Check out our
October Flyer online
October 30, 2018 Issue #44 - Volume 22 SCANNING SERVICES
SUPER & Fibre Arts Festival
DEA S The Best Yet! tiresale
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Warning: Snowmobilescanbehazardoustooperate. Polarisadultmodelsareforridersage16andolder. Foryoursafety,always
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SEASON’S By Rosalind Russell - Hundreds of Ready for winter?
people took in the festivals this year, We service
septic service which featured plenty of fibre art GAS, OIL, PROPANE
crafting, and workshops, the Carver AND DUCT CLEANING
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs Kings, kids activities, a fantastic Farmers
Market and of course pumpkins. The Need new equipment?
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G winners of the Giant Pumpkin Weigh-
705-869-2448 in! Perry Kirkbride from Sudbury won FRuErnNaTceTsO, AO/CW, WNa(OtAeC)r
705-356-3444 1st & 2nd place with a 480 and a 270
1-800-587-3599 pounder. Dan Glofcheski of Espanola Heaters, Fireplaces
‘s Eat Local Farmers Market won 3rd
place with his 25 pound beauty. Photo Serving North Shore,
by Rosalind Russell Espanola and the Island
The One Tot Stop Day Care,A.B.Ellis Site -50 RV antifreeze
has Infant and Toddler spaces available.
For more information, please 3.97$ PLUS TAX
call Devina at 705-869-3282
or email [email protected]
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •
AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Ah Ha! It’s Seniors On Weed We Gotta Worry About!
Serving Certified Technician With marijuana now legal in Canada and all the rage, the old folks know a whole
Espanola & Area 770055--856833--33303420 most of us were keeping a watchful eye on lot more than we ever gave them credit
Business teenage tokers, a bunch of aging stoners for.
Mobile crashed the party by the back door and “So Gran, now that cannabis is legal, I
ate everything in the fridge! Yeah, even thought maybe …”
Sales & Service the stuff with ‘best before’ dates stamped “Campuses? Campuses have always been
in the 1990s!!! legal. Though I don’t know why, what
RON RIVET Apparently, the young ones will not be with all that smoking dope and illicit
increasing their “getting high” habits just fornication going on.”
CLEANING SERVICES because it’s now legal. Quite the contrary. “Not campuses! Cannabis! Marijuana.”
25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE In Colorado, teenage consumption of “Tijuana! Damn! One time! Just one time
marijuana actually decreased after it was I do the limbo naked on the bar at the
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout legalized four years ago. If it’s taboo, Dandy del Sur and nobody will let me
Cleaning Cleaning they want it. Legal, sorry, not interested. forget about it.”
Old people like stuff legal. “Gran, do you have your hearing aids 705-862-1914 No, it’s women with blue hair and men in?”
with their trousers belted just under their “Of course I’m wearing my hearing aids.
Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to chins that will be bogarting joints in this It’s the damn batteries I can’t find!”
the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex. country in the hazy days to come. “So Gran, I’m thinking you and I could
According to the Canadian Science Policy share this joint and see how you feel
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage Centre, the use of marijuana among about cannabis.”
Independently owned and operated people in Ontario over 50 years of age “Well, I was going to put on a pot of tea,
has nearly tripled in the last ten years and but okay, let’s spark it up!”
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 has risen a whopping fivefold since 1977. “Well, I know you never smoked Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5 So, the marijuana market is not Mom and cigarettes so this might be pretty harsh at
Dad who are too busy watching the kids first.”
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230 who are too busy watching their various “No, never had a cigarette in my life,
Fax: (705) 869-6299 screens seven and eight hours a day. Dear. But, I have been having a couple of
So, it’s Grandma and Grandpa who are Montecristos after dinner ever since your
New Clients Always Welcome past worrying about inhaling smoke and grandfather died.”
hell bent on reducing their aches and “Oh, okay. But just so you know, your
Formerly pains. Seniors were never the targeted appetite will likely increase and … and
market for marijuana, but in a poorly so will your libido.”
planned rollout of the lawful joint, they
may have become the bullseye. And just “Latino! I’ll try one of them, too, if you
as we found out when Trivial Pursuit was
Continued on page three...
Advertise here for as
little as $26 per week
[email protected] •No Appt. Needed Oil Changes
•Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
Call 705-869-6883 for details 20 McCulloch Dr. (Behind the Mall)
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally
Don’s Electric
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry
(705) 869-0511
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages Cell (705)-862-0753
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
Monday 9-5 Email: [email protected]
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
HOME GAME!! Sacred Heart Daycare Centre
Friday, November 2, 7:30 pm INFANT, TODDLER, PRESCHOOL
Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify
For more information, please call
Continued from page two... Bells Will Toll In Espanola
On November 11th
got one!” you want to put some music The ringing of the bells to mark Meanwhile, the Espanola Sea
“No, libido. Your sex drive.” on?” the 100th anniversary of the end Cadets and other volunteers
“Damn that busy body Mrs. “American Beauty or Anthem of the First World War will take joined members of the Royal
Miller. I’m only going to say of the Sun?” place in Espanola. Canadian Legion Branch #39
this once – the only thing “Good Lord! The Grateful An ecumenical service will for the launch of the Poppy
Randy the Postie gives me is Dead!?! be held at 7:00 pm followed Campaign.
the mail. Okay?” “Let me tell you, there was by the ringing of the bells 100 The Poppy Flag was officially
“Okay. Now at first you might nothing grateful about Jerry times at the Anglican Church on raised at the municipal town
get dizzy, so …” Garcia. After all I did for that Remembrance Day. office on Friday, October 26th.
“Honey, holding my breath man!” The Espanola Royal Canadian Poppies will be on sale
and standing up quickly so “You know Gran, I’m starting Legion Branch #39 is leading the throughout the town with funds
I almost pass out – that’s the to think this might not be the local initiative. raised going to local veterans
most fun I have these days. first time you tried marijuana.” On November 11th, at the going and their families and related
You gonna light that thing or “Well Dear, this is a very down of the sun, communities programs.
what?” special moment sharing an across Canada will emulate the LEST WE FORGET!
“Okay, but if you have errands experience with my favourite moment in 1918 when church Photo: The Anglican Church
to run, you probably shouldn’t granddaughter. And I assure bells across Europe tolled as four bells in Espanola will be rung
drive after you smoke up.” you, it’s my first doobie of the years of war came to an end. 100 times to mark the 100th
“I know what you mean, Dear. day.” Still with the story, the Legion anniversary of Armistice at the
If I have any more fender “Okay, so here goes … wait has also contacted all the schools setting of the sun on Sunday,
benders I’m going to have to – Gran, do you have a pair of for students to enter the annual November 11th. Logo from
get car insurance.” tweezers handy?” poster and poetry contests. Dominion Command
“Also, they say paranoia can “Tweezers are for amateurs, Last year, 89 students from the
be one of the side effects.” Dear. Here – use this roach local schools entered the contest
“Well, you know what they say clip and let’s get this party with some entries going on to
– just because you’re paranoid started!” district and zone competitions.
doesn’t mean there really isn’t For comments, ideas and This year is the 100th anniversary
somebody out there trying to copies of The Legend of of the Signing of The Armistice
getcha!” Zippy Chippy,go to that ended the First World War.
“Just before we do this, maybe Ceremonies are all set for Legions
in the North Shore corridor for
Sunday, November 11th.
Hearing Solutions Thursday 12-9 WING NIGHT 8 wings $8.75
12 wings $12.75
for the Whole Family Friday 12-9 10 oz PICKERAL
Our Audiologists Michael Blythe and
Jean Roveda have over 50 combined
years of clinical experience.
Call 877.255.4976 to schedule your
hearing health assessment today!
Saturday 12-9 Chicken Parmesan
Sunday 12-8 8 Wings & Caesar Salad
825 McKinnon Drive. Espanola, ON Whitefish Falls 705-285-7474
Conveniently located in the Espanola Hospital for over 20 years Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 3
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Tuesday, November 6
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Donations to
the Food Bank SAVE 15%
appreciated. STORE WIDE
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 4
Phone 705-862-7000 [email protected] HALLOWEEN
Halloween Safety Tips
HAPPYHalloween safety: Tips for prevent possible skin and eye irritation. Don’t criss-cross back and forth across
Home •InAsuutroan•cBeusiness the street. Work your way up one side of
families the street, and then start on the other.
Phone: 705-524-3000 If your child is going out If you have any allergies, tell the person
Fax: 705-524-6793 without an adult: who is giving out the treats.
Make sure your child is in a group of at Don’t eat any of your treats before you
Toll Free: 1-866-524-3004 HALLOWEENHalloween can be a fun and exciting time get home. Once home, ask your parents
to look through your treats with you to
ONTARIO CANADA for kids. These safety tips for parents, make sure everything is okay.
children and homeowners will help keep For homeowners:
everyone safe and happy this Halloween. least 3 people. Turn on outdoor lights, and replace
Give them a flashlight. A cell phone is burnt-out bulbs.
For parents: also a good idea if you have one. Remove items from your yard or porch
Discuss in advance the route they that might trip a child.
Do not use masks. Masks make it hard should follow. Ask them to call you if they Sweep wet leaves from your steps and
for children to see what’s around them, plan to go on a street that isn’t on the driveway.
including cars. Try a hypoallergenic (less route. Use alternative to candles in your
likely to cause an allergic reaction), non- Set a curfew (and make sure they have a pumpkins, such as a flashlight or a
toxic make-up kit instead. watch with them). battery-operated candle.
Make or buy costumes in light-coloured Tell your children not to eat anything Remember that some children have food
material. until they get home. allergies. Consider giving treats other
Place strips of reflective tape on the than candy, such as stickers, erasers or
back and front of costumes, so that For children and youth: a yo-yo.
drivers can better see your child. Alternatives to traditional
Costumes should fit properly to prevent Carry a white bag or pillowcase for your trick-or-treating
trips and falls. Avoid items such as candy, and add some reflective tape. Local community centres sometimes
oversized shoes, high heels, long dresses Dress for the weather. Cold weather or offer Halloween night activities.
and long capes. water absorbent materials in the rain Local shopping centres often have trick-
Dress your child for the weather. Add can be very uncomfortable. or-treat nights for young children in a
layers if needed. Bring a cell phone, in case you need to more controlled environment.
Put your child’s name, address and make an emergency phone call. Plan a Halloween night at home with
phone number on his costume. Always travel in groups. Be sure there themed games and movies. Invite friends
Children under 10 should be are at least 3 of you at all times.
accompanied by an adult for trick or Let your parents know where you’re
treating.Bytheageof10,somechildren going to be at all times.
are ready to go trick-or-treating with a Don’t visit houses that are not well lit.
group of friends. Never go inside a stranger’s house.
Keep in mind that gum and hard candy Use the sidewalk whenever possible. If
canposeachokingriskforyoungchildren. there’s no sidewalk, walk on the side of
Remove make-up before bedtime to the road facing traffic.
Spooky Snack - Easy Ritz Cracker Spiders
A fun Halloween snack that your kids will love in their lunches or as a snack at home.
• Ritz Crackers
• Pretzel Sticks
• Peanut Butter, Cheese Whiz, Cream Cheese
(whichever your child prefers)
• Tiny tube of white icing
• Mini Chocolate Chips
Cut the pretzel sticks in half. Spread some peanut butter (or Cheese Whiz, cream cheese) onto the cracker. It
needs to be thick enough to hold the legs in place, so be generous with it. Arrange 4 pretzel stick halves, on each
side of the cracker, pushing them into the peanut butter to make the spiders legs. Spread a generous amount of
peanut butter on the other cracker and place it over top. On the top of the cracker, use the tube of icing to make
two dots and then gently push the pointy side of the mini chocolate chips into the icing to make the eyes.
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page A
Fluffy Pumpkin Slime Halloween Jokes
Recipe For Kids
Q: What is a witch’s favorite Have fun and be sure
• 1/2 Cup Elmer’s White Glue subject in school? A: Spelling our ghouls and goblins
• Unscented Shaving Cream Q: What do Italian’s eat on have a safe Halloween.
• Orange Food Colouring Halloween? A: Fettucinni Afraid-o
• Contact Saline Solution Q: What did the mother ghost say MPP Algoma–Manitoulin
• Baking Soda to her kids in the car? A: Fasten
• Mason Jar your sheet belts. [email protected]
• Black Construction Paper Q: Why did the vampire need
• Scissors mouthwash? A: Because he had Espanola, Ontario
• Pumpkin Scented Oil (optional) bat breath. (705)869-2317
Q: What do you call a monster who
Add 1/2 cup of Elmer’s white school glue and 4 cups of shaving cream to a poisons corn flakes? A: A cereal [email protected]
bowl. Mix well and slowly add in drops of orange food colouring, stirring well killer.
until you get the desired colour of orange you’d like. Optional: You can add in a Q: What do you call a witch’s
few drops of pumpkin scented oil after you mix in the food coloring. Next stir garage? A: A broom closet.
in 1/4 tsp of baking soda. Then add contact solution about 1 Tablespoon at Q: Why don’t mummies take
a time and mix. Keep adding a little more contact solution and mixing until vacations? A: They’re afraid they’ll
your slime begins forming into a ball-like form as you mix. You’ll notice this is relax and unwind.
when it starts to turn into slime and becomes less sticky. It will begin coming Q: What’s a ghosts favorite
off the sides of your container and sticking together. If your slime is still desert? A: Boo-berry pie.
sticky add some more saline solution by starting small and adding a little as
you go and continue to knead it. The slime will take on a fluffy marshmallowy Ten Halloween
consistency. Movies for Kids
When you’re finished you’ll want to store your slime in an air tight container.
Or have the kids create their own jack-o-lantern jars by cutting out the faces
from black construction paper and using some Elmer’s glue to glue their
faces to the mason jars. This is a fun family activity or perfect for Halloween
Monster Hand Craft 1. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie
Brown (1966)
•Green paper and construction paper
•Dried lentils 2. HalloweenisGrinchNight(1977)
•Craft foam (meat trays, construction paper) 3. E.T. (1982)
•Glue 4. Ghostbusters (1984)
•Paintbrushes (for gluing) 5. Bettlejuice (1988)
6. The Addams Family (1991)
Trace upper arm and hand onto green paper, cut arm out and then glue onto 7. The Nightmare Before
a bigger piece of construction paper. Cut out fingernails from craft foam
(or meat trays, construction paper). Glue the fingernails onto the monster Christmas (1993)
hand. Then have the kids use a variety of dried lentils to decorate their 8. Casper (1995)
monster’s arms and hands with “warts”. 9. James and the Giant Peach
10. Halloweentown ( 1998)
Halloween Maze
Help these trick-or -treaters find more candy
Accounting Assurance Advisory Tax
705-869-3351 30 McCulloch Dr.
Good Doctors Walk In Clinic
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page B
Election 2018
By Rosalind Russell - Women School board trustees elected Community Living Espanola’s 10th Annual Fall Harvest Luncheon
dominate across North Shore in local area - Tuesday, October 30 from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Royal Canadian
in elections Plenty of incumbents are Legion, Espanola. Tickets at 345 Centre Street, or by calling 869-3131
There are plenty of women returning to their respective or at the door.
voices on councils in Espanola school boards. Massey Area Museum 23rd Annual Christmas Craft Sale - Saturday,
and across the North Shore. Manitoulin Island’s newest November 3rd from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Massey Arena. For
Jill Beer is Espanola’s new trustee will be sworn into more information call 705-865-2266
mayor, joined by incumbents office with the Rainbow Massey Inter Church Council - is inviting all to join in our Peace
Heather Mallot, Ray Dufour, District School Board. Lantern Ceremony at the Legion in Massey at 6:00 p.m. on November 11
Bill Foster and Ken Duplessis. Margaret Stringer has been Immaculate Conception Church Tea/Bazaar - Saturday, November
Also at the council table will be elected to represent Manitoulin 17, from 11:30 - 2:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s School, Massey.
newcomers Sandra Hayden and Island, and Robert Clement Walford Christmas Bazaar - now accepting donations for - penny sale,
Maureen Van Alstine. was re-elected to another term silent auction and gently-used table for bazaar Nov. 24. Drop off at 36
Long-time Baldwin Township to represent the Espanola and Walford Rd. Walford between 1 and 5 or call 705-844-2364 for pickup.
councillor, Tex MacDonald is North Shore corridor. Lumbago Hockey - Looking for hockey players. Age 30 and over.
out, losing to newcomer, Joanne Marie Murphy-Forin has been You can play one or two nights per week. For more information contact
Boucher, who came in with elected for another term with [email protected]
enough votes to be named deputy the Algoma School Board. Free Community Luncheons – Every second and fourth Tuesday at
mayor working with acclaimed In the Huron Superior the Lighthouse, Espanola (across from the Royal Bank). EVERYONE
Mayor Vern Gorham. Catholic School Board, both WELCOME.
David Fairbairn, Ray Maltais and incumbents, Lindsay Liske Need rides to medical appointments? - VON’s Transportation Program
Bert McDowell will round council. and Kathleen Rosilius were offers rides to medical appointments, even to Sudbury. Call Espanola
The Town of Spanish will also re-elected for another term. VON at 705-869-3304.
see a woman lead over the next Gabriel Tremblay will Free Indoor Pickle Ball - Mondays 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. & Saturdays 9:00
four years. represent the Espanola a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Espanola High School Gym. Begins Saturday,
Jocelyne Bishop took out and North Shore corridor November 3. Contact Mike 705-662-5859 or Greg 705-863-2684
incumbent Ted Clague. communities on the Conseil
She will be joined by four scolaire catholique du Nouvel- Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
councilors, all women: new deputy Ontario.
mayor, Karen Von Pickartz, as well Suzanne Nolan was acclaimed We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
as Debra Joncas, Sandra Trudel for the Conseil scolaire public their upcoming events in writing no later than
and Mary-Louise Zarichney. du Grand Nord de l’Ontario. Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
E-mail: [email protected]
Quick and delicious, mini
mummy pizzas are perfect
for a quick supper before
trick or treating.
Mini Mummy Pizzas Reminder!
• 3 English muffins Daylight Savings Time
• 3 tbsp. pizza sauce Sunday, ENNoDveSmonber 4th...
• 6 oz Mozzarella cheese cut into thin strips
• 12 slices black olives or pepperoni rounds Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!
This is also a good time to change the
Preheat oven to 400 batteries in your smoke detectors!!
degrees. Spread each half
of the English muffin Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
with about ½ tbsp. of
pizza sauce. Place two STAFF
black olives or pepperoni Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
as eyes. Layer strips of Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
cheese over each pita. OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
Bake about ten minutes
until cheese is melted. Serve immediately. Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
Richard Gagnon - Production
Crystal Lecuyer - Office Sales/Production
705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected]
Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Distribution by Around & About
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 5
705-869-6883LPSPRoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! Thank You
To the Espanola Nursing Home for David Cavanagh’s upstanding care.
Special thanks to:
Lee Turley Phyllis Paradis Mandy Bousquet
David Adamczak Jen Savicky
SERVICES FOR RENT Kelly Yusko Jennifer Desormeaux
DSW WORKER – Available for FOR RENT – 3 bedroom home, All on To all of the kitchen sta , cleaning sta , physio, and all of the nurses and
employment supporting persons with one level. 32 Baldwin St. Mckerrow. PSW’s who went that extra mile! Dave was truly in the arms of angels.
developmental disabilities. Certified, $800.00 / month plus utilities. First You have been my family throughout this di cult time.
extensive experience, university degree, & last, references required. 705-869-
work alone-team, sled starter, own car. 2952. 10/30 Thankyou to Bill Maitland, BillWebster, Don & Annette Porteous for
Lisa, 705-627-5544. 11/20. FOR RENT - 1 bedroom apartment. making the time to visit Dave
Main floor; private entrance. 2-123
CHIROPRACTOR - DR. DARIO Tudhope St Espanola. Rent $650.00 God Bless Kathy Reitkoetter.
LAURENTI, D.C. 27 years’experience. plus hydro. Available November 1.
Instrument, Manual, Cranial Adjusting, Call 705-869-0514. 11/06 OBITUARIES
Acupuncture, Orthotics. Call 705-869- ROOM FOR RENT – Comfortable
2737. All Insurances accepted. 11/20 room in Espanola in a warm, bright
home. Good location. Mature woman
REGISTERED SCHOOL or student. $600 a month. 705-869-
PSYCHOLOGIST – for K-12, College/ 5805. 11/06
University, to all ages. Assessing FOR RENT – 3 bedroom house Bell – Terry Randall of Espanola passed away
Asperger’s, ADHD, or other learning in Espanola. No pets, no smoking. at the Espanola Regional Hospital on
problems. Over 20 years’ experience. One floor. References. Security Wednesday October 10, 2018 at the age of 72
Competitive/flexible rate and hours. Will deposit. $950.00 / month plus heat/ years. Born in Evansville, Manitoulin Island
travel. Prompt turn around. Dr. Ryan hydro. First/last months rent required. beloved son of the late Peter & Sarah (nee
Kneer. 705-869-8588. 11/13 Call 705-869-1219, leave message. Bailey) Bell. Loving brother of Roger (wife
Available Nov 1. 10/30 Marjorie) of Espanola and the late Ervin
PHYSIOTHERAPY OFFERED BY (Helen) Bell, Floyd Bell and Daisy (Fred)
MARILYN WITTMANN - Located at FOR SALE Elliot. Survived by his sister in law Jessie Bell
Physio Moves in the Espanola Hospital. and numerous nieces and nephews. Terry was
Accepting new patients. WSIB and MVA FOR SALE – Wood, oil combination a school teacher for thirty some years and had
patients welcome. Acupuncture available. furnace with oil tank still hooked up a great memory for his students and enjoyed
Visit for services, and running till November. Best offer. reading very much. Terry was a member of
rates, and hours, or call 705-988-3737. 705-869-6329. 11/6 the Espanola Little Theatre with many great memories to share. A
12/4 - R FOR SALE – Limited dry wood for graveside committal service in the Espanola Cemetery celebrating
kindling/backyard fire. Also table & Terry’s life was held on Saturday October 27, 2018 at 11:00 AM with
TOTAL MAINTENANCE chairs. Call Greg 705-822-4734. Rev. Beverly Van der Jagt officiating. Lunch followed at the
SERVICES: Plowing, carpentry, 11/6 Espanola Royal Canadian Legion, Espanola (370 Annette St).
painting, steel & shingle roofing, tree Arrangements by BOURCIER FUNERAL HOME Ltd, Espanola
cutting, decks, landscape construction, HELP WANTED
yard maintenance, dump runs. 705-936-
6160 11/6 - R HELP WANTED – The Espanola
Legion is looking for a part time bar
ESPANOLA SELF STORAGE – 6x8 servers. Must have Smart Serve. Cavanagh – David of Espanola passed
and 8x10 Storage units available in Please drop off resumes at the Legion away at the Espanola Nursing Home
Espanola. Located behind the car wash. to Gary. 10/30 on October 20, 2018 in his 87th year.
Call 705-869-8405. 11/20 - R Long time partner and companion to
HELP WANTED - Looking for caring, Kathy of 28 years. Predeceased by
HANDYMAN - ODD JOBS dependable person to provide part-time his parents Ira & Essie (Shaw)
COLOMBUS. I do flooring, painting, respite care for teenage girl with complex Cavanagh of Kinburn, Ottawa
mudding, drywall, trim, install doors medical issues in her home. Must be Valley. Loving father to sons
and frames, build head boards and bed available for a variety of shifts, including Kingsley (Rose) of Spanish, Barry
frames and much me Stephane weekends. All training provided. Must (Kelly) of Spanish, Robin
Coulombe 705 863 3434. 10/30 - R be willing to provide CPIC if hired. If (Christine) of Peterborough and
interested, please email resume with daughters Heather Rousie (Rene) of
THE RITCHIES ARE AT IT AGAIN! references to [email protected] with
Get your firewood cut, split, delivered. RESUME in subject line or mail to Box Chelmsford, Erin Weatherby (Todd) of
Hardwood maple. More info, call Mina at 12, Massey, P0P 1P0. 11/6 Spanish.
705-865-3017. 10/30. Predeceased by daughter Kallie Joe, sons Marnie and Davey.
Help Wanted David was raised on a beef and fox farm in Ottawa Valley where
NOTICE he learned his horsemanship skills from his father. As a teen
Individual must be well organized, David worked in the oil fields out west and then worked in Elliot
CHERYL’S MASSAGE THERAPY willing to learn new skills, able to Lake during the boom. David became a licensed welder and
& ACUPUNCTURE – NEW lift 50lbs. ironworker and held a ticket as a hoisting engineer tower crane
LOCATION as of April 9th. 363 Starting at 24 -30 hrs per week operator. He owned and operated his business Local Mechanical
John St. Espanola. To make an between Monday - Friday, may lead Erectors for many years. In the 1970’s David helped with the
appointment call 705-863-3223. to full time. Please send resume to engineering and capping of one of the superstacks by helicopter in
[email protected] 12/4 R [email protected] Sudbury. He also ran chariot horse races at his farm north of
Spanish on Crab Lake. He was president of the Nickel District
MEETINGS Horse Association and also the North Shore Horse Club. He will
be remembered for his horsemanship skills at the local horse pulls
Massey Agricultural Society monthly where he often won best teamster of the day. A memorial service
meetings - 3rd Thursday of the month. celebrating David’s life at the Bourcier Funeral Home, Espanola
Held at Massey Firehall @ 7pm. on Friday November 2, 2018 from 1-3 PM. In lieu of flowers,
(Next meeting is November 15th) donations to the Espanola Nursing Home would be appreciated.
We welcome the public’s attendance. Arrangements by BOURCIER FUNERAL HOME, Espanola.
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 6
S.D. 2001, C.25
Liberty Tax Service Inc. is currently looking to hire a motivated Income Tax Preparer for RR.0.1990, Reg. 824
our o ce located in Espanola, Ontario.
We are a growing organization with lots of opportunities for continued development. FORM 6
If you want to join a team that is focused on being friendly, attentive, and SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER
knowledgeable advocates for our clients, apply now !!
Applicants should submit resume, and cover letter via e-mail to [email protected] THE TOWNSHIP OF SABLES-SPANISH RIVERS
Job Pos�ng Take notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the
land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 pm
A la recherche d’une personne sensible, très mo�vé et
capable de travailler avec des enfants à notre garderie Centre local time on November 27, 2018, at the municipal office,
de la pe�te enfance d’Espanola. 11 Birch Lake Road, Massey, Ontario P0P 1P0.
Educatrice/Educateur de la pe�te enfance inscrit The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day
Temps plein
at 3:15 pm local time, at the municipal office, 11 Birch
35 heures semaine Lake Road, Massey, Ontario.
Salaire $17.22 - $19.42
Exigences et conditions de travail: DESCRIPTION OF LAND(S):
• Inscrip�on à l’Ordre des éducatrices et éducateurs de la
pe�te enfance; File No.: 97,236 (ID SSR-17-01)
• Degré appreciable d’ini�a�ve, de jugement, Roll No.: 000-003-17100-0000
d’organisa�on et de planifica�on et excellentes rela�ons PIN: 73422-0078 (LT)
interpersonnelles; Property: SALTER SECTION 32, PCL 4880,
• Maîtrise du français et de l’anglais parlés et écrits; WAHSESEE LAKE,
• Détenir une verifica�on nega�ve des antécédents SABLES-SPANISH RIVERS
judiciaires-clientèle vulnerable;
• Choisir une variété de materiel et d’équipement propres à MINIMUM TENDER AMOUNT: $ 7,777.81
developer la motricité fine et globale et veiller à ce que
ceux-ci soit accessibles aux enfants; Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must
• Créer un environnement propice à l’explora�on de be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order
l’univers des enfants et leur capacité de résoudre des or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust
problèmes, l’appren�ssage et la capacité de corporation payable to the municipality (or board) and
communica�on des enfants; representing at least Twenty per cent (20%) of the tender
• S’assurer que les ac�vités et leur mise en applica�on amount.
répondent aux norms de la Loi de 2014 sur la garde
d’enfants et la pe�te enfance; Except as follows, the municipality makes no
• Connaître et metre en pra�que Comment Aprend-On?, la representation regarding the title to or any other matters
Pédagogie de l’Ontario sur la pe�te enfance; relating to the land(s) to be sold. Responsibility for
• Respecter le Code éthique de la profession et metre en ascertaining these matters rests with the potential
pra�que les comportements professionnels prescrits. purchasers.
Les personnes intéressées sont priées de faire parvenir une
le�er de demande et leur curriculum vitae, à l’adresse This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001, and the
ci-dessus avan 16 h, le 9 Novembre 2018. Tout en vous Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The
remerciant de votre intérêt, nous tenons à préciser qu nous successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount
ne communiquerons qu’avec les candidats et candidates tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land
retenus aux fins d’entrevus. transfer tax.
All Star Children Services Inc.
Brigi�e Drouin, Directrice générale The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant
Fax: 705-848-4993 or Email [email protected] possession to the successful purchaser.
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 For further information regarding this sale and a copy
of the prescribed form of tender contact:
Title Name of Municipality or Board:
Patricia Deline, Township of
Treasurer Sables-Spanish Rivers
Address of Municipality Phone No. of
or Board: Municipality or Board:
11 Birch Lake Road, 705-865-2646
Massey, Ontario POP 1PO
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 7
Espanola Police Arbitration Settlement OPP Meet With Espanola High School
By Rosalind Russell - An awarded a 1.7% increase in
arbitrator has settled the contract wages for 2017 and 2018 and
and severance packages for letters of employment must be
former members of the Espanola provided to all members.
Police Service Association. Association president, Ed Stortz,
Espanola Police Service Board says only four officers have been
Chair, Mary-Lou Mick, says the hired by the OPP.
arbitrator has ordered the board He adds civilian employees are
to increase the severance from entitled to six weeks severance
four weeks to five weeks for for each year of service.
every year of service by a former He had no other comments to
member of the service who have make in regards to the arbitration
not been hired by the Ontario process.
Provincial Police. OPP took over policing in
She adds the arbitrator also Espanola on October 11th.
CLARIFICATION: CONTACT NUMBERS FOR The Espanola OPP introduced The BBQ was also sponsored
ESPANOLA PUBLIC WORKS, ESPANOLA HYDRO AND themselves to Espanola High by Giant Tiger, Winkles
OPP: School students. YIG, and Espanola Home
OPP or 911 should not be contacted for Espanola Public Works Several OPP officers with Hardware.
or Espanola Hydro for after hour emergencies. the Espanola-Manitoulin They also had a bake sale with
The after-hours call out service for Espanola Public Works was detachment hosted a barbecue all proceeds going towards the
contracted out to Northern Communications. last Friday as a way of meeting United Way.
The number to call is 705-222-7932. with the students.
The emergency number to call for service for Espanola Hydro The Ontario Provincial Police Visit our website to see more
was also contracted out to Northern Communications. officially took over policing photos.
The number to call is 705-222-9348. in Espanola on Thursday, Photos provided by Espanola-
Around&About had initially been provided with incorrect October 11th. Manitoulin OPP
And, Espanola OPP are asking anyone who wants to make a Santa Claus Parade!
report to call 1-888-310-1122. 9-1-1 is always available for
for emergencies and the detachment phone number for general
inquiries is 705-869-1211.
Espanola Therapeutic Park To Be
Constructed In 2019
Espanola’s Therapeutic Park structures. Sat, Nov 24th,
for the long-term care wing All the drawings have now @ 7:00 pm
of the Espanola Regional been submitted for a building
Hospital and Health Centre permit and the plan is to line up
will be built in the Spring of the contractors and purchase
2019. supplies over the winter.
Foundation coordinator, Terri Noble adds construction will
Noble, says they had a few begin in early Spring 2019 and
setbacks over the summer due it will take four to six weeks to
to wait times for an electrical complete the project.
engineer to provide electrical Visit our website to view
specs. the drawings featuring the
She adds they also needed Espanola Therapeutic Park,
engineering plans for the which will be constructed in
gazebos and other building the Spring of next year.
WINTER TIRE SALE!! Promote your business or organization
by registering your float!
Registration forms available at
Around&About October 30, 2018 Page 8