PRINTS 3X5,4X6,5X7,8X10
January 3, 2023 Issue #1- Volume 27
HJC C91 Snowarama Returns To Full STORE HOURS
$389.95 +TAX Slate Of Events This Year
CKX Mon-Wed 8-6
CONTACT Photo - The last time the organizers of the Thurs-Fri 8-9
$299.99 +TAX annual Snowarama for Espanola/NorthShore Sat-Sun 9-5
gathered together was back in 2020 due to the
[email protected] pandemic. This year, the event returns in full AUTO SERVICE HOURS
with a dinner and awards night. Photo provided
Green Today. Green For Life. by Carol Hughes Mon-Fri 8-5
By Rosalind Russell - It has been a 85 CENTRE ST, ESPANOLA
705-869-2447 couple of years, but The Espanola/
SEPTIC AND PORTABLE TOILETS NorthShore Snowarama will be held this 705-869-6883
year with a full slate of events including
705-869-2448 an awards ceremony, dinner, and prize Special
Carmen Bazinet, the regional $3.99
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES administrator for Easter Seals Ontario, a piece
says the organization was able to host
the event during the pandemic but 5/8x2 1/2
without any large gatherings. Casing
That will change this year with
registration at Tim Hortons in Espanola 3/8x3 1/4
in the morning, a ride to Massey for Baseboard
lunch and a dinner capping off the day,
including the presentation of awards to
this year’s ambassadors.
Bazinet points out they raise money for
children with disabilities, but because of
Continued on page two...
AFtinYgoeurrtip Continued from front page
High Circulation • Competitive Rates Snowarama Returns To Full Slate Of Events This Year
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About the pandemic, have been unable to have regarding tickets call Gaetanne Sokoloski
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883 them participate due to health concerns, at 705.869.3509 and Sue Belanger
but this year they will name ambassadors. 705.869.0179.
Dr. Chintan Raval Advance tickets for the dinner will only For more information and pledge sheets,
be available until February 9, 2023, at a visit:
Now Open Fridays cost of $15 per person. For information espanola/
Now Accepting New Patients Manitoulin Island Artist Has Work Featured
Outside Little Current Post Office
For every new patient exam Offering same day
receive a FREE whitening kit! emergency services The post office on Little Current’s The piece entitled “We are the Land” was
Monday - Friday 83 Centre St, Espanola
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 705- 869-1511
waterfront is now considered a community mounted late december and features his
HOURS: hub and to add a touch of culture, Canada interpretation of the outdoors, featuring
TUES 9AM-7PM BOOK NOW Post has erected a Manitoulin Island several large trees in the Woodland style.
THUR 9AM-7PM We’re Hiring! mural to enhance the building. Pheasant is well known for his work,
Indigenous artist Duncan Pheasant, who which often features an interpretation of
NEW LOCATION - 502 CENTRE STREET ESPANOLA hails from M’Chigeeng First Nation, and Ojibwe legends and stories, as well as the
now lives in Little Current, has had one natural beauty of the Manitoulin and his
MARTIN’S SERVICES of his large murals erected at the site. culture.
NEW TIRE SALES Wiikwemkoong Woman Named To
Hockey Canada Board Of Directors
Install, balance and repair services.
705-849-8038 705-583-2164 Indigenous and Northern lovers of the experience with the league, Aboriginal
game will have a voice at the table Hockey Championships and Ontario
Tuwnwewin.etsopLaoncoallaClihoansncnleulb1.c0aor when it comes to the Hockey Canada Summer Games and is currently the
Board of Directors with the election of head coach of the U18A team out of
(follow link to TV Bingo) a well-known Wiikwemkoong woman. North York.
Not only is she the President of Jacko is looking forward to helping
Anishnawbe Health of Toronto, but to develop a comprehensive plan to
Marian Jacko is also the President of grow the game on both a local level,
the Little Native Hockey League.
focusing on Northern and Indigenous
She has decades of coaching input, but also on the national level.
Andrew Vondette Wiikwemkoong Elders Home Capital Campaign Gets A Boost
Computer I.T. & Network Specialist as accepting a second cheque for $6,000
Laptop/Desktop/Server Repair & Sales, Mobile Device Support
from the volunteers who hosted a local
Virus & Malware Removal • Tune up & Optimization
Operating System Install • Data Recovery • Hardware Upgrades Christmas Telethon earlier last month.
705-521-3459 Professional, Reliable, A ordable!
Singh Dentistry She says their current non-profit
Wikwemikong Nursing Home is one
Dr. Maninder Singh of only four long-term care facilities in
Hours: FOR ALL OF Ontario geared to First Nations.
Tuesday Closed Considered a ‘state of the art’ facility
Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies when it was built in 1972, she says
Friday 9-5 Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam
it no longer meets current provincial
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
standards, so the community is looking
at constructing a new facility to house 98
The Wiikwemkoong Elders Home beds.
Capital Campaign is well underway with Manitowabi adds the fundraising will
[email protected] a recent telethon and donation by another continue since the licencing for the home
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers community on Manitoulin Island. will expire in 2025.
FREE ESTIMATES Ogimaa Kwe Rachel Manitowabi Donations to the campaign can be made
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally extended thanks to M’Chigeeng First by visiting the website: https://www.
Around&About January 3, 2022 Page 2 Nation for its $10,000 donation, as well
Karen (Buck) Dinelle The Massey Agricultural Society's
(20 Years) Annual General Meeting
Sometimes we E MASSEY F E MASSEY F
just sit and AIR
ething to Cr ow A Tuesday, January 17th at 7 pm ething to Cr ow A
at S. Geiger Public School.
All members are welcome to attend.
Memberships will be available
for purchase at the meeting.
Love Ken, Sandra, Laura, GFL Environmental is looking for an AZ/DZ Driver/Loader to join our
Cathie, Darlene, & Pat growing team out of our Blind River/Espanola site operations. As a
GFL DZ Driver/Loader, you will primarily be responsible for curbside
705-869-6883LPRPSoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! pickup of waste/recycling containers on the assigned route.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Responsible for curbside pickup of waste/recycling containers
H & R BLOCK - Open ESPANOLA SELF STORAGE on the assigned route
Tuesday to Thursday. 9 am – 6x8 and 8x10 Storage units
to 3 pm. Ph 705-869-0513. available in Espanola. Located 2. Ensure that service is completed in accordance with
email:espanola.53189@hrblock. behind the car wash. Call 705- established company policies and contract obligations
ca 1/10 869-8405. 2/7 - R
3. Responsible for daily pre and post trip inspections of trucks assigned
DIANA’S DOG GROOMING FOR SALE 4. Complete daily routes as assigned by the Route supervisors
- Full grooms to nail trims. 5. Satisfy customer needs for service
Accepting new clients. 705-688- FOR SALE – Limited amount 6. Perform end of day driver check-ins to ensure complete and
3591. 1/10 of dry wood for sale. Call Greg
BD RESIDENTIAL – Drywall 705-822-4734 or 705-988-2906. accurate paperwork completion
& Renovations Specialist. 705- 1/10 7. Ensure assigned routes are completed in a timely and safe manner
562-2200. 1/31 8. May perform some additional responsibilities as assigned by
R FOR SALE - 2019 Suzuki
EXPERIENCED PAINTERS King Quad 500 AXI, winch, the Route Supervisors
- Reasonable prices. References grip warmers, mirrors. Asking Knowledge, Skills & Competencies:
available. Bartering available. $8,900. Please Call 705-869-
Call Gerald or Janice at 705-583- 6565. 1/10 1. AZ/DZ License
2181. 1/10 2. 1-3 years heavy truck driving experience
3. Experience in driving in the city
4. Proven ability to multi-task & ability to prioritize tasks
GFL Benefits:
· Extended health care
· Life insurance
· Disability insurance
· Employee assistance program
We thank you for your interest. Only those selected for an
interview will be contacted.
Moose Nicky Lamothe – Publisher/General Manager
I HATE THE COLD, CAN YOU IMAGINE HAVING NOWHERE TO GO TO GET Andrew Vondette – Director of Publication & Design
WARM? This year, Moi, Roz, your Moose Morning Host, is celebrating my 65th OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Murielle Leblanc – Director of Office Supply Sales
birthday by collecting blankets with Wrapped In Warmth! Help celebrate by
donating a Blanket - new or gently used! Call 705-869-6397 (NEWS) for pickup Rayann Muncaster – Director of Production
or drop-o . Roz will also be collecting hats, scarves, mitts, socks and other Vickie Trahan – Bookkeeper
winter wear to help keep someone warm this winter until December 16th. 705-869-6883 Crystal Lecuyer – Production
Rosalind Russell – News Correspondent
email: [email protected] Bill Leeney – Graphic Designer
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC.
Distribution by Around & About
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Around&About January 3, 2022 Page 3
CSC Nouvelon Secondary Schools Sables-Spanish Rivers Township
To Host Open House Events Looking For Volunteers
Parents of Grade eight students Catholic schools. If you are interested in sitting works, the library, finance, or
are encouraged to take in open He adds Blind River’s on a municipal committee, recreation.
houses in the new year in Jeunesse-Nord and Espanola’s you are invited to submit your Those interested can submit
determining if the schools are École La Renaissance will name to the Township of the their name, contact information,
the right fit for the children. open their doors at 6:30 pm on Sables-Spanish Rivers. and a brief outline of what they
Paul Henry, the education Thursday, January 12th. Anne Whalen, the township feel they can contribute by
director of the Conseil He says the open houses will clerk administrator, says Thursday, January 5th.
scolaire catholique Nouvelon offer an opportunity to tour they are looking for residents She adds the final appointments
says plans are already in place the facility, talk to staff and who are interested in public will be made late in January.
to host open houses at all the review programs offered by
board’s secondary French the board.
14th Annual Elliot Lake Ice Fishing Derby
Photo - The City of Elliot Lake had to cancel its derby due to the pandemic, Sables-Spanish Rivers Public Libraries First Friday The Art
but Economic Manager Steve Antunes says it will return on February 25th. Of - Cake Decorating with Wilton Cake Decorating Instructor,
Angela Bartlett. Hemming Jeans and Pants with Ursula Robinson.
The Elliot Lake Ice Fishing On The Ice bonus draw. For January 6, 7:00 p.m. Massey Library Branch
Derby is back. an additional $5, you’ll be
Economic Manager Steve entered in a draw to be the Northshore Pins & Needles Quilting & Stitchery Guild
Antunes says the popular first angler on the ice! Better – Next meeting, Wednesday, January 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the
event will return on February hurry, the bonus draws ends Espanola Royal Canadian Legion. New member welcome.
25th after having to cancel February 18th at 4pm.
through the pandemic. Tickets can be purchased Narcotics Anonymous meetings – Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.,
He says 50% of the purse is online at: Saturday, 7:00 p.m. United church, downstairs. 137 Shepard
the first prize and during its icefishingderby or at the Elliot St. Espanola
last derby, the winner took Lake City Hall Front Desk.
home $23,000. The Sunshine Senior Choir - meeting Tuesday mornings at
Antunes adds tickets are **A valid fishing licence is 10:00 a.m. At the senior’s hall. Everyone welcome. For more
available through the city’s required to compete if you are info call Mariette at 705-869-1474.
website or by dropping by the between the ages of 18 to 65
municipal front desk. and do not have a Status Card. Parlowe Jammers - Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the
There are also prizes for the You can purchase a licence Queensway Seniors drop in centre, Espanola, the Parlowe
top 10 fish plus other great online, at Service Ontario or at Jammers will be playing music. For details call 705-665-
door prizes. Enter the First a local issuing location. 6331
Al-Anon - support for people affected by someone else’s
drinking. Meetings every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. St. George’s
Anglian Church, Tudhope St., Espanola. More information
at al-non.Org
North Shore Seventh Day Adventist Church – service,
sabbaths (Saturdays) 10:00 a.m. All welcome. 18 Menard
Cres, Walford, Spanish.
Do you have a note for the community? We invite not-for-profit
organizations to submit information on their upcoming events in
writing no later than Wednesdays at 300 p.m. 25 word limit.
E-mail: [email protected]
F Stor
Manitoulin Bag
2.5 lbs of Premium
Grade A Trout
Single Vac Packed Fillets
$22.00 / bag
Behind the Beer Store in Little Current
705-368-3755 Tues-Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 10am-4pm
Around&About January 3, 2022 Page 4