News Magazine
H I G H L I G H T S , T I P S & R E M I N D E R S , S E C R E T C O N T E S T
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Dearest Influencer 03 F u n C o m m u n i t y S t a t s
04 J a n u a r y H i g h l i g h t s & W i n n e r s
Can you believe it's February 06 T i p s & R e m i n d e r s
already? Hopefully your 2018 kicked
08 S e c r e t C o n t e s t
off with a bang and you're settling into
the year.
Read on for highlights from January,
special tips and reminders, and a link
to our secret contest!
Fun Community Stats
Have you made (or broken) any
resolutions for this year? Whether
you set resolutions or not, you
may be interested to know that
health and fitness is the top
priority among the Australian
community for 2018. If you have
tips for staying fit or maintaining a
healthy lifestyle, share it with us
and the rest of the community.
5 1 Bitcoin - one of the highest trending online
12% 9%
search terms in the latter half of 2017. If
4 you're not an expert on Bitcoin, don't worry -
most of us are still figuring it out!
1 = Never heard of Bitcoin
2 = Don't understand it
3 2 3 = Have a basic knowledge
24% 47% 4 = Have a good understanding
5 = Not interested at all
As it's award season in Hollywood, have you
ever wanted to work on a movie set? Well,
55% of the community would rather be the
director than the lead actor!
Are you in this majority?
January Highlights
After first trialing the games feature in December, we
made a new game to celebrate Australia Day - a wheel
of fortune, which you could spin to win points!
Did you miss it? Don't worry, there's already a new
game featuring Luna the Toluna mascot; and we're
working on more! Check the Community drop-down
menu for the Games link.
Lipgloss86 Vif1 martin.anuprodney Coffeemum
swingoffakable courtney_bligh2926 mbranfor sparkelz72
B-a-m-f SurveyKaz1 J2708693 desandfran
nolawoolley NYRAT82 Alpha_mum L8494383
and Winners
Summer holidays are officially over. We wanted to help parents and grandparents
prepare for the new school year with our Back to School promotion. All you had to
do was complete 3 surveys by 26th January, and you were automatically in the
draw to win a set of colourful pencils and markers.
suzie002 Paulare MatildaFatbottom pranathireddy9 esthimaus
Ninaker mail4lea.k gizmo71 joybell17 Strauss8
In our last issue, we mentioned that the next
quarterly prize draw would start in late January.
Unfortunately we've had to postpone this until
further notice. Once we have the final details, you'll
be the first to know! We thank you for your
understanding in the meantime.
Tips and
Keep your account up-to-date
To ensure the security of your account, please take a few
minutes to check that your account details are correct and
up-to-date. This includes your PayPal details. If any
information has been changed without your knowledge,
please contact us as soon as possible.
Know how your rewards are delivered
Plastic gift cards - Eftpos and Visa cards - are sent
by regular mail. To reduce the number of lost or
undelivered cards, please ensure that the address in your
account is complete and correct - and your suburb must
be included! Your redemption will be rejected if this
information is not valid.
Other rewards are delivered electronically - either directly by email or to the Rewards
page in your account. Please note that Caltex, Dan Murphy's and Wish e-gift cards
are now delivered to the Rewards page. They will no longer be sent by email.
Therefore check your Rewards page regularly for the status of your redemption, or to
find your e-voucher code / e-gift card link.
Find survey IDs
If you have a query about a survey, we require the survey
ID number in order to assist further. You can find a record
of each survey attempted on you Points page. While most
survey points are credited within 24 hours, some surveys
are only credited after the study has closed. If you see
"Project Open - Pending" next to a survey ID, it means you
qualified and will get the points when the project closes.
If you have a question, you may be able to find the answer on the FAQs page of the
website. However if you can't find an immediate answer are waiting for a reply from
our support team, please allow up to 72 hours as we often need to seek further
information from other teams.
Here are some things to bear in mind regarding rewards.
Why does PayPal take so long to
We hear you, and we understand the frustration!
Processing for PayPal is done on a global scale - so
we need some time to get through all pending
redemptions. While it's partly automated, we still need
to check that the reward payments are going to real
people and not to bots.
This is a necessary part of the process and we appreciate your understanding and
patience while we do our due diligence. If you have been waiting longer than the
specified 6 weeks, please feel free to contact us.
Some rewards are processed
faster than others
Processing time for the plastic gift card and
e-gift card rewards can depend on available
stock. However the Bunnings, Caltex, Dan
Murphy's and Wish e-gift cards are
purchased as needed, on a regular basis.
You will most likely receive these rewards
within 14 business days after making the
You made it to the end - thanks for reading! To reward you, participate in this
Oscars-themed trivia quiz to earn up to 3000 points! Click through on our
secret link to submit your answers. The Topic will remain open until 28th
February 2018, and you'll receive 300 points for each correct answer.
1. The upcoming Academy Awards is the __th
year of this award ceremony
2. Who was the first female Best Director
3. What was the first movie sequel to win Best
4. Name one of the James Bond opening
songs that have won Best Original Song
(provide the song name)
5. Who holds the record for the most times hosting the Academy Awards?
6. Which film was mistakenly announced as
Best Picture at the 2017 awards?
7. In which year did the Academy replace the
phrase “And the winner is…” with “And the
Oscar goes to…?”
8. What was the first animated film to be
nominated for best picture?
9. Name one of the people who can claim to
be a Nobel laureate and an Academy Award
10. “Me and Jenny goes together like peas and carrots.” is a quote from which
Oscar-winning movie?
How many answers can you get right without using Google? Click through to
submit your answers!
Click to enter the secret link
See you soon!
Influence Your World