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Published by fruitycharm16, 2021-12-10 05:07:36

Leo Newsletter (Volume 02, Issue 01)

Leo Newsletter (Volume 02, Issue 01)

10TH DEC 2021


1. Note from Multiple district president
2. Note from Immediate past club president
3. Note from Club president
4. Note from Chief Editor
5. Themagulata Sithuwamak
6. Rogadurata pahan eliyak
7. Manudhame saviya
8. League of legends
9. Suwathi Yathra
10. Educate
11. Greenhome
12. Inspire
13. The Dice Challenge
14. Third Eye
15. Build Your Base
16. Suwa Diriya
17. Blood Donation Program
18. Plate Full of Love
19. Surakena Hadawath
20. Rabies Day
21. Shiny Little Champs
22. League of Legends (Season 2)
23. Fellowship Diaries

“ I am honored to pen my thoughts to the “
latest volume of The Communique, the
official newsletter of the Leo Club of
Kandy. Kandy Leos have proved their
exceptional writing and other creative
skills by bringing an interesting content to
the Leos of Sri Lanka through different
communication channels.

I believe that The Communique has given
many opportunities for Kandy Leos to

showcase their talents and a platform to
express their ideas out of Leoism. Creating
inspiring leaders to the society, Leo Club of
Kandy is serving to the community at their
level best while proving their excellence in
many ways. Being one of the good standing

Leo Clubs in the District, shows your
commitment and dedication towards this

youth volunteer movement. I take this
opportunity to wish Kandy Leos all the


Leo Lion Dilshan Peiris
Multiple District President
Leo Multiple District 306, Sri Lanka

“ “If everyone is moving forward together, then
success takes care of itself”- Henry Ford

It’s my greatest pleasure to be penning these words

to our second edition of “The Communique”. Being a

charter member of this prestigious club is a honor,

gradually seeing the club grow and reach milestones

while individually developing along will always be a

beautiful memory for a lifetime.

A year after year, together the Kandy Leos have
defeated challenges that came our way and we’ve
grown up as one family. Every year we’ve had the
most dynamic characters joining with our club to
take the club into heights. With this family the
pandemic hasn’t been a barrier to the club, I see
that together all the members have given in their
best and done their parts wonderfully to do wonders.

Also I’d like to make this an opportunity to
congratulate the editorial panel of the year for the

efforts you’ve given individually and for your
commitment given to get this wonderful output to

keep the club flying high.

Let us together make this another lovely year to
serve the unseen and untouched aspects in the world

Fly high Leo Club of Kandy.

Leo Madusha Chathurani
Immediate Past Club President -Leo Club of Kandy

Zone Chairman -Leo District 306C1

“ As the 04th club president of Leo Club of “
Kandy the privilege is mine to pen these words
to the second newsletter of the club.

Since the inauguration in the year 2018, the
Kandy Leo Club has been active in the Leo
District 306 C1. With the club being active
and expanding in the Hill city, we were able to
initiate an annual newsletter in the recent

past. As a proud president I’m happy to
continue the new legacy to even greater
heights with a much stronger and supportive

editorial panel.

As we release the first issue of the second
volume I would like to take this opportunity to

thank all those who supported by giving in
their best to make it through. I’m proud of this

achievement and will do my best to take this
club to even more heights.

Thank you!

Leo Rashmi Sakila
Club president 2021/22
Leo Club of Kandy

“ I can proudly say that joining this club has “
been one of the turning points in my life, as
it paved the way towards many
opportunities to explore myself.

Of course, being given the privilege to call
myself the chief editor of this newsletter is
one such opportunity that I would always


It is indeed a great honor to launch our very
first issue of “The communique” (volume 2)
for the Leoistic year 2021/22. This issue is
packed with a lots of exciting content where

we will recount the various projects and
activities in which the members of Leo club
of Kandy were actively involved in since the
beginning of May until the latter part of

November 2021.

A huge thank you to our club president for
the immense support and of course to my
team for contributing their best effort in
piling up these contents. I hope you would
enjoy reading it as much as my team and I

enjoyed putting it together.

Leo Asma Imtiyas
Chief Editor

“ “ සියලුම ආගම්, කලා සහ විද්යාවන් එකම ගසක අතු වේ. වම් සියලු අභිලාෂයන්
වයාමු වී ඇත්වත් මිනිසාවේ ජීවිතය හුවෙක් ව ෞතික පැවැත්වම්
ක්වේත්රවයන් ඔසවා පුද්ගලයා නිෙහස කරා වමවහයවා උසස් බවට
පමුණුවාලීමට ය.

බුද්ධාලම්බන ප්රීතිය පෙරදැරිව සාමූහිකව, උත්කර්ෂවත්ව සැමරූ පවසක් මසට සීමා මායිම් ෙනවමින්
දරුණු පකාපරෝනා වසංගතය දසත ෙැතිපරමින් එම ආගමික කාලපේ ද අෙ සැම නිවසටම පකාටු කිරීමට
කටයුතුපකාට තිබුණි. එනමුදු අසිරිමත් පතමගුපේ වටිනාකම අෙට කිසිපේත් අමතක කළ පනාහැකිය.
එපහයින් තිපලෝගුරු සම්මා සම්බුදු රජාණන්පේ උතුම් පතමගුල නිමිතිපකාට ගනිමින් මහනුවර ලිපයෝ
සමාජපේ අපි පවසක් සිතුවම් තරගාවලියක් ෙැවැත්ීමට කතිකා කරගත්පතමු. ඒ අනුව සාමය, ආගමික
ක්රියාකාරකම් හා සංේකෘතික ක්රියාකාරකම් යන ව්යාෙෘති කාණ්ඩය යටපත් පවසක් උත්සවපේ
වටිනාකම විදහා ෙෑමට "පතමගුලට සිතුවමක්" නමින් තරගාවලියක් සසසසසසසස සසසසසස.

පමම වසංගත තත්ත්වය යටපත් පවසක් උත්සවය
නිමිත්පතන් ශාරීරිකව ඒකරාශී වන ව්යාෙෘති සිදුකළ
පනාහැකි පහයින් ලිපයෝ අපි, මාර්ගගත ක්රමය
හරහා තරගාවලිය ෙැවැත්ීමට තීරණය කපළමු. බුදු
රජාණන් වහන්පේපේ උෙත, බුද්ධත්වයට ෙත්ීම
සහ ෙරිනිර්වාණය හුවා දැක්පවන වඩාත්
නිර්මාණශීලීම සිතුවම පතෝරා අන් සිත් ද ෙහන් වනු
පිණිස අෙපේ ප ේේ බුක් පිටුපව් ෙළ කිරීපම් අරමුණ
පෙරදැරිව තරගාවලියට පකටුම්ෙත් සැකසුපවමු.
එපමන්ම වත්මන් තරුණ ෙරපුර පමම ආගමික
උත්සවපේ වටිනාකම පිළිබඳ දැනුවත් කිරීපම් අරමුණ
ද ෙදනම් කරගනිමින්, ඔවුන්පේ කලා කුසලතා
විදහාලීමට රුකුලක් වනු වේ තරගාවලිය ඇරඹුපවමු.

"පතමගුලට සිතුවමක්" වයස අවුරුදු 16ත් 25ත් අතර
තරුණ පිරිස ඉලක්ක කරගනිමින් සංවිධානය කළ
අතර සමාජ මාධ්ය ඔේපේ ෙැවැත්විණි. ලිපයෝ සහ
ලිපයෝ පනාවන සියලු පදනාට සහභාගිවිය හැකි
අයුරින් තරගය විවෘත කාණ්ඩය ඔේපේ ෙැවැත්විණි.
සියලුම චිත්ර ඒ4 ප්රමාණපයන් විය යුතු බවට දැනුම්
දුන් අතර තරගකරුවන්ට ලියාෙදංචි ීම සඳහා ගූේේ
පෙෝරමයක් ද සමාජ මාධ්ය ඔේපේ ඉදරිෙත් පකරුණි.

තරගකරුවන්ට තම නිර්මාණ 2021 මැයි මස 27 වන දනට ප්රථම ගූේේ පෙෝරමය ඔේපේ පයාමු කිරීමට අවේථාව සලසා
තිබුණි. තරගාවලිය සඳහා ලැබී තිබූ විේසකට අධික නිර්මාණ අතරින් පිළිගත්, ප්රීණ සිත්තපරකුපේ සාධාරණ
විනිශ්චය යටපත් ජයේරාහකයන් පතෝරා ගැනුණි. සංගමපේ සාමාජිකයන් ද තරගය පිළිබඳ සටහන් විවිධ සමාජ මාධ්ය
ඔේපේ ෙළ කරමින් තරගකරුවන් එක් කරගැනීමට උත්සුක වූ අතර සංගමපේ සාමාජිකයන් කීෙ පදපනක් ද සිය
නිර්මාණශීලී සිතුවම් එක් කරමින් තරගාවලියට සහභාගි වූහ.

Moving on to the next task was quite The final day started with great enthusiasm
interesting, where the organizers gave and eagerness. Tasks for the day were held
thirty movies to guess by the given emoji through Google meet. The first activity of
within twenty minutes of time. the day was a movie trivia where the
chairman of the project asked questions
Everyone was curious to know the based on movies and TV series. The
results after this round; the organizing members who answered first and the
committee gave the result based on how correct answers got points for their
fast the team completed and the correct respective teams. The final task of the final
answer they were able to provide. The day was quite crucial and inspiring. The
event was on fire when two teams (Are You Charter Club President of the Kandy Leo
Joking and Team මැඩ්Ass ෙප්ො) were Club, Leo Rajantha Dissanayake, conducted
competing neck-neck. At the end of day, an orientation program for the members,
based on the performance of the team, the which was followed by a quiz to check the
first, second and third places were held by: knowledge they gathered from the
Team මැඩ්Ass ෙප්ො, Team Are You orientation program. The overall winning
Joking and Team KO3. team after three days of having fun,
entertainment and gaining knowledge was
All the teams were super excited about
knowing the tasks for day two. Stepping into Team මැඩ්Ass ෙප්ො.
the first task for the second day was to start
off with a series of crossword puzzles where Conclusively, it was a tremendous
each team was given one hour to complete project organized by the chairperson of the
the whole task. event. It was amazingly planned while all
the participants had lots of fun,
The first puzzle was shared with the main enthusiasm, morale and spent their
group, while teams had to search for the lockdown productively. Last but not least,
hidden mystery in the puzzle and follow the goal of the project was accomplished
that to get the next puzzle. Finally, after a with unity.
few rounds of this task, Team මැඩ්Ass
ෙප්ො again became the winners for the
second day.

“No one has ever become poor by giving”

Pandemics make people feel more helpless The project “Suwathi Yathra” (සුවැති
no matter how financially or physically
strong they are. COVID -19 is one of the යාත්රා) was successfully conducted on the
greatest crises the whole world faced nearly 4th of July 2021 at the Aluthwatte Village,
for 2 years and still facing. In a difficult time Digana, with the partnering up of Leo Club of
like this is the best instance where you can Achievers Lanka and Lions Club of Colombo
show your true intention of helping people Platinum to the families who were unable to
who are in need. It showed us how fortunate afford their daily essentials such as rice, dhal,
and how humble people still are in this potatoes and other needful. Most of these
country with the support and guidance that families have lost their jobs with the rise of
we have been received throughout the the third Covid – 19 wave and was going
project period. through a hard time. This project was able to
aid more than 100 families at the Aluthwatte
Amidst the rise of Covid – 19 patient, village that were in high need of these daily
economy and development of the country essentials. With the kind public and everyone
started to fall apart and as a result of that who donated and participated with this
many people lost their jobs. When many project made this project a huge success and
people out of work, their capability of buying took a huge burden out of those family’s
foods, medicine and other necessary goods shoulders.
also got restricted as well. In a situation like
this while protecting ourselves Leo Club of
Kandy took the initiation with two other Leo
clubs, to volunteer and give their helping
hand to those who couldn’t even afford their
daily needs.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is
life itself.”

Every human in this world holds the On 25th July 2021, with the
right of having a quality, well collaboration of nine Leo clubs,
organized education in their life Kandy Leo club has hosted this
time. Once a student finished their project and achieved its highest
primitive education, they plan to success with the number of 149
gain the higher level of education beneficiaries through this project.
so that they can pursue a career
that interest and inspire them. With the objective of giving the
knowledge and the right guidance
The utmost important part of a that is needed for the students when
student’s life is taking a good choosing a proper educational
decision regarding the choice of institution, the event was
higher education as it guide them to successfully conducted with more
create a strong career buildup and than 100 students.
other future plans in their life.
Education shows us the vitality of The event was held for an hour and
hard work and, at the very same we as a team believe that this
time help us to grow and develop as webinar would have helped the
a better citizen. participants shape up their career
paths and achieve goals without any
The main aim of this project is to knowledge barrier. The pre planning
give a guidance and education to and preparation of the chairperson of
the students from the age of 16 to the project Leo Rashmi and the team
22 who are looking for a quality made it even more possible to
higher education. Leo Rajantha achieve the objectives.
Dissanayake took the lead as the
resource person.

අෙපේ මුතුන් මිත්තන්පග දායාදපයන්
ලැබුනා වූ ේභාවදර්මපේ අපුර්වතම
අංගයකි වනය.එය රැකගැනීමත්, ආරක්ෂා
කිරීමත් පමන්ම අෙපේ මතු ෙරපුරට එම
දායාදයන් කිසිදු හානියක් පනාපකාට ඒ
ආකාරපයන්ම ලබාදීම අෙපේ යුතුකමක්
ෙමණක්ම පනාව එය අෙපේ වගකීමක්ද

නමුත් වර්තමානපේ පලෝකය පුරා ඒ අනුව මහනුවර ලිපයෝ සමාජපේ
සීේරපයන් ෙැතිර යන්නා වූ වසංගතයක් බදු සාමාජිකයන් විසින් තම නිවපේ
වන විනසයත් සමගින් මුළු පලාවම පම් වන පගවත්පත් ෙැළයක් පරෝෙණය පකාට එහි
වින විට දැඩි ව්යවසනයකට අත වනමින් එම සාමාජිකයන් විසින් ෙැළය සිටුවන
සිටි.පම් ව්යවසන තත්වයන් පේතු පකාට ජායාරුෙයක් තවත් පිරිසක් ටැේ
පගන පලෝකය පුරා රටවේ 9ක ලිපයෝ පකාට සමාජ මාධ්ය ඔේපේ ෙල කිරීම
සමාජයන් 251 ක එකතුපවන් සිදු කරනු මගින් සමාජය තුල ප්රචාරය කිරීම මගින්
ලැබූ පමම international Twinning challenge සියලුම පදනා දැනුවත් කිරීම පමහිදී සිදු
දැවැන්ත ව්යාෙෘතිපේ පකාටසක් ීමට පකරුණි.
“Green Home” ව්යාෙෘතිය ඔේපේ ශ්රි
ලංකාපව් ලිපයෝ දේත්රික් 306 C1 පමහිදී අෙපේ ප්රධානතම අරමුණ වුපේ
නිපයෝජනය කරමින් මහනුවර ලිපයෝ අෙපේ මතු ෙරපුර සදහා අෙපේ හුේම බදු
සමාජයට හැකි විය. ෙරිසරය සුරක්ෂා කිරීම පිණිස සියලුම පදනා
පම් කර්තව්ය සදහා පයාමු කිරීමත් සහ මුළු
“Green Home” ව්යාෙෘතිය 2021 ජුලි මස මහත් සමාජයම පම් සදහා දැනුවත් කිරීමත්ය.

25 වන දන ෙවත්වනු ලැබුපව් සමාජපේ තවදුරටත් පබාපහෝ පදපනකුපේ

විශාල සාමාජිකයන් පිරිසකපේ සහපයෝගිත්වපයන් ෙවත්වනු ලනු “Green

දායකත්වපයන් සහ තවත් ලිපයෝ පමන්ම Home” ෙැල සිටුීපම් ව්යාෙෘතිය ඉතාමත්

ලිපයෝ පනාවන පබාපහෝ පිරිසකපේ සාර්ථක අයුරින් ෙැවැත්ීමට මහනුවර ලිපයෝ

සහභාගිත්වයත් සමගිනි සමාජයට හැකි විය.


“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our
youth for the future”

The future holds promises and The main topics which were spoken during the
dreams for the youth that can be achieved session were,
mainly through hard work, education and
dedication. Youth of a nation are its leaders  What is youth empowerment and how it
of tomorrow. It will be a great invest to can help in improving the society.
educate them with deep thoughts and words
of wisdom as the foundation of every state is  What cause lack of self confidence among
the education of its youth. So, as Kandy Leos youth.
we conducted the project “Inspire”, under
the category of youth empowerment which  How to broaden the area of inspiring youth
was meant to be an aspire to inspire and to face real life situations.
educate the youth to fight the battles that
they face in day-to-day life.  If someone is under the stress, how can
that person overcome that situation to
The aim of the project was to conduct it on an motivate themselves?
International Youth Day, which fell on 12th of
August 2021 with the theme of the year  Whether it is important to set goals to our
“Transforming Food Systems: Youth life and how smart should one be in this
Innovation for Human and Planetary task.
Health”. The guest speaker for the session
was Michelle Dilhara, who is an actress, the guest speaker gave reliable answers along
author, philanthropist and Earth Day with examples to each and every point where
Network Ambassador to Sri Lanka. This was everyone can understand properly. She has
conducted via zoom application as gathering shared her own experiences as well.
was prohibited due to restrictions for Covid-
19 pandemic. There were more than hundred participants
along with our club members as well. All of them
Initially, a Google sheet was made in order to were youth between the ages of 18 to 30, who
get registrations for the event. Link of the were in need of inspiration in their lives. The
Google sheet was shared through social session was held for two hours from 6.00 pm
media platforms. All the club members onwards. It was an inspirational session where
contributed towards the project by sharing participants got motivated and came forward to
posts in order to get registrations. There were ask more questions from the speaker.
more than seventy registries of young crowd
who were willing to join in the session. The Overall, the project “Inspire” was a success
webinar was conducted as an interview which motivated the participants to focus in life
where the moderator asks the questions and and grow from the inside out along with
the guest speaker explaining the criteria empowering themselves by accepting endless
based on the question. opportunities and responsibilities.


As physical projects are being This project was conducted via
banned by the multiple districts, the online platforms from 28th August
members of the club don’t get to see through to 30th August 2021. The
each other or work with each other. competition slowly headed towards the
Therefore, it was evident that the end with teams competing with each
members became less motivated and other and then the final winner was
their engagement level dropped as announced. All the members who
well. This is when the project ‘Dice participated, gave in their best effort
Challenge’ was organized by the while having fun and the competition
executive members to overcome this went on with a lot of energy from the
situation and get the members back to members.
the track.
Therefore, the organizing team was able
Initially, a WhatsApp group was to boost the engagement level of the
created and the link was sent to the members and improve communication
official WhatsApp group as well as the skill and teamwork between the
Prospects group of Leo Club of Kandy members. The project was a great
so that whoever was interested can success due to the involvement of more
join the group. This is where the entire than half of the club members.
competition related communication
took place. More than half of the
members joined the and later they
were divided into two different teams
where they would compete against
each other.


Leo club of Kandy was able to come up with Afterwards, a submission link along with
another competition to entertain the a deadline was shared so the participant
people even at this pandemic situation. can share their masterpiece through the
The project “Third Eye” was conducted link within the given deadline. After the
under the category of sports and submissions were finalized, all the
recreation. The organizing team provided entries were judged by a professional
an opportunity for both the Leos and Non- photographer and the photographs that
Leos to take part in the competition. got selected by the judges were then
uploaded to the official Facebook page of
This was a photography competition which Leo Club of Kandy to compete for the
was held with an intention to provide a final round.
chance for the people who are passionate
about capturing unique moments to show This is when the voting round was
their talents. This encouraged and commenced. The voters had to follow a
motivated the young and old certain condition to be eligible to
photographers to submit and publish the vote. First of all, they had to like the
photos they captured which they think are official page of the club.
worth showing to the public.
That’s when the like and share done by
Initially, a flyer was created to spread the that particular voter would be accepted.
news about the competition. The All the participants were hunting for
participants were given a choice to submit votes and once the voting was closed,
their photographs under a category they the winners were announced in the
wish. Official Facebook page of the club. The
project was successful in terms of
The submission categories were also attracting audience and providing some
carefully selected by the organizing team entertainment and opportunities for
to be able to provide an open opportunity those talented individuals.
for all the possible photography variations.


“A leader is the one who knows the way, who goes the way,
and who shows the way.”

Build Your Base, was an On the other hand, PMDP Past
orientation program conducted Advisory Panelist Lion Tuan
for the Leos of Kandy. The goal of Roshan Latiff was able to inspire
this orientation was to pave the the participants by his thoughts
way for the prospects to know and advices about an effective
more about Leoism and educate leader and the leadership
them about the foundation and qualities necessary for a strong
core values of being a Leo. and effective leader.

This includes the knowledge This informative session was able
necessary to build leadership to successfully enlighten the
qualities and skills. minds of the prospects of the Leo
club of Kandy to pursue as a good
The presence of the chief guest Leader by providing a broad
of the event, District President of understanding about Leo and
Leo District 306C1 Leo Leoism.
Mandhakini Kariyawasam and the
Guest of Honor, Past Multiple
District President Past Advisory
Panelist Lion Tuan Roshan Latiff
was able to light up the event and
made it more meaningful.

District President Leo Mandhakini
Kariyawasam educated the
participants about the history of
Leoism and also provided a good
insight about “Leo”.


This current situation of With the help of all the volunteers
Covid-19 pandemic has brought and contributors the project
so many unexpected situations in team was able to get the require
the society causing many urgent amount of funds for the project.
requirements. That is when the With the guidance of the hospital,
Kandy Leos realized that the the project team was able to
Kegalle General Hospital was also purchase the required items from
in urgent need of masks and the proper place and hand them
polythene rolls (PPE kits) to treat over to the hospital by following
the Covid-10 patients admitted in the health guidelines put up by
that hospital. The club members the hospital and the government.
worked together to bring in
donations to conduct the project. The support shown by all the

With the help of all the members in sharing the flyer on
volunteers and contributors the
project team was able to get the social media and finding
require amount of funds for the
project. With the guidance of the volunteers made a great impact
hospital, the project team was
able to purchase the required on the possibilities of the project
items from the proper place and
hand them over to the hospital by being completed as
following the health guidelines
put up by the hospital and the expected. The objective of
lending a hand to the Kegalle

General Hospital to help the

patients fighting the deadly

disease of Covid-19 was achieved

successfully. Even a small

donation from the public and the

club members helped a lot in

making this project a success.


We know that an adequate amount The project was done under the
of blood is needed in all the health care guidance of the Diwulagala Police
sectors to meet the urgent need of Station. The hall of the temple was
patients undergoing a serious chosen to conduct the event while
treatment. However, with the current keeping in mind all safety precautions
pandemic situation, very few blood and restrictions given by the
donating programs were held as public government. Only a limited number of
gatherings were restricted. Therefore, beds were arranged and the staff wore
the blood bank was running out of safety gear and handled all the donors
blood which might leave some hospitals with utmost care while sanitizing all
in need of blood. medical equipment before and after
As soon as the restrictions were
lifted, we saw the immediate need to Registration forms were kept at the
organize this blood donation camp to entrance of the hall for the people to
collect blood in case of emergency. This get registered and afterwards only a
was a joint project organized by Leo club limited number of people were taken
of Athugalpura (host club) along with inside the hall to prevent
Leo Club of Kiribathkumbura, Leo Club overcrowding. After the blood was
of Kandy, and Leo Club of Pilimatalawa, taken the donors were given a light
Lions Club of Kandy Heritage and Lions snack to help regain their strength.
Club of Kiribathkumbura.
All the clubs that came forward to
The event was held on the 17th of join hands to organize this project, gave
October 2021 at the Hathnagoda Raja in their fair share of support into
Maha Viharaya from 9 a.m. onwards. It making the project a success. The
started off with the lighting of the oil objective of donating the required
lamp and blessings from the priests blood to the blood bank was achieved
residing at the temple. successfully.


In this pandemic situation we know that Dry rations and other essential
so many people are struggling in terms commodities were distributed to
of meeting their daily requirements. around 50 Leo club of Kandy joined
There are many people who couldn’t hand in organizing and conducting
earn for their family due to the this project along with few other Leo
restrictions in that area. Thus, this clubs in region 4 of Leo District 306
project “A plate full of love” was C1 namely: Leo Club of
organized to serve the people in hunger Kiribathkumbura (host club), Leo
wholeheartedly. The name itself is self- Club of Pilimathalawa, Leo Club of
explanatory. Trincomalee Heroes, and Leo Club of
This comes under the category of “Lions
Global service challenge- project for The event was held on 17th of
hunger”. Further, it is also organized in October 2021 at Kithulgolla Kanishta
honor of the International President Vidyalaya in Ankumbura from 12pm
Lion Douglas X Alexander’s birthday. onwards. This started off with the
introduction speech given by the
During the process of planning the Region Director Leo Isuri Kandewatta
event, it came into our notice that most and then the distribution of the dry
of the students studying at the rations took place with the support
Kithulgolla Kanishta Vidyalaya are of the club members. This was
coming from underprivileged families. carried out in compliance with the
Therefore, this project was mainly safety precautions and restrictions
focused on underprivileged families in given by the government.
that particular area.
All the clubs in the region who
joined hand to do the project, gave
their fullest support in terms of
carrying out the project related
activities. The success of the event
was evident from the way those
people who received the donation
thanked the project team with an
innocent and grateful smile.


Project “Surakena Hadawath” was The project chairperson,
done as an aid for the patients who are
under treatments at Theldeniya Base Madusha Chathurani along with her
Hospital, Kandy. As this hospital one of team worked on collecting funds by
the major hospitals in Kandy where creating a flyer and requesting the
patients who are diagnosed with public support to contribute towards
COVID-19 were admitted, the Kandy this project. Most of the volunteers
Leos had a strong will to lend a hand to from the club came forward to
support the hospital management as it contribute and also to share the flyer
would be a great deed in this situation. among the public to reach a large
audience. From that, we were able to
After contacting hospital receive a sufficient fund needed for
management, certain urgent the project.
requirements came into notice. The
urgent requirements include: With the support of the kind
pressurized bags for IV infusion and hearted public and club members, we
also sanitation requirements. We were able to purchase the required
realized that, due to the lack of items and donate it to the
sufficient pressurized bags, the hospital. The pressurized bags as well
patients had to suffer their as the sanitary items were directly
treatments. This is when we as a club delivered to the hospital by the
immediately took action to organize pharmaceutical company as we had to
this project. obey health regulations assigned by
hospital management as well as the
government. It is a pleasure to know
that more than 150 patients who are
under treatment at the Theldeniya
Base Hospital were able to benefit
from these donations.


It was brought to our attention that In that process, the team was able to
rabies cases happen quite often these days. receive a few informative video clips
With an increasing number of stray animals, about Rabies from Dr. Ashani Palkumbura
there is a higher risk of rabies spreading in from the Veterinary faculty, University of
the society. This can be a very serious Peradeniya and Dr. Janaka Pallewala
disease if proper treatments are not done Medical Officer at General Hospital Kandy.
on time. According to some research, it was This was done with the guidance of
evident that rabies is a disease that can even Professor Panduka Gunawardhana, who is
cause death within nine minutes. It has no the head of the Rabies control
age limit and can infect anyone at any time. department at the University of
However, most of the people are still Peradeniya. Apart from that, the Team
unaware of how serious this disease is and members also contributed by sending
how they can get infected by it. small video clips regarding the topic.

That is when the project "Rabies Day" was . The theme, which was given by the
organized in collaboration with World World Health Organization for World
Rabies Day, which falls on the 28th of Rabies Day for the year 2021, was to let us
September. This was done under the work together to "spread facts, and not
category "Disaster Management and fear". This project was successful in terms
Prevention" with an intention to spread of being able to spread the awareness that
awareness among the people. “Rabies is a preventable viral disease,
most of which is transmitted through the
In order to proceed with the project a bite or scratch of a rabid animal. The virus
WhatsApp group was created from which helps the central nervous system of
the project chairperson Nimesha animals, ultimately causing the disease in
Yatigammana and her team was able to the brain and finally death.
discuss the best method to spread the
awareness. This deadly virus can be spread to people
through the saliva of an infected animal.
That is when the idea of making a video In order to be prevented from getting this
popped in. The team worked on making a disease, animals should be vaccinated on
video to educate the community about time (yearly) and necessary prevention
Rabies and also on how to prevent from measures should be taken.” The video was
getting infected by that disease. The main shared on social media, including
beneficiaries of this project are the Facebook, and more than five hundred
community of people who have pets and people have benefited from the
the people who deal with stray animals information that was shared.

“Every child is a different kind of flower and
all together make this world a beautiful

Recognizing the special talents, There were participants from
encouraging a growing child to express different parts of Sri Lanka and also
their thoughts and ideas freely can participants from overseas as well.
have a great impact on the confidence
level and the self-esteem of that After all the participants were
particular child. confirmed and their submissions
were collected, the project
However, in this pandemic situation Chairperson Asma Imtiyas and her
most of the children don't get enough team extended the project by inviting
chances to go out and try new things all the Leos, -Leos and Parents to
which makes them bored and attend the Virtual Talent Show which
unmotivated to explore their own was conducted (via zoom) on 31st
talents. This is when the project “Shiny October 2021.
Little Champs'' was planned by the Leo
club of Kandy to evoke that hidden
talent among the children and also
help them get the attention they

This was a virtual talent show which
was conducted for the children below
the age of 14. Initially, a registration
form (including the submission link)
was shared to the public along with the
project flyer through the social media

The participants were expected to
share either a video clip or image
which would showcase their talent.

This was the moment when the talents Apart from that, a small informative
of all those children who came forward session was conducted for the parents
to take part in the “Shiny Little who attended the event. This was
Champs'' event were proudly done by the chief guest, Dr. S.M.A.S.
presented and acknowledged in front Jayasinghe where she provided some
of all the audience. insights on the different types of
talents and also discussed the
Afterwards, those little champs were importance of cherishing all those
appreciated and rewarded with a talents and encouraging the children
personalized e-certificate was to explore themselves. This session
specifically designed by including the added more meaning towards the
real photograph of the participants. objective of the event.
This token of appreciation was able to
bring a light of happiness on the faces At the latter part, the audience were
of those beautiful kids. encouraged to provide their honest
feedback about the event from which
Apart from that, a small informative the project team was able to get
session was conducted for the parents positive comments from the parents
who attended the event. This was and other audience as well.
done by the chief guest, Dr. S.M.A.S.
Jayasinghe where she provided some With the support of the club members
insights on the different types of and the executive committee, the
talents and also discussed the chairperson and her team were able to
importance of cherishing all those successfully complete the project by
talents and encouraging the children achieving the objective of bringing the
to explore themselves. This session spotlight towards the children and
added more meaning towards the putting a smile on their faces.
objective of the event.

The ongoing pandemic has limited all Leo The second task was to sort out the movie
gatherings and there is less opportunity for us name by the given emoji. And the winner of
to meet Leos in other clubs as well as other Leo the game was team “Hakuna Matata”. The
Districts. Therefore, the Kandy Leos decided to first day of League of the Legends Season II
organize a project where all Leos of Sri Lanka was successfully ended. The day two began
can get involved. As a result, we thought of with fun filled tasks and the first task of day
conducting League of the Legends Season II two was sorting text abbreviations and then
with more games and entertainment. we moved to identifying popular logos and
the final task of the day was unscrambling
We invited all Leos of Sri Lanka to scrambled words. The final task was very
participate with this mini virtual game series interesting and all the teams participated
session which continued for three days and this effectively.
was conducted via WhatsApp, Facebook and
Zoom platforms. We received nearly 70 The day three tasks were conducted via
registrants. Everyone was divided into five Zoom. Day three was all about questions
equal groups with three coordinators from the and riddles. The questions were about
Kandy Leo Club. popular movies, TV series and general
knowledge. This session gave the
The first task was for all groups to come up opportunity for all the teams to get to know
with a group leader, a hilarious group name and one another. We encouraged friendly
a display picture for the group. Everyone conversations and everyone to share their
interactively participated in the first task and social media profiles and make friends.
came up with unique, fun and hilarious group
names and Display Pictures. By the end of this game, we selected the
top three winners by the scores they gained
The five group names were; Win or Booze, Why during all the seven tasks. The winner of the
So Serious, Hakuna Matata, “Bahuboothayo” game was team “Win or Booze”, first
and “Api Thama Hondatama Kare”. All these runner up was team “Bahuboothayo” and
group display pictures were published on the we had two teams as the second runner up
official Facebook page of The Leo Club of Kandy which was team “Api Thama Hondatama
and the teams were asked to get shares and Kare” and team “Why So Serious?”. Every
likes for their group display pictures. And the participant was given an e-certificate. And
group displaying pictures with more shares and
likes was awarded as the most popular team. the overall project a great success.


As Leos who embrace Leoism, it was This location was a perfect place to
always important for us to keep in spend a good time with the fellow
mind that members are the pillars of members and cherish the old
strength when it comes to a team. memories and create new
Further, it is a well-known fact that memories as well.
teamwork has not been just a word
but the spirit of teamwork has This project involved many
always been the core foundation of exciting activities that bridged the
a successful club. Therefore, gaps in communication and
maintaining unity among both the improved collaboration between
new and existing club members the old and the new members of
stood out to be crucial. our club. The series of games that
were held were carefully chosen
However, with the current situation so the members can interact and
of Covid-19, the new and the old also collaborate without any
members didn’t get an opportunity hesitations.
to meet each other physically and
even the old members couldn’t The project was an absolute
meet each other as there was very success as everyone enjoyed each
fewer physical projects due to Covid- and every process of completing
19 restrictions. This is when the Leo the games as a team and also the
Club of Kandy took initiatives to members were able to form new
organize the project “Fellowship friends and have fun with the new
Diaries” to give the members an fellow members and work
opportunity to work together collaboratively. This day stood up
physically. After a collaborative as a good start for the new Leo
discussion, the project team came members to start their journey
up with an idea to spend the day out with a positive
at Eagles Regency, Kandy. The impression. Overall, it was a day
project was conducted on 21st filled with fun, laughter,
November and the name motivation and encouragement.
“fellowship diaries” further portrays
the objective behind the project.


Leo Asma Imtiyas
Chief Editor

Leo Rashmi Sakila Leo Chethana Yatigammana Leo Nawodya Waidyaratne

Leo Nimesha Yatigammana Leo Tharushi Karandanarachchi Leo Hansini Abeyrathna

Leo Krishanthi Ranaweera Leo Madusha Chathurani Leo Nirmani Abeyrathna

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