2018PSreoegirnSasumimdsem&feoErvreonutrs www.aroundandabout.ca COPY - FAX
2018 POLARIS May 15, 2018 Issue #20 - Volume 22 SCANNING SERVICES
9399INDY VOYAGER 155 New School Construction OFFICE FURNITURE
PLUS PDI, Begins In Espanola
of thCeonmeewinplaanndtscahrercivkionugtwaellekly
Warning: Snowmobilescanbehazardoustooperate. Polarisadultmodelsareforridersage16andolder. Foryoursafety,always By Rosalind Russell - It has been a
wearahelmet,eyeprotectionandprotectiveclothing,andbesuretotakeasafetytrainingcourse. Youmayalsocontactyour
PolarisdealerorcallPolarisat(800)342-3764. ForsafetytraininginCanada,contactyourlocalPolarisdealer.PolarisIndustriesInc. ©
long time in coming, but construction
is underway for a new double school in
Espanola. The new Sacred Heart School
under the authority of the Huron-
Superior Catholic District School Board
[email protected] will house students from JK to Grade
Eight while the new French Catholic EU2000i Honda
section under the auspices of the
SEASON’S Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel- 1149Generator
Ontario will combine École élémentaire
septic service catholique Saint-Joseph and École ONNOLWY $
secondaire catholique Franco-Ouest + Freight, PDI & Taxes
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs providing education to students from JK WOW
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G to Grade 12. www.garnetsinc.com
Sacred Heart students are currently
housed at the former AB Ellis Public
School site. École élémentaire
catholique Saint-Joseph are still housed
in a standalone school building and
École secondaire catholique Franco-
Ouest is currently leasing space at the
705-869-2448 combined Espanola High School/AB
705-356-3444 Ellis Public School site.
1-800-587-3599 On May 4th, both boards hosted
public meetings at two locations
Continued on back page...
FREE Emergency Auto Kit - $24.99 VALUE
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To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles The Stalkers Guide For Dummies
Serving Certified Technician Celebrity stalkers seem to be upping their Thorold and the movie that was playing at
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 game these days. Last month, 26-year-old the time was ... Twister. Well a few years
Business Bruce Rowley robbed a bank in Ansonia, ago, actor Keanu Reeves was starring in
Mobile Connecticut and then drove to pop star Knock Knock, a movie in which two women
Taylor Swift’s mansion in Westerly, Rhode turn up at his doorstep and wreak havoc on
Sales & Service Island where he threw the $1,600 loot over his life. And in a span of just two days, two
55BBOOWWLLIINNGGPPiinn the fence. Why would he do such a thing? female stalkers really did break into his
VENTURE In order to impress her! Ah Bruce ... the home and tried to wreak havoc on his life!!
LANES • ESPANOLA woman has a net worth of $280 million. She Reeves found the first one calmly sitting
spent $1,600 to have her nails done last week in a chair in his library and the second was
Now taking bookings
for Parties/Events and then left a generous tip. caught swimming naked in his pool. The
Now Bruce, if you really want to impress second one was sort of a “stalker starkers” if
52 Mead Blvd 705-869-2450 Taylor Swift throw the body of David you know what I mean.
Open 11-11 Mon, Wed-Sun Closed: Tues Mueller over that fence, the Denver disc A pizza delivery guy named Dante Michael
jockey she claimed groped her during a Soiu stalked Gwyneth Paltrow by sending
photo shoot. her five personal letters a day as well as
Note to future stalkers: throwing small gifts of flowers, chocolates, pornography
amounts of money at millionaire superstars and wait for it ... pizza! Instead of pressing
will not impress them. Throwing yourself charges, Paltrow recommended that he be
off a tall bridge will also not impress them conked in the head three times with 18 Karat
To see our latest Monthly Deals but hey, give it a shot! Gold Dumbbells that are available on Goop,
Passing as one of Beyoncé’s producers, her online lifestyle website for $125,000.
Steven Taliver talked his way into actor (Not making this up!)
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage Jamie Foxx’s hotel suite in Philadelphia. Winona Ryder got creeped out about a
Independently owned and operated Quickly realizing the guy was a stalker, guy who kept showing up as an extra on
Foxx threw him headfirst into the hallway. movie shoots and flirted with her. So she
Foxx was filming Law Abiding Citizen at reported him to the director. Then the guy
the time. left a note in her trailer that read: “I was
In a similar vein, remember that diabolic trying to get work as an extra! I’m not even
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 coincidence about 20 years ago when a obsessed with you anymore. I’m obsessed
www.remaxcrown.ca Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 twister hit the Can-View Drive In Theatre in
Continued on page three...
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230
Fax: (705) 869-6299
RON RIVET “Quality Workmanship, for
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SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
For all your Real Estate needs
Serving Espanola
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally
& Surrounding Area 705-692-4152
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry Don’s Electric
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•Light Electrical •Shed Packages
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS Cell (705)-862-0753
Monday 9-5
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•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
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Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam
http://rainbowcountry.wixsite.com/generalservices Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Sacred Heart Daycare Centre Espanola Council Adds Fourth Fire Hall
Bay For Consideration
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL By Rosalind Russell - The amended the proposed bylaw.
request for proposal, commonly At this time, 341 properties do
SPACES AVAILABLE! called an RFP, for the building of not have hydrant service and
a new fire hall has been amended there have been several new
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify by Espanola council. builds over the last few years,
For more information, please call Originally council put together including 31 new residences, six
the RFP at the committee of the commercial, one industrial and
705-869-3171 whole meeting to include only one institutional build.
three bays, not four, and not to Council agreed to amend the
www.ourchildren-ourfuture.net retain a pumper truck. bylaw that tenders should
However, following new include proposals for the design
Continued from page two... Leno interviewing Colin Farrell information presented by the of a three bay fire hall with
to hand each man a copy of fire department deputy chief an optional fourth bay so an
with Alyssa Milano!” So her self-published book Colin and member of the local fire informed decision can be made
there! Winona Ryder sounded Farrell: A Dark Twisted Puppy. association last night, council has on the final design.
downright dejected when she Bradford was ordered by a court
said: “So he kind of left me to keep a distance of 150 yards World Renowned Surgeon Being Honoured
for Alyssa Milano.” Gwyneth between herself and the actor by Sagamok-Anishnawbek First Nation
Paltrow suggested both Winona as well as spending 20 hours on a teacher, the first student to
and Alyssa shove a few jade Gwyneth Paltrow’s Yoni Steam graduate from that residential
eggs up there ... how can I put Seat. The vibrating one, not the school and then went on to post-
this? Okay, let’s say you’re a herbal one. (Do not ask what a secondary education.
hen and the inspector says: “I ‘Yoni’ is!) She also learned a lot from her
don’t like the look of this egg. Similarly, 46-year-old Diana Italian immigrant father and her
Send it back!” Yeah, something Napolis claimed Steven brothers.
like that. Gwyneth recommends Spielberg was operating a Caron is not just a physician she
jade egg insertions for better satanic cult out of his basement is also a role model, teacher and
“hormonal balance and feminine where the director had implanted innovator.
energy in general.” a microchip called ‘soul- Caron says when it comes
A middle-aged man named catcher’ in her brain. A judge to being First Nations, she
William Lepeska figured the best ordered Diana Napolis to stay tries to balance that sense of
way to impress Russian tennis at least 150 yards away from responsibility and shift it when
star Anna Kournikova was to Spielberg and concluded that she can from being a role model
swim naked towards her Miami with so much in common, she to being a mentor.
Beach estate and flash the ‘Anna’ and Gwyneth Paltrow should try She teaches at the University
tattoo he had on his right thigh. It and get together over a couple of of Northern British Columbia’s
wasn’t until he climbed up onto glasses of chardonnay. medical school and is now
the pool deck that he realized Whatever happened to the good Dr. Nadine Caron, a well- devoting time to also working
he had the wrong house. That’s ol’ days when a fella, trying to known Canadian surgeon, who with the university’s Centre
when, still naked, he started impress a lady likely way out of is also notable for being the for Excellence in Aboriginal
yelling “Anna! Save me!” at the his league sent her a bouquet of first Canadian female general Health to help improve the
house next door. Lepeska had roses from “a secret admirer” surgeon of First Nations descent, quality of care for the Aboriginal
previously stalked Spice Girl or mailed her an out-of-season is coming home. community as well.
Mel B, but eventually gave up. Valentine or fired off six Ojibwe on her mother’s side, She also works with Aboriginal
“Finally, I said the heck with her, shots from a “Saturday Night Dr. Caron will be honoured by youth as part of the Johns
moving on to greener pastures.” Special” at a sitting president of her family’s home community Hopkins University Visions
William Lepeska was sent to a the United States? of Sagamok-Anishnawbek First Quest Program.
security facility in Florida but These stalkers today - they’re Nation, south of Massey. The community of Sagamok will
not before Gwyneth Paltrow watching way, way too many Caron grew up with strong honour her accomplishments
suggested he receive two dozen Hollywood movies. values and support from her on Thursday, May 17 with a
coffee enemas made easy with family. themed dinner, “Past, Present &
her “The Implant O’Rama” kit For comments, ideas and She says she gained a great deal Future”, which will be held from
for $135 on Goop. (Please make copies of The Legend of strength from her mother who 5:00pm to 9:00pm at the Multi-
up your own Goop joke here.) of Zippy Chippy, go to went to residential school. Educational Centre.
In a rather ingenious publicity www.williamthomas.ca She says her mom became Photo provided by SAFN
stunt, Dessarae Bradford crashed
The Tonight Show taping of Jay
Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
Bring in the Spring Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Richard Gagnon - Production
Here at McQuarrie's we are always trying 705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
to better serve our community. Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
We are proud to announce that our Sales Department will Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
be extending its hours on Thursdays until 8:00 p.m. Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Distribution by Around & About
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 3
Preliminary Hearing Expected To Last Weeks
For Webbwood Man Charged With Murder
Pizza for a Year Winners By Rosalind Russell - A North Regional Crime Unit,
preliminary hearing is under the direction of the
1.Claudette Holden 2. Stanley Pickard underway at the Sudbury OPP Criminal Investigation
3. Gord Burdenuk 4. Jewel Hobbs Courthouse for a 31-year-old Branch, conducted the
Webbwood man charged with investigation, with help from
first-degree murder. the Ontario Fire Marshal’s
Joseph Michael Pollard, who is Office.
also facing charges of causing Pollard’s first-degree murder
an indignity to human remains charge, which was read out in
and arson causing damage to a court Monday, named Alicia
residence, is in custody. Armstrong as the homicide
The Espanola OPP and victim.
Sables/Spanish Rivers Fire Armstrong was 32 at the time
Department responded to of her death.
a fire at the Agnew Lake She was also the mother of
residence about 8:30am on three children.
April 3rd, 2017. Both the Crown and Defence
Once the fire was extinguished, are expected to call several
a person was found dead in witnesses for the hearing,
the home, police said. which is expected to take
The Espanola OPP and the weeks.
The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM - Espanola is proud to support local
charities and organizations. If you have an event you want to
share, please call Roz at 705-869-6397 or email your
information to: [email protected] The Moose- Espanola's
Biggest Variety! Your Station, Your News, Your Stories
MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-5:30 Pricing Valid until May 31, 2018, unless noted
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Our online inventory is BLOOMING - Some NEW items on this flyer
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705-869-6883 85 Centre St., Espanola
Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 4
Two More Fundraisers For Blake Bond
Two more fundraisers are being hotel during the stay because
held for an Espanola youngster’s there is no available space at
family to help offset costs. Ronald McDonald House, so
Nine-year-old Blake Bond of the funding will help offset her
Espanola is in Ottawa and has living expenses.
nearly completed his chemo To that end, the Beer Store
treatments for acute myeloid is hosting a bottle drive on
leukemia. May 26th and will match any
His mother, Kayli, told The donations, so the public is
Moose Blake is doing well encouraged to keep their bottles
and they are now prepping for until the drive.
Toronto for his bone marrow Proceeds from Lobsterfest 2018, Recipe
transplant. also held May 26, will go to
She will have to stay in a Team Blake. I think it’s safe to say that
the worst of the cold weather
Cut For The Cure Benefits Team is finally behind us and it’s
Blake And Two Organizations time to welcome the warmer
weather. For me, the warmer
Sacred Heart School in inches or less will go to Hair temperatures mean less comfort
Espanola held a special 360 in British Columbia, again food meals and more salads.
afternoon yesterday hosting a to make wigs for children with The following salad is full of
CUT FOR THE CURE to help cancer. crunchy, nutritious vegetables tossed in a delicious, homemade,
out nine-year-old Blake Bond Dittrich’s hair stylists donated peanut dressing with a distinctive Asian –style flavour to it. I’ll admit
of Espanola who is fighting their time to assist with the I use to be hesitant to make dressings and sauces with peanut butter
cancer. Several students and event, which was held in the but I’ve learned that it adds a delicious nutty flavour and creaminess
teachers took part. gym with all the school staff that I love. This salad can be served as a side dish or topped with
Students Isabella Hunt and and students in attendance. grilled or rotisserie chicken as a meal.
Khloe Renner Third had their Photos by Rosalind Russell
long tresses cut while several Crunchy Asian Salad with Chicken and Sesame Peanut Dressing
boys had their hair thinned Peanut salad dressing:
including Luke St. Germain, • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
Jackson Lalonde, Nathan • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger or 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
Miller, Mathieu St. Germain, • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
Cameron Camillo, Noah • 1 tablespoon honey (or more, if you like it sweeter)
Galliott and Aidan Lewis. • 3 tablespoons sesame oil
Custodian Kelly Morin and • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
teachers: Jodi Bourcier, Adam • 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
Morolt and Matt Clarke also • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted
joined in. A special treat was
the draw for students to cut Salad:
their teachers hair, which drew • 6 cups baby spinach leaves or other greens, washed, and dried
lots of giggles and laughter. • 1 large carrot, shredded
Locks 12 inches long and • 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
more will go to Angel Hair • 1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
for Kids for children’s wigs in • 1/2 pound sugar snap peas
Northern Ontario while hair 8 • 1/2 large cucumber or 1 small cucumber, thinly sliced
• 1/2 cup roasted peanuts, chopped in half
• 1 tablespoon sesame seeds toasted
• 2 cups shredded rotisserie chicken or grilled chicken, sliced
To make salad dressing:
In a medium bowl, combine and whisk together all dressing
ingredients, except for 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds.
Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the sugar snap peas, and cook for
about 5 minutes, until peas are crisp tender. Drain, rinse under very
cold water (to stop cooking), drain again and set aside. Combine all
salad ingredients in a large bowl. Pour the dressing over the salad,
just enough to coat (you don’t have to use all of the dressing, unless
you want to). Sprinkle the salad with the remaining tablespoon of
toasted sesame seeds. Serve the salad in the individual serving bowls
and top with the sliced chicken.
The One Tot Stop Day Care,A. B. Ellis Site
has Infant and Toddler spaces available.
For more information, please
call Devina at 705-869-3282
or email [email protected]
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] • www.onetotstop.com
Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 5
705-869-6883LPRPSoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! In Loving Memory
Wade William Pollard
July 2, 1988 - May 7, 2017
SERVICES Most fun-loving and devoted
father, spouse, son, brother and
APP COMPUTER SOLUTIONS– CARMENS HAIR SALON – In friend anyone could have asked
Complete computer repairs and service Escape to Serenity, open Tuesday to for. Always in our thoughts, we
calls! Trojan and spyware removal – Friday 9:00 -5:00, and every fourth
tune ups – system reloads – hard drive Saturday. 705-869-0505. 7/3 miss you Wade!
and memory upgrades. Clean up your NORTH CHANNEL CARPENTRY ank you to the community for
PC today. Call 705-869-8872. 5/30 & GENERAL SERVICES – All all of the support this past year.
your renovation needs! Kitchens &
HANSEN CONSTRUCTION bathrooms, drywall & tape, painting, Love Dominyk,
SERVICES – Specializing in kitchen decks & fencing, floors, property Scarlet, Vienna, & Roman
and bathroom renovations with custom maintenance. 35 years lic. carpenter,
in house manufacturing of cabinets insured. Serving the north shore. Call
and mill work. Over 32 years of 705-863-0095. 6/26
professional woodworking experience. MINI EXCAVATION SERVICE –
Call 705-869-8863. 5/15. Excavation service for smaller projects.
Prep area for garage, shed, decks. OBITUARIES
PHYSIOTHERAPY OFFERED BY Ditching, trenches for waterlines,
MARILYN WITTMANN - Located at propane, hydro, smaller stump removal. Denis Alfred Leblanc, 63, of Espanola passed
Physio Moves in the Espanola Hospital. Servicing Espanola & area. Locally away unexpectedly on May 2nd, 2018. There
Accepting new patients. WSIB and owned and operated. Lower cost than was a gathering at the graveyard at 1:00 pm on
MVA patients welcome. Acupuncture renting the machine. Contact Brad 705- Saturday May 12th for anyone who wanted to
available. Visit www.physiomoves.net 869-8168. 9/11 pay their respects. A celebration of life was
for services, rates, and hours, or call held later that day for his close family and
705-988-3737. 6/12 - R friends. Any donations in his honour can be
directed to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. Denis was
TOTAL MAINTENANCE REIKI ENERGY THERAPY – John born in Sudbury on December 11th, 1954 to
SERVICES: Plowing, carpentry, Fraser Reiki Master day and evening his loving parents, Rolly and Yvonne Leblanc.
painting, steel & shingle roofing, tree appointments. Call Escape to Serenity As the oldest of his siblings, Denis was deeply
cutting, decks, landscape construction, Spa to book 705-869-0505. Distance loved by his sister, Monique, his late sister
yard maintenance, dump runs. 705- healing – [email protected] 6/12. Edna and his younger brother, Claude. Denis
936-6160 5/22 - R BLISSFULAESTHETICS - Tanning, was cherished and adored by his nieces and nephews, Dana, Adam, Leslie,
Facials, Nails, Lashes, Massage, Anna-Kim, Josée and Stéphane as well as his great nieces, Reagan,
THE RITCHIES ARE AT IT Waxing, Parties. BY APPOINTMENT Kaitlynn, Sage and his great nephew, Tristan. His own cousins, aunts,
AGAIN! Get your fire wood before ONLY. Flexible hours, call or text uncles, grandparents, in-laws and friends also loved him wholeheartedly.
next winter. Firewood cut, split, 705-662-8992. Check out www. He spent many special years with his pre-deceased wife, Kim and honoured
delivered. Hardwood maple. More blissfulaesthetics.net or Facebook. 5/8 her memory with all of his being. Denis was the kind of man who worked
info, call Mina at 705-865-3017, if no HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS tirelessly to create a life that was his very own. While he thoroughly
answer leave message, will call you COLOMBUS - Need something fixed, enjoyed his alone time in nature, he also made connections in his
back. 6/12. painted, drywalled, built or flooring community and with his clients who will forever think of him as a friend
done, call me. Stephane Coulombe, and a confidant. He will be truly missed by all who had the pleasure of
GREATER THAN INTERIOR & 705-863-3434. 7/3 - R knowing him. Denis was a Raconteur, a storyteller, who engaged his
DESIGN OBC/BCIN CERTIFIED ESPANOLA SELF STORAGE – 6x8 listeners with his neverending energy and enthusiasm for hunting, fishing
COMMERCIAL SPACE and 8x10 Storage units available in and life itself. He was a lifelong learner, full of curiosity and determination.
PLANNING – New Construction ǀ Espanola. Located behind the car wash. Denis took care of his parents and their little Babette every single day and
Additions ǀ Renovations – Mech ǀ Elect Call 705-869-8405. 6/5 - R he nurtured a relationship with them and the rest of his Anderson Lake
ǀ Structural Engineering. Call Robert family that is admirable and unforgettable. His enormous heart was a gift to
Martel T : 705-525-4647|TFN : 844- us all and we will forever be honoured to have had him in our lives. Tell his
488-4647|E : [email protected] 5/22. stories. Remember his wisdom. Feel his love and hear his laughter. With
every beautiful moment in nature, know that he is watching over us with a
RENTAL WANTED NOTICE new found wingspan that will protect us all in times of need and join us all
in times of celebration. Keep talking to him. He is listening. Denis has left
Looking to rent – house with 2-3 CHERYL’S MASSAGE this life, but he will be joyously joining his soul mate, Kim, his sister, Edna,
bedrooms, one floor if possible. THERAPY & ACUPUNCTURE his uncle Harvey and all the other friends and loved ones who have passed
Bungalow or semi-detached. No – NEW LOCATION as of April 9th. before him. His life’s story will live on through us. Know in your hearts that
pets, non smoker. Please call 705- 363 John St. Espanola. To make an he is already onto new adventures, trekking through the great big
578-2268. 5/29 appointment call 705-863-3223. wilderness in the sky. We love you, Denis.
[email protected] 6/12 R
WANTED - Hairdresser chair cow manure, 30% Black loam, 50%
will be available for rent July 1st topsoil) - $50 per pickup truck, loaded HELP WANTED - Fishing Resort Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Love
in Espanola. Great location. Create (must pick up). Topsoil - $35 per looking for reliable and responsible Erin. I was the best gift ever xoxo.
your own hours. For more info call pickup truck, loaded (must pick up). handyman. Small constructions,
705-862-1312. 1290 Birch Lake Rd, by appointment repair, maintenance, and landscaping. MEETINGS
only. Call 705-865-3262. 6/19 Part / Full time. Please submit resume
FOR RENT www.cutlerlakeresort.com or call 705 Massey Agricultural Society monthly
FOR SALE – Reloading Equipment 865-2990. 5/15 meetings - 3rd Tuesday of the month.
FOR RENT – 2 bedroom for sale, die sets, 9mm 30/06.233 Held at Massey Firehall @ 7pm. We
apartment. Appliances included. press, powders, shell parts, scale. welcome the public’s attendance. 10/23
$700.00 /m plus hydro, available Asking $200 for all. Call James 705-
June 1. 705-698-0645. 5/15 862-7435. 5/15
Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 6 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
The Township of Baldwin NOTICE OF
Summer Student Employment ANNUAL MEETING
Applications are being accepted until Monday June 11th, Date: Wednesday June 20, 2018
2018 for 2 summer student positions. 8 week duration.
The Township is seeking individuals to fulfill the roles of; Time: 7:00pm
1) Labourer: Duties include lawn maintenance, road Loca�on: Espanola Regional Hospital and Health
work and general maintenance. Centre Staff Lounge (cafeteria)
825 McKinnon Drive
2) Summer Parks Program Coordinator: Duties Espanola, Ontario
include organizing a program for children. Including
crafts, activities, games & snacks. Supervision of Board vacancies will be filled by vote. Nomina�ons
children (participants go home for lunch hour). The must be received in wri�ng and signed by two (2)
Summer Parks Program will run for a period of 4 corporate members by May 25, 2018 at 4:00pm to
weeks (other 4 weeks of employment to include prep be eligible for elec�on.
work for program and a variety of other general duties).
Corporate membership fee is $5.00 and must be
Please note: purchased by May 25, 2018 at 4:00pm to be eligible
1. Applicants must meet the following-eligibility to vote on corporate affairs.
• returning to school on a full-time basis during the Memberships are available at Espanola Regional
next academic year. Hospital and Health Centre Registra�on desk.
• is a student in a secondary, post-secondary,
vocational or technical program
• is legally entitled to work in Canada.
2. Only applicants who will be receiving an interview will
be contacted.
Applications can be emailed to:
[email protected]
Or mailed/dropped off at the town office:
11 Spooner Street
Box 7095
McKerrow, Ontario P0P 1M0
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The North Shore Angler & Hunters – Regular meeting May 17 at 7:30
p.m. Walford Community Centre Walford hwy 17. Everyone welcome.
The Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers is accepting Save A. B. Ellis Meeting - Thursday, May 17 from 1:30 - 3:00
applications for the position of a full-time p.m. at the United Church. Everyone welcome.
PUBLIC WORKS OPERATOR The Espanola Lions Annual Spring Food Bank Drive - Friday May
18, 1:00 – 7:00 p.m. at FreshCo, Giant Tiger and Winkel’s Independent.
The successful candidate must possess as a minimum a valid Volunteers will provide “menus” with suggested food items.
DZ licence with driving experience and a clean drivers abstract, Massey Legion Spaghetti Supper – Friday, May 18 from 5:00 –
and a Grade 12 high school diploma or equivalent education. 7:00 pm. at the Legion Hall.
Annual Fish Fry & Buffet of Salads - at the Walford Community
Must be willing to work flexible hours as dictated Centre 410 Highway #17 Friday, May 25 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. For
by road conditions and weather, and department more info call 705-844-2289.
requirements Big Paper Plate Breakfast - Saturday, May 26 from 8:00 - 11:30
including overtime as required a.m. at the Espanola Complex. Hosted by Espanola Masonic Lodge
Massey Area Museum - Last month for the Escape Room at
Must be willing to submit a criminal records check the Massey Area Museum! Call Chris at 705-562-6077 to make
Road testing will be included in the interview process arrangements to play.
The following qualifications will be considered an asset: Clothing Donations – Donations for overseas relief can be dropped
Common Core surface miner training off at 80 Withers Rd Massey. Also footwear, bedding & sewing
Previous experience in operating various types of supplies. Call Ray Brubacher at 705-844-9992.
United Church of Espanola – WE ARE OPEN – United Church of
heavy equipment Espanola continues to have worship service every Sunday morning at
Certification in municipal water distribution system 10:00 a.m. with Sunday School. All are welcome.
Written applications shall be accepted until 4:00 p.m.,
Monday, May 28, 2018. Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
E-mail and fax copies accepted.
Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers their upcoming events in writing no later than
11 Birch Lake Road Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
Massey, ON P0P 1P0 E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 705-865-2646
Fax: 705-865-2736 Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 7
E-Mail: [email protected]
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from front page...
New School Construction Begins In Espanola
Photos: Renderings and schematics provided by IDEA and
used with permissions
simultaneously, Sacred Heart toured six schools in Ontario movement later that same year JK/SK to Grade 8 and Grades
Catholic School, which was to gain new ideas in school when the Ministry announced 9 to 12); HSCDSB Daycare –
presented in English, and design, and a year later, in priority funding for joint 49; CSCNO Daycare – 49 and
Ecole Saint-Joseph in French. 2010, both boards agreed to capital projects and agreed to Best Start HUB Daycare - 20.”
THE HISTORY collaborate on a new joint provide $18 million in 2014, Pastore adds the total building
The board’s director of school. In 2011, the boards but, again, to meet government area will have a footprint of
education, Rose Burton reviewed a new design at a cost benchmarks, about 3,500 304,720 square feet or seven
Spohn, provided an overview of $12.3 million. However, square feet was removed acres.
of the history leading up to the cost was $320 per square including library, gymnasium There will be separate
construction. foot and the Ministry was only and mechanical rooms. entrances for all the facilities
“Back in 2004, the Ministry providing $194 per square Finally in 2017, the and modern security including
of Education assessed Sacred foot in funding. government agreed to $23.1 firewalls, sprinkler systems
Heart and in 2007 found it “In 2012, the architect million, but all tenders and alarms are all in place
to be prohibitive to repair,” redesigned the school to be exceeded Ministry funding. to meet modern needs. And,
explained Burton Spohn. “It one storey and include daycare However, the government while there is segregated
was announced in 2009, that spaces, but eliminated the hub agreed to top it off and the play areas for all the different
the Ministry would provide area, second special education project was finalized this facilities, fundraising will
$3.9 million in funding to classroom, Native studies year at $25.2 million with the likely have to take place to
demolish most of the school, classroom, culture room and contract awarded to Sudbury’s populate the outdoor spaces
but construct an addition. music room to meet provincial Build North. for the children.
However, that wasn’t construction benchmarks. THE DESIGN
financially feasible.” However, that was not to be Following her presentation, Construction is beginning this
In 2009, a project steering either.”
architect director, Franco month. A symbolic formal
committee was formed and Spohn says there was Pastore of Integrated Design ground-breaking ceremony
(IDEA) architectural firm out will be held on Monday,
of Sault Ste. Marie, walked June 18th at 11:00am at the
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY everyone through the actual former Sacred Heart area. The
design concept. public is invited to attend.
“The new school building will Construction updates will be
be located at the Sacred Heart posted on the school board
/ St Louis de France church sites as the project progresses
site,” explained Pastore. “It and both boards will continue
will contain the new schools their collaboration. The new
as well as the English Daycare, school is tentatively set to
the French Daycare and the open in September 2020.
Hub– Family Centre.” Of note, the French Catholic
Pastore says the new structure Board will also be discussing
will be able to house around the name of the new school
800 students. since it will be a combined JK
“The new school has a to Grade 12 facility.
combined student load of For updates, go to: http://
approximately 752: HSCDSB www.hscdsb.on.ca/ for the
School – 271 pupils (includes English Catholic Board or
JK/SK to Grade 8); CSCNO https://www.nouvelon.ca/ for
School - 363 pupils (includes the French Catholic Board.
Around&About May 15, 2018 Page 8