Board of Directors Hidden GEMS at Fort Collins
Mike Grell “There are little gems all around us that can hold glimmers of
EKS&H inspiration.” -Richelle Mead
Fred Abramowitz Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County
AF&O Attorneys at Law provides youth with unique Academic
Success programs. At our Fort Collins
Ryan Cosner Club, a new program has been
Cosner Financial Group created - GEMS - Girls in
Engineering, Math, and Science. This
Dr. Hector dé Leon program aims to expose our female
Kaiser Permanente Club members to potential STEM
careers in typically male dominant
Patrick Elder fields.
Elder Construction
GEMS participants visited the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery,
Nancy Haboush where they learned about the animal anatomy and the career path
Vistage International of a veterinarian. Our members had the opportunity to dissect a
Michiko Sally Hilton sheep heart! GEMS also
Fragomen Worldwide traveled to Poudre High
School, where they had the
Annie Lindgren opportunity to work with 3D
Wellington Main Street Program printers, small robots, and a
green-screen room.
Mary McCaffrey
Public Service Credit Union in 2016, W2o3m%enomfade
up only
Amanda McDonald STEM professionals.*
Bank of the West
We never know what
Pete Meyer experiences will spark
Brinkman Partners inspiration and hidden talents
in the young leaders of the
Dwayne Schmitz future. Thanks to the
Poudre School District development of the GEMS
program, these young
Marilyn Schock women have the opportunity
UCHealth to be inspired through
experiences that would not
Kyle Schrader otherwise be possible.
Schrader Oil Company
* Cruz, Esther. “The Gap Between Women and Men in STEM and What You Can Do About It [INFO-
Rob Stumbaugh GRAPHIC].” LinkedIn Talent Blog, 27 July 2016, business.linkedin.com
Four Pines Advisors
Sue Wagner
Bank of Colorado
Zach Wilson
The Wilson Law Firm
Mission: To enable all young
people, especially those who need
us most, to reach their full
potential as productive, caring,
responsible citizens.
Exclusive Executive Director Exclusive
Title Sponsor
Greetings to our Boys & Girls Clubs Partners
Presenting and Friends!
Sponsors It has been a busy winter and spring at the
Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County! This
Embassy Suites Loveland newsletter features some of the outstanding
iHeartMedia activities and opportunities that have
Mitsubishi Fort Collins happened in our organization over the past six
SPECTRUM AV months. Most importantly, it showcases how the work being done
at Boys & Girls Clubs is changing lives for thousands of youth
Supporting across Larimer County.
Sponsors As we move forward, we are gearing up for another
action-packed summer season! Our program staff is busy
4Rivers Equipment planning to make sure that this summer is the most impactful
Co’s BMW Center one yet. The theme for our 2018 Summer Program is An Infinite
Brinkman Construction Summer: Forever exploring, serving, and creating. This theme
Dohn Construction translates into giving youth opportunities in the areas of outdoor
EKS&H excursions, summer academic programming, artistic expression
Flood and Peterson activities, and community service projects. Due to the enormous
Guaranty Bank & Trust need for quality summer child care services, we intentionally
RJ Clark Family Foundation amplify our summer program by operating more locations to
UCHealth serve more youth. This summer, we will be operating at eight
separate locations across Larimer County, projecting to serve
Golf more than 700 youth each day.
Tournament Our organization is one of the only, Monday through Friday,
Exclusive Title all-day, youth development services offered throughout the
entire summer at no additional cost to members. Club
Sponsor membership is $20 annually, per child. The cost to our
organization is $800 per year. We keep our membership costs
Monday, August 20, 2018 low to ensure that every child has the opportunity for a safe,
fun, and enriching summer.
It’s a great time to get involved with Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer
County. To learn more about how you can make an impact, call us
at 970-223-1709. Together we can help ensure a life changing
summer for all youth across Larimer County.
Kaycee Headrick
Executive Director
Q & A: Artistic Ways
Meet Giovanny from our Harmony Village Club. He’s a third grade student
who has been attending Boys & Girls Clubs for two years. Through arts
programming, he has been able to practice different forms of art to
express himself. Giovanny recently won at the Southwest Regional Fine
Arts Competition with his watercolor piece, “Reflection of Trees.”
BGCLC: How did you develop an interest in art?
Giovanny: At school, we always have art class and each grade it gets
harder and harder. I like learning different ways to do art, then coming to
the Boys & Girls Club to practice even more.
BGCLC: What is your favorite thing about art?
Giovanny: Art is not stressful and it calms me. My favorite thing right now is doing art with oil
pastels because they blend well.
BGCLC: How can art at the Club help others?
Giovanny: If they’re having a bad day, they can come to the Club and do art to calm them and
express themselves. I like to help other kids at the Club with their art projects. My favorite thing to
help them with is art sketches.
BGCLC: What has been your favorite projects that you’ve worked on at the Club?
Giovanny: One time we learned how to do pottery, so I made a pot that’s at home. My other favorite
thing that I’ve made is a watercolor picture with trees.
Giovanny is a great example of how art, at our Clubs, can have a positive effect on our youth.
Denver Broncos Junior Training Camp
150 youth across Northern Colorado and Cheyenne, Wyoming
had the unique opportunity in April to partner with the Denver
Broncos for their 7K Series and Salute to Fans Rally. In
partnership with El Pomar Foundation, the Broncos hosted a
Junior Broncos Training Camp, teaching Club members various
skills used on the field. Club members had the opportunity to
meet Broncos cheerleaders, get autographs from players, and
take pictures with Broncos Super Bowl trophies. In a very special
ceremony, our very own Wellington Club member, Milayo Garner,
was honored as the Youth Community Champion. Thanks to the
Denver Broncos and El Pomar Foundation for making this special
experience possible for our youth!
Did you know Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to
the charitable organization of your choice? Support BGCLC by visiting smile.amazon.com and
designate Boys and Girls Clubs of Larimer County as your preferred charity.
Colorado Child Care contribution Tax Credit
Do you know about the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit (CCCCTC)? The CCCCTC was
designed to encourage greater private support of Colorado child care programs, like those provided by
Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County. Your donation to Boys & Girls Clubs qualifies for this tax credit and
you may be able to decrease the after-tax cost of your gifts by more than 50%.
Half of your donation will be offset by a dollar-for-dollar credit against your Colorado income
taxes. Plus, you will still be able to claim your full contribution as a charitable deduction on your
federal and state income tax returns if you itemize deductions.
Donation Amount Suggested Support Colorado Child Care
Contribution Tax Credit
$5,000 One year of Academic Enrichment Programming
$2,500 One year of Sports League Programming $1,250
$1,000 A month worth of art supplies, at one site $500
$500 A month worth of Health and Life Skills $250
Programming $125
$250 A month of teen nights (4 total)
$100 One field trip $50
$50 Supplies for one cooking class $25
$20 One annual Club membership dues $10
For more information, visit “FYI Income 35” at www.colorado.gov. As with all charitable donations, please consult your tax advisor.
The Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit makes your dollars go further, resulting in greater
impact for young people in Larimer County!
Corporate Volunteer Spotlight
Last November, we launched our newly refined Corporate
Volunteer program at our annual Turkey Bowl with the help of
Co’s BMW Center. The Turkey Bowl is a culminating event at
the end of our Flag Football season. Clubs from across
Larimer County compete for the season title. Throughout the
flag football season, Club members learn about the sport of
football, team sportsmanship, and healthy competition. The
event was extra special because the employees of Co’s BMW
Center prepared and served chili for Club members and staff.
Several Denver Broncos cheerleaders and Miles the Mascot
were in attendance. Thank you Co’s BMW for helping us kick
off our Corporate Volunteer Program!
Youth of the Year
Each year, thousands of Boys & Girls Clubs members throughout the
country vie to become the Boys & Girls Clubs of America National Youth
of the Year. Youth of the Year is our signature effort to foster a new
generation of leaders, fully prepared to live and lead in a diverse,
global and integrated world economy. While being named Youth of
the Year is the highest honor at our Clubs, the umbrella of Youth of
the Year has evolved into a comprehensive leadership development
program, which includes:
Youth of the Month - Leadership Recognition Program
Junior Youth of the Year - Leadership Readiness Program
Youth of the Year - Leadership Development Program
Youth of the Year is the most comprehensive
leadership program offered by Boys & Girls Clubs,
challenging youth ages 14-18 in various areas. Each
Youth of the Year nominee is required to prepare a
program packet comprised of three essays, letters of
recommendations, demonstrate their commitment to
our priority outcome areas, and volunteer service hours.
Youth of the Year nominees are also required to
prepare a speech expressing their vision for the future
and what his or her Club means to them. That speech is
then presented to their Clubs and in front of a panel of
Only one Youth of the Year is chosen by a group of
judges at the county level and then advances to state,
regional, and national Youth of the Year competitions.
Each participant who makes it to the national level has
the opportunity to go to the White House to meet the
President of the United States and receives
scholarships for post high school education.
The Youth of the Year program is a great way to build In 2018, Dominic Sandoval, a teen from
job readiness in young people. Participants learn how to our Loveland-Pulliam Club, was
interview, prepare a resume, speak publicly, and announced as the 2018 Larimer County
professionally interact with others. Youth of the Year. He went on to
represent our organization at the state
level, which has helped better prepare
him for his upcoming post-secondary
experiences. Dominic has attended
Boys & Girls Clubs for over 10 years and
has plans to attend CSU and major in
Political Science.
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