The Leading International
MICE Event in China
IT&CM China 2018 | 20 to 22 March
Targeted Engagement Activities Top Choice by Destinations and
Brands, Event Scores High In 2017 Overall Delegate Experience
With over 14,000 appointments concluded at IT&CM China 2017, the annual 3-day event
garnered a representation of 288 MICE exhibiting companies and organisations across all
continents of the globe, a 20% increase in Chinese and international buyer participants, a multitude
of engagement activities that ranged from media briefings, hosted luncheons, cocktails and
dinners, the dedicated Association Days programme, as well as its first-ever co-location of CTW
China within an expanded exhibition hall space.
The 11th instalment drew new highs and firsts as more MICE destinations and brands took
to targeted engagement activities to reach out to their desired buyer and media profiles, while
delegates also commended the show’s array of knowledge-building sessions and workshops.
At a 70% Chinese to 30% international mix, the show welcomed over 540 attending Chinese
and international MICE, Association and Corporate Buyers from over 38 domestic and international
geographic markets, a clear indicator of the buying demand for the China market.
Returning domestic exhibitor Hangzhou a big plus.” line-up of exhibitors who chose to benefit from
Tourism Commission sponsored a post- Media outlet Savage Communications’ being a cocktail or dinner sponsor.
show tour for select buyers, said M.I.C.E
Department’s Tina Gan, “We are delighted to be General Manager, Grahame Cox, complimented Others like returning destination CCPIT
able to leverage on the IT&CM China post-show the show’s ability to keep participants updated Chengdu (Chengdu Municipal Bureau of
tour opportunity to draw international buyers on the latest within the industry, Exposition), Hangzhou Tourism Commission,
to Hangzhou with the support of the organisers Malaysia Convention & Visitor Bureau
who helped us reach out to a targeted group IT&CM China is probably the only (MyCEB), Shanghai Municipal Tourism
of buyers.” exhibition in China that you can find so Administration, Thailand Convention &
many experts right across the MICE space. Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), and new-comer
First time international exhibitor National For a journalist this means that we can get VisitScotland, found the Association Days’
Institute of Tourism Promotion, Argentina, first-hand information from the experts Destination Presentation the right fit for them
drew many positives from the engagement at and it is the only exhibition in China that to reach much sought-after Association buyers.
their luncheon and media briefing. Explained its can give you that resource. In response to heightened interest, IT&CM
Meeting Industry Coordinator, Emora Franco, China 2017 featured twice as many destination
28 Featured Companies Stood Out presentations than the year before.
We really want to organise these kinds To Reach Desired Buyer And Media
of events as it is a good way to attract Profiles via Engagement Activities Local exhibitor Gloria Hotels & Resorts was
the buyers to the destination.” Of their one of many that appreciated the opportunity
media briefing session, she said, “It was More than ever before, destinations and to engage exclusively with Chinese media to
really good, really productive, with many brands chose exclusive engagement activities spread their brand message even wider across
questions asked about the MICE industry and sessions, a central component of the 2017 the local industry space. Said Thomas Jouan,
in Argentina and how the country has IT&CM China programme, to target and reach Director of Branding, Gloria Hotels & Resorts,
been positioning itself. The show has sought-after buyers and media. Through a
been really good for us. variety of custom captive events, IT&CM China A briefing to the local Chinese media,
proved its mettle and fulfilled a host of wish-lists allowed us to create connections with aims
Buyers and media also had good things from MICE destinations and brands this year, of spreading our brand message further
to say about the educational takeaways and delivering specific ROIs. in the domestic market. We were able to
productive business appointments made at introduce our brand, latest developments
the show. Chinese buyer, Charley Sun, Project In addition to National Institute of Tourism and upcoming initiatives such as our
Manager, Merisis Consulting Company praised, Promotion, Argentina, Tourism Fiji, Fukuoka loyalty programme. The session also
“As a meeting planner, being able to discover Convention & Visitors Bureau and South helped in attracting more people to the
new destinations and hotel venues here enable Africa National Convention Bureau hosted booth later in the day.
me to achieve my planning objectives for the luncheons as well.
next year or the next 6 months. I also learnt new Delta Air Lines, Hainan Tourism
trends, new deals and the kind of government Meanwhile, AccorHotels, JW Marriot Development Commission, HNA Hospitality,
support that the various destinations can Shanghai Changfeng Park, Macao Trade and Huangshan Tourism Committee, MEET
provide.” Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), and TAIWAN, Ministry of Tourism of The Republic
Shanghai Marriott Parkview were part of the of Indonesia, Monaco Government Tourist
Association delegate and speaker, Ella Zhou, Bureau, Ningbo Tourism Administration,
Deputy General Manager, Spring International Pacific World, Shouqi Limousine and
added, “As an association professional, being Chauffeur, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines,
at events like IT&CM China allows me to garner and Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Convention
precise information about a destination’s and Exhibition Affairs, form the remaining
convention capacity as well as assess the organisations that benefitted from one or more
compatibility of our association’s event agenda of IT&CM China’s core business engagement
to the economic priorities of its government. sessions this year.
Finding new partners and collaborators is also
IT&CM China 2018
2018中国 (上海) 国际会奖旅游博览会
2017 Exhibitors Share Why IT&CM China
Was Especially Fruitful and Rewarding
Professional Trade Event With Unique, Valuable New Leads
Large Domestic Showcase Generated
We were able to expand our contact We generated good leads from
base with the local exhibitors and China, EU, USA and India, which we
explored business opportunities would not have met at other trade
with international buyers during
the one-on-one business events. This being my first show in
appointments. Asia was a satisfactory one, and I’ll
definitely be back as part of the Fiji
Beijing Nimbus Travel |
Tina, Manager NTO delegation.
Grand Pacific Hotel, Fiji | Gordon
Rigamoto, Director of Sales and Marketing
A Great Community of Leading MICE Event In China
MICE Experts In One Place Has Our Support
The opportunity to network and IT&CM China goes beyond delivering
exchange ideas with MICE experts quality buyers to ensure that the
from China and beyond was event environment facilitates and
tremendous. encourages information exchange,
Chengdu CCPIT | Davide Zheng, Staff learning and networking to
nurture opportunities. Through the
IT&CM China Exceeded Our exhibition, many industry buyers
Expectations and professionals have come to know
Hangzhou as a MICE destination over the
Our actual results from participating years.
at IT&CM China exceeded our Hangzhou Tourism Commission |
Tina Gan, Staff, MICE Department
expectations. Our entire experience
was seamless, right from the start till Must-Attend, Well-Known
Event With Quality Buyers
the end.
Chimelong Hotel Guangzhou | IT&CM China is well-known for its
ability to attract quality buyers to
Wei, Marketing & participate. This makes it a good
Communication Manager platform to keep the trade updated
on my property’s latest marketing
Essential To Build Presence In promotions, upcoming launches
China and secure new leads and networks
of buying corporates and agencies.
IT&CM China was an important trade
show to enhance awareness and Holiday Inn Golden Mile, Hong Kong |
exposure of the Fiji Airways brand, Eric Wong, Assistant Director of Sales
products, and services. We took the
opportunity to seek out business with Event Organisers Ensured
potential buyers, introduce ourselves We Met Quality, Sincere
to the trade and learn more about Buyers
China’s market trends.
Fiji Airways | Our participating exhibitors
Fung Yuk Sim, Sales Account Manager found their buyer potentials to be
sincere and serious in business
Opportunity To Heighten discussions. The added initiative
Brand Awareness taken by the organisers to arrange
walk-in buyer appointments for us
A briefing to the local Chinese media was also commendable. IT&CM China
allowed us to create connections is indeed an effective business platform
with aims of spreading our brand to reach out to good buyers and increase
message further in the domestic exposure of our destination in China and
market. We were able to introduce Korea Tourism Organisation, South Korea |
our brand, latest developments Hyunjin Kim, Assistant Manager
and upcoming initiatives such as our
loyalty programme.
Gloria Hotels & Resorts, China PR |
Thomas Jouan, Director of Branding
Tremendous Buyer Potential A Wonderful Platform
Keeps Us Coming Back For Exchange
We’ve returned to the event over IT&CM China is effective in
several years because of its ability facilitating exhibitors and
to attract and deliver quality buyers.
We look forward to an even bigger buyers to interact and
network, boosting lead
show next year. generation potential. This is a
show not to be missed.
LN Hospitality |
Angel Su, Manager Swiss Grand Nanchang |
Peggie Hu, Sales Manager
Met Buyers We Wanted CTW China Exhibitor
2017’s IT&CM China has allowed us to A Vital Stage For Brand
meet more targeted buyers from the Building
Asia region, the profile that we have
been aiming for. MEET TAIWAN is glad The buyer quality and quantity
to be a part of the show this year. at CTW China exceeds that of
other shows. Participating in
MEET TAIWAN, Taiwan | forum discussions and hosting an
Lily Su, Deputy Executive Director exclusive luncheon for industry
elites gave us the edge in promoting
Fulfilled Objective Of our products and services and
Attracting International enhancing our brand image.
Air China | Gan Wenjun, Account Manager
CTW China Exhibitor
We found IT&CM China particularly
helpful in reaching out to the Invaluable Face-To-Face
global market to attract more Opportunity To Meet Buyers
international conventions. We CTW China gives us a tangible and
are very satisfied with the quality effective way to meet buyers who are
hard to reach on a day-to-day basis. It
of business appointments and also makes fighting for opportunities to
impressed with the number of walk-
collaborate more impactful in person.
in buyers and visitor inquiries. This is Hilton Hotels & Resorts, China PR |
definitely a trade event that is effective in April Ji, Senior Sales Manager
tapping the Chinese market.
Tourism Promotions Board, Philippines |
Mayette S. Santillan, Project Development Officer
Promotional And Awareness SAVE MORE
Objectives Achieved BY BEING AN
Our presence at IT&CM China was BOOK YOUR
a good way to express our interest BOOTH TODAY!
in doing business with China and
other international destinations. Early Bird Rates Standard Rates
Through conversations with buyers
and peers, it also enabled us to (register by 30 June 17)
develop knowledge and understand
the challenges of developing this market. Raw Space USD 662 per sqm USD 687 per sqm
Participating in trade shows like IT&CM (min 18sqm) USD 680 per sqm USD 700 per sqm
China is one part, but an important aspect, of our USD 695 per sqm USD 712 per sqm
penetration process. Enhanced
Visit Scotland | Lindsay Brown, Marketing Manager Scheme
(min 9sqm)
Face-To-Face Communication
& Exchange With Buyers Shell
IT&CM China is a very important (min 6sqm)
and meaningful platform for peer
exchange. The show allows us to
communicate effectively face-to-
face with Chinese and international
buyers. Doing so in person makes
promoting the charm of Sapporo
and sharing the award-winning
services that we provide much more
Sapporo Convention Bureau, Japan |
Yasuhiro Mochizuki, Coordinator
– Client Relations & Services 3
IT&CM China 2018
2018中国 (上海) 国际会奖旅游博览会
A Glance At IT&CM China 2017
Meaningful Engagement, Maximum Exposure, Managed Activities
720 Exhibitors
From 288
and Brands
Across All Continents
of the Globe
More Than Captive Networking Functions
28 Featured
Companies Took
Association Days Forums
Advantage Of Exclusive
Engagement And Over 540 MICE,
Outreach Sessions
Association and
4 Corporate
(70% Chinese - 30%
Chin fings
ese and International Media Brie
Opening Ceremony & Welcome Dinner
of Exhibitors
Expect Orders
After The
Busi ness Appointments Across 2 Days
Official Press Conference 335
Chinese Buyers
Destination Presentations 38Across
USD 203
Million Beijing, Chengdu,
of Procurement Hangzhou, Qingdao, Sanya,
Value Generated
Shanghai, Suzhou, Xiamen,
On The Show
Floor Zhuhai and more…
Campfire Knowledge Sessions 5
IT&CM China 2018
2018中国 (上海) 国际会奖旅游博览会
CTW China Joins IT&CM China For The
First Time Within An Expanded Hall Space
creating a more inclusive, shared business environment and adding significance to the co-location of two
leading MICE and Corporate Travel shows. Not only did IT&CM China exhibitors have the opportunity to cast
a wider net and tap into the Corporate Travel market, but CTW China delegates also got to enrich themselves
at the various knowledge sessions and build their contacts across more factions of the MICE industry.
10 Knowledge
Covering Corporate Travel
and Corporate Meetings &
Events Tracks
146 Validated and
Hosted Buyers
(85% Chinese - 15% international)
2017 Buyers Include Platinum Sponsors 291 Corporate
Apple Inc, Novartis Professionals
China, Shell, Gold Sponsors
Standard Chartered
Bank, and more!
Diamond Sponsors
Buyers and Media Tell Us What Made IT&CM
China 2017 A Successful Event For Them
Procuring From NEW Efficient Format
New Suppliers Of Procurement
And Renewing A Must-Attend / Sourcing
Contracts With For Every
Existing Vendors Professional In IT&CM China’s
The MICE Industry business
Discovering new appointments are
trends, partners There were many highly efficient
and destinations is great suppliers to at facilitating the
something I always look meet where 90% discussion of key
forward too. At the of them are quality requirements that
same time, it is also a good platform to catch- high-end contacts. heighten the likelihood of procurement.
up with vendors we already know and sign I appreciated all the new and amazing
our future business contracts on the spot. contacts I made and the opportunities that Beijing Vanguard International Conference
will arise from my business meetings. & Exhibition, China PR
Advaita Events, India Liu Yi, Vice President
Pushpender P Khanna, Director Agency Show D’Vision, Germany
Udo Landow, CEO NEW Association
Opportunity To Understand The NEW Association Buyer
Chinese And Asian Market Buyer
Excellent Topics
We made very good contacts, especially Association On Association
with a hotel chain for a big group we are Day Forums Management
managing. There are also plenty of leads that Particularly Useful
have a huge potential for the future. Thanks to The educational
IT&CM China, we now have better knowledge The sessions that are sessions were
of the Chinese and Asian market. catered to Association informative and
professionals like inspiring. Two topics
Advivos, Belgium myself enabled me “Challenging Times
Ivo Van de Velde, Professional Travel Planner to look and think for Association
about association Meetings” and “How to Select the Right
NEW management outside the box. This Destination” stood out for me in terms of
opportunity equips me with knowledge the curated content, excellent speakers
Corporate to be better at my job. The networking, and peer sharing that took place.
Travel Manager business appointments and destination
presentations were also very useful to learn CFA Society Philippines
Mentorship new trends and developments. Rizchelle Manaog, Program Manager
Programme A
Success! Association of Development Financing NEW Association
Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP), Buyer
As a first-time
attendee, the Philippines Face-To-Face Meetings Very
programme was Robert Juan, Sr. Officer, Event Management Beneficial
effective in eliminating
any newcomer uneasiness and did well to Discovering Lesser Known Being able to have face-to-face discussions
assimilate us into the conference and peer- Destinations with destination bureaus is very beneficial
sharing atmosphere. for Associations like mine. It makes
This year’s event introduced me to lesser garnering information and understanding
Aerospace Wanyuan Enterprises, China PR known destinations and opened my options infrastructure, criteria, policies and support
Ren Jinqiu, Marketing Director to suppliers I did not initially consider. IT&CM a lot more effective.
China 2017 has shaped the products I will be
Association offering to my clients. China Association of Small & Medium
Buyer Commercial Enterprises, China PR
Avenida Travel, Hungary Xu Xiang, Assistant and Deputy Secretary
Andras Marton Heleszta, General
Product Development Director
Am Better Than NEW Association
Before I Attended Buyer
The Event
Strengthened My Network of
The Association Day Venue Suppliers
Programme was an
excellent combination I definitely learnt a lot We are interested in exploring exhibition
of learning, sourcing about China and the and hotel venues for our conferences.
and networking. I Asian market and have Thanks to IT&CM China, we managed to
definitely learnt a lot about China and the reaped benefits that fulfil our objective of growing our contacts
Asian market and have reaped benefits that bettered my knowledge of such venue suppliers.
bettered my knowledge and understanding and understanding before
before attending the event. The Chinese attending the event. China Food and Drug Administration
people were friendly and that helped make Institute of Executive Development,
discussions fruitful. China PR
African Association of Agricultural Gong Zhijun, Director
Economists, Kenya
Jeffers N. Miruka, Executive Manager 7
IT&CM China 2018
2018中国 (上海) 国际会奖旅游博览会
Rewarding Business Appointments Show Format Facilitates Sourcing NEW
And Uncovering Ideas
My business appointments with the Corporate
exhibitors were especially rewarding. It was I found the exhibition, destination Travel Manager
a good showcase with many hotels, DMCs presentations and networking a great source
and destination resources featured being of ideas and information. Through these Thought
procurement potentials. sessions, I discovered new potential leads. Provoking
Comfort International M.I.C.E. Service Good Morning by Astra, Italy (Beijing), Relevant To
(Beijing), China PR China PR Corporate Travel
Zhou Honghui, Deputy General Manager Clara Foggetti, CEO Managers
NEW NEW Conference topics
Business And Well-Rounded Experience were well-selected
Knowledge and relevant to our profession. Attending
Objectives Met I found the on-site business appointments this event gave me the opportunity to
very beneficial as I was able to discuss specific contemplate about my company’s travel
IT&CM China project requirements face-to-face with management practices and how we can
allowed me to field multiple potential suppliers on the same day. improve.
information from More importantly, the contacts I gained here
potential suppliers, will be good references when we plan our I nternatio nal Vaccin e Institut e, South Korea
while learning industry future conferences in different cities across Heeyoung (Claire) Kang, Purchasing & Travel
know-how at the China. The knowledge sessions taking place Manager
education seminars. within the hall were also useful for me to learn
from industry practitioners and experts. NEW
East Star (Beijing) International Events
Management, China PR Hunan Provincial Conference & Added New
Wei Yunhu, Account Manager Exhibition Service, China PR Destinations To
My Portfolio
NEW Tom Qi, General Manager
I am impressed at the
Corporate Association quality of Chinese
Travel Manager Buyer and Asian suppliers.
Because of IT&CM
Plenty of Business One Of The Best China, I will now be
Opportunities Events Of Its Kind doing business with
Between Solution some of these high quality suppliers and
Providers And This year, I am destinations I met at the event, which I
Buyers delighted to have otherwise would not have been able to do.
made contact with
CTW China provided exhibitors from JTB USA, Inc.
plenty of business opportunities between Xiamen, Xi-an, Taiwan Mike Nesbihal, Manager, MICE
solution providers and buyers. The and Hangzhou whom
advanced platform for professional learning we are interested in cooperating with in the NEW
and planning was diverse, high in quality, future.
enriching and showcased the wealth of Relevant Resources Available
knowledge and practical experience of the ICOM – International Christian Organisation To Understand Local Facilities &
speakers and peers. Of The Media, Switzerland Government Support
Jof Calstas, Secretary General
Ecolab China, China PR The attendance of the right companies
Lucy Fang, Indirect Material Service Buyer Great For Buyers like NTOs and CVBs, enabled me to
Who Do Incentive communicate directly with the destinations
NEW Groups To China to understand the local support available
Taking It Forward to us.
After The Face-To- The availability of
Face Meetings information and wide Pro-Health (China), China PR
array of Chinese
IT&CM China gave me and international Yin Huixia, MICE Manager
a better understanding destinations and
of current trends and suppliers were really Association
rates. I valued the helpful. As we do Buyer
face-to-face meetings incentive groups to China, this event was
and look forward to following up to explore really relevant for us. High Standard of Speakers &
the leads gained. Delegates
Ice International, India
Event Partners Ltd., New Zealand and Munira Basrai, Proprietor IT&CM China delivered high standards
Australia across its exhibition, knowledge session
Barbara Ann Boyce, Director speakers and attending delegates.
Shanghai Direct Mail Industry Association,
China PR
Chang Naimeng, Member Management
There is always Corporate Thumbs Up To Co-
something new Travel Manager Location of Two
to learn from Leading Events
meeting like-minded Excellent Within The Same
professionals from Platform To Learn Hall
other companies. Industry Best
Practices The media briefings
NEW were substantive,
Direct Contact To DMCs I’ve attended the allowing us to gather
event several times essential and useful
We were looking to source for DMC and there is always information about
providers and were able to find quality something new to MICE destinations,
contacts here at IT&CM China. learn from meeting venues and services across both China and
like-minded professionals from other global markets. Having both IT&CM China
companies. The networking and overall and CTW China co-locate in the same hall for
experience is great! the first time was wonderful in getting access
to high quality exhibitors and buyers from
Unilever Industries, India both MICE and Corporate Travel fields at the
Geetha Arekal, Regional Travel Head APAC same time.
Event Point / Estação Livre Comunicação,
Shenyang Youth International Travel Service, NEW Portugal
Maria João Matos Dias Leite
China PR
Having both IT&CM
Zhang Xinyu, General Manager China and CTW
NEW Association Diverse China co-locate in
Participants the same hall for
Buyer Across the first time was
Destinations wonderful in getting
Destination access to high quality
Presentations The diversity of
Beneficial For participants across exhibitors and
Considering geographies and buyers.
Future Host Cities MICE sectors helped
in meeting our
The showcase of objectives of finding suppliers in various
convention facilities locations. I also updated my networks on
in China’s second the destination meetings and DMCs available
wave cities and their and the products and services they have to
incentives offered to attract associations like offer.
mine, really stood out for me., India
Society for Biotechnologists India (SBTI), Manish Raj, Vice President & Business Head
India - Corporate Travel Services
Edathil Vijayan, President
NEW NEW Good Showing of
Meets Our Procurement Objectives Second And Third
Great Platform Tier Chinese Cities
The networking with exhibitors was To Source For
particularly fruitful for me. The event Suppliers It was great seeing
provided me with suitable information and more second and
contacts of potential suppliers, meeting my We are constantly third tier Chinese cities
procurement objectives. looking for venues in attendance. Being
and bureaus able to get updates
Tahitian Noni Beverages (China), China PR to support our and information from
Ling Yan, Marketing and Events Coordinator international academic them directly is useful
conferences. My meeting with Hainan was as these cities provide
NEW particularly useful as I managed to learn how the best value in comparison to others in
we can leverage on the government support China. I am looking forward to profiling
Valuable Contacts made available by the destination for our these less publicised cities to my readers.
Made conferences.
Kongres Magazine / Toleranca d.o.o.,
IT&CM China is the Worldwide People Connection, Singapore Slovenia
best opportunity Ding Xianqin, Director Robert Cotter, International Editor
to connect with the
Chinese market. I IT&CM China is the Strong Media Programme
discovered and learnt best opportunity to
a lot about what Effective platform that achieves social
this market has to offer, and the valuable connect with the and communication objectives. A media
contacts made will be useful for future Chinese market. programme that included briefings by MICE
business. destinations and suppliers and educational
platforms were especially beneficial.
TOCA Events, USA
Breen Miller, Director of Operations Straits Exhibition, China
Wu Guilan, Executive Editor 9
IT&CM China 2018
2018中国 (上海) 国际会奖旅游博览会
Sponsored Networking Highlights
Pacific World Takes Delegates on 2 Pre-Show City Tours;
AccorHotels Hosts Cocktail for Participants
Buyer and media delegates joined Pacific World in discovering the sights and sounds of Shanghai
and the city’s MICE abilities with two half-day tours. On 20 March, the tour covered the brand new
Shanghai Tower, Puxi by ferry with a view of Pudong and the bund, Xintiandi – the architectural
symbol of Shanghai, a walking tour of the historic French Concession, and the culmination of the
day’s events with a networking cocktail and property tour sponsored by
AccorHotels. The 21 March tour centered on an excursion to Zhujiajiao
Water Village, an attraction with more than a thousand years of heritage.
Since our hotel is a heritage spot, we invited potential
buyers to tour the hotel and contextualize the rich history in the
locations where they happened. We felt this would better bring our venue
to life within a natural and intimate atmosphere while mingling, creating a
unique experience to get to know the hotel’s products and stimulate their
interest further.
Fairmont Peace Hotel, An AccorHotels Property | Jessica Zhang, Director of
Marketing Communications
Turkish Airlines Sponsors First-Ever Pre-Show FAM Trip to
Going beyond the usual participation days, a handful of select international buyers and media
had their IT&CM China 2017 experience begin with a 4-day, 3-night pre-show tour to Istanbul
sponsored by Turkish Airlines. The trip brought delegates around iconic landmarks in Istanbul while
savouring local delights and traditional cuisine, exposing participants to a real-life acquaintance of
the destination’s capabilities even before attending the show as part of current ongoing efforts to
promote the MICE-ready city to decision-makers.
IT&CM China allowed us to captivate beyond show days by leveraging on the buyer profile we
knew would be present in China. This tour created desired exposure for Istanbul and Turkish Airlines
leading up to the show days by giving potential buyers a real life experience of what our destination is
capable of.
Turkish Airlines | Halil Ibrahim Polat, Senior Vice President, Sales (Domestic)
This trip was a good opportunity to discover what Istanbul is really like so that we can promote it as a destination
to our clients. Instead of having meetings in our usual capital destinations, Istanbul is a great alternative.
Zanda Convention & Fair Tour Co. Ltd | Thai buyer Kanita Watanaphonphan, Product Manager
Zanda is looking to host a potential incentive group of about 60 to 80 persons from the Pharmaceutical industry to Istanbul
later this year.
Shanghai Marriott Parkview as 2017 Opening Ceremony
Sponsor for Third Consecutive Year
Shanghai Marriott Parkview once again played venue sponsor to the Official IT&CM China and
CTW China 2017 Opening Ceremony and Welcome Dinner. Delegates were treated to a night
of local and international performances, world-class gourmet menu, excellent hospitality and
facilities as a showcase of the breadth of the venue’s capabilities.
The continuous development of our surrounding facilities has contributed greatly to
the increased dining, entertainment, and accessibility options. This has propelled our growing
reputation in the Shanghai MICE market over the years as a preferred venue of choice. As 3rd
year sponsors, we were keen to gain more exposure globally among international stakeholders
and agents.
Shanghai Marriott Parkview | Ricky Lam, General Manager
Up Close and Hungry for Destinations from Around the World
First-time participating destinations at IT&CM China, Argentina, Fiji, Hainan and South Africa not only
exhibited but also hosted exclusive luncheons with major industry stakeholders present to give
buyers a birds-eye view of the venues, capabilities, products and services for their next incentive
trip or major event. Returning exhibitors Fukuoka and Macao also presented a luncheon and
dinner respectively to showcase the rich history, culture, support and latest city developments.
The show has been really good for us. We really want to organise activities like the
luncheon as it is a good way to engage the buyers to the destinations. I’m really happy and I
think we have many things here to do in China.
National Institute of Tourism Promotion, Argentina | Emora Franco, Meeting Industry Coordinator
Macao’s promotional dinner was the perfect targeted platform to get our destination message across to
key Chinese buyers. We appreciated getting to know corporate and incentive buyers and
their needs so that we can better fulfil them.
Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) | Irene Va Kuan Lau, Executive Director
The captive luncheon was an excellent way to showcase South Africa as the
top meetings and events destination in Africa. South Africa’s amazing variety of venues and
destinations, diverse offerings, activities, and unforgettable experience were definitely
South Africa National Convention Bureau | Olivia Jia, China Market Business Development Manager
Hangzhou Post-Event FAMiliarisation Tour
Hangzhou Tourism Commission put together a 3 day, 2 night post-show FAM trip to the capital
of the Zhejiang province from 23 to 25 March. Catered to international buyers and media, the
commission hoped to introduce the charming city as the next cultural and business events
hub within China. Participants visited various event venues, got hands-on with traditional crafts,
and experienced local culture all while feasting from a smorgasbord of Hangzhou delights and
Zhejiang cuisine.
We are delighted to be able to leverage on the IT&CM China post-show tour opportunity
to draw international buyers to Hangzhou. The city is now very confident in developing MICE with
new and improved state-of-the-art facilities and capabilities.
Hangzhou Tourism Commission | Tina Gan, M.I.C.E Department
Going Bigger with an Expanded Event Co-Location with
CTW China 2017
This year’s IT&CM China edition also introduced an expanded exhibition space by bringing CTW
China 2017 within the hall, creating a more inclusive, shared business environment and adding
significance to the co-location of two leading MICE and Corporate Travel shows.
Not only did IT&CM China exhibitors have a chance to cast a wider net and tap into the Corporate
Travel market, but CTW China delegates also got to enrich themselves at the various knowledge
sessions and build their contacts across more factions of the MICE industry.
IT&CM China and CTW China delegates now have greater opportunities to network and benefit. The new
structure definitely facilitates a more inclusive buzz between the two shows while providing access to industry
peers across both platforms.
TTG Asia Media | Darren Ng, Managing Director
Many Thanks To IT&CM China 2017’s Official Hotels For Their Excellent Hospitality
JW Marriott Shanghai Changfeng Park Marriott Shanghai Parkview Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao 11
Be A Part of IT&CM China 2018
Exhibitor, Buyer and Media Affiliate Registrations Are Now Open!
20 – 22 March 2018 | Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing
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