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Published by Around&About, 2018-04-10 10:15:16

Around & About April 10, 2018 Issue 15, Vol 22


Check out our
April Flyer online

Pricing Valid until April 30 2018, unless noted

Time for new tires?
Kingston® DataTraveler®
DTIG4/16GB 16 GB 16.99 ea.
DTIG4/32GB 32 GB 29.99 ea. 24 EQUAL MONTHLY
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27811-30017 4 Pack 18.59 pk. CE410A #305A 120.99 ea.
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12”W x 15”D x 10”H CF280A #80A 146.69 ea.
850 lbs Stacking Strength CF283A #83A 107.99 ea.

Very Competitive Pricing

50/ctn. April 10, 2018 Issue #15 - Volume 22
Reg. $73.99
School Boards to Proceed
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES ® Call for your BEST VALUE with Construction of
on paper TODAY !
Coffee New Catholic Schools in
StSaerebpuacgkes7® Espanola

2018 Yamaha
Kodiak 450

from $39 weekly

on approved credit !

[email protected] The Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel- *See in store for details.
Ontario (CSCNO) and the Huron-Superior Offer expires on
SEASON’S Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) June 28, 2018
trustees have approved the construction of
septic service a joint facility that will enhance French and EU2000i Honda
English Catholic education in Espanola.
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs The $25.2 million provided by the Ministry 1149Generator
of Education will allow the construction of
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G two distinct schools on the current Sacred ONNOLWY $
705-869-2448 Heart School and former St-Louis de + Freight, PDI & Taxes
705-356-3444 France Catholic Church properties. This WOW
1-800-587-3599 shared site will accommodate students from
Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School
(kindergarten to grade 8) as well as students
from École Saint-Joseph (kindergarten to
grade 8) and École secondaire catholique
Franco-Ouest (grade 9 to 12). Construction

Continued on page four...

The One Tot Stop - A.B.Ellis Site has 1X6X8 TG Reg $29.99
Infant,Toddler,Preschool and School COTTAGE CEDAR
28.97ON SALE
Age Child Care spaces available. *ALL CASH & CARRY. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST.
Call Paula at 705-869-3282
for more information. Per bundle 14 sq ft/bundle

Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •

AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Message To Aging To Baby Boomers – Don’t!

Serving Certified Technician Spring is meant to make us feel young the way we once battled authority. But
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 again. Dandelions, a symbol of there comes a time when all age deniers
Business resurrection. The nesting of birds, a sign are forced to fish or cut bait. (No, not
Mobile of rebirthing. Me? My back aches from the Early Bird Fish Fry! Order the Spring
pulling those damn weeds and cleaning Chicken Dinner and then leave before it
Sales & Service bird crap off my windows. I feel old. arrives.) My seminal moment as a birth
But I can’t. I’m not allowed to. I’m a date disbeliever came at a small diner
BBOOWWLLIINNGGPPiinn55 Baby Boomer. We are not aging. We where I stopped for a bowl of soup at
VENTURE are gaining life-enhancing experience lunch. Like the best of the booth eateries,
LANES • ESPANOLA and end-game wisdom. And for those this was decked out in checkered table
of us not good at math – seventy is the tops and tacky humour.
Now taking bookings new fifty! We no longer dread old age Next to the clock: “Our clock can never
for Parties/Events homes because now we have assisted be stolen. Our employees are always
living centres like Cloud Nine and Fading watching it.” And above the kitchen
52 Mead Blvd 705-869-2450 Embers. Sounds great! Makes you want door: “Eat here and diet home.” Over
to strap a dirt bike motor to your walker the urinal in the men’s room was a sign
Open 11-11 Mon, Wed-Sun Closed: Tues so you can get there faster! that said: “We aim to please so—please
In denying my aging as best I can, I’d aim!” It looked like the paint was peeling
To see our latest Monthly Deals sooner starve than dine at a restaurant off the sign due to a downpour of acid
offering an early bird special. I’d rather rain.
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage pay eight bucks for a bucket of popcorn So I finish my bowl of soup, beef barley
Independently owned and operated rather than ask for the senior citizen’s with extra crackers and it was very good.
discount on a movie ticket. And don’t get At the cash register, I ask for a bottle
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 me started on coupons. Those things are of water and two oatmeal cookies to Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 ‘age ID cards.’ You might as well produce go. The waitress is young, bored and
your birth certificate as a discount coupon obviously laboring in a place well below
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 at the supermarket. her station in life. I’m sure she’s an
Fax: (705) 869-6299 Like most Boomers I am fighting aging
Continued on page three...

RON RIVET “Quality Workmanship, for
all your Building Needs”
 Framing •No Appt Needed Oil Changes
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout •Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
Cleaning Cleaning …and much more! 20 McCulloch Dr (Behind the Mall) 705-862-1914 (705)-583-2199 705-822-0839

[email protected] Bonnie Meier
[email protected]
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
For all your Real Estate needs
Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to Serving Espanola
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex.
& Surrounding Area 705-692-4152

•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry Don’s Electric

•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh (705) 869-0511
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS Cell (705)-862-0753
Monday 9-5
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies Email: [email protected]
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5

91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880

Around&About April 10, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

Sacred Heart Daycare Centre Volunteers Required for an Espanola
Recreation & Culture Advisory Committee
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL By Rosalind Russell - The • Minor Sports (i.e. hockey,
Town of Espanola is looking soccer, minor ball, skating)
SPACES AVAILABLE! for members of the public • Special Events (i.e.
to sit on the new Espanola experience in organizing
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify Recreation & Culture cultural, athletic or artistic
For more information, please call Advisory Committee. events)
According to the posting at • Culture (theatre, choir,
705-869-3171, this committee music)
will serve to strengthen • Seniors (55+) and increase recreation and • First Nations
cultural opportunities, and • Not for profit Recreational
Continued from page two... strive to improve the quality Service (Golf Club, Ski Club,
of life and experience for all Curling)
actress yearning for the day at sixty years of age. residents and visitors. • Private sector (i.e. personal
that Lorne Michaels walks into “Yes, that discount thing will Recreation and culture is trainers, class instructors,
the joint and she quickly dons work,” I said, putting down broadly defined to include bowling alley)
a red wig and throws herself the five and the loonie and sport, arts and culture, indoor • Library volunteer (board
straight into Lucille Ball’s reaching for the bag with and outdoor leisure, festivals member or Friends of the
Vitameatavegamin routine. the bottle of water and two and community events. Library)
In the meantime, she’ll bide cookies. Then she pulled The new committee is one of One member of council will
her time by cracking gum and the bag back, just out of my the many recommendations sit on the committee and be
jokes at the same time. reach. made within the new 10 considered a voting member.
“That’ll be $6.25, sir.” I used “I’ll need some ID,” she said. Year Recreation Plan, which Application forms are
to enjoy being called a “sir” Oh, that was just plain nasty! passed into law in the fall of available at the Municipal
but ever since I turned 60, I I couldn’t say I had no ID, last year. Office or can be downloaded
resent it. I was sure she was she’d seen all my cards when Members must reside in from the website:
being sarcastic. She said “sir” I opened my money clip. Espanola. The deadline is April 12,
but she meant “old sport.” She accepted my driver’s To the greatest extent possible, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
From my money clip, I peeled licence and loud enough for public representation will be Submit the applications
off a five dollar bill. From everybody to hear, she said: multi-sectored and include at the Municipal office,
the same pocket I fished out a “October 18, 1946.” Then representation from the 100 Tudhope St, Ste 2, via
loonie. Six dollars. No more. she popped the till and tossed following stakeholder groups: email to town@espanola.
Damn! I’m twenty-five cents a nickel on the counter. • Youth (13-18 yrs) ca or by fax to 869-0083;
short. I spot a cup of pennies “Just as I thought,” she said. • Health Promotion (i.e. FHT, Attn: Espanola Recreation &
on the counter. “Take A Penny. “So you knew all along I was Health Unit, Mental Health) Culture Advisory Committee.
Leave A Penny.” I’m thinking a senior citizen?”
empty the cup, put twenty-five “No, Libra,” she said. Espanola OPP And Espanola Police Service
pennies on the bill and leave “Forgetful.” Holding A Gun Amnesty
the rest as her tip. Man, she was clever. She
“I thought I had enough really was working way By Rosalind Russell - A in weapons that have been
money,” I said. “I usually only below her pay grade! Gun Amnesty is being held used in the commission of
have soup.” I grabbed my bag just as she by police services, both a crime and no anonymous
“Yeah, but there’s the water said: “Would you like to provincial and municipal, submissions will be accepted.
and cookies,” she said, holding join our Early Bird Eaters across Ontario, during the The gun amnesty is for any
up the bag. Club? They get all kinds of month of April. Ontario resident who wishes
“Okay, why don’t I leave the discounts.” That’s when I left The Espanola OPP and the to voluntarily surrender
water and . . . .” … with the nickel! Espanola Police Service unwanted or illegally-
“I already rang it in,” she said, As a Baby Boom age denier, are also taking part in the owned firearms, weapons,
now tapping her foot to the I’d been outed by a spiked- initiative. accessories or ammunition.
rhythm of her snapping gum. hair, twenty-something During the amnesty, police Interested gun owners can call
“Maybe you want the Senior waitress with enough will not recommend weapons- the OPP or their local police
Citizens’ Discount. It’s twenty rings and studs to rig up a related Criminal Code charges service to arrange for officers
percent off.” Damn! Nailed clothesline. The real tip here: that might otherwise apply to retrieve the weapons.
to the wall by the invisible “Stay out of diners with wise- to people who are turning in Under no circumstances
coupon! ass waitresses and tomorrow these items. should anyone deliver guns or
Then she hit a couple buttons will be the first day of the rest Police note no amnesty is ammunition directly to police
on the cash register and of your strife, sorry life.” offered for people who turn facilities.
said: “That would make it
$5.95. You got enough for For comments, ideas and
that.” I wondered if she was copies of The Legend
being nice in offering me the of Zippy Chippy, go to
discount or she just pegged me

A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About April 10, 2018 Page 3

Rainbow Schools Receive Student Voice Continued from front page...
Speakup Project Grants
School Boards to Proceed with Construction
Innovative projects are being Mental Well-Being Support of New Catholic Schools in Espanola
implemented in Rainbow Training Session in February
Schools thanks to funding on how to provide their peers
provided through the Ministry with supports in connection with
of Education’s Student Voice mental health.
strategy. Rainbow Schools Little Current Public School will
will share a total of $16,930 in host an Anishinaabe Culture Day.
SpeakUp Project grants in the “It’s very gratifying when students
2017-2018 school year. identify a need in their school, get
Students will lead projects that together to brainstorm ideas, take
make a difference in their schools the initiative to apply for funding,
while supporting the province’s and roll up their sleeves to take
renewed vision for education - action,” said Rainbow District of the schools is slated to begin while ensuring the respect of
achieving excellence, ensuring School Board Chair Doreen this spring. The site will also linguistic differences. We are
equity, promoting well-being Dewar. “We thank the Province of include 50 day care spaces in proud to know that all of our
and enhancing public confidence Ontario for valuing student voice each school. students from kindergarten
– and Rainbow District School andgivingstudentsanopportunity This project came together through grade 12 will now be able
Board’s strategic directions – to be active participants in their after the Ministry of Education to study and grow together in the
reaching minds and touching education through the SpeakUp encouraged school boards same learning establishment,”
hearts. grants.” operating in Espanola to work said Mr. André Bidal, President
While each SpeakUp project “With the support of the Ministry together to address student of the Conseil scolaire catholique
varies from school to school, of Education, we have a number accommodation needs in the du Nouvel-Ontario.
the initiatives have one thing in of exciting projects taking area. The goal is to maximize “This is great news for our
common - they are intended to place for the benefit of students the use of space while ensuring students, staff and the community
promote student engagement and in Rainbow Schools,” added that all students continue to have of Espanola. This new facility
student success, whether the focus Director of Education Norm access to the best programming will enhance the learning
is on mental health and well-being Blaseg. “We commend students, possible in quality school experience for all students, both
or Indigenous education and our with the support of the province, facilities. English and French,” added Mr.
collective commitment to truth administrators, teachers and “This joint project will enhance John Caputo, HSCDSB Chair.
and reconciliation. parents/guardians, for leading Catholic education in Espanola Supplied by CSCNO/HSCDSB.
Espanola High and Manitoulin initiatives that promote well-
Secondary took part in a Peer being and foster student success.”

Espanola It’s Back To The Drawing Board … Again
Lions Club For Espanola Fire Hall

Would like to invite you to our By Rosalind Russell - Espanola washrooms.
70th Charter and Annual Awards Night council wants to go back to Council discussed the various
square one when looking at the concepts back and forth, but
The Espanola Lions Club is Celebrating its design of a new fire hall for the are rejecting the two-storey
town. concept.
70 Charter and Annual At the last committee of The last engineering study
Awards Night the whole meeting in late suggested a two-storey
March, Councillor Bill Foster, building, but Foster says there
We would be delighted to have you join us suggested that Fire Chief Mike is simply too much wasted
Pichor come back with a layout space.
Saturday April 21, 2018 for an 8,000 square foot pre- Councillors agreed and Pichor
fabricated building. is expected to re-activate his
Cocktails at 5:30 Pinewood Motor Inn The new layout would also committee and come back to the
include Public Work offices and committee with a redesigned
sharing common areas, such as grid layout for a new fire hall.

Dinner at 6:30 378 Centre St., Espanola Moose
ON, P5E 1G3 Corner
$25.00 per person
Have an event coming up, a fundraiser, a charity gathering,
RSVP to Lion Bill Foster by phone at 705-869-3330 contact The Moose for complimentary mcing and assistance
or by email at [email protected] with your event ... let Roz help you put together your event,
by April 10, 2018 if you wish to attend.
call 705-869-6397 or email: [email protected]
We look forward to celebrating this important
milestone with you.

Around&About April 10, 2018 Page 4


Phone: (705) 865-2646 Fax: (705) 865-2736
Email: [email protected]
11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON, P0P 1P0

Concerning Applications for Consent
The Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers is accepting applications for the
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers will position of a Part-Time Fire Chief.
hold a public meeting on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., at the Township
Office, 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey in order to consider proposed applications for Reporting to the Clerk-Administrator and Council, the Part-Time Fire
Consent under Section 53 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990 as amended. Chief is responsible for the overall general and financial management,
Consent File No. C-18-02 direction and leadership of a volunteer Fire Department with 4 stations and
The purpose of this consent application is to allow for a new lot in the approximately 70 volunteer firefighters.
Rural zone. The property is described as Hallam Township, Concession 2.
Lot 2, Parcel 19568, # 691 Pleasant Valley Road. The position is also responsible for providing the community with safe and
The lands subject of this application is not subject of any other Planning reliable fire prevention and protection services while working with elected
Act application. officials and community organizations.
Consent File No. C-18-03
The purpose of this consent application is to allow for a new lot in the Requirements/Preferred Skills:
Rural zone. The property is described as Hallam Township, Concession 2. - Knowledge and experience in the areas of fire suppression, incident
Lot 11, Parcel 5081, # 1131 Lee Valley Road.
The lands subject of this application is not subject of any other Planning command, fire investigation, fire prevention and public education and
Act application. has working knowledge of the Ontario Fire Code and the Fire Protection
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Sables-Spanish and Prevention Act, Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act,
Rivers in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request NFPA related standards as well as municipal policies and procedures
to the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers. This will also entitle you to be - Experience in a leadership role within a Fire Department, and to work
advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. Even if you are the effectively in a team environment
successful party, you should request a copy of the decision since the - Valid Ontario DZ driver’s license, and satisfactory driving record
Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers decision may be appealed to the Ontario - Availability to work a variety of hours outside of regular business hours;
Municipal Board by the applicant or another member of the public. on-call 24/7; average office time is 25 hrs/wk.
To appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board, send an appeal form to
the Clerk of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers outlining the reasons for The full job description can be found on the Township’s website:
the appeal. You must enclose the appeal fee of $300.00 for each application
appealed, paid by cheque, made payable to the Ontario Minister of Finance.
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Township of Interested applicants may submit resumes to:
Sables-Spanish Rivers in respect of the proposed consent does not make written [email protected]
submission to the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers before it gives or refuses to Or mail to: 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON P0P 1P0
give a provisional consent, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding these applications is available at Resumes will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. on Friday, April 27, 2018
the municipal office at 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, during regular office hours.
Dated this 10th day of April, 2018 We appreciate the interest of all those who respond; however only those selected for an
Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator interview will be contacted. Information collected will be used in accordance with the
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of job
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY selection. The Township is an equal opportunity employer. Accommodations are
available upon request for all parts of the recruitment process in accordance with the
Once again we will be partnering with the Town of Espanola on Saturday, April Accessibility for Ontarians Disabilities Act.
28th, 2018 in holding a Household Hazardous Waste Day. Bring your items to
the Espanola Public Works Garage – 596 Second Avenue, Espanola between SUMMER STUDENT EMPLOYMENT
8:00am and 4:00pm. Please watch for flyers for more information. OPPORTUNITIES

BUSINESS SUCCESS AWARD - CALL FOR Applications for summer student employment are being accepted for
NOMINATIONS the Public Works Department
Employment is conditional upon approval of grant funding.
Do you know of a business in the Township that is deserving of Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
recognition? You can nominate them by: • returning to school on a full-time basis during the next academic year
(must provide proof of registration)
1. Picking up a nomination form at the Township • is a student in a secondary, post secondary, vocational or technical
2. Download a nomination form from the municipal website, program; priority is given to students in post secondary education
• drivers’ licence with clean drivers’ abstract is required • is legally entitled to work in Canada
3. Email your nomination to [email protected] Resumes will be received until 12:00 p.m., Friday, April 20, 2018
4. Please include your name, phone number, the name of the business you Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator
are nominating, and why you feel they are deserving of this award.
*Please ensure that your reasons are for actions and improvements taken CLEAN-UP DAYS
within the past year and that the business is located within the Township of
Sables-Spanish Rivers. Tipping fees at the Tennyson Landfill Site will be waived for all residential
Around&About April 10, 2018 Page A household waste on Thursday May 3rd and Saturday, May 5th, 2018 from
10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
Tipping fees will still apply for commercial or construction materials.


Massage Therapy
e Corporation of the Town of Espanola will be ushing all water
mains and re hydrants from: & Acupuncture

FRIDAY APRIL 27th, 2018 As of April 9th.
363 John St. Espanola.
Flushing will take place between the hours of 3:30pm and 11:30pm.
Flushing will commence in the South end of town (supply source) and To make an appointment call 705-863-3223.
[email protected]
progress North until all lines have been thoroughly ushed.

To nd out the daily ushing areas:
• Like us on Facebook
• Listen to radio station 99.3 MOOSE FM at
approximately 9:18 A.M. or 3:49 P.M.
• Check our website at
• Watch Community Channel 10



PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DOING LAUNDRY UNTIL 24 HOURS Community Luncheons - April 10 & 24 from 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. at the
AFTER FLUSHING HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN YOUR AREA. Lighthouse, Espanola (across from the Royal Bank). NO CHARGE,
Iron Out Rust Remover will be available at the Public Works Office at Community Art Project ‘A Day in the Park’ - begins on April 11th at
596 Second Avenue if required. the Espanola Public Library from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Call Jody for more
info 705 566 7653
Office hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Espanola Seniors Citizens Fundraiser – Thursday, April 12 at the
Drop In Centre, 799 Queensway Ave. At 11:00 am to 12:30 pm chili
JOEL YUSKO, A.Sc.T., C.R.S., ONTARIO CANADA and scone will be serve for lunch with tea or coffee.
Manager of Public Works St. George’s Church Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction
Phone: 705-869-1751 – Saturday, April 14 at the Espanola Legion, doors open at 4:00 p.m.,
596 Second Avenue Dinner at 5:00 p.m. for tickets call 705-869-3499.
Espanola, Ontario P5E 1C4 Penage Road Women’s Institute Friendship Morning – Saturday,
Email: [email protected] April 14 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek
Community Centre, Naughton. For Tickets call Pat 705-866-2145.
THANK YOU Royal Canadian Legion Service Officer - Sherry Culling, Service Officer is
coming the week ofApril 15. For more info contact Gary or Judy at 705-869-1711.
Thank You! Children’s Clothes Closet – Calvary Baptist Church, Espanola Wednesday,
April 18, 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. no donations needed at this time. Thank You
To everyone who entered our 4th Annual Fishing Derby in Community Tax Volunteer Clinic 2018 – Royal Canadian Legion
February and to everyone who par�cipated in our Roast Espanola, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. every Thursday until April 19. To see
Beef Dinner/Silent & Live Auc�ons on March 24th, 2018 if you qualify stop in to the Legion.
Spaghetti Supper - Massey Legion Branch 432, Friday, April 20 5:00
To the following sponsors and volunteers who helped make p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
these fundraisers so successful: Espanola Lions Celebrates 70 Years - Join us for a delicious roast beef
dinner, on Saturday, April 21, Pinewood Motor Inn, Georgian Room.
Albion Amusements Napa - Espanola 5:30 Social, 6:30 Dinner. Tickets - 705-869-3330.
B & D Auto Napa – Blind River & Elliot Lake SSRFD Home Fire Safety Info Seminar - Prevention, Detection,
Benson Auto Parts Nick’s Extinguisher demo. Everyone Welcome. Webbwood Eagles, April 23,
Big Deal O.J. Graphix 6:45 p.m. Massey Legion, April 30, 6:45 p.m. Walford Community
Brandy Gignac Pizza 17 Centre, May 3 6:45 p.m.
Burk’s Gas Bar Ltd. Rainbow Country Chrysler Massey Area Museum - Join us at Webbwood Eagles for our
Canadian Tire RBC Ham&Bean Dinner April 26, 2018 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Contact Edith 705-
Carol Hughes MP Robert & Noreen Clement 869-3069. Come visit our Escape Room for a couple of hours of fun.
Carolee Rheault Rona Contact Chris Berry at 705-562-6077 to ESCAPE!
Channel Charters Sandra Dillen & friends S. Geiger Public School Massey Spring Variety Show - THE LION
Charlie Smith San�enberg Construc�on ON THE PATH Two performances: Wednesday, April 25, 1:00 p.m. &
Chute’s Confec�onery Sudbury Theatre Centre Thursday, April 26, 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the school 705-
Clarence’s Fish Market Sundance Creek Knives 865-2052.
Coyote Woodworks Trail Side Sports Espanola Elk’s Membership Drive – During the month of April our table
Doug Dorion Ursula Robinson will be located between Dollarama & Freshco on Thurs-Fri-Sat, 1:00 -3:00
Espanola Home Hardware Valley Farm & Feed p.m. You can also call 705-869-1931 or 705-869-4302 for more info.
Family Hair Centre Venture Lanes Meat Rolls Off at the Espanola Legion - Come support Espanola Minor
Mary Dillen Walford Community Centre Soccer on Saturday afternoons beginning at 3:00 p.m. during the month of April.
Massey Wholesale McQuarrie Motor Products Inc.
McTwin Bait & Tackle Michael Mantha MPP Do you have a NOTE for the Community?

We are always in need of volunteers. To get your name & We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
telephone number on our volunteer contact list – please their upcoming events in writing no later than
email [email protected] Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
E-mail: [email protected]
Massey Agricultural Society

Around&About April 10, 2018 Page B

Jayson Stewart Producing New Local Film Recipes
– The Philanthropist
An old, classic recipe
A new film, The Philanthropist And, if you want to be a part of apparently made by the
by Massey filmmaker Jayson it, there is a way. Walk-ons are ladies who served school
Stewart, is being filmed needed and anyone who would lunches. These brownies
locally. like such a role is invited to are fudgy, chewy and totally
Stewart says the short film mark Mother’s Day in May amazing. These will satisfy
came to him in a dream and on their calendar. Filming any chocolate craving.
filming will take place in May will take place at the old log Lunch Lady Brownies
in Espanola and Gore Bay cabin behind OK Tire that • 1 cup butter, melted
featuring a small main cast. day. Around&About will have • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
The Philanthropist is strongly more details closer to the date. • 2 cups all-purpose flour
influenced by the surreal A couple of thousand dollars • 2 cups granulated sugar
worlds of David Lynch is needed to cover the costs of • 4 large eggs
(Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, making the film, so the public • 4 teaspoons vanilla extract
Lost Highway, etc.), a lot of can contribute by donating to CHOCOLATE FROSTING
Stephen King’s short stories the IndieGoGo campaign and • 1/4 cup butter, softened
and Neil Gaiman’s American earn film credit, on line and in • 1/4 cup milk (I use 2%)
Gods. print as well as in the film, and • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
Like a lot of their works, some other perks. • 3 cups powdered sugar
this short film, with a small To find out more, go to: http:// Preheat oven to 350° F. Line a 9x13-inch baking dish with
cast featuring Dylon Whyte, foil and spray foil with non-stick spray. Set aside. In a bowl
Autumn Buratynski, Heather Poster provided by Jayson add the melted butter and cocoa powder, stir or use a mixer to
Stevenson and Liliane Stewart blend until smooth. Add the flour and sugar, beat together. Add
Chrétien, deftly peels back the eggs and vanilla. Mix just until combined. Don’t over mix.
the real world we know (Batter will be thick)Pour batter into prepared baking dish and
to expose something... spread out evenly. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until toothpick
different, something inserted in center comes out clean. Remove brownies from
dangerously beautiful. oven and let stand 15 minutes before frosting. You want the
“For some characters in brownies still warm when you frost them!
the film, their problems FOR CHOCOLATE FROSTING: Beat together all the
in life are solved and they frosting ingredients until smooth. Pour and spread over warm
walk away with immense brownies. Let cool completely before cutting and serving.
riches,” explains Stewart.
“For others, they choose 79.99SPRING MAINTENANCE PACKAGE
a more sordid life $ PLUS TAXES
and never return from
their meeting with The INCLUDES:
FREE Emergency Auto Kit
Are you 18 years of age or older with a developmental (up to 5L reg. Oil only, synthetic extra)
disability? Would you or your family like to know more
about eligible services in the Espanola area? Community 51 POINT INSPECTION INCLUDING:
Living Espanola Passport Services can help you. Please call FRONT END & BRAKE INSPECTION
Kathy Ainslie, Passport Coordinator at (705) 869-0442, BATTERY & ALTERNATOR TEST
extension #30 or email [email protected] *licensed mechanic on duty

Drop in7or0ca5ll -to8b6oo9k -y0ou3r a3pp3ointment

Around&About April 10, 2018 Page 5


705-869-6883LPSRPoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! PICHÉ, Caroline Marie (nee Penner) of
Little Current passed away at Health
SERVICES Sciences North Hospital, Sudbury on
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at the age of 56
PHYSIOTHERAPY THE ESPANOLA ELKS years. Beloved wife of Roly Piché of Little
OFFERED BY MARILYN CATERING - We can now Current. Dear daughter of the late John &
WITTMANN - Located at supply you with a caterer that Stina (nee Mooller) Penner. Very dear
Physio Moves in the Espanola can accommodate groups of 200 sister of Martin Penner of Stratford,
Hospital. Accepting new +. For more information call Ontario, Cecilia Penner (Anita) of Victoria,
patients. WSIB and MVA patients 705-869-1931 or 705-869-4302. B. C., Robert Penner (wife Kimberley) of
welcome. Acupuncture available. Leave your name and phone Espanola & Jonathan Penner (wife Linda)
Visit for number. 4/24 of Lively. Many nieces, nephews,
services, rates, and hours, or call great-nieces & great-nephews and special
705-988-3737. 4/17 - R HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS friends Allan & Natalie Boucher also survive. A Memorial Mass was
COLOMBUS - Need something held at St. Jude Roman Catholic Church, Espanola on Saturday, April
REIKI ENERGY THERAPY fixed, painted, drywalled, built or 7th at 10:00 a.m. with Father Raymond officiating. Interment of
– John Fraser Reiki Master day flooring done, call me. Stephane ashes in the Espanola Cemetery. If so desired, Memorial tributes may
and evening appointments. Call Coulombe, 705-863-3434. 5/8 be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Arrangements by Bourcier
Escape to Serenity Spa to book -R Funeral Home Ltd. Espanola
705-869-0505. Distance healing
– 6x8 and 8x10 Storage units
AGAIN! Get your fire wood behind the car wash. Call 705-
before next winter. Dry Firewood 869-8405. 4/10 - R SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED
cut, split, delivered. Hardwood VETERANS TRANSPORTATION LTD. of
maple. More info, call Mina at TOTAL MAINTENANCE
705-865-3017, if no answer leave SERVICES: Plowing, carpentry, ESPANOLA are hiring
message, will call you back. 6/12. painting, steel & shingle roofing,
tree cutting, decks, landscape Part–Time SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS in Espanola &
GREATER THAN INTERIOR construction, yard maintenance, Massey Areas
& DESIGN OBC/BCIN dump runs. 705-936-6160 4/24
SPACE PLANNING – New Approximately 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM,
Construction ǀ Additions ǀ NOTICE Monday to Friday
Renovations – Mech ǀ Elect ǀ WAGES
Structural Engineering. Call Robert CHERYL’S MASSAGE • $17.00 per hour, plus an extensive Benefit Package after
Martel T : 705-525-4647|TFN : THERAPY & ACUPUNCTURE
844-488-4647|E : rmid@vianet. – NEW LOCATION as of April probation period is completed.
ca 5/22. 9th. 363 John St. Espanola. To (90 days or 3 months)
Please submit resume in person or by mail
RENTAL WANTED make an appointment call 705- Veterans Transportation Ltd
863-3223. cherylsmassage7@ Attn: Human Resources
RENTAL WANTED - Room 4/17 R 61 Hwy 6 P.O. Box 5281
and Board or 1 Bedroom Espanola, Ontario
Apt. Espanola only. Clean, HELP WANTED P5E 1S3
respectful, 18 year old working PHONE # 705-869-2250
student. Please call 705-862- NOW HIRING - Lead Cook
0548. 4/17 Position, Elliott’s Restaurant, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Manitoulin Island, Little
Current. Some cooking
FOR SALE experience & a passion for food
is required. Apply in person
FOR SALE – Hay for sale, 4 or email - elliottsrestaurant@
x 5 round bales. Call 705-865- 4/10
2338. 4/10

Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER

Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager

Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Richard Gagnon - Production
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production

Distribution by Around & About

The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
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Around&About April 10, 2018 Page 6


Caisse populaire Vermillon inc., located in the Northwest ESPANOLA REGIONAL HOSPITAL AND
region of Greater Sudbury, serves 7 241 members. It has HEALTH CENTRE
$254 millions in assets, including $152 millions in I.T. Tier II Technician
individual loans and 56 millions in business loans. Savings
total $239 millions (balance sheet, off balance sheet). The We are currently looking for a permanent full-time I.T. Tier
caisse employs 38 employees, in four locations, Azilda, II Technician. The successful candidate will administer
Chelmsford, Dowling and Espanola. and support the stable operation of the computer software
systems and network infrastructure to ensure high levels of
The incumbent serves members and customers who availability and security of the supported applications. This
require assistance with monetary and convenience includes planning, developing, installing, configuring,
transactions. He or she advises and assists members and maintaining, supporting, and optimizing all network
customers in selecting and using automation solutions, hardware and peripherals, software, and communication
and provides them with general information on Desjardins links. The person will also diagnose, resolve, and
Group's service offer. document hardware and software network problems in a
timely and accurate fashion, and provide end user training
- Permanent - Part-time and support where required.
Work locations: Espanola, Competition no.: R1804386 Qualified candidates will have 3-5 years’ experience
Closing date : April 27, 2018 working with computerized information systems with a
Applicants must be fluently bilingual, French and English, college diploma or university degree in the Information
spoken and written Technology field. Technical knowledge of servers,
network and computer operating systems, current
network hardware, protocols and standards, combined
with hands-on hardware/software troubleshooting
experience and strong communication skills are required.
Bilingual in French and English would be an asset. Travel
is required between Espanola and Blind River.
Please submit your resume and cover letter in
confidence to:
Human Resources Manager
Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre
825 McKinnon Drive
Fax (705) 869-4039
Email: [email protected]
Thank you for your interest. This position will remain
open until filled. Only applicants who have been
selected for an interview will be contacted.

Employment Opportunity

Temporary Part-Time Production Assistant Approx 13-18 Weeks or Longer

• 15-20 Hours Per Week • Retail sales experience an asset
• Must have a valid driver’s license • Office Administration an asset
• Must be capable of lifting 50 pounds • Experience with Word & Excel an asset
• Able to stand for long periods of time • Willing to be flexible with hours
• Must have excellent communication skills • References with contact information
• Must be personable & enjoy working with the public

Please submit resumes by April 13, 2018 OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES
Email resumes: [email protected]
or drop off in person to: 85 Centre Street, Espanola
Only those considered for the position will be contacted. Thank you for your interest.

PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About April 10, 2018 Page 7

Join ourparty! New look,
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KSBPIKEDEC24 Decaf Pike Place® ,Medium Roast 22.29 bx.

705-869-6883 85 Centre St., Espanola

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