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Published by Mere Log Mera Pakistan, 2019-05-07 11:54:35

Directors Report for the years of 17-18

CUIN1 0002762


Extra-Ordinary Board Meeting on 27th December 2018

Annual General Meeting on 17th January 2019
for the year from

1st July 2017 to 30th June 2018

Once again, I am happy to be sharing with you the work undertaken by The Salvation Army, Pakistan
Territory during the reporting period. It is always my pleasure to say a sincere thanks to our Territorial
Headquarters staff, our divisional leaders, corps and centre officers and our soldiers for their strong
support in our work for the Kingdom of God.

The Vision and Mission Statements are continuing to be a source of guidance to our work around the
Territory and we request and receive regular updates from the divisional leaders, corps officer and
soldiers regarding their implementation at the front line corps and social centres.

The Territorial Strategy Council (TSC) meets monthly and holds the teams accountable to their
objectives. Assisted by the use of Gantt Charts, we are able to monitor the S.M.A.R.T. objectives.
Additionally, risk registers have been produced and are regularly updated at the TSC.

I appreciate that this is the first time we have a Cabinet and Board of Directors staffed by nationals other
than the Territorial Commander (TC) and the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries (TPWM). This
augurs well for the future and with the Certificate in Leadership Development for senior staff (see
below) – a five year programme - we are able to better implement succession planning for future
Salvation Army leadership in Pakistan.

1 CUIN 0002762 “CUIN” means a corporate universal identification number which is a sequential computer-generated number, printed on the
certificate of incorporation and all relevant documents and papers relating to a company.”

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 1

Modern day slavery legislation is impacting our contractors which ensures there is no underage labour
working on any of our building projects. This together with tight Child Protection Policies and continued
close implementation of the policies, sets a good standard for the work of any organisation in Pakistan.
Our sincere thanks go to HaidermotaBNR for their outstanding support and professionalism is assisting
and guiding us in legal matters. Also thanks to our external auditors, Messrs AF Ferguson PWC for their

The spiritual retreats for the divisions, THQ and training college and cabinet have been held by the TC
and TPWM and it has been a privilege to be ministering in this way. Additionally, the TLC members were
able to participate in the Brengle Holiness Seminar with guest speakers from overseas Major (Dr.) David
Taylor and Major Lindy Rose.

The Territory is concentrating on the personal development of officers with a long term development
strategy, the Certificate in Leadership Development (CLD). This is a five year programme and the first
module commenced with Servant Leadership for the Territorial Leadership Council members. Five week-
long modules will be held every year for the next five years with follow up and assignments to assist the
officers in their further development.

The corps plant in Quetta has been developing well despite terrorism in the area but twenty new
Salvation Army Soldiers (full adult members) have completed their Recruits Classes in Christian Doctrine
and Practice and we are looking forward to more soldiers in the future.

In the THQ compound, the building of a new Retired Officer building has commenced which will
eventually provide sixteen self contained flats for retired officers who meet the criteria. We say a
sincere thanks to our major donors, the USA Eastern, Western and Central Territories.

Our Corps Based Community Development programme is progressing and thanks to our donors being SA
Australia and SA Switzerland for their support and guidance.

Financial Statements and Audited Accounts
These details will be presented by our Chief Accountant.

Plans for the 2017/18 year
In previous Directors’ Report we have noted the S.M.A.R.T. Objectives for the year and undernoted are
the objectives for the 2017/18 year, together with the percentage completion of each objective.

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives for 2017-18

1) To continue to promote the Vision & Mission Statement throughout the territorial year through
regular monthly e-mails & written communication with DHQ and through teaching chorus at all
events run by officers from THQ: 70%

2) To continue to promote, educate and implement the Child protection policy through
quarterly news letters to Corps officer and on-going training for each division: 95%

3) To ensure that all DLs receive a copy of O&R for Officers and Local Officers and understand these
by Feb- 2018: 25%

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 2

4) To introduce Gantt Chart DSC in Division Lahore to introduce Gantt Chart DSC in Division
Sheikhupura to introduce Gantt Chart DSC in Division Islamabad to introduce Gantt Chart DSC in
Division Sahiwal to get minutes and DSC from division: 50%

5) To introduce Risk, register each division to follow up to division: 0%

6) To roll out the responsibilities / brief of appointment for Corps Press Officer to all Divisions by the

start of September 2017: 50%

7) Initiate plans to redesign the presentation of War Cry by the end of January 2018
To plan to redesign and publish war cry in color by the start of January -February 2018: 0%

1) To investigate the role of men in promoting family strength, produce a detailed plan of action
and implement at least one programme in a corps by 3oth June 2018. 100%
2) To ensure that all Home League and Women's Ministry programmes, activities, teaching and
preaching focuses on discipleship until 30th June 2018.100%
3) TPWM/TSWM to write 1 sermon each for Home League Sunday on the thee ‘Mission to Serve'
by 28th February 2018. 100%
4) To visit every division and ensure that every corps is using appropriate Bible Study Material by
June 2018.70%
5) To identify two success stories from each group of dream project beneficiaries that can be used
to motivate and encourage other women.70%
6) To commence the Dream Project in Sahiwal division with 10 women participants by 30th June
7) To correspond with all Silver Star Fellowship member a Christmas with card and lines of
encouragement by Dec 2017.100%
8) To include one message on Social Justice in the 2018 HL Manual by 30th August 2017.100%
9) To facilitate a total of 40 women attending literacy programmes in two different divisions
by 30th June 2018.100%
10) To carry out advocacy training in the three remaining divisions/district to one man and one
woman from each. corps by 30th June 2018.100%
11) To have a trained and commissioned Local Officers Training in three divisions and effective
Recruits classes operating in 60% of corps by June 2018. resulting in a 5% increase in Senior
12) To provide meeting resources for use in TSAP corps for Harvest Festival, Self-Denial and
Commitment Sundays during 2017 and 2018.100%
13) To organized at least 3 trainings for teachers on modern teaching techniques & effective
interaction with children for them increased performance and personal grooming by end of April
2018. 80%
14) To organize Child protection training for teachers in all 3 Schools of TSA by December 2017.
15) To arrange by June 2018 at least 8 Career Counselling sessions for students in TSA high
Schools/Children homes. 90%
16) To Implement 2 income Generation Programmes in two Children Homes of TSA by June 2018.

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 3

17) To organize Drug addiction awareness sessions for Children/Teachers in Schools/Homes of TSA
by the end of June 2018.100%

18) To do proof reading & print Corps Cadet book" C” by 31 September 2017, in order to increase
5% Corps Cadets across the territory by June 2018. (Funding ILP). 95%

19) To provide resources and training to corps officers & youth Volunteers in the whole territory to
reduce addiction in youth in their communities that results 10 -20 % decrease by end of
November 2018.30%

20) To provide resources for the Frist Steps programme by October 2017 in order to implement
toddler’s activities e.g. Baby Song etc.0%

21) To implement Junior Soldier's resources effectively in all divisions and ensure the impact in
resulting 30% increase of disciples in the territory by end of May 2018.0 %

22) To encourage Divisions to organize refreshers courses for Sunday School teachers in order to
develop children spiritually more than 50% by the end of March 2018. 50%

23) To hold VBS around territory to let children learn Scripture through creative ways resulting to
increase 60% Discipleships in every corps.50%

24) To develop a new website for TSA Pakistan. 0%
25) Network up grading. 100%
26) Upgrade existing systems LAN cards to 1Giga Byte. (100/10 Lan card existing) (It reserves). 0 %
27) Five new Computers for Cabinet and assistant Cabinet.100%
28) To employee two (2) qualified auditors 53 Audit in the Territory from July. 2017- June.2018.98%
29) 53 Audit in the Territory from July. 2017- June.2018.98%
30) To ensure all TSA Pakistan properties are registered in the name of The Salvation Army by 30

June 2018.0%
31) To complete stage two of the IHQ property database by 30 June 2017.50%
32) To prepare a plan for the upgrade of properties (new facilities and renovations) in the territory

to ensure clear mission fit by30 March 2018.40%
33) To Maintain Vehicle record.95%
34) To facilitate the production and sale of TSA shirts to Trade Departments globally.25%
35) To provide monthly budget comparisons for all THQ Departments, Training College, Social

Institutions and Divisions by the 10th of every month.100%
36) To provide monthly budget comparisons for all Corps by the 10th of every month. 100%
37) To generate year end 16-17 financial statements by August 2017.100%
38) To complete the preparation of audit for the YR 16-17 by August 2017.90%
39) To prepare cash in hand policy by the end of December 2017. 0%
40) To prepare a Finance Manuel by the end of April 2018. 0 %
41) To develop Brief of Appointments for Corps, Social, DHQ & THQ Officers by the end of June

2018. 0%
42) To develop and implement an appraisal process for officers by the end of November 2017.50%
43) To conduct five years, review of Proclaimers of Resurrection session by January 2018.100%
44) To conduct fifteen years, review of Believers session by February 2018.100%
45) To continue making personal development trainings, seminars &refresher courses available for

all TSA PAK officers & employees on a regular basis by June 2018.70%
46) To develop a first year post commissioning lessons for lieutenants by Dec, 2017 in order that

cadets will be able to be effective in ministry when promoted to Lieutenants 26th, March 2017

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 4

and also develop next four years post commissioning lessons fromJanuary,2018 to
47) To develop job descriptions s for all TSAP employees by the end of January 2018.30%
48) To develop a standardised attendance system and leave record for THQ employees by June
49) To meet with all employees in the territory for clarification of TSA policies, practices and

1) To ensure that specific interviews are held with single cadets and with cadets who have high
/work qualifications to discuss their possible future service appointment during the first
2) To train the effective method of teaching in the 21 centuries by 30/6/17 to training college
3) To improve examination system.100 %
4) To teach Cadets how to manage the budget.40%
5) To ensure that each cadet do a book review which will be marked during first & second
6) To continue the weekly current affairs class and write one assignment each year in first and
second about a world situation and its impact on Pakistan.80%
7) To make a Training College Facebook page.70%

1) To review the operations and facilities of the Conference Hall get high profit activities for the
2) Advertisement in other churches and community to get more business.20%
3) To enable all the officers in the territory to achieve their full potential That the mission of the
territory is achieved by June 2023 five course in one year.100%
4) To enable all the employees of the territory to be fully equipped to carry out their
responsibilities in the highest professional manner possible by June 2018.0 %
5) To look at the current MTEC system and to develop a new system by June 2018. 40%


1) To iniatie CBCD Programme approach in 50% Corps of the Territory by June 2018.98%
2) To conduct CBCD programme workshops for soldiers and Local Officers in 50% Corps of the

territory by June 2018.98%
3) To develop at least 3 local network/partnership in each Division with NGO or Government

Institutions by June 2018.20%
4) To organize capacity building training for 100 Corps Officers on (Need assessment, prioritization,

programme Development and Impact measurement and Accountability) by June 2018. 0%

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 5

5) To organize 32 capacity building workshops for Corps Volunteers on Social/health issues like
(human trafficking, Drug Addiction, Health problems, Water borne diseases and treatment,
Hygienic conditions, Child Protection) by June 2018.95%

6) To hold awareness sessions through 50 women groups regarding sexual and reproductive health
information and education by June 2018.100%

7) To hold awareness campaigns through 20 MCHC regarding maternal and neonatal mortality
causes promoting early referral by June 2018.100%

8) To train 20 communities with the anti-human trafficking module by 30th June 2018.100%
9) To facilitate free admission to local skill training centers through the divisions for 5 ladies

throughout the Pakistan territory by June 2018.100%
10) To provide guidance and support to corps running CBCD activities in the sectors of Health and

education through team contact by 30th June 2018.100%
11) To commence the Parenting course in every division of the territory by 30th June 2018.100%
12) To provide emotional outreach support to at least 20 excluded women across two communities

by 30th June 20178(Widows, divorcees, single girls, disabled).50%
13) To educate one woman in each corps on tuberculosis, and Hepatitis by 30th June 2018.100%
14) To carry out advocacy training in the three remain in divisions/district to one man and one

woman from each corps by 30th June 2018.100%

It must be noted that the cumulative percentage achievement of all the objectives noted above
calculates to 68% during the reporting year.

This achievement is disappointing in view of us achieving 70% and 74% in the last two years. However,
we have experienced some difficulty in funding approvals coming late thereby making it hard to
implement objectives in the stated time period. Also, the teams are now more familiar with objectives
and are stretching themselves further, making achievement a bigger target.

However in the next reporting year, it is hoped the percentage achievement will be higher.

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives for 2018/19
Chief Secretary.

1. To continue to promote the Vision & Mission Statement throughout the territorial year through
regular monthly e-mails & written communication with DHQ and through teaching chorus at all
events run by officers from THQ.

2. To ensure that all DLs receive a copy of O&R for Officers and Local Officers and understand
these by Feb- 2019.

3. To ensure that all DLs receive a copy of O&R for Officers and Local Officers and understand
these by Feb- 2019

4. To introduce Gantt Chart all Division by September 2018
5. To introduce Risk, register each division by September 2018
6. To Contact Marriage Registrar for registration of Marriage certificate in Union Council

throughout the territory. By June 2019.

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 6

7. To Introduce Safe Mission Council (Health and Safety) during TLC Sept 2018

Family Ministry. Discipleship.

1. To prepare and provide a manual for use in Home League, Young Women's Fellowships and
Men's Clubs in all corps within the territory by 30 Nov 2018.

2. TPWM/TSWM to write 1 sermon each for Home League Sunday on the theme 'On the Way to
Heaven' by 28th February 2019.

3. To promote Bible Study amongst women in every Corps by June 2019.

Silver star
4. To send 229 Christmas cards enclosing a letter of thanks for Silver Star parents to encourage
them by Dec 2019

Develop Communities - Men's Ministries
5. To Launch Men's Ministry in the whole territory on one same day 8 July 2018.
6. To promote daily devotions with men in 100 corps through the provision of an appropriate
resource and teaching on the use of this by 30th June 2019.
7. To promote and commence Men's Fellowship groups in 50% of the corps by June 2019.

Develop Communities - Education
8. To commence the Dream Project in Faisalabad. Division with 10 women by 30th June 2019.
9. To commence the Dream Project in Islamabad Division with 10 women and 10 men by 30th June
10. To support and promote English Language or Computer skills classes for 20 women officers by
June 2019.


1. To have a Local Officers Training specific for CSM & Recruiting Sergeant in five divisions and
effective Recruit classes in all corps of these divisions by June 2019 resulting in a 5% increase in
Senior Soldiers.

2. To hold Stewardship Training in four divisions (Islamabad, Sheikhupura, Sahiwal, Faisalabad) to
make people accountable and disciple of Jesus Christ by June 2019; they will become good
steward to support their corps; resulting increase in corps income and soldier’s attendance.

3. To provide meeting resources for use in TSAP corps for Harvest Festival, Self-Denial and
Commitment Sunday / Soldier's Renewal Day during 2018 and 2019.

Social Institutions
4. To conduct parenting sessions with parents / guardians of TSA schools' students and Homes by
the end of December 2018.


AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 7

5. To build the capacity of school management in order to provide quality education in TSA Schools
by March 2019.

6. To organize reproductive health sessions with Children / Students (age 13-16) of TSA's Schools
and Homes by end of November 2018.

7. To conduct Spiritual Retreats for all employees in TSA's Schools and Homes by March 2019.

8. To ensure and follow-up that all corps cadets are enrolled & attending corps cadets’ classes and
becoming disciples in every corps by June 2019.
9. To conduct TSA's got Talent to identify the most distinctive youth group from the territory by
October 2018.
10. To provide resources and training to corps officers & youth Volunteers in the whole territory to
reduce addiction (Cigarette & Alcohol) in youth and in their communities; results 10 - 20 %
decrease by end of November 2018.
11. To implement Junior Soldier's resource effectively in all divisions and ensure its implementation
in the territory to increase disciples by the end of June 2019.
12. To encourage Divisions/corps to organize refreshers courses for Sunday School teachers in order
to develop children spiritually by the end of June 2019.
13. To hold V/Bible School in the territory to let children learn Scripture through creative ways
resulting to increase Discipleships in every corps till June 2019.
14. To identify the distinguished group of Junior Soldiers on performing art (JS's got Talent) by May
2019 (Junior Soldier's got Talent).
15. To develop Godly Play (discipleship) resources for toddlers age 3-6 by October 2018 and to train
cradle role sergeants of every corps.
16. To introduce new Sunday book in the territory by the first week of October 2018 to make
Sunday school more effective and influential for children spiritually.


1. To develop a new website for TSA Pakistan
2. To Migration on Office outlook 0365.
3. To Desktops Upgradation Plan.
4. Wireless Internet Connection for TSA
5. 91 Audits in the Territory from July. 2018- June.2019.

6. To ensure all TSA Pakistan properties are registered in the name of The Salvation Army by 30
June 2019.
7. To complete stage two of the IHQ property database by 31 December 2018.
8. To prepare a plan for the upgrade of properties (new facilities and renovations) in the
territory to ensure clear mission fit by.
9. To Prepared the scorecard of all corps properties by 31 May 2019.

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 8

10. To develop local market Access and linkages with 3 Malls and try to get place for Christmas
stall and Second-hand cloth Stall by April 2019.
11. To Export TSA Uniform shirt to SP&S by June 2019.
12. To provide School Uniform to TSA School Azam town Tibba and Shantinagar by March 2019.
13. To establish second Hand cloth business by June 2019 Used summer wear and Winter wear,
Used Bags for school.
14. To provide monthly budget comparisons for all THQ Departments, Training College, Social
Institutions, Divisions and Corps by the 10th of every month.

GOVERNANCE - Finance - Chief Accountant
15. To complete the preparation of audit for YR 17-18 by July 2019.
16. To generate year end 17-18 financial statements by July 2019.
17. To update the asset register by the end of Oct 2018.
18. To prepare cash policy by the end of September 2018.
19. To prepare Finance Manual by the end of November 2018.
20. To prepare risk register for finance by the end of August 2018.

GOVERNANCE - Personnel - SPE

1. To develop Brief of Appointments for Corps, Social, DHQ & THQ Officers by the end of
June 2018.

2. To develop and implement an appraisal process for officers by the end of November

3. To conduct fifteen years review by February 2019.
4. To conduct five-year review by March 2019.

GOVERNANCE - Personnel - Candidates Secretary
5. To continue making personal development trainings, seminars & refresher courses
available for all TSA PAK officers & employees on a regular basis by June 2019.
6. To continue work on post commissioning lessons 2nd,3rd,4th & 5th year for lieutenants
by June,2019.
7. To make resources for 2019, Candidates Sunday by the end of November 2018.
8. To conduct Candidates Assessment Conference by April 2019.

GOVERNANCE - Personnel - HR
9. To develop job descriptions for all TSAP employees by the end of January 2018
10. to meet with all employees in the territory for clarification of TSA policies, practices and
11. To Check EOBI status in divisions and institutes by March 2019.
12. To develop a standardised Recruitment Policy by December 2018.

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 9

GOVERNANCE - Training College

1. To discuss the possible future appointment of the cadet’s service after commissioning
interviews should be held twice a year

2. To enhance the Biblical knowledge of the Training College officers and to teach them
effective method of teaching.

3. To train the Cadets regarding safe mission council.
4. To arrange one Cadets campaign in Lahore for a week (5 days) before commissioning

in 2019.
5. To develop the knowledge and insight required by TSA officership, with reference to

the area of future service.
6. To arrange some healthy activities for nursery children.
7. To give practical training of officership through Out Training Summer appointment.

GOVERNANCE - Education Secretary

1. To enable all the officers in the territory to achieve their full potential so that the
mission of the territory is achieved by June 2019 five course in one year.

2. To organize five modules of Certificate Leadership Development for second group of
30 officers in Certificate by June 2019.

3. To make sure that all departments in order to bring professionalism and efficiency in
the responsibilities of all employees in the territory are conducting trainings.

4. Advertisement in other churches and community to get more business.

Corps Based Community Development Programme(CBCD)
1. To support 20 Corps in organizing the homework clubs as a support to formal education for
school age children by the end of June 2019

SDG 4: Quality Education
2. To Provide 20 skills training at Corps as per identified needs and trends in the market by the
end of June 2019.

SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

3. To provide 30 agricultural, livestock and food security training at Corps in identified farming
communities by the end of June 2019

SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 15: Life on Land

4. To facilitate the placement of 5 beneficiaries to jobs through referrals by the end of June 2019
SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

5. To arrange 8 Divisional awareness workshops organised on advocacy for women rights & legal
documentation for CO's and Volunteers by the end of June 2019.

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 10

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

6. To organize 8 Divisional awareness programs on gender equality, GBV and transgender rights
for CO's by the end of June 2019.

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

7. To organize 8 youth Programmes at divisional level, with career counselling, trauma

counselling, social issue debates, capacity building, leadership development and games by the
end of June 2019. (Carnival)

SDG 1: No Poverty

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing

SDG 5: Gender Equality

8. To organize 8 awareness programs for CO's on child rights, child Labour and child protection
provided by the end of June 2019.

SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

9. To organize 8 Divisional Awareness program on AHT for Corps Officers by the end of June 2019
SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

10. To organize 8 Divisional Awareness Programs on parenting (level 2) for Corps Officers by the
end of June 2019.

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

11. To arrange 8 divisional awareness programs on disaster risk reduction focusing on flooding &
water shortage for Corps Officers by the end of June 2019.

SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
SDG 13: Climate Action
Official CBCD vehicle is purchased by the end of March 2019.

12. To conduct 4 trainings on promoting gender equality with THQ CBCD Team, in order to train
them as technical assistants for divisional teams by end December 2018

SDG 5: Gender Equality
13. To organize ongoing training for CBCD team on communication, language and professional
competencies by the end of June 2019
14. To print faith-based facilitation material and shared with Divisional & Corps teams by the end
of June 2019.
15. To arrange participation of 4 staff members on community development course by the end of
June 2019.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
16. To attending Asia sharing and learning forum (ASLF) by 2 participants by the end of December

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 11

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
17. To develop the Impact measurement framework, with a participatory approach, and with the
consultation of all levels by the end of June 2019.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
18. To develop database to record all the required statistical and narrative information by the end
of June 2019.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
19. To assist in developing strategic partnerships at divisional level (Health, Education, Skills
Development and other related resources) by the end of June 2019.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
20. To develop strategic partnerships framework for territorial levels (Health, Education, Skills
Development and other related resources) by the end of June 2019.

SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality

21. To identify at least 1 (one) NGOs, INGOs, CSOs for safe and value-added partnerships by the
end of June 2019.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
22. To provide 20 Skills Training as per identified needs and trends in the market by June 2019

SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 4: Quality Education

23. To send CBCD Phase 1 Audit report to donor by March 2019
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

24. To compile Quarterly and bi- annual Narration and Financial Report of CBCD Phase 2for donor
by ongoing

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
25. TO compile final Narration and Financial Report of CBCD Phase 1 for donor by March 2019

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
26. To develop Territorial Strategies for Community Development by June 2019

SDG's Unknown at this time
27. To translate and print third Parenting course by June 2019

SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing
SDG 5: Gender Equality

28. To plan CBCD Phase II yearly monitoring visits by partners by January 2019
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

29. To send 2 people from the Divisional Teams on further CBCD training by June 2019
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

As you will note from the above objectives, reference is made to the SDGs (Sustainable Development

Goals of the UN). These objectives have now been added to the UNDP database for Pakistan, showing

that The Salvation Army is assisting the Government of Pakistan in achieving these United Nations

agreed developmental goals.

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 12

In conclusion, I want to once again express my sincere thanks to our officers, staff and soldiers for their
commitment to the objects of The Salvation Army and their work in over 500 locations through this
great country of Pakistan.

Without the impact of what you do, this report would be mere paper. Thank you for bringing the paper
into life in these communities.

Every blessing

Ivor Telfer

Commissioner Ivor Telfer MSc, FCMI, C.Mgr.
Territorial Commander, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

AGM 2017-2018 Directors’ Report by Commissioner Ivor Telfer Page 13

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