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If you want to cope with anxiety, then first you have to know what is anxiety? Anxiety comes from our body it’s a natural process whether you are concerned for someone & worried about the future or anything this type of such concern. Then it’s conceivable you’re dealing with anxiousness. Anxiety might arise on the first day of school or college, when working on a project, during job interviews, or during exams. However, if these scenarios occur frequently and your worry lasts for six months or more, you may have an anxiety disorder.
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Published by somiyawake, 2021-10-20 05:10:20

How to cope with Anxiety?

If you want to cope with anxiety, then first you have to know what is anxiety? Anxiety comes from our body it’s a natural process whether you are concerned for someone & worried about the future or anything this type of such concern. Then it’s conceivable you’re dealing with anxiousness. Anxiety might arise on the first day of school or college, when working on a project, during job interviews, or during exams. However, if these scenarios occur frequently and your worry lasts for six months or more, you may have an anxiety disorder.
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Keywords: anxiety disorder,anxiety counseling,anxiety therapy,online counseling,online therapy,mental health

How to Anxiety
cope with




,I f y o u w a n t t o c o p e w i t h a n x i e t y t h e n f i r s t
?y o u h a v e t o k n o w w h a t i s a n x i e t y A n x i e t y
’c o m e s f r o m o u r b o d y i t s a n a t u r a l p r o c e s s
&w h e t h e r y o u a r e c o n c e r n e d f o r s o m e o n e

worried about the future or anything this

. ’t y p e o f s u c h c o n c e r n T h e n i t s c o n c e i v a b l e
’ .y o u r e d e a l i n g w i t h a n x i o u s n e s s A n x i e t y

might arise on the first day of school or

, ,c o l l e g e w h e n w o r k i n g o n a p r o j e c t d u r i n g
, . ,j o b i n t e r v i e w s o r d u r i n g e x a m s H o w e v e r i f

these scenarios occur frequently and your

,w o r r y l a s t s f o r s i x m o n t h s o r m o r e y o u m a y
.h a v e a n a n x i e t y d i s o r d e r

What are



1. Generalized anxiety disorder
2. Phobias
3. Panic Disorder
4. Social Anxiety
5. Separation Anxiety
6. Retroactive jealousy
7. -Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
8. -Substance induced Anxiety

?What are the

Causes of Anxiety




1. Generalized anxiety disorder
2. Traumatic experience or exposure

3. Drug or alcohol withdrawal
4. Future security or anticipation

5. 6.Stress buildup Personality
7. Undisciplined or sedentary habits

8. Genetic or Biochemical factor
9. Medical or medicine induced Anxiety

10. Work stress

Some important points
to cope with anxiety

If your anxiety is unusual and is

,hindering your attention and

routine activities there are some

.simple remedies that can help you
control the condition

"Understand your thinking

pattern whether you are

thinking in the right direction or

,need some changes and for this
."you can take the help of online


"Focus your attention in the

right direction and keep your

heart rate under control as well

."as pay attention to your health

" :Use of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is believed to
help activate certain receptors

."in the brain and potentially
reduce anxiety

"You should make a habit of doing
15yoga for
minutes and a daily
30 ."morning walk for

’Now let s talk about Theray

how online therapy can

help in Anxiety

Online therapy is a professional program that helps you to
cope with anxiety which is done by a trained Online counselor
or therapist in which therapists know about your problem and
judge you accordingly and then come up with a better solution

.for you Come so that you can get a better solution and idea
.to solve your problem Online therapists can do this because
, .they have done their studies in it so they are experts in it

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