Check out our COPY - FAX
March Flyer online March 20, 2018 Issue #12 - Volume 22 SCANNING SERVICES
Honoured, Retired
March 22-2018
Warning: Snowmobilescanbehazardoustooperate. Polarisadultmodelsareforridersage16andolder. Foryoursafety,always By Rosalind Russell - The Espanola 30Receive a Promo Card
wearahelmet,eyeprotectionandprotectiveclothing,andbesuretotakeasafetytrainingcourse. Youmayalsocontactyour Volunteer Fire Department shared in a
PolarisdealerorcallPolarisat(800)342-3764. ForsafetytraininginCanada,contactyourlocalPolarisdealer.PolarisIndustriesInc. © special celebration of a retired Espanola when you spend $150
member Friday, March 9th. or more before taxes
[email protected] A special presentation of a plaque was in-store
made to retired Espanola firefighter
SEASON’S Trevor McVey by Megan Wills, Muscular Promo Card valid from March 23 to April 1, 2018
Dystrophy Canada ambassador,
septic service recognizing his work and tireless FREE* LAYAWAY
advocacy for Muscular Dystrophy
For Your Septic & Porta Potty Needs Canada. &osnusmnmowerblsotowreargse
As Chair advisor (Ontario) for Muscular
NOE&SWPAASRENREOVALI!NA!G Dystrophy Canada, McVey in turn Deposit required. See in-store for details
705-869-2448 thanked all his fellow advisors for their
705-356-3444 countless hours of volunteering and hard
1-800-587-3599 work.
As of March 31st, the MDC’s fiscal
year, departments he oversees: Espanola,
Sables-Spanish Rivers, Baldwin,
Manitoulin Island, Sudbury and Elliot
Lake, had collectively raised nearly
$84,000 for the health organization.
Continued on page four...
The One Tot Stop - A.B.Ellis Site has 1X6X8 TG Reg $29.99
Infant,Toddler,Preschool and School COTTAGE CEDAR
28.97ON SALE
Age Child Care spaces available. *ALL CASH & CARRY. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST.
Call Paula at 705-869-3282
for more information. Per bundle 14 sq ft/bundle
Massey: 705-865-3281 • Espanola: 705-869-3282
Email: [email protected] •
AFtinYgoeurrtip All The World’s
High Circulation • Competitive Rates A Circus
FREE distribution to your customers!
To Advertise in the Around & About
Business Directory, call 705-869-6883
[email protected]
&Plumbing Heating
Jason Cowles Sure Signs The Doc At Your Door Is A Quack
Serving Certified Technician “A lot of guys think the bigger a woman’s threatened and avoid going to trial. But
Espanola & Area
Business 770055--856833--33303420 breasts are, the less intelligent she is. I don’t practising medicine without a license?
think it works that way. I think the larger a That’s a serious offense.
Sales & Service woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent the Just ask Philip Winikoff who was arrested
BBOOWWLLIINNGGPPiinn men become.” years ago for going door-to-door in the
55 - Comedienne Anita Wise (And how I Lauderdale Lakes neighbourhood outside
ESPANOLA wished, Stormy Daniels had said that!) Miami, offering free breast examinations
LANES • At the age of 18, Malachi Love- Robinson to women. Two women in their 30s
Now taking bookings of Palm Beach wanted to be a doctor. So accepted Winikoff’s offer, but when the
for Parties/Events
he put on a white smock and draped a examinations strayed off-course, both
52 Mead Blvd 705-869-2450 stethoscope around his neck and presto! called the cops. The not-so-good doctor’s
Open 11-11 Mon, Wed-Sun Closed: Tues He was a doctor. Hardly fair in that he scam started to come apart at the “jumping
did not spend seven years in med school up and down” procedure.
as other doctors have to, but Malachi just The fake doctor claimed he was making
figured he was smarter than all the rest. visitations on behalf of a nearby hospital,
His specialty was amateur gynecology, but probably the Peewee Herman Memorial.
he also treated a 86-year-old woman for Philip Winikoff, who was in fact married
To see our latest Monthly Deals stomach pain before forging a bunch of her to a nurse, was arrested just down the street
cheques. from the women’s apartments and charged
Malachi’s last patient was an undercover with assault by the Broward County
officer with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. Florida … where people
Crown Realty (1989) inc., Brokerage Sheriff’s Office. As of last January, Malachi come in three types: old, odd, and severely
Independently owned and operated
Love-Robinson now 20, will switch career whacked.
paths from false doctor to real inmate for Unfortunately, feeble minds glam on to
the next three-and-a-half years. He’ll also weird ideas and unfortunately Malachi
[email protected] 114 Mead Street, Unit 2 owe $80,000 in fines when he gets out of Love-Robinson and Philip Winikoff will Espanola, Ontario P5E 1S5
prison. In Florida you can ‘stand your not be the last of the ‘mock docs.’ There
Cell: (705) 862-4188 Bus: (705) 869-4230
Fax: (705) 869-6299 ground’ and shoot someone if you feel Continued on page three...
RON RIVET “Quality Workmanship, for
all your Building Needs”
Framing •No Appt Needed Oil Changes
• Carpet & Upholstery • Tile & Grout •Rustproofing •Vehicle Detailing
Cleaning Cleaning …and much more! 20 McCulloch Dr (Behind the Mall) 705-862-1914 (705)-583-2199 705-822-0839
[email protected] Bonnie Meier
[email protected]
SALES AND SERVICE OF: • furnaces • fireplaces • boilers
For all your Real Estate needs
Tune into Local Channel 10 or come on out to Serving Espanola
Steve Donnelly Over 15 years experience locally the Espanola Regional Recreation Complex.
& Surrounding Area 705-692-4152
•Special Rates for Seniors Singh Dentistry Don’s Electric
•Renovations •Light Plumbing Dr. Maninder Singh (705) 869-0511
•Light Electrical •Shed Packages
•Siding •Demolition FOR ALL OF
•Dump runs •Tree Removal Hours: YOUR DENTAL NEEDS Cell (705)-862-0753
Monday 9-5
Tuesday Closed
•Lawn Cutting •Snow removal Wednesday 9-5 State of the art facility E.C.R.A./E.S.A. #7009119
•Decks/patio and Fencing. Thursday 9-5 We deal directly with Insurance Companies Email: [email protected]
Free dental whitening kit with new patient exam Friday 9-5
91 Tudhope St., Espanola 705-869-1880
Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 2 A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from page two... Sacred Heart Daycare Centre
will be copycats, because there street. INFANT, TODDLER, PRESCHOOL
always are. Here then, are ● You ask for ID and he BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL
some sure signs that the guy at produces a Walmart Super
your door with the little black Club Card which guarantees SPACES AVAILABLE!
medical bag is definitely not a 15% off back-to-school
doctor: supplies. Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify
● The fat, bald and sweaty man ● He takes an x-ray selfie For more information, please call
ringing your doorbell introduces with you which shows a
himself as Dr. McDreamy. deteriorating cerebrum at the 705-869-3171
● This man at the door claims base of his brain.
to be a doctor and he’s making ● He tests your reflexes by
a house call?!?! HULLO! Call whacking your knee with a
the cops right there! crescent wrench. Still No PET Scanner At
● You offer this so-called ● As he steps into your house, Health Sciences North
doctor an apple but he will not the dog nips his heel and he
go away. yells: “Quick! Call a doctor!” NDP Health critic France ago last month that she wrote
● When the ‘med man’ steps ● While preparing to test you Gélinas wants to know why her first letter to the minister
inside and opens his bag, two for high cholesterol, he scrubs a PET scanner is still not of health demanding equity
white doves fly out. up in the fish bowl. installed at Health Sciences of access to PET scanning for
● When you question his claim ● You know something’s fishy North in Sudbury. the people of Northeastern
that he’s a doctor, he reaches when you notice the button Gélinas says it was 10 years Ontario.
into his bag and pulls out a he’s wearing is in support of A major fundraising effort by
graduation certificate from The “Doctors Without Borders Or the late Sam Bruno’s family
College Of Physicians And Even Degrees!” and other advocates helped
Surgeons At Trump University. ● When you ask to call his raise the $3.5-million needed,
● The man appears to be supervisor, he refers you to the but other communities haven’t
wearing a white doctor’s website of Nurse Nancy. had to do that.
smock, but when he turns ● He’s wearing an OR gown Gélinas was reacting to an
around you notice it’s tied up and motorized running shoes announcement from Queen’s
tightly in the back with straps. that get up to 50 kilometres per Park last week that the
● The guy at your door looks hour on carpeting. province will fund a new
like a doctor, but the stethoscope ● When you mention the word PET/CT scanner in southern
in his pocket turns out to be a ‘mammogram,’ he drops to Ontario promising it would be
pocket fisherman. one knee and does an Al Jolson operational in just months.
● When you turn down his offer impersonation.
of a free hearing examination, ● When you ask him his Espanola Company Adopts Espanola
he tries to sell you Amway name, he says he can’t tell you Community Blood Donor Clinic
Oven Cleaner. because it would contravene
● After a physical examination, patient/doctor privacy laws. As part of their dedication to new blood donors are needed
instead of sending you to a And finally, you know the man
clinic for blood work he asks at the door with the medical
you out to dinner. bag is not a real doctor because
● While he’s standing at your although the ID badge on his
door, he gets into a “science jacket says “Ob/Gyn,” he’s not
versus God” debate with the wearing pants.
Jehovah’s Witness who’s next
in line. Looking for an
● When you mention his timing assistance/Girl Friday
is perfect because you’ve felt in the Port Colborne/Wainfleet area.
a lump yourself, he screams Please submit a one-page email to
“Yuk!” and runs off down the
Moose their community, Lila J. Sloss across Canada to meet patient
& Associates Incorporated of needs, including 200 needed
Have an event coming up, a fundraiser, a charity gathering,
contact The Moose for complimentary mcing and assistance The Cooperators in Espanola in the Espanola area.
with your event ... let Roz help you put together your event,
has adopted the Espanola You can take part by making
call 705-869-6397 or email: [email protected]
blood donor clinic. an appointment at www.blood.
The company is committed ca or drop by the Espanola
to recruiting new donors Knights of Columbus hall on
and to help collect 72 blood Tuesday, March 27th.
donations. CBS file photo
Sloss says this year, 100,000
Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 3
A&A, PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Continued from front page...
Espanola Firefighters Honoured, Retired Firefighter Also Acknowledged
Still with the story, the firefighters also celebrated long-time members with the presentation of 2018 Service Medals.
Four firefighters received accolades: Ryan Courtemanche, 10 years; Tom Kelly, 15 years; Dean Riggs, 15 years; and Marcel Dault,
25 years.
Espanola Fire Chief Mike Pichor was himself honoured with 30 years of service, Deputy Chief Henry Girard with 35; Assistant Chief
Wayne Ashton, 45 and Lieutenant Mike Langlois, 20.
Congratulations on behalf of the people and communities you serve.
2018 Presentation of Medals - Espanola Fire Fighters Honored
Photos provided by Delainey Riggs
Photo - Trevor McVey (middle) retired firefighter honored by Megan Wills, Photo - Assistant Chief Wayne Ashton honored for 45 years of service by
Muscular Dystrophy Canada ambassador (left) with firefighters Ryan Mike Pichor, with Henri Girard & OFM John Doucet
Courtemanche, and to the right Tom Kelly and MPP Micheal Mantha Algoma
Manitoulin, Trevor was also honored with Fire Fighter of the Year
Photo - Deputy Chief Henry Girard honored for Photo - Mike Pichor honored for Photo - Marcel Dault honored for 25 years of service by
35 years of service by Mike Pichor-Espanola Fire 30 years of service presented by Mike Pichor-Espanola Fire Chief with his wife Cindy
Chief & Ontario Fire Marshall John Doucet Ontario Fire Marshall John Doucet Dault & Ontario Fire Marshall John Doucet
Photo - Lieutenant Mike Langlois Photo - Dean Riggs honored for 15 Photo - Tom Kelly honored for 15 Photo - Ryan Courtemanche
honored for 20 years of service by years of service by Mike Pichor- years of service by Mike Pichor- honored for 10 years of service by
Mike Pichor-Espanola Fire Chief Espanola Fire Chief Espanola Fire Chief Mike Pichor-Espanola Fire Chief
Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 4
Memorial Ride To Honour Miner – A Granddaughter Remembers
Photo: Elaine and Jim Hobbs with several of their grandchildren. Kathryn that is not the case. I hope he the WSIB quoted a cost for
Pellarin is third from the left. Photo provided rests peacefully knowing he has accessing that information at
a family who is very honoured just under $8,000, so Martell
Kathryn Pellarin of Massey is one and always took us grandkids by the sacrifices he made and launched a crowdfunding
proud grand-daughter, although fishing. I believe that ONIWG needs campaign with GoFundMe to
she is not able to spend time with “His passing has had a huge to reevaluate where it puts its raise the funds, over $5,000 so
her grandfather like she used to. effect on our family. I am funding and help get all miners far.
That is because he has passed on extremely honoured to call him answers.” Since teaming up with the
and it is her memories that keep my grandfather and I know he First introduced in 1943, McIntyre Occupational Health Clinics for
him close to her. was proud of all of us.” Powder was introduced in the Ontario Workers (OHCOW) on a
“I’m very proud of my grandpa, Established in 1991, ONIWG mines as a way of potentially research project in 2016, Martell
Jim Hobbs. He worked extremely is a non-profit organization with reducing worker compensation said a database of 450 workers
hard to provide for his family, 22 member groups advocating costs associated with silicosis, a has been compiled documenting
both as a young kid and as an for workers who have been lung disease caused by inhaling their work histories and health
adult.” injured or become ill while silica dust. The theory was that if records. Research is ongoing to
Her grandfather became a hero on the job. The organization’s miners inhaled aluminum first, it find common elements among
to many when his daughter, annual cycling ride aims to would coat the lungs, protecting the cases to pinpoint any links or
Pellarin’s Aunt Janice Martell, raise awareness surrounding the them from silicosis. trends.
who lives in Sudbury, shared challenges addressing injured Aluminum was ground into a fine OHCOW is additionally
his story with the world in what workers, in addition to raising dust and miners were mandated conducting a first review of
became known as the McIntyre funds for its advocacy work. This to breathe it in while in the cases surrounding six specific
Powder Project. is the first time the ride will travel mine ‘drys’ at the start of every respiratory diseases: lung cancer,
Martell has been working closely to Northern Ontario. shift. ‘Drys’ is a mining term for silicosis, sarcoidosis, chronic
with the Ontario Network To greet the riders, Martell is change rooms. They got the name obstructive pulmonary disease
of Injured Workers Groups planning a welcoming reception because these rooms are usually (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis and
(ONIWG), which will be hosting on Friday, May 25 and Saturday, kept at an elevated temperature to asbestosis.
a memorial cycling ride between May 26 at the Lester B. Pearson facilitate drying clothing between For now, any claims associated
Massey and Elliot Lake this May Civic Centre in Elliot Lake. work shifts. with neurological disorders
in tribute to Hobbs. It will also give her a chance to Miners were not asked for their such as Parkinson’s disease,
The veteran miner made that trip share with the general public the consent or warned of any possible Alzheimer’s or amyotrophic
hundreds of times between 1978 information she’s learned over side effects. lateral sclerosis (ALS) have been
and 1990 while working for the the last four years through the The practice was considered put on hold, as they require more
area’s underground uranium McIntyre Powder Project, which ineffective and using aluminum research to determine any links
mines. she started in 2014. ceased in 1980. But years later, to McIntyre Powder. Similarly,
When he retired, he was “In regards to the project, I am miners who had been exposed OHCOW researchers have found
diagnosed with Parkinson’s, happy my Aunt has gone above began experiencing a range 45 cases of Parkinson’s disease,
a disease Martell attributes to and beyond to seek answers,” of health issues, including or 10 per cent of cases, in the
his exposure to a finely ground says Pellarin. “But, seeing my everything from respiratory registry, while the Canadian
aluminum dust known as grandpa’s name constantly in the illness to neurological disease. average sits around 0.2 per cent.
McIntyre Powder. news is also upsetting. He was a Martell believes McIntyre Meanwhile, Pellarin is
That ONIWG is recognizing very private man and I feel that Powder is the direct cause, but considering taking part in the
the significance of occupational sometimes this project puts so because there is no scientific ride as well, but not by motorized
disease on the province’s much emphasis on him that it evidence correlating the dust with power, rather by literally using
workforce while honouring her feels like exploitation. the range of illnesses, miners horse power.
father and other miners impacted “However, the work my Aunt filing compensation claims “I am considering attending the
by McIntyre Powder exposure. has done is extremely important with the Workplace Safety and ride in his honour on my horse
“Seeing him become bed-ridden and all the minors should be Insurance Board (WSIB) have in it as he was always very proud
with Parkinson’s and not be recognized, not just grandpa. He been denied. to have a grand-daughter take up
able to do the things he loved was not the only one who had to She says that’s unacceptable and farming.
like fishing really took a toll on inhale the aluminum. in January, she pushed harder, “I really hope that the data
me, says Pellarin. “I had a very “I wish my grandfather could have filing a Freedom of Information collection my aunt has done will
hard time going to visit him as I received some answers before his Act request with the WSIB to contribute to research to get all
wanted to remember him as the passing, if it contributed to his release the information about its the miners answers,” she added.
strong man who put family first Parkinson’s, but unfortunately policy denying claims associated To contribute to the campaign,
with aluminum exposure and go to:
neurological disease. In response, mcintyre-powder-project
Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 5
Council To Review Report On Fire Hall Costing
Espanola Police Reports A report on the condition of the service.
the Espanola Fire Hall was the Pichor says a new truck is a
Credit Card Fraud, Identity Fraud - On February 13, 2018, Espanola focus of a committee of the must and insurance grading
Police commenced an investigation into the fraudulent use of a credit whole meeting held on March for the community gives
card. The victim involved had been contacted by the credit card 9th.. no credit to primary attack
company regarding an outstanding balance, but the card had been Council learned any vehicles greater than 20 years.
mailed to a previous address and the victim had never received the restructuring, additions or That means if the new truck is
card. Investigation determined that the new occupant at the victim’s changes to the hall would not purchased, ratepayers will
previous residence had received the card in the mail and fraudulently have to meet the standards be hit with higher premiums
activated the card, which she then used several times to obtain cash. for a post-disaster building and that means higher taxes.
The suspect was subsequently located and arrested on February 24th. as stipulated under provincial Both trucks now owned by the
As a result of the investigation, a 35 year old Espanola woman was legislation. service will be over 20 years
charged with three counts of Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card, and one Whether the fire hall is old next year.
count of Identity Fraud. She will appear in Espanola court on April modified or a new one is built As for the building itself,
9, 2018. is estimated at around the same Pichor says stations are
Under our current Business Plan 2016 – 2018 the Espanola Police cost, $2.8 million dollars. to be built to post disaster
Service is committed to increasing clearance rates for property crime A new fire pumper truck is requirements as per the
offences through property identification programs and reducing expected to be coming soon Ontario Building Code, but
the amount of property crime through community prevention and and will not fit in the hall as the hall was not.
awareness programs. it is, so council has to make a Council is now reviewing a
Assault Causing Bodily Harm - On February 24th, 2018 at decision in the near future. study of the requirements and
approximately 2:23 am, Espanola Police were called to attend a local Espanola Fire Chief Mike costing.
licenced establishment regarding a complaint of an assault that had Pichor says new legal A decision on expansion or a
just occurred. Police and Paramedics attended the scene and the 25 requirements will mean new build is expected to be
year old male victim was transported to the Espanola Hospital for changes to the fire hall to made in the near future, but
treatment of his injuries. Investigation determined that a 21 year old make room for the new truck, council had agreed to move
male had assaulted the victim, and immediately fled the scene. The another necessity required by ahead with a new truck.
suspect was later located and arrested.
As a result of the investigation, a 21 year old Espanola man was EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
charged with Assault Causing Bodily Harm. He will appear in
Espanola court on April 9th, 2018. The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board is a
Under our current Business Plan 2016 – 2018 the Espanola Police municipal service management organization created by the
Service is committed to maintaining a high level of enforcement provincial government to oversee the local planning,
and clearance rates for violent crimes, as well as assisting victims of coordination and delivery of a range of services and
violent crime. programs divested to the municipal order of government.
Impaired Operation - On February 23, 2018 at approximately 4:57 The specific programs our DSB is responsible for are:
pm, Espanola Police Service received a call from a concerned citizen, Ontario Works, Social Housing, Emergency Medical
reporting an intoxicated male that was observed driving an Off Road Services (Land Ambulance), and Early Learning and Child
Vehicle in the area of Anderson Lake. The plate number was provided Care services.
for the vehicle, as well as a description and direction of travel, and
Officers immediately began searching for the vehicle. The vehicle The following Employment Opportunity is now available to
was located a short time later and investigation confirmed that the anyone interested in joining our highly dedicated workforce.
male driver was intoxicated. He was arrested and transported to the
Police station for breath tests, which determined that the driver’s Integrated Program Assistant – Little Current
blood alcohol concentration was almost three times the legal limit PERMANENT FULL-TIME
of 80 mg. 35hrs/wk at $23.08/hr
As a result of the investigation, a 57 year old Espanola man was
charged with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle and Operating Competition #2018-04-ISS
a Motor Vehicle Over 80 mg. He will appear in Espanola court on Closing date: March 29, 2018
April 9, 2018. For position details, visit Job Opportunities on our website at
Under our current Business Plan 2016 – 2018 the Espanola Police
Service is committed to promoting safe driving through enforcement
strategies and public education. Information from concerned citizens While all responses are appreciated, only
is a valuable tool in ensuring road safety, and the Espanola Police applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
encourage anyone with information on impaired driving or other road
safety concerns to contact Police to report the information. Callers do
not have to give their name if they wish to remain anonymous.
Anyone with information on any of these crimes call Espanola
Police Service at (705) 869-3251 or remain anonymous by calling
Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers
locally at (705) 222-TIPS (8477) or toll free at 1-800-461-4899
Automotive services, maintenance and
repairs, oil/fluid changes, tires, wheel
alignments, and much more!
Drop in7or0ca5ll -to8b6oo9k -y0ou3r a3pp3ointment
Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 6
NOTICE OF VACANCY The Mnidoo Mnising Coali�on
Against Domes�c Violence
MAINTAINER is seeking survivor membership for our local domes�c
Espanola Regional Hydro violence community coordina�ng commi�ee (DV3C).
We are seeking two candidates with lived experience of
requires a qualified Powerline Maintainer experienced violence against women issues to join us at our
in all aspects of an electric utility distribution system commi�ee table to provide enhanced understanding
including overhead, underground, meters & working and meaningful development in our efforts to eradicate
with voltages of up to and including 44KV. MEU violence against women in the Districts of Manitoulin
experience is a definite asset. Working with a and the North Shore.
three-person crew, you will be required to be “ON CALL” The local DV3C currently works to address issues in the
on a three-person rotation. areas of domes�c and/or sexual violence through
• service enhancement,
Powerline Maintainer • community awareness,
The ideal candidate is one that • specialized training opportuni�es.
Current member organiza�ons include representa�on
possesses an MEA Journeyperson Powerline Maintainer from the sectors of violence against women preven�on,
Certification. Preference will be given to those who child welfare, vic�m services, police services, healthcare,
possess a post secondary Powerline Technician Diploma. mental health and addic�ons, and others. Membership
Consideration will also be given to those who possess a diversity is an ongoing objec�ve. If interested please
Grade 12 diploma and have successfully completed the contact Marnie Hall Brown ([email protected])
post secondary course - AC circuits and machines – ELR for an applica�on package.
109, or equivalent course, have completed two (2) years
of the MEA or EUSA apprenticeship and are able to The Mnidoo Mnising Coali�on
successfully complete the required testing program that Against Domes�c Violence
will include an Electric Theory examination.
est à la recherche de membres survivants pour notre comité
The successful candidate is one who has a sound local de coordina�on des services communautaires d’aide
mathematical and mechanical background, with good aux vic�mes de violence familiale (DV3C). Nous sommes à la
communications skills and a team player. A sound recherche de deux candidates qui ont vécu une expérience
working knowledge of the associated issues of Health de problèmes liés à la violence faite aux femmes pour
and Safety regulation and legislation is also required. qu’elles se joignent à notre comité et qu’elles fournissent
une meilleure compréhension et une contribu�on véritable
Successful performance in this position is dependent à nos efforts d’éradiquer la violence faite aux femmes dans la
upon sound technical ability, good communication and région Districts of Manitoulin and the North Shore.
organizational skills, and by the nature of the position, the Le comité local (DV3C) travaille actuellement à résoudre
individual must be physically fit for this work and be able les problèmes liés à la violence conjugale et la violence
to respond in a reasonable time to after hour call-outs. sexuelle en :
• améliorant les services ;
Espanola Regional Hydro services some 3300 • sensibilisant la collec�vité ;
customers in the three communities of Espanola, • créant des possibilités de forma�on spécialisée.
Massey and Webbwood. Les organismes membres actuels incluent une
représenta�on des secteurs de préven�on de la violence
The service centre is located in Espanola which is faite aux femmes, l’aide sociale à l’enfance, les services
situated some 75kms west of Sudbury and 45kms aux vic�mes, les services policiers, les soins de santé, la
north of Manitoulin Island. Visit the websites at santé mentale et la lu�e contre les dépendances et and for more d’autres secteurs. La diversité chez nos membres est un
information pertaining to the three communities we objec�f con�nu. Si vous êtes intéressés, communiquez
serve. avec Marnie Hall Brown ([email protected])
pour recevoir un dossier de candidature.
We welcome all applications, but will advise only those
selected for an interview. All applications will be Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 7
retained for one (1) year for future opportunities.
Fax: (705) 869- 2433
E-mail: [email protected]
705-869-6883LPSPRoerepasraesytlcoei&EanrsslaFtOlao•stucTe•cnhad•VaseniR•ohkenIicntYelteoamsulss••FNoSoretSricvaeilceseHsiBgehsetsRt CatiercsuIlnatTioonwn&! HELP WANTED FOR SALE
FOR SALE – Hey for sale, 4 x
SERVICES NOW HIRING - Lead Cook 5 round bales. Call 705-865-
Position, Elliott’s Restaurant, 2338. 3/27
– New Location in Escape to THERAPY R.M.T. – NEW Current. Some cooking IN MEMORIAM
Serenity at 453 Second St. LOCATION as of April. 363 experience & a passion for food
Wednesday’s Senior Day. Also John St. Espanola. To make an is required. Apply in person Sheldon Bentley
open the fourth Saturday of the appointment call 705-869-3223. or email - elliottsrestaurant@
month. 705-869-0505 or 705- [email protected] Jan 20, 1959 – March 18-2016
988-2671. 3/27 4/17 R Those special memories of you
HELP WANTED - Royal Will always bring a smile
LEE VALLEY FEEDS - GREATER THAN INTERIOR Canadian Legion Espanola If only I could have you back
Taking orders for baby chicks, & DESIGN OBC/BCIN is looking for part-time bar For just a little while
turkeys, ducks, pheasants, and CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL servers. Must have smart Then we could sit and talk again
ready lay pullets, we stock SPACE PLANNING – New serve. Apply 370 Annette Just like we used to do
poultry feeds and supplies, Construction ǀ Additions ǀ Street, Espanola. 3/20 You always meant so very much
we also stock softwood and Renovations – Mech ǀ Elect And you always will
hardwood pellets. give us a ǀ Structural Engineering. Call ESPANOLA GOLF &
call or come see us at 416 Lee Robert Martel T : 705-525- COUNTRY CLUB – Now The fact that you’re no longer here
Valley Rd ZMassey. 705-865- 4647|TFN : 844-488-4647|E : accepting resumes for Bar, Will always cause me pain
9996. 3/20 [email protected] 3/27. R Pro Shop, Grounds, Cleaning,
and Kitchen. Only Successful But you’re forever in my heart
P H Y S I O T H E R A P Y HANDYMAN - ODD applicants will be contacted. Until we meet again
OFFERED BY MARILYN JOBS COLOMBUS - Need 309 Golf Rd., Espanola, Always loved
ON, P5E 1A3 or email Never forgotten
[email protected] Forever miseed
Love Donna, Curits,
Call 705-869-6883 Craig & Leeah
To Place Your
WITTMANN - Located at something fixed, painted, Classified Ad!!
Physio Moves in the Espanola drywalled, built or flooring
Hospital. Accepting new done, call me. Stephane
patients. WSIB and MVA Coulombe, 705-863-3434. 5/8
patients welcome. Acupuncture - R OBITUARY
available. Visit www. POLDEN, Lloyd of for services, ESPANOLA SELF
rates, and hours, or call 705- STORAGE – 6x8 and 8x10 Webbwood passed
away at Manitoulin
988-3737. 4/17 - R Storage units available in Centennial Manor,
Espanola. Located behind the
REIKI ENERGY THERAPY car wash. Call 705-869-8405. Little Current on
Sunday, March 11,
2018 at the age of 95
– John Fraser Reiki Master 4/10 - R years. Beloved
day and evening appointments.
Call Escape to Serenity Spa to TOTAL MAINTENANCE husband of the late
Velma (nee Hamilton)
book 705-869-0505. Distance SERVICES: Plowing, Polden. Dear son of
healing – [email protected] carpentry, painting, steel &
4/10. shingle roofing, tree cutting, the late Isaac & Nellie
(nee Remington) Polden. Loving father of Catharine Turcott
decks, landscape construction, (husband Mitchell) of Webbwood & Traci Polden (husband Shane)
VALLEY FARM & FEED - yard maintenance, dump runs.
JOIN OUR 2018 LOYALTY 705-936-6160 3/27 - R of Chesapeake, Virginia. Will be sadly missed by granddaughter,
Erin Tacoronte (husband Matt) of Chesapeake, Virginia. Very dear
brother of Charles Polden (wife Marian predeceased) of Webbwood
PROGRAM - GETA FREE BAG FOR RENT and the late Jack, Ted, Nellie Polden & Rose Pyke. Cremation has
OF FEED WHEN YOU BUY taken place with a Memorial Service at St. George Anglican
BAGS HORSE FEED. READY- COMMERCIAL SPACE Church, Espanola was on Friday March 16th at 10:00 a.m. with the
TO-LAY brown egg layers are FOR RENT – Espanola UPI Reverend Beverly van der Jagt officiating. Interment of ashes in
arriving mid April. Frey’s Day- Service Center. Prime Location, the Webbwood Protestant Cemetery. If so desire, Memorial
Old and 20 week Layers are also hwy 6 Espanola. For more info tributes may be made to the Manitoulin Centennial Manor.
available. Wehavealimitedsupply call. 705-863-1355. 3/27 Arrangements by Bourcier Funeral Home Ltd., Espanola
so order early. ATTENTION FOR RENT – 2- 1 bedroom Nicky Lamothe - PUBLISHER
FARMERS – we are now taking apartments. One available
orders for farm supplies (hay March 1, one available April STAFF
seed, twine, fertilizer, potatoes, 1. First and last rent required. Andrew Vondette - Office Sales-Graphic Design Advertising Manager
onions, fencing, gates, feeders, Webbwood. Call 705-869-0511. Rayann Muncaster - Office Sales/Production Co-ordinator
troughs, salt, minerals, etc.) We 3/20 OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES Muriel Leblanc - Office Sales Manager
stock ORGANIC, NON-GMO FOR RENT - Two small
and Conventional feed. Call for stores on Centre St. Espanola. Doreen Track - Office Sales/Data Entry
prices and availability. 583-1099 Suitable for offices or small Richard Gagnon - Production
(Espanola) or 897-1099 (Valley businesses. Call 705-869-2944 705-869-6883 Bill Leeney - Graphic Design
store). 3/27 for more info. 3/20 Vickie Trahan - Bookkeeping
email: [email protected] Donna McDonald - Proof Reading
Rosalind Russell - Correspondence
Around&About is printed locally by OJ Graphix INC. PJ Baskey - Office Sales/Production
Distribution by Around & About
The advertiser agrees that the Publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond
the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.
There shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement.The publisher reserves the right to edit,revise,classify or reject an advertisement.
Ad space must be reserved Wednesday to be placed in the following week’s issue. Copyright and/or property rights
subsist in all advertisements and in all other materials appearing in this edition of Around & About. Permission to
produce wholly, or in part, any part in any form whatsoever, particularly by photographic or offset process in
publications must be obtained in writing. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 8 PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883
Thank You Watoto Children’s Choir Concert - March 20 at QPC
starting at 7:00 p.m., the orphans from Watoto Children’s
So many to thank – choir will be performing a lively concert that is fantastic for
- Especially Dr. Salam and her team the whole family. No Charge.
- Letitia Robinson CCAC and caring Celebrate International Women’s Day - Men and Women
PSW’s, especially Fernando, Joanne are Invited to join us on March 21 from 9:00 - 3:00 p.m. for
Hearn and Hospice team (Don was on Women’s Wellness Day at the Espanola Recreation Complex.
there one day) This event is free. Call 705-370-3378 to register.
- Paramedics and firefighters were Spanish River Snowmobile Club Next Meeting -
helpful Thursday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. at the Walford Community
- Andrew Bourcier was also helpful Hall. Everyone Welcome!
- The United Church of Espanola Alpha - Explore questions about Christian faith at Alpha.
service by Dawn York and Justin Series starting on Thursday, March 22 at St. George’s
Don Allen Coutts, Bessie Budge and Bob Brill. Church, 213 Tudhope St. Call 705-919-6541 for information
1924 – 2018 - Evelyn Sauder and the UCW for the Massey Area Museum - Annual AGM meeting on March 22
at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited. Penny Sale Fundraiser at
luncheon in the St. Patricks Day Style Mode. Home Hardware Massey, March 19 to April 2.
- Music by the Espanola Strings; Elaine O’Reilly, the Senior’s Espanola Seniors Citizens - Spring Tea March 23 at the
Choir, the Church Choir with Audrey Wadell and Heather Walker. Drop In 799 Queensway Avenue . 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
- to all our friends here, thanks for all the visits, cards, phone calls, Community Luncheon - March 27 2018 from 11:30 a.m.
food, flowers, to Jill Beer and family and Kathy & Grant Lewis’s - 1:00 p.m. at the Lighthouse. Espanola (across from the
letter, Anita Black for her many dinners, especially Sandra Luopa, Royal Bank) NO CHARGE, EVERYONE WELCOME
our “adopted” daughter for her support. Community Tax Volunteer Clinic 2018 – Royal Canadian
And finally, Thanks to Cheryl Kennelly and the town staff who are Legion Espanola, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. every Thursday
planning a June 3 tennis celebration to honour both Don & Dave’s from March 15 – April 19. To see if you qualify stop in to
contribution to tennis. the Legion.
Espanola Helping Hand Food Bank Meat Roll Offs - at
THANKS AGAIN – Merci Beaucoup – Miigwetch the Espanola Legion every Saturday for the month of March.
The fun starts at 3:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Recipe Sables-Spanish Rivers Township Inter Church Council
- invites folks to: walk, bike or drive March 30 for Good
Our favourite office baker Friday, 10:00 a.m. start in Sagamok at the Anglican Church
is sharing another “tested to the Lutheran in Massey. Join us at the bridge in Massey,
and approved” recipe Easter morning sunrise at 6:45 a.m. on April 1. For more
with us. This is a simple information, call 705-582-2012.
to assemble, moist and St. George’s Church Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent
delicious cake to make and Auction – Saturday, April 14 at the Espanola Legion, doors
serve to family or guests. It can be served warm or cold with open at 4:00 p.m., Dinner at 5:00 p.m. for tickets call 705-
a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. 869-3499.
Royal Canadian Legion Service Officer - Sherry Culling,
Caramel Apple Cake Service Officer is coming the week of April 15th. For more
info contact Gary or Judy at 705-869-1711.
• 3 eggs
• 1 ¼ cup vegetable oil Do you have a NOTE for the Community?
• 1 tsp vanilla
• 2 ½ cups flour We invite not-for-profit organizations to submit information on
• 2 cups sugar their upcoming events in writing no later than
• 2 tsp baking powder Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. 25 Word Limit.
• 1 tsp salt E-mail: [email protected]
• 1 tsp baking soda
• 1 tsp cinnamon Espanola Blood Donor Clinic
• 4 medium tart apples, peeled and chopped (4 cups)
• 1 cup chopped pecans March 27
• 1 package (11 oz) butterscotch chips Espanola Columbus Club
• Caramel sauce
399 Mead Street
Beat eggs, oil and vanilla together. Combine the next 6
ingredients and add to the egg mixture; mix well. Stir in the 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
apples and pecans. The batter will be very thick. Put into
an ungreased 9 x 13 baking pan. Sprinkle the top with the Please call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) to OFFICE & ART SUPPLIES
butterscotch chips. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 -45 minutes or book an appointment or on-line at
until toothpick inserted comes out clean. (Check at 30 minutes).
Cool in the pan. Drizzle with caramel sauce. and help meet the continuing need for blood.
PaperWorks, 85 Centre Street, 705-869-6883 Around&About March 20, 2018 Page 9
Possible Bone Marrow Donors Needed For Espanola Boy - Fundraisers Set To Help Family
In our last issue, we reported If they are not Blake had been originally North Shore Wheelin’ has
that an Espanola youngster a match, help diagnosed with childhood stickers for $25 each, $10
is fighting cancer and there from the wider acute lymphoblastic leukemia, from each sticker sold will go
might be a need for the public community will ALL, a type of cancer in which to Team Blake, and have your
to help donate bone marrow. be sought. the bone marrow makes too name entered in a draw to win
Nine-year-old Blake Bond If you would many immature lymphocytes a 110cc Kids ATV!
will need a bone marrow like to help, (a type of white blood cell). The stickers are available
transplant in Toronto as part you can call Leukemia may affect red at Homestyle Foods, Hair
of his treatment. Canadian Blood blood cells, white blood cells, Plus, Jean Country, Espanola
His mother, Kayli, and sister, Services at 1 888 and platelets. Venture Lanes and North
Haileigh, have undergone 2DONATE or go The community is coming Shore Wheelin’.
testing and are waiting for the to: www.blood. together in a number of ways And, enjoy an evening full
results. ca to see if you to help the family offset of fun, sweat, sisterhood,
could be a match expenses not covered by and support on March 23rd!
to become a bone programs. Black lights. Body Paint. The
marrow donor. Come out to the Espanola Best Jams … it is Buti Yoga!
All that is Recreational Complex on Wear neon or white, arrive
required is to fill out a Thursday, March 22nd to at 6:30 p.m. at the Espanola
questionnaire and register for cheer on Team Blake VS The Knights of Columbus Hall to
the nation wide database. Espanola Express/ Eagles paint yourself up – 60 minute
Blake had rung the bell Alumni. workout starts at 7:00 p.m.!
declaring himself cancer free Doors open 6:00 p.m., and Tickets are $20 each and
for the last three years on his puck drop is at 6:30 p.m. are available at The Bliss
mom’s birthday in January, but Admission is $2 per child and Basement - Yoga Studio
tests in mid-February showed $5 per adult. Direct donations can be made
he has been diagnosed with There will also be a penny to the Team Blake account
another type of cancer: AML, table with some really sweet at Espanola’s TD Bank and
acute myeloid leukemia - a prizes, as well popcorn and online donations can be made
cancer of the blood and bone drinks for sale for the kids and at the link at: https://www.
marrow. adults.
Espanola Minor Ball
2018 Registration
at Espanola Recreation Complex On:
6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM
MARCH 20, 21, 22 & 27, 28, 29 - APRIL 3, 4, 5
Registration Fee
T-Ball - $50, All other divisions $60
Coaches and umpires needed.
Contact Chad Lamothe