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Published by marvincabangunay16, 2019-05-15 01:12:57

Tech4ED Handbook

Executive Summary
Message from the Acting Secretary
Message from the Undersecretary of Management and Administration and Countryside Development Acknowledgments
List of Acronyms
1. The Department of Information and Communications Technology
1.1 Mission
1.2 Vision
1.3 Functions of the DICT
1.4 DICT Field Operations Offices
2. The Tech4ED Program
2.1 ICT in the Philippines
2.2 Telecenters Around the World
2.3 The Telecenter Movement in the Philippines 2.4 The Philippine Community eCenter Network 2.5 About the Tech4ED Program
2.6 Program Vision, Mission, and Objectives
2.7 Tech4eD Target Sectors
2.8 Tech4eD Target Components
2.9 The Status of Tech4ED Program
3. The Tech4ED Center
3.1 Establishing Tech4ED Centers
3.2 Tech4ED Center Physical Layout
3.3 Tech4ED Center Banners and Signages 3.4 Tech4ED Center Models
4. The Tech4ED Center Services
4.1 The Tech4ED Platform
5. The Tech4ED Center Management
5.1 Tech4ED Partnership Diagram
5.2 Responsibilities of the Center Manager
5.3 Responsibilities of the eKnowledge Workers
6. Competencies of Center Manager and Staff
6.1 Competencies of a Center Manager
6.2 Competencies of eKnowledge Workers

7. Tech4ED Center Operations
7.1 Tech4ED Center Opening Procedures 7.2 Tech4ED Center Maintenance 7.3 Tech4ED Center House Rules 7.4 Tech4ED Center Closing Procedures 7.5 Center Staff Shifting/Scheduling 7.6 Profiling Center Users
8. Monitoring and Evaluating Tech4ED Center Performance
8.1 The Tech4ED Center Monitoring System 8.2 On-site Visits 8.3 Key Performance Indicators of Tech4ed Centers
9. MOA Conpliance and Termination
10. Staying Connected
10.1 Important Dates 10.2 Directory
11. References
12. Annexes
Annex 1: Self-Assessment Form Annex 2: Training Report Form Annex 3: Incident Report Form

Executive Summary
Tech4ED is a national digital inclusion program in the Philippines which aims to harness ICT to enable, empower and transform unserved and underserved communities towards an inclusive, integrated and equitable society. Tech4ED’s expanded meaning is Technology empowerment for Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development.
Since the establishment of the first Community eCenter in 2004 to October 2018, the number of centers have grown to 2,336 nationwide. About five thousand eight hundred Center Managers have also undergone the Center Manager Training which includes discussion on the Tech4ED Program, its Platform and the services offered, among others.
The Tech4ED Team drafted this Handbook, as a way of helping our partners, who share our goals of establishing sustainable Tech4ED centers. This will serve as an accompanying resource that stakeholders may consult to efficiently and effectively manage and operate their Tech4ED Centers.
This Handbook hopes to motivate and inspire Centers Managers, eKnowledge workers, and other stakeholders, both the new ones or the long- standing, on how they can improve the services they provide in their Centers, as well as the variety of directions and partnerships that they can explore to provide a wider range of services and activities for Center users.
The Handbook will be updated and revised periodically. It is expected that Center Managers will share their stories of success and innovation, and in doing so,
continuing the cycle of inspiration.
The Tech4ED Program Team December 2018
Executive Summary | i

Message from the Acting Secretary
Digital revolution has transformed the way people and society function. From education, health to business, digital technologies have undoubtedly penetrated every nook and cranny of all sectors of society. ICT became an indispensable necessity of life and of the modern society. If utilized in their fullest potential, digital technologies could bring about progress, but if squandered, society may stagnate. It is therefore important to remain in the stream of rapid change in the digital era.
A digitally literate population is an asset to the government. Digital literacy is an advantage for a developing country such as the Philippines. However, in our context, digital revolution inevitably entails a growing digital divide, and it is the duty of the government to eradicate this recurring problem. This is where the function of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) comes into play.
Since its establishment in 2016, the Department has formulated and implemented policies and programs aimed at fulfilling its mandate to transform the country into a progressive digital nation. Tech4ED, or the Technology empowerment for Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship and Economic Develop- ment, is one those programs. As a national inclusion program aimed at harnessing ICT, Tech4ED provides possible solutions to finally bridge the digital and education divide in our country. It seeks to empower the people, particularly those in the grassroots, by providing them access to information, communication, tech- nology, government services, non-formal education, skills training, telehealth, job markets, and business portals, among others.
Considering this potential, we at DICT, continues to update and upgrade our services to better serve the Filipino people. The Tech4ED team thus drafted this Handbook to guide our partners in efficiently and effectively implementing this program. We hope that through Tech4ED, we may produce digitally liter- ate citizens who can contribute in the development of the Philippines.
Eliseo M. Rio, Jr. Acting Secretary
ii | Message from the Acting Secretary

Message from the Undersecretary of Regional Operations, Countryside and ICT Industry Development
The Technology for Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development (Tech4ED) Program has grown and transformed with the Department of Information and Communications Technology. It has seen our Department’s history.
The Program was initially called the Community eCenter (CeC) Program, the last-mile initiative of the Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (ITECC), one of DICT’s predecessors, in 2003. Having joined the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) as Commissioner in 2006, I remember the CeC Program earning international recognition as one of the best practices in providing ICT access to those in the remote areas, and I am proud that this still holds true today.
When we became the DOST-ICT Office in 2010, the CeC Program was rebranded and became the Tech4ED Project. The goals of the initiative grew bigger to include providing content and services for socio-economic development. We wanted to give Filipinos the chance to use ICT to change their lives, not just give them connectivity. I would like to believe that, since we have established over 2,000 Tech4ED Centers throughout the country, we are well on our way towards bringing ICT services to the unserved and underserved.
I have to commend the effort of the Tech4ED Project Management Office for bringing the project to this point. I would also like to acknowledge our partners, especially the local government units and schools, that saw the potential of Tech4ED, embraced it, and helped us bring our services closer to students, women, Overseas Filipino Workers, Persons with Disabilities, and other marginalized sectors. Finally, I would like to recognize the Tech4ED Focals who have worked tirelessly in promoting the Project, and looking for and working with partners, as well as the Tech4ED Center Managers who have put in the time and the work to ensure that they are providing quality service to Center users.
This Handbook is for the Center Managers, the frontliners that help deliver the services of the Tech4ED Centers. I hope that it serves them well in managing the operations of their Centers. Since the Handbook is a living document, we hope that you will send us suggestions that you feel will help other Center Managers. I also hope that the stories in the Handbook will inspire and encourage the other Center Managers, so that they eventually will be one of the inspirational stories from the field that we share and learn from.
In this era of innovation, you can expect that our Tech4ED Centers will provide services that will enable our users to participate in the digital economy. I hope that, just like the Tech4ED Centers, our partners and the Center Managers will continue to be part of DICT’s ongoing journey of transforming lives.
Monchito B. Ibrahim Undersecretary for Regional Operations, Countryside and ICT Industry Development
Executive Summary | iii

The implementation of the Tech4ED Project has been a collaborative experience. The production of this Handbook has also been made possible because of the hard work put in by many.
We would like to express our appreciation to the following:
• the resource persons that reviewed and helped refine the contents of this Handbook:
• Amelia S. Dean
• Maria Teresa M. Camba
• Zendie Monea B. Sollano
• Dennis A. Conopio
• Conchita Marta B. Mirabueno
• Marylene C. Castilan
• Romarico M. Cabellon
• Edriel C. Miranda
• Relyn V. Nuñez
• Madelline R. Arevalo
• Angelita L. Nicolas
• Manny F. Fajilan
• Carmela P. Valencia
• Maribel B. Montero
• Armida L. de Lara
• Genie V. dela Cueva
• Christine Miles A. Laberinto
• the supportive partners and the dedicated Center Managers and eKnowledge Workers that have invested both time and effort in helping the Tech4ED Project achieve its mission of establishing sustainable Centers that deliver relevant ICT- enabled services and content for socio-economic development in unserved and underserved areas;
• the Philippine Community eCenter Network which has been vital in helping the Tech4ED Project promote knowledge sharing by unselfishly providing their expertise, services, and resources; and
• the tireless Tech4ED Staff at the Field Offices, and the Project Management Office.
iv | Acknowledgment

List of Acronynms
ALS Alternative Learning System
CeC Community eCenters
CICT Commission on Information and Communications Technology DepEd Department of Education
DICT Department of Information and Communications Technology DOST Department of Science and Technology
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
EGMP eGovernment Master Plan
FITS Farmers IT Services
GAD Gender and Development
ICT Information and Communications Technology
LEAP Learning English Application for Pinoys
LGU Local Government Unit
MSME Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises
NCS-KW National Competency Standard for eCenter Knowledge Workers NGA National Government Agency
NGO Non-government Organization
NGP National Government Portal
NOLITC Negros Occidental Language and Information Technology
Tech4ED Center
OFWs Overseas Filipino Workers
OSYA Out-of-school youth and adults
PDS Philippine Digital Strategy
PH-WIFI Philippine Women ICT Frontier Initiative PhilCeCNet Philippine Community eCenter Network RIS Rural Impact Sourcing
TCMS Tech4ED Center Monitoring System WSIS World Summit on the Information Society
List of Acronyms | v

1The Department of Information and Communications Technology
1.1 Mission 1.2 Vision 1.3 Functions of the DICT 1.4 DICT Field Operations Offices

1. The Department of Information and Communications Technology
The Philippines has created the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT), by Executive Order 269 series of 2004, as the executive arm of government to develop, promote and advance information and communications technology (ICT). Under the Office of the President, the CICT has direct supervision over the National Computer Center (NCC), Telecommunications Office (TelOf), and other operating units of DOTC related to communications.
Upon signing of Executive Order 47 in 2011, the functions of then CICT and its attached agencies were transferred and reoriented to the Department of Science and Technology and CICT was renamed to Information and Communications Technology Office.
In May 23, 2016, Republic Act 10844 was signed into law, creating the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) as the primary policy, planning, coordinating, implementing, and administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the government that will plan, develop, and promote the national ICT development agenda.
1.1. Vision
“An innovative, safe and happy nation that thrives through and is enabled by Information and Communications Technology.”
The DICT aspires for the Philippines to develop and flourish through innovation and constant development of ICT in the pursuit of a progressive, safe, secured, contented and happy Filipino nation.
1.2. Mission
“DICT of the people and for the people.”
The DICT is committed to:
• Provide every Filipino access to vital ICT infostructure and services;
• Ensure sustainable growth of Philippine ICT-enabled industries resulting to creation
of more jobs;
• Establish One Digitized Government, One Nation;
• Support the Administration in fully achieving its goals; and
• Be the enabler, innovator, achiever, and leader in pushing the country’s development
and transition towards a world-class digital economy
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1.3 Functions of the DICT
The functions of the DICT are to:
• Formulate Policy and Planning;
• Improve Public Access;
• Share resources and build capacity;
• Protect Consumers and Develop Industry;
• Draft Cybersecurity Policy and Coordinate Programs; and
• Aid in Countryside Development.
1.4 DICT Regional Offices
DICT has eight (8) Cluster (Regional) Offices that assist in formulating and implementing national and regional policies, ICT programs and project plans in collaboration with local ICT councils and other stakeholders.
Luzon Cluster 2
Visayas Cluster 1
Mindanao Cluster 1
Luzon Cluster 1
Luzon Cluster 3
Visayas Cluster 2
Mindanao Cluster 2
Mindanao Cluster 3
The Department of Information Communications Technology | 3

The Tech24ED Program
2.1 ICT in the Philippines
2.2 Telecenters Around the World
2.3 The Telecenter Movement in the Philippines 2.4 The Philippine Community eCenter Network 2.5 About the Tech4ED Program
2.6 Program Vision, Mission, and Objectives
2.7 Tech4ED Target Sectors
2.8 Tech4ED Program Components
2.9 The Status of the Tech4eD Program

2 The Tech4ED Center 2.1 ICT in the Philippines
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) reported in 2017 that about 3.9 billion people – more than half the world’s population (53%) is still not using the Internet. Majority of this population is disproportionately female, elderly, less educated, low income and rural. ITU data also identified the primary reasons for people not using the Internet – economic and education divide, lack of infrastructure, lack of relevant online content and services, and high relative costs of access and usage.
In the Philippines, Internet penetration has continuously increased in the past decades. From 0.6% in 1998, to 25% in 2010, the number of Filipinos using the internet is reported to have grown to 55.5% in 2017. The same annual report released by ITU captures the following statistics – in 2015, only 32.5% of households in the Philippines have computers, and only 36.1% of Filipino households have Internet connection, these statistics have relatively increased in 2016 to 39.40% and 39.10%, respectively.
Statistical data mentioned above are among the 11 primary factors composite to the ICT Development Index (IDI), which is the benchmark measure for ICT developments of countries globally and is being monitored and published annually. In the 2017 IDI ranking, the Philippines ranked 101 out of 172 countries worldwide, falling a rank lower from the previous year.
Echoing the relevance of ICT as a tool for development and inclusion of societies, these statistics also reflect the progress of a country over time and how it fares in comparison with other countries. The digital divide clearly remains to be a challenge between countries and within countries that needs to be addressed as it impedes the potential of ICT as an economic and social enabler.
2.2 Telecentres Around the World
A telecentre is a venue that provides a solution to the digital divide by providing access to ICT in sections of society that have little to no access and are therefore at risk of being excluded from the socio-economic benefits that such access brings. (UN-APCICT) Telecentres support community-level economic, educational, social development, and poverty reduction.
There are varying incarnations of telecentres in almost every country: the public Internet access centers, village knowledge centers, infocenters, community technology centers, community multimedia centers, multi-purpose community telecentres, common/citizen service centers, and school-based telecentres. In the Philippines, there are community eCenters (CeCs), and Tech4ED Centers.
The establishment of CeCs in 2004 is anchored on the Philippine Government’s commitment to the World Summit on Information Society Plan of Action (Geneva, 2003), where Philippines is a signatory.
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It states that “Governments and other stakeholders should establish multi-purpose community public access points, providing affordable or free-of-charge access for their citizens to the various communication resources, notably the Internet.” This is also in adherence to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of fully exploiting the new opportunities provided by ICT.
2.3 The Telecentre Movement in the Philippines
The Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT), a predecessor of the DICT, implemented the CeC Program in 2004 under the 2004-2010 Philippine Medium- Term Development Plan.
The formulation of the 2010 Strategic Philippine CeC Roadmap was guided by these laws, policies, and commitments. It aimed to promote the development and enhance the productivity of the unserved and underserved communities in the country and improve their lives by:
• Providing connectivity to all municipalities in the Philippines;
• Identifying, developing, and providing access to content that is responsive to the
knowledge needs of the users;
• Ensuring the availability of competent CeC knowledge workers; and
• Institutionalizing systems that support the development, scaling, managing, and
implementing CeCs sustainably.
The CICT, however, was not the only government agency that provided ICT access to the underserved and unserved.
The Tech4ED Project | 7

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) implemented the Multi-Purpose Community Centers and Internet access centers that also acted as public call centers and reading and learning resource centers. The World Corps Philippines established their own Community Information Centers (CIC) in Cebu, similar to those in India, Mexico, and Kenya. These CICs provided social preparation, training, telecentre set-up, technology solutions, mentoring, and community integration. The National Computer Center (NCC) under the CICT, implemented the eLGU program that upgraded the telecom exchanges of the Telecommunications Office into CeCs. The eBarangay program, and the Tulay Project of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration were similar ICT access initiatives.
In order to harmonize these efforts, the CICT drafted the Philippine CeC Program roadmap, gathered telecentre stakeholders and provided them with a venue to share their initiatives, knowledge and experiences, and directed their efforts towards achieving maximum impact. This resulted in the formation of the Philippine Community eCenter Network (PhilCeCNet).
2.4 The Philippine Community eCenter Network
The PhilCeCNet is a multi-sectoral learning and collaborative community of CeC stakeholders that contribute to the achievement of the Philippine CeC Program’s vision and mission by ensuring the establishment of responsive, efficient, valuable and sustainable CeCs.
The Network is tasked with:
• Advocating stakeholder support for the CeC Program;
• Recommending standards and operating procedures for CeCs;
• Promoting knowledge sharing on best practices, researches, and projects;
• Establishing bonds between CeCs, the providers, partners, network members, and
international CeC networks;
• Providing services, expertise, and resources to components of the CeC Program;
• Generating and mobilizing resources for PhilCeCNet operations.
2.5 About the Tech4ED Program
In 2015, the Philippine CeC Program evolved into the Tech4ED Project as a continued national inclusion initiative of the government through the DOST-ICT Office. With its evolution comes the introduction of the online learning management system called the Tech4ED Platform containing relevant ICT contents and services for the empowerment of unserved and underserved communities nationwide.
2.6 Project Vision, Mission and Objectives
2.6.1 Vision
To establish Tech4ED Centers in unserved and underserved communities.
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2.6.2 Mission
To establish sustainable Tech4ED Centers nationwide to serve as delivery channels for relevant ICT-enabled services and content for the socio-economic development of unserved and underserved communities in order to improve their quality of life.
Specifically, the Project aims to:
• Establish sustainable Tech4ED Centers;
• Provide and develop innovative ICT-enabled services and content for the socio-
economic development of communities, especially the unserved and underserved
• Ensure the availability of competent Tech4ED knowledge workers; and Increase the awareness, appreciation of and support for the Tech4ED Project.
2.7 Tech4ED Target Sectors
Guided by the vision statement, with a mission in its core, the Tech4ED Project’s goal to strengthen the use Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to provide opportunities to the underserved and marginalized is made clearer by identifying ten (10) primary target sectors.
1. Out-of-school Youth & Adults
The Philippine Statistics Authority – Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMSS) defines out-of-school youth (15- 24 years old) and adults as persons who are not attending formal school, not gainfully employed and have not finished any college or post-secondary course.
Despite the country’s remarkable progress in improving the quality of education, some 3.6 Million children and youth remain to be out of school (PSA, 2017). The most common reasons for not attending school were marriage or family matters (42.3%), the high cost of education or financial concerns (20.2%), and lack of personal interest (19.7%). Among females, marriage or family matters was the main reason for not attending school with 59.3 percent; while it is the lack of personal interest among males with 36.5 percent.
2. Educators
As defined in RA7836, teachers are persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, including industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools in the aforesaid levels and qualified to practice teaching.
Teachers are lifelong learners. As learning and teaching go hand in hand, it is important that they continually upgrade their skills and make sure that they keep up with the changes in technology and how it applies in the classroom.
The Tech4ED Project | 9

3. Students
According to DepEd Order No. 40 s. 2012, students are persons who attend classes at any level of basic education and includes a pupil or learner. As technology revolutionized the classroom and teaching strategies, students must also learn to use technology to their advantage as a valuable tool for learning.
4. People with Disabilities
As defined in RA9442, people with disabilities (PWDs) are those suffering from restriction or different abilities, as a result of the mental, physical or sensory impairment, to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being. Differently abled people are often subject to stereotyping and discrimination. Apart from these social challenges, PWDs also have limited access to education, information, jobs and livelihood opportunities.
5. Women
A woman is an adult female distinguished to be different from a male. While the term is reserved for adults, it is sometimes used to refer to all female individuals including girls like when it is used in the term women’s empowerment.
For decades, women were considered to be the weaker gender and have tirelessly fought for their rights and place in society. In this day and age, women continue to face challenges even in accessing information and communication technologies (ICT), which affects their educational and employment opportunities.
6. Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens, as defined in RA7432, refer to any resident citizen of the Philippines at least sixty (60) years old, including those who have retired from both government offices and private enterprises.
It remains to be a fact that with age comes the challenge of technology adoption. However, it is also true that technology does not discriminate. Older learners are proven to be motivated only if they find the learning relevant to their lives.
7. OFWs, their Families/Relatives
As defined in R.A. 8042, the term migrant worker refers to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a state of which he or she is not a legal resident to be used interchangeably with the term overseas Filipino worker.
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Not only does technology make communication easier, more accessible and affordable for families separated by distance, but it is a globally recognized tool that will increase their employability.
8. Entrepreneurs
One who organizes/manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. A person who organizes/manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. (Meriam-Webster)
The 1987 Philippine Constitution recognizes entrepreneurship as an engine of economic growth. Also, the Philippine Development Plan (PDP 2017-2022) recognizes that entrepreneurship is one of the keys to achieving the government’s goal of economic development and job creation. Evolving ICT technologies have opened opportunities to strengthen businesses and have emerged to be valuable tools for entrepreneurs worldwide, especially in developing nations.
9. Indigenous People
As defined in RA8371, this refers to a group of people or homogenous societies identified by self-ascription and ascription by others, who have continuously lived as organized community on communally bounded and defined territory, and who have, under claims since time memorial, occupied, possessed and utilized such territories, sharing common bonds of language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits, or who have, through resistance to political, social and cultural inroads of colonization, non-indigenous religions
and cultures, became historically differentiated from the majority of Filipinos.
The WSIS Declaration of Principles 2003, Article 15 states that, “In the evolution of the Information Society, particular attention must be given to the special situation of Indigenous Peoples, as well as to the preservation of their heritage and their cultural legacy.” IP communities all over the world have been struggling to be integrated into the society along with social injustices, issues on land rights and ancestral domains, and discrimination. The global community has recognized ICT’s potential as a tool for the inclusion and empowerment of IPs, even with managing and preserving and promoting their culture.
10. Farmers and fisherfolks
A farmer (Dryer, 2007) is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock. Fisherfolks are people who earn their living by fishing; fishermen and women collectively.
The fisheries and agriculture sectors are oftentimes sidetracked when ICTs are being discussed. It is only when the social dimension of ICTs has been pushed forward and brought more focus that it is recognized as an enabling tool for inclusion of farmers and fisherfolks. Some of its uses are making relevant information readily available and accessible, presence of online platforms to widen market reach and even diagnostic
tools for crops.
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2.8 Tech4ED Program Components
The Tech4ED Program has five (5) components:
• Establishment of Tech4ED Centers. This component seeks to establish sustainable, gender-responsive Tech4ED Centers in underserved and unserved communities which have no, if not minimal, access to ICT. Among the notable activities in this component are the Center selection, launch and operations.
• Content Development. This component seeks to provide need-based, community- respo nsive contents which can be accessed thru the Tech4ED Centers. These ICT- enabled contents and services are mostly existing materials from various partners delivered thru the Tech4ED platform.
• Capability Building. This component aims to build the capability of Tech4ED Center Knowledge workers, including the DICT personnel. The Center manager, technical and administrative support staff, on the use of Tech4ED platform and in the areas of planning, managing and sustaining the operation of the Tech4ED Center.
• Advocacy and Promotion. This component focuses on developing collaborative advocacy efforts to increase awareness, appreciation, and support for the Tech4ED Project.
• Monitoring & Evaluation. This component seeks to conduct various activities to monitor the Project’s commitments, activities, and accomplishments, and to evaluate its impact. This shall be done through the conduct of onsite visits, online coordination, submission of accomplishment reports, survey enlistment, etc.
2.9. The Status of Tech4ED Program
At the end of 2018, there have been 2, 683 Centers established throughout the country. Broken down into components, the status of the Project is as follows:
2.9.1 Establishment of Tech4ED Centers
730 1,51136 179 39 63
11 35 19 26 45
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2.9.2 Content Development
• In 2018, three (3) new segments were made available in the Tech4ED Platform: RIS, GAD and eHealth;
• Four offline contents are available in the platform – LEAP, Career Engine, Starbooks and Adolescent Health Education and Practical Training (ADEPT) from DOH.
• The Tech4ED Center Monitoring System (TCMS) was released; and
• There were over 100,000 Platform users by the end of the first quarter of 2018.
2.9.3 Capacity Building
• There were two (2) courses developed in 2016: the Center Management Course, and the Computer Hardware, Networking and Basic Troubleshooting Course; and
• As of 2018, 322 Center Management Trainings have been conducted, and 6,309 Center Managers trained.
• The National Competency Standards for Knowledge Workers has been finalized and released.
2.9.4 Advocacy and Promotion
• The Tech4ED Project Team was able to organize an international summit in 2016 a Knowledge Exchange Conference annually, and eleven (11) Tech4ED Conferences were conducted;
• The Project Team was also able to publish two (2) issues of the Tech4ED Newsletter in 2017; and
• The Project received the 2016 WSIS Prize for eEmployment Action Line.
• Six (6) Centers of Excellence and six (6) emerging centers have been recognized in
during the National Tech4ED Awards in 2017 and 2018.
• In 2017, it also received the Best in Community Service Project for Economic
and Community Development by Rotary District 3850, first place in the Bangon Kabuhayan Awards in the Employment Facilitation Category and Apolinario Mabini Award for Website Accessibility. The project was also a finalist to the International Data Corporation – Smart City Asia Pacific Awards 2017.
• In 2018, Butuan City Library Tech4ED Center received Economic Wellbeing: Innovation Award from EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries), an international not-for-profit organization that works with libraries to enable access to knowledge in developing and transition economy countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America.
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The Tech4ED3Center
3.1 Establishing Tech4ED Centers
3.2 Tech4ED Center Physical Layout
3.3 Tech4ED Center Banners and Signages 3.4 Tech4ED Center Models

3. The Tech4ED Center
A Tech4ED Center is a self-sustaining, shared facility providing access to ICT-enabled services and relevant content. It serves as a hub for the unserved or underserved communities, and the marginalized sectors so they can access ICT services, eGovernment services, non-formal education, skills training, eHealth services, job markets, and business portals. It enables the citizens to upgrade their ICT literacy level, acquire skills to gain employment, avail of government services, increase their knowledge, and communicate with their families overseas or with individuals in the same field.
Every municipality in the country is envisioned to have at least one Tech4ED Center. These Centers should be strategically located in public areas to promote digital literacy, alternative education, employment, microbusinesses, and market trade for an inclusive economic growth. These areas could be municipal halls, barangay halls, airports, seaports, public market, public schoolyards, public libraries, hospital lobby, regional health units, and public parks. The target users of the Centers are those in the underserved and marginalized communities, specifically Out-of-School Youth and Adults (OSYA), women, teachers, students, OFWs as well as their families and relatives, PWDs, senior citizens, indigenous people, entrepreneurs, farmers and fisherfolk.
3.1 Establishing Tech4ED Centers
The DICT and partners contribute to the establishment of a Tech4ED Center by providing the corresponding counterparts.
3.1.1 Roles and responsibilities of DICT
To facilitate the establishment of a Tech4ED Center, the DICT is responsible for:
• Providing training to Center Managers;
• Providing the Tech4ED Platform and content;
• Providing technical assistance and support to Center managers and staff in the
implementation of the Project;
• Reviewing reports required to be submitted by the partner;
• Evaluating and conducting periodic monitoring of the Center to gauge its
performance; and
• Providing computer packages to selected centers.
3.1.2 Roles and responsibilities of partners
To facilitate the establishment of a Tech4ED Center in their area, partners shall be responsible for:
• Signing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the DICT setting the terms of the establishment of the Center;
• Passing a Sangguniang Bayan Resolution or Ordinance officially establishing the Center, if the establishment of the Center is initiated by the LGU;
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• Assigning at least two (2) full-time personnel to act as Center Manager and Staff;
• Providing a space where the Center will be housed that is at least a 20 sqm;
• Providing at least three (3) computer units with headsets and microphones;
• Providing at least three (3) computer tables and chairs and extra (2) tables and chairs
for users that will bring their own gadgets/devices;
• Providing Internet connectivity, and at least one (1) router;
• Printing Tech4ED banners, tarpaulins, and other collaterals, as needed; and
• Informing the assigned Provincial Field Team Lead (PFTL) or the Tech4ED Regional
Office through email if there is a change of Center Manager, in order to facilitate mentoring of the new Center Manager.
In order to sustain the centers, other responsibilities of the partner include the following:
• Appoint the Center staff – the Center Manager, and the eKnowledge worker/s. The
Tech4ED PMO strongly recommends that the Center Manager, and the eKnowl-
edge workers to have at least received education at the college level;
• Institute the Community eCenter (CeC) Core group to help Center staff craft proj-
ects and plans, and mobilize resources (See Section 6.2.1);
• Attend Executive Forums on Tech4ED programs/activities/policies/updates to
ensure continued involvement in project;
• Allow Center Manager/Staff to attend conferences, trainings, mentoring, coaching,
etc.; and
• Appropriate funds for Center Operations.
Ideally, the Tech4ED Center should be open daily for it to serve as many people in the areas as possible. However, it is up to the discretion of the host-partner to determine the days and hours that the Center is open, keeping in mind the objectives of the Project.
The Center staff and Center Manager along with the eKnowledge workers that will assist/ support the manager, appointed by the Partner are required to undergo the Center Manager Training before the Center is launched.
3.2 Tech4ED Center Physical Layout
The Tech4ED Center layout is flexible and can be arranged in a way that allows the maximum accommodation of people, equipment, furniture, ventilation, and other considerations.
Ideally, the Center should have a floor area not less than 20 sqm. It is suggested that the Center have four areas: Registration, Printing, Computer, and Baggage. The images below provide examples of possible Center layouts.
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Image 1. Sample layout showing the 4 areas Registration, Computer, Baggage, and Printing (ideal layout- to promote privacy of users)
Image 2. Sample 3D illustration of the layout showing the 4 areas.
Image 3. Sample 4m x 5m room layout
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Depending on the size of the Center, there may also be space allocated for users that will bring their own device/s and use them in the Center. Should this be an option, the mode of providing Internet to these personal devices should also be addressed.
Since Center rules discourage eating and drinking within the premises, there should be a designated area where Center staff may take their meals.
The following are photos of actual Tech4ED Centers of each model on which Managers may base their Center layouts.
3.3 Tech4ED Center Banners and Signages
It is important to let people know about the presence of a Tech4ED Center in the community. The following are the standard banners and signage, as well as the recommended posting area.
The Center usually has four (4) banners: a center signage, a door banner, and two (2) banners for house rules. Center computers should also display the standard wallpaper. Centers are required to update their Center banners and signage as advised by the project team.
3.3.1 Tech4ED Center Signage
The Tech4ED Center Signage should be big enough that it can be easily identified from afar. The design of the Signage is standard for all Centers. The recommended Center signage size is 6 feet by 4 feet, but this may be resized in proportion to the size of the Center. The Center Signage should be hung on walls, canopies, and areas where there is heavy foot traffic.
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Image 5. Center Signage hung on a wall or a canopy.
3.3.2 Tech4ED Door Banner and Signages
The design of the door banner is standard for all Tech4ED Centers. The recommended dimensions for the door banner is 6 feet x 2.5 feet. However, depending on the dimensions of the door of the Center, Center Staff may resize the banner as necessary.
It is recommended that operating hours of the Center be posted at the door. If the Center will be hosting a training or an event that would require the Center to be closed to users, a notice of the event should be posted at least three days prior with the event’s date, the time it starts and ends.
During the event itself, there should be a signage indicating that the Center is closed due to the activity and indicate the time when users can come back to use the Center.
Center Managers should their respective Tech4ED get their signages and
coordinate with Field Staff to banners updated.
Image 6. Tech4ED Center Door Banner

3.4 Tech4ED Center Models
In order to have sustainable Tech4ED Centers, DICT encourages partners by having them contribute to the establishment of the Center as counterpart. Although Centers were initially established in collaboration with LGUs, it has expanded by partnering with multi-sectoral stakeholders. The variety of Tech4ED Center models help provide access to ICT services to everyone in the community or a specific group of people. The following are the current Tech4ED Center models:
• Local Government Units - A Tech4ED center may be housed inside a city, municipal, or barangay hall, city, municipal, or barangay library, senior citizen building, PWD building, or a separate building owned by LGU. A resolution from the barangay or Sanggunian is necessary to establish this type of Center. This Center model is usually located in a public place with heavy foot traffic, making it ideal to cater to all sectors;
M’lang Tech4ED Center
M’lang Tech4ED Center in North Cotabato was established in 2015. Since then, the municipality has established 23 barangay-based Tech4ED Centers, and five (5) Centers for special sectors (Overseas Filipino Workers, Persons with Disabilities, Indigenous People and Senior Citizen and a Technical Vocational School). The e-center serves as a “one-stop-shop ICT facility” offering IT ladderized education, values and counseling, employment facilitation, livelihood assistance, entrepreneurship development, e-tourism, e-health, digital literacy, and as a channel of information and communication for e-government services. It also advocates for peace and development in Mindanao, and environment to address issue on climate change.
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Intended beneficiaries of its programs and services are those who belong to socially vulnerable groups such as children of displaced families affected by man-made calamities, child laborers, Indigenous people (IPs), out-of-school youth, college drop-outs, persons with disabilities (PWDs), unemployed or underemployed, senior citizen, poor farmers, distressed and undocumented OFWs, ambulant vendors, transport sector and grassroots women.
Other Services Offered by the Center: • General Services
{ ICT Program and Values Orientation
{ Digital Literacy
{ IT Ladderized Education Program
• Education
{ Values and Counselling Services for students
{ Online educational research
• eGovernment Services:
{ Online passport appointments
{ Online NBI Clearance appointments
{ Online requests for birth

{ Tech4ED eGovernment Services Employment/Labor/Livelihood
{ Employment Facilitation for job seekers
{ Online jobs research
{ Jobs fair for local and foreign employment
{ Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged Workers
{ Livelihood Assistance and Entrepreneurship Development for ambulant vendors; and
{ Online promotion and marketing of products and services for ambulant vendors.
• Schools (Public, Private, and State Universities and Colleges (SUC)) - This Tech4ED center may be located inside an ALS classroom, computer rooms, or a school library. It caters primarily teachers, students, school staff, and parents. For private schools and SUCs, a school board resolution may be required to establish this Center;
Lanapin National High School
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Lananpin National High School Tech4ED Center started operations in June 2016 along with 22 other schools in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Prior to the Center opening, the School’s ICT coordinators received training from the DICT to become center managers. The training opened a partnership between the SDO Urdaneta City and the DICT to promote better access to ICT-enabled services and relevant content to students, parents and other members of the community. Since Lananpin NHS is the premier Technical- Vocational School in Urdaneta City, the Tech4ED project became a venue through which other programs of the Department of Education, particularly the Technology and Livelihood Education area.
The Tech4ED Center and its services were introduced to students, teachers, parents, alumni and other institutions. These users were encouraged to register and use the portal as an educational tool and access government services. Lananpin NHS Tech4ED Center has more than 5000 active users to date.
Other Services Offered by the Center:
• ICT Literacy Skills Development Trainings for Teachers
• ICT Enhancement Program for Students
• Orientation and Registration in Tech4ED Platforms for Teachers
• Trainings and Seminars on Google Applications, Advanced MS Office, Video Editing
and Computer Graphics Design for Teachers
• Trainings and Seminars on Computer System Servicing, Web Development,
Animation, Photo Editing, Video and Audio Editing, Programming and MS Office for Students.
• Libraries - This model offers Tech4ED platform contents and services for additional references and resources. The DICT and National Library of the Philippines have an agreement that all qualified affiliated libraries are to become Tech4ED centers;
Butuan City Public Library Tech4ED Center
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The Tech4ED Center in Butuan was initially intended to be located in different barangays within the City in 2015. However, the City Government decided that the Public City Library would be the ideal venue to house the Center due to its strategic location, and the availability of high-speed Internet, computers, and ICT personnel.
In January 2016, the Library started its Online OEC Processing Assistance Service for OFWs, in collaboration with POEA-Caraga. It also provided Digital Literacy Trainings for Barangay Nutrition Scholars, Senior Citizens, and other sectors by the end of 2016. The Library conducted Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) bootcamps for work-from- home hob seekers with RIS. The BPO bootcamp is now being conducted on a daily and monthly basis.
Other Services Offered by the Center:
• Tech4ED eGovServices platform coaching and assistance for OFWs
• Tech4ED Orientation and Digital Literacy for Out-of-School Youth from 4Ps fami-
• Tech4ED Orientation and Digital Literacy for Barangay Nutrition Scholars
• Tech4ED Orientation and Digital Literacy for Abandoned School Children and
• Digital Literacy for Senior Citizens
• BPO Orientation and Bootcamp for work-from-home job seekers
• eGov Coaching and assistance for Licensure Exam for Teachers applicants via
Tech4ED Portal
• Farmers IT Services (FITS) Centers - This model was initiated by the Agricultural Training Institute of the DA, (agreement). The FITS Center already provides ICT services to farmers. It uses the Tech4ED platform contents and services to provide supplemental resources for their clients;
• Negosyo Centers - This model is an initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). It already provides ICT services to MSMEs. It uses the Tech4ED platform contents and services to provide supplemental resources for income generation and wider market reach;
• National Government Agencies (NGAs) - This model is housed inside the NGA’s premises and/or extension offices for public use to provide access to additional resources to their target sectors, and to serve as complementary service to their existing initiatives;
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Bureau of Jail Management and Penology-Zamboanga City Jail
On April 8, 2016, the BJMP- Zamboanga City Jail (ZCJ) Tech4ed Center was formally launched. The computer units allocated for this Center were donated by the Rotary Club of Zamboanga City West and other partners. To date, the detainees of ZCJ are able to use seven computers with the Center. Several detainees received Digital Literacy Trainings given by DICT-Mindanao Cluster 1 Staff.
The Center introduced the e-Dalaw Program which provides inmates with the opportunity to re-establish contact with their loved ones and relatives overseas or locally under strict monitoring of assigned BJMP personnel. The Program helps detainees keep in touch with their loved ones “virtually” and has helped allay homesickness and depression among the detainees, as well as curb drug or weapons smuggling in the jail. The female inmates of the ZCJ have been running a cupcakes and delicacies business, and they used what they learned from the digital literacy trainings provided by the Tech4ED center in the ZCJ to design the logo, label, and marketing collaterals for their baked goods.
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• Non-government Organizations (NGOs) - This model offers Tech4ED platform contents and services with like-minded organizations working towards the goal of developing communities while promoting ICT;
• Private Sector - Private-public partnerships are encouraged in the establishment of Tech4ED Centers. In the absence of publicly-owned spaces and facilities in an area, private partners, that are legal entities and may enter into an agreement with DICT, are tapped to host a Tech4ED Center. This type of Center may collect minimal fees to sustain itself while taking part in the greater goal of making ICT available for all;
• DICT Regional and Provincial Training Centers - This model is housed inside DICT provincial and regional offices nationwide. This Center model is open to the public and may be used as a training facility;
• Mobile Tech4ED Centers - This model is able to go around specified areas since it is housed in a truck, a bus or a moving vehicle. One of the more unique types of a mobile Tech4ED Center is a kariton, is a wagon used in the early days of nomadic living in the Philippines, typically made of wood, scrap metal and rubber that may serve as a mode of transportation, a shelter for some, a tool for peddlers and vendors, or even a toy/ playhouse for kids. Instead of people going to a center, this model uses vehicles to bring ICT services to them; and
• Tech4ED-Rural Impact Sourcing Hubs - This model provides technical training to increase the capabilities of the people to land ICT-related jobs. The Tech4ED-RIS Hub is intended to be a facility that provides access to ICT-enabled contents and services, as well as a co-working space where, depending on the partner, RIS trainees, online freelancers, and other technopreneurs use Center equipment for free so they can perform online jobs. It is highly recommended for the Center to operate 24/7.
However, Center models are not limited to what have been enumerated here. It is expected that there would be innovation not just in the places where Tech4ED Centers are situated but also in the services they offer especially with the advancement of technology.
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4The Tech4ED Center Services
4.1 The Tech4ED Platform

4. Tech4ED Center Services
Tech4ED Centers offer the following basic services:
• • •

Access to the Tech4ED platform;
Access to the computers, the Internet, and other ICT services;
Access to eGovServices available on the platform (processing online applications such as birth certificates, passport applications, NBI clearance appointments, etc.); and
Access to ICT-related trainings; to introduce and improve ICT skills of its users.
Some centers that have been recognized for their best practices offer advanced ICT-related trainings such as web development, photo editing, basic computer troubleshooting and other ICT services on top of these basic services.
4.1 The Tech4ED Platform
The Tech4ED Platform is a Learning Management System developed to house various content and learning materials accessible in Tech4ED Centers. The Platform currently has eight (8) segments with content aimed at developing and enhancing the knowledge and skills competencies of Center users. The Platform has both online and offline content.
The Tech4ED Project Management Office (PMO) is continuously looking for opportunities to expand the content of the segments, as well as add to the existing segments. It partners with content providers from both public and private sectors to enrich the content of the Platform to respond to user needs. (revise: remove, or how to contribute, move to end of this section).
4.1.1 Accessing the Tech4ED Platform
Like most e-learning and social media platforms, the Tech4ED Platform would require each user to have a working email in order to be registered and gain full access into its features and services. Users will have to go through a one-time registration process and just log in for succeeding access. Both center managers and users will have to follow these steps for registration:
• Go to the Tech4ED website (;
• Register the new user’s email by clicking the create a new account button;
• Click SUBMIT;
• Have the user check his/her email for email from Info;
• After opening the email from Info, click the hyperlinked word HERE;
• Have the user fill out the three (3) required fields;
• Choose your Tech4ED Center on the third field;
• Click SUBMIT then SAVE;
• Return to the Tech4ED website, and have the user log in to his/her account; and
• Start using the Tech4ED platform.
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4.1.2 The Tech4ED Platform Segments The e-Agri segment aims to use ICT to enhance and localize farm technologies to increase productivity and reduce cost for farmers and fisherfolk. The contents of this segment are made available in the Tech4ED platform thru partnership with the Department of Agriculture (DA). The segment’s components are:
• eFarming provides technical advisory services on agriculture and fisheries technologies. Users of this content can take up online agriculture-related courses through its e-learning section and earn certificates – all for free.
• PhilRice Minus-One Element Technique (MOET) App is an android mobile app developed to complement the MOET kit, an alternative technique that farmers may use to diagnose soil nutrient status.
• Rice Text Center (0917-111-7423) is a helpdesk and customer support, which link experts, extension officers, and farmers by answering rice-related queries through text messaging.
•Pinoy Rice is short for Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank. It contains information to help farmers improve and localize their farming practices. It compares farmer practices against the existing best practices and it also contains downloadable reference materials and video. The Knowledge Bank also has Palay Check which provides key checking, assessment, and recommendations to achieve key checks.
•The Rice Crop Manager provides a personalized crop and nutrient management recommendation for rice fields through a one-page printout and text messages. The service aims to reduce production costs, increase yields and net income, and provide professional extension service that gives appropriate information at the correct time to farmers through ICT.
• The Rice Data and Information Portal provides a database of agricultural research, rice-related data and information thru the Philippine Rice Research Institute’s website. It includes Seed Information, GIS Maps, a database of online FAQs and R&D highlights, PhilRice accessories, PalayStat and Tools on soil management, bioinformatics tools and rice pest control.
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• The Rice Doctor is a mobile application that serves as a diagnostic tool that helps identify problems in crops and provides actionable advice how to manage them; and
• The Rice Knowledge Bank contains rice production techniques, ag- ricultural technologies, and the best farming practices based on the International Rice Research Institute’s research, project, and media resources. eMarketplace segment aims to increase the market reach of micro-, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) beyond their immediate community for better economic growth and opportunities. This segment houses the following contents:
• Mimaropa Ventures is the online marketplace for government- assisted MSMEs in the region IV-B. Purchases may be settled in over- the-counter centers or thru Paypal or credit card payment online. Being a DOST-initiated project, nationwide delivery fees are fixed at Php150 regardless of quantity of orders and location.
• is an eCommerce web application developed by DOST operating nationwide. It caters primarily to Philippine consumers. oneSTore helps DOST-assisted MSMEs to widen their market scope and offers various payment channels like over-the-counter bank payment in Landbank and Unionbank, online credit card payment. Like MiMaRoPa Ventures, shipping rate is also fixed at Php150.00 nationwide. The eHealth segment provides access to basic health information and access to available and existing Philippine-based health related online resources including international and global healthcare organizations.
The segment contains the following:
• eLearn online, in partnership with the Department of Health is a learning management system that contains the online e-learning courses and programs. It has two initial courses, namely:
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• Adolescent Health Education and Practical Training (ADEPT) is an initiative that aims to improve adolescent health care by bridging the communication gap between adolescents and health care service providers nationwide. The ultimate goal of this project is to educate the health care service providers about the proper ways of dealing with adolescents- building trust, encouraging openness, asking the right questions in a right manner, etc. This content is also available offline.
• Data Governance orients rural health workers on the importance of quality data and health information being generated from the field, for health planning, monitoring, better health outcomes. Management tools like Data Quality Control (DQC), the LGU Health Scorecard, and the Electronic Health System are also discussed.
• Health Care Organization, an aggregation of links to global and international healthcare organizations giving communities access to relevant information;
• Hospitals and Health Care Facilities, links to national government agencies overseeing the health sector in the Philippines; and
• Online resources, an aggregation of links to health and medical online resources including videos, research, and published materials. The Gender and Development (GAD) segment provides content on women empowerment, policies for protection of women, and skills enhancement. The following are housed under this segment:
• Connected Women, is a job-matching platform that connects busy professionals from abroad to Filipino virtual assistants. It is also a social enterprise that conducts digital skills training to bring women’s business ideas to life.
• eGOV4Women, a Handbook to be used by policy-makers in designing gender-responsive ecosystems;
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• Gender and Development Policies, contains Philippine laws and policies regarding the promotion and protection of women’s rights; and
• Training Modules, a section that contains Philippine Women ICT Frontier Initiative (PH-WIFI) training modules aimed at equipping women with entrepreneurship and ICT skills. The Rural Impact Sourcing (RIS) segment aims to promote ICT-enabled jobs, online freelancing and digital career. It primarily targets users in rural communities to help them gain employment through the online freelancing industry.
Resources on this segment are from Ms. Janette Toral,
a practicing e-commerce, social media, and Internet
marketing specialist. She is also a trainer, blogger, policy
lobbyist, and entrepreneur (business and social), educator,
researcher, writer, ambassador, community leader, and a business leader. She is dubbed as the “mother of e-commerce law in the Philippines” and has spearheaded the conduct of the Rural Impact Sourcing project of DICT as its technical consultant. The components of the RIS segment are:
• Training Modules, a section that contains Philippine Women ICT Frontier Initiative (PH-WIFI) training modules aimed at equipping women with entrepreneurship and ICT skills.
• Freelancer Client Management Guide, which directs users to a video link on a mentoring program on E-Commerce & Digital Marketing for MSMEs and Freelancers; and
• Social Media Marketing Bootcamp, which is a series of online lessons that aim to help entrepreneurs take their business online and for freelancers to beef up their skills on e-commerce and digital marketing. The eEduSkills segment aims to address the education divide by delivering eLearning on demand. The target beneficiaries of this segment are the out-of-school youth and adults, students, women, educators, persons with disability (PWDs), Indigenous Peoples, among others. The components of this segment are:
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• eSkwela, a project of the CICT and the Bureau of Alternative Learning Systems (BALS) of the Department of Education (DepEd). It provides interactive e-learning mod- ules for the country’s out-of-school youth and adults; and
• ALS Modules that are available in PDF format, namely:
• Communication skills;
• Critical thinking and problem solving;
• Sustainable use of resources and productivity;
• Development of Self and a Sense of community; and
• Expanding World Vision.
• The DepEd Alternative Learning System, which contains a set of knowledge skills and competencies that learners should develop to meet the minimum requirements of basic education. It is comparable to the formal school curriculum. The teaching and learning processes and resources are based on the Alternative Learning Systems curriculum. Within this component are:
• The Rotary eLibrary, which contains various eBooks which can be downloaded for references. The is in partnership with the Rotary Club of Paranaque;
• Global Community Foundation, which provides free self-paced tutorials on reading & math, core skills, technology and work;
• Learning English Application for Pinoys (LEAP), an application developed in partnership with UP Diliman and Department of Science and Technology (DOST), which aims to enhance the users’ English grammar, vocabulary, and speech skills and enable them to have better chances of being employed by a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company;
• Starbooks Online, or Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosks, an application developed in partnership with DOST’s Science and Technology Information Institute. It offers various learning materials in print and video format that are aligned with DepEd’s K-12 curriculum;
• TeknoAklatan, which contains electronic resources subscribed and downloaded by the National Library of the Philippines;
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• The DepEd Alternative Learning System, which contains a set of knowledge skills and competencies that learners should develop to meet the minimum requirements of basic education. It is comparable to the formal school curriculum. The teaching and learning processes and resources are based on the Alternative Learning Systems curriculum. Within this component are:
• Skills Training, which is given through the TESDA Online Program (TOP) of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). TOP is an open educational resource that aims to bring technical education to Filipinos through ICT;
• Test Hero is a platform that will help prepare students for admission exams and certification exams. contains various modules, tips, videos and other content that will help learners measure their abilities and monitor their progress.
• Values and Character Formation, which is categorized into videos, games and reading materials directed at promoting the responsible use of ICT, as well as personality development. It contains content on:
• Raising awareness on Cyberbullying and how to stand up to cyberbullies;
• Netiquette in order to develop responsible netizens;
• Cybersecurity and Safety, which contains tips in promoting a
safe and secure cyberspace while using the Internet; and
• Personality Development with relevant information how to
prepare professionals and job seekers for job interviews and engage in conversations. The e-Assist segment focuses on providing learning and continuous skills development opportunities for digital inclusion for special sectors such as out-of-school youth and adults, students, women, PWDs, senior citizens, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) including their families and relatives, career shifters, and teachers. The components of this segment are:
• ICT for Financial Literacy, which contains videos, games, and printed materials aimed at increasing one’s knowledge about financial management.
{ Back por Gud – a short educational video from the Colayco Foundation that mirror’s the typical financial challenges of OFWs and their families.
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{ Gusto mo bang yumaman - Another video from Colayco Foundation which also aims to educate the viewer on managing finances.
{ Financial Football - an interactive and educational football game
from Visa that directs the player to answer questions pertaining to
basic concepts of finances.
{ Peso Sense – Is tagged as the Philippine Financial Freedom
Campaign aims to which improve the financial acumen of both Overseas Filipinos (OFs) and their beneficiaries. The program, funded by the Western Union Foundation in collaboration with Western Union® Agents e–Business Inc. and Petnet Inc., is executed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO). It contains games and online applications about how to save, invest and spend money.
ICT for Entrepreneurs, which contains video and reading resources to equip entrepreneurs and incorporate the use of ICT.

• Go Negosyo contains videos of successful entrepreneurs aimed at inspiring and encouraging people to become entrepreneurs; and
• PH-WIFI has the training modules of the Philippine WIFI program which promotes the use ICT in business, especially those run by women.
ICT for Digital Literacy, which has learning modules and applica- tions for basic digital literacy skills that are self-paced.
{ Intel Easy Steps (Learner Edition) – a learning guide on the basic productivity tools and basic computer concepts in- cluding activity books for zero-based learners;
{ Learn My Way - an online application from Tinder Founda- tion that aims to teach basic digital skills thru modules tai- lor-fitted to the learner based on his/her profile;
{ Intel Easy Steps (Staff Edition) - a learning guide on the ba- sic productivity tools and basic computer concepts includ- ing activity books for intermediate learners; and
{ Online Digital Literacy – the Online version of the Intel Easy Steps learning modules.
ICT for Career Development, which provides various eLearning resources that help develop skills and knowledge of lifelong learners and career shifters.

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{ Intel teach Elements Online - helps teachers improve their teaching strategies by using ICTs in the 21st century classroom approach; and
{ Google online courses - free online courses from Google that may be taken at the learner’s pace.
• The Career Engine is a social platform designed to prepare graduating students of colleges and TVET institutes to be “job- ready”. It further aims to develop the right mind-set and guidance for succeeding and thriving in their careers.
• TypePhil is an open source application that is available both online and offline (SOON). It helps learners to efficiently and effectively learn and improve their typing proficiency specifically designed for Filipinos. This is produced and shared by CodePhil, an ed-tech nonprofit based in New York City that aims to advance the digital literacy skills for students in developing countries. The eGovServices segment links the user to the National Government Portal (NGP), a single window containing all online information and operational infrastructures, and public services of the government developed by the DICT. By using NGP, citizens may perform typical transactions, such as applying for a driver’s license, filing of taxes, and renewing of passport, online. This makes the Tech4ED Platform a one-stop shop for selected government services.
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5The Tech4ED Center Management
5.1 Tech4ED Partnership Diagram
5.2 Responsibilities of the Center Manager
5.3 Responsibilities of the eKnowledge Workers

5. Tech4ED Center Management
5.1 Tech4ED Partnership Diagram
(LGU, school, library, private, NGA)
Tech4ED Center
Tech4ED Center
Center Managers/ Knowledge Workers Center Staff
Department of Information and Communications Technology
Tech4ED Program
Tech4ED Staff
Project Management Office
Tech4ED Staff
DICT Regional/ Provincial Offices
5.2 Responsibilities of the Center Manager
The Center Manager appointed by the Partner is tasked to:
• Management
{ Oversee day-to-day Center operations, from before it opens until after it closes;
{ Ensure that Center rules and regulations are implemented by the eKnowledge
{ Ensure that the Tech4ED Center and its immediate physical environment are
{ Championexcellenceincustomerservicebyprovidingreal-timeassistanceto
users, among others;
{ Devise a feedback mechanism to evaluate the quality of service delivery by
the Center; and
{ Ensure that the following reports required by the DICT are submitted:
h The regular uploading of TCMS data logs (refer to Section 7);
h The filing of Incident reports (user feedback, feedback on platform Center status, issues, and incidents that may have happened within the Center) within the week they happened. The Incident Report form is found in Annex
h Center Managers are also encouraged to share their success stories or
stories of innovation with the PMO. The form for these stories may be found at: After these stories are validated, they may be included in the Tech4ED Newsletter;
• Technical
{ Ensure that all equipment is in good working condition, requests for the
maintenance, repair, or purchase of equipment, furniture, and supplies of the
Tech4ED Center are made whenever necessary; • Personal
{ Initiate the setting of short- and long-term goals with the Center staff so these 38 | Tech4ED Center Managers Toolkit

can be presented to the CeC Core Group for evaluation;
{ Conduct coaching and mentoring to eKnowledge Workers;
{ Explore the possibility of having partnerships/linkages with other
{ Engage the members of the CeC Core Group;
{ Conduct advocacy activities promoting the Tech4ED Center and its services.
This includes promoting the Center on through the LGU/organization’s website, and on social media platforms, and providing regular updates on Center-related activities and accomplishments;
{ For LGU-based Centers, engage the Sanggunian to initiate Center-related policies/ordinances;
{ Initiate, organize, and coordinate events to be held in the Center (e.g. training, workshops, seminars, and examinations, etc.)
The Tech4ED Project has no policy on Center Staff uniform. The decision to impose a dress code should come from the partner. However, Center Staff established in partnership with LGUs or other government agencies should abide by the Civil Service Memorandum Circular 14 (Dress Code) and 25, s. 1991, which prescribes the Dress Code for all Government Officials and Employees.
If there is a change of Center Manager, the assigned Provincial Field Team Lead (PFTL) or the DICT Regional Office should be informed through email, in order to facilitate
mentoring of the new Center Manager.
5.2.1 Creating a Tech4ED Center core group
One of the key factors in the success of a Tech4ED Center is the extensive support coming from the management and from its stakeholders. It is important for the center manager to engage officials, heads-of-offices and community leaders to make them understand and appreciate the goals of the center in order for them to provide support and even become champions themselves.
A core group is established in a Tech4ED Center to serve as a support group and think tank to help plan, promote and implement the center’s plans and achieve its goals. The core group is composed of community members and stakeholders. It is mainly a volunteer effort, but its establishment may be supported by a local legislation to further strengthen its role in the community. A core group will be composed of ten (10) members coming from the different multi-sectoral groups in the community or people’s organizations in the Local Government Unit (LGU).
• Identify Key Resources in the Tech4ED Center ex. Stakeholder support
Core group commitment Manpower Budget/Financial resources Location/Physical resources
Tech4ED Center Management| 39

• Stakeholder Mapping - Guide Questions to identify stakeholders of Tech4ED Center Establishment
{ Who are your stakeholders?
{ Who is or who will be affected, positively or negatively, by the establish-
ment of the Tech4ED Center?
{ Who holds official positions relevant to the establishment of the Tech4ED
{ Who is interested in the Tech4ED Center’s success or failure?
{ Who has been involved in any similar Tech4ED Center establishment in the
{ Whose names come up regularly when you are discussing this subject?
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
GUIDELINES FOR THE CREATION OF A CENTER CORE GROUP From the Philippine Community eCenter Program
Implementing the Philippine CeC Roadmap : Towards A CeC in Every Municipality
Composition of the Core Group
A Center Core Group will have a maximum of ten (10) members, with the Order of Authority as follows:
• Chair (may or may not be the Local Chief Executive (LCE) and shall be elected from among the identified Core Group members)
• Vice-Chair (shall be elected from among the Core Group members)
• 1 CeC Head or CeC Manager (shall be elected from among the Core Group members) • 1 CeC Alternate Head (shall be elected from among the Core Group members)
• 6 Member Representatives – Sectoral representatives coming from the various
people’s organizations in the community such as Students, Farmers/Fisherfolks, Women, Senior Citizens, Academe, Business, Religious, etc.)
Selection and Creation of the Core Group
The host LGU, through its Local Chief Executive (LCE), shall be responsible for the selection of the Core Group members from the various sectors or people’s organizations in the community. The Core Group shall be created by virtue of an Executive Order signed by the LCE.
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