October 27, 2020 Issue #43 - Volume 24
$199.95 ESPANOLA
MSRP $219.95
20th Year Anniversary Sale
$499.95 “ When I was 16, and attending PROTECTIVE
Espanola High School, I got a job at FACIAL MASK
MSRP $609.95 Jeans Unlimited in the Espanola Mall
part time”, says Kyle Hoddy owner ADULT- ONE SIZE
[email protected] of Jean Country Espanola. “I worked DOUBLE LAYER
weekends and after school until I left
Green Today. Green For Life. Espanola to attend college. After I got 100% POLYPROPYLENE (PPNW)
SOLID WASTE & RECYCLE SERVICES my diploma, I returned to Espanola
to pursue a career in the insurance MADE IN / FABRIQUE AU QUEBEC, CANADA
705-869-2447 industry, which I worked in for many
Sue Sullivan, the owner of Jeans
705-869-2448 Unlimited located in Espanola & 0.3MM ANTI-FOG
NEED A WASTE BIN OR CONTAINER? Parry Sound, was looking to downsize
her business to one location. She was Deflecto® Disposable Personal
preparing to close the Espanola location Face Shield with Foam. 0.3 Clear
when she thought to approach Kyle PET Anti-Fog. Single-use
to see if he would be interested in protection. Forms a barrier to
purchasing it. “When she presented the protect your face from respiratory
opportunity to me in November of 2000 $6.69 droplets. Not rated for medical
I was delighted. I didn’t want to see the grade use. One size fits all.
town lose a place to buy jeans. That was 705-869-6883
twenty years ago.” says Hoddy of J.C.E.
Jeans Unlimited was one of the first
businesses to operate in the new
Espanola Mall that was built in 1976.
Although Jean Country is celebrating
Continued on page three...
250ML - $6.99 CANADIAN MADE SPECIAL - 1x6 mahogany
1 L - $14.99
500ml sp - $8.99 OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES .99 cents per lineal foot
Limited supply
AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
A Circus
High Circulation • Competitive Rates
FREE distribution to your customers! [email protected]
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected] Trump Can’t Win The Election,
But He Might Be Able To Steal It
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers Two recent statements by President Donald office will swear a loyalty oath to their
Trump that need not be fact checked are: Commander In Chief, who by then will be
FREE ESTIMATES “This is the most important election in the wearing a Michael Jackson-type military
history of our country” and “This will be the uniform and inviting foreign dignitaries to
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally most corrupt election in US history.” sit in his private box and watch that “I Made
Tuesday, November 3rd, important? A America Great Again” parade he’s always
Singh Dentistry Democratic election sweep might pull wanted. But by then ‘fact-checking’ will be
Dr. Maninder Singh America back from the brink of a civil war a crime and Wolf Blitzer will be under house
and it might demote Trump’s personal army arrest in his ‘situation room’.
Hours: FOR ALL OF of white supremacist militia groups to their Corrupt? In Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky
Monday 9-5 YOUR DENTAL NEEDS former status of disorganized domestic they’ve reduced the number of polling
Tuesday Closed terrorists. A Biden/Harris administration stations from 3,700 to 170 making it almost
Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility might restore some form of normalcy in a impossible for blacks to vote. Plus the Proud
Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies country that was once the world’s model of Boys with their legal long guns patrolling
Friday 9-5 Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam democracy and is now a near-dictatorship. US polling stations at the President’s request
Presently the country is being run and ruined — that might be a tad intimidating.
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880 by professional ass-kickers like Attorney In nearby Buffalo, New York, a Democratic
General Bill Barr, Postmaster General city, ‘DeJoy’s Boys’ have removed so many
Always wanted that Louis DeJoy and the multi-faced, evil twins, sorting machines, post offices are stockpiling
dDrreeaammGKaitrcahgeen?? Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. mail in tractor trailers in the parking lot.
Yet there is no guarantee of the return of That’s the plan — delay the vote count for
Dream Spa Bathroom? peace and sanity in an America headed for days, maybe weeks and then have Trump’s
Call us today. unfathomable COVID-19 chaos and staring conservative-stacked Supreme Court decide
down the barrel of the alt-right’s call to the election in his favour. Hey! It worked for
Financing available action: “Are you ready for war… November President George “Dubya” Bush.
4?” That from Ammon Bundy, a wannabe President Donald Trump is completely
reFnoovraAtLioLnynoeuerds. US civil war general. amoral — no principles, no beliefs, nothing
*Reduced rate for low income seniors Emboldened by a second term, Trump but a walking, talking, overweight chameleon
will replace even more competent and whose skin changes colour according to the
We’re Back! independent agency heads with cronies and political weather. If the far-right religious
BOOK NOW big donors. Much like Russia, the country groups like his plan to ban abortion, bingo!
he admires the most – journalists will be — he’s an upside down Bible thumper.
MARTIN’S SERVICES put on trial, news outlets will be controlled Never a gun guy until the National Rifle
or corrupted like Fox, all judges, both state Association contributed $30 million to his
NEW TIRE SALES and federal, will have to prove they’re first campaign and presto! — he’s a card
Republican and every person elected to
Install, balance and repair services. Continued on page three...
705-849-8038 705-583-2164
Advertise here for as Flip The Switch
little as $27 per week
∙ New construction ∙ Renovations Steve Ferridge - Master Electrician
∙ Garage packages Call 705-869-6883 for details
Plumbing&HeatingTel (705) 865-3113 Cell (705) 862-4294 Tune into Local Channel 10 [email protected]
Residential - Commercial - Farm - Camps
Jason Cowles $84.99Andrew Vondette
Serving Certified Technician
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 Computer I.T. & Network Specialist
Mobile Virus & Malware Removal
FullSystmen Tune up & Optimization
1 Year Free Antivirus included! Offer Expires Nov 31-2020
Sales & Service 705-521-3459 Professional, Reliable, A ordable!
Around&About October 27, 2020 Page 2
Continued from page two... Continued from front page...
carrying NRA member. If an to rent a Trump apartment in ESPANOLA
openly-gay governor could help New York City always got the
him win a swing state, Trump tour. But the “C” for ‘Coloured’, 20th Year Anniversary Sale
would forget for a moment he’s added to your application by the
anti-LGBT and French kiss the building manager, meant you 20 years of business, the jean percent off two pairs of jeans.
guy at a rally. never got the lease. store has been serving the For the men—they have a
Only half of Trump’s base are If you’re a Latino voting for community for over 44 years. huge selection of tops and
gun-loving, God-fearing, pissed- Trump you’re one of his greatest Jean Country has expanded hoodies, KARV & RUFEN
off, uneducated whites who accomplishments. He hates you to include shoes, boots, Brand, all clearing at $29.95.
applaud his every move to blow too, but he has so often and so handbags, jewellery, and For every purchase in the
up Washington. loudly characterized Democrats accessories. To celebrate their month of November you can
The other half of his support as Socialists, you now believe it. 20th Anniversary, they are enter your name to win a $200
comes from selfish opportunists And by “Socialist” you equate offering women 20 percent Gift Certificate. Sale lasts
with all the vision of a tunnelling dictators like Fidel Castro and off one pair of jeans and 40 until the end of November.
vole. If they’re rich and Trump Hugo Chávez, monsters you fled
gave them a tax cut, then they’re from in relocating to America. 400 Centre Street, Espanola 705-869-0347
only too happy to overlook the If you’re a religious Republican Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
facts that he’s never paid taxes, for Trump you need to come up
used his charity for personal gain with an Eleventh Commandment Manitoulin Trade Fair Cancelled
and created a money-making because he’s pretty much
scheme called Trump University, shredded the previous Ten. COVID-19 has led to the relating to COVID-19, it was
which in the end paid a $25 If you’re someone with a felt that there was too much
million settlement to the students member of the military in the cancellation of another major uncertainty for the event to
who had been scammed. family, vote for him knowing move ahead.
In other words, if Trump moves that by extension, you are a event on Manitoulin Island. The annual event attracts
your personal needle just a bit, “sucker” and a “loser”. hundreds of vendors and
you’re more than willing to Tuesday is election night, but the The LaCloche Manitoulin thousands of visitors to the
overlook the avalanche of scum real fight to save America will Manitoulin Island every two
and scam that’s washing over be fought in the coming weeks, Business Assistance years.
all of his other dealings. So who months and years. With Biden The corporation is hoping to
would vote for Donald Trump ahead by ten points or more - Corporation, commonly called be able to put plans into place
and a second term in office? what could possibly go wrong! for 2022.
Thank God, nobody I know In what country does a woman LAMBAC, has cancelled the
personally. presidential candidate win by
A woman voting for Trump 3 million votes and lose the biennial event, the Manitoulin
should first have to check her presidency to the guy who came
dignity at the door and then second? America. Trade Show, which was to
explain to a young daughter or “Are you ready for war,
granddaughter how she supports November 4?”, better frighten take place in May of next year.
a man who brags about groping even the most dismissive and
women in public and getting smug among us. The release states it was a tough
away with it because he’s Any of the ten books written by
famous. William Thomas are available at call, but due to the concerns
Ablack person voting for Donald
Trump should do so knowing Comments: williamjthomas@
that any person of colour seeking
Around&About October 27, 2020 Page 3
Sacred Heart Music Program Receives Generous Gift
Photo: Sacred Heart Principal Syndy Withers had students make a big sign being able to offer instrumental music in the children of our
to mark the receipt of a $1,800 cheque from VISTA Radio and the Moose music to all of our grade 7/8 community,” said Russell.
99.3FM – CJJM Espanola with the funding going towards the purchase of students. Even though we “I have long admired Jodi
more musical instruments for the school’s music program. This is the second can’t make music in the same Bourcier and her hard work
of two donations of $1,800 each made to the school for the program, part room right now, you will still with the students in the music
of the mandate of VISTA radio in advocating and supporting community be hearing from the Sacred programs at Sacred Heart.
initiatives and programming. (Photo provided) Heart bands this year,” said You can tell she and the kids
Music Teacher, Jodi Bourcier. absolutely love what they
“Music is what makes The do. Knowing they will have
Moose what it is and we know more instruments to share
our listeners love the classics, the music is wonderful.”
as well as the variety of new As part of VISTA’s mandate, the
music we provide to them on Canadian Content Development
a daily basis. That’s a big part Contributions and Eligible
of being the morning host, Initiatives allow the company
talking to fans and sharing to make contributions for the
the music. This funding is a development of Canadian
wonderful way to support the musical talent.
discovery and exploration of
For the second year in a row are happy to support the music LaCloche Community
program at Sacred Heart so the Safety And Wellness Survey Underway
Sacred Heart Catholic School school will be able to make
even more music,” said Russell.
in Espanola is the recipient of This marks the second year in The LaCloche communities are It also asks participants what
a row that Sacred Heart has
a special donation from Moose been recipient of an $1,800 working on a community safety they believe are the community
gift from VISTA Radio.
FM CJJM 99.3-Espanola. Principal Syndy Withers and wellbeing plan and are safety and well-being priorities
was ‘very excited’ to
Moose FM CJJM hear and share the news. seeking input from residences in their communities.
“In a time with so much bad
99.3-Espanola’s parent news, it was truly a blessing and businesses. The information is being
to learn of this generous
company, VISTA Radio, has contribution to our school’s Thesurveyisbeingconductedin collected by the Community
music program,” said Withers.
certain obligations under the “Sacred Heart School is grateful several communities including Safety and Well-being
to VISTA Radio and Moose
licensing agreement with the 99.3FM for this donation. This Espanola, Webbwood, Massey, Committee to obtain
is the second time we have
Canadian Radio-television been the beneficiary of such McKerrow, Nairn Centre, demographic information
generosity and we thank all those
and Telecommunications who contributed to enhance this Sagamok Anishnawbek First associated with responses to this
vital program,” added Withers.
Commission(CRTC) and as “Running a quality music Nation and any unincorporated survey and to develop initiatives
education program comes with
part of that mandate, there considerable costs to purchase communities in the North to enhance community safety
and maintain instruments. This
is a requirement to support donation from The Moose Shore. and well-being.
keeps us one step closer to
local community initiatives. Wide-reaching in scope, the Fill out the survey here:
With this in mind, Moose survey asks questions about https://www.emailmeform.
99.3 Morning Host and health issues, poverty, policing com/builder/form/
Regional Reporter, Rosalind and much more. T6C9oLpA8bb2bVMe0eeGcb
Russell, nominated the
Sacred Heart music program
for an $1,800 donation. No Santa Claus Parade in Espanola
“A portion of revenues must
go to community initiatives There will be no Santa Claus parade, be put towards a Lighten
as part of our agreement with Parade in Espanola this year Up COVID campaign instead.
the CRTC, and it is definitely because of the pandemic, but Council likes the idea of people
a highlight, not only for the Mayor Jill Beer wants council decorating for the season.
recipient but also for us, as a and staff to look at other ways Beer would still like to see
broadcast company, to give to mark the Holidays. if a virtual parade is possible
back to our communities. We Leisure Services Manager with businesses, charities and
Nicky Lamothe – Publisher/General Manager Joel Yusko told council the groups putting together floats
STAFF COVID-19 restrictions prevent or decorations with people
Andrew Vondette – Director of Publication & Design
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Murielle Leblanc – Director of Office Supply Sales large numbers of people coming viewing them online or a drive
Rayann Muncaster – Director of Production together and with the parade by parade.
Vickie Trahan – Bookkeeper
705-869-6883 Jaymie Muncaster – Digital Content Creator involving dozens of participants Council passed the motion
Rosalind Russell – News Correspondent
email: [email protected] Bill Leeney – Graphic Designer and hundreds of onlookers, cancelling this year’s parade,
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC.
Distribution by Around & About there is no alternative but to but other alternatives will be up
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. cancel. for discussion at a meeting later
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights He also suggests that the $1,200 this month.
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in that is already budgeted for the
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Around&About October 27, 2020 Page 4 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Espanola HospitalAuxiliary Craft & Gift Sale – Huge Sale – Saturday,
October 31st from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Espanola Mall.
CHIROPRACTIC Webbwood Eagles Spaghetti Dinner - November 7 from 4:30 to
ASSISTANT NEEDED 6:00 pm TAKEOUT ONLY. Tickets available at the eagles club Friday’s
and Saturday’s 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Please follow all Covid 19 protocol.
Candidate works front desk and is responsible for Espanola Helping Hand Food Bank - now accepting monetary
greeting, scheduling patients, answering phones, data donations by Interac e-Transfer. [email protected]
entry and ling, etc. Must be an enthusiastic, positive, Do you have a NOTE for the Community? We invite not-for-profit organizations
organized individual with a willingness to learn. Great
to submit information on their upcoming events in writing no later than
customer service skills are paramount. Excellent Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit. E-mail: [email protected]
computer abilities are a must.
*Hours per week are approximately 23.
Please e-mail a resume including 3 references to Recipe
[email protected] This is one of those recipes
that I don’t have exact
705-869-6883LPRPSoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! measurements for. It varies
depending on how many
SERVICES FOR RENT potatoes you use and how
seasoned you like your
ROGER PICHETTE BUILDING OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - 87 Center wedges. So, feel free to adjust according to your taste. The
CONSTRUCTION – Over 45 St Espanola. Available Nov 01-20. H & R procedure is a bit different than the usual because you put the
years in the trade. Book your winter Block office location. Heat & Hydro incl. prepared wedges into the freezer before cooking. The theory
projects now. 705-865-1128, or cell Email: [email protected] ph is that the cold helps the potatoes release extra starch (that you
705-862-1554. 12/22 705-822-6814. 11/10. drain off), making them crispy when they are cooked. I make
these often and love them dipped in ketchup!
Pellets, Deer Feed, and a variety of Crispy Potato Wedges
bird feed in stock. 416 Lee Valley Rd. FOR SALE - Chevy Impala LS includes
705-865-9996. 11/3 new tires, brakes, rotor and pads. Includes • 4 medium to large potatoes
PHYSIOTHERAPY OFFERED winter tires. Selling as is. Needs little to (if using new potatoes, I don’t peel them)
BY MARILYN WITTMANN - certify. Asking $1775.00 Call 705-869-
Located at Physio Moves in the 8318. 11/17 • Olive oil to coat (I often use a flavoured olive oil)
Espanola Hospital. Accepting new FOR SALE – Firewood for sale, Ash, • Salt
patients. WSIB and MVA patients Poplar. Call Andrew Martin, Massey, • Pepper
welcome. Acupuncture available. 705-865-9904. 11/17. • Garlic powder
Visit for FOR SALE – Honda Civic, 4 winter • ½ tbsp turmeric
services, rates, and hours, or call 705- wheels, Bridgestone/Blizzak 205-55-R16- • 1 tbsp smoked paprika or paprika
988-3737. 11/24 - R 91R. Used one winter. $750.00 or best • Additional olive oil
ESPANOLA SELF STORAGE – offer. Call 705-822-7880. 10/27, 11/10. Cut each potato in half and then cut each half into 4 wedges. Place
6x8 and 8x10 Storage units available potatoes into a large sealable Ziplock bag. Add to bag enough
in Espanola. Located behind the car FOR SALE - 2011 Toyota Rav 4. olive oil to coat potatoes, a good sprinkle of salt, a couple shakes
wash. Call 705-869-8405. 11/24 - R Certified. has factory towing package. of pepper, 1-2 tsp garlic powder, turmeric (because it’s good for
summer and winter tires. Asking you), and paprika. Seal the bag and massage the potatoes until
$11,900. Also for sale; men’s Italian they are coated. Place bag in the freezer for 30 minutes. Remove
TOTAL CONTRACTING steel toe work boots. New, waterproof, from freezer and poke holes into the bottom of the bag with a
SERVICES - Carpentry, renovations, size 8.5. Paid $250.00, asking $150.00. knife and drain off liquid into sink. On a parchment sheet lined
painting, drywalling, tile & grout, Call 705-844-1142. 10/27 cookie sheet, spread out the wedges and drizzle with additional
flooring, bathrooms, siding, windows, olive oil. Bake at 400 degrees until brown and cooked through.
steel & shingle roofing, decks, tree
cutting, dump runs. Call 705-936- FOR SALE – Limited amount of Moose
6160 11/3 - R drywood, and kindling for backyard Corner
fires. Also 2007 650 V-Twin Kawasaki
Brute Force. Excellent condition. Call THE KINDNESS CRUISER ... IF SOMEONE HAS BEEN KIND, LET US KNOW!
MINI-EXCAVATOR FOR HIRE/ Greg 705-822-4734. 11/03 Our Kindness program was so successful, it has now been extended until the end of October. If you
RENT – Daily and weekly rates. know someone who has been kind in the local area, private message Roz or call her at
Affordable float fee’s. All your HELP WANTED 705-869-NEWS (6397)so we can surprise them ... employers, employees, volunteers, neighbours,
excavation needs. Incl Blueskin/ family and friends, even the kids ... no GOOD DEED SHOULD NOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED ... so let's git
wetbasements,. Fully insured. 30+ er done! IT'S OUR WAY OF SAYING THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!!!
years. 705-863-0095. 12/1 HELP WANTED - H & R Block
NORTH CHANNELCARPENTRY Espanola seeking Tax preparers. Apply Around&About October 27, 2020 Page 5
– All your carpentry needs. Drywall, at Canadian Tax
siding, windows & doors. Custom course\H & R Block Tax Academy.
garage packages & sheds. Fully Online only. Ph 705-869-0513.
insured, 30+ years. 705-863-0095. HELPWANTED – 2 laborers’required
12/1 for snow removal, on call. Drivers
License preferred. Please call Jeff for
more details. 705-670-4552. 11/10.
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Phone: (705) 865-2646 Fax: (705) 865-2736
Email: [email protected]
11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON, P0P 1P0
{Planning Act Section 34(13)} TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers passed By-law No. 2020-41 on October 14, 2020,
Sables-Spanish Rivers will hold a public meeting in order to consider an under Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990.
amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2010-51. The public PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the zoning by-law is to
meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the regulate the use of land, buildings and structures and applies to all
Massey and District Community Centre & Arena, at 455 Government properties in the Township. The amendment updates the comprehensive
Road, Massey, Ontario. zoning by-law. The effect is to permit development throughput the
File No. ZBA 20-02 Township where it complies with the zone regulations in the zone in which
The purpose for the amendment would be to allow for increased lot the property proposed for development is located. The amendment updates
coverage, reduced interior side yard setback, reduced front yard setback the comprehensive zoning by-law by the addition of new definitions,
with road frontage and an accessory building in the front yard in the updates to home based businesses and parking regulations, by introducing
Resource Recreation zone. The property is described as Victoria new regulations for storage containers, by the addition of a new agricultural
Township, Section 18, Parcel 18-4, Plan 53R-8966 Part 1, at 446 zone, by broadening the scope of permitted uses and to implement new
Waterfalls Road. policies in the official plan. A key map is not attached to this notice since
The land subject of this application is not subject of any other application the zoning by-law applies to the entire municipality.
under the Planning Act. APPEAL - The last date for filing a notice of appeal of the by-law is
TAKE NOTICE that if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township November 16, 2020. Any such appeal must be filed with the clerk of the
of Sables-Spanish Rivers on the proposed application, you must make a municipality and must set out the reasons for the appeal and must be
written request to the Clerk of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers. accompanied by the fee required by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
To appeal the decision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, send an Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the
appeal form to the Clerk of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an
outlining the reasons for the appeal. You must enclose the applicable unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be
appeal fee for each application appealed, paid by cheque, made payable to filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the
the Ontario Minister of Finance. group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be added as a party to
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person
decision of the Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers to the of public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written
Local Planning Appeal Tribunal but the person or public body does not submissions to the Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers or, in
make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person
to the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers before the bylaw is passed, the or public body as a party.
person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION related to the zoning by-law
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public amendment is available at the municipal office at 11 Birch Lake Road,
meeting, or make written submissions to the Township of Sables-Spanish Massey, during regular office hours.
Rivers before the decision is made, the person or public body may not be Dated this 27th day of October, 2020
added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Tribunal, unless in Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator
the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding this application is available at NOTICE
the municipal office at 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey during regular office ALL CEMETERIES UNDER THE OPERATION OF
Dated this 27th day of October, 2020
Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator The Corporation of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers has submitted
by-laws to the Registrar of the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act,
MASSEY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION NEWS 2002. Any interested parties may contact Ruth Clare at Tel: 705-865-2646
REMEMBRANCE DAY for information, or to receive copies. By-laws or amendments may be
reviewed or copied at 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON.
It is that time of year for supporting those who fought for our freedom and These by-laws are subject to the approval of the Registrar, Funeral, Burial,
their dependents. You can do this by supporting our annual poppy and Cremation Services Act, 2002. Telephone: Bereavement Authority of
campaign by purchasing a wreath or making a donation to the poppy fund, Ontario 647-483-2645 or 1-844-493-6356
of which all the money stays in the Poppy Fund. If you purchase a wreath
it will be laid before the service. Only Government wreaths will be laid at WINTER PARKING
our shortened service. We ask that the general public DO NOT ATTEND
due to Covid restrictions. A list of donations will be read at the service. With the winter season soon to be upon us, this is a reminder that pursuant
Please stop where ever you are at 11:00 a.m. on November 11th and take to Bylaw 2009-40 no persons shall park a vehicle on any municipal road
2 MINUTES OF SILENCE to remember our fallen comrades. allowance between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m., or during other periods
Please contact Margaret Ann Behm, Poppy Chairman at 705-865-2112 if of snowplowing operations, from November 1st to March 31st, except for
you wish to make a donation. emergency and health care vehicles.
Around&About October 27, 2020 Page 6 Any vehicles interfering with snowplowing operations may be towed away
at the owner’s expense.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our roadways clear!