Check out our
September Flyer online
September 4, 2018 Issue #36 - Volume 22
2018 Yamaha Espanola Council Found
Kodiak 450 To Have Been Abusive
from $39 weekly And Intimidating To Staff:
Integrity Commissioner’s
on approved credit !
[email protected] By Rosalind Russell - The Integrity HUGE SALE
Commissioner, Shearer Parnega, has
SEASON’S written a very critical review of Espanola IN THE WHITE TENT!
council’s behaviour saying the elected
septic service politicians harassed, undermined and were Sept 8th & 9th
abusive to municipal employees.
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs The case came to a head this year when Lowest prices of the year on
nine department heads decided to kayaks, patio furniture, BBQ’s,
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G complain to the Integrity Commission
705-869-2448 over how council treated them. Once the and propane firepits.
705-356-3444 complaints were made, that triggered a
1-800-587-3599 Code of Conduct investigation. Plus, all discontinued products
Ron Duplessis will be reduced to sell.
In a summary of the 103-page report,
Parnega details a lot of the actions by Ready for winter?
councillor Ron Duplessis. We service
The Commissioner found Duplessis’ GAS, OIL, PROPANE
behaviour disrespectful especially toward AND DUCT CLEANING
the CAO, Cynthia Townsend over one of Need new equipment?
Continued on page four... FRuErnNaTceTsO, AO/CW, WNa(OtAeC)r
Heaters, Fireplaces
Serving North Shore,
Espanola and the Island
YOUR APPOINTMENT. -50 RV antifreeze
705-869-0333 3.97$ PLUS TAX
AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About [email protected]
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Rappers Insulting Rappers – None Too Subtle
Serving Certified Technician
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 So Canadian rapper Drake had to reschedule believe butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth,
Business his August tour with the American band just called Tesla CEO Elan Musk a “giant
Mobile Migos when band member Offset (that dick”!!! Which he is, but still. Then she
is his name, not an imbalance issue) was called Cardi B an “illiterate, untalented rat”
Sales & Service arrested in Georgia. Offset is facing four and Action Bronson a “bootleg ghostface”.
charges – two for gun possession, one for Ouch!
RON RIVET possession of drugs and the fourth charge? She described Musk as having “grey lips”,
Making an improper lane change! Yeah, like “froggy eyelids” and an “irregular hair-
CLEANING SERVICES the weapons and weed felonies were not growth pattern”, as well as “pork skin”. “I
25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE enough, they also nailed the poor bugger wouldn’t give the credit of calling him an
with failing to use his blinker! A tad over the alien.” she added. “He’s a mutant.”
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout top, I must say. Banks then moved on to the Musk’s girl-
Cleaning Cleaning Rappers come with names like Drake, friend, Canadian musician Grimes, calling
Offset, Dub J, LL Cool J, Easy E, Jay-Z, her a “dirty-snooker-inbred-out of the 705-862-1914 50 Cent, 2 chainz, DMX, A$AP Rocky and woods-Pabst beer (unprintable), meth-head
many Gucci Mane more. Just once I want to junkie”. Not exactly “you go girl”. More
Advertise here for as pick up a newspaper and read: “Rapper Bob like “you go stick your head in the toilet
little as $26 per week Johnson was wounded in a brazen daylight girl”.
drive-by shooting in Las Vegas yesterday. If there’s any karma in the art of insults, T. I.
Call 705-869-6883 for details Expected to recover, cross-town rival rappers has found it. This rapper referred to Azealia
John Arthur and Jim Edwards have been (not even the slightest similarity to azalea the
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage arrested. The two suspects will be arraigned flower) as a: “musty-mouthed, thot-bot-bad-
Independently owned and operated next week before Judge XXAceCardHigh” body, syphilistic: rectum-vomit-unimportant
…. And in case you are counting, when – ugggggly – monstrosity-of-a-maggot-ass
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 Snoop Dog turns 60, he’ll actually be 420 in BIIIIIIIITCCHH!!!!!” Yeah, T. I., whose real Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 dog years. name is Clifford Joseph Harris Jr., sure can
Today’s rappers – and this is a good thing – sugar-coat it.
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 are more inclined to take each other down America knows no bounds when it comes to
Fax: (705) 869-6299 with insults instead of bullets as was the case hip hop musicians slandering one another,
in the 1990’s. but Spain is not nearly as lenient. After
New Clients Always Welcome Itzy little bit of a thing (which would make calling the Spanish royal family a “corrupt
an excellent name for a rapper right there!) gang of mafia dons and elephant killers,”
Formerly Azealia Banks appears to be the nastiest of rap artist Valtonyc was charged with crimes
these rhyming flame throwers. The singer that come with jail time. American officials
from Harlem whose sweet face leads you to
Continued on page three...
Advertise here for as
little as $26 per week
[email protected] •No Appt. Needed Oil Changes
•Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
Call 705-869-6883 for details 20 McCulloch Dr. (Behind the Mall)
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry Don’s Electric
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh (705) 869-0511
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF Cell (705)-862-0753
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS
Monday 9-5 E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
Tuesday Closed Email: [email protected]
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
The One Tot Stop Day Care,A.B.Ellis Site Carol Hughes’ Column
has Infant and Toddler spaces available. Making Housing A Right Would Push
For more information, please Government To Address Shortage
call Devina at 705-869-3282
An open letter to the Prime at some point every year and
or email [email protected] Minister is highlighting the duration of those stays Canada’s housing shortage and becoming longer over time.
challenging the government There are also an estimated
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282 to take a new approach to the 50,000 hidden homeless people
Email: [email protected] • problem. The letter, signed in Canada who live temporarily
by over 170 organizations and with others with no guarantee
Continued from page two... prominent Canadians urged of continued residency or
the Prime Minister to follow immediate prospects for
wouldn’t dare put little Azealia gave Falwell an enema, you through on his commitment to accessing permanent housing.
make housing a human right. What is clear is that
in prison because they could not could bury him in a Match Box.” The NDP is calling on the patchwork solutions are
Liberal government to address not solving our housing
handle the stampede of hard- You see, Hitchens did have a the concerns in the open letter problem. Canada must work
after bringing the issue to towards ending homelessness
core criminals trying to break out mouth full but still wouldn’t say parliament earlier this year. instead of continuing with
The housing shortage is nothing the government’s approach
of her cell block! the word! new and Canada has been facing of managing the homeless
a crisis for years. Rising rents, population. New Democrats
Bohemia seriously insulted Said Norman Mailer about rental housing shortages, and are supporting the open letter’s
federal government withdrawal call for Canada to legally
YoYo Honey Singh in his album Jack Kerovac: “He is as from social housing funding enshrine a right to housing and
have forced many families to have developed legislation to
Rap Cold War, Kindrick Lamar pretentious as a rich whore and spend too much of their income do this as well. But despite
on housing. Our consistently the Prime Minister’s previous
maligned either Drake or KDot. as sentimental as a lollypop.” high number of homeless commitment, last November the
people is also a sign that too government voted down the bill
Nobody’s really sure. Drake and Translations: Norm did not like many people are unable to keep which would have legislated
up and losing their housing this right into Canadian law.
Meek Mill have disparaged each Jack’s writing. altogether. Solving homelessness would
According to the Canada make economic sense as well.
other several times in words and Public insults need to be Mortgage and Housing A growing body of research
Corporation, a household can is showing that funding for
song. Hit Em Up Rico said some devastating while understated be considered to be in core housing and the fight against
housing need when it budgets homelessness represents both
very bad things about Herbo. and delivered cold as death. and spends more than 30% of its an economic and a social
income on housing. Statistics investment. The Impact Study
Cayme dissed Mickey Mouse. J When Winston Churchill was Canada’s National Household on the Activities of the Société
Survey from 2011 showed d’habitation du Québec showed
Coles went at Lil Yatchy pretty at an all-time low in popularity, that 3.3 million households that every dollar invested in
(25.2%) spent more than 30% programs and work to replace,
good. Jay-Z denigrated Drake George Bernard Shaw, of their total income to housing. upgrade and modernize low-
The problem is shared almost rent public housing contributed
in the same way Offset savaged whom the prime minister had equally among those who own $2.30 into that provinces
their homes and those who economy and supported
Mango Foo. previously referred to as “a third- rent. This places them at risk of the residential construction
falling into homelessness. industry.
At this point I’m tempted to add rate playwright”, attempted to The problem is worse for Even as the government
the 200,000 Canadians who continues to dodge efforts
“sticks and stones may break my kick the great man while he was are homeless in any given to make this an actual right
year. A 2013 report from in Canada, there is growing
bones” but sure as hell some guy down. the Canadian Homelessness and wide-spread support for
Research Network national enshrining a legal right to
named Bobby Woodford will Shaw’s note to Churchill read: report says that only 4,000 housing. Many Canadians are
– 8,000 can be considered clearly suffering from the effects
use that for his rapper name. “I am enclosing two tickets to chronically homeless. This of unaffordable housing which is
means the remainder of that why the government must make
Boy, we’ve come an awful long the first night of my new play. number experience what is this an urgent priority to ensure
called episodic homelessness that everybody has the right to
way since Late Night’s David Bring a friend – if you can find with at least 150,000 Canadians security, good health, and safety
relying on a homeless shelter in the form of adequate housing.
Letterman called Atlanta Braves’ one.” Churchill’s reply: “Cannot
pitcher Terry Forster a “fat tub of possibly attend first night. Will
goo”!! No, seriously, when you attend a second night – if there
google “Vicious rapper insults” is one.”
do you know what pops up? … In today’s world of rap music,
Li’l Vicious! Not making that up. GB$ would threaten to puke
In reading these insults which on CC’s shoes and CC would
include threats to murder, urinate, promise GB$ to kick his sorry
cremate and yes, even unfriend ass with his vomit-encrusted
each other on Facebook, I have spats. Sad. But fun to follow as
noticed a distinct absence of well.
subtlety. For comments, ideas and
Insults need to be brief but biting copies of The Legend
like Christopher Hichens’s ode of Zippy Chippy, go to
to the late Jerry Falwell: “If you
HOME GAME!! Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 3
Friday, September 7, 7:30 pm
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from front page...
Espanola Council Found To Have Been
Abusive And Intimidating To Staff: Integrity
Commissioner’s Report
Espanola Council Remains Undecided her staff reports. Parnega also should receive a reprimand
On New Fire Hall pointed that Duplessis created for harassing and intimidating
an environment of fear over job comments in an email which
It’s going to be a while yet before in the future, the cost will security when he made several she quickly apologized for.
Espanola and area residents definitely be more. comments including one Parnega recommended training
learn which route council wants Council also heard from Fire directed at Townsend saying on the Code of Conduct and
to follow for its new fire hall. Chief Mike Pichor who said she should only speak when workplace harassment and if
Council deferred making a having an additional truck spoken to. Further to this, the she failed to do that then her
decision on the matter during a would double the town’s water Commissioner said Duplessis salary should be suspended for
special meeting in late August. capacity to fight fires. engaged in workplace 30 days.
During the special meeting, On the issue of dealing with harassment toward Townsend. Ken Duplessis
council talked about the fires, Pichor said the town had What concerned the The Integrity Commissioner’s
four Requests for Proposals a poor fire protection service Commissioner a great deal was report recommends councillor
it received from businesses rating when coping with in- that Duplessis had engaged in Ken Duplessis get a reprimand
interested in building the new town and out-of-town fires. similar disrespectful treatment and should be trained on
fire hall. Pichor said the poor rating is of staff in 2015 and his workplace harassment.
Council, for the most part, the result of a survey in 2016. comments made the workplace If he doesn’t then the
agreed that two of the bids are One factor that helps determine an uncomfortable and hostile Commissioner recommends
worth considering. However, ratings for fire protection environment although he later revoking his salary for 30 days.
there was no agreement on services is the state of a fire apologized for his behaviour. Ron Piche
whether the new building should department’s fire-fighting The Commissioner called As for Mayor Ron Piche,
house a fourth bay at this time. equipment. Duplessis’s actions serious Parnega found he engaged in
One concern was if council The matter will now come and recommended his pay be unprofessional behaviour with
decides to add a fourth bay to up again at council’s regular suspended for 60 days and also a couple of the councillors and
the new building sometime meeting on September 11th. before he returns to council that this was unprofessional.
he should be trained about However, the Commissioner
Espanola Police Service - Fraud Alert council’s role and workplace cut Piche some slack saying
harassment. his pattern of antagonistic
The Espanola Police Service filtration or electricity usage Ray Dufour behaviour was the result of
has received several reports monitors. This company has The Commissioner says not knowing what else to do.
of fraudulent activity by a obtained banking information councillor Ray Dufour’s Despite this the Commissioner
purported heating and cooling from the victims for a payment behaviour was discriminatory said Piche failed to meet his
service company, and are issuing plan for the installed equipment, and intimidating and similar to obligations as the head of
a public notice to the community which the company has offenses that took place three council and recommended the
to beware about conducting subsequently used to withdraw years ago which he wouldn’t Mayor get training on effective
business with this company. The significant amounts of money acknowledge. leadership.
company has been identified as from the victims accounts. Parnega was talking about There was no recommendation
“Mohan Home Services” and If you are approached by this Dufour’s comments over to suspend the Mayor’s salary.
its representatives have engaged company do not let them in accessibility and hiring Councillors Bill Foster and Bob
in door to door sales within your home and contact Espanola practices. Yocum were not named in either
the Espanola area as recently Police Service immediately. The Commissioner noted that the allegations or the report.
as August 20th, 2018. This Under our current Business Plan both Dufour and Duplessis Ironically, it is council itself
company has convinced some 2016 – 2018 the Espanola Police displayed antagonistic and that ultimately has to decide on
residents to have installations Service is committed to reducing disrespectful behaviour toward these recommendations, which
made which they claim will the amount of property crime Mayor Ron Piche. is expected to take place at the
improve the efficiency of through community prevention Dufour was also cited for next regularly scheduled council
furnaces, air conditioners, air and awareness programs. impugning the professional and meeting of September 11th
ethical reputation of staff. The Commissioner added that if
Sacred Heart Daycare Centre Like Duplessis, Parnega found the recommendations were not
Dufour’s conduct to be serious followed then the complainants
INFANT, TODDLER, PRESCHOOL and that his salary be suspended should call the Ministry of
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL for 90 days. Labour. The report also notes
SPACES AVAILABLE! In addition, he’s to undergo that many of those named
training on discrimination and by the complainants did not
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify workplace harassment. address the allegations against
For more information, please call Heather Mallot them and did not take part in the
The Commissioner said that investigation.
705-869-3171 councillor Heather Mallot
Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 4
Moose Espanola Area Friendship Circle Alzheimer Support Group –
Corner Monday, September 10, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the Senior’s Drop in Centre.
For more information, call 705-869-1137.
The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM - Espanola is proud to support local Bridge Lessons – at the Seniors Drop In Center, starting September 19
charities and organizations. If you have an event you want to at 1:00 p.m. For more info call D. Allen 705-869-0475.
Espanola Senior Choir - Weekly practices, Starting Tuesday,
share, please call Roz at 705-869-6397 or email your September 11, 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. To join please call Mariette Laginski
information to: [email protected] The Moose- Espanola's at 705-869-1474.
Free Community Luncheons – Every second and fourth Tuesday at the
Biggest Variety! Your Station, Your News, Your Stories Lighthouse, Espanola (across from the Royal Bank). EVERYONEWELCOME
Need rides to medical appointments? - VON’s Transportation
The Massey Fair Was Awesome Program offers rides to medical appointments, even to Sudbury. Call
Espanola VON at 705-869-3304.
Pickle Ball & Tennis at the Espanola Courts – Courts are open daily.
Equipment available at the rec centre.
Clothing Donations – Donations for overseas relief can be dropped off
at 80 Withers Rd. Massey. Also footwear, bedding & sewing supplies.
Call Ray Brubacher at 705-844-9992.
United Church of Espanola – WE ARE OPEN – United Church of
Espanola continues to have worship service every Sunday morning at
10:00 a.m. with Sunday School. All are welcome.
Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
their upcoming events in writing no later than
Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
E-mail: [email protected]
By Makayla Raby - Wow, a goat, watched baby chicks Recipe
what an awesome fair! Tante and bunnies run around and
Roz brought me to the Massey really, really big cows and Thank you to one of our
(Agricultural Society) Fair horses. The horses can run customers for sharing this
and it was so cool. There were really fast. I got to play some recipe with us. She makes the
all kinds of things to see like of the games at the midway following cake at Christmas to
the Hydro One display, I got and won an orange puppy, my give as gifts and said everyone
my safety vest from them, favourite colour, and Tante got loves it. It seemed appropriate
and all kinds of vegetables, me cotton candy too. Thank to share it now with apple
blankets and crafts. The cake you to everyone who worked season coming upon us.
decorating was really cool so hard to make it such a nice
too, Tante said, “No, you fair. I am looking forward to Mississippi Apple Cake Glaze
can’t eat them”, but I wanted going there again next year
to. The animals were the best when I am eight. Hope you • 1 cup butter • ¾ cup sugar
part. I saw a baby calf, he had fun at the fair too! • 2 cups white sugar • ½ cup butter
was only a day old, and fed Photos by Rosalind Russell • 2 large eggs • ¼ cup buttermilk or milk
• 2 ½ cups flour • 1 tbsp corn syrup
• 2 tsp baking powder • ¼ tsp baking soda
• 1 tsp baking soda • 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1/8 tsp salt
Hearing Solutions • 2 tsp cinnamon
• 3 cups finely chopped apples
for the Whole Family • 1 cup chopped walnuts
Our Audiologists Michael Blythe and • 2-3 tbsp milk
Jean Roveda have over 50 combined
years of clinical experience. Grease and flour a 9 x 13 pan. In a large bowl or stand mixer cream
the butter with the sugar. Add in the eggs and mix. In a separate
Call 877.255.4976 to schedule your bowl combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and
hearing health assessment today! cinnamon. Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture and mix
well. Fold in the apples, walnuts and enough milk to make the right
825 McKinnon Drive. Espanola, ON cake-like consistency. Spread the apple cake batter evenly in the prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes or until a
tester inserted comes out clean. While cake is baking, combine all
Conveniently located in the Espanola Hospital for over 20 years the glaze ingredients in a medium pan, except the vanilla. Stir and
cook to a rolling boil. Remove from heat and add the vanilla. Pour
and spread glaze over hot cake as soon as it is removed from the
oven. Let cake cool completely before serving. The longer it sits,
the better it gets.
• Buttermilk substitutes- for each cup of buttermilk, you can use
1 tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice plus enough milk to
measure 1 cup. Stir, then let stand for 5 minutes. Or, you can use 1
cup of plain yogurt.
Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 5
705-869-6883LPRSPoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! LECLAIR, Brunelle of Espanola passed away
at the Manitoulin Lodge Nursing Home, Gore
SERVICES FOR SALE Bay, Ontario on Friday, August 24, 2018, at the
age of 87 yrs. Dear son of the late Victor &
PHYSIOTHERAPY OFFERED BY FRESH PORK - Rainbow Valley Catherine (nee Menard) LeClair. Loving father
MARILYN WITTMANN - Located Farm Locally Paddock raised Pork of Robert LeClair of North Vancouver, British
at Physio Moves in the Espanola ready for processing by licensed Columbia, Marcel of Sudbury, Vivianne
Hospital. Accepting new patients. processor. $4.25/lb. Cut, Wrapped (husband Mihai) of Victoria, British Columbia,
WSIB and MVA patients welcome. and Frozen. Available as HALF or Jeannine of Espanola, Rene of Aylmer, Ontario,
Acupuncture available. Visit www. WHOLE. Call Sean Gallagher 705- Claudette Cox (husband Jason) of Waterloo, for services, rates, and 698-4963 for details. 9/25 Claude (wife Lorna) of Espanola, David of
hours, or call 705-988-3737. 10/2 - R Espanola & the late Richard. Will be sadly
missed by 14 grandchildren & 15 great-grandchildren. Very dear brother
MINI EXCAVATION SERVICE FOR SALE - Steel siding and steel of Bruno LeClair of Espanola & the late Delphis (wife Beatrice
– Excavation service for smaller roof left over from various projects. predeceased), Adolphe (wife Frances predeceased), Marie Vanier
projects. Prep area for garage, Good for sheds and garages. Also (husband Raymond predeceased), Raphael (wife Eleanor predeceased),
shed, decks. Ditching, trenches for building materials. For more info Leon & Theophil (wife Mary predeceased). A graveside service was held
waterlines, propane, hydro, smaller call 705-583-2192 or 705-862- at the Espanola Cemetery, Espanola on Thursday, August 30th at 11:30
stump removal. Servicing Espanola 0376. 9/11 a.m. Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd., Espanola
& area. Locally owned and operated.
Lower cost than renting the machine. FOR SALE - Antique & household ST. MICHEL, Edith Carolyn of
Contact Brad 705-869-8168. 9/11 furniture and collectibles. For more Webbwood passed away at her residence on
info call 705-583-2192 or 705-862- Thursday, August 23, 2018 at the age of 75
TOTAL MAINTENANCE 0376. 9/11 years. Beloved wife of Bob St. Michel of
Webbwood. Dear daughter of the late
SERVICES: Plowing, carpentry, NOTICE Carson & Mildred (nee Goodchild) Rollins.
painting, steel & shingle roofing, tree Loving mother of Robert (wife Nita) of
cutting, decks, landscape construction, Thunder Bay, Wayne (wife Kim) & Edith
yard maintenance, dump runs. 705- CHERYL’S MASSAGE Presseau (husband Mike) both of
THERAPY & ACUPUNCTURE Webbwood. Will be sadly missed by
936-6160 9/11 - R – NEW LOCATION as of April 9th. grandchildren, Kyle (wife Marian), Connor,
Lenny, Carolyn, Daniel & Ann and
ESPANOLA SELF STORAGE – 363 John St. Espanola. To make great-granddaughter, Brooke-Lynn. Very
6x8 and 8x10 Storage units available an appointment call 705-863-3223. dear sister of Enid Cosby (husband Morris)
in Espanola. Located behind the car [email protected] 10/2 R & Laura Cole (husband Ralph) both of
wash. Call 705-869-8405. 9/25 - R Massey, Carson Rollins (wife Betty) of Webbwood & Myrna Slater
(husband Tom) of Strathroy and sister by choice Victoria McCauley
HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS MEETINGS (nee St. Michel). Edith was a special aunt to many nieces & nephews.
COLOMBUS - Need something She was a passionate educator with a tremendous love for life, family &
fixed, painted, drywalled, built or Massey Agricultural Society friends. A Memorial Mass was held at St. Lawrence Roman Catholic
flooring done, call me. Stephane monthly meetings - 3rd Tuesday of Church, Webbwood on Wednesday, August 29th at 1:00 p.m. with
Coulombe, 705-863-3434. 9/4 - R the month. Held at Massey Firehall Father Raj officiating. Interment of ashes in St. Lawrence Roman
@ 7pm. We welcome the public’s Catholic Cemetery, Webbwood. Following the interment family and
THE RITCHIES ARE AT IT attendance. 10/23 friends were invited to the St. Michel home for light luncheon & to share
AGAIN! Get your firewood cut, split, pleasant memories. Donations to the Espanola Hospital Fund are
delivered. Hardwood maple. More IN MEMORIAM greatly appreciated. They took such good care of her in her final days.
info, call Mina at 705-865-3017. Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd.
10/30. In Loving Memory of HARRISON (nee Constantineau), Dorothy
Anita - In loving memory of Dorothy (Dot)
FOR RENT (nee Constantineau) who passed away
peacefully at the Espanola Nursing Home at
FOR RENT – 1 room for rent in the age of 95 years. Dear daughter of the late
house located in McKerrow, near Edmond and Inza (nee Worden)
police station. Available immediately. Constantineau. Beloved wife of the late
$600.00 plus hydro. Call for details William Denault (1980) & the late Alvia
705-988-2022. 9/18 Harrison (1993). Loving mother of Gary
Denault (wife Midge) of Espanola &
FOR RENT - Apartment for rent, 1 Mary Howard Sharron Bracken (husband Doug) of
bedroom. 2-123 Tudhope St Espanola. August 30-2017 Massey. Will be sadly missed by
Available Sept 1. $650.00 per month grandchildren Kari, Danny, Traci, Craig,
plus hydro, first; last & damage deposit. If tears could build a stairway Christie & Kelli, 12 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild.
Call 705-869-0514. 9/11 And mrmories a lane Very dear sister of Raymond Constantineau (wife Eileen) of Espanola,
Lorne Constantineau of Sudbury & the late Albert, Daniel, William,
FOR RENT – Available October I’d walk right up to heaven Harold (Bolong), Vada Dubreuil, Vida Longpre & Freida Constantineau.
1. One bedroom apartment. Non And bring you home again Dorothy was an avid traveller and enjoyed many trips to various parts of
smoking, quiet building. $650.00 a the world including Europe, Canada and the United States while visiting a
month plus hydro. Heat included. Forever loved and missed few casinos in between. She loved her grandchildren and enjoyed knitting
Call 705-869-1378. 9/4 Dawn, Janice, Maureen, Joy, & Pam and playing cards, especially when she won. For many years she spent the
Grand Children & Great Grand Children winter months enjoying the warm weather in Florida. The family would
MOVING OUT SALE like to thank the staff of the Espanola Nursing Home for their kind and
thoughtful care and support. A celebration of life & interment of ashes in
MOVING OUT SALE - 1 the Espanola Cemetery will take place at a later date. If so desired,
snowblower 10.5 HP - appr 10 yrs donations to the Espanola Nursing Home Therapeutic Garden would be
old. Works great $500.00. 1 NEW appreciated. Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd., Espanola
Huskv lawn tractor - only 4.5 hrs use
- $2,100.00. Call 705-865-2011. 9/4 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 6
A Gathering of Memories Canadian Mental Health Association,
To Celebrate the life of Dorothy Harrison Sudbury-Manitoulin is hiring:
To all our family and friends, we hope you can join us in Rehabilitation Practitioner, Espanola
celebrating and remembering our mother Dorothy (Dot – Full-Time – 35 hours per week
Denault to many) who left us last month. The informal
gathering will be held in the Seniors Room at the Queensway Deadline for accepting applications
place, 799 Queensway, Espanola on September 8th from is Friday, September 7, 2018 at noon.
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. We hope you bring along stories to share
of times with mom. Please visit our website at
for all application details.
Seeking a sensi�ve, highly mo�vated individual who is able to
Monday, October 1st, 2018 – 7:00 p.m. work well with children at our Centre de la pe�te enfance
Day Services Cafeteria – 345 Centre Street, Espanola d’Espanola.
(back entrance) Registered Early Childhood Educator
Full Time (French posi�on)
A membership must be purchased prior to September 35 hours per week
21st, 2018 in order to be eligible to vote at the 2018
Salary Range $17.22 - $19.42 plus $2 (WE)
AGM. Memberships can be purchased for $3 at The Ideal Candidate will have:
CLE’s Administration Office at 345 Centre Street, or by
• Registered Early Childhood Educator Diploma or Equivalency
calling Debbie at 705-869-0442 ext 21. as established by the College of Early Childhood Educators
If you are interested in becoming a Board Member for • Excellent knowledge of current Child Development Theories
Community Living Espanola, please contact Debbie at and Prac�ces, Early Iden�fica�on and Interven�on and of all
Relevant Legisla�on, Policies and Procedures
705-869-0442 ext 21 for further information.
• Team and rela�onship development skills
Kathy Lewis, Chair • Effec�ve verbal and listening Communica�on skills
• Effec�ve wri�en, planning, organiza�onal and �me
management skills
2018 /2019 Registration • Current standard first aid cer�ficate and infant/child CPR
• Current vulnerable sector police check
ESPANOLA REGIONAL RECREATION COMPLEX • Health assessment and current immuniza�on
Please submit a cover le�er and your resume by September7,
Registration Date 2018. We wish to thank all applicants for their interest but advise
that only those candidates for an interview will be contacted.
Thursday, September 6 - 6:00-8:00 p.m. Please send your resume to the above address:
Registration Fees: All Star Children Services Inc.
Brigi�e Drouin, Execu�ve Director
Fax: 705-848-4993 or Email [email protected]
IP - 1st yr (2012-14) $65 + $50* = $115
Returning IP (2012-14) $120 + $50* = $170
Novice (2010-11) $460 + $50* = $510 Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
Atom (2008-09) $500 + $50* = $550 STAFF
Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
Peewee (2006-07) $620 + $50* = $670 OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Bantam (2004-05) $660 + $50* = $710 Richard Gagnon - Production
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
Midget (2001-03) $660 + $50* = $710 Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Any registration after 8:00 p.m. on Sept 6 will be subject to a $50 late fee. Distribution by Around & About
** $50 fundraising fee **
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 7
Phone: (705) 865-2646 Fax: (705) 865-2736
Email: [email protected]
11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON, P0P 1P0
ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT (Planning Act-Section 34)
{Planning Act Section 34 and 53} TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Sables-Spanish Rivers passed Bylaw 2018-39 on the 22nd day of August, 2018.
Rivers will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, September 26, PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the zoning amendment is to
2018 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township Office, 11 Birch Lake Road, allow for a multi-residential unit in the General Commercial zone. The
Massey in order to consider proposed applications under Section 34 effect is to provide for three apartment units in an existing building. The
and Section 53 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990 as amended. land to which the bylaw applies is described as Hallam Township, Plan
Consent File No. C-18-09 M-6 Lot 63, Parcel 1866 and 735, #21 Main Street, Webbwood.
The purpose of this consent application is to provide for a lot addition This application is not subject of any other application under the
in the General Residential zone in Massey. The property is described Planning Act.
as Salter Township, Section 25, Parcel 28-1, Plan D-268 Unit 28 and APPEAL - The last date for filing a notice of appeal of the by-law is
Plan 53R-11786 Part 1, to be added to Unit 26 & 27 on D-268 at 245 September 24, 2018. Any such appeal must be filed with the clerk of the
Hugh Cummings Street. municipality and must set out the reasons for the appeal and must be
The lands subject of this application is not subject of any other accompanied by the fee required by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
Planning Act application. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to
Zoning Bylaw Amendment File No. ZBA-18-03 the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed
The purpose for the amendment would be to allow for a reduced by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal
shoreline frontage setback in the Resource Recreation zone. The may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the
property is described as Victoria Township, Section 17, Parcel 17-1, association or the group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be
Tube Lake-water access. added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was
The land subject of this application is not subject of any other passed, the person of public body made oral submissions at a public
application under the Planning Act. meeting or written submissions to the Council of the Township of
Zoning Bylaw Amendment File No. ZBA-18-04 Sables-Spanish Rivers or, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are
The purpose for the amendment would be to allow for a car detailing reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
business in the General Residential zone in Massey. The property is This bylaw is available for inspection in the municipal office during
described as Salter Township, Section 25, Parcel 39-1, Plan D-272 regular office hours.
Unit 39, #405 Imperial Street South. Dated this 4th day of September 2018
The land subject of this application is not subject of any other Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator
application under the Planning Act.
TAKE NOTICE that if you wish to be notified of the decision of the HYDRANT FLUSHING - MASSEY
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers on the proposed applications, you
must make a written request to the Clerk of the Township of Massey residents, please be advised that the Public Works Department
Sables-Spanish Rivers. will be flushing hydrants starting on September 10th and continuing
To appeal the decision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, send an through to September 21st, 2018 as weather permits.
appeal form to the Clerk of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Flushing may cause temporary discolouration of water or loss of
outlining the reasons for the appeal. You must enclose the appeal fee pressure. Before using, please run your tap until the water is clear and
of $300.00 for each application appealed, paid by cheque, made refrain from doing laundry while flushing is occurring in your area.
payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance. We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Public Works
decision of the Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers to the Department at 705-865-2646 or 705-865-2358.
Local Planning Appeal Tribunal but the person or public body does not
make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written WASTE ELECTRONICS DAY – SEPTEMBER 26, 2018
submissions to the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers before the bylaw
is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the ALL DAY in the Public Works Yard @ 11 Birch Lake Road.
decision. Bring in your electronic recycling for FREE disposal!
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public
meeting, or make written submissions to the Township of RESIDENTS OF THE
Sables-Spanish Rivers before the decision is made, the person or TOWNSHIP OF SABLES-SPANISH RIVERS
public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal
before the Tribunal, unless in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are ARE INVITED TO
reasonable grounds to do so.
available at the municipal office during regular office hours. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2018
Dated this 4th day of September 2018 AT THE EAGLES CLUB in WEBBWOOD
Doors open at 6:00 pm
All are welcome to attend!
Around&About September 4, 2018 Page 8