI presented brand taskforce with round 1 of taglines and logos for
community branding efforts.

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Carlos Guzman

DATE: May 17, 2019
SUBJECT: Business Enhancement Program

SUMMARY: At the March 2019 Board Meeting the Board approved the release of the Business
Enhancement Program (BEP) matching grant program, as a pilot program to spur renewal and
increased private development activity primarily along major thoroughfares that were
identified as key in our Strategic Plan. Bass & Meineke, located on Pasadena Blvd, has
submitted an application for funding.

STRATEGIC PLAN JUSTIFICATION: Section 4.3 - Leverage public investment to stimulate
private sector investment along major commercial
CURRENT ACTION: corridors in the City; Section 6.4: - Work with the City to
PRIOR ACTION: upgrade Pasadena’s visual appeal, especially along
BUDGET FUNDING: major commercial corridors and in districts targeted for
ATTACHMENTS: new development & redevelopment; Section 6.4.2 -
Provide a small City or EDC matching fund for façade
improvements and landscaping to business seeking to
make enhancements to commercial properties in
targeted areas for redevelopment.

Consideration to authorize Staff to take all appropriate
action on a Business Enhancement Program application
filed by Sadie E. “Nogie” Bass, at location Bass & Meineke,
No. 1, LLC 202 Pasadena Blvd. for the design and
fabrication of new signage in the amount of $19,990.00.

At the March 2019 meeting, the Board approved to
adopt the Business Enhancement Program Guidelines,
Application and Grant Agreement for release and


1 – Project Summary

2 - Applicant Submission

Project Summary

Applicant Business: Bass & Meineke, No. 1, LLC
Applicant Name: Sadie Bass
Applicant Location: 202 Pasadena Blvd.
Applicant Project Summary: New Signage fabricated & affixed to front façade.
Total Project Cost: $39,981.06
Total Grant Requested: $19, 990.53
Application Score: 95/100
__x_ Award grant in full amount of $19,990.
____ Award grant in partial amount of $_________.
____ Do not award grant.
The project fits well with:

 the goals and priorities of the program;
 the location;
 Key/highly visible components are being upgraded
 long standing business with 80% local workforce
 Approx $27K in additional upgrades recently completed

Staff Reviewer Name: Sheena Salvino
Date: 5/2/2019

BEP Attachment 1

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