Check out our COPY - FAX
July 24, 2018 Issue #30 - Volume 22
2018 Yamaha Paul McColeman
Kodiak 450 Sentenced to 17 Years
from $39 weekly
on approved credit !
[email protected] Photo: Paul McColeman FB We have everything you
need to build your perfect
SEASON’S by Rosalind Russell An Espanola
mother of two boys assaulted by Paul outdoor space.
septic service McColeman says it has been a long four Patio furniture, outdoor
years, but she is happy to see him get a fireplaces, gazebos and
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs long prison sentence. The mother, who
cannot be identified under a publication so much more!
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G ban, says one of her sons insisted on
705-869-2448 attending court July 17 to see justice EU2000i Honda
705-356-3444 served. She admits she cried because
1-800-587-3599 the case is finally resolved and that will 1149Generator
help her sons move forward in their
healing. McColeman, 45, has been in ONNOLWY $
custody since he was convicted June + Freight, PDI & Taxes
29th, 2017 of 34 sex-related and luring WOW
charges in Espanola over an eight-year
period nearly a year ago. Two of the
luring convictions were stayed leaving
him with 32 convictions for sentencing
Continued on back page...
The One Tot Stop Day Care,A.B.Ellis Site Windsor Pool Salt
has Infant and Toddler spaces available.
For more information, please / BAG
call Devina at 705-869-3282
or email [email protected]
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •
Espanola Papertown Paddlers WIN Massey Marathon Another Huge Success
Founders Division at the Sudbury Dragon
The 42nd annual Massey Congratulations to all of the
Boat Festival Marathon was yet another volunteers & participants on a
success. Running in the early job well done!
Photo Provided Team Members: Front Row Left to right: Steven morning helped participants
Price, Diana St. Pierre, Denise Thibault, Marcella Yusko (Drummer), stay cool before the full heat Photo: Township of Sables-Spanish
Meaghan Maher, Genevieve Demers, Liane Tessier, Kelli Bracken of the day hit the runners Rivers Recreation Department
Back Row Left to Right: Jasmine Schmidt, Brandon Boomhower, Dave yesterday. Of note, are the 50
Arthurs, Becky Songhurst, Brad Songhurst, Todd Yusko, Jerry or so volunteers who helped
Brown (Steersperson), Nathan Leclair, Adam Paradis, Alex Smith, Rob out on the run including
Haarmeyer, Rob Parsons, Teri Lacey, Bobbie Smith. the local 4H Club members
and the Predators Hockey
organization. A special
presentation was also made
to Ron and Pat Hnatuik who
received this year's Volunteer
Appreciation Award. Ron and
Pat have volunteered for over
30 years with the marathon.
Continued from front page...
Espanola’s Paul McColeman Sentenced to 17 Years
The Crown was seeking a person should be classified as
The Sudbury Dragon boat minimum 20-year prison a long-term offender (a lesser
14th, 2018 at Bell Park in sentence with a number risk to reoffend) and receive a
Festival is a registered
Sudbury, ON. For the 2nd of conditions including defined sentence with a long-
nonprofit founded in the year year in a row, our very own
2000 by the Sudbury Canoe Papertown Paddlers from registration on the Sex term supervision order. He
Club (SCC) and the Chinese Offender’s Registry and also underwent a psychiatric
Heritage Association of Espanola competed. This year a DNA sample while the assessment last fall. The
Northern Ontario (CHANO). they completed the race with defence was hoping for a 12 results of the court appointed
Proceeds from the festival a time of 2:23.77, beating to 13 year sentence minus psychiatric assessment
benefit the Maison McCulloch their best time from last year
Hospice in Sudbury, ON. The and winning the Founders pre-custody credit and no conducted by Dr. Philip
Division. restrictions when paroled. Klassen revealed McColeman
festival took place on July Sudbury Superior Court has been diagnosed as a same
Justice Patricia Hennessy sex pedophile. According
THANSPKOYNOSUORTSO!OUR sentenced the convicted to online supporters of
pedophile to 17 years, minus McColeman, there will be an
30 months for time served. appeal. McColeman continues
He must also wait 10 years to deny any wrongdoing even
The Papertown Paddlers would like to extend special before being able to apply for making a public recording
thanks their sponsors: parole, register with the Sex following his sentencing
Espanola Lions Club Northern Credit Union Offender’s Registry, provide stating he is innocent and
a DNA sample and take asking for anyone with
Mac's Espanola Unifor Local 74 counselling. Hennessy also information to come forward
Shear Vanity Extaph Tattoos granted a long-term offender to assist in his appeal. No
designation for McColeman date for an appeal has been
Quantum Home Builders Red Dog Grill at an earlier court hearing. set. McColeman’s transfer to
Canadian Tire Espanola With that judgement, the prison will took place within
the week.
Around&About July 24, 2018 Page 6
AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Hot Peppers – The Not-So-Silent Killer!
Serving Certified Technician
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420
Business I have had a lifelong fear of hot peppers. ounce or two of gasoline in my mouth
Mobile The culprit is capsaicin, the neurotoxin and threw in a lit match. But I waited
that creates a bonfire in your mouth and until Barry asked how was it and I found
Sales & Service has your tongue wagging to be surgically the where-with-all amid the searing pain
removed. The heat of which is measured to say: “Good. Yeah, good.” I waited just
RON RIVET in units called ‘Scovilles’. Your typical long enough for him to bite into his sub
Habeñero pepper contains 500 Scovilles. and then we both threw up onto the wax
CLEANING SERVICES The ghost pepper burns out at 1 million paper wrapping on the table. No way was
25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Scovilles and the newly developed I descending into the chili hot fire of hell
Carolina Reaper tops them all at 10 all by myself.
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout million!!! But that wasn’t the worst. The worst was
Cleaning Cleaning I won’t go near the ghost pepper 1969 when I attended Waterloo Lutheran
(a.k.a.bhut jolokia chili pepper) which University in Kitchener, Ontario and I 705-862-1914 when eaten in large quantities can cause frequently spent evenings across town
seizures, heart attacks and death. I won’t at Robbie Misener’s house. Both from
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage even share the same area code with the Welland, we were close friends with a
Independently owned and operated Carolina Reaper, considered by the lot in common, particularly our love for
Guiness Book of Records to be the world’s weed and hot peppers. (Sorry, but if you
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 hottest pepper. Last week a 34-year-old attended a liberal arts college in the late Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 man from Cooperstown, New York ate a 60’s and early 70’s and did not smoke
whole one in a hot-pepper-eating contest marijuana, you risked being expelled.)
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 and wound up in hospital with what the I’d recently given Robbie the sound track
Fax: (705) 869-6299 doctors called a “thunderclap headache”! from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Another man in California ate enough of Kid. So with “Raindrops Keep Falling
New Clients Always Welcome a burger topped with a ghost pepper that on My Head” blasting on Robbie’s eight-
it burned a hole in his esophagus which in track and in a blissful unfocused haze, we
Formerly turn caused one of his lungs to collapse. set out to make our own pizza. A big lump
Many years ago I returned from Jamaica of dough, a mess of mushrooms, extra
with a fellow hot pepper enthusiast, pepperoni, way too much cheese and lots
each of us bringing back a jar of green of habeñero hot peppers, the kind Castro
Jamaican Peppers. Once home Barry had used to kill political opponents and
laced our subs with these innocent- silence journalists.
looking slim gems. I bit into my sandwich We had everything laid out on the counter
and it was like someone had poured an
Continued on page three...
Advertise here for as
little as $26 per week
[email protected] •No Appt. Needed Oil Changes
•Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
Call 705-869-6883 for details 20 McCulloch Dr. (Behind the Mall)
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally
Don’s Electric
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry
(705) 869-0511
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages Cell (705)-862-0753
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
Monday 9-5 Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About July 24, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from page two... Plenty of New Faces with the Express
when all of a sudden Paul I lunged for the knife on the The Express has unveiled teacher at Lasalle Secondary
Newman rode through the counter but he stopped me a whole new look as they School in Sudbury and is
kitchen sitting on the crossbar thinking I might harm myself announce the hiring of an all married to his wife Tara and
of his bicycle. Robbie didn’t when all I really wanted to do new staff for the upcoming they have two young children
see him so I asked Butch to was cut my eyelids off. I fell season. Joining the new Head at home. New Equipment
coach Dave Clancy this year Manager - Brian Workman
do it again which is when The to the floor, sweating, gasping will be some veteran NOJHL A junior hockey legend in
Sundance Kid stuck his head and rubbing my eyes when I coaches and staff members his own right, Brian has been
in through the kitchen window hear somebody, either Robbie as the Express are clearly involved with Junior Hockey for
and said: “I get sick being or Sundance say: “I’ll do gearing up for a turnaround over 25 years with franchises in
right all the time.” anything you want me to do, season. "It is exciting to have Sudbury and Rayside-Balfour.
Robbie didn’t catch that either, but I won’t watch you die”. so many great staff members Brian has been selected as team
so … so in order to get things Robbie was about to call believing in what we have Equipment Manager for every
going on here this season in Team NOJHL appearance at
back on track we sparked up an ambulance when a guy Espanola," says GM Chad the Central Canada Cup, a mid
another joint. showed up at the door trying Clarke. "I have no doubt these season league all star showcase
Earlier we had ordered a pizza to make us pay for a big bag guys will have an immediate tournament between the Central
from Chinese Cuisine, but full of egg rolls and chicken impact on our program with Canada Junior A leagues.
hours went by and nobody balls which we knew nothing their championship mentality. Earlier this summer Brian was
came to the door. about. Development and advancement awarded with a NOJHL life time
Now it’s hot in that kitchen and Still crumpled up in a heap on to the OHL, CIS and NCAA membership award for his long
ranks will be our key focus and term dedication and outstanding
I’m tired, needing to get my the floor, I was able to open we now have the right people service to junior hockey.
contact lens out when Robbie my eyes just wide enough with proven track records in New Team Trainer - Chris
says we’re set to go. All I gotta to see the cloud of smoke place to be very successful Seguin - This is Chris’ second
do is the hot peppers, which I billowing in the kitchen. The both on and off the ice". New season training in the NOJHL
did with great relish … cutting pizza was burning. Instead of Associate Coach - Clayton and first with the Express. Chris
them in half, extracting the trying to put out the fire in the Bertrand Coach Bertrand has trained at various levels
seeds with a push of the oven, Robbie ran out of the joins our coaching staff of minor hockey, as well as
with over 15 years coaching sports outside of hockey. Most
thumb, slicing and dicing and house and down the street, experience under his belt. He recently, Chris was a trainer
placing them on the top of the trying to catch the delivery has experience with the U-17 at the 2016 and 2017 NOHA
pie with flair and a sense of guy with the Chinese food. Hockey Canada program for U-15 Development Weekends
accomplishment. We both went to bed hungry two years as a selection coach and with Team NOHA at The
Robbie shoved the pizza in that night. with OMHA. Last Season OHL Cup and The OHL Gold
the oven, and plenty proud of Just for the record, I’m only Clayton was an Associate Cup in the Spring of 2017 and
ourselves we high fived … and in favour of the legalization Coach with the West Division 2018. Raised in Sudbury,
Champions Rayside-Balfour Chris resides in Val Caron
missed. That’s when I decided of marijuana if each bag of Canadians. Coach Bertrand with his wife, Kelly and son,
to take out my contact lens. dope comes with a pair of will be looking to bring his Owen, and their many four-
Later Robbie would claim safety goggles. Also people NOJHL Championship run legged family members. Chris
that the only time he had ever handling hot peppers should experience from last season to is a graduate of Laurentian
heard a scream like the one be bonded. the Express this year. Clayton University’s Bachelor of Social
that came out of my mouth has been married for 25 years Work program and is employed
was when Mia Farrow realizes For comments, ideas and to Christine and has three kids with The Canadian Veterans
Zak, Amanda and TJ. He is also Vocational Rehabilitation
she had just given birth to the copies of The Legend a Sales Manager for Molson Service. New Director of
Coors in Northern Ontario for Sales and Game Promotions
son of the Devil in Rosemary’s of Zippy Chippy, go to the past 22 years. Assistant - Grant Trayner -- Grant
Coach - Vagelli Sakellaris is a recent graduate of the
Coach Sakellaris has spent Sports Administration program
the past two seasons with the at Laurentian University
FourthAnnualATV Poker Run for MD Set to Go Rayside-Balfour Canadians in Sudbury. He has gained
as an Assistant Coach and valuable marketing, account
this past season enjoyed a management and sales
The Espanola Volunteer Firefighters are ready to battle another playoff drive that lead him to experience with the Canadian
worthy cause. Firefighter and Muscular Dystrophy Chair, Ryan the NOJHL Championship Paralympic Committee, ECCO
Courtemanche, says this Fourth Annual ATV Poker Run is set series. He has previously Golf and Northern Ontario
to go this coming September 22nd. Tickets are $50 each and been an Assistant/Associate Railroad Museum & Heritage
are on sale now, =Courtemanche advises everyone to get theirs coach with the Sudbury Nickel Centre. Before joining the
as soon as possible because only 200 will be sold. He adds the Capital Wolves midget AAA Express he was an Assistant
team and guided them to a General Manager and Director
run has plenty of dry and muddy spots. The $50 fee, which also Telus Cup Championship, of Hockey Operations of the
includes dinner, goes towards offsetting costs with proceeds Canada's National Midget AAA Rayside-Balfour Canadians
to Muscular Dystrophy Canada. The firefighters are trying Championship in 2008. As a and Sudbury Nickel Barons.
to raise five thousand dollars in this year’s run for Muscular player Vagelli appeared in the He also sits on the board of
Dystrophy, a disease that weakens the skeletal muscles. This is Telus Cup then known as the the Big Nickel International
the fourth year for the run. Tickets are available from Espanola Air Canada Cup and lost in the "AAA" Hockey Tournament in
Championship Game. He is a Sudbury.
firefighters, and at all local ATV dealers in Espanola.
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About July 24, 2018 Page 3
705-869-6883LPSPRoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! MOXNESS (nee KOZACHANKO),
KARYN (Mary) (Anne) of Webbwood
SERVICES passed away at the Espanola Regional
Hospital on Saturday, July 14, 2018 at the
REGISTERED SCHOOL HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS age of 64 years. Beloved daughter of the
PSYCHOLOGIST – for K-12, COLOMBUS - Need something late John & Anne (nee Petcoff)
College/University, through adult. fixed, painted, drywalled, built or Kozachanko. Wife of Steve Moxness.
Assessing Asperger’s, ADHD, or flooring done, call me. Stephane Loving sister of Maria MacLean (Larry) of
other learning problems. Over 20 Coulombe, 705-863-3434. 9/4 Espanola and Nancy Zaiser (Raymond) of
years’ experience. Competitive/ -R Webbwood. Dear aunt to Madison
flexible rate and hours. Will MacLean & Asia Zaiser. Loving cousin of
travel. Prompt turn around. Dr. ESPANOLA SELF Theresa Petcoff Briggs. A special love
Ryan Kneer. 705-869-8588. STORAGE – 6x8 and 8x10 goes out to Karyn’s devoted friend Deb St.
7/24. Storage units available in Onge and ALL the rest of her personal care workers. A very special
Espanola. Located behind the thank you to her family physician Dr. Perlin; Dr. Bignucolo and all
PHYSIOTHERAPY car wash. Call 705-869-8405. the nursing staff at the Espanola Regional Hospital. Everyone’s care
WITTMANN - Located at committal Service took place at the Espanola Cemetery on Tuesday,
Physio Moves in the Espanola July 17, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. with Father Raymond Akor officiating. If
Hospital. Accepting new so desired, Memorial tributes may be made to the Lung Association.
patients. WSIB and MVApatients Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd., Espanola
welcome. Acupuncture available.
Visit for 7/31 - R
services, rates, and hours, or call
705-988-3737. 8/7 - R THE RITCHIES ARE AT IT St. Louis – Solomon. We
AGAIN! Get your firewood are saddened to announce
cut, split, delivered. Hardwood the passing of Solomon
maple. More info, call Mina at Joseph St. Louis on July
705-865-3017. 10/30. 13, 2018. He passed
away peacefully at the
Manitoulin Centennial
TOTAL MAINTENANCE Manor, Little Current at
SERVICES: Plowing,
MINI EXCAVATION carpentry, painting, steel & the age of 94.
Predeceased by loving
SERVICE – Excavation service shingle roofing, tree cutting, wife of 62 years Frances
for smaller projects. Prep area for decks, landscape construction,
garage, shed, decks. Ditching, yard maintenance, dump runs. (Lecuyer) (2014).
Loving father of Linda
trenches for waterlines, propane, 705-936-6160 9/11 - R Joyce (late Wally) of
hydro, smaller stump removal.
Servicing Espanola & area. Espanola, Paul (Karen),
Danny, Cindy Royer (late David) all of Sault Ste. Marie. Loving
Locally owned and operated. Call 705-869-6883 Papa of Jodie, Kyle and Kaylee Joyce of Espanola, JP and Jason
Lower cost than renting the To Place Your
machine. Contact Brad 705- Classified Ad!! St. Louis, Brent and Amy Royer, and great grandfather of Hunter
Royer all of Sault Ste. Marie. Predeceased by parents David and
869-8168. 9/11 Mary (Aubrey) St. Louis and siblings Charlie (Carmelle), Victor,
Carmelle Rose (Jay), Therese Palaro (Johnny), Marie Keeley
(Billy). Survived by sibling Margaret Daly of Wolverine, MI.
REIKI ENERGY THERAPY Albert St. Louis (Audrey), Bernie Nadeau (Emile) all of Espanola.
– John Fraser Reiki Master day Also survived by many nieces, nephews and friends. Solomon
and evening appointments. Call was a proud WWII vet who served for Canada from 1943 -1945.
Escape to Serenity Spa to book He enlisted with the Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps. After
705-869-0505. Distance healing FOR RENT basic training he was shipped to England and saw action in
– [email protected] 8/7. Holland, France and Germany. Cremation has taken place
FOR RENT – 2 bedroom
apartment. Fridge & stove according to Solomon’s wishes. A memorial mass took place at
included. No steps. 497 Second St. Jude Church on Wednesday July 18, 2018 at 11 AM for the
NOTICE St. 705-869-2443. 7/31. ashes of Solomon & Frances St. Louis. Interment of ashes in the
FOR RENT - Apartment for
CHERYL’S MASSAGE rent 1 bedroom, 2-123 Tudhope Espanola Cemetery after mass. If so desired, donations to the
St Espanola, available July 15, Alzheimers Society would be appreciated. Arrangements by
THERAPY & $650.00 per month plus hydro, BOURCIER FUNERAL HOME, Espanola.
ACUPUNCTURE – NEW first; last & damage deposit.
LOCATION as of April 9th. Call 705-869-0514. 7/31
363 John St. Espanola. To
make an appointment call 705- Obituaries • In Loving Memory
863-3223. cherylsmassage7@ Thank You Ads • Births or Birthdays 8/7 R
Anniversaries • Engagements
To place your announcement call or email
Massey Agricultural Society PALLETS
monthly meetings - 3rd Tuesday Call 705-869-6883
of the month. Held at Massey 705-869-6883 [email protected]
Firehall @ 7pm. We welcome
the public’s attendance. 10/23 for details. PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Around&About July 24, 2018 Page 4
ANNOUNCEMENT Summer Fun Day in McKerrow – July 28, 11:00
a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Snoopy’s Landing – 9 Short Street,
Notice of Candidacy McKerrow. Games, Prizes, Inflatables, BBQ, Candy
Stand & more!!!!
Thank You to all those who have been asking if
I’m running again. Please be assured that I am. Pickle Ball & Tennis at the Espanola Courts – Courts
Doctors have given me the all clear. I am are open daily. Equipment available at the rec centre.
looking forward to representing you again.
I humbly seek your support for this next term. Clothing Donations – Donations for overseas relief can
be dropped off at 80 Withers Rd. Massey. Also footwear,
Re-elect Ron Piche for Mayor bedding & sewing supplies. Call Ray Brubacher at 705-
Thank You. 844-9992.
Recipe United Church of Espanola – WE ARE OPEN –
United Church of Espanola continues to have worship
This is a rich, moist cake service every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. with
with a soft texture, and a Sunday School. All are welcome.
crusty, sweet top. I made
it this week to use for Christmas in July at St. Georges Anglican Church in
strawberry shortcake and Espanola on Wednesday July 25 at 11:00am to 3:00pm-
it didn’t disappoint. Pound - Yard Sale, Christmas Decorations, Bake Sale, Crafts &
cakes are so versatile. You can enjoy them plain, with ice BBQ
cream and sauce, use them for strawberry shortcake or
layered in a trifle. The possibilities are endless. This recipe Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
makes a BIG cake. We ate part of it and I froze the rest of
it to make a future trifle. If you’re not an almond extract We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
fan (like me) you can use all vanilla extract. Be sure to test their upcoming events in writing no later than
your cake and bake according to your oven. I had to bake Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
mine an extra 15 minutes. E-mail: [email protected]
Old School Cream Cheese Pound Cake Moose
• 1 ½ c cake flour Corner
• 1 ½ c all- purpose flour
• 1 ½ cups of butter (¾ of a pound) , unsalted (softened The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM - Espanola is proud to support local
charities and organizations. If you have an event you want to
at room temp)
• 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature share, please call Roz at 705-869-6397 or email your
• 3 ¼ c sugar information to: [email protected] The Moose- Espanola's
• 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
• 1 ½ tsp almond extract Biggest Variety! Your Station, Your News, Your Stories
• 1 tsp salt
• 6 large eggs Sacred Heart Daycare Centre
Beat butter and cream INFANT, TODDLER, PRESCHOOL
cheese with a mixer BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL
on medium speed until
mixture comes together. SPACES AVAILABLE!
Add sugar and extracts;
beat until light and Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify
fluffy. Reduce speed For more information, please call
to low. Mix flours with the salt. Add eggs, one at a time,
alternating with flours, 1/2 cup at a time until all eggs and 705-869-3171
flours are used. Transfer to a buttered, and floured, 10-cup
bundt pan. Place in cold oven. Heat oven to 325 degrees.
Bake until an inserted tester comes out clean about 1 1/2
hours. Remove cake from pan. Let cool on wire rack. Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 STAFF
Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Richard Gagnon - Production
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Distribution by Around & About
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
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Around&About July 24, 2018 Page 5