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Published by Sikh Funeral Planning, 2019-03-07 10:13:26

Sikh Funeral Planning

V1.0 Brochure

Working in association with...


Includes contribution GUARANTEED
towards Gurdwara service ACCEPTANCE

With us, you’ll always be in Safe Hands

01926 803808 [email protected]

Sikh Funeral Planning is a trading arm of Sikh Wills Limited (Company Reg: 10135098)
The Basement, 5 Clarendon Square, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5QJ

SafeHandsIn association with... PFULANNESRAL

Sikh Wills Limited is the UK’s premier Wills and Estate Planning company dedicated
to the Sikh and Punjabi community. We provide expert professional advice and
guidance to help you protect, for your family and loved ones, assets and businesses
through our wills and other services.

Specialists in: Wills, Trusts, Inheritance Tax Planning,
Powers of Attorney, Funeral Plans, and Probate.

Prevent family quarrels over your estate – and don’t let the
government decide who gets what!

Call us NOW on 01926 803808 to book a FREE home visit (anywhere nationwide)
Operating 7 days a week, from 9am to 8pm.

Also, Sikh Wills Limited for a number of years has worked with Safe
Hands – one of the UK’s most established and prominent providers of
pre-paid funeral plans. Recognising the need for funeral plans
dedicated to the needs of the Sikh and Punjabi community specifically,
Sikh Wills Limited, through its association with Safe Hands Funeral
Plans, has launched its ‘Sikh Funeral Planning’ trading arm.
Tel: 01926 803808
Email: [email protected]

Sikh Funeral Planning is a trading arm of Sikh Wills Limited (Company Reg: 10135098)
The Basement, 5 Clarendon Square, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5QJ


Rising Funeral Costs

Protect your family’s future today
Average Standard Funeral Cost

2004 £1,920 Predicted
2007 £2,390 Actual
2010 £2,857
2013 £3,456
2017 £4,078
2018 £4,260
2020 £4,602
2022 £4,944

Sun Life Cost Of Dying report 2017

*Graph above for illustration purposes only

unfortunate fact that, for many families, budgeting for a funeral by

comparison, according to the Sun Life Cost of Dying Report 2017 the
average cost of a basic funeral rose from £3,897 in 2016, to £4,078 in 2017
– an increase of 4.7%. This means that over the last year average basic

Secure a funeral plan from Sikh Funeral Planning today and take peace of
mind from knowing that, no matter how long you live or however much
the funeral director’s fees and services covered by your chosen plan may
be when you pass away, your loved ones will not have anything further to
pay towards them.**

**Funeral Director's fees and services are fully guranteed, meaning there will never be anything further to pay towards them.
However, disbursements (elements of a funeral not provided by the funeral director themselves) are not guranteed. Instead,
the plans all include an allowance of £1,050 towards the following 2 disbursements speci cally: 1) the cremation fee 2) the
doctor's fee. If when the plan holder passes away, the combined cost of disbursements 1 and 2 exceeds £1,050 plus CPI uplift
applied annually over the lifetime of the plan, then the plan holder's representatives will be required to make up any shortfall
before the funeral takes place.


Why choose Sikh Funeral Planning to secure
your funeral arrangements?

Peace of mind

Securing your funeral arrangements through Sikh Funeral Planning is one of the
most e ective and a ordable methods by which to protect your family and loved
ones against the burden of rising funeral costs, and to spare them the distress of
having to make di cult decisions as to what your particular preferences for your
funeral might be.

Specialised service

At Sikh Funeral Planning, as Sikhs ourselves, we have rst-hand knowledge and
understanding of the sometimes unique requirements and traditions of the Sikh
faith, when there is a bereavement in the family and a funeral to arrange.

Quality of service

When customers of Sikh Funeral Planning pass away and their death is reported, Safe
Hands Funeral Plans’ highly-trained bereavement support team will act to ensure the
funeral director is informed and appointed, and that the family are kept informed at
all stages.


Sikh Funeral Planning work in association with Safe Hands Funeral Plans – one of the
UK’s most established, recognised and a ordable providers of pre-paid funeral plans.
Buy a funeral plan from Sikh Funeral Planning and gain peace of mind from knowing
that your monies will be held in the Safe Hands Trust Fund which is fully compliant
(that is to say, FCA complaint) with all current legislation set out under the ‘Regulated
Activities Order’ (Financial Services and Markets Act 2000).

A ordability

Sikh Funeral Planning o er what are some of the UK’s most a ordable pre-paid
funeral plans. If you don’t wish to pay for your plan in full straight away, we also o er
a range of monthly instalment terms covering 12, 24, 36, 60, or 120 months (plans
paid for over 12 or 24 months carry no Instalment Handling Charge!).


Sikh Funeral Planning o er what we call an ‘Either/Or’ option – allowing a single plan
to be ‘shared’ between 2 people (meaning the bene t of the plan can be utilised for,
either, the funeral of the rst or second plan holder).


The Safe Hands Plans Trust Fund

Your investment is in safe hands

Sikh Funeral Planning work in association with Safe Hands – one of the UK’s most
established and recognised providers of pre-paid funeral plans.

By law, all funeral plan companies must ensure that their plan holder’s monies are securely invested in a
trust fund that is independent of the company itself. Consequently, when you purchase a plan from Sikh
Funeral Planning your monies are held in the Safe Hands Plans Trust Fund, which is fully compliant with
all current legislation as set out in the ‘Regulated Activities Order’ (Financial Services and Markets Act
Article 60 of the R.A.O stipulates ‘sums paid by the customer under the contract will be held on
trust for the purpose of providing the funeral and that the following requirements will be met with
respect to the trust:’
i) ‘The trust must be an established written instrument.’
ii) ‘More than half the trustees must be unconnected with the provider.’
connected with the board of trustees. The Safe Hands Plans Trust is operated entirely independently, by
Pitmans Trustees Limited.
iii) ‘The trustees must appoint an independent fund manager who is an authorised person who has
permission to carry out an activity of the kind specified in article 37 of the RAO, and who is a person
who is unconnected with the provider, to manage the assets of the trust.’
The investment of the Safe Hands Plans Trust is managed by UBS - a multinational investment
Bank Awards 2016.
iv) ‘Annual accounts must be prepared and audited by a person who is eligible for appointment as
a company auditor under Section 25 of the Companies Act 1989 with respect to the assets and
liabilities of the trust.’
Chartered Accountants, J W Hinks, based in Birmingham, are appointed to audit the trust fund accounts
v) ‘The assets and liabilities of the trust must, at least once every three years, be determined,
calculated, and verified by an actuary who is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries or the Faculty of
the Safe Hands Plans Trust.


The Safe Hands Plans Trust Fund Triennial
Trust Fund Actuarial Report

(most recent Report dated October 2018)

The most recent actuarial report, dated October 2018, was prepared by
Mazars LLP – a top ten UK audit, accounting, and actuarial rm, and one
of Europe’s largest – following their appointment to do so by the
Trustees, Pitmans Trustees Limited. The report complies with the
Technical Actuarial Standards on Funeral Plans, Modelling, Data and
Reporting, as issued by the Financial Reporting Council, and the Actuarial
Profession Standards APS Z1 and APS X2 issued by the Institute and
Faculty of Actuaries.


M The valuation of the Trust showed an asset valuation, after allowing for
Y any deferred tax liability, of £36m. The valuation, which results of a
CM central scenario based on a set of assumptions about likely future events
MY (in simple terms, anticipated future mortality rates), valued the surplus at
CY £11.5m – and also showed, that assuming all plan-holders died on 31st
CMY May 2018, there would be a surplus of funds of £56,000.


The actuarial methodology based the calculation of the future liabilities
on the projected costs of the funerals expected each year, and the
expenses incurred in administering the Trust. The report made
appropriate assumptions as to future in ation rates and investment
returns for each class of investment, with allowance for any taxes likely to
arise, and took into account likely future mortality rates.


Increased Protection

Against rising funeral costs

The Sikh Funeral Planning Guarantee
100% protection against rising funeral director’s fees

The overall cost of a funeral comprises two key element – costs of services that are provided by the
funeral director themselves (known as ‘Funeral Director’s Fees and Services’), and costs of services
provided by external parties (known as ‘Disbursements’ or ‘3rd Party Fees’).
Funeral Director’s Fees and Services can be broad ranging, but typically they include such items as
collection of the deceased, care and preparation of the deceased, provision of transport and sta ,
provision of support, guidance and advice to bereaved families, etc. Sikh Funeral Planning guarantee
that no matter how long a plan holder lives, there will never be anything further for their
representatives to pay towards the funeral director’s services included in their plan.

Elements of a funeral provided by 3rd parties

Allowance towards the cremation fee and doctor's fee
The Jalandhar, Chandigarh and Amritsar plans, each, include an allowance of £1,050 towards the
following 2 disbursements specifically: 1) the cremation fee 2) the doctor's fee. If when the plan holder
passes away, the combined cost of disbursements 1 and 2 exceeds £1,050 plus CPI upli applied
annually over the lifetime of the plan, then the plan holder's representatives will be required to make
up any shortfall before the funeral takes place.

Contribution towards the Gurdwara
Also, unique to the Jalandhar, Chandigarh and Amritsar plans is the inclusion, within the plans, of a
contribution of £150 towards the Gurdwara. When the plan holder passes away, the £150 contribu-
tion, plus CPI upli applied annually over the lifetime of the plan, will be released for family/loved
ones to use towards the cost of the Gurdwara.



Financial contribution towards the cost of the Gurdwara

Unique to the Jalandhar, Chandigarh and
Amritsar plans is the inclusion, within the
plans, of a contribution of £150 towards
the Gurdwara. When the plan holder
passes away, the £150 contribution, plus
CPI uplift applied annually over the
lifetime of the plan, will be released for
family/loved ones to use towards the cost
of the Gurdwara.
Option to enhance the speci cation of the plan
Make sure you speak to us if there is anything that you would like the funeral to
include, that is not included as standard in any of the 3 plan options. Even the
most unusual requirements can, usually, be accomodated. For example, you may
want owers to be included within the plan, in which case you could pay an addi-
tional sum that would act as an allowance* towards the provision of owers
when the plan holder passes away.

*When the plan holder passes away, if the cost of the additional speci cation item at that time
exceeds the allowance amount paid plus CPI uplift applied annually over the lifetime of the plan,
then the plan holder's representative(s) will be liable to pay any shortfall.



Jalandhar Plan

£3,495 including disbursements allowance

The Jalandhar plan is ideal for those who want a relatively simple funeral, but one that gives loved ones the reassurance of a traditional,
dignified ceremony, with no compromise on the expected levels of care and attention.

These are the cremation fee and the doctor's fee. The Jalandhar plan guarantees that no matter how long you live, there will never be
anything further for your loved ones to pay towards the funeral director's services listed below:

Care and preparation of the deceased

A funeral hearse plus bearers
24 hour collection of deceased, and transfer to funeral home/chapel of rest (within 25 miles**)
Organising the service at the crematorium
Family support and guidance provided by the funeral director
Funeral procession from home/funeral home to crematorium
Time of funeral agreed mutually between funeral director and family
Visits to chapel of rest permitted at any time; subject to appointment with the funeral director.

Contribution towards the Gurdwara

The price of the plan includes a £150 contribution towards the Gurdwara. When the plan holder passes away, the £150 contribution, plus CPI
eleased for family/loved ones to use towards the cost of the Gurdwara.

No Handling Fee No Handling Fee Monthly instalment options

12 24 36 60 120

£270.42 £135.21 £100.96 £64.90 £37.86
Per Month Per Month Per Month Per Month Per Month

Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable

£3,495.00 £3,495.00 £3,884.56 £4,144.00 £4,793.00

Plans paid over 3,5 and 10 years are subject to a flat 4% Instalment Handling Charge, calculated annually. The above instalment figures are
calculated on the basis you pay a £250 deposit.
instalments, either visit www.sikhfuneralplans. .com or call us on 01926 803808.

*If at the time of the funeral, the £1,050 disbursements allowa an, is insu icient to cover the combined cost of the
cremation fee and doctor's fee, then the plan holder's representatives will be liable to pay any shortfall before the funeral takes place.
** Additional mileage, if applicable, will be charged at the funeral director’s prevailing rate at the time of death.
See Sikh Funeral Planning Customer T&C’s for more details


Chandigarh Plan

£3,795 including disbursements allowance

The Chandigarh plan is the most popular. It features all the same elements as the Jalandhar plan, but also provides a limousine to transport
your loved ones to the ceremony.

These are the cremation fee and the doctor's fee. The Chandigarh plan guarantees that no matter how long you live, there will never be
anything further for your loved ones to pay towards the funeral director's services listed below:

Care and preparation of the deceased

A funeral hearse plus bearers
One following limousine
24 hour transfer of the deceased to funeral home/chapel of rest (within 25 miles**)
Organising the service at the crematorium
Family support and guidance provided by the funeral director
Funeral procession from home/funeral home to crematorium
Time of funeral agreed mutually between funeral director and family
Visits to chapel of rest permitted at any time; subject to appointment with the funeral director.

What is included in the Chandigarh plan, that isn’t included in the Jalandhar plan?

- One following limousine

Contribution towards the Gurdwara

The price of the plan includes a £150 contribution towards the Gurdwara. When the plan holder passes away, the £150 contribution, plus CPI
eleased for family/loved ones to use towards the cost of the Gurdwara.

No Handling Fee No Handling Fee Monthly instalment options

12 24 36 60 120

£295.42 £147.71 £110.29 £70.90 £41.36
Per Month Per Month Per Month Per Month Per Month

Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable

£3,795.00 £3,795.00 £4,220.44 £4,504.00 £5,213.20

Plans paid over 3,5 and 10 years are subject to a flat 4% Instalment Handling Charge, calculated annually. The above instalment figures are
calculated on the basis you pay a £250 deposit.
instalments, either visit or call us on 01926 803808.

*If at the time of the funeral, the £1,050 disbursements allowa an, is insu icient to cover the combined cost of the
cremation fee and doctor's fee, then the plan holder's representatives will be liable to pay any shortfall before the funeral takes place.
** Additional mileage, if applicable, will be charged at the funeral director’s prevailing rate at the time of death.
See Sikh Funeral Planning Customer T&C’s for more details


Amritsar Plan

£4,095 including disbursements allowance

The Amritsar plan is our most comprehensive option. With its provision of an oak-veneered co in, and two following limousines, it
is particularly suited to those with large families, or who favour the idea of a more lavish farewell.

These are the cremation fee and the doctor's fee. The Jalandhar plan guarantees that no matter how long you live, there will never be
anything further for your loved ones to pay towards the funeral director's services listed below:

Care and preparation of the deceased

A funeral hearse plus bearers
Two following limousines
24 hour transfer of the deceased to funeral home/chapel of rest (within 25 miles**)
Organising the service at the crematorium
Family support and guidance provided by the funeral director
Funeral procession from home/funeral home to crematorium
Time of funeral agreed mutually between funeral director and family
Visits to chapel of rest permitted at any time; subject to appointment with the funeral director.

What is included in the Amritsar plan, that isn’t included in the Chandigarh plan?

- An oak-veneered co in (as opposed to the Chandigarh’s standard wood-grain-veneered co in)
- Two following limousines (as opposed to the Chandigarh’s one following limousine)

Contribution towards the Gurdwara

The price of the plan includes a £150 contribution towards the Gurdwara. When the plan holder passes away, the £150 contribution, plus CPI
eleased for family/loved ones to use towards the cost of the Gurdwara.

No Handling Fee No Handling Fee Monthly instalment options

12 24 36 60 120

£320.42 £160.21 £119.62 £76.90 £44.86
Per Month Per Month Per Month Per Month Per Month

Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable Total Payable

£4,095.00 £4,095.00 £4,556.32 £4,864.00 £5,633.20

Plans paid over 3,5 and 10 years are subject to a flat 4% Instalment Handling Charge, calculated annually. The above instalment figures are
calculated on the basis you pay a £250 deposit.
instalments, either visit or call us on 01926 803808.

*If at the time of the funeral, the £1,050 disbursements allowa an, is insu icient to cover the combined cost of the
cremation fee and doctor's fee, then the plan holder's representatives will be liable to pay any shortfall before the funeral takes place.
** Additional mileage, if applicable, will be charged at the funeral director’s prevailing rate at the time of death.
See Sikh Funeral Planning Customer T&C’s for more details


visit our website at

Email: [email protected]

In the event of the plan holder's death, in the rst
instance please call 0800 917 7099 and, from the options,

select "report a bereavement".

in association with...


Sikh Funeral Planning is a trading arm of Sikh Wills Limited (Company Reg: 10135098)
The Basement, 5 Clarendon Square, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5QJ

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