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Uplyme Parish Magazine for July 24

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Published by parishnews, 2024-06-24 04:04:22

Parish News July 2024

Uplyme Parish Magazine for July 24

Worship in Uplyme Church July & early August July 2024 Mon 1st 7pm Compline - Night Prayer GIFT DAY Sun 7th 10am Morning Worship with Agape Meal 6pm Choral Evensong Sun 14th 10am Morning Worship 4pm Telephone Service Sun 21st 10am Together@10 6pm Holy Communion Sun 28th 10am Morning Worship 4pm Telephone Service August 2024 Sun 4th 10am Together@Communion 6pm Service of Wholeness & Healing Mon 5th 7pm Compline - Night Prayer Sun 11th 10am Morning Worship 4pm Telephone Service Sun 18th 10am Together@10 6pm Holy Communion Baptisms None Weddings - 17th May - Oliver Thorogood and Hannah Pullinger. Funerals, Thanks Giving & Burial of Ashes None 4pm Telephone Service – A few minutes before 4pm call 0333 011 0616. When asked for the access code dial in 723 9782 followed by the hash key # These services are free to those who have a package which includes free 03 calls [most do] but you may be charged at normal call rates if not. Do check with your service provider

1 CONTENTS Service News Inside Front Cover Contents 1 Roger the Reader Reflects 2 From the Editor & Uplyme Help@Hand 3 Church Events 4 Church Groups 5 Local Notices 6 Never Alone by David Dare 7 Church Notices 8 Adverts 9 & 10 ICE-CREAM SUNDAYS IN AUGUST! 11 Horticultural Society 12 1st Lym Valley Scout Group 13 ALCS & Dates for your Diary 14 Partishpump 15 Uplyme Pre-School 16 Adverts 17 & 18 Uplyme “Bat Safari” 19 Parish Council Update 20 & 21 Village Hall News and Calendar 22 & 23 Adverts 24 Church Officers & Contact details Inside Back Cover Adverts Rear Cover Parish News Copy Deadlines Please remember the NEXT issue of the magazine is for August and all articles up to and including things for early September should be with us by the 21st July Email to - [email protected]

2 By the end of this month, schools will have broken up for the long summer holidays and thousands will have flocked to the coast. A lack of sea experience will undoubtedly result in many RNLI beach and lifeboat rescues, undertaken by selfless and dedicated members, willing to risk their lives for the sake of others. In March this year, the RNLI celebrated its bicentenary, and as one of a team of shop volunteers with the Seaton and Beer branch, we marked this event appropriately. A few years ago, I visited the RNLI College and All-Weather Lifeboat Centre in Poole. Coming from a seaside town I’ve always supported this worthy and vitally important cause, but after this visit my admiration for those who volunteer to save lives at sea greatly increased. The familiar hymn, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" is a British hymn traditionally associated with all seafarers, the RNLI and the navy. It’s sometimes known as, “For those in peril on the sea”. Written in 1860, its author, William Whiting, was inspired by the dangers of the sea described in Psalm 107. It was soon adopted by many branches of the armed services in the UK and USA. When Churchill met with Roosevelt in the North Atlantic during World War II, this was the hymn Churchill requested. Jesus knew the dangers affecting his fishermen friends and he strongly supported them. John’s gospel records Jesus saying, ‘The greatest love you can have for your friends, is to give your life for them’. By contrast, there’s a saying today, ‘whatever floats your boat’, which means ‘just do your own thing’. Lifeboat crews and their many supporters are surely the antithesis of this. Although the lifeboat crews will seldom know those they rescue, their willingness to venture out into the unknown deserves our respect and support. I wonder, do we know God as our constant daily companion, or will we, if we cry out in a time of desperate need, first need to introduce ourselves? Roger Grose (Licensed Lay Minister)

3 Welcome to the July edition of our magazine. I was sorry to have missed the Village Fete this year, I was away ‘up-North’ at the time. I understand that a fantastic time was had by all. Well done to Pete Hackett and his team for the effort that was put into making it another spectacular event in Uplyme. Our attention now starts to turn towards the 2024 Horticultural Show, usually hot on the heels of the Fete. This year as you will see from the front cover it’s at the beginning of August and the Church is holding a Flower Festival over the same period as the Horticultural Society wanted them to be part of the event this year in their “New Date, New Look” event focusing on gardening, horticulture, the natural world and the local environment. I can’t wait for the show! Many of you will know Barbara Pearson who died recently. Barbara was one of the first people we met when we moved into the area 36 years ago. She ran the Sunday School our children attended whilst Carole and I were in Church. Our children who are now in their 30’s remember her very fondly as do we. Our thoughts and prayers are with Adrian and all his family at this time. Ed Uplyme Help at Hand General enquiries Anne: 01297 444799 Marilyn: 07885 859946 Transport Dave: 01297 444799 Fred: 01297 445647 Can we help with: • A meal if you’re unwell? • A liA to a medical appointment? • PrescripGons collected? • Emergency items of shopping? • Your dog walked if you’re not up to it? • A visit and a chat if you can’t get out? • Opportunity to go out for tea or coffee with other Uplyme residents? Other needs? Try us! Ring one of the above numbers Remember, it doesn’t have to be an emergency before you call on us!

4 Flower Festival August 2024 The Uplyme Church Flower arrangers group, who decorate the church each week with beautiful flower arrangements, have been asked by the Uplyme Horticultural Society to organise a Flower Festival to coincide with their Summer Show on 3rd August 2024. The “Floweries” were delighted to accept. The theme of the Show and the Festival is “Herbs” and we are all getting very excited at the challenge of a “Herb based Flower Festival” - the fragrance in church should be wonderful. The Church Flower Festival will run from: Thursday 1st August until Sunday 4th August. Further details will appear on posters around the village, on the church notice board, the church website and in next months Parish News. The Floweries of Uplyme Church. Can you save the church £400? During three weeks of July, a couple of engineers will be refurbishing the bell frame in the church tower, something which hasn’t been done for many years. Fund raising events and grant awards will cover the bulk of the costs. In addition, another significant cost saving would arise from local residents offering B&B accommodation for the engineers. Two weeks are covered and it would be great if provision could be made for the third, week beginning 22nd July. If you might be able to assist, please contact Andrew Lightfoot on 01297 561687. Thanks. Also I should mention that the bells, and the clock strike on the hour, will be out of action for those three weeks so we hope you don’t over-sleep! Uplyme Church Gift day is on Sunday 7th July with a special presentation at the 10am Service. Our speaker will be Philip Tolhurst who, amongst other things, will be telling us about how his daughter Kate is getting on. Kate works for EKISA and lives in Uganda The monies collected will be divided 50% to church funds and 50% equally to our 3 supported charities. These are • Busoga Trust which repairs water and hygiene systems in Uganda, • Ekisa which supports children with physical problems in Uganda and • St Petrocks , which works with the homeless in Exeter. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you. Further details will be sent out to church members soon

5 Saturday Morning Football Saturday Mornings 9am Uplyme Playing Field Sept - Dec & April-May Axminster 3G pitch January - March A Church organised group which is open to children in Reception to year 6, although all are welcome to join us. For further details please contact Fletch Hulbert on 07759 830128.

6 Uplyme Gospel Singers We are a community choir that meets at 7:30 pm on Tuesdays in term time at Uplyme Church No experience needed! No audition! No need to read music! First session is free! For more info - worship-3-2/uplyme-gospel-singers/ email [email protected] or phone 01297 443642 UPLYME SHORT MAT BOWLS MONDAY EVENINGS 6.30pm - 9.30pm AT UPLYME VILLAGE HALL ‘Short Mat Bowls’ is not a resident in the village but an established club run by a group of people who enjoy socialising whilst playing indoor bowls. Why not come along and try your hand and join us for a cuppa. No experience is required and it's an opportunity to make new friends. Please contact: Pauline McCarter. Tel No: 01297 442682

7 NEVER ALONE 2 For various modern day reasons, many folk can say “I really do feel alone” in fact, “I think I am up a creek without a paddle and don't know who to turn to.” King David of old got himself into some serious scrapes but through them all thanked God with the prayer “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” It is sometimes a huge challenge these days to find peace of heart and mind. The news swirling around us reports innumerable disasters let alone Covid. We can feel the ground shifting below our feet as if we are in one of the current earthquakes or wars. The three legged stool of old is an object lesson in that it gave a steady seat even on the uneven floor surface of an ancient cottage. This brings to mind three pointers to how we can obtain peace of heart and mind like King David. Like King David, the first is offering thankful prayers for any blessings. The second is listening to God through his words in one’s bible. We may have to shake the dust off it! The third is to pray for the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can miraculously lead us to passages of scripture that are amazingly relevant to our situation, whatever that might be, The up shoot of all this is a growing confirmation that God is not only ever present with us but is also keenly interested in every aspect of our lives. For starters take a look at the Gospel of John. It records God’s incarnation as the man Jesus Christ and how we can gain the right to become eternal children of God through believing in his name. You will not be far into the early chapters of John before you come across promises of God regarding a totally new, eternal life through Christ’s suffering for the forgiveness of our sins from which we have to turn away with God’s help. Read on and one learns about the impact Jesus had on all types of people from fishermen to military officers and noblemen. David Dare

8 UPLYME CHURCH FESTIVAL CHOIR All singers are invited to join the Festival Choir to participate in Choral Evensong on: Sunday 7th July at 6.00pm. We sing in 4 parts but you are given lots of help to learn your part! You don't have to be a sight reader! Please ring Adrian on 01297 442902 if you'd like to learn more about getting involved this time or in the future. MEDITATION will begin again on Tuesday 24 September. Please arrive around 4p.m for a prompt 4.15 p.m. start. No experience necessary, we welcome new participants. Contact: Catherine Lightfoot at. [email protected] Celebrating the Bellringers We have a brilliant band of bell ringers and a huge cake was made and cut to share at the start of worship to say thank you for regularly ringing on Sunday mornings and at other important occasions. If you would like to learn the art of campanology, then come along to the church on a Thursday evening at 7.30pm when practice takes place. Hole for one A golfing priest, after having been beaten by an elderly parishioner, returned to the clubhouse somewhat depressed. “Cheer up,” said the layman. Remember, you’ll eventually be burying me some day.” “Yes,” said the priest. “But even then, it will be your hole!”

9 Mike Ebdon Electrician For all your Electrical needs Roseneath Venlake Lane Uplyme Devon DT7 3SD Home: 01297 442861 Mobile: 07774642740 FREE ESTIMATES All work Part P certified From a quick “Wash & Go” to a “Full Showroom Valet” 07341 402 021 [email protected]

10 DOES YOUR DAUGHTER OR SON ENJOY SINGING? So many children do but have maybe only sung as part of a group, in class or a choir. Would your child like the chance to discover their solo voice? My fun lessons, tailored to their age and experience and drawing from a wide range of songs appropriate to their level and interest, will increase your child’s confidence, nurture pride in performance and build a firm foundaMon for whatever exciMng musical journey lies ahead. *initial taster/trial lesson free *convenient studio in central Uplyme *optional practice online back-up *optional ABRSM exam opportunities Adrian Pearson B.A., Cert.Ed. (01297) 442902 [email protected] BIG ENOUGH TO HELP | SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE · Buying & Selling Property · Business Issues · Agricultural Issues · Wills · Powers of A�orney · Trusts & Estates · Matrimonial and Family · Personal Injury · Resolving Disputes · Negligence Claims · Employment · Debt Recovery AXMINSTER 01297 32345 CHARD 01460 63336 LYME REGIS 01297 443777

11 Ice Cream Sundays At Uplyme Church Come and join us for Worship in August at 10.00am Followed by free Ice Cream for all! 4th Together@Communion 11th Morning Worship 18th Together@10 25th Morning Worship

12 Uplyme and Lyme Regis Horticultural Society To view our full year’s programme please visit our website Annual membership costs only £6 per person. You can join online at the website or at any meeting. All coach trip costs include a £5 non-returnable deposit and non-members are welcome for an additional £3. Wimborne and Edmondsham House and Gardens, coach trip, Tuesday 9th July Wimborne morning visit before going on to Edmondsham House in the afternoon with its 6-acre garden with unusual trees and shrubs. Guided tour of house, which dates from 1589. Depart Uplyme Village Hall 9.15am. £24, including guided tour. Please book with Jenny Harding [email protected] 07773 604137 Blackbury Honey Farm and Garden, evening coach trip, Wednesday 24th July Social visit to local honey farm with wildflower garden and meadow. £7.50 includes refreshments. Depart Uplyme Village Hall 6.15pm. Please book with Jenny Harding [email protected] 07773 604137 by 18th July Birds of Prey display and talk, Wednesday 31st July Look at amazing birds of prey. All profits to Lyme Regis Lifeboat Week. Tickets £4, from RNLI Gift Shop, Uplyme Stores or ring Brian on 07831 533580. Doors open at 7pm for refreshments. Talk starts 7.30pm Uplyme Summer Flower and Produce Show, Saturday 3rd August, 2-5pm A new date and look for our summer show held at Uplyme Village Hall and Playing Field as we focus on gardening, horticulture, the natural world and the local environment. Our theme this year is celebrating Herbs. Show marquee, cream teas, gardening advice from experts, demonstrations and minitalks, sensory trail, wide range of stalls, try your hand at croquet. Plenty for adults and kids alike. Entry only £1 for adults, free for 16 and under. Show schedule and programme available online, at Uplyme Stores and Ginger Beer, Lyme Regis. Free competition entry; forms must be returned by 8pm Wednesday 31st July. Loads more information on our website Mystery Tour, coach trip, Tuesday 6th August Give yourself an unexpected treat with our mystery tour. £20. Depart Uplyme Village Hall 9.15am. Please book with Jenny Harding [email protected] 07773 604137 Tricia Boyd

13 1st Lym Valley Scout Group (Uplyme and Lyme Regis) Things are ramping up as we are out and about doing loads of activities and having fun. Hope you all enjoyed our hotdogs and burgers at the Uplyme Village Fete last month. We sold out and made some money to help the group provide equipment for the children. Thank you to everyone who came and bought burgers, cakes and had a go at plate smashing and in supporting the group. Last month the Beavers enjoyed a night away experience at the scout hut. For all of them this was their first time away with the Beavers and were quite nervous, but a walk in the drizzling rain, a good old sing song around a pretend campfire and hotdogs was enough for them to fall asleep and not wake up until 7am. The next day we did the aviation badge level 1 and made paper aeroplanes and rockets. The Cubs worked towards their swimming badges by going to the flamingo pool on a Saturday afternoon, and a few scouts joined them and 2 of them achieved their level 4. The Scouts will have been to strategy at Cirencester I will update you next month on how they did. 5 of the Scouts prepared for their Expedition Challenge badge, for some this was the last challenge badge to gain before getting their Gold Award. The Explorers took part in the D Day 80th Anniversary torchlight parade with some of them reading out poems and prayers. Well done Explorers you looked really smart. This month all the sections will be out on the water, rafting and paddleboarding. This is great fun, and they always look forward to doing this and see it as the high light of the year. If you have a child who is coming up to 6 years old and would like to join Beavers, please get in contact with us. Also, any adults who want to volunteer and spend a couple of hours a week helping in any of the sections or to be on our committee and help behind the scenes please contact us through our website. Yours in Scouting Karen Yelland Beaver and Scout Leader Instagram 1stlymvalley

14 Sunday 7th July 6.00pm Choral Evensong Monday 8th - 26th July Refurbishment of Bell Frame Saturday 6th July at 6.00pm Ukraine Evening with Serhii and Rita Tickets £10 to include Soup and Pancakes Wednesday 17th July Visitation for Churchwardens 7.00pm at St Giles Church, Kilmington Thursday 18th July Quiet Day at Hilfield Friary contact Catherine Lightfoot. Monday 22nd July PCC Meeting at Axmouth 7.00pm Thursday 1st - 4th August Flower Festival Theme “Herbs” Saturday 3rd August Horticultural Summer Flower and Produce Show 2-5pm with the theme “Herbs”. At Village Hall and playing field. Sunday 4th August 6.00pm Wholeness and Healing Art Exhibition and Sale of Work Wednesday 21st - Saturday 24th August Sunday 1st September 6.00pm Evening Worship Saturday 14th September Ride & Stride for Historic Churches Trusts. Uplyme Church will be open and provide refreshments. Sunday 15th T@T 10.00am Harvest Theme Std21tStb1030CitWlkdlihtlhDates for your Diary

15 Be careful of the sun this summer – melanoma is on the rise Skin cancer cases are expected to top 20,000 for the first time this year, according to a recent study by Cancer Research UK. While the increase in skin cancers has occurred across all the ages, it is highest in the elderly, who enjoyed cheap package holidays to sunny countries during the 60s and 70s. They were exposed to higher ultraviolet radiation without realising the dangers. The numbers of people aged 80 and over who develop skin cancers has soared by 57 per cent in 10 years. And while younger people are more likely to take precautions against the sun, those aged 25 to 49 are still predicted to see a seven per cent rise in skin cancers this year. Anyone who notices any unusual changes to their skin should contact their GP. Cancer Research UK has partnered with Nivea Sun to advise the public to stay in the shade between 11am to 3pm, cover up with clothes, a hat and UV-protected sunglasses, and use sunscreen with protection levels of at least factor 30. Finding safety in shade goes right back to biblical times. The book of Jonah even tells us that: ‘the LORD God prepared a vine, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to deliver him from his discomfort. So, Jonah was exceedingly glad because of the vine.’ (Jonah 4:6) Weekly Church attendance up 5% in third year of consecutive growth Average weekly attendance at Church of England services rose by almost five per cent in 2023 - the third year of consecutive growth, preliminary figures show. Meanwhile weekly attendance by children was up by almost six per cent last year, according to an early snapshot of the annual Statistics for Mission findings. While total attendance is still below 2019 levels, the analysis suggests in-person attendance is drawing closer to the pre-pandemic trend. In 2021 all-age Sunday attendance was 22.3 per cent below the projected prepandemic trend, but the new figures reveal that the gap had narrowed to 6.7 per cent last year. All-age weekly attendance rose to within 8.3 per cent of the trend last year, compared with 24.1 per cent in 2021. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said “This is very welcome news and I hope it encourages churches across the country.”

16 Uplyme Pre-school News We’ve had a fantas-c spring term when we’ve been learning all about people who help us, so we’ve had visits form the fire brigade, the police and a paramedic. The children loved seeing inside all of the emergency vehicles and plugged their ears for the loud sirens! We had lots of fun this year at the village fete running a human fruit machine, thank you to all of the parents who helped and to everyone who visited the stall, we raised a fantas-c £107. Our baby and toddler group has been really busy and we’ve loved seeing all of the liEle ones coming and enjoying playing and making new friends. Toddler group runs every Tuesday a0ernoon (term 4me) from 1.45pm un4l 3.15pm, everyone is welcome.

17 Wool & synthetic carpets, vinyls & Karndean engineered woods, sisal, coir & seagrass, rugs to order Competitive prices with fantastic service For all your flooring needs come to: 01297 33771 Castle Hill, Axminster, EX13 5PY ~ Quality Tree Surgery ~ Tree Reports & Surveys ~ Forestry Maintenance ~ Felling ~ Estate Management ~ Decking ~ Landscaping & Patios ~Site & Garden Clearance ~ Hedge Trimming & Laying ~ Grass cutting & Strimming ~ Planting ~ Stump Removal ~ Logs & On site splitting ~ Wood Chipper & Man for hire ~ Fencing - Domestic & Stock BROADLEAF TREE SURGERY & GARDEN SERVICES For a free quotation & advice please call Alastair Down 01297 35364 07747 804 773 [email protected] NPTC Qualified Staff & Fully Insured CRW Accountants Ltd For all your Business, Personal Accountancy and Taxation needs dealt with confidentially and cost effectively. Contact: Hayley Perham BA(Hons), FAIA, CPA, FMAAT, ATT(Tax) On 01297 553286 [email protected] For a Free initial consultation “Your oven cleaning specialists” 01395 206870 YOU CAN BOOK ONLINE Before After Amazing results

18 Mike Maccoy Computer Tutor & sort-outer of problems 100s of satisfied customers New or Old, Bewildered or Terrified Specific or General One-off or Every-so-often --------------------------------------------- I come to you and help you on your own computer. I am experienced, speak your language, work with you at your pace to tackle everything from installation to general, Internet / e-mail, Broadband, wireless, printing, photos etc etc. Phone me at any time on 01297 442321 or 07970443631 07970 443 631 Tel: 01297 445626 Email: [email protected] “your home from home by the sea” Spacious rooms, in a beautiful house, in a glorious part of Devon We are Dementia Care Specialists Pinhay House Care Home Artist blacksmith living in Uplyme designing and manufacturing garden plant supports, structures, furniture and art. Check out the whole range on my website or contact me for bespoke designs and commissions [email protected] 07770 720 373 The Gardener’s Blacksmith

19 TWILIGHT ZONE – EAST DEVON NATIONAL LANDSCAPE UPLYME BAT SAFARI, River Lym Friday 26 July, 8.45pm - 10.15pm River Lym riverside path, Uplyme Join Sarah Butcher, from Devon Bat Group who will lead a FREE bat detecting walk along the River Lym Valley footpath. Rivers offer excellent navigation routes for bats as well as food from insects emerging from the waters. Adjacent woodland offers valuable roost sites too. Three bat species are on East Devon National Landscape’s ‘Elusive Eight’ endangered species list include the Greater Horseshoe, Bechstein and Grey Long-eared Bats. At our nocturnal wander under moon lit skies, using hand held bat detectors we will hear and see what’s flying tonight – also we will learn more about them and how we can help increase their numbers. All ages welcome. A wide and level footpath for most of the route is accessible for mobility and pushchairs. For more details and booking essential: Please email: [email protected] This event is part of the East Devon National Landscape’s ‘Saving Special Species’, Nature Recovery Programme. Saving special species - resources - East Devon National Landscape ( For more information on future East Devon NL events, projects and news please subscribe to their e-newsletter:

20 Uplyme Parish Council c/o Uplyme Village Hall, Lyme Road, Uplyme, Lyme Regis DT7 3UY Tel: 07413 947067 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish News – June 2024 There’s a lot to talk about! Playground Consultation The Council have set up a steering group of councillors to organise the refurbishment of the playground at King George V field, and they have been busy making the necessary arrangements to update some of the equipment to improve this well-used community amenity. The Council have allocated £15,500 to replacing some of the equipment, and whilst that sounds like a healthy amount, in reality it will only buy one or two pieces of equipment. So, we have applied to East Devon District Council to access some Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) monies to boost funds. CIL is payable by developers through planning law, requiring them to pay some money towards improving the local area. There are strict rules governing spending this money, and one of those rules is to carry out meaningful consultation with the community. We have developed one and are now ready to go live with the survey! This survey is designed to find out what the young people locally want to see in their play park and what they like to use. We ask that you: • Complete the survey on behalf of your young people, or those you care for that use the play park, and in consultation with them before the closing date of 10th July 2024 • Share the link with your local contacts who use the play park so we can make sure the views are representative of the community • Do not share with anyone who does not regularly use the playground – these are funds paid by Uplyme residents for their community facilities, so it is right they should have the majority say • Do ask if you would prefer a paper copy of the survey (copies available from the Clerk – contact details above - or in the foyer of the Village Hall and a return box) • The link will be shared on social media and, if you lose that thread, on the Council’s website for ease of access The survey can be found at using East Devon District Council’s Commonplace system. Thank you in advance for completing it and for helping to improve your community!

21 Stafford Mount We are pleased to show a picture of the new paving at this public park – we’re sure you’ll agree that the access, safety and appearance of the area is much improved! Mrs Ethelston’s Primary School have created an after school art club to create the wonderful mosaic panels designed for the site by their students last year. The panels depict scenes of Uplyme, and we can’t wait to see them in situ! We will keep you updated when they are ready to be hung. We will be asking for help with preparing the site, donation of relevant plants and help to plant them in due course, so please get in touch if you can help make this public space a beautiful place to watch nature in action at the heart of the community. Welcome The Council welcomes Mrs Frances Rawlins onto the Council, after she was unanimously co-opted onto the Council at their meeting in June. The other Councillors look forward to working with Cllr. Mrs Rawlins as she gets stuck in to her new role. Chairman: Cllr. C James Vice Chairman: Cllr. A. Turner Cllrs: Mrs. E. Daly, Mrs. P Frost, P. Hackett, P. Oakley, C. Pratt, Mrs. F. Rawlins, W. Trundley

22 Would you like to find out more about our Village Hall and how it is run? Everyone is welcome at our AGM on 2nd July. Don’t worry! You won’t get pressganged on to our fun-loving committee … Come along to our monthly meetings which usually last less than an hour … they could be shorter but our sense of humour often gets the better of us! And, the committee gets time off for good behaviour with no meeting at all in August. Forthcoming events The BIG BREAKFAST is on Saturday 14th September – last year we ran out and had to do an emergency restock. Yes, the breakfast is that good! On Sunday 22nd September we’re holding our 30th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION with CREAM TEAS. Thank you to those who have already contacted us with Hall memorabilia – it’s all going to make for a great exhibition. As well as our own displays, we’re inviting regular hall users and Uplyme organisations to have their own stands showing the best of our community. Saturday 19th October, we have our JUMBLE SALE in the morning with singer-songwriter, REG MEUROSS, performing in the evening. Look out for more details nearer the time. Saturday 30th November … the Hall’s biggest event of the year … THE CHRISTMAS FAYRE, COFFEE MORNING and …. Quack! Quack! … the DUCK RACE. Yay! Hurray!. DUCKS will be on sale soon. If you would like to sponsor a prize, please talk to our own Super Duck, John Fowler, Chair Pete Hackett, Secretary Margaret Wiscombe, our Manager Amber or any of our hard-working and dedicated committee members. [email protected] 07396 704980 UPLYME VILLAGE UPLYME VILLAGE HALL A.G.M. Tuesday 2nd July 2024 7pm Everyone welcome How to make friends and influence people? 30 Nov Super Duck

23 Village Hall July 2024 REGULAR HIRERS TIMES MAY VARY - Please check with the group/organisation Uplyme Pre School/ Term time only Mondays 9am-3.30pm Wednesdays 9am-1pm Tuesdays/Fridays 9am- 1.30pm Toddlers—Term time only Tuesdays – 1.45pm -3.30pm School – Mrs Ethelstons/Term time only Wednesdays 1.30-3.30pm (4.45 if club) Thursdays 10.30am- 3.30pm (4.45 if club) Fridays 1.45pm-3.30pm (4.45 if club) Yoga Thursdays 6.30pm-8.00pm Short Mat Bowls Mondays 6.30pm-9.00pm Parish Council Usually 2nd Wednesday of each month 6.30pm Horticultural Society Usually 4th Wednesday of each month 7pm-9pm Mainly Ballroom Saturday 13th July 7.30pm Quakers Sundays 9.30am – midday Village Hall Committee meeting 1st of the month 7.00pm Wed/Oct-March Tues/April-Sept Other bookings Thursday 4th – Polling Day Upcoming events are advertised in our noticeboards at the Hall and also on our Facebook page. To book the Village Hall please contact Amber Email: [email protected] M: 07396704980 - office hours only Visit our website/calendar Calendar/online calendar times are hire times not event times. Check with the individual organisations for event times. Polite Request Gardening and maintenance often take place early in the morning or late at night when the hall is not being used. Cars parked overnight make it difficult for this to happen. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

24 Love Uplyme and our community? Leave a gift in your will to Uplyme Village Hall CIO and you will be helping to secure the future of our village hall for Uplyme. Or commemorate the life of a loved one with a donation. If you are considering it, Thank You Any gift, large or small, makes a difference. [email protected]

Uplyme Church Contacts part of the Axe Valley Mission Community Uplyme Church, Pound Lane, Uplyme, DT7 3TT Team Vicar Rev Nicky Davies email [email protected] Tel 07931 413629 Churchwardens Sue Wells 07912 272102 Jan Impey 07597 576885 Verger & Bookings Jenny Perham 07761 081424 Licensed Lay Minister (LLM) Roger Grose 01297 22107 Ann Gray 07703 182845 Church Administrator Louise Collard 01297 441986 email: [email protected] Admin Office Hours: Mon - Wed & Fri 09.00 – 12.00 Thurs 12.30 – 15.30 Hon Treasurer Sharyn Walker 01297 444811 PCC Secretary Chris Buckingham 07770 253289 Safeguarding Advisors Jo Clarke 01297 443050 Noreen Watson N/A Church Membership Mike Maccoy 07970 443631 Pastoral Co-Ordinator Roger Grose 01297 22107 Gospel Choir Jo Cursley 01297 443642 Festival Choir Adrian Pearson 01297 442902 Flower Group Carole Hodges 01297 445180 Saturday Football Fletch Hulbert 07759 830128 Mrs Ethelston’s School Head Katie Lyons 01297 442210 School Link Jo Cursley 01297 443642 Parish News Editor Robin Hodges 07774 139972 Email: [email protected] Uplyme Church Registered Charity Number 1131962 This magazine is printed by: AXMINSTER PRINTING COMPANY LTD 01297 32266 - - [email protected]

Heritage Chimney Sweeping East Devon, West Dorset, South Somerset Tel: 01460 984001 Mob: 0794 6707 906 [email protected] TrusTed LocaL FamiLy FuNeraL direcTors & moNumeNTaL masoNs • Offices also at Seaton, Bridport, Honiton & Ottery St. Mary • Pre-arranged & prepaid funeral plans Recommended by The Good Funeral Guide and The Natural Death Centre West street, Axminster 01297 34283 W. g. pOtter Julian & Karen Hussey dipFd NaFd Jasmine & George Hussey dipFd NaFd

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