Check out our COPY - FAX
August Flyer online July 31, 2018 Issue #31 - Volume 22 SCANNING SERVICES
2018 Yamaha
Kodiak 450 Huron Central Railway Has Civic Holiday
Supporters – August 6th 2018
from $39 weekly
Strategies Developed OPEN
on approved credit !
Photo: Huron Central Railway train winds its way 9am - 5pm
[email protected] through the North. A concerted effort is underway
to save the line. Photo provided EU2000i Honda
By Rosalind Russell - A big-tent strategy 1149Generator
septic service session in Sault Ste. Marie brought together
supporters behind preserving northeastern ONNOLWY $
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs Ontario short-line rail service beyond 2018. + Freight, PDI & Taxes
Sault councillor Steve Butland says WOW
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G management from the Huron Central
705-869-2448 Railway, industrial shippers and other
705-356-3444 proponents met on July 25th to devise a
1-800-587-3599 plan for approaching Queen’s Park for a
subsidy to keep rail freight moving between
Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury.
Citing financial difficulties with needed
track maintenance and federally-mandated
safety upgrades, Genesee & Wyoming
Canada, Huron Central’s parent company,
announced in May that it intends to
discontinue operations on the 278
kilometres line at year’s end.
The railroad wants $43.2-million subsidy,
Continued on page four...
24, 25, 26-2018 Bamboo Decking
NEeWw Edge Motorsports Special 1x6x6 Ft
THIS YEAR Demolition Derbys & FMX Bikes
English Horses, Doc’s Hobby Shop Extra bonus this week, free fasteners
with purchase 99.00/ bundle
BACK 2 ®
Pricing Valid until September 7th 2018, unless noted
MotherWord Large Deluxe Calendar, Staedtler® Triangular Coloured Pencils Sharpie®
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Can’t find what you’re looking for? Shop online at:
705-869-6883 85 Centre St., Espanola
Around&About July 31, 2018 Page 8
AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Sick? Tasteless? Shocking? Okay. Now It’s A Movie.
Serving Certified Technician At the heart of all great humour is pain John Callahan brought a unique perspective
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 not joy. John Callahan of Portland Oregon to his penned humour. His drawing of
Mobile knew both: first the pain of losing the use the aerobics class for quadriplegics is
Sales & Service of his lower body in a drunken car accident captioned by the words of the instructor:
and then strangely, the joy of finding a new “Okay, let’s get those eyeballs moving!”
RON RIVET life as a successful newspaper cartoonist. “People always ask how I can possibly
CLEANING SERVICES Although he died in 2010, his life story is make fun of the handicapped.” said the
25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE now a Hollywood movie directed by Gus 50-year-old, soft-spoken satirist in the
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout Van Sant and in theatres this week. telephone interview from his basement
Cleaning Cleaning Typical of a Callahan cartoon is the apartment in Portland, Oregon that I 705-862-1914 illustration of a blind man and his seeing- conducted in the spring of 2001. “Then
eye dog being escorted across the tarmac an editor will usually tell them that I’m
to a waiting airplane by a stewardess who wheelchair-bound and the attitude changes
says: “We arranged a window seat for your immediately.”
dog so you can enjoy the view.” And don’t call him handicapped. He
Funny? Cruel? Possibly. Offensive to loathes those euphemisms like “otherly
sight-challenged people? Some, but not abled” for being in a wheelchair, and
necessarily all. “sight challenged” for the blind. “Call me
How about the sketch of a man with two a gimp, call me a cripple, call me paralyzed
prosthetic hooks for hands being refused for life but don’t call me something I am
a drink by the bartender: “Sorry Sam, you not.” he says.
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage can’t hold your liquor.” Callahan remembers little of his senior
Independently owned and operated
Funny? Yes. Ghoulish? For sure. Like year in high school, except the brand of
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 kicking a guy with no legs when he is gin he enjoyed as an English Major. He Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 down? But it was crucial to understand was mostly drunk while an orderly at the
that the artist who drew those published mental institution, and later as a labourer
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230
Fax: (705) 869-6299 pictorials didn’t have the use of his. Legs, at an aluminium factory. He was very
that is. drunk the night his buddy drove the car
Too easily dismissed as “that paralyzed into a light standard and condemned John
cartoonist”, John Callahan, the most to “that pesky ol’ quadriplegia”.
New Clients Always Welcome controversial artist ever to appear in the With a prior talent for drawing, Callahan
so-called funny papers, did not care a great found he could now clamp a pen in his
Formerly deal about what you thought of his work. right hand and direct it slowly across a
He cared only that you think. And laugh sketch pad with his left hand. Labourious
before you think too much. work at first, Callahan was soon producing
Having lost the use of his feet and hands, Continued on page three...
Advertise here for as
little as $26 per week
[email protected] •No Appt. Needed Oil Changes
•Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
Call 705-869-6883 for details 20 McCulloch Dr. (Behind the Mall)
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally
Don’s Electric
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry
(705) 869-0511
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages Cell (705)-862-0753
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
Monday 9-5 Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About July 31, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from page two... Memorial Bench Dedicated To
Well-Known Espanola Man
up to 10 cartoons a week this I loathed the woman-hating
Dice Clay and I abhor Howard
way for Oregon’s Willamette Stern, America’s foremost
authority on humour that
Week. Near the end of his comes with a stench. Because
John Callahan is genuinely
life he was syndicated in 75 funny. Unlike Clay and Stern,
Callahan is insightful and most
newspapers. of all, he makes you think.
Humour is often the knee-
Callahan seemed incapable of jerk reaction to what we fear
and have no control over. On
creating a cartoon that didn’t a daily basis humour is the
shock absorber that gets us
offend someone. He once did down the bumpy road of life.
In crisis, it’s a shield we throw
an illustration of a dark-skinned up against the fearful unknown
giving us time to think things
street beggar wearing a sign: through. Humour is the
healing balm that soothes the
“Please help me, I’m blind and frightened soul, but in John
Callahan’s case, that word
black but not musical.” This is spelled b-o-m-b. And,
like the all great humourists,
one managed to infuriate just Callahan’s best victim is often
about everyone except a black The title of the biop movie of
John Callahan’s life, played
man who confronted him in a by Joaquin Pheonix, comes
from the caption of one of
restaurant and then shook his his trademark cartoons which
was also the title of his last
hand after Callahan admitted book. The illustration shows a
tired posse that finally comes
the piece was his. across a broken wheelchair in Photo - Bench with family Jamie Richer, Earl, Lisa, Evan and Aiden
the desert. Says one deputy Lovean. Photo provided
Angry letters claiming to another: “Don’t worry, he
won’t get far on foot.”
to represent four million A memorial bench dedicated the pier would be the perfect
For comments, ideas and in memory of a well-known spot since their dad loved to
Americans suffering from copies of The Legend Espanola man, Rolly Richer, fish there.
of Zippy Chippy, go to was installed at the Black Rolly passed away in February
dementia responded to Creek Pier by his daughter and was well known for his big
Lisa Lovean and son Jamie smile, outgoing personality
Callahan’s “Alzheimer Richer. and helping hand.
The Espanola Game and Fish The bench dedication took
Hoedown” cartoon in which Association members agreed place early July.
a confused square dancer was
unable to “return to the girl you
just left”.
Tasteless? “Hell yes” says the
artist, “I think a lot of this stuff
is in bad taste. But it’s funny.”
Callahan saw his cartoons Dippity–doo-dah!
Our POOL is
as a badly needed, one-man
backlash crusade against
political correctness. “There is
black humour in everybody’s
life. Many families deal with
Alzheimer’s or cancer by
making jokes about it.” He
claimed. “So why is it a crime
to share this stuff in a cartoon?”
So why, I ask myself, do I find
John Callahan so darkly funny, Aquafit* Diaperfit* Parents & Tots*
Recreation Swims*
cutting-edge and cerebral when
Private Lessons for Adults & Children
Collision Report In Espanola
Summer Swim Lessons
The Espanola Police Service when the police investigated
Aug 7 – 16 & Aug 20 -29
has compiled a report looking 45 collisions involving 84 Limited space available
at collisions. vehicles. Fall Swim Lesson Registration
The service works in All of the collisions were begins online Aug 25th
partnership with Accident classified as property damage For info visit ESPANOLA.CA Or Call 705-869-1961
Support Services International only and 57% of the collisions ONTARIO CANADA
to compile statistics relating involved other motor vehicles. Around&About July 31, 2018 Page 3
to motor vehicle collisions in There were only two reported
town. injuries, which is down 83%
In the first six months of 2018, from the same period in 2017.
there were 23 reportable motor The officers use the
vehicle collisions involving information to develop
44 vehicles. These numbers compliance programs with
are down significantly from traffic laws and increase
the same time period in 2017 awareness in the community.
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
First The UK, Now Travelling Across Continued from front page...
Canada For Heart & Stroke
Huron Central Railway Has Supporters –
He already cycled across the Patterson is heading west and Strategies Developed
United Kingdom and is now hopes to arrive in Vancouver,
travelling across Canada for B.C. September first. which would be split evenly funding application to tap into
Heart and Stroke. Photo: Gordon Patterson between the federal and the National Trade Corridor
Sixty-one-year-old Canadian of Edinborough, Scotland is provincial governments. Fund was rejected by Transport
Gordon Paterson from cycling across Canada for the The line is a vital part of the Canada because it didn’t have
Edinborough, Scotland says Heart and Stroke Foundation transport system for Domtar in matching dollars secured first
he’s raised 3/4’s of his 5,000 and its Scottish counterpart Espanola, EACOM in Nairn from the province.
pound goal in Scotland and and shared his story with Centre and Essar Steel Algoma A Ministry of Northern
nearly half of his $10,000 goal Around&About reporter, in Sault Ste. Marie. Development and Mines
in Canada. Rosalind Russell. Photo Butland and the city expects spokesman told Northern
The money is for the Canadian provided by Rosalind Russell new premier Doug Ford to make Ontario Business before the
Heart & Stroke good on his campaign promise provincial election that Genesee
Foundation and its to fund the railway’s track & Wyoming had not even filed
overseas counterpart. program with money from the a funding application with
Paterson dropped Northern Ontario Heritage Fund NOHFC.
into The Moose (NOHFC). If provincial funding can be
studios on Monday, “With the premier saying, ‘yes secured, Butland said he received
July 16th to share his we support this,’ it’s pretty hard assurance from Sault MP Terry
story. for him to go back on this. He Sheehan that the railway can
Paterson adds he made all sorts of commitments apply again to the trade corridor
cycles for very for Northern Ontario.” fund.
personal reasons; The loss of the railroad would Canadian Pacific Railway (CP)
his mother did not be devastating to a single-mill owns the track but contracts
survive her stroke town like Espanola and would out the operation to Genesee &
while his father has. jeopardize the viability of the Wyoming Canada, the Montreal-
forest products industry in the based parent company of the
Greyhound Route Cancellations Highlight region. For the Sault, it would Huron Central. Though CP
Growing Public Transportation Gap remove one of two Class 1 pools the freight (mostly steel
railways for the steelmaker. and forest products) coming
Algoma Manitoulin provinces and leaders of Butland and Joe Fratesi, the off the Huron Central onto
city’s retired chief administrative its transcontinental line at
Kapuskasing MP Carol affected municipalities to officer, are the municipality’s Sudbury, the responsibilities to
point men on this file. In maintain the track and bridges
Hughes says when Greyhound quickly form that plan. 2009, Fratesi was primarily are delegated to the short-line
instrumental in working with operator.
abruptly cancelled several But, apart from the immediate the province and the federal Moreover, Butland said the
government in putting together short-line operator told him that
crucial bus routes in need, the party is renewing the $33-million track aid package this would be the last time they
when the Huron Central ask for a government subsidy,
Northeastern Ontario and west call for the implementation of threatened a closure within 30 that after the next five years the
days. That funding pool has line would be economically
to British Columbia last week a National Transit Strategy to since dried up. sustainable.
Butland said they’re proposing Genesee & Wyoming did not
it left a gaping hole in public expand transport services and to send a delegation to the divulge their future business
Association of Municipalities plans to him.
transportation options for ensure that every Canadian of Ontario (AMO) conference “So, this is a ten-year plan as
in Ottawa in August to lobby on opposed to a five-year plan,”
many small communities. has access to transportation. the railway’s behalf. The annual said Butland. “It’s not a public
AMO conference is a once-a- promise (by the railway), but we
She says in some ways the Greyhound Canada is making year gathering where municipal will be pursuing that on July 25.”
leaders get scheduled face-time Butland hopes Huron Central
news is not surprising since drastic cuts to its services with provincial cabinet ministers. management remain true to
Butland said they’ve also their word, acknowledging
public transportation has across Canada including requested a meeting with new that communities like the Sault
Energy, Northern Development can’t periodically be threatened
been in decline in Canada Northern Ontario. and Mines Minister Greg with rail service withdrawal
Rickford, who holds the purse with a huge ask for millions of
for decades and Greyhound’s Stuart Kendrick, senior vice strings of the Heritage Fund. dollars. Currently, there is no
“Hopefully we’ll have transportation infrastructure
recent decision is just the latest president says despite their everything in order at that time, funding pool to assist short-
and we’ll have the stakeholders line railroads in Ontario, who
in a string of developments best efforts over several years, there to make our final push.” fall under the jurisdiction of the
Earlier this year, the railway’s provincial government.
that have created a crisis for ridership has dropped leading
people living outside of urban to the cancellation of routes.
centres. The Toronto route to Sudbury
Hughes adds in the short-term, will continue, but not go
New Democrats are calling beyond that stop.
for a federal funding plan that Stops in Whitefish, McKerrow,
ensures there is no interruption Espanola, Webbwood, Massey
or reduction in bus service for and along Highway 17 will no
affected communities. longer exist effective October,
She says they are asking leaving Ontario Northland and
the government to team up its new routes, to pick up the
with the premiers of affected service where it can.
Around&About July 31, 2018 Page 4
Moose Recipe
Chicken breasts are filled
The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM - Espanola is proud to support local with a simple broccoli
charities and organizations. If you have an event you want to cheese mixture, seared
in a skillet, then baked
share, please call Roz at 705-869-6397 or email your to perfection. It’s easy,
information to: [email protected] The Moose- Espanola's impressive and delicious.
Biggest Variety! Your Station, Your News, Your Stories
FedNor Spreads The Broccoli Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast
Wealth On Manitoulin
• 3 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts
People, businesses and support 17 priority projects • salt & pepper
communities throughout • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder, divided
the Manitoulin region will being led by 13 Island • 1/4 tsp paprika
benefit from the growth of • 1 cup finely chopped broccoli florets
small and medium-sized organizations including the • 1/2 cup finely diced red bell pepper
enterprises and the creation • 1 cup mild cheddar cheese
of more well-paying, Wikwemikong Development • 1 tbsp mayo
middle-class jobs, thanks • 2 tbsp olive oil
to a strategic investment by Commission, Waubetek
the Government of Canada • Preheat oven to 425 degrees
of nearly $5 million. Business Development F. Season both sides of the
The announcement was chicken breasts with salt, pepper,
made by Sudbury MP Paul Corporation and the Ojibwe paprika and 1/2 tsp of the garlic
Lefebvre on behalf of the powder. Use a sharp knife to cut
feds and supports the federal Cultural Foundation to a slice through the middle of the
government’s Prosperity chicken breasts, but not all the
and Growth Strategy for name a few. way through, creating a pocket
Northern Ontario. for the filling.
The FedNor funding will Photo: In the photo are
Anong Beam, Executive • For the filling, place the
Director, Ojibwe Cultural broccoli in a microwaveable
Foundation, and Leona dish and add about 2 tablespoons
Nahwegahbow, Elder & of water. Cover with plastic
Resident at Ojibwe Cultural wrap and microwave for 1
Foundation, and Sudbury minute. Drain any excess water. To the dish add the bell
MP Paul Lefebvre. Photo pepper, cheese, mayo, remaining garlic powder and salt and
supplied pepper to taste. Mix until combined, then divide the mixture
between the chicken breasts, using a toothpick to secure if
YOUR APPOINTMENT. • Heat a large, oven safe skillet (I prefer to use a cast iron
skillet), over medium heat and add the olive oil. Sear the
705-869-0333 chicken for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Cover skillet with
foil or place in a covered baking dish and bake in preheated
oven for 15- 17 minutes, or until chicken reads 165 degrees.
Let rest, covered for 5 minutes before enjoying.
The One Tot Stop Day Care,A.B.Ellis Site
has Infant and Toddler spaces available.
For more information, please
call Devina at 705-869-3282
or email [email protected]
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •
Around&About July 31, 2018 Page 5
705-869-6883LPPRSoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&!
OFFERED BY MARILYN AGAIN! Get your firewood Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (DSB),
WITTMANN - Located at cut, split, delivered. Hardwood proposed installation of three (3) generators. They will be
Physio Moves in the Espanola maple. More info, call Mina at located in: Gore Bay, Hagar, and Wikwemikong, Ontario.
Hospital. Accepting new 705-865-3017. 10/30. The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB invites interested parties to
patients. WSIB and MVApatients submit bids for the installation of 3 stand-alone 20KW,
welcome. Acupuncture available. TOTAL MAINTENANCE propane powered generators, automatic transfer switches
Visit for SERVICES: Plowing, and all related works to ensure effective operation.
services, rates, and hours, or call carpentry, painting, steel & LOCATION
705-988-3737. 8/7 - R shingle roofing, tree cutting, 3B McQuarrie Blvd, Gore Bay, ON.
decks, landscape construction, 7206 Hwy 17 East, Hagar, ON.
MINI EXCAVATION yard maintenance, dump runs. 2058 Wikwemikong, Wikwemikong, ON.
SERVICE – Excavation service 705-936-6160 9/11 - R DOCUMENTS ISSUED
for smaller projects. Prep area for Full details of the location and requirements are available
garage, shed, decks. Ditching, FOR RENT after August 8, 2018 at the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB office:
trenches for waterlines, propane, 210 Mead Boulevard, Espanola, ON.
hydro, smaller stump removal. FOR RENT – 2 bedroom OR
Servicing Espanola & area. apartment. Fridge & stove Full details are also available via email from the office of
Locally owned and operated. included. No steps. 497 Second the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB (email [email protected])
Lower cost than renting the St. 705-869-2443. 7/31. after August 8, 2018.
machine. Contact Brad 705- FOR RENT - Apartment for No later than Thursday August 23, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at
869-8168. 9/11 rent 1 bedroom, 2-123 Tudhope the Office of:
St Espanola, available July 15, Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board
REIKI ENERGY THERAPY $650.00 per month plus hydro, 210 Mead Blvd.
– John Fraser Reiki Master day first; last & damage deposit. Espanola, ON, P5E 1R9
and evening appointments. Call Call 705-869-0514. 7/31 Any tenders received after this time will be declared
Escape to Serenity Spa to book ineligible.
705-869-0505. Distance healing THANK YOU SITE VISIT
– [email protected] 8/7. A mandatory site visit will be conducted on Wednesday,
The family of Fred Sakaluk August 15, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at 7206 Hwy 17, Hagar.
HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS would like to extend their
COLOMBUS - Need something thanks to the doctor, nurses, THE LOWEST BID OR ANY TENDER WILL NOT
fixed, painted, drywalled, built or staff and care givers at the BE NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. CONTRACTORS
flooring done, call me. Stephane Espanola nursing home. Thank
Coulombe, 705-863-3434. 9/4 - R you, also to Bourcier’s funeral MUST MEET BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS.
home and all the friends and
ESPANOLA SELF well wishers. Your thoughts
STORAGE – 6x8 and 8x10 and prayers were appreciated,
Storage units available in sincerely the Sakaluk family.
Espanola. Located behind the
car wash. Call 705-869-8405.
LOCATION as of April 9th.
363 John St. Espanola. To
make an appointment call 705- Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
863-3223. cherylsmassage7@ Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator 8/7 R OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Richard Gagnon - Production
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
MEETINGS Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Kevin Nephin formerly of Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
Massey - Celebration of life PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Massey Agricultural Society on August 18, 2018 2:00 -
monthly meetings - 3rd Tuesday 4:00 p.m. at the Massey Distribution by Around & About
of the month. Held at Massey Legion
Firehall @ 7pm. We welcome The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the public’s attendance. 10/23 the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Around&About July 31, 2018 Page 6 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board is a Massey Area Museum presents Discovery Camp –
municipal service management organization created by the Thursdays, August 2, 9, 16 & 23. children ages 6-12. Hands-
provincial government to oversee the local planning, on History! Games, role play, crafts, and more. For more
coordination and delivery of a range of services and info call the museum at 865-2266
programs divested to the municipal order of government. Massey-Walford Horticultural Society 55th Anniversary
The specific programs our DSB is responsible for are: & 54th Flower Show – Thursday, August 9 at the Royal
Ontario Works, Social Housing, Emergency Medical Canadian Legion Massey. Lunch at 12:00, followed by
Services (Land Ambulance), and Early Learning and Child Flower show until 3:00 p.m.
Care services. Pickle Ball & Tennis at the Espanola Courts – Courts are
open daily. Equipment available at the rec centre.
The following Employment Opportunity is now available to Clothing Donations – Donations for overseas relief can be
anyone interested in joining our highly dedicated workforce. dropped off at 80 Withers Rd. Massey. Also footwear, bedding &
sewing supplies. Call Ray Brubacher at 705-844-9992.
of Espanola continues to have worship service every Sunday
Contract Position in Espanola/Little Current morning at 10:00 a.m. with Sunday School. All are welcome.
6 Positions Available
Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
Competition #2018-01-PTS
Closing date: Aug. 10, 2018 We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
For position details, visit Job Opportunities on our website at their upcoming events in writing no later than Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
E-mail: [email protected]
While all responses are appreciated,
only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Sacred Heart Daycare Centre
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify
For more information, please call
Carol Hughes’ Column - Asylum Seekers Stories Are Being Sensationalized
The government appointed a new notion that a country as wealthy foreign policy has supported the the fact that under the current
minister last week to deal with as Canada will go broke if we oppressive and violent regimes administration, the US will never
asylum seekers crossing into help people fleeing oppressive people are fleeing. be safe for asylum seekers.
Canada from the United States. and violent regimes. These In Canada, anyone entering as an They say the government has
Many are saying this won’t solve same political actors often asylum seeker or refugee goes been slow to criticize US policies
any problems and that we need have little to say about the through a legitimate process on immigration including the US
to change our policy on the Safe bigger causes of job insecurity, to determine if they will be travel ban targeting Muslims and
Third Country Agreement with a diminishing revenue stream accepted. Furthermore, long the policy forcibly separating
the United States. Others see due to decades of corporate tax term studies have shown that children asylum seekers from
the creation of a minister as an cuts, or why people find they most refugees have a positive their parents. New Democrats
attempt to mute criticism from have stagnated economically. impact on our economy and tend have also consistently called
the right which considers asylum Instead, they toss around the to settle into being productive for adequate funding for
seekers as illegal border crossers notion that asylum seekers are members of communities and immigration services and to
coming here to take our jobs. not legitimately entering Canada job creators. suspend the Safe Third Country
What is clear is that the politics of and are here to take jobs. There But there is often little room agreement which forces asylum
immigration and, by extension, is no acknowledgement that we for facts in these emotional seekers to make dangerous
those who seek asylum has have a well-established process arguments and we have seen border crossings. The process
become a defining issue of this to determine whether someone time and again that the politics these individuals will have to
era. Mostly it is being used as a fleeing to our country deserves to of America will always have an go through once in Canada will
wedge which is unfortunate for be granted asylum. influence on our own debates. remain the same. Without an
the majority of people who tend What has complicated matters is In many ways the current adjustment from the government
to hold moderate opinions on the political climate in the United government was not prepared we will continue to be caught off-
most issues and for the refugees States and the notion that people for the extreme politics of guard and allow for a dangerous
themselves. are only coming here as economic Donald Trump, but that doesn’t debate that is taking away from
Despite that, many politicians migrants. In many instances the mean they don’t have to adjust. other important issues that
use it to whip up fear about migrants originate from Central New Democrats are encouraging affect the lives of many more
jobs, lost identity, and even the America where American the government to finally face Canadians.
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