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Published by Around&About, 2018-03-06 10:18:45

Around & About March 6, 2018 Issue 10


Check out our COPY - FAX
March Flyer online SCANNING SERVICES

March 6, 2018 Issue #10 - Volume 22 With Savings
2018 POLARIS New Espanola Subdivision Up To
Gets Initial Approval
9399INDY VOYAGER 155 25%
PLUS PDI, By Rosalind Russell - Espanola council
FREIGHT On Selected Tires

unanimously approved a proposal from
a long-time developer for a new sub-
division in the town’s south end.
George Wade had originally looked
at developing the Brentwood Village
subdivision over 30 years ago, but the
project was halted following the former
Warning: Snowmobilescanbehazardoustooperate. Polarisadultmodelsareforridersage16andolder. Foryoursafety,always Mike Harris government’s freeze on
wearahelmet,eyeprotectionandprotectiveclothing,andbesuretotakeasafetytrainingcourse. Youmayalsocontactyour
PolarisdealerorcallPolarisat(800)342-3764. ForsafetytraininginCanada,contactyourlocalPolarisdealer.PolarisIndustriesInc. ©

new builds.
However, Wade had kept the project
front of mind and now has the town
approval to move ahead on developing
27 new housing units geared to seniors.
He says he wants to develop one
[email protected]

three-unit townhouse and six four-unit
rowhouses in the south end of town.
SEASON’S There were several people in attendance
at the hearing on February 27th with a
variety of questions.
septic service Wade reassured them that the project

For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs is well developed, it is in fact in phase
3, and all the details are available for
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G anyone who wants see the blueprints
and plans for the area.
Wade says all the costs are borne by him
as the developer including sidewalks,
maintenance and everything will be
done to retain the natural beauty of
the area. The vacant property lies kitty
corner behind the Tim Hortons and
705-869-2448 runs parallel to the Queensway Avenue
705-356-3444 all the way down to Rainbow Concrete.
1-800-587-3599 Wade says the units will be available

Continued on page four...
Spring Forward
Sunday, March 11th 28.971X6X8 TG
COTTAGE CEDAR $ Reg $29.99
Remember to turn your ON SALE
clocks FORWARD one hour!
This is also a good time to check *ALL CASH & CARRY. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Per bundle 14 sq ft/bundle
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High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
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To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Ultimate Recycling – Turning Litter Into Money

Serving Certified Technician Oh, I know there are more serious problems coffee or enjoy a quick lunch. (At night they
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 in this world than the one that has my knickers pull over and have sex but I’m not sure it’s the
Business in a knot. Like that 5.4 million square mile same people.) It’s two kilometres from my
Mobile hot tub we used to call the Arctic. Or the house or if you’re walking, approximately
fact that nuclear weapons are now in the 700 cigarette butts along the shoulder of the
Sales & Service hands of a man with a cereal-bowl haircut road. That’s one butt for every three strides
who uses army-issue binoculars to track an if you’re counting which I have. Once a
BBOOWWLLIINNGGPPiinn55 intercontinental ballistic missile travelling rural route that hugged the north shore of
VENTURE seven kilometres per second. Or that the Lake Erie, for someone who walks along
LANES • ESPANOLA most powerful man in the free world is about it every day, Lakeshore Road is now pretty
to go “button enhancement surgery” so he much a long and winding ashtray.
Now taking bookings can Tweet that he has “the largest Johnson of In a neurotic, noisy world these two roadside
for Parties/Events any president of the United States including spots should be tiny, rural oases, places
Lyndon Johnson, the likes of which the to breathe deep and contemplate, steal a
52 Mead Blvd 705-869-2450 world has never seen!” (Although there’s a moment of sanity and solitude. However,
hooker and a Playboy Bunny who got paid thanks to the people who frequent these two
Open 11-11 Mon, Wed-Sun Closed: Tues $130,000 to swear they haven’t seen it!) rest areas, people who are … how can I put
Litter! Public littering makes me ill and angry this – a drag on the process of evolution –
To see our latest Monthly Deals all at once. To call these lazy, loathsome these two lakeside retreats are now eyesores
irresponsible people who make their own of human waste.
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage personal crap somebody else’s problem In between two signs put up by local residents
Independently owned and operated … pigs – is to disparage the behaviour of that used to read “Please leave only your
hogs and sows everywhere. They could footprints” until the trashers ripped them to
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 only creep biologically closer to swine if shreds, you have your complete collage of Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 they actually oinked when they pitched that garbage: 11 Players cigarette packages, 25
coffee cup out the car window. Tim Horton coffee cups, seven pop cans, six
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 There are two quiet spots out here along plastic bags, a dozen McDonald wrappers,
Fax: (705) 869-6299 Lakeshore Road where people pull over several Subway cups and wrappers, a
in their cars and admire the view, savour a
Continued on page three...

RON RIVET “Quality Workmanship, for
all your Building Needs”
 Framing •No Appt Needed Oil Changes
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout •Rustproofing
Cleaning Cleaning …and much more! 20 McCulloch Dr (Behind the Mall) 705-862-1914 (705)-583-2199 705-822-0839

[email protected] Bonnie Meier
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SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
For all your Real Estate needs
Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to Serving Espanola
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex.
& Surrounding Area 705-692-4152

•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry Don’s Electric

•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh (705) 869-0511
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS Cell (705)-862-0753
Monday 9-5
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies Email: [email protected]
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5

91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880

Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

Sacred Heart Daycare Centre Ban On Door-To-Door Sales Begins March 1

INFANT, TODDLER, PRESCHOOL The ban includes those selling new rules relating to door-
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL air conditioners, furnaces, to-door contract solicitation
water filtration systems and will be considered void and
SPACES AVAILABLE! services, and more the consumers will be able
On March 1, residents can to keep the services with no
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify breathe a sigh of relief as obligations.
For more information, please call door-to-door unsolicited sales The new rules concerning
becomes illegal regarding door-to-door salespeople will
705-869-3171 certain household appliances. apply to:
This legislation is aimed at • Air cleaners protecting residents from • Air conditioners
aggressive and misleading • Air purifiers
Continued from page two... contracting at home. • Duct cleaning services
This decision couldn’t • Furnaces
couple Dairy Queen cartons, than this. have come at a better time. • Water filters
assorted broken beer bottles, a A few years ago a Township According to this reporter, in • Water heaters
broken Banff Ice Vodka bottle, near Renfrew, Ontario sent a the past two weeks, I’ve had • Water purifiers
an unbroken Smirnoff Vodka very serious message to the two sales people come to my • Water softeners
mickey, a motor oil container, dumpers and litterers in their home trying to get me to buy • Water treatment devices
one brake fluid can, one Heinz community with a hefty $1,000 into a new heating system and • Bundles of these goods and
Tomato juice can, wrappers and fine for such offenses. The cost duct cleaning services. services
potato chip bags and 40 washed- of manpower to clean up all Starting March 1, businesses The ban for door-to-door
up bullet casings. (And all of the debris on rural roads was can only enter a home if unsolicited sales began March
those coffee cups? These are the depleting the township budget. they have been invited in 1st. as part of Ontario’s plan to
kind you don’t have to roll up the Every local government for the purpose of entering a create fairness and opportunity
rim to know you’re a loser!) in Canada should follow business contract. Contracts during a rapid economic
Each site has at least two heaps Renfrew’s lead. At $1,000 per that are in violation of the change.
of cigarette butts from emptied pig, this would be a cash cow
ashtrays. There is an empty for communities. Parks with Lions Welcome Two New Members
plastic package of something dogs, beaches with picnickers,
called Ant Family which urges roadside viewing areas and The tradition of serving and service which is what we
the buyer to: “Learn more about known dumping spots – send Espanola continues. From 1968 are all about. Photo Provided
ants.” “Study mother nature.” in students with cameras to the present. The Lions club is By Grant Lewis. Pictured....
And “Protect our environment.” this summer. Pay twenty thrilled to welcome Sue Lebel Dario Laurenti(sponsor), Sue
And this beach called Camelot students to each photograph and Jeanno Lalonde as new Lebel, Jeanno Lalonde. Rock
Bay; truly this is more landfill just five litterers a day and members of the club. They both Taylor standing in for Bill
than Camelot. your municipal budget will get bring a sense of community Foster(sponsor).
There’s even a large dead fish in a multi-million dollar boost
the middle of all this garbage, 50 by Labour Day. And Labour Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 3
feet from the water’s edge. My Day weekend would also be
guess is he surfaced, took one the period in which litterers in
look at the beach and committed lime-green jumpsuits do their
suicide. community service work to rid
So the profile of the classic your local area of … litter. A
litterer is someone who smokes $1,000 fine and 100 hours of
heavily, drinks hard liquor and community service and yes,
eats fast food. I know what even a cigarette butt qualifies
you’re thinking: Isn’t this as litter. The inherent health
problem pretty much going to benefit in this new law begs the
take care of itself? Well yes, but question: “How long can you
not fast enough for me. keep smoking after you watch
And I don’t think the Township your car being towed away in
of Wainfleet should have to clean order to pay off your littering
this up. Why should my taxes fines?”
go to pay Molly Maid service Singapore – style public caning
for people who have been will be reserved for repeat
immortalized in the song Old offenders. That way my ass
McDonald Had A Farm, Ei-igh- wouldn’t be the only one
ee-igh oh? burning over the issue of litter.
Sadly, this is not just a Wainfleet
problem. This is a Canada- wide
travesty in which we seem to
drive with the philosophy that if Looking for an assistance/Girl
the window’s down, the dump Friday in the Port Colborne/
must be open for business.
Folks, as a society, we’re better Wainfleet area.
Please submit a one-page email


A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

The One Tot Stop - A. B. Ellis Site has Automotive services, maintenance and
Infant, Toddler, Preschool and School repairs, oil/fluid changes, tires, wheel

Age Child Care spaces available. alignments, and much more!

Call Paula at 705-869-3282 Drop in7or0ca5ll -to8b6oo9k -y0ou3r a3pp3ointment
for more information.

Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •

4-H Club Completes Community Continued from front page...
Involvement Project
New Espanola Subdivision
Gets Initial Approval

for people 55+ and that there Wade pointed out all the units
will be the option of renting will be built as single storey
or buying a unit outright. residences with no stairs,
He says he already has a energy efficient features,
waiting list and the units are central air and wheelchair
all one storey in design with accessible features, such as
one or two bedrooms and ‘roll-in’ tiled showers.
different options. Optional services will include
Wade also pointed out he housekeeping and ‘snowbird’
has been in touch with local home monitoring.
construction and building Mayor Ron Piche commended
related businesses who are Wade on his work and
enthusiastic about the project. initiative in coming forward
“Brentwood Village is with the project.
an independent living It is not known at this time
community designed how many jobs will be created
Members of the Massey 4-H learned about the needs to exclusively for mature adults, during the construction phase
Guatemalans including food of the project, but it will take
Club completed their first security, housing, and lack of 55+, and seniors. It offers three to four years to complete
medical support. the project.
project of 2018 on Thursday, The Massey 4-H Club will an age-exclusive residential Council approved consent
be starting its next project applications to sever lots and
February 22. “Chocolate - cooking with and enclave in Espanola. It will a zoning amendment to move
learning about Chocolate” in ahead for the building of a
Members have been learning March. be located half way between road with several stipulations.
For more information about If all are met, construction
about homelessness, 4-H, contact Dianne Emiry the hospital and half way will begin when the snow is
865-2561. gone. The first seven units are
community resources, and Photos provided by Dianne between the mall, which expected to be available for
Emiry occupancy in the Spring of
ways to help those in need. is important to residents, 2019.
As for pricing, that is still
The major undertaking for especially seniors. being fleshed out, but anyone
who has any questions or
members was to make mats “Each residence is over 1,100 wants more information about
buying or renting a unit, is
from recycled shopping bags. square feet and includes two encouraged to call Wade. He
can be reached at 1-705-583-
Members collected bags, cut spacious bedrooms, two 2192.

them into strips, joined the bathrooms, fully equipped

strips to make balls of “plarn” kitchens, in-suite laundry

(plastic yarn) and then with washer and drying;

knitted, crocheted, and and features a master suite

braided the plarn into complete with ensuite bath

mats. and walk-in closet.

They also welcomed “Garden home residents will

Laurie Olding to the also enjoy their own private

meeting to talk about driveway, garage, covered
porch and landscaped outdoor
her recent trip to space.”

Guatemala where they

Espanola Minor Ball

2018 Annual General Meeting

at Espanola Complex On:

Thursday, March 8
7:00 p.m.

All are welcome

Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 4


Phone: (705) 865-2646 Fax: (705) 865-2736
Email: [email protected]
11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON, P0P 1P0

Concerning Application for Consent OPPORTUNITIES

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Applications for summer student employment are being accepted for
Rivers will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at the Public Works Department
7:00 p.m., at the Township Office, 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey in
order to consider a proposed application for consent under Section 53 of Employment is conditional upon approval of grant funding.
the Planning Act, RSO 1990 as amended. Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
• returning to school on a full-time basis during the next academic year
File No. C-18-01 The purpose of this consent application is to
provide for a lot addition in the Rural zone. The property is described (must provide proof of registration)
as May Township, Lot 4, Concession 3, Parcel 9327, #2444 Highway • is a student in a secondary, post secondary, vocational or technical
17. The land subject of these applications is not subject of any other
application under the Planning Act. program; priority is given to students in post secondary education
• drivers’ licence with clean drivers’ abstract is required
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of • is legally entitled to work in Canada
Sables-Spanish Rivers in respect of the proposed consent, you must Resumes will be received until 12:00 p.m., Friday, April 20, 2018
make a written request to the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers. This Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator
will also entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal
Board Hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request REDUCED LOADS
a copy of the decision since the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Please note that pursuant to Bylaw 2013-22 the reduced load
applicant or another member of the public. period on municipal roads is in effect from March 1st to June 15th
of each year, while appropriate signage is erected.
To appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send an appeal Only satisfactory road conditions will decide if the load restriction
form to the Clerk of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers outlining shall be removed prior to June 15th, as determined by Public Works.
the reasons for the appeal. You must enclose the appeal fee of $300.00
for each application appealed, paid by cheque, made payable to the MASSEY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY
Ontario Minister of Finance.
The Massey Agricultural Society is holding their Second Annual Roast
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Beef Dinner on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at the Walford Community
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers in respect of the proposed consent Centre. Dinner is at 6:00 pm (doors open at 5:00 pm). Tickets are $20
does not make written submission to the Township of Sables-Spanish each. For advance tickets, contact Noreen at 705-869-7876.
Rivers before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the
Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. THE MASSEY/WALFORD FOOD BANK
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding this application is available
at the municipal office at 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, during regular FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT:
office hours.
• Firefighters of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
Dated this 6th day of March, 2018 • Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers
Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator • Massey & Township Public Libraries
• Farquhar Dairy
SENIOR OF THE YEAR & YOUTH • Massey Wholesale
• Manitoulin-Sudbury District Paramedics
Council is requesting nominations for “Senior of the Year” & “Youth • Massey Inter-Church Council
Volunteer”. This is our opportunity to honour outstanding local • Poirier’s Confectionery
residents. Recipients of both awards must reside in the Township of • Manitoulin-West Sudbury Dairy Producer Committee
Sables-Spanish Rivers. • Janeway Pharmasave
Recipients of the “Senior of the Year” are individuals who, after age • Freshco
65, have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community • S. Geiger Public School
without thought of personal or financial gain. Ontario seniors deserve • St. Mary School
special recognition for their outstanding accomplishments. • Massey/Walford Churches
Recipients of the “Youth Volunteer” are individuals between the ages • Lee Valley Autumn Leaves
of 15 – 24 who have contributed a significant amount of time and • Knight Cruisers Car Club
service without pay to a charity, not for profit organization or an • Individual Donors
individual. • Manitoulin-Sudbury Social Services Board Office
Please submit your nomination no later than 12:00 p.m., Friday, April • Canada Post – Massey
6th, 2018 to the Township Office. Nomination forms are available at • Massey Home Hardware
the office or from our website, And thank you to all the people of Massey, Walford and
surrounding areas for making a difference in our community.

Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 5


Have an event coming up, a fundraiser, a charity gathering,
contact The Moose for complimentary mcing and assistance
with your event ... let Roz help you put together your event,

call 705-869-6397 or email: [email protected]

snow shoe Recipe
toonie skate
toonie shinny I love this cheesy, creamy
toonie junior squash vegetable casserole. It’s a
Espanola Express Camp great “make ahead” side
Dance camp dish for company or for
Dodgeball Tournament your family dinners. The
Music Camp amount of each vegetable
Snack Attack can vary; the recipe is a general guideline. Use whatever
you have of each vegetable so that it fills the casserole dish
For info and the March Break that you are using.
Swim Schedule visit Vegetable Casserole

705-869-1961 • 10 oz can of cream of mushroom or chicken soup
• ¼ cup milk
Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 6 • ½ lb grated cheddar cheese, divided
• 3 tbsp chopped onion
• ½ tsp oregano
• 1 can of whole or sliced mushrooms
• I bunch of broccoli
• ½ a head of cauliflower
• 2 carrots
• ½ cup breadcrumbs
• butter

Parboil vegetables until
just tender crisp. Place in
a 9 x 13 casserole dish.
Mix in the mushrooms.
Combine the soup, milk,
½ the cheese, onion and
oregano. Pour over the
vegetables. Combine
the remaining cheese
with the breadcrumbs
and sprinkle over the
casserole. Dot with
butter. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

Espanola Blood Donor Clinic

March 27
Espanola Columbus Club

399 Mead Street

12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Please call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) to OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES
book an appointment or on-line at

and help meet the continuing need for blood.

Easter Colouring Contest

It’s A Colouring Contest! NAME: OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES
Colour this picture and drop if off at PHONE: Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 7
Around&About/PaperWorks for your
chance to win fun prizes.

Ages 3-12. Only one entry per child. Entries accepted until March 30th, 2018

Espanola Royal Canadian Ladies Auxiliary EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
Turn In Their Charter.

The Royal Canadian Legion for special events of all kinds. ALL STAR CHILDREN SERVICES INC.
Ladies Auxiliary in Espanola “I’m still in touch with a caterer
has ceased to exist. who can assist anyone with Poste: Offre d’emploi
It was a bittersweet Legion their special event whether it
meeting February 21st when the is a luncheon, supper or social Éducateur/trice de la petite
last few members of the Legion gathering, wedding, tea or enfance inscrit/e
Ladies Auxiliary of Branch #39 celebration of life. The Legion Qualification préférée
turned in their charter. continues to be an active part
President Pauline McColeman of the community, just give the Nombre d’heures/semaine:Temps plein
turned over the keys, the last office a call and they can make
bit of charity dollars raised in the arrangements to fill your Salaire : 14.68$ à 17.22$ dépendant de
2017 and the charter to Legion needs.” l’expérience (plus la subvention
President, Gary MacPherson. The Ladies Auxiliary was provinciale de 2$ l’heure)
She says it was painful, but with formed in 1936.
only 13 ladies involved, the President MacPherson was Date prévue d’entrée en fonction: Le plus tôt possible
organization could no longer saddened to take the charter
sustain itself to effectively run from McColeman, but says it is Emplacement : Centre de la petite enfance
the auxiliary. going right back up on the wall d’Espanola 333 boulevard
“We only had 13 members left in honour of the ladies. Mead, Espanola (ON)
including one of our oldest, “This is a sad day for the Legion.
Doreen Bourcier, who is in It was back on December 7th, Compétences requises :
her nineties now,” explained 1926 when our Legion received • Diplôme d’Éducation en services à l’enfance
McColeman. “There are so its original charter. The main et/ou l’équivalent
many wonderful memories: objective at that time was the • Connaissance pratique de la loi sur les garderies
weddings we catered, our well-being of our veterans and • Doit être enregistré(e) et membre en règle de
Remembrance Day Teas, their families. Nothing has l’Ordre des éducatrices et des éducateurs de la
which I loved, the visits by changed. We are here to to serve petite enfance (OEPE)
the military and other special those who served for us, as well • Flexible en ce qui concerne les heures de travail assignées
guests. as the community we live in. • Compétence de travailler seul ainsi qu’en équipe;
“I remember when former “We can’t do this alone. We requiert de bonnes compétences interpersonnelles
Prime Minister Lester B. need help. And we received • Avoir l’aptitude de respecter le caractère
Pearson came to visit, and Bob help when the Ladies Auxiliary confidentiel de la position
Rae and other political leaders. received their charter just ten • Bonne capacité de communication écrite et
We had so many special events years after our Legion did. The verbale en français
hosted by our ladies, it is hard building we enjoy today and
to no longer continue the work, its surroundings wouldn’t have Responsabilités :
but we simply don’t have the been possible without their • Planifier et exécuter un programme cohérent
numbers to continue.” suppport. d’après les besoins des enfants conformément
McColeman also pointed out “They have passed on their aux normes d’All Star Children Services Inc.
the Ladies usually raised around charter to us tonight, but I can • Évaluer le niveau de développement des enfants
$10,000 to $15,000 every assure you, it is going right • Assurer la supervision et l’orientation des activités
year during the 82 years the back up on the wall beside ours quotidiennes, des sorties éducatives et des activités
members were active, and all for everyone to see.” • Démontrer un engagement envers l’apprentissage des enfants
that money was returned to the MacPherson adds he is worried • Autogérer le développement professionnel continu
community, either as bursaries, about the many volunteer • Modeler un comportement approprié pour le
donations to other charitable organizations in Espanola personnel, les enfants et les parents
organizations, community where the numbers have been • Guider le comportement des enfants de manière à
projects, the Legion, and of dropping dramatically. promouvoir l’autonomie et le concept de soi positif
course, the veterans and their “I really do not know how the • Faire preuve de professionnalisme dans tous les
families. organizations, such our ours, the aspects du travail
“That’s what we were here for, Elks, the Knights of Columbus, • Assurer une communication positive avec les
to equip and assist the Legion. are going to carry on if we do parents et coéquipiers
We are honoured to have done not encourage the millenials to
so. No one got paid to do this join us. One day, they are going S’il vous plaît faire parvenir votre lettre de présentation et
work, it was all volunteer and to look around and we will be votre curriculum vitae d’ici le vendredi 30 mars 2018 à :
the Ladies are responsible for gone.
the furnishings, the equipment, “Ask not what your service club All Star Children Services Inc.
even the fridges in our bar. can do for you, but what you À l’attention de: Brigitte Drouin, Directrice
And, how proud should we be can do for your service club.”
for literally assisting hundreds And, as its last donation to générale
of projects and people in our a cause, the auxiliary had 160, avenue Spruce
town. I’m very proud of all we five thousand dollars left and
have done over the years.” handed over the funding to the Elliot Lake, ON
McColeman points out though, Legion for the purchase of a P5A 2C5
that the Legion is still available new water heater.
Télécopieur : 705-848-4993
Courriel : [email protected]

Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 8


The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board is a HELP WANTED
municipal service management organization created by the
provincial government to oversee the local planning, FULL TIME ADMINISTRATIVE
coordination and delivery of a range of services and ASSISTANT-DEPUTY TREASURER
programs divested to the municipal order of government.
The specific programs our DSB is responsible for are: The Township of Nairn and Hyman is currently accepting
Ontario Works, Social Housing, Emergency Medical applications for a full-time Administrative Assistant-Deputy
Services (Land Ambulance), and Early Learning and Child Treasurer. This successful applicant will be responsible for
Care services. providing administrative and clerical assistance including
financial planning, financial reporting, and treasury
The following Employment Opportunity is now available to functions.
anyone interested in joining our highly dedicated workforce. RESPONSIBILITIES:
Key duties include: distribution and processing of
SUMMER STUDENTS (2) incoming mail, preparing committee agendas and meeting
minutes, processing information requests, maintaining
Contract Positions in Espanola filing system and adhering to document destruction
Finance Student Competition #2018-01-AD policies, processing accounts payable, processing payroll,
Integrated Social Services Student Competition processing property tax and water invoicing and payments,
maintaining the municipality’s property tax program,
#2018-03-ISS reviewing all general journal entries for approval, preparing
Closing date: March 23, 2018 monthly bank reconciliations, preparing month end GL
For position details, visit Job Opportunities on our website at account reconciliations, and preparing of year end working papers for audit. Other duties may be assigned as
While all responses are appreciated, only QUALIFICATIONS:
applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. 1. Demonstrated knowledge of office functions and

Employment Opportunity accounting principles.
2. Knowledge of Sage ACCPAC software accounting
Come and join the team at Batman’s Co�ages
& Campground. We are looking to add to our program and/or willingness and ability to learn.
team the following posi�ons; 3. Highly proficient in the use of current technology
• We offer compe��ve wages and all persons
including Microsoft Excel and Word.
selected for these posi�ons will need to be a 4. Ability to multi-task and meet deadlines.
team player, self-mo�vated, posi�ve a�tude, 5. Strong written and oral communication skills.
ini�a�ve and available to work on weekends.
Applications for this position must be received at the
Store Clerk- Full-�me, part-�me or Saturdays only available. Township of Nairn and Hyman municipal office no later
Seasonal posi�on. than Friday, March 30, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Applications
received after this deadline will not be considered.
A Store Clerk will perform rou�ne func�ons, such as, but not limited Interested applicants can submit their cover letter and
to cashiering, stocking, and cleaning, helping the customer, taking resume to:
reserva�ons, checking in guests, as well as assist in maintaining Robert Deschene, CAO
proper store condi�ons. The successful candidates will have prior Township of Nairn and Hyman
strong customer service and/or call centre experience, computer 64 McIntyre Street
skills, preferably in the tourism industry and have excellent Nairn Centre, Ontario P0M 2L0
communica�on/organiza�onal skills and cash experience. Email: [email protected]
The Township of Nairn and Hyman is an equal opportunity
Full-�me Grounds Keeper/ Handyman The successful candidate will employer and will make accommodations available to
have prior work experience in this field, valid driver’s license, applicants with disabilities upon request and throughout
knowledge of lawn equipment and some trade skills. Posi�on April 24, the entire recruitment process. While we appreciate all
2018 - October 15, 2018 applications received only those selected for an interview
will be acknowledged. Personal information submitted is
Housekeeping Leader Full-�me, Part-�me or Saturdays only collected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and
available. Seasonal posi�on. Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to determine
eligibility for employment.
The successful candidate will have prior strong housekeeping and
organiza�onal skills. Best suited for an adult. A housekeeper leader Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 9
will be responsible for maintaining co�ages, co�age linens, recrea�on
hall, bathrooms/shower houses, laundry room and maintaining a safe
and clean environment.

All qualified applicants please e-mail your cover le�ers and resumes
to [email protected], as interviews will be conducted soon.
We thank all applicants. Only those selected for an interview will be
contacted. Must pass a criminal background check.


705-869-6883LPPSRoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! VALLEY FARM & FEED - HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS
JOIN OUR 2018 LOYALTY COLOMBUS - Need something
PROGRAM - GET A FREE fixed, painted, drywalled,
BAG OF FEED WHEN YOU built or flooring done, call me.
BUY 10 BAGS LIVESTOCK Stephane Coulombe, 705-863-
OR 15 BAGS HORSE FEED. 3434. 3/13 - R
READY-TO-LAY brown egg
SERVICES layers are arriving mid April. ESPANOLA SELF
Frey’s Day-Old and 20 week STORAGE – 6x8 and 8x10
Layers are also available. Storage units available in
CARMEN’S HAIR SALON REIKI ENERGY THERAPY We have a limited supply so Espanola. Located behind the
– New Location in Escape to – Available March 12, 2018. order early. ATTENTION car wash. Call 705-869-8405.
Serenity at 453 Second St. John Fraser Reiki Master day FARMERS – we are now taking 4/10 - R
Wednesday’s Senior Day. Also and evening appointments. orders for farm supplies (hay
open the fourth Saturday of the Call Escape to Serenity Spa to seed, twine, fertilizer, potatoes, FOR RENT
month. 705-869-0505 or 705- book 705-869-0505. Distance onions, fencing, gates, feeders,
988-2671. 3/27 healing – [email protected] troughs, salt, minerals, etc.) FOR RENT – One bedroom
3/13. We stock ORGANIC, NON- apartment, all inclusive. Quiet
LEE VALLEY FEEDS - GMO and Conventional feed. building, not pet friendly, non
Taking orders for baby chicks, TOTAL MAINTENANCE Call for prices and availability. smoking, first and last required.
turkeys, ducks, pheasants, and SERVICES: Plowing, 583-1099 (Espanola) or 897- $800.00. 705-869-1378. 3/13
ready lay pullets, we stock carpentry, painting, steel & 1099 (Valley store). 3/27
poultry feeds and supplies, shingle roofing, tree cutting,
we also stock softwood and decks, landscape construction, Call 705-869-6883 COMMERCIAL SPACE
hardwood pellets. give us a yard maintenance, dump runs. To Place Your FOR RENT – Espanola UPI
call or come see us at 416 Lee 705-936-6160 3/27 - R Classified Ad!! Service Center. Prime Location,
Valley Rd ZMassey. 705-865- hwy 6 Espanola. For more info
9996. 3/20 GREATER THAN WANTED call. 705-863-1355. 3/27
WANTED – Handicapped
INTERIOR & DESIGN Senior looking for ground FOR RENT – 2- 1 bedroom
MARTIN’S SERVICES OBC/BCIN CERTIFIED level apartment or house. apartments. One available
– Snow Plow/Removal. COMMERCIAL SPACE Must have room to park March 1, one available April
Trailering/Floating. Call Rick PLANNING – New scooter. 705-862-0666. 3/13. 1. First and last rent required.
or Jeffrey. 705-822-2141, 705- Construction ǀ Additions ǀ Webbwood. Call 705-869-0511.
849-8464. 3/13 Renovations – Mech ǀ Elect
ǀ Structural Engineering. Call
PHYSIOTHERAPY Robert Martel T : 705-525- FOR RENT - Two small
OFFERED BY MARILYN 4647|TFN : 844-488-4647|E : stores on Centre St. Espanola.
WITTMANN - Located at [email protected] 3/27. R Suitable for offices or small
Physio Moves in the Espanola businesses. Call 705-869-2944
Hospital. Accepting new CHERYL’S MASSAGE for more info. 3/20

patients welcome. Acupuncture LOCATION as of April. 363
available. Visit www. John St. Espanola. To make for services, an appointment call 705-869- TOWN OF ESPANOLA
rates, and hours, or call 705- 3460. 4/17 R POLICING SERVICE OPTIONS
988-3737. 4/17 - R


EVENT As part of the Policing Service Options Review process a
Public Consultation Session has been scheduled for:

Please join us for a, DATE: ursday, April 19th, 2018
TIME: 7 pm – 9 pm
NSATTRIAOTNEAGLYSFEONRIOUMRS PLACE: Espanola Legion Hall, 370 Annette Street.

M.P. Marc Serré invites area residents to come Community stakeholders are invited to attend in order to
share their views and discuss how we can provide their comments and ask questions regarding policing
options for the Town of Espanola.
improve access to a ordable housing, income
security and overall quality of life for seniors.

Marc Serré, M.P. Nickel Belt Everyone Welcome! Nigel Bellchamber, Local Government Consultant of
Amberley Gavel Ltd will facilitate the session.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
ose unable to attend the public consultation session can
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm forward their comments or questions to:
Espanola Seniors Drop-In Centre [email protected]
799 The Queensway, Espanola ON where they will be answered
For more information please contact by a police representative and
Heather Wilson 705-207-4643 or [email protected] ONTARIO CANADA

Or just meet us there! posted on the Town’s website.

Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 10 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

OBITUARIES Espanola Area Friendship Circle Alzheimer Support
Group – Monday, March 12, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the
RICHER, Roland (Rolly) of Espanola Senior’s Drop in Centre. For more information, call 705-
passed away at his residence on Tuesday, 869-1137
February 20, 2018 at the age of 64 years.
Beloved son of the late Albert & Margaret Community Luncheon - March 13 & March 27
(nee Patreau) Richer. Loving father of 2018 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Lighthouse.
Lisa Lovean (husband Earl) of Grand Espanola (across from the Royal Bank) NO CHARGE,
Prairie, Alberta, Jamie Richer of Espanola EVERYONE WELCOME
and the late Travis Richer. Will be sadly
missed by grandchildren, Aiden and Evan Children’s Clothes Closet – Calvary Baptist Church,
Lovean. Very dear brother of Grant (wife Espanola. Wednesday, March 14 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:30
Carolyn) & Dolores McIntyre both of p.m. sizes newborn - size 6. Not needing any more
Espanola & the late Alvery, Omer, Emile, donations at this time.
George & Duff Richer, Lillian Lebel,
Margaret Gagne, Joanne Rose, Theresa Malette & Annette Richer. C.W.L. Saint Patrick’s Day Soup and Sandwich
Uncle Rolly is survived by numerous nieces and nephews. No Luncheon – Wednesday, March 14 from 11:00 a.m. –
visitation or funeral by family request. Cremation has taken place 1:30 p.m. at the Paroisse Saint Jude Parish Hall.
with a Celebration of Life at a later date. Arrangements by
Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd., Espanola SAVE A.B. Ellis Meeting – Thursday, March 15. 1:30
RIETKOETTER, Grace Kathleen of p.m. at the Espanola United Church. Everyone Welcome.
Espanola passed away at the Espanola
Regional Hospital on Monday, February Espanola Seniors Citizens - Spring Tea March 23 at the
26, 2018 at the age of 93 years. Beloved Drop In 799 Queensways Avenue . 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
wife of the late Fred Rietkoetter. Dear
daughter of the late George & Maud Celebrate International Women’s Day - Men and
Wager. Loving mother of Roger (wife Women are Invited to join us on March 21 from 9:00- 3
Heather predeceased) of Sault Ste. Marie, pm for Women’s Wellness Day at the Espanola Recreation
Wayne (wife Sharon) of Espanola, David Complex. This event is free. Call 705-370-3378 to register
(partner Constance) of Newfoundland & or email [email protected]
Kathy (Dave) of Webbwood. Will be sadly
missed by 8 grandchildren & 11 Community Tax Volunteer Clinic 2018 – Royal
great-grandchildren. Very dear sister of the late Ada Simpson, Canadian Legion Espanola, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. every
Gerald Wager, Frank Wager, & the late Charlotte Wager. No Thursday from March 15 – April 19. To see if you qualify
visitation or funeral service by family request. A graveside service stop in to the legion.
will be held at the Maple Island Cemetery, Whitestone Twp.,
Ontario at a later date. If so desired, Memorial tributes may be Sables-Spanish Rivers Township Inter Church Council
made to the Humane Society. Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral - invites folks to: walk, bike or drive March 30 for Good
Home Ltd., Espanola Friday, 10:00 a.m. start in Sagamok at the Anglican
Church to the Lutheran in Massey. Join us at the bridge
Marie Clara, (Lacroix) Bussieres in Massey, Easter morning sunrise at 6:45 a.m. on April 1.
Obituary - Marie Clara, (Lacroix) For more information, call 705-582-2012.
Bussieres passed away in Espanola
in her 79th year on February 20 St. George’s Church Annual Spaghetti Dinner and
2018 at the Espanola Regional Silent Auction – Saturday, April 14 at the Espanola
Hospital. Born September 18 1938, Legion, doors open at 4:00 p.m., Dinner at 5:00 p.m. for
in Blind River Ontario to the late tickets call 705-869-3499.
William & Mae Lacroix. The eldest
of three children, pre-deceased by Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
François Lacroix , spouse Dianne.
and survived by Rachelle Penney We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
spouse Richard. Married to the late their upcoming events in writing no later than
Jean Bussieres July 1 1957, for fifty Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
three years and they raised their E-mail: [email protected]
family in Espanola. Pre-deceased by infant daughter Marie, survived
by JC, (Cindy Bourgeault), Marc, (Holly Shroeder), Nicole, (Larry Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
Bond), Michelle,(Bob Butler), Monique, (Marc Levasseur), Andre
“Skip”, Chantal, (Paul Vienneau). Grandchildren Noella-Mae, STAFF
Matthew, Nash, Joelle, Micayla, Morgan, Connor and great-grandson Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Gus. Our mother was a loving and generous soul, devoted wife, who Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
doted on her family and friends . A career that expanded of 27 years OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
as a nurse with the Espanola General Hospital, a caring soul who
always put the needs other people first. She had an infectious smile Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
that came right from the heart. Enjoyed, baking for her family, Richard Gagnon - Production
passing the time with puzzles and knitting and cherished the wild life 705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
that surrounded her country home, accompanied by her pets. Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
Services will take place May 12 2018. The 11 am internment of ashes email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
will commence at the Espanola Cemetery, with A Celebration of Life Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
in her honor will follow at the K of C Hall, on Mead Street in PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Espanola, Ontario from 1-4 pm. The Family would like to extend our
heartfelt thank you to all the staff at the Espanola Regional Hospital Distribution by Around & About
for the great consideration shown to our mother. A special note of
appreciation to Dr. James McKay, Dr. Andre Michon and the The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
nurses for your personal attention to her care. In lieu of flowers the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
donations to the Espanola Regional Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Gift There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Shop would be greatly appreciated. Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Around&About March 6, 2018 Page 11


Pricing valid until March 31st, 2018 unless noted.

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Can’t find whaHt yOouU’rRe lSookingMfoOr?NSDhoApYon-liFneRaItD:

705-869-6883 85 Centre St., Espanola

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