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Published by Around&About, 2019-04-02 09:21:33

Around & About April 2-2019 Issue 14, Vol.23


Check out our
April Flyer online 90 Gray Street, Unit 3
Espanola, ON
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES 705.682.3362 Ext 900

PLUS FREIGHT, April 2, 2019 Issue #14 - Volume 23
Extra Funding Dollars

Spring To It!

Warning: ATVs can be hazardous to operate. Polaris adult models are for riders age 16 and older. For your safety,always
wear a helmet,eye protection and protective clothing,and be sure to take a safety training course. For safety and training
information in the the SVIA at (800) 887-2887. You may also contact your Polaris dealer or call Polaris at (800)
342-3764. For safety training in Canada,contact your local Polaris dealer. Polaris Industries Inc. © By Rosalind Russell - There could be Great selection of BBQ's, patio
almost a million dollars in additional furniture and so much more!
SEASON’S funding in the Town of Espanola’s
municipal budget. COPY - FAX -
septic service Council was pleasantly surprised when SECURE FAX
Deputy Mayor Bill Foster informed SCANNING SERVICES
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs them March 26th that there are dollars PHOTO PRINTING &
available for grants from both the OFFICE FURNITURE
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G federal and provincial governments, but
705-869-2448 it depends on how the money is spent. MONDAY-FRIDAY 9-5:30
705-356-3444 The Ford government is providing up to 705-869-6883
1-800-587-3599 $637,000 in funding for service delivery
and related programming and the 705-869-6883 85 Centre St., Espanola
federal Liberals are providing access to
$330,000 for infrastructure projects.
That’s good news for council, but Town
CAO, Cynthia Townsends says the
criteria will be reviewed and there are
some options available, which will be
discussed as part of the ongoing budget
Photo by Rosalind Russell


“The store for all your electronic and music needs” BIRCH PLY
Located in the Espanola Mall
Vintage Electronics & Sound (2008)


AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
A Circus
High Circulation • Competitive Rates
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883 Never Go Rhyming With A Cowboy Poet!

SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers My friend, Doris Daley, from Calgary, on?”

FREE ESTIMATES became the first Canadian ever to win the “Noise! It was like a bunch of bulls finally

Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally highest honour in poetry from the Academy figured out where them prairie oysters

of Western Artists in Texas. For her body of came from.”

work as a cowboy poet, Doris was awarded “Now did Ol’ Will present that there prize

the Will Rogers Award in Fort Worth, the hisself?”

first Canadian, male or female to win that “No, ya tinhorn. Will Rogers is deader than

New Clients Always Welcome top prize honour. Trigger but not nearly as stuffed.”

Formerly That made Doris at least for one year, the “Well it mustabin’like a real kick in the butt

greatest cowboy poet in the world. I called by a buckin’ bronco all the same.”

her as soon as I heard about the award. “Surprised? I was so surprised the snake

Singh Dentistry I don’t know why, but I get a little silly skin on my cowboy boots started crawlin’

whenever I talk to Doris in her language off the stage.”

of longhorns and lassos, coyotes and “So how’s it feel to be the greatest cowboy

Dr. Maninder Singh campfires. poet on this here planet’s prairie?”

Hours: FOR ALL OF “Hello Doris?” I said. I knew it was Doris “Great. Now I get to wear all my cowboy
Tuesday Closed because she answered with “Yippee yi yo duds and don’t have to do none of the
Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies yi yee.” work.”
Friday 9-5 Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam
“Well if that don’t take the icing off the “You must be higher than a buzzard trying
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
cookhouse cake,” I said. to fly over a sandstorm.”

AlwdraeyasmwGaanrtaegdet?hat “Well I’ll tell you what,” replied Doris, “my “Winnin’ that Will Rogers award … well
flabber was most completely ghasted.” I’ll tell ya, I’m just as happy as a short cow
FinCaanlcliunsg taovdaailya.ble
“Well it mustabin’ quite the rhymester’s in long grass.”

dang doo.” “Happier than a dog mostly stickin’ out the

“All of us cowboy entertainers were there, passenger window?”

reFnoovraAtLioLnynoeuerds. looking prettier than a herd of slick Hereford “I am udderly tickled.” cows fattened up in a field of sweet corn.” “Do they call you Miss Doris down in
*Reduced rate for low income seniors
“Mustabin’ one of them mugwump Texas?”
Don’s Electric
moments you won’t forget no matter how “Well yes they do but you know at my age,

(705) 869-0511 many barn doors hit you in the head.” I haven’t missed much.”

“Well there were hundreds of us cowboys “Any money come with the award?”

Cell (705)-862-0753 there, all puffed and powdered and “Are you kiddin’? Anything that I make

scrubbed for good to go to town. Then it all from poetry goes into my Mistletoe

E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119 went quiet.” account. I just kiss that money goodbye.”

Email: “So quiet, I bet you could hear a flea fart.” “Any gifts?”

&Plumbing Heating “Then they called my name and I just sat “No, but they named a mule after me down

there dazed as a dumb cow dog comin’ there. She’s called the Daley Grind ‘cause

outta the wrong gate.” she’s got long legs, a good rear end and

Jason Cowles “A petrified cowboy poet.” she’s so stubborn her husband’s name is

“Finally I found my wits and galloped on Alright Already.”

Serving Certified Technician stage like a mare running for the barnyard “Your rhymin’ career mustabin’ a rougher
Espanola & Area Business 705-583-3040
to get her morning oats.” road to hoe than a cart path full of potholes
Mobile 705-863-3332
Sales & Service “Lots of cheerin’ and slumguzzling goin’

Continued on page three...

Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage Kelly Ranta
Independently owned and operated
Mortgage Agent • Lic # M16001131

Cell: (705) 507-5771

Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 20 Second Ave. N
the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex. Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 Sudbury, ON P3B 3L6

Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 2 Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 Corporate O ce: 2005 Sheppard Ave. E., Suite 200, Toronto ON M2J 5B4 LIC# 10530
Fax: (705) 869-6299

A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883

Continued from page two... Carol Hughes’ Column -
Unpacking The Federal Budget
and cow patties. time saying goodbye to each
“I had to be tougher than a 50 other. The political theatre that will be allowed to work without
cent steak to survive some of “Happy trails, Doris, and lights overshadowed the delivery of the a financial penalty, but that isn’t
them rowdy readings.” out, like Roy and Dale.” budget may have helped insulate entirely true. The benchmark
“You’re one tough sourdough “Well ride easy, partner and the government from a more for claw-backs has gone up,
cookie, Doris.” look for the rhymes on the complete reaction to what has but there will still be claw-
“I like to think I’m free range, trail.” been described as an unfocused backs and it doesn’t address the
but I ain’t no spring chicken, “Git along lil’ doggie, Doris. attempt to shore up support bigger problem which is that so
that’s for sure.” Git along.” without allocating enough many seniors are struggling in
“When the big bucks start “Let the green grasses and resources to move important retirement. The same can be
comin’ home like a long lost gentle breezes prevail. Ride issues toward resolution. Lost in said for the increase in GIS top
herd of little heifers, you’ll be tall, ride true and try to stay out the commotion was the fact that up payments which could be
rollin’ in it.” of jail.” this is a disappointing budget for as much as $80 a month. It’s a
“I’m always rollin’ in it – that’s “Well, as the barbwire said Canadians who need help right start, but the government could
why cowboy poetry is like a to the staple gun – keep me now to make ends meet. have done much better. In the
longhorn steer. A point here and posted.” For Northern Ontario there are last campaign, New Democrats
a point there and whole lot of “Don’t take any wooden few specifics but what jumps proposed an increase that would
bull in between.” nickels, and don’t poke a pig off the page is the tiny sum have lifted 200,000 seniors out
“I suppose you’ll be buying a in the eye with a pointy stick.” of $6 million allocated to our of poverty with a more robust
bigger ranch now that you’re With that one Doris hung up. regional development agency, GIS. According to projections
more famous than Gene Autry Doris Daley lives in Sheep FedNor. If the government were in the budget, the government’s
and twice as alive.” River, Alberta with her husband pulling back on investments increase will help about a quarter
“I want a big ol’ Texas-style Al who’s also a cowboy poet. through these agencies entirely that number.
ranch. One with an oil well for Whether hiking the Rockies or it might not stick out, but the Infrastructure remains a
every gopher hole.” driving the U.S. poetry circuit Atlantic and Northern agencies priority for many Canadians
“Well Doris, I hope your success these two are happier than two received $67 million and $95 and there is money in this
doesn’t get too old. Like Minnie ticks on the bum of a burro. million respectively. It begs the budget that will not be parsed
Pearl said about marriage – at question, does the government through the Infrastructure
first it’s like getting’ into a hot For comments, ideas and copies have a vision when it comes to Bank, which is welcome
tub of water but after a while, it of The True Story of Wainfleet developing Northern Ontario’s news. A former assistant to the
ain’t so hot.” go to economy? What is welcome is Parliamentary Budget Officer
Doris and I always have a tough the money set aside for forestry, remains concerned however,
but the details of that aren’t that infrastructure spending
Students And Politicians Highlight spelled out and it remains to be has been relatively haphazard
World Down Syndrome Day seen exactly how much Northern and mostly driven by political
Ontario will see. expediency. He says the
Politicians, students and Students at École secondaire Underfunding is a common government still hasn’t created a
theme on issues that will national infrastructure program,
staff throughout the area catholique Jeunesse-Nord make a difference to First or clearly defined why they are
Nations. There is less money spending in any region or on
deliberately wore mismatched in Blind River and at other for Jordan’s Principle than specific projects.
what the experts deemed was Perhaps the biggest
socks Thursday, March 21st schools also wore mis-matched necessary. The money set disappointment was that there
aside for on-reserve water was nothing to move us toward
to highlight World Down socks. infrastructure the investment a universal publicly delivered
over the next five years doesn’t pharmacare program in the
Syndrome Day. This day aims to raise awareness come anywhere near the $2.5 budget. Even Conservatives are
billion the Parliamentary Budget agreeing with New Democrats
AMK MP Carol Hughes, and about Down Syndrome, how officer said was needed to that what was included in the
modernize and repair this critical budget will not deliver on
MPPS, Mike Mantha and people live with the condition infrastructure. There’s no new pharmacare. That money is
core funding for on-reserve only going to create an agency
France Gelinas, joined with and to focus on the great primary and secondary education that will replace the current two
and no new funding for on- agencies in approving drugs and
their NDP counterparts to wear contributions made by people reserve housing, despite urgent their pricing. Pharmacare has the
needs and enormous backlogs potential to transform the lives
their wacky socks. with Down Syndrome. for repair, construction, or mould of millions of Canadians who
detection and remediation. struggle to afford the medication
Some of the headlines this week they need. What is clear from
made it seem that seniors on the the budget, is that those who
Guaranteed Income Supplement struggle will continue do so.

A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 3

WINTER TIRE SALE!! Survive the Ride and EHS

BOOK NOW! Survive the Ride annual

FOR YOUR WINTER program implemented
by the Espanola and
Area Safety Coalition.

The class had some in-

class instruction led by

the North Shore Search

& Rescue Unit followed

Ford Government Must Ensure Wood by a trip out to Black

Creek where they were

Supply Access For Northern Mills, Forestry joined by representatives

Jobs: NDP from the Ministry of

QUEEN’S PARK — During “And just last week a 30 per Natural Resources,

question period on Tuesday, cent workforce reduction was emergency services and

NDP Northern Development announced at Midway Lumber OPP.

critic Michael Mantha said in Thessalon. What would you do if you Students found out
were out in the bush, the sun
the Ford government must “Will this government tell the is going down and it is the how to prevent hypothermia,
middle of winter?
ensure access to wood supply families from Fort Frances, Students at Espanola High build a fire, and other safety
found out a little bit about
for northern mills and forestry Thessalon and across the North, what it takes to survive in the measures.
wild in late February.
operations, to support the that it will ensure that mills and Dean Riggs at Espanola High The program was sponsored
says they took part in the
hundreds of jobs that depend on forestry operations have the by the Espanola Lions Club

them. wood they need to operate and and Tim Hortons’s in Espanola

Mantha said the future of support the hundreds of direct & McKerrow.

one mill in Fort Frances is and indirect jobs that depend on Photo: Students learn to build

in jeopardy, and another mill them?” a shelter. Photo provided by

in Thessalon is cutting jobs Mantha said that over the last Dean Riggs, EHS

because the Ford government is 15 years, mills and forestry

failing to allocate wood supply. operations have closed all over Mac’s Milk switching to Circle K and Esso

“Your government controls the Northwestern Ontario. That People in the Espanola area Milk outlets in Canada has
will notice a change at the been taking place across the
wood rights on crown lands. includes at least five in Thunder local Mac’s Milk. country, and is now underway
The confectionary store in Espanola.
It also has the legal obligation Bay, two in Dryden, two in and gas bar has been going Alimentation Couche-Tard
through a gradual change over acquired Mac’s in Quebec
to involve First Nation Kenora, one in Sioux Lookout the last couple of years from in 1993 and six years later,
Mac’s Milk to Circle K. bought the remaining 980
communities in meaningful and one in Fort Frances. The switch is now accelerating Mac’s, Mike’s Mart and
with a changeover to Esso this Becker’s stores.
consultations, but like the “Those closures came with week. Mac’s Milk Ltd. was founded in
Signage for the Circle K is 1961 by Ontario businessmen
Liberals, this government is devastating job losses that hurt also up, but there will also be Ken and Carl McGowen and
changes to the store front and the name changed to Mac’s
sitting on its hands instead of thousands of families,” Mantha logos in the near future. Convenience Stores in 1975.
It is all part of the head office, The rebranding also means the
taking action,” said Mantha, said. Alimentation Couche-Tard, introduction of new products,
rebranding of nearly a 1,000 including its house brand
MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin, Mantha reminded the Ford stores across Canada. coffee, across its network of
Branding of the Mac’s convenience stores.
during question period in the government that in 2014 when

legislature. the PCs were in opposition,

“A company wants to use wood they supported wood allocation

from the Crossroute Forest to to reopen the Fort Frances mill

bring back forestry jobs to Fort — only to reverse position now

Frances. The town contends and fail to come to the table.

another company is transferring Audio: https://www.dropbox.

Crown fibre from the Crossroute com/s/a8cec67tf1o9enp/Q8_

Forest to its other operations in Mantha_03-26-2019.mp3?dl=0

northwestern Ontario, contrary Video: https://www.dropbox.

to the terms in the Sustainable com/s/gv9xo2w0p8hjddu/Q8_

Forest License agreement. Mantha_03-26-2019.mp4?dl=0

The One Tot Stop Day Care, S. PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Geiger Site has expanded and we

now have infant spaces!

For more information, please call
Janice at 705-865-3281 or email
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: •

Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 4

Thousands Of Scams, Thousands Of Victims Economic Development Corporation
In The Works For Espanola

A number of people took part until March 27th.
in consultations on establishing Beer adds eventually, a
an economic development committee will be formed
corporation in Espanola. made up of herself, a councillor
Espanola Mayor Jill Beer says and five members of the public,
it is all part of a business case preferably those with business
study to establish a new entity leadership experience.
that will see the town and local The corporation would act as
business work together. an arm of the town in helping
The first step is underway. develop initiatives for the
Comments will be accepted economic growth of Espanola.

Using family members right away. Dart Tourney Raises Funds To Fight Cancer
For the link to the centre, go
to defraud seniors is fast to: www.antifraudcentre- or call
becoming a common scam by 1-888-495-8501 for more
information about scams and/
fraudsters. or to report one.
Photo provided by Rosalind
That’s the word shared by Russell: Moose FM’s Roz
Russell, Espanola OPP
Ormand Carnagie from Constable Marie Ford,
Ormand Carnegie, and
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre Branch 39 President Gary
Senior Supports to some 40

people who took in a seminar

at the Espanola Legion March


OPP Community Services

Officer, Constable Marie

Ford, says one local man was

defrauded for over $10,000

as a result of someone

faking they were his


She recommends

seniors give their

children and

grandchildren a safe

word, so they know Twenty-nine teams took part raised so far with a few more
in an annual dart tournament donations coming in.
when they are talking hosted by the Webbwood Dart The overall winners were
League and local Eagles club Joan Leeson and Brent
to a ‘real’ family to raise funds for the Northern Wohlgemuth.
Cancer Foundation based in The tournament was held on
member. Sudbury. the March 23rd weekend.
Organizer, Shelly Michon, Photos provided by Shelly
Carnagie adds if says nearly $1,200 has been Michon

someone thinks they

are being or have been

scammed, call the

centre and call police

For ALL your renovation needs. Hearing Solutions

Always wanted that dream Garage? for the Whole Family
Dream Kitchen? Our Audiologists Michael Blythe and
Jean Roveda have over 50 combined
Dream Spa Bathroom? years of clinical experience.
Call us today. Financing available Call 705.673.2885 to schedule your
hearing health assessment today!
*Reduced rate for low income seniors 825 McKinnon Drive. Espanola, ON

Conveniently located in the Espanola Hospital for over 20 years

PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 5


705-869-6883LPRPSoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! Thank You

SERVICES FOR RENT We would like to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and gestures of
kindness following the loss of our dear Husband, Father and Papa, Spence Wilson.
CONCRETE SERVICES FOR RENT – 1 bedroom upstairs We offer our heartfelt thanks to the many family and friends who visited our home and
– Contracting for residential, apartment for rent in Espanola. attended the service and who provided motional support for us at this difficult time.
commercial, and agricultural Available May. Hydro included. To those who telephoned, travelled, sent flowers, cards and food we are truly grateful.
work. Please contact Warren Contact 705-866-1325 for A special Thank You to Dr. Bertrand, Sharon, Jordan and Caitlin at Espanola General
Weber 705-863-9451. Evening information. (leave message). Hospital, Dr. Garland, Faith, Anne, Michelle and Marla at the Massey Medical Centre,
calls, no Sunday calls. 5/14. 4/9 our special PSWs Mae, Chantalle and Nicole for the wonderful care they provided and
the ambulance attendants for their kindness and respect shown at all times.
ELECTROLYSIS OFFERED FOR SALE To those who participated in the service especially Rev Lynn, the readers, Ellen and
BY LEE-ANN TURJA C.P.E Spencer, musicians and finally Jaime and Andrew at Bourcier Funeral Home for
– Starting at 453 Second Ave. LEE VALLEY FEEDS – their sensitive and professionalism in handling the arrangements.
Espanola, at Escape to Serenity. Grain Pellets for beef cattle May God bless all of you!
Hair removal and electrolysis for available in totes at Lee Valley
men and women, also waxing Feeds. 416 Lee Valley Rd. Edith, Debbie, Kathy & David
and other specialty services. For Massey. 705-865-9996. 4/9
more information please call or EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
test 416-432-1801. For rates, FOR SALE – Limited dry
and hours of operation. 4/2 wood for sale, also kindling for Employment Opportunity
backyard fire. Call Greg 705-
DR. DARIO LAURENTI, 822-4734. 4/23 The One Tot Stop Day Care- Massey, is looking for a caring, reliable,
D.C. - CHIROPRACTOR - 27 and flexible individual for a temporary full �me posi�on. This posi�on
years’ experience. Instrument, NOTICE is for an enhanced staff to start in April and end August 30th.
Manual, Cranial Adjusting, Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid first aid level C
Acupuncture, Orthotics. Call CHERYL’S MASSAGE cer�ficate and have transporta�on.
705-869-2737. All Insurances THERAPY & Experience working with children is an asset.
accepted. 4/30 ACUPUNCTURE – To To apply, email
make an appointment call or fax 705-869-2646.
705-863-3223 or email Cover le�er and resume are required by April 11th, 2019
and tile flooring,ceramic tiles,
drywall, mud, paint, baseboards, MEETINGS 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE
trim, door frames, doors, install
cupboards, vanities, parging, Massey Agricultural Society 1-CONSTRUCTION LABOURER-FULL TIME-START APRIL 1st
siding, tub surround and more... monthly meetings - 3rd Thursday 1-STUDENT – SUMMER JOB-START MAY 1st
call me Stephane Coulombe of the month. Held at Massey
705 863 3434. 4/23 - R Firehall @ 7pm. We welcome MONDAY – FRIDAY 44 HOURS/WEEK
the public’s attendance. 04/23
– 6x8 and 8x10 Storage units Obituaries
available in Espanola. Located In Loving Memory HALEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED
behind the car wash. Call 705- Thank You Ads IF INTERESTED CONTACT
869-8405. 5/14 - R Births or Birthdays
TOTAL MAINTENANCE fax 705-285-1806
SERVICES - Plowing, Engagements
carpentry, painting, steel & NOW Algoma
shingle roofing, tree cutting, To place your HIRING
decks, dump runs. No job too announcement call
big or too small. Call 705-936- Corner of Hwy 6 and 17
6160 4/23 - R or email
705-869-6883 Automotive Service Technician Apprentice
WITTMANN - Located at • 2nd or 3rd year apprentice • Own tools required
Physio Moves in the Espanola • Clean drivers abstract •ValidDriverslicenceandowntransportation
Hospital. Accepting new • Reliable and dependable • Show attention to detail
patients. WSIB and MVA Please forward Resume by Fax to (705) 869-5606
patients welcome. Acupuncture Only applicants considered for the position will be contacted.
available. Visit www. for services, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
rates, and hours, or call 705-
988-3737. 5/14 - R

Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 6

Recipe Webbwood Eagles Spaghetti Dinner – Saturday, April 6 from 4:30 -
6:00 p.m. Call your order in on April 6th after 3:30 p.m. 705-869-4269
In last week’s column I St. George’s Church Spaghetti Dinner 7 Almost Silent Auction –
shared a recipe with you Saturday, April 6 at the Espanola Legion. Doors open 4:30, Dinner
for WOW Brownies; one at 5:30. For more info or tickets call 705-869-3939.
of the best brownies I’ve EspanolaArea Friendship CircleAlzheimer Support Group – Monday,
ever tasted! This week’s April 8, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the Seniors’ Drop in Centre 799 Queensway
cheesecake recipe uses that Ave. Espanola. For more info contact Wendy Ashton 705-869-1137
brownie as its base, but I’m sure if you have a favourite Bridge Lessons – 6 weeks of lessons starting Wednesday, April 10,
brownie recipe, it can be also used. I’ll be honest and tell from 12:45-2:45 at the Seniors Drop in Centre. To Register call D.
you that I haven’t tried this recipe but it comes highly Allen 705-869-0475.
recommended by our favourite office baker and she knows AB Ellis 100th Anniversary Bake Sale - Saturday, April 20
her desserts! from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Espanola Mall AB Ellis 100th
Anniversary Bake Sale - Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00
No Bake Brownie Cheesecake p.m. at the Espanola Mall.
Espanola Public Library Board Game Night - NO fee or registration
• ½ WOW Brownie recipe required! Every 3rd Thursday of every month 6:00-8:00 p.m.
( last week’s column) Lighthouse Community Lunch - Free community luncheon at the
Lighthouse, across from the Royal Bank, every second and fourth
• 16 oz cream cheese Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00p.m.
(2 boxes) ,room temperature From Soup to Tomatoes - Basic Class 9:00 – 9:45 a.m., Gentle
Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m., Yoga Class 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. Mon-Wed-
• ½ cup of sugar Fri at the Elks Hall for all three classes. Mon-Wed-Fri Basic class
• 2 tsp vanilla only at the Seniors Drop In Centre.
• 1 cup of whipping cream
• 1 ½ cups chocolate, semi-sweet or dark Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
To make the brownie base, make a ½ recipe of the Wow
Brownie recipe from last week’s column (or your favourite their upcoming events in writing no later than
brownie recipe). That will give you a thick enough layer for Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
your cheesecake. Pour into a buttered 9 inch spring form E-mail:
pan. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 35-40 minutes
or until firm to touch. Set aside to cool slightly. Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 7
For the cheesecake filling, melt the chocolate in the
microwave or in a double boiler and set aside to cool. Beat
the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with a mixer on medium
speed until there aren’t any lumps. Gradually add in the
cream and continue whipping until really thick. Add in the
chocolate and mix. Spoon into your prepared tin on top of
the brownie. Refrigerate until firm. This will take around 4
hours. You can decorate it with a chocolate ganache or with
whipped cream if desired.


The Moose 99.3 FM CJJM - Espanola is proud to support local
charities and organizations. If you have an event you want to

share, please call Roz at 705-869-6397 or email your
information to: The Moose- Espanola's

Biggest Variety! Your Station, Your News, Your Stories

Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER

Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager

Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Richard Gagnon - Production
Crystal Lecuyer - Office Sales/Production
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
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There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
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publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883


Phone: (705) 865-2646 Fax: (705) 865-2736
11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, ON, P0P 1P0


Applications for summer student employment are being accepted for Council is requesting nominations for “Senior of the Year” & “Youth
the Public Works Department Volunteer”. This is our opportunity to honour outstanding local residents.
Employment is conditional upon approval of grant funding. Recipients of both awards must reside in the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers.
Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements: Recipients of the “Senior of the Year” are individuals who, after age
• returning to school on a full-time basis during the next academic year 65, have enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community
without thought of personal or financial gain. Ontario seniors deserve
(must provide proof of registration) special recognition for their outstanding accomplishments.
• is a student in a secondary, post secondary, vocational or technical Recipients of the “Youth Volunteer” are individuals between the ages of
15 – 24 who have contributed a significant amount of time and service
program; priority is given to students in post secondary education without pay to a charity, not for profit organization or an individual.
• drivers’ licence with clean drivers’ abstract is required Please submit your nomination no later than 12:00 p.m., Friday, April
• is legally entitled to work in Canada 19th, 2019 to the Township Office. Nomination forms are available at
Resumes will be received until 12:00 p.m., Friday, April 26th, 2019 the office or from our website,
Kim Sloss, Clerk-Administrator
We can’t help you if we can’t find you.
Tipping fees at the Tennyson Landfill Site will be waived for all Seconds can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.
residential household waste on Saturday, May 11th and Sunday May Getting resources where they are needed as quickly as possible is vital. This
26th, 2019 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. is especially true when dealing with 911 emergencies. However, without
Tipping fees will still apply for commercial or construction materials. clearly posted civic numbers to guide them, emergency responders can
Please ensure all loads are properly secured and covered to prevent sometimes have difficulty locating the address of a 911 emergency.
debris from blowing out of your vehicle or trailer! Make sure that your civic number is posted in front of your home or
business, and that it is clearly visible from the road day or night. This
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY will assist police, firefighters and paramedics in being able to locate
you as quickly as possible if an emergency should occur.
Once again we will be partnering with the Town of Espanola on
Saturday, April 27th, 2019 in holding a Household Hazardous Waste COMING SOON
Day. Bring your items to the Espanola Public Works Garage – 596
Second Avenue, Espanola between 8:00am and 4:00pm. Please A Farmers Market for Massey in Heritage Park on
watch for flyers for more information. Fridays from June 28, 2019 until October 5, 2019 - 3
pm to 7 pm.
2019 GET MOVING PROGRAM Looking for vendors with local produce, local crafts
and items to support the local economy on Fridays all
Exercise classes for Seniors with a certified instructor take place at the summer long.
Massey Arena in the Sadowski Room on Wednesdays. Please contact Lisa Perl at the Municipal Office 705
• Cardio, low impact, strength, balance and stretching - 1:00 pm. 865-2646 for more information.
• Gentle movement focusing on balance, functional movement and
stretching - 2:00 pm.
Amnesty Week: April 1-6. Please bring back your overdue books.
MASSEY AREA MUSEUM EVENTS Fines will be waived for the books you return.
EBooks will be back soon!
The Massey Area Museum is looking for writers of all ages to enter the Showshoes and Walking Poles are available in Massey and Webbwood.
“Fred Lefrance Creative Writing Contest”. Visit the museum Training on your iPad, iPhone or Samsung device is available at the
lobby for contest details. Massey location. Call the library for an appointment with our student.
Our website has been in the process of a changeover. Sorry for the
*** inconvenience. The address is
The upstairs room “McNuilty Room” is for rent at the Massey Area Programs: Massey & Webbwood host children’s programs throughout
Museum. Please call the Museum for details and availability – the year, such as Summer Reading (July-August) & Story Hour
705-865-2266. (September to May).
Hours at the library: Massey: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 10 to 7;
*** Tuesday & Thursday – 10-5, Saturday: 11 to 1. Webbwood: Monday to
Variety Bingo at Massey Area Museum on Monday April 8, 2019 - Friday: 6 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday – 12 -2; Friday – 10 to 12, Saturday – 2 to 4.
Doors open at 6pm. Cake Walk during intermissions. Bring your Contact your library for more information.
friends and family. All ages welcome! Call: 705-865-2641 (Massey) or 705-869-4147(Webbwood) or
Email: or
Massey Area Museum fundraiser - Bean Supper at the Eagles Club
in Webbwood on Friday April 26, 2019 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Around&About April 2, 2019 Page 8
Cost is $15.00 for adults; 12 and under $5.00

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