Multi-Genre Theme Project
By: Kelli Benedict
Dear Reader,
The word I have chosen is Faith. I chose this topic because it is positive
and I wanted to challenge myself to find the good in the dispiriting book
called Night. To me, faith means that you believe in something. You push
yourself to keep going and you have the motivation that there is light at the
end of every dark tunnel. In Night I learned that even in the most difficult of
times, there are still things to look forward to. In my book I have found and
created genres that show faith in different ways. Some straight forward ideas
and some vague ones. Thank you for reading :))
Now You've Recovered
© Charles A Cino
When you recover, what will you do?
When you recover, will you still be you?
Will you be stronger, will you be new,
When you recover from what you've been through.
Can life get better than it was before?
Will you realize your dreams and improve your score?
Will people still remember your name,
Or will they forget you because they're ashamed?
Life in recovery may not be the same.
The rules may have changed in this brand new game.
You can pick up the pieces and make a new start,
And courage and hope keep you from falling apart.
The world all around you seems different and changed.
Things that once were now seem out of range,
But you can recapture your life and fulfill
The dreams that were lost when you took ill.
The journey to wellness takes time and is long,
And those that get well are exceptionally strong
For depression can kill, but you have survived.
Your goal to recover has kept you alive.
Now you're recovered, what will you do?
You suffered and conquered and saw it through.
Back from the black and abyss of despair,
It is time to move on; it is time to care.
This is a deep and meaningful part of the poem. It can make this poem very personal. It
shows that you need to keeping going and remember that there is a light at the end of the
tunnel. Keep having faith in life and the fact that you have been resilient before.I chose this
poem because mental health has been a struggle for teens lately and we need to be
reminded to have faith in scary situations like this.
End Credits by EDEN
I dunno I just remember it being so much brighter I guess…
Cigarette ash like wildfire
Burning holes in the nighttime
Open scars cut like barbed wire
White lies flying high like a ceasefire
Dropping flags on the shoreline
This is as far as I can feel right
'Cause what you don't know
Can haunt you
And all we ever wanted
Was sunlight and honesty
Highlights to wanna repeat
Let's get away from here and
Live like the movies do
I won't mind when it's over
At least I didn't think for a while
So let's run
Make a great escape
And I'll be waiting outside for the getaway
It doesn't matter who we are
We'll keep running through the dark
And all we'll ever need is another day
We can slow down cause tomorrow is a mile away
And live like shooting stars
'Cause happy endings hardest to fake
Sunsets on power lines
Making a break for the otherside
Heading out to where that sunshine
45 millimeter rolling like we lost time
Polaroids and outcast
Rather burnout young than grow up fast
And we could be forever futurebound
'Cause all I need is time and now
And I could leave this past behind me
And maybe I'll see a way for me to stay
When there's so much out there
So I'll live forgetting for the time being
And I won't mind when it's over
At least I didn't think for a while
Endnote: This part of the song creates a scene where they run away from the bad
things to find something better. It's like motivation, this is they're goal in the end. This
ties to faith because the people in this song believe that there is a place where
everything is perfect. So they strive to go there and leave the negativity behind.I
chose this song because I love it and it tells a story of people who want to get out of
the isolated cage they feel like they are in.
Barbara Johnson
“Faith is seeing the light with your heart when all your eyes see is
Endnote: This quote is metaphoric and it is explaining that faith is more of a
mindset. I chose this quote because it has a deeper meaning, you are forced
to think a little harder than usual.
Endnote: My blackout poem ties in with faith because this page was not part of the
story with a clear example of faith but I crossed out the bad words and left the
happy words. I chose this because it is a unique way of writing a poem.
Endnote: This artwork shows faith because the person is looking over to the bright
side, realizing that even though they are in dark times that there is always a bright
side. I chose artwork because it is a good way of expression.
5 night passages
“At that moment, we were so anxious to hear
something encouraging, a few words telling us
that there was nothing to worry about, that the
meeting had been routine, just a review of welfare
and health problems…” -pg.13
“You have already eluded the wort danger: the
selection. Therefore, muster your strength and
keep your faith… Have faith in life, a thousand
times faith.” -pg.41
“To watch that factroy go up in flames- what
revenge!... Every bomb that hit filled us with joy,
gave us renewed confidence” -pg.60
“How do You compare to this stricken mass
gathered to affirm to You their faith, their anger,
their defiance?” -pg.66
“I met my father… We were able to breathe again.”
About the Author
Kelli Benedict is a sophomore student at Union High School. She has
always lived in Vancouver Washington. She is cool, crazy, and fun. In her
free time she frequently watches youtube. Her hobbies include playing
the bari and alto saxophone. Her dream is to become an ASL interpreter.
Benedict has written other pieces in her English class taught by Ms. Jodi
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