Check out our COPY - FAX
March Flyer online February 27, 2018 Issue #9 - Volume 22 SCANNING SERVICES
Patient Care
Photo: BSO Clinician, Jennifer Savicky and With Savings
2018 POLARIS Resident, Shirley MacDonald pose for a photo Save
in Espanola Nursing Home. Photo provided Up To
PLUS PDI, There are two new positions at the 25%
FREIGHT Espanola hospital to assist patients with
AND TAX complex health issues. On Selected Tires
The North East Local Health Integration
Warning: Snowmobilescanbehazardoustooperate. Polarisadultmodelsareforridersage16andolder. Foryoursafety,always Network is supporting an Admission
wearahelmet,eyeprotectionandprotectiveclothing,andbesuretotakeasafetytrainingcourse. Youmayalsocontactyour Avoidance Nurse at the Espanola
PolarisdealerorcallPolarisat(800)342-3764. ForsafetytraininginCanada,contactyourlocalPolarisdealer.PolarisIndustriesInc. © Regional Hospital and Health Centre
who will develop complex care plans
[email protected] for patients.
A Behavioural Supports Ontario
SEASON’S Clinician will also work to reduce patient
transfers from long-term care to an acute
septic service or specialized unit for behaviours.
“We don’t want to see patients who have
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs complex medical conditions struggle to
access the care they need or understand
705-869-2448 Continued on page four...
Automotive services, maintenance and 28.971X6X8 TG Reg $29.99
repairs, oil/fluid changes, tires, wheel COTTAGE CEDAR $ ON SALE
alignments, and much more! *ALL CASH & CARRY. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Per bundle 14 sq ft/bundle
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High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles The Nasty In The International ‘Name Shame Game’
Serving Certified Technician Since the 1970s, countries around the world Nemtsov Plaza in honour one of Putin’s
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 have been sticking it to their sworn enemies most powerful critics who was shot in broad
Business by changing the names of the streets in the daylight three years ago while walking near
Mobile capital cities on which those rivals have their the Kremlin. Nemtsov is but one of perhaps
embassies. 38 dissidents and journalists Putin is believed
Sales & Service It seems to have begun in 1981 when Iran, in to have murdered. Even President Donald
a war of words with Great Britain, changed Trump’s curious public bromance with
55BBOOWWLLIINNGGPPiinn the name of the street in Tehran in front of Vladimir Putin can’t stop this transnational
VENTURE the British Embassy from Winston Churchill slam.
LANES • ESPANOLA Street to Bobby Sands Street. This was a Furious Moscow is threatening to change
not-so-subtle reminder to all who entered the name of the street in front of their U.S.
Now taking bookings or passed Britain’s diplomatic enclave that Embassy to “North American Dead End.”
for Parties/Events the hunger striker of the Irish Republic had Not the wittiest of comebacks, I’d have gone
died in an English jail. Not to be outflanked, with “President Trump Dough Boy Drive.”
52 Mead Blvd 705-869-2450 the Brits simply knocked out a wall of their Or “Avenue Of The Ugly Americans.”
building and created a new embassy entrance Iraq’s Saddam Hussein may have earned the
Open 11-11 Mon, Wed-Sun Closed: Tues on the side street. title of “The Great Insulter” when, during the
In 1984 the U.S. government changed the 1991 Gulf War he had the face of President
To see our latest Monthly Deals name of the street in front of Washington’s George H. W. Bush cemented into the
Soviet Embassy to Andrei Sakharov Plaza entrance of Baghdad’s Al Rasheed Hotel.
to honour Russia’s best-known dissident. Popular with foreign guests and journalists,
Every person, diplomat or delivery driver every visitor to the hotel had no choice but
was reminded of Sakharov’s tortuous to walk over the face of the U.S. president
treatment in a Soviet jail. Moscow was … the ultimate insult in Arab countries.
infuriated. According to his family, this During the second Bush invasion of Iraq
clever bit of ‘name shaming’ resulted in (Dubya’s wrong guess on weapons of mass
Sakharov’s release, two years later. destruction) U.S. soldiers used hammers and
Now the Americans are at it again, this time chisels to dig out the mosaic of George H.
changing the street name in front of the W.’s face.
Russian Embassy in Washington to Boris
Continued on page three...
RON RIVET “Quality Workmanship, for
all your Building Needs”
Framing •No Appt Needed Oil Changes
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout •Rustproofing
Cleaning Cleaning …and much more! 20 McCulloch Dr (Behind the Mall) 705-862-1914 (705)-583-2199 705-822-0839
[email protected] Bonnie Meier
[email protected]
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
For all your Real Estate needs
Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to Serving Espanola
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex.
& Surrounding Area 705-692-4152
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry Don’s Electric
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh (705) 869-0511
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS Cell (705)-862-0753
Monday 9-5
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies Email: [email protected]
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About February 27, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from page two...
As Canadians we’re far too from the all-new Rubik’s Cube OPP Police Briefs
polite to engage in such shameful Alleyway while the Brits would
one-upmanship but … what if be reminded of the insanity SNOWMOBILES DESTROYED BY FIRE ON
we weren’t? What if Canada of Brexit every time they PANACHE LAKE - (ESPANOLA, ON) - On Friday,
wakes up one morning and stepped onto Tosser & Nutter February 16, 2018, members from the Manitoulin-Espanola
realizes it’s become Mr. Rogers Avenue. The Syrian diplomats Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were
in a Donald Trump dystopian would likely stop going to called to a mischief complaint at Panache Lake on Birch
neighbourhood? Nasty? Why their embassy on Cartier Street Island, Ontario.
not? Canada’s new motto: when they have to walk on Officers attended and determined that sometime overnight
“When they go low, we go Baby Killer Byway and Mexico between February 15, 2018 and the morning of February
gutter.” better stop killing Canadian 16, 2018 four snowmobiles were completely demolished
For example, while our tourists otherwise their embassy by fire. OPP’s Scenes of Crime Officer (SOCO) assisted
international athletes struggle employees will think they’ve with the investigation.
to compete clean in a drug- been hit by a meteor shower
enhanced sports world, Russia as they walk to work on Pinata The Manitoulin-Espanola OPP is requesting the public’s
cheats at every turn. The Parkway. assistance. Any person with information regarding the
Pyeongchang Olympics did the The Danes best quit pushing person(s) responsible for this incident should immediately
right thing in banning that whole our buttons on Arctic ownership contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-310-1122 or
damn crooked country from otherwise they’ll be slippin’ their nearest police authority.
competition and then let them and slidin’ on Pickled Herring
all in the back door! Maybe the Pathway while Filipinos might Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call
way to get Russia’s attention is to be more inclined to vote for a Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or submit
have all their Canadian diplomats leader instead of a foul-mouthed information online at where you may
show up at their Ottawa embassy vigilante every time they look be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2000.
on a Monday morning and out at the 130 porta potties set
fall flat on their oligarch asses up on Dirty Duarte Street. And YOUR NEW GROCERY STOP
because Charlotte Street is now the Swiss might start coughing
“Doper’s Drive” with a mixed up the names of rich Canadians HOMESTYLE
doubles curling rink on the curb! hiding their money in secret FOODS
Every other minute, a hologram bank accounts if their diplomats
of Putin shooting up Maria found themselves ankle deep Your Specialty Shop
Sharapova appears on the face of in chocolate on Tick Tock Tick
the Russian Embassy. Tock Trail. Homemade Meals, Pies and treats
Oh yeah, we can dish it out if Yeah, the all-new nasty, name- Lasagna, Meat Pies, Turkey Pies
we have to! America reneges shaming Canada would be
on NAFTA? U.S. diplomats an awful lot of fun. But it & MUCH MORE!
return from summer vacation to wouldn’t be right. And it
find that section of Sussex Drive wouldn’t be Canadian. So may Fresh Bread every Thursday
has been renamed Storm Daniels I say I’m sorry for writing this Gluten Free Section
Drive and the building itself column and I would like to International Cheeses
has a neon-flashing sign that apologize to anyone who may
reads: “Trump Tower & Call have been offended by my LOCAL BEEF
Girl Services.” Passersby are ill-advised words. Especially
encouraged to ring the embassy the Danes, those bike-crazy, FAMILY FARMED
door bell by pushing a POTUS Fartkontrolling, Carlsberg- NATURALLY RAISED
button … so small you can loving, cheese eaters!
hardly see it! For comments, ideas and CUTS AND MIXED
For their horrible treatment of copies of The Legend BOXES AVAILABLE
Syrian refugees, only one out of of Zippy Chippy, go to
20 Hungarian diplomats would Espanola Mall 705-662-1930
likely be able to figure out how Visit Homestyle Foods on
to enter their Ottawa embassy
To view our monthly flyer go to
The One Tot Stop - A. B. Ellis Site has
Infant, Toddler, Preschool and School
Age Child Care spaces available. Around&About February 27, 2018 Page 3
Call Paula at 705-869-3282
for more information.
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Town Of Espanola Continued from front page...
Hosting Hazardous Waste Day
North East LHIN Complex Patient Care
The Town of Espanola has set to all the households and
up a Hazardous Waste Day businesses in Espanola their plan of care,” said LHIN as long as possible and support
for Spring. stipulating times, location CEO Jeremy Stevenson. efforts to try to reduce trips to
The town has set Saturday, and acceptable waste. The LHINS aims to provide the emergency department
April 28th as a day to dispose The Town has also organized seniors with the care they and unnecessary hospital
safely of waste like oil, paint, a Leaf and Waste Pilot need to live in community for admissions.
chemicals and more. Project with details also to be
A flyer will be mailed out released in the near future.
Cambrian College .... Dragon Den Style!
No Hiring Unless Espanola Council Reviews Cambrian welcomes new get paid Ontario’s minimum
entrepreneurs and their ideas wage.
A hiring freeze of sorts has asking council to allow for a Cambrian College has a She says it is for people
been put in place by Espanola review before any position is program to help you grow between the ages of 18 and
council. filled. your new idea into a viable 30 at Cambrian College in
Councillor Ray Dufour says Council does not hire, but can business. Espanola.
keeping in mind the budget, review positions. Celina Mantler oversees The program runs from May
he strongly believes council His fellow councillors agreed the Youth Entrepreneurship 7 to November 30 and the
should have the opportunity to to the motion that they will Program and says anyone who deadline is April 20th.
have a say in filling vacancies review all positions that has a business idea and would To apply, go to:
or new hires. become vacant, with the like to learn what it takes to
He put a motion on the floor exception of firefighters. start a small business will also businesspro
Espanola Public Library working on a new Fish Farming at Franco-Ouest
Strategic Plan
The Espanola Public Library beyond 2020. Doing something rather than teacher, Stephen Montgomery,
has just celebrated 100 The public is an important just reading about it is giving students will have the
years of being part of the part of the process and users French high school students in opportunity to watch the fish
community and is now are welcome to assist the Espanola a unique perspective grow and then will release them
looking ahead to the future. board by filling out a survey on their role in the environment. on three separate occasions over
As part of the process, the with results being released in Students at École secondaire the next few months.
library board is working on a late Spring. catholique Franco-Ouest in The farming and releasing of
new foundation document – a It can be found on line, go to Espanola are experiencing fish fish provides students with the
new Strategic Plan to move farming, thanks to a partnership opportunity to contribute to
with Roland Frappier. Ontario’s ecosystems while also
Espanola Blood Donor Clinic For some 40 years, Frappier gaining an understanding of the
has developed his expertise importance of taking care of the
March 27 and shared his experience in environment.
Espanola Columbus Club community fish farming of Photo: Students at École
walleyes, among others, with secondaire catholique Franco-
399 Mead Street others in the Greater Sudbury Ouest in Espanola are
area. experiencing fish farming.
12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Under the supervision of Photo supplied
Please call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) to OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES
book an appointment or on-line at
and help meet the continuing need for blood.
Around&About February 27, 2018 Page 4
It’s Back To Work For Espanola’s Domtar
Pulp Mill Employees
Approximately 150 workers which has resulted in the need
who were laid off at the Espanola to currently cease the pulp
pulp mill are back at work, as of mill operations,” said Domtar HOME GAME!!
Friday, February 16th. following spokesperson Jan Martin in a Friday, March 2, 7:30 pm
a 48-hour shutdown. statement to media. An Espanola Rink Is Going To Provincials!
Unifor Local 74 President “The paper section of the mill is
Joanne Lamothe confirmed the operating normally at this time.”
workers were back on the job. Also in a news release, Unifor
The Domtar mill began laying said the shutdown was necessary
off workers at 8:30 p.m. because a shortage of trained
Wednesday night in what they and qualified operators made
called a response to a shortage of it impossible to perform many
trained staff. operations safely.
“Domtar’s Espanola mill “This temporary shutdown was
recently experienced some a manpower issue, which has
absences in key positions been resolved,” Lamothe added.
Family Day Was So Much Fun
By Makayla Raby (Cub Reporter)
hotdogs, especially
with ketchup.
The pool was
packed with all of us
playing in the water,
but I wish I was big
enough for the slide,
maybe next year!
There were over 200
kids there, and that
doesn’t count the
I Love Family Day! grownups.
Thank you to Queensway
Tante Roz and I have gone Pentecostal Church for
to Family Day ever since it another awesome Family Day
started and it gets better all the at the complex.
It was so much fun!
They had all sorts of games like Photos: Moi, Kay Kay, having
balloon animals, nerf guns, fun at Family Day. Photos by
plinko, and I love KD and Tante Roz (Rosalind Russell)
After a sweet weekend of Front: Skip Alain Leduc, Lead
curling, the Leduc Rink of Jamie Perlin
Espanola qualified out of Standing: Second David
District 4 for the provincial Gallant, Third Kelly
Traveler’s Curling Club Deschamps
The competition will be held Photo provided by David
in March in Sault Ste. Marie. Gallant:
10% off Sacred Heart Daycare Centre
all Jamieson Essential Vitamins INFANT, TODDLER, PRESCHOOL
9-5 Monday-Friday 10-2 Saturday
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify
For more information, please call
Around&About February 27, 2018 Page 5
FOR RENT – 2- 1 bedroom The family of Ken Patterson
apartments. One available would like to thank family, friends
705-869-6883LPRPSoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! March 1, one available April and all for the kindness, the food,
1. First and last rent required. donations, visits, flowers, cards
Webbwood. Call 705-869- and support during this difficult
0511. time. Special thanks to the
E.M.S. crew (Alison, Dan, Travis
FOR RENT - Two small & Travis), officers St. Pierre and
SERVICES stores on Centre St. Espanola. Huard for their compassion and
LEE VALLEY FEEDS - HANDYMAN - ODD Suitable for offices or small professionalism, Fr. Raymond
Taking orders for baby chicks, JOBS COLOMBUS - Need businesses. Call 705-869- & Fr. Cecil, Bourcier’s Funeral
turkeys, ducks, pheasants, and something fixed, painted, 2944 for more info. Home, Dr. DeBlacam for his
ready lay pullets, we stock drywalled, built or flooring years of care, Joanne and the
poultry feeds and supplies, done, call me. Stephane funeral choir, as well as the
we also stock softwood and Coulombe, 705-863-3434. members of the Festival Choir.
hardwood pellets. give us a call 3/13 - R You outdid yourselves! A very
or come see us at 416 lee valley PLOWING & TOTAL WANTED special thanks to Joe & Elly
rd massey. 705-865-9996. 3/20 MAINTENANCE SERVICES
– Carpentry, painting, roofing, WANTED – Handicapped and Donna and Robert for all of
MARTIN’S SERVICES tree and stump removal, wood Senior looking for ground their help. Thanks also to family
– Snow Plow/Removal. cutting, deck and driveway level apartment or house. members who travelled to be
Trailering/Floating. Call Rick sealing, dump runs, and home Must have room to park with us. We were overwhelmed
organizing. 705-936-6160. scooter. 705-862-0666. 3/13. and grateful for the support we
2/27 R received. The Patterson Family.
or Jeffrey. 705-822-2141, 705- REIKI ENERGY THERAPY
849-8464. 3/13 – Available March 12, 2018.
John Fraser Reiki Master day
ESPANOLA SELF and evening appointments. OBITUARY
STORAGE – 6x8 and 8x10 Call Escape to Serenity Spa to
Storage units available in book 705-869-0505. Distance GRENIER, Alice of Espanola passed
Espanola. Located behind the healing – [email protected] away at the Espanola Nursing Home,
car wash. Call 705-869-8405. 3/13. Espanola on Monday, February 19,
4/10 - R MASSAGE THERAPY & 2018 at the age of 63 years. Beloved
ACUPUNCTURE - By Cheryl wife of the late Peter Grenier and
PHYSIOTHERAPY Van Allen, R.M.T. Treatment companion of Del Daoust of Espanola.
OFFERED BY MARILYN focused on pain relief or Dear daughter of Barbara Rogers of
WITTMANN - Located at relaxation. Covered by most Espanola and the late Clifford Rogers.
Physio Moves in the Espanola insurance companies. Gift Loving mother of Frank Ouimette of
Hospital. Accepting new certificates available at the front Webbwood, Shari Duval of Espanola
patients. WSIB and MVA desk. Located at the Pinewood and Jeff Grenier (Sara) of Fergus,
patients welcome. Acupuncture Motor Inn. 705-869-3460. 4/17 Ontario. Will be sadly missed by
available. Visit www. -R grandchildren, Jessica, Sara, Zach, for services, Tyler, Cameron, Addison & Matthew. Very dear sister of Ann
rates, and hours, or call 705- ENTERTAINMENT (John), Edna, June, Donald (Loretta), Arnold (Alta), the late Ellen
988-3737. 4/17 - R & late Shirley (husband Don), and Eva. No Visitation by family
ESPANOLA LEGION – request. Cremation has taken place and a celebration of life will be
Everyone is welcome at the held at a later date. Interment of ashes in the Espanola Cemetery.
Legion Bar hours are 2 -6 Tuesday Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd., Espanola
to Saturday. Snow machine
GREATER THAN groups are welcome. Meat roll
INTERIOR & DESIGN offs Friday nights and Saturday
OBC/BCIN CERTIFIED afternoons. 705-869-1711. 2/27 IN MEMORIAM
PLANNING – New Omer Gervais
Construction ǀ Additions ǀ
Renovations – Mech ǀ Elect Feb 25 1925 - March 1-2017
ǀ Structural Engineering. Call
Robert Martel T : 705-525- Gone is the face we loved
4647|TFN : 844-488-4647|E : So dear, silent is the voice
[email protected] 3/27. R We loved to hear; too far away
For sight or speech, but not too far for thought to reach,
Moose Sweet to remember him who once was here, and who,
Corner Though absent, is just as dear.
Have an event coming up, a fundraiser, a charity gathering, So very missed
contact The Moose for complimentary mcing and assistance
with your event ... let Roz help you put together your event, Love Your Children
call 705-869-6397 or email: [email protected]
Around&About February 27, 2018 Page 6 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
ESPANOLA REGIONAL HOSPITAL A delicious family recipe.
AND HEALTH CENTRE You can’t go wrong with
chocolate, peanut butter and
Restorative Care Coordinator/ whipped cream. Everyone
Restorative Care Aide will love it. It makes a large
trifle which can be divided
We are currently looking for a permanent part-time (30 hours into smaller bowls and frozen for future use.
per week) Restorative Care Coordinator/Restorative Care Aide
for our Long-Term Care facility. The successful candidate will Chocolate Trifle
be responsible for enhancing the integration of restoration
through a holistic approach, by ensuring that there are • 1 chocolate cake mix
complimented therapy services organized to provide age • 1 package peanut butter chips
appropriate therapy services to our resident population. • 4 ¼ cups cold milk, divided
Reporting directly to the Director of Care, the successful • ½ cup whipping cream
candidate will demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s • ½ tsp vanilla
values and ensure the safety of fellow workers, patients, • 2 packages of instant chocolate pudding
volunteers, visitors, self, as well as promote an inclusive culture • 1 large container of Cool Whip
that meets the diverse needs of the given population. • 4 Crispy Crunch bars, crumbled
Qualified candidates will possess a diploma or degree in Prepare and cook cake as directed on the box. Let cool. Combine
recreation and leisure studies, kinesiology, therapeutic the peanut butter chips, ¼ cup of milk and cream in a pot. Cook
recreation or other related field from a community college or and stir over low heat until the chips are melted. Remove from
university. Registration with a college of a regulated health the heat and stir in the vanilla. Cool to room temperature. Make
profession or the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social the pudding using the remaining milk, beating for 2 minutes.
Service Workers is considered an asset. Training in To assemble: Crumble half the cake into a large bowl. Layer
Geriatrics/Gerontology is preferred. Experience working in a ½ the peanut butter sauce, ½ the pudding, ½ the cool whip and
Long-Term Care facility is required. Bilingual in French and half the candy bars. Repeat the layers ending with the crumbled
English would be an asset. candy bars on top. Cover and refrigerate for 3 hours. Can be
Please submit your resume and cover letter in confidence. This divided into 2 or 3 bowls to freeze portions.
competition will remain open until the position is filled.
Human Resources Manager Free Community Luncheons - February 27, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00
Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre p.m. at the Lighthouse, Espanola (across from the Royal Bank) NO
ESPANOLA, ON P5E 1R4 World Day of Prayer Service - Friday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the
Fax (705) 869-4039 United Church of Espanola, 137 Sheppard Street, Espanola.
Email: [email protected] Webbwood Eagles - Spaghetti Supper Saturday, March 3, 4:30 -
Thank you for your interest. Only applicants who have been 6:00 p.m. Wing Night every Thursday. More info on Facebook @
selected for an interview will be contacted. webbwoodeagles or call 705-869-4269.
Zion Lutheran Church MasseyAnnual Bean Supper – Sunday, March
Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER 4, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. For more information please call 705-865-2020.
Sables-Spanish Rivers Township Inter Church Council - invites
STAFF folks to: walk, bike or drive March 30 for Good Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager start in Sagamok at the Anglican Church to the Lutheran in Massey.
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator Join us at the bridge in Massey, Easter morning sunrise at 6:45 a.m.
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager on April 1. For more information, call 705-582-2012.
Al-Anon Meetings For Families And Friends of Alcoholics -
Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., St. George’s Anglican Church, Espanola.
Richard Gagnon - Production Call 705-869-6595 or 705-869-2505 for more info.
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design Drug Problem? - We’ve been there. We can help. Narcotics
Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping Anonymous, meetings are Tuesdays and Saturdays 7:30 p.m. - 9:00
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading p.m. United Church Espanola 137 Sheppard St.
Rosalind Russell - Correspondence AA Meetings At St. George’s Anglican Church – Tudhope St.,
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production Espanola, Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. and also Thursday at the United
Church at 8:00 p.m.
Distribution by Around & About
Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement. their upcoming events in writing no later than
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to E-mail: [email protected]
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law. Around&About February 27, 2018 Page 7
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Pricing valid until March 31st, 2018 unless noted.
Offices To Go™ Overtime High
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27811-30127 Violet 19.79 bx. 27811-30139 Violet 22.99 bx.
27811-30128 Pink 19.79 bx. 27811-30140 Pink 22.99 bx.
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